The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, August 06, 1856, Image 3

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Democratic Meeting A meeting of the democratic party of Spal ding county was held at the City Hall on Thursday evening last: on motion of Col. J H Logan, the meeting was organized by calling C II Johnson, Esq., to the chair and John A. Cherry was requested to act as Secretary.— Lhe Chairman then explained the object of the meeting in a few brief and appropriate remarks. Jl> Pillsbiirv, Esq then offered the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, in the present state of our coun try, there should be some action taken in re flation to our government for the propose of pulling down the sectionaiity and fanaticism that are at present agitating and creating dis* cor( l jn our midst and preserving our National simplicity and purity,handed down by our Revo lutionary sires and carrying out the republican principles of the patriots the immortal Wash ington, Jefferson, Madison, Jackson and Pierce and advancing the election of a man who was •one of the leading spirits of the Jackson and Pierce adminstrations and who has long been true to the South and her institutions, when ever called upon to cast his vote in her be half. Itesolccd, That we form ourselves into a politi cal organization to be called the Buchanan and Brecke.iridge club of Spalding county. 2. 1 hat the object es this association shall be to promote the election of the nominees of thi National Democratic party for President and Vice President. 3 That any person may become a member of this association who is in favor of the election of Buchanan and Brcckenridge for President and Vice President of the United States. 4. That a commiiittee of 12 be appointed to draft suitable resolutions for the government of this association aud report next meeting. 5. That a committee of five be appointed to nominate perminent officers for the association, ad report at our next meeting. Oil motion the meeting then adjourned until next Wednesday evening the 6th inst. C H JOHNSON, Ch’m. John A. Cherry, Sec’ty. From the Tennessee Baptist. Tine Theological Chair. At the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Union University, Ua., learning that tiie acceptance of the Chair of Theology by N. M. Crawford, of Ga., previously ap pointed, was contingent upon the endowment of the Chair with the sum of $25,000, indi vidually bound themselves for the payment of his salary, until the endowment was secured ; so confident were the Trustees of the favorable response of the Churches. Upon being informed of thi*, bro. Crawford accepted the Chair, and will enter upon the discharge of his duties at the earliest day pos sible—so soon as the unexpired term of his Presidency at ths Mercer University shall have terminated. We regard this as one of the most valuable acquisitions ever made to the talent of our Mate, and we feel confident that the Churches in Tennessee will duly appreciate it, since thro’ their future Ministry they are to reap all the advantages. Brother Craw ford* will, in connection with the other Professors, fill the Chair of Greek, made vacant by the resignation of Professor Shelton, who has accepted the charge of the West Tennessee Institute, at Brownsville. At the earnest solicitation of the Board of Trustees, we accepted the agency to raise the sum of $25,000, for the endowment of the Chair of Theology ; and we now, and shall until the sum is properly secured, appear be fore you as the agent for the Theological en dowment. We have no fear as to the result —we would not fear to enter into a bond and security for the sum, in behalf of the Baptists of Tennessee. We think we know them— know their ardent love and zeal for the honor of their Masters cause in the Empire of the West—know they feel, in some good de gree, their responsibilities. We do not expect to reckon the time we spend in raising this en dowment, by months, uor weeks, nor even days, but hours. We have already given to it loss than two hour’s time, aud have secured more than one quarter of it 1 We are confident our brethren will not take us long from our work, for we charge no wages fur our services; it is a labor of love and pleasure for us. In an early issue we will publish the names aud amounts received, that cur brethren abroad may see the spirit aud liberality of the Bap tists of Murfreesboro and Huthcaford county. Brother Strode has entered upon his agency for the endowment of the Literary Depart ment with success. Hail Hoad irou, &c. We are gratified to be able to inform our read ers that the Brunswick and Florida Railroad Com pany has contracted for sufficient Iron to complete their Road to the Alapaha. The Iron is to be de livered in Brunswick as fast as the road-bed is ready for laying it. They have also contracted for more motive power, ccrs, &c. The Road is pro gressing satisfactorily, aud in our next issue we ex pect to announce that the locomotive has sent its shrill whistle across that dark Jordan of the enter prise—the Satilla.