The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, August 27, 1856, Image 1

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% J|. ©iDr. Vol. 2. THE EMPIRE STATE IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, -A. A. G-aulciins -TKRMS: TWO DOLLARS IN’ ADVANCE, OR THREE DOL LARS AFTER SIX MONTHS, PER ANNUM. up-stairs over W. R. Phillips & Co.^sr Advertisements are inserted at One Dollar persqnare for lie ftrst insertion, aud Fifty Cents per square for each iu '•>rtion thereafter. t A reasonable deduction will be made to those who adver tise by the year. All Advertisements not othencise ordered icill be continu ed till forbid. ~i .Sales of Lands by Administrators, Executors or Guar dians, are required by law to be held on the lirst Tuesday ‘in the month, between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 3 in the afternoon, at the Court House, in the county i which the Laud is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public Garette forty days previous to the day of sale. . S*4ps of Negroes must be made at public auction on the first Tuesday of ! t)lie thotfch-, between Mie hswUimhs of sale, at the place of public sales intfce'ctftflßy where the Letters *iH*stanieiita'ry, or Administration, or Guardianship may have been granted—fcsft giving forty daj's notice thereof in one of the public Gazettes of the State, and at the Court ‘House where such sale is to be lield. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in ike manner, forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors aud Creditors of an Estate, must be published forty days. .. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or ‘iJifmtV for leave to sell Land, must be ptfr/Msbed for two months. Notice for leave to seTi Negroes muiJt be published two onths before any order absolute shall be made thereon by he Court. * Citations for Letters of Administration must le publish ed thirty days ; for Dismission from Administration, month ly six mouths ; for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Notice for the foreclosure of Mortgage must be publish ed monthly for four months ; for publishing Lost Pa pers, for the full space of three mouths ; for compelling ti las from Executors and Administrators, where a bond lias 1 eeu given by the deceased, for the space of three months A. D. NUNN ALLY, AT T O R N E Y AT L A W, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. June, 27,1855. ly. UNDERWOOD, HAMMOND & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW , ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL give personal attention to all business entrusted to tl.cir management, and attend the Sixth Circuit ‘Courtof the United States, at Marietta, the Supreme Court •at Macon and Decatur, and the Superior Courts in Cobb, -Morgan, Newton, DeKalