The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, April 16, 1856, Image 3

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THE EMPIRE STATE, GRIFFIN; APRIL 16,1850. Noia Bene. Don’t forget to read the call for a Railroad Meeting, which we publish to “day. It is very de sirable that there shbiild be a full attendance. . Salmons, Bootli & Cd. Our readers will perceive, by examining our ad vertising columns, that these gentlemen are deter mined not -‘to hide their light under a bushel.” They have a large stock of gOdds, and the goods are for sale, and they want every body to know it, without respect of persons. The Senior partner has recently returned from New York and Boston, having purchased a large and extensive assortment suitable to the demands of the trade in this com munity, Educated a merchant, and haviug devo ted his whole life to this pursuit, he is eminently qualified to judge of the quality of merchandise, and to make good selections. Their stock is fresh and well laid in, and offered on favorable terms. Such efforts to deserve the patronage of a liberal public, will,"we trust, meet an ample reward. — Give them a call. Fine Buggy. Col. Gordon, of the firm of Messrs. “Woodruff &. Cos., a day or two since, called our attention to a buggy recently received at their Carriage Reposi tory in this place, which excels in appearance any tiling of the kind we have heretofore seen. It seems to be made both for strength and light draft, lias a double set of Springs both in front and rear, and is of the finest finish. Those wishing a fancy article, combining Vac advantages ol ease m riding and lightness to the horse, would do well to cal! soon, or they m*y miss a good chance to get a choice buggy. Flip's Away the Razor. Each hair is famished with a distinct gland, ‘elaborately ahd beautifully complete. Under the facial are innumerable nerves, immediately ‘connected with various organs of the senses, ramifying in every direction, and performing | most important functions. This hair, when : fn full growth, forms a natural protector to the nerves, and also holds, as it were, in sus pension, a quantity of warm air, through which Hli'e tbld'hlr'iu breathing passes, and so rarefi ed or teihpered, enters the lungs without giv ing to their delicate texture that severe shock which arises from the sudden admission of cold so often the forerunner of fatal disorders. Any one .putting his fingers under the hair of his *tead will there feel warm air. The liiar also wards off east winds, and prolific sources of tooth ache and other pains, and so tends to preserve those useful and ornamental append ages, the teeth. It is said that an intimate connection exists between the mustache and the nerves of the eye, and that many diseases of the eye are tra ceable to shaving Who has not felt his <vc smart under the application of a dull razor ? May not shaving, be depriving*the lungs of the mail of their natural protection, and by exposing them to the uninterrupted action of tx)ld air, tend to weaken the chest, and that weakness being transmitted in an increased proportion from generation,at length inducing consumption and consumptive tendency ? Persons who wear their hair under their chins, do not, except in rare cases, suffer from sore throats. There is in the crypt of Hyde church a vast pile of bones, which were gathered many years after a battle fsught upon the shore, between the Danes and Saxions, about one thousand vear-s since; and among them the skulls of aged warriors, finely developed, the teeth in thauf of which are so per ect, so beautifully sound and so firmly embeded in their sockets that yon cannot move them. The owners of these teeth wore beards; and the writer re members witnessing, several years ago, some excavation on the site of the old priory at Spalding when many stone coffins were dug cut, whose inmates, almost without except on sound, entire and elegant sets ot teeth. Did cot beards grow on their chins ? Shaving occupies, on an an average, fifteen minutes. A man who shaves every morning . for 50 years, thus employs iu that time up wards of 380 days, 12 hours each. Is this a profitable application of our fleeting ino ments ? The face exposed to a microscope immedia tely after shaving presents a most unsightly appearance the stumps assuming the forms ot marrow bones sawn tran versely. Did not teachers of the faculty approve of moustaches—and arc they not ot opinion that they play a most important part in the animal economy ? Is it not probable that by unduly stimulating the growth ot hair by shaving, we draw too largely on, and so cause an unnatural action of the nerves, pro- J ducing an injurious effect, no mater how slight j on the brain ? Did not patriarchs and sages of old wear ! beards, and were they not remarkable for lon gevity, as well as for being exceedingly fine looking fellows. Is not shaving a bore—and does not a man, while undergoing the operation, look extreme ly ridiculous ? And it it ;s right to rasp the chin, why not the eyebrows and the head al so ? Does it not appear foolish to shave on a cold morning that which nature has provided to protect us against the cold ? Do we not despise and hold too cheaply a beneficent ar rangement, and infringe a natural law, when we cut off what Providence says so plainly shall grow ? for the more a man shaves the hair grows, even to the hour of his death. The head shall become bald, but the face never 1 In conclusion; when man was created he had given him a beard, and who shall dare to say that it was not a good gift ? Turn to the first chapter of Genesis, and you will find that God saw everything that he had made, and be hold it was very good. Who is to be the Democratic Nomi nee] The Washington correspondent of the New York Express makes the following prediction of the results of the Cincinnati Democratic Convention: . ‘lt seems now almostriortain that General Pierce will go into the Democratic Convention witl) nearly a majority vote in his favor. The South is firm in this respect, and enough Northern votes can doubtless be had to give him perhaps a clear majority on the first bal lot. A short time ago I would uot have be lieved this, but I am satisfied from reccut in dications, as well as facts that have come to my knowledge, that such is really the case.— Mr- Buchanan’s chauces aj c second, and those of Mr. Dauglas third, as the Convention will organize. If neither at the out set, tbev will probably all be dropped, and the choice rest on either Mr. Hunter, of Vir ginia, or Mr. Rusk, of Texas. Should either of the Northern men be nom inated, Mr. Howel Cobb, of Georgia, will be a candidate for Vice President; but should a Southern man succeed, then Mr. Dickenson, of New York,or Senator Bigler, of Pennsylvania, will doubtless be selected. These are the opinions of the most sagdeious men of the par ty, who profess to be most thoroughly aeqain ted with -’.l the chartceS and Schemes on foot. Mr. Rusk has miny friends who a-e laboring zealously in his behalf. His abilities are fair and he is quite as worthy of the position as the one who now occupies it, but I think the south would more cordially rally on Mr. Hun ter, who is by fair Mr Rusk’s superior in ry respect. Mark my prophecies.’ Model widow. She woudn’t wear her veil up on any ac count. Thinks her complexion looks fairer when contrasted with her sables. Sends back her new dress because the folds of crape on the skirt isn’t deep mourning enough. Stoutly re fuses to look in the direction of a dress coat for—one week. Wonders if that handsome Tompkins who passes her window every day is insane enough to think that she will ever marry again ! Is very found of drawing off her gloves and resting her little white hand on her black bonnet, thinking it may be be sug gestive of an early application for the same.— Concludes to give up house keeping and try boarding at a hotel. Accepts Tompkins’ in vitation to the children’s concert, just to please little Tommy ! Tommy is delighted and thinks Tompkins is a very kind gentleman to give him so much candy and so many bonbons. His manner begins to admit certain little ide viations of her sorrow, in the shape of pro tracted conversation, walks, rides, calls &c. She cries a little when Tommy asks her if sire has not forgotten to plant the flowers in a certain cementeryj- Tomdkins comes in and thinks her lovelier than ever, smiling through her teats; Tommy is scat oiit into the garden to make ‘pretty dirt pies, (to the Utter demoli tion of anew frock and trousers J and returns very unexpectedly to find his mamma’s cheeks very rosy, and to be tossed up in the air by Tompkins, who declares himself his new, new papa. Model Widower. He begins to think of No. 2 before the weed on his hat loses its first gloss. May be seen assisting young girls to get a seat in chuch, or ordering carts off dry crossings* for pretty feet that are waiting to pass over Is convinced he was never made to live alone.— His children must be looked after, or if he has’nt any, he would like to be looked after— himself Draws a deep sigh evey time a di'ess rattles past him with a female in it. Is very particular about the polish of his boot or the fit of his glove; thinks he looks very intcre-t ----ing iu black. Don’t walk out in public much with his children: when he does takes the youngest Revives his old taste for the moon light and poetry; pities single men with all his heart; wonders how they contrive to exist ? Reproves little Joliu for saying ‘Pa !’ so ioud, (when he meets him in the street.) Sets ilia face against the practice of women going home alone and unprotected from the evening meetings Tells the widows his heart aches h r ’em ? Wonders which cf all the damsels he sees, he shall make up Ids mind to marry. Is sorry that he shall be obliged to disappoint th m all but one ! Has 10. g since preferred, orange blossoms to the cypress wreath. Starts some fine day and refurnishes his house from garret to cellar; hangs his wife’s portrait iu the.attic, ('shrouded in old blankets,) and mar ries a playmate of his eldest daughter ! Buffalo, Oct. 17, 1838 Sir. —Your communication of the 15th in3t. a- chairman of committee appointed by The an ti-slavery society of the county of Erie/ has just come to hand, You sol cut uy answers to the following interrogatories: Ist Do you believe that petitions to Con gress on the subject of slavery or the slave trade ought to be received, read, and respect fully considered by the representatives of the people? 2d. Are yon opposed to the annexation of Texas to tlis Union, under any circumstances, so long as slaves are held therein ? 3d. Are you in favor of Congress exercising all the Constitutional power it possesses to abolish the inter, al slave trade between th e States ? 4th. Are you- in favor of immediate legisla tion for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. I am much engaged, and hare no time to enter into argument, or to explain at length my reasons for my opinion* 1 shall therefore content myself for the present by answering all your interrogatories in the affirmative, and leave for some future occasion a more extend i ed discussion of this subject. 1 am, respectfully, Your most ob’t. serv't. MILLARD FILLMORE, i W. Mills, Esq. Chairman. Anecdote of Jacksofi j The Western Christian Advocate records the I following interesting anecdote of Gen Jackson. ! The seeue of it was iu the Tennessee Annu j al Conference held at Nashville, uud to which | he had been invited by a vote of brethren that ! they might have the pleasure of an introduc- I tiou to him. ‘The committee was appointed,and the Gen oral fixed the time for 9 o’clock on Monday morning ‘lhe conference room being too small to accommodate the hundreds who wish ed to witness the introduction,one of the church es was substituted, and an hour before the tiiab filled to overflowing. Front seats were reserved for the members of the conference, which was called to order by nhe Bishop, seat ed in a large chair in the alter, just before the pulpit, a tier prayers the eominitttee retired, and a minute afterward entered,conducting the man whom all delighted to honor. They led him to the Bishop’s chair t made vacant for him, the Bishops meanwhile occupying anoth er place within the alter. ‘The Secretary was directed to call the names of the members of Conference which he did iu alphabetical order, each coming forward and receiving from the a. ishopa personal introduc tion to Tke Ex President, une immediately re tiring to give place to the next, lhejcero rnony had nearly been completed, when the Secretary read the uame of Rev. James T ; an elderly geutlemau, with a weather beaten face, clad iu a suit of jeans, arose and came forward. Few seemed to know him He had always been on circuit, on the frontier; and though always at conference, he never sa.d but little- that little, however, was always to the purpose. Mr. T. came forward and was intro duced to General Jackson. He turned his face towards the General, who said, it seems to me that we have met before The preach er, appearently embarrassed, said; 1 was with you through the Creek campaign—one of youi body guard at the battle of Orleans. The General arose slowly from his seat, and throw ing bis long, withered, body arms around the preachers neck, exclaimed: We’ll soon meet where there’s no war—where the smoke of bat tie never rolls up its sulphurous incense ! Never before, or since, have I seen so many tears shed as then flown forth from the eyes of that vast assembly. Every eye was moist with weeping. Eleven years have passed away since that day. The old hero has been more than ten in his silent and narrow home. Tlje voice that cheered the drooping fight, and thundered in the rear of routed armies-is silent forever. The old preacher, too, has fought his last trattle, laid his armor by, and gdne home to his eter nal rest. New Baxes in Georgia. —The following is the list of new Banks created by our Legisla ture during its recent session; Mechanics & Planters’ Bank, Savannah. Exchange Bank, Griffin, Hamilton Bank, Hamilton. Bank of Columbus, Columbus. Bank of Pulton, Atlanta. Bunk of Cuthbert, Cuthbert; North-Western Bank, Ringgold. Greensboro’ Bank, Greensboro’. Bank of Morgan, Madison. Central Bank of Georgia, Macon. M’Z.auc’s Vennifuga In Texas. Hear what the proprietors of the “Star Hotel” has to say of the wonderful effect of Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge : Star Hotel, Centieville, Texas, Aug. 22, 1854. I feel in duty bouud to make the following statement Several of my children have been unwell for the last week or two. I called at the “Big Morter” to get some Oil of Wonnseed and other truck, to give them for worms. The Druggist recommended Mehane’s Vermifuge, but hav ing, heretofore, tried every Vermifuge, iu my knowing without advantage, I told him that it was of no use, as my children appeared proof agaiust them all. He said to take a bottle, and offered if it done no good, to refund the mo ney* To satisfy him, I done so* and the effect was so much better than lexpected, that Igot another bottle ,ans the re sult was most astonishing; Three of my children ‘dis. charged a great number of the largest worms I ever saw, To a young man, my mail carrier, who was weak, puny and poor as a snake, fora month or so, I gave two doses which brought from him at least a pint of what’s called stomach worms. Strange as this may appear, yet it is true as preaching. How the boy stood it so long as be did, with ten thousand hots gnawing at his stomach, is the greatest wonder to me. All these cases are now doing well. No doubt the lives of thousands of children have been saved by the timely use of this extraordinary medicine. Don’t fail to give it a trial. T. It. THURMAN. Persons will lie careful to ask for DR. McLANE’S CELEBR ATED VERMlFUGE, manufactured by FLEMING 8R0.,0f Pittsburg, Fa. All other Vermifuges in compari son, are worthless. Dr. McLanc’s genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable D rug Stores. None genuine without the signature of FLEMING BROS. eel. In this City on the 11th inst., by A. A. Gaulding, J. I. C. Mr. Elijah If. Hurst, of Metamoras, Mexico, and Miss J ane Wade of Griffin. At Butler, Taylor county,the 3d inst., by Rev. J. T May ,Rob’t. Scandrett, Esq. and Mrs. Susan J. Harris, formerly of Columbus, Ga. <3'to y. In Milledgeville, on the Ist inst. after a brief illness, Mrs. Joseph J. wife of Mr. Edward J. White, in the 26th year of her ago. The deceased was the youngest daughter of Mr. Joseph J. and Mrs. Mary Cotton. COM MERCIA L . a KXFJFIN MA ItlCih T. COTTOF .—The demand for the past week has been brisk, and quite a number of sales have been effected at stiff prices. We quote Bto 10i c. We are authorized to an- ounce the name of GEORGE W MALLORY. Esq., a* a candid ated for Justice of the Inferior Court, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of. Hon. J. B. Beall. Election, Ist Monday in May. April Bth, 1856 49 tde NEW SPRIN6 & SUMMER Ca-OOdS. rrvHE subscriber would respectfully inform his friend ?, A and the public generally, that he has in store, and is receiving direct from New York, a full supply of SERI-VG 4* SUMMER GOODS, ‘ consisting in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Mantil las. Bonnets, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware and Crockery, and all other ai tides usually kept in this market, which he would invite the public'to call and ex amine. samuel b. McWilliams. At the old stand of McWilliams & Cos. Hill Street, Griffin, Ga., April 16, 1856... .50... .ts NEW GOODS7~ SALMONS, BOOTH & CO., a RE now receiving their new- stock of Goods for the Spring and Summer trade, consisting of Staple and Pitney Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Crockery, Groce ries, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Ac. Having closed off our old fW I stock within the last three months, the place has Wl been filled by fresh sup plies, just received from market, which fact, we trust, will induce the public to give us a call. We will sell our Goods as usual, on time till fall, andarc determined to offer strong inducements to such as wish to make cash purchases. SALMONS, BOOTH & CO. Griffin, Ga--, April 16, 1856 50. . . .Mm NOTICE. F O 11 H L E!! MY entire possessions in Meriwether County, consisting of a HOTEL in the town of Greenville, well located for the busiuess, with good Gardens & Stable Lots, also twen ty acres of laud attached. Also, rny PLANTATION, five and a half miles from town, consisting of seven hundred acres of good Land, two hundred acres well timbered and watered. All of said property in good repair. I will sell all or a part of said property on a CREDIT. Terms easy. Come and see for yourselves. p A boYKIN. Greenville, April loth, 1856 50 ts “peasT flour andTacon. JUST received and for sale, by A. B. MATHEWS & CO. 100 bushels Peas. 10,000 lbs. Flour. 14,000 more of choice Bacoh.- April, 16th 1856... .50 ts. DOYLE & RANSONE, ATTORNEYS A T LAW, Griffin Georgia. April 16, 1856 50... .3m The Exchange Bank of the State of Georgia. BOOKS of subscription to the Capital Stock, $200,000, of the above named Institution, will be opened at the store of Messrs. Salmons, Booth & Go., on the first day of May, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. L. S. SALMONS, ) J.W.SHACKLEFORD, f AARON CLOUD, } Commissioners. WM. M. CLINE, \ Griffin, April 16, 1856 50 3t Notice. THE following are the Standing Committees appointed by His Honor, the Mayor, for the Municipal Year of 1856 and 1857 : Street Committee. JOHN DOBBS, A. MERRITT Finance. H. P. KIRKPATRICK, W. J. JOSSEY. Wells, Pumps and Nuisances. J. N. SIMMONS, V. FISH. Public Lois, Cemeteries, ty-c. H W. BROWN* STEPHEN JONES. J. P- PERDUE, Clerk. 1 Griffin, April 16, 18&6 50 . . 