— Brunswick Herald. A Ladlady’s Generosity. One day, when butter was scarce and high, Mrs. Wiggins hit upon an economical plan, which was to spread with her own hands the economical slices of bread for her borders— merely to save trouble. Air. Jordan came home late to tea the first evening of this new dodge, and sitting down in the presence of all other boatders, recieved a nice slice from Mrs. Wiggins, who went through the ceremonies of buttering it nicely before his eyes. Mr. Jordan recieved the bread, and, eyeing it inquisitively, began to turn it from side to side, and scrutinize it through his specta. clcs. “What’s the matter with jour bread and butter?” demanded Mrs. Wiggins. ‘'Nothing, nothing,” said Mr. Jordan, still turning the piece over, and persisting in his scrutiuy. “I’m positive, Mr. Jordan, that you see something.” “No, no, no,” said Mr. Jordan. ‘‘Now,” said Mrs. Wiggins, her face be coming flushed with excitement, “I waut my boarders to fell me right out when their vit tles doesn’t suit them. Mr. Jurdan what is it?” The old man laid down the slice upon his plate, and raising the- spectacles to his fore head, replied, with great deliberation, as fol lows: - •‘Mrs. Wiggins, there’s nothing the matter with the bread, I assure you, but Mrs. Wig gins”—and here he glanced mischievously down the long vista of attentive faces. “I have lived in this world eight and forty years, and I find myself this evening such a simpleton that 1 can’t tell which side of my bread i buttered!” From the Georgia Telegraph. Squatter Sovereignty. NUMBER 1. Mr. Editor : We see and hear much objec tion urged against Mr. Buchanan, because he believes in the doctrine of “Squatter Sover eignty,” or in other words, the right of the people in the Territories, before forming their Constitution preparatory to admission as a State into the Union, to establish or .inhibit slavery. Admitting that Mr. Buchanan holds to the doctrine, as is alleged by the Know Nothing press and and “they cannot deny that Mr. Fillmore holds to the same, let us see whether it is really so objectionable as many would have us believe. When the Colonies first took up arms against the mother country, it was not, as many sup pose, to establish her entire independence of Great Britain, but to have an independent Legislature to regulate in the main her domes tic and internal concerns. This was the car dinal principle of the Revolution in its incep tion. How the revolution resulted all know ; now deny to American citizens the right in the Territories to pass laws regulating the various private relations of husband and wife, parent and child, and master and servant, aud you deny to them the very principle for which our fathers expended so much blood and treasure To govern one’s self is the essence of freedom. Deny him this great privilege, and what is he but a degraded slave ? What has he to dis tinguish him from the surfs of Russia ? It is on this principle that all power emanates from the people, that we have a right to govern ourselves, that distinguishes us from all other nations of the earth, that has made our nation the purest., as it is the greatest on earth. But say some, this right, we concede, they may ex ercise m forming their Constitution preparato ry to admission into the Union. Now by what process is this right sanctioned at this stage of their existence, and refused at all times before ? Being the same people, owing the same alle giance, if they can exercise this right at one stage of their Territorial existence, why, in the name of justice and common sense, can they not exercise it at all times ? The rights which the people of a Territory enjoy, and the bur thens with which they are encumbered, remain the same throughout their whole territorial or infant State, subject only to be controlled by themselves. I allude more particularly to all those rights enjoyed and burthens imposed by the passage of laws relating to ail the private relations. It is uot denied but that the people of Georgia, or of any other State, have the power over the subject of master and servant, ilow then does a citizen of Georgia, by going to Kansas if you please, alienate this right ? This right docs not cease merely because of his removal. To say so, would be to set at nought one of the fundamental principles of our Government. The doctrine of Mr. Cal houn is, that the Territories belong to the States in common, the General Government being merely their agent. Concede this, and it does not conflict wiih the principle for which I contend. The citizens of each and every State may remove and settle in any Territory. When they do this, when they leave friends aud relatives aud settle in the wilderness, and com mence felling the forest, rearing School Hou ses and Churches, and thereby advancing civ ilization, what authority on earth can justly say to them, although we are a great way from you, although you had a right to remove and settle where you are, and although wc do not know the institutions to which your nutur al and artificial siiuatiou adapt you, still you shall not pass such and such laws ? This would be grossly unjust and arrant, presump tion. If u Georgian or a Massachusetts man has the power in his State to regulate the do mestic relat.ons, the same power attaches to his person in the Territories —no one will suf fer by the recognition of this great principle. Deny it, and you deny to the people the right to govern themselves—you deny a principle that has contributed more than any other to making us the most powerful aud prosperous people under heaven. 1 know the doctrine for which I contend is unpopular in the South ; but it should not be so. I fear that one reason of its unpopulari ty is, that it is uot thoroughly understood It is contended that if this power be conceded, that those averse to slavery will settle in great numbers in the Territories and pass a law in hibiting slavery. This argument applies with as much force to the doctrine tiiat the people in forming their Constitution before admission into the Union, have a right to say wnether or uot they will have slavery, as to the doctrine tor w hich I contend. The truth is,however,that the extension of slavery will not depend upon men’s notions of its humanity or inhumanity— it depends upon causes over which we have no control. Men are selfish beings’ and they will own slaves wherever they can make them pro fitable. i here is no man whose heart’ beats with more devotion for southern Rights than mine, aud no one who feels more sensibly the wrongs that have been heaped upon us by Freesoilism and Abolitionism ; but I caufne ver believe that the extension of slavery de pends either on the desire of men to extend, or their desire to restrict it within its present limits, but solely upon natural causes. FUBLIUS The Congressional Flections. Columbia, July 31. Col. Brooks received 1,900 votes, and S6OO were toutribultd towards the payment ot his ex penses in the huinner- affair The vote for Col. Keitt was also large.—The Governor seal the certificates of their re-election to W ashington in advance. Instinct of Horses.— lt is asseited as a fact, says the Cincinnati Times , that some of the tiorses, in the Fire Department become entirely reckless, and seem anxious to “be off,” .the moment the fire bells commence ringing, and though gentle at other times, are no sooner in the traces cf an engine, than they dart off at*the top of their speed. I hey seem to par take of all the excitement of the firemen on such occasions. An incident, resulting- rather seriously to Mr. John VVilsun, a member of fire company No. 10, exhibiting this instinct, oc cuired yesterday afternoon. Mr. Wilson had one of the horses of the company hitched in a cart, and was driving leisurely along the street, when the fire bells commenced ringing, The horse immediately became excited, and whirl ing around started for the engin house at full speed. Mr. Wilson found it almost impossible to manage him. The horse ran on until he came to the engine, when in turning the corner he upset the cart. Mr Wilson was tbrow-n out, and-the wheel of the ourt passed over him crushing his ribs. Air-Tight, Self-Sealing Cans. ARTHUR’S Patent Air-Tight, Self-Sealing Cans, for pre serving Fresh Fruits, Tomatoes, Peaches, Ac. Full directions for using them accompany the Cans. For sale by JASON BURR. Griffin, July 23, 1856.,. ...13... .ts - , M’Lam’s Celebrated Liver FllU Are ranked among the most popular remedies of the day; That it will cure liver complaint, sick headache, and dys pepsia, is now beyond a doubt. Read the following testi mony from a well known lady and gentleman of our own city : New York, August 3, 1852. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, No. 248, 7th Street, testify that they have both been suffering with the liver complaint for about five years, during which time they have spenta large amount of maney, and tried many remedies, but to no pur pose. Finally hearing of Dr. M’Lane’s Fills, they purchas ed four boxes, which they took according to the directions accompanying each box, and now pronounce themselves perfectly cured of that distressing disease. Persons will be careful to ask for DR. McLANE’S CELEBRATED VERMlFUGE,manufactured by FLEMING BRO., of Pittsburg, Pa. All other Vermifuges in compari. son, are worthless. Dr. McLane’s genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. None genuine without the Signature of FLEMING BROS. Pills--The Blood. None can be healthy unless this vital fluid be kept pure. This wonderful medicine eradicates all noxious particles of matter, acting directly on the liver, kidneys and bowels. None need be sick if they use this remedy. Sold at the manufactories No 80, Maiden Lane, New York, and No 244, Strand, London ; and by all Druggists,at 25c., G3Jc., and $1 per pot or box. Wood’s Bair Restorative.— This wonderful prepara tit n is beginning to be known and appreciated in this and the neighboring counties. Its excellence has been attested by the certificates of some of onr best and most honorable citizens. We ourselves have tried it, and found it to pos sess almost miraculous properties—restoring health and co lor to the hair and scalp, and imparting a delicious fresh ness and glossiness to the hair. We advise all who are in need of a hair preparation, to try the infallible Hair Restor ative of Prof. Wood. None wifi ever regret the price paid for this superior composition. See advertisement in another column.— Salem Advocate. Obituary Died at his father’s residence, near Jackson, Butts county, Ga., on the 24th of July, William Ball, after a painful illness of twelve days, of typhoid pneumonia, in the 15th year of his age. The deceased brings not only deep and abiding sorrow upon a fond father and devoted sisters aud brothers, but involves too, a heart-felt loss on all his li tie friends. One who has heen familiar with his early life takes mournful pleasure in recording this tribute of respect Though born to ample fortune, and all those gifts which too olten minister to self-interest and pride, he was puie in morals, modest in manners, industrious in habit, and kind and unselfish in spirit. A short time prior to his death, he manifested a great desire that his friends should walk in the path of virtue, peace and happiness. He called bis re. latives, friends and servants to his bed-side, bidding them farewell, and imploring them to meet him in heaven, and then exclaiming, “my dear father, reach me up to heaven.” Never was a more effecting scene witnessed in consequence of his experience, than that of Willy Ball. Having fully assured his friends of his future happiness, and their af flicting loss his everlasting gain, little Willy fell asleep in Jesus. . MISS M J T Died in Butts county on the 24th ult* William Samuel, son of Mr. Jeptha Ball, in the 15th year of bis age. Died in the City of Griffin on the 31st nit. Willie Oglesdy, only son of Mrs Sarah, and Mr.John W. Ihlej, late of Savannah Ga. in the 4th year of his age. Sleep on sweet boy, and take your rest, ’Till Gabriel’s trump shall sound, And then awake among the blest, With life immortal crowned. Sleep on dear boy, ’till earth sliull shake, A t the arch angel’s Voice, And then to bliss eternal wake, And in thy God rejoice. Sleep on dear boy, the hour draws nigh When we shall meet once more, To see our Saviour in the sky, On Canaan’s happy shore. Sleep on dear boy, I would not break The chain which binds thee now, Nor would my love one larrel take, From thy resplendent brow. Soon with thee I’ll calmly rest Beneath the grassy sod, And meet theeon the loving breast And bosom of our God. Griffin Aug. Ist 1856. ’ C. W. K. Pike September Sales. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Zebulon on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land number one hundred and thirty (130) in the eighth district of original ly Monroe now Pike county, levied on as the property of George W. Martin to satisfy afi. fa. issued from the Superi or court of Pike county in favor of John Neal vs., George W. Martin property pointed out by plautifif tenant in pos session notified. Also the North half of lot of land number forty one (41) in the Ninth district of originally Monroe now Pike county levied on as the property of Joseph Crawford to satisfy three Justice Court li. favor of J. A. & J C, Beeks vs, Joseph Crawford, issued from the Justice Court of the 534th dist. G, M, in said county, property levied on and returned to me by Peter B. Sealy Constable in said county of Pike. WM. H. McLENDON, Dep'ty Sh'ff. August 1, If 56 15 tds. Professor O. J. Wood’s Hair Restorative, for producing hair on Bald Heads, Ond restoring (b ay Hair to its Natural color. upHIS astonishing and unequalled preparation has never X failed to produce a growth on Bald Heads, when used according to the directions, and turn hair back to its orig. iual color, after having become grey, and reinstate it in all its original health, lustre, softness, and beauty. Removes atonceall scurf, and unpleasant itching, scrofula, erup tions and feverish heat from the scalp. It also prevents the hair from becoming unhealthy aud falling oflf, aud hence acts as a perfect Hair invigorator aud Tonic. A gentleman of Boston writes to his frieuds in New Bed ford thus: To your inquires I would reply, that I first commenced using Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative, my hair was almost white and had been so for the last ten years, and it was very thin on the top of my head, and very loose, and pulled out freely; but I found before I had used all of the second bottle, (which was eight weeks,) my hair was entirely changed to its original color, (light brown) and is now free from dandruff, and quite moist. I have bad my hair cut 5 or 6 times since the change, and have never seen anything like white hair starting from the roots: aud it is now as thick as it ever was, and does not come out at all. It has prevailed in my case all that I could wish to ask. July l, 1855. Yours&c. Gardiner, Maine, June 22,1854. Dear Sir.- I have used two bottles of Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative, and can truly say, it is the greatest discovery of the age, for restoring and changing the hair.— Before using it, I wasas gray as a man of seventy. My hair lias now attained its original color. Y’ou can recommend it to the world, without the least fear, as my case was one of the worst kind. , 0 I) N MURPHY. St. Louis, March 7 1854. Prof. Wood: My hair commenced falling off some three or four years since, and continued to do so, untill I became quite bald. 1 tried all the popular medicines of the day, but lo no effect. At last, 1 was induced to try your celebra ted Hair Restorative,aud am happy to say, it is doing won ders. 1 have now a fine growth of young hair, and cheer tully recommend its use to all similarly afflicted. A. C. WILLIAMS, 133 Second street. Rasin Mich., Aug. 2,1855. This is to certify, that one year ago, I was quite gray, and iny hair so thin upon the top of my head, that I feared its entire loss. In this condition, I applied for and obtain ed a bottle oi Prof. WoodVßestorative,’ and before I had used one quart bottle, the gray hairs had entirely disap peared and it had thickened up, so as to he full as usual and it assumed a glossy appearance, appearently more beautiful than everit was before. Ido therefore, cheerfully recom mend it to all those ladies who value a beautiful head of hair. 1 will aiso state that 1 uso it now, occasionally, for its healthy and beautifying effects. SARAH J. BROWN. CniAGO,May 1,1854. I have used Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative to decided advantage. It prevents the hair from coming out, gives it a gloss and softness very desirable. The few gray hairs I had, have entirely disappeared. Others of my family have used it, and concur with me in pronouncing it all it profess es to be. HENRY’ A. CLARK, Michigan Avenue. St. Louis, Sept. 50,1853, Dr. O. J. Wood—Sir; I have used nearly three bottles of your Hair Restorative, aud have found its effects very satis factory. It has entirely destroyed all the dandruff'from my head, and restoiediny hair to its original color, which had become quite gray. WM. TRUSDALE. KSSr Sold at 114 Market street, St Louis, Mo. 316 Broad way N. Y., and by all Druggists everywhere. All kinds of family patent medicines for sale on the best possi ble terms, at Prof. Wood’s establishment, 114 Market street St Louis. J WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312, Broadway, New York; 114, Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold in Griffin by Wrq R Seay. August C, 1856 15..-..2m . • : . Administrators Sale. WILL be sold agreeable to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Spalding county on Tuesday the 30th of September next, at the late residence of Richard P. Ellis deceased, all the perishable pioperty of said estate consisting of a fine PORK HOGS and STOCK HOGS, four mulc&f a fine bnggy horse and buggy, a yoke of fine oxen and a good lot of cows and calves, house hold and kitchen furniture Ac. ALSO on the first Tuesday in October next will be sold before the conrt house door m the city of Griffin in Spald ing county by virtue of #n order Os aboVe named court all the Land belonging to said estate Viz., iot no 35 is the place where the widow now resides, also the west half of lot No. 36; and lot 62 and 150 acres of jot No, 67, the north portion of said lot 650 acres fn all. Terms of sale will be a long credit with Strong security, , JAS.T. ELLIS, Adm’r. Aug , 1858-.:). ;. 