3t LList of A dvertisedLetteys remaining in the P. 0. at Griffin Ga. on the first day of April 1856. Akens, Col. E. Kendall, Mrs. Jane Andrews, JM 2 Kelley, Thomas Anderson, A T Knight, Miss A J Anderson, Mrs. Sarah A Kerbow Benjamine Adam? Eddy KingManderson Akin, William Lanier, P F 2 Bowen, O A Lawrence, C T Brown, Newton Lewis, Mr. J G Brewer, ID Martin Miss Gracy Boing, M A Mathis, David Barnett, Mrs. Mary E Mattox, John W Beck, of Mr. Poster Manghalii, Henry Benton,, waiter J) Mangham,Willis A Bowmer, James March, W B Brown, W B McClendon. MissM Bogg, Mr. L 0 Mitcham, WTV Biggs, James Martin, TT J Carter, J H McGaley, W A Cook, Thomas Milbern, John Collins, J W McGiloy J Cole Edward H . Magee, John Dawson, Mrs M Norwood. E A 2 Delonche & Cos. J Pate, Madison Dalton, John F. Pankey, P L Ensign, J TV Parham, Vandalia 2 Friar, J D Proper, Miss Mary Ann Foster, Dr Josiali A Pulley, R J Foster, Miss Anna E Rogers Rev J Foster TV J Robinson, Wm Freeman R A S Roberts, R O Foster, Mrs Nancy Scarbrough, Mr Gray, TV B Sliff.SM Golf, John B 2 Stondlermier, A T Griffin, L. R. Smith, Jessee T Goodsou, Jorden Smith, C W Griffin. Mrs. Amanda Smith, J R Garner, Charles . Seymour J N Horne, Henry Smith, F E Haynes, Thomas Straw bury, Miss Sallie HolWay.Herry L Smith & Garrison Hern, Allen Stallings. TV T Hubbard. Henry Scott, John Hopper, TV O. Thompson TV A Hitchcock, 2 Tucker, Martha Hutson. J R Thred, Sarah W Homes Martha Tanner, H L Hanson, W S. Thompson Martha A Hester Joseph T Turner, Matilda M Johnson, Sarah Townairne, Miss Louisa John II Johnson A Cos. Userey, Mrs Martha A Jourdan Zaehariah Watkins, Wm. Jackson Jonathan P Williams, Marquis Jackson, G. H. Williams, Miss MalLssa Jacksoh Rhbeca F Willson, Dr W B Kirkn Gideon Williams, Maranda Knowles; Mrs Mary C Yarbrough, Comodorc Dentistry. A. CIEVEtAND & SOHS, RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they are pre pared to e tfry on the Dental Business in all its various branches, viz: to put up full and partial setts of TEETH UlTxjYXTon G 0 L DPLATE in complete and workmanlike style, with artificial gums imi tating nature in beautiful life-like appearance. Also, the most difficult cases fitted with accuracy, so as to be worn with ease ; also, decayed teeth neatly filled with gold, and great care taken to render the operation attendant with as little pain as possible. Those past filling, skillfully ex tracted, if desired. Those suffering with toothache, re lief given in most cases. Also, we shall keep a * Daguerreotype Olscc, and take likenesses in the best of style. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases, and charges very reasonable.— Work done on the shortest notice. Also, for sale. Gold Foil, Plate, Excavators. Burs. Drills. Artificial Teeth, and Dagueri e:>#vpif KtocV. Terms, CASH, Office at the corner of Hill and Broadway Streets, up-stairs. A. CLEVELAND & SONS. Griffin, Ga., April i6, 1856 50....1y Cl orel:*, Spalding Certify — Whereas, Miles G. Dob* Tbinsapnlies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Albert G. Colbert,late of said county deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office, within trie time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not. be granted said applicant.” Given under my band in office, this 14th April, 1956. J. 11. MANGHAM, April 16, 1856 50....30d Ordinary. COURT OF ORDINARY, \ April Term, 1956. \ TT corsr in. Cnuuly.—Whereas, Jobnrl. Akins, and W. 1). Duncan. Executors of Elisha Akins, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from the administration of said estate : Therefore,the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby notified and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law,’ otherwise letters di -missory will be granted the applicants at the No vember Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said coun ty. .J. H. MANGHAM, Ordinary. April 16. 1850 50.... Cm ® .RANAWAY or stolen from the subscriber, five Jpk m ’l° 3 south-east of Griffin, on Sunday night, the 13th inst., six negroes, to wit : a man, 34 years old, yellow complected, knock kneed, 6 feet high : a woman, 27 or 28 years old, black complected, has a low country brogue in her speech ; 4 children, one a girl Bor ft years old, yellow complected ; one 6 oi 7 years old ; the third a boy, 5 or 6 years old ; the fourth a girl, 2 years old. They have probably been decoyed off by some white man. I will give the above reward for the negroes, and the ar rest of the thief, with proof sufficient for conviction.or SSO for the negroes alone * ROBERT WALKER. Spalding county, April 10, 1856 50... .ts PIANO FORTES, THE undersigned having opened a Piano Forte and Mu sic Ware Room, in Markham's Building, corner of Hill and Broadway Streets,is now exhibiting for sale a splendid assortment of PIANOS, direct from the very best manufac turers North. “These PI- For beauty of fi nish, power and volameof tone, are not excelled by any others made in? f © i ( ftbe Union, having all the newest and latest improvements in them. The styles range from the Plain Square Six Octaves, up to the rich and elegantly carved centre seven Thc-y will be sold at precisely “New York retail rates with only the addition of freight from New York. A writ ten guaranty will accompany every one sold, to this effect : “If at any time within 12 month’s using, any defect is found which cannot be remedied to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, it can be returned and exchanged for anoth er.” Prices range from $225 to SSOO, aeci riing to finish, Ac. The newest and latest publications of Slieet IV^-viljslo always on hand,together with a fine stock of SUPERIOR