15..;.. ,tds. Adiriiitistrator’s Sale. WILL be sold before the court bouse door in Greenville, Meriwether county, Ca.,-on the'first Tuesday in Octo ber next, within the legal hours of sale, under an order of the Conrt of Ordinary of Meriwether county, the following Lots of Land, to wit: 108 acres, more or less, beiffg the eastern part of lot No 125, in the 2d district of originally Troup now Meriwether county ; the east half of lot No 17, in the Bth district of originally Troup now Meriwether county ; lot No 16, in the Bth district of Meriwether county, and lot No 256, in the 2d district of originally Troup now Meriweth :r county, con taining in all 612 acres, more or less—the same composing the settlement whereon the late Jesse Hinton died. It is well improved and in good condition for making corn and cotton. The same being sold as a part of the real estate of the said Jesse Hinton late of Meriwether county deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms of sale made known on the day. JOHN W. REDDING, AdmV. July 7th 1856 15.. .tds. GEORGI A, pike County,—To all whom it may con cern : Whereas, Giles Driver, Administrator upon the estate of Jordan Driver, late of said county , deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission from the administration of said estate. Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, (if any they have,) in my office, in terms of the law; other wise letters dismissory will be granted the applicant at the February term, next ,-of the Court of Ordinary for said county. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. JOSEPH C. BECKHAM, Ord’y. August 4th. 1856..... .15 6m. TWO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Pike county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Edmond Beuley, deceased. ISAAC W. JONES Ad’m. August 4th 1856 15 60ds. CLERK’S OFFICE SUPERIOR COURT,I Griffin, July 21, 1856. f IN consequence of the continued inability of the presiding Judge of Flint Circuit to hold the present adjourned Term of Spalding Superior Court, and in consequence of the sickness existing in the family of Judge Powers, who had kindly promised to hold said Court, It is ordered, that said Court stand adjourned to the 2nd Monday iu August next. 10 o’clock, A. M. By order of the Court. J H LOGAN, Clerk. July 23, 1856 13....3t The Corn Crop IT is said, will be short; therefore let every one take good care of what he has ; and to do so, it will be necessary to have good Locks. We keep Mineral and Porcelian Kuob, Rim and Dead Locks, Store Door, Smoke House and Dairy Locks, Pad Locks, Chest, Box, Till. Drawer, Wardrobe, Desk and Gun Locks, at the HARDWARE STORE. Griffin, July 23, 1856, NEW GROCERIES J \JL S t Jrt. OC e 1 “XT’ GdL AT James T. Gray’s old stand, on Broadway the comer of New Orleans Street, where you jggfUg can be supplied with GROCERIES of good quali ty, and at as low prices as this market can af ford. Also, a variety of other useful articles at cost. *B*ln an adjoining room is kept a neat RETAIL BAR well furnished. Thankful for past favors, I hope to receive many calls from my old customers and friends, and make many new ones. S B PRITCHARD. Griffin, July 23, 1856 TO TIIE PUBLIC. LAND WARRANT STOLEN! NOTICE is hereby given, that Land Warrant, No 72,730 for 120 acres, dated issued to Joseph G. W. Howard, Private in Capt. Russel’s Company, Georgia Militia, and duly assigned (in blank,) May 30th, 1856, by said Joseph G. W. Howard. Said Warrant has been lost or stolen from the mail between this place and the city of New York, to which it was sent in a letter, addressed to Messrs. Carliart. Bro. & Cos., (and duly mailed at this of fice ) The above described Land Warrant belonged to me, and all persons are required not to purchase the same from any person. It is nay intention, after the puidication of this notice for six weeks, to apply to the Commissioner of Pensions for a reissue or duplicate of said Land Warrant. JAMES M. COLE. Griffin, July 22d, 1856 13 6t Griffin Female Academy. THIS Institution was opened on Monday, the 14tli inst., under the superintendence of the undersigned. She proposes to reach the common branches of an English Ed ucation, and from several year’s experience, and assiduous attention to the interests of her patrons, she hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. MATILDA A LOCKHART. Griffin, July 16, 1856 12... .ts LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST!! EXCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY ! • THE undersigned having formed a partnership, for the purpose of carrying on the carpentering business in all its various branches, are now prepared to undertake work up on as reasonable terms as can be done in this section of country. Sash, Blinds, Doors, &c., &c., will be put up at our shop at as low a price as the same ar ticle can be bought in any other market, with only the ad dition of freights added. We mean what we say. Try us and find out. Building contracts entered into when de sired; Shot) on Bth street in the rear of Wm. Herronton's Store; ‘ WM. K. WRIGHT, . R. A. WRIGHT. Griffin, July 13d, 1856 13 ts PIANO FORTES. THE undersigned having opened a Piano Forte and Mu sic Ware Room, in Markham’s Building„cornerof Hill and Broadway Streets,is no tv exhibiting l'or sale a splendid assortment of PIANOS, direct from the very bestmannfac turers North. These PI-ANOS for beauty of fi nish, power and volume °I tone, are not excelled by any others made inf 1 ® 1 S- the Union, having all the newest and latest improvements in them. The styles range from the Plain Square Six Octaves, up to the rich and elegantly carved centre seven OCTAVE PIANO. They will be sold at precisely “New Y'ork retail rates with only the addition of freightfrom New Y'ork. A writ ten guaranty will accompany every one sold, to this effect: “If at any time within 12 month’s using,any defect is found which cannot be remedied to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, it can be returned and exchanged for anoth er.” Prices range from $225 to SSOO, according to finish, Ac. The newest and latest publications of Slieet Music always on band,together with a fine stock of SUPERIOR OLD VIOLINS, and nearly every thing usually found in Music Stores, J. W. SHACKLEFORD. Griffin, April 9. 1856..... .49... .ly NEW SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK! JOHN ii. WHITE, WEST SIDE OF HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. HAS just received his Spring and Summer sup ifSply of Gentlemens’ Dress Goods, to which he invites Iffff e special attention. His stock comprises careful sc -1 lections from the most approved and beautiful styles in the New York market, consisting of Black and Fancy Colored. Clotlis Doeskin Cassirneres, Plain anil Fancy Linen and Marseilles for Pants ; Plain and Fancy Silk and Marseilles Y'esting ; FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Cravats, Scarfs. Hair Stocks, Opera Tics, Black, White and Fancy ; Black and Fancy Cravats ; Silk, Linen and Lawn Pocket Handkerchiefs ; Gloves, Half Hose, Silk and Cotton ; Night Caps, Shirts, Drawers, Under Shirts, Silk, Cotton and Linen V Shirt Collars, •wpenders, Cravat Buckles,.Coat Links, Waist Belts. G LOTHIN G: Superior Black and Fancy Frock Coats; Plain and Fancy Cassiraere Frocks ; Italian and Alpacca Frocks ; Drab de te Frocks ; White and Colored Linen Duck Frocks ; White and Fancy Linen Drill Frocks ; Plain Linen and Grass Frocks; Black Doeskin and Fancy Cassimere Pants White and Fancy Linen and Marseilles Pants ; Black, White and Fancy Silk Vests ; White,Buff and Fancy Marseilles Vests; White Linen Duck Vests ; Planter’s Linen Vests. It A T S Extra Mole Skin Hats, Leary Stylo; Black and Faucy Soft Hats : Panama, Leghorn and Black Straw Hats. 80ulle would inform his customers, that his stock is larger and more complete than it everhas been, and he flat ters himself that he can please the good taste of any who may favor him with a call. His motto is “small profits and quick sales.” Hi* terms are .cash, or to those v hom he has tried* aud kpo\y tip, ftp pUQgtygt.Qn short time,, , u ■C.riffifi, May’ Hf-WSil 1 ;. .3 ‘ Spring trade; TV/TESSRS. BRAWNER A DUFPEY having bought the IYJL store formerly occupied by Wm. Fleming,, have on hand, and are now receiving a large and splendid assort ment of , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Clothiugj Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ilardtrdre and t'fbcMeryj and all other articles suited to the wants of the public. VS,The Lridiesespfecially are invited to call and examine heir new and splendid assortment of Lace, Moire Antique, and Scarf Mantillas. ! Gf!sff, Hill Street, March 26, 1850... .47... .ts MOKE NEW BOOKS. AT COOK k CO’S BOOK ROOM!! Salad for the Social .Pnce $1,25- Salad for the solitary, “ 1,26- Earnest Linwood, by Mrs. Lee Hentz, “ 1,00- A Defence of American Policy,. lt 1,00. The Creole Orphans,. . ;.. “ 1,00. Webster’s Quarto Dictionary, •’ 5,50. Novels and light reading to suit all. %s>Call at COOK & CO.’s Music and Book Room. May 13th, 1856..:.. .3..... .ff. Mrs. J. M. LUNOUEST7 HAVING returned from Market, respectfully informs her customers and the Indies generally, that she has a fine assortment of new and elegant Bonnets , l\f ant il las & Ribbons , to which slio invites their espeeial attention. Among her stock of BONNETS are some superior to any thing that has ever been in this market. Rooms on Broadway, second door above the Interior Bank. N. B Bonnets cleaued and pressed. Griffin, April 29, 185 C 1 ts Aaisot 1 m ~ AND PHOTOGRAHIC GALLERY. KOOMS OVER J A & J C BEEKS 1 STOKE. V&.FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY ‘*&s AMBROTYPES of superior style and finish, complete in case, from $l 50 and upwards. Instructions given in the Art, and apparatus furnished. ARTHUR B. CLARKE. June 25, 1856 9 3 JOHNSON & M A NGUAM, HILL STREET, GRIFEIN, GA., KEEP constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock of English and American HARDWARE, of every de scription, and of superior quality. Iron cfo Steel, . of all kinds and sizes. FARMERS’, CARPENTERS', BLACKSMITH and TANNERS’ TOOLS—a large assort ment; PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES and COLORS, of all kinds ; Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes, all sizes ; Lamp, Whale, Linseed and Tanner’s Oil, always in store ; Carriage Trimmings Os every description, comprising Axles, Springs, Spokes, Hubs, Rims, Bands, Boxes, Dashes, Side Arms, Lamps, Shafts, Leathers, Cloths, Laces, Nails, Tacks, Bolts, Clips Nuts and Wrenches, Wrought and Cast Iron for Saw and Grist Mills, Leather Belting, Ac, Those wishing to purchase Hardware,will do well to call, as we deal in that line exclusively, and aside from the large and varied assortment we oiler, our prices are calculated to give satisfaction to all. fcguSole agents for Grangers’s Magic Corn anil Cobb Mill. June 25, 1856 9 ly HARDWAE AND IRON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. hathajTweed, AT the old stand of E. B. WEED, Macon, Ga., keeps constantly on hand, a large and complete assortment of the following, all of which will be sold at the lowest market rates : IRON and STEEL.—Swedes, English and Refined Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel, Tin Plate, Ac. CARRIAGE MATERIALS.-ISZ g E fe„t; k i“: tent and Enamelled Leather,Bands,Lining Nails, Bolts, Ax le Clips. Castings, Ac. HOES.—Scovill’s, Brade’s Patent, and other Hoes. Mechanics Tools MILL IRONS.