OLD” VIOLINS, and nearly every thing usually found in Music. Stores. JW. SHACKLEFORD. Griffin, April 9, 1856 49... .ly jl c&outt mom, (latk cloud & SHACKLEFORD.) WILL continue the PIANO FORTE and BUSINESS in this place . Our stock J J y j [f is large, embracing every style of instrument, from the plain to the tine and elegant FianOy We intend keeping a large stock on hand. Persons wishing to buy, will do well to give us a call. We will war rant ail Pianos satisfactorily to purchasers. Looms in Griffin sad Rome, Ga. April 2, 1856 48....1y jglg-Some areof the opinion that the firm of A. Cloud & Son and J. W. Shackelford’s are the same. The firm of A. Cloud & Son is the original firm of the old firm of Cloud & Shackelford, kept at the old stand, Hill Street, up-stairs over Cook & Co.’s Book Store, where rents are nothing, clerk’s.hire, &c. A. GLOI D & SON. W. R. PHILLIPS k SO,, Under 3lasonic Hall,“H& BEG leave to inform their friends, and the public gener ally, that they are now receiving their stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, a great variety of styles, such as Muslins ot MOIRE ANTIQUE STYLES, Bcreges, Challeys, plain and striped ; MANTILLAS of ev ery variety, and all prices, from One to One Hundred Dol lars ; a splendid assortment of • n 11* i; s , of the latest Jaspi and Moire Antique styles, as well as some beautiful stripes, some as low as $9 00 a pattern, and agreut variety of articles selected carefully and expressly to suit the saucy of the Ladies. In short, none need to go to any other market to find cheaper and liner goods. They also call attention to their stock of Staple Go •■<!s fitsss ira&E eMm Booia, lioes, Hals and Crockery and many othor articles, which will be exhibited to those who are dUpoaea to favor them with a call. All who are desirous of looking to their interest, will do well to call and he convinced that they have the cheapest, finest ana best se lected stock ever before exhibited in this market. Griffin, March 26, 1856 To the Public—Negro Dogs! The public are respectfully informed that m DOGS are now well trained for capturing Ruua ”uys—ucver fail to catch, if put on the right track. Price, from Five to Ten Dollars.for Runaway Negr es. Criminals from justice, according to circumstances. 1 will always be found iu the City of Griffin, unless absent on business. April , 1856 19. lm J. WEST JOHNSON. SPUIM MADE MESSRS. RRAWNER & DUFFEY having bought tlic store formerly occupied by Win. Fleming, have cn hand, and are now receiving a large and splendid assort ment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Clothing* Hats, Caps, JRcots, Shoes, Hardware ar.d Crockery, and all other articles suited to the wants of the public. tfca„The Ladies especially are invited to call and examine heir new and splendid assortment of Lace, Moire Antique, and Scarf Mantillas. Griffin, Hill Street, March 26, 1858... .47... .ts NEW SPRING INO SUMMER STOCK. PIPER & WHITE, WEST SIDE OF HILL STREET, GRIFFIN GEORGIA. v ®a HAVE j.wt received their Spring and Summer sup jtttply of Gentle.'Qen.s’ Dress Goods, to which they invite jfif,,special attention. Their stock comprises careful se —lections from the .most approved and beautiful styles in the New York market, consisting of Black itnd Fancy Colored Olcrtiuß, Doeskin Cassimeres, Plain and FaP c y I-' nen , au A Marseilles for Pants ; Plain and’ Fancy Silk anu Marseilles Vesting; FURNISHING GGCfOS, Such a3 Cravats, Scarfs. Hair Stocks, Opent Ties, Black, White and Fancy ; Black and Fancy Cravats ; 3dk, 1-inen and Lawn Pocket Handkerchiefs ; Gloves, Half JR'se, Si.k and Cotton ; Night Caps, Shirts, Drawers, Unde/ b- oris, Silk, Cotton and Linen ; Shirt Collars, Suspenders, Cra/al Buckles, Coat Links, Waist Belts. CLOTHING! Superior Black and Fancy Frock Coats; Plain and Fancy Cassimere Frocks ; Italian and Alpacca Frocks; Drub de te Frocks ; White and Colored Linen Duck Frocks ; White and Fancy Linen Drill Frocks ; Plain Linen and Grass Frocks ; Black Doeskin and Fancy Cassimere Pants White and Fancy Linen and Marseilles Pants ; Black. White and Fancy Silk Vests ; White, Buff and Fancy Marseilles Vests; White Linen Duck Vests ; Planter’s Linen Vests. r _M7 o Extra Mole Skin Hats, Leary Style; Black and Fancy Soft Hats : Panama, Leghorn and Black Straw Hats. tj&.We would inform onr customers, that our stock is larger and more complete than it everhas been, and we Hat ter ourselves that we can please the good taste of any who may favor ns with a call. Our motto is “small profits and quick sales.” Our terms are cash,or to those who we have tried, and know to be punctual. on short time. Griffin, March 10, 1856... .45 ts MEW 8008-JUST RSCSIUED. Kate Weston, or to Will and Christine, or Woman's Trials and THE GREAT RED DRAGON,or Master Key to POPERY ; Scene3 in the Practice of a N >v York Lawyer ; Juno Clifford, bv a Lady : Huntus Feast, by Cant. Mavus Reid ; Wood Hill, or the Ways of Providence, ten,Call at COOK & COVs Cheap Music and Book Room. Griffin, April 9, ISSG id... .ts B. M ATT BE W§ £so 0 HA VING purchased of Messrs. Lathrpp. tioberts & Cos., their stock of Groceries and Staple Dry Goods, .beg leave to inform the public, that they expect to keep con stantly on hand, a large stock of PROVISIONS, both for eign and domestic, consisting of liswi y t-wx-ern-K n5 Coautry Ibroiiut-.e, such as Meal, Flour, huger, Coffee, •.vc., and a Lilllfi 15 LOT OF BACON, in Which they expect to deal on an extensive scale. They respectfully solicit the patronage of all those wishing sup plies in their line. They may bo found at the stand next door north of \V. It. Fhillip.n oa Cos., formerly occupi* dbv Messrs. Lathrop, Robotts & Cos. A. B. MATTHEWS & CO. Griffin, March 20.1856 saddle Mimmwm It y y M s #his 'friends,' and the pub recentiy made extensive dditions to his general the following comprise only a part, viz : Eng’ lish, American and Bridies, Harness & Coll a rs A variety of Carpet and Saddle Bags, Coach. Stage, Twig and Overseers’ Whips, Stirrups, Spurs, Bit.-, and Bridie Moan t ing . j*3rAny work made to order in the neatest and most tasty manner, at short notice. nsrStrictattention given to repairing in all branches of the. business. The attention of Harness Makers and Carriage Trim mers. Ac., is called to his stock of PATENT ENAMELED LEATHERS, which he keeps constantly on hand at lowest market prices. N. B. I am enabled to offer inducements to buyers, who will find it to their interest to give me a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Be sure and call in at the first door north of Banks’ Shoe Shop, feast side of Hill-street. JAMES L. JOHNSON. Griffin, Ga.. May 3, 1855-ly 1 By Authority of the State of Georgia.] NEPLU3 ULTRA “SCHEME.” 1-200 prizes t 50,01-0 dollars ! HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! JASPER mm AG ARE All LOTTESH.Y 2 10,000 numbers only ! I prize to 8 ticket'd I C L ASS M. rpo be drawn May isth,lßsG,at Concert Hall,Macon, Ga., i. under the sworn superintendauct* oi’ Col O M Logan and J A Nesbitt, Esq The manager having announced his determination to make this the most popular Lottery in the world, offers for May 15th, 1850, a Scheme that far surpasses any Scheme eter offered in the annals of Lotteries. Look to your inter est. Examine the Capitals, 1 prize to every 8 tickets 1 prize of $12,000 1 ■“ “ 6,000 2 •< “ 3,000 1 “ “ 2,000 6 “ “ 1,000 10 “ “ 500 60 “ 50 120 “ “ 25 500 “ “ 10 500 “ “ -8 1200 Prizes amounting to soo,o<jo Wirole Tickets $SOO; Holves 00; Quarter* $2 00 Prizes payable without deduction. Persons sending mo Bey by mail need not fear its being lost.. Orders punctual ly attended to. Communications confidential. Banknotes of sound Banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all order ing tickets. Those wishing particular numbers order im- m Address JAMIH F. WINTER, Macon, April 2,1556.—td Manager. Loss of Tickets of L. By the late accidents on the seaboard and Roanoke Bail road, the tickets o's Class L, for April 15th, in their transit from Baltimore, in charge of Adams’ Express Company, were destroyed by fire, consequently there will not be any drawings ot that Class., The drawing will be Class M May 15th, the “Ncplus Ultra Scheme.” Very respectfully, J F WINTER, April 2, 1856.. 48 td Manager. Runaway ! 840 Reward! ® From the subscriber about the first of March, 1855, JjpA a uegro woman named Fanny; betwten 40 and 45 years of age ; has a down look, and bail* comes low ‘■PSjfrdown on her forehead, very dark complected, heavy aim well built, short feet and very short toes. I’ will give S4O for the delivery of said girl to me, 6 miles cast of New uan, Coweta county, Ga., or lodged in any safe Jail so that I can get her. The* public will keep a look out for said ne gro. SILAS GORDON. Coweta co., Feb. 13, 1856... .40... ts OA AAA POUNDS of BACON, just received by &U,UUU A. 13. MATTHEWS & CO. Grifiin, March 26, 1866 .47 . .ts CASH STORE: MACON, GEORGIA. NEW SPRING GOODS, THE subscriber is now receiving anew and hand, stock of FAft'C* ASD SXAPtK J)RT jri'Xr OOODS, suitable for the SPRIEG AND SUMMER TRADE, among which will be found almost every article in tli line, which lie intends t<> offer on the best terms. Also, large stock of CARPETING, Oil cloths,Paper Hanging Window Shades, &c. Rrjullis friends and the public are requested to give him a call. GEORGE W. PRICE. March 5, 1856 O A S H _S T ORET~ r. s’, milrratn., DEALER IN’ DRY GOODS AMD GROCERIES,, HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA RESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of his Incud and the public. • t Jan. 23, 1856 38 ly HICIIARDS & BROTHER, KEEP A WHOLESALE A>■'l) RETAIL Cheap, Cash, Book and Music Store, Hill Street, 2d door from the Railroad, Griffin, Ga. ib§_The New Publications received as they are issued from the press, ar.d gold at New York Retail Rates! fS,A full supply of COLLEGE AND SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS, always cm hand. Orders, per mail, promptly at tended to. Established January, 1855. December 10th, 1855. ‘ 33-ly iBMTIIfSOp WRV7 $300,000 IN PRIZES!! OfJ THE HAVANA sPLAU 1 TICKETS SLOO---33.489 PRIZES!! t, 2xo Seneura: t OF 1712 Pi fcnton IssoriatiM. f j THE ASSOCIATION finding it impossible to raise tbs X means bv private subscription, to -purchase the MlifiVm [ICTUIIf iUbUn l I liilljtuh ho 1 a Ihj Have determined to appeal to the Public, by LOTTERY, to assist them in seeming the great object qf a X ATIOX’S SOLICITUDE,- THE TOMB OF TOffiMGTOIL- The Association would feel some reluctance in appealing, to the support of the people were it for a less worthy or less noble object than that which they have in view. The Scheme which they offer, being placed under their sole con-, tro! by the State Commissioner, they h#vc made it so. at tractive. and formed it upon so grand , a scale, that they have no fears but that the public will cone forward with out accord to its support.'and assist the Association in the successful carrying out of one of the must patriotic under takings of the present day. It not. only appeals to; the Ra tional feelings of the American heart, but alo to the self iotereat of every man ! Those who invest a dollar., or more,’ in this undertaking, not only contribute toa-patrJotio object but stand an equal char.ce with others in securing one oftLo 1 prize of SSO 000 is $50,660 1 prize 0f.... 20.000 is. 20,000 1 prize of 15,000 is. 15,000 2 prizes of 10.000 are.’.: 20,000 4 prizes of. 5.000 are 20,000 10 prizes of 2 000 are 30 prizes of 1 000 are 30-,0®() 50 prizes of 500 are 25,060 ICR) prizes of..'. 250 are 25,001 100 prizes of 100 an? ‘... 10,000 200 prizes of 50 mv 10,000. 1,000 prizes of 10 are 10,000, 2,000 prizes of. 5 are.lo,ooo. 6,000 prizes of 2 are 10,600 25 ,000 prizes of 1 aie ... 25,00* 33.400 Prizes A-mc-untii g to $300,000’ ALL Ct WHICH iS GUARANTEED BY THiT STATE! It is the wish of the Society to close the drawing by He Safit ©I lay; 1858,- The price of the Tickets is so small as to be within the reach of all who may desire to participate in this great National Undertaking The success of which rr.u=t l-e dear to every hem t. Bsride the Ticket iu the above Scheme, every purchaser will receive ‘A CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP Os the Association, a list of which, with the amount tlm each one has invested, Will be printed “and framed, so tint . the visitors to tho mansion It mount wm May see the names of those who have subscribed to this ’•A NATION'S TRIBUTE TO TIiS Fattier ©f Ms Country The price of Tickets.arc as follow?: Single Tlclieis, * $ 1 OO FackagS iit 1&, IO OO Fackag<d s 25, SO OO To those purchasing a Package of Twenty-Five Titkcts, a copy of the Celebrated Engraving b'vFauoli, of WASHINGTON TAB STATESMAN, Will be presented. To those purchasing Two Packages of Twcntv-Five Tickets, a copy of Lf.utze’s Gkeat ” NATIONAL PAIN-TING, of dikjshincjidi) Circling il>c Seiijtw}S‘tv Will be presented. Correspondents will please give the name of the County, Town and State in which they reside, so ato avoid mistakes. All orders for Tickets. Ac., must be addressed to the undersigned. Agent for tin- Managers. CIIAi-LliS F. LEWIS. Jan. 8,1856.- 3G-3ras Washington, D. C. Best BUSINESS STAND IN ATLANTA FOR SALE. I will sell my store and stand, sit the corner of Waite Hall and Mitchell Streets, at a fair price, for cash, or on rea sonable terms, to a prompt and punctual purchaser, (.bill and look, as lam making a change in my business. If 1 was going to continue in the mercantile'business. I would not dispose of ft at any price. W. W. ROARK. Atlanta, March 19, 1856... .45.. ts “qriffTn hotel. THIS large and commodious Ibdelis now ftw-rl open for the accommodation of the j.Mrblic. The ‘*? £To furniture is new, and the rooms comfortable and well ventilated. The table will at all times l>e supplied with the best the market affords, amt no pains will be spared to render the guest comfortable. I also have in connection with the house, the large and room v stable, formerly occupied by W. F. Eirge, by which stock can and will be well taken care of. li. F. M. MANN, Proprietor. Griffin, Feb. 13, 1856... .41... .tt /s•*- The undersigned being the Con tractor to transport the U. States Mail on routes, Nos. 6339 and 6340, takes this method of informing the public generally, that he will run bis Hack as follows :’ Leave Griffin Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via Erin. Warncsville, Jones’ Mills, Greenville and Mouatyille—ar rive at LaGrange the same days. Leave LaGrange Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays via the places above men tioned—arrive at Griffin the same days. Leave Griffin Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays via Zebylon and Flat Shoals, and arrive at Greenville the same davp. Leave Greenville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via the pla ces above mentioned, and arriveat Griffin the same days. 1 will further add, that 1 have good teams and 6ober dri vers, who will spare no pains in making passengers com fortable, and put them through in good time, at very mode rate prices. R. F. M. MANN, Proprietor and Contractor Feb. 13, 1856.... 41 ( ... ts OIL! O I Li!’ Linseed, sperm, tanners, castor ana ma CHINE OIL ‘ or sale low for each bv Sept to, ’55—L fIILL & SMITH.