—MiII Cranks, Mill Picks,’Mill Saws, Cir cular Saws, 48 to 52 inches, Ac., Ac. Macon, Ga., May 7, 1866...... .2... .ts NEW SPRING AND SUMMeH Goods. THE subscriber would respectfully inform hlB friends, and the public generally, that he has in store* and is receiving direct from New York, a full supply of SPRING 4* SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Mantil las, Bonnets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoos, Clothing, Hardware and Crockery, and all other articles usually, kept in this market, which he would invite the public .to call,and ex amine. SAMUEL B. McWILLIAMS, At the old stand of McWilliams A Chi Hill Street, Griffin, Ga., April 16, 1856... .50::. if NEW GOODS. SALMONS, BOOTH & CO., ARE now receiving their new stock of Goods for the Spring and Summer trade, consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Crocker} - , Groce ries, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, Ac. Having closed off our old j”|ff stock within the last three mouths, the place has M been filled by fresh sup plies, just received from market, which fact, we trust, will induce the public to give us a call. We will sell our Goods as usual, on time till fall, and are determined to offerstrong inducements to such as wish to make cash purchases. SALMONS, BOOTH A CO. Griffin, Ga.. April 16, 1856 50 3m A CLOUD & SON, (LATE CLOUD & SHACKLEFORD,) WILL continue the PIANO FORTE and BUSINESS in this place. Our stock Jj|jj [J js large, embracing every style of Instrument, from the plain to the tine and elegant. Semi-GrrandL Piano, Wfe intend keeping a large stock on hand. *3”Persons wishing to buy, Will do well to give us a call. We will war rant all Pianos satisfactorily to purchasers. Rooms in Griffin, Marietta, and Roxct. April 2, 1856 48... .ly jßfg”Some arc of the opinion that the firm of A. Cloud A Son and J. W. Shackelford’s are the same. The firm of A. Cloud A Son is the original firm of the old firm of Cloud A Shackelford, kept at the old stand, Hiil Street, up-stairs over Cook A Co.’s Book Store, where rents arenothing, clerk’s hire, Ac. A. CLOUD A SON. For Rent. *3, Persons wishing to rent good Pianos, can do so by applying to A. Cloud A Son. Early application will receive choice instruments. A C A S RICHARDS & BROTHER, KEEP A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • Cheap, Cash, Book and Music Store, Hill Street, Id door from the Railroad, Griffin, Ga. t@_The New Publications received as they are issued from the press, and sold at New York Retail Rates! 3L-A full supply of COLLEGE AND SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS, always on hand. Orders, per mail, promptly at tended to. Established January, 1855. December 10th. 1856. 3J-Iy CARRIAGE AND SMITH SHOP. THE undersigned have associa ted themselves together under the firm name and style of . V feK” CLARK & NIX, m&Sik ‘£ For the purpose of carrying on the CARRIAGE MAKING and REPAIRING, WAGON MAKING and BLACK SMITH’S BUSINESS, in all their various branches. Their Shop is on the corner of Hill Street and Broadway, oppo ite the Georgia Hotel, down stairs, in the house formerly ceupied by A. Bellamy Esq. Promptness, dispatch and urability of work, they feci confident will secure for them liberal patronage. GEO. W. CLARK, S. H. NIX. Griffin,Dec.24,lßss. .35. .ts A Large Lot OF Swedes, English and Refined Iron, Horse Shoe Oval, Band. Rail Road, Round and Square Iron, just received andforsaleby JOHNSON A MANGHAM. Grluju , July 23, 1856- GRIFFIN SYNODICAL FEMALE COLLEGE. THF next Term in the Synodical Female College, in Griffin, will open on Monday,the 11th of August. JAMES C, PATTERSON, President. ! July 2, 1856 10... fit gash store! J. Pi MIUSTER, DkALeA in DRY GOODS AM GROCERIES, HILL STREET,.; . .GRIFFIN, GA RESPECTFULLY. solicits the patronage of hie inend and the public. Jan. 23, 1856 38....1y CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, MKRIWETHER COUNTY, OA. THESE Springs are now open and ready for the reception of Visitors. The prop; ietors have made tvery ar rangement necessary for the comfortable entertainment of all Who may favor Ibis delightful summer resort with their presence during the season. Every convenience that the invalid or votary of pleasure may reasonably desire, will be supplied ; and the undersigned hope to merit, by their ef forts to please, a libeidl patronage. B. T. CHAPMAN A CO. June 18, 1856 8... .ts Tv UIT E LEA D ! inn KEGS No. 1, Extra and Pule White Lead, jnsf re lUU ceived and for sale by HILL A SMITH.. Griffin, Sept 19,’55 H PEAS, FLOUR AND BACON,’ JUST received and sos sale, by A. B. MATHEWS A CO. 100 bushel* Peas; in,ooo lbs. Flour. ; 14,000 lbs. more of choice Bacon. April, 16th 1556 50 .ts, A nn Ovens, Spiders and Skillets, just received and for sale by JOHNSON A MANGHAM, July 2, 1856 10::.. “cash store. MACON, GEORGIA. NEW SPRING GOODS* THE subscriber is now receiving anew and kand stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY T I v GOODS, suitable for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, among which will be found almost every article in this line, which he intends to offer on the best terms. Also, a large stock of CARPETING, Oil Cloths,Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Ac. S3,His friends and the public are requested to. give hitn a call. GEORGE W. PRICK. March 5, 1856 INDIAN SPRING HOT PL. THH Undersigned has again the pleasure of ihforftiing his numerous friends, as Well as the public at large; that he is yet at the Indian Spring Hotel, and is fully pre paed, with the assistance of Ills sqiis. and his own expe; rience of six years at the hotel, with the best cooks that can be procured, as well as assistance of all kinds, to ask of all those who visit the Spring a generous share of tlieir patronage, intending to sSparb rib pains 6f himself to make all such as please to give him a call comfortable. The In dian Spring Hotel Is nowqpeu.and ready to receive nil those that will please to call. There will be at Forsyth Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all such ga wish to go over. ‘ £t>W. YARN Ell. June 4th, 1850 6 3m. EAST TENNESSEE. THIS CELEBimTd^'watering place WILLJj# opened on the first day of June next, by the undersigned, formerly of the Washington Half, but more recently of the Floyd House, in Macon, Ga. In as suming the management of this New and Kxtctmlvc Establishment, the subscriber Will spare no labor or ex pense to make it, not only a pleasant resort to those in search of pleasure and relaxation, but a comfortable heme to the invalid in pursuit of health. The high medicinal properties of tlic water have bceii ascertained by cafeful scientific analysis, and their” superi or efficacy in the cure of Various diseases has been tested by thousands of persons. Indeed, in the cure of Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarlieea, Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, and neaf : ly every other disease of a fortiiidable nature, the waters are probably unsurpassed. Pamphlets having bfefeh published containing a full anal ysis of the waters,and its remedial Virtues, (which persons can hate on application ,to .the undersigned,) he would merely say in this notice to the public, COME AND TEST IT FOR YOURSELVES: 3®* The best route for reaching tlie Springs, is to Knox ville, Tennessee, by Railroad, and thence 25 miles by Stage via Marysville. . H. P; REDDING; Proprietor; May 28th, 1856.:.. 5.:.. 2ms; HOWES’® COTTON HARVESTER; FOR PICKING COTTON IN THE FIELD. THIS valuable machine, second only Io tiie invention of the Cotton Gin, is iibstinbd to produce a remarkable change in the method of gathering cotton from the field It will do the work of from three to five hands in picking cotton from tlic stalk, and is evidently a labor-saving ina cliine. Its benefit to the Planter is, Incalculable. It picks the cotton clean arid fitee from trash, leaves it in excellent condition for ginning—obviates the necessity of exposing the hands to heaVy dews, rains and cold, and from the ra : pidily of its Work, Will enable the Planter to prepare his crop for market at ah early day, leaving hitn time for tbtj improvement of bis land,’ houses, enclosures and general arrangement of the Plantation. It is light, weighing about 8 pounds, is suspended by r strap over the shoulders,and is operated by means of a trank turned by the hand or lingers. . The simplicity of this ma chine is its leading feature—it is not liable to get out of or der, and any negro of ordinary eiipafeity, is eptapbtent to use it: (trie harvester, with pfopbr tafe, will last a strifes of years. \Ye ate hoW selling, State and County Rights for tlie man ufacture and use of the above riiachine. Any inforiiation relative thereto,can be obtained hy calling on A. Wild but; General agent for Georgia, Florida. North and South lina, at his office, 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga.. or at the stores of the subscriber, 135, Congress Ptrfefet, Savanrieh, Ga., or 125 Meeting Street,.Charleston, 6. C , where tbcma chine can beseen in operating,, jte*,Priee of the machine, s2s._®y ALFRED WEBSTER, Traveling Agerit; Savannah, Ga., June 11, 185 G 7.-. NOTICE; THE Exercises of Mr. Campbell's School Will be resumed on the Ist Monday in Aiign9t. Those interested; Will please bear it in blind: July 23, 1856 23,...3t To the Ladies; TOILET setts of Brushes and Combs, Chamber s£tt9 of beantiful enameled Ware, Feather Dusters, Hair and Quaker ; Hearth and Parlor Brooms, Mats, Ac., Ac., at t. Griffin, July 23, 1856. HARDWARE STORE. Griffin Female College* THE next Term of this Institution will commence on Monday .August 4th, and close on the last Thursday in November.’ Punctual attendance is extremely desirable. HUGH E MORROW, Frasident. July 16, 1856 12.... 4t _ ATTENTION: DURING a temporary absence from the city, Messrs. Daniel A Dismuke will attend to my business. Those indebted to me for tuition, will please call on them and make settlement. All accounts due at the fend of each Term. 1 will be at my post in the Griffin Female College at tho opening of the next Term, ready to resume my duties in the Music and Drawing Departments. Term commences 2nd Monday in August. GEORGE JL BRIGGS. July 16, 1856. .„. -12. LEATHER! LEATHER!! H'ES:? Bpp ' r A. B. MATHEWS & CO, TTAVING purchased of Messrs. Lathrop, Roberts A Cos., H their stock of Groceries and Staple Dry Goods, beg leave to inform the public, that they expect to keep con stantly on hand, a large stock of PROVISIONS, both for eign and domestic, consisting of y Groceries nort Country Produce, such us Meal, rlonr, Sugar, Codec, Ac., and a . ’ Large tot of Bacon,, In which they expect to deal on an extensive scale. They •respectfully solicit the patronage of all those wishing sup plies in their line. They may be found at the .stand next door north of W. R. Phillips A Cos., formerly occupied by Mfesstv.Lathrop, Roberts A Cos. A. B. MATTHEW SA CO Griffin. March 26,1856,.. .47. ■. -ts . , TTI T.ti tb SMITH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES! HARDWARE!! Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods!!! *S-Corncr of Hill and Solomon Streets.*** Griffin, May 3,1855. _ TO YOUNG MEN In search of, Genteel Brill Profitßble Employment, A NY gentleman wishing to learn the new and beautiful A Art of AMBUOTYPING. will find this an opportunity rarely to be met with. Mr. C. has’ had over nine years ex perience in the Profession, and will guarantee anyone pos sessing no more than ordinary abilities,” taking part in the business of the day with himkelf, to karri quickly and thor oughly. Full instructions and complete apparatus, stock and chemicals furnished for a stipulated sum. ARTHUR”!) CLARKE,” Ambrotypist and Photographer, over J A AJ C Berks’ Store. Griffin, July 16, 1856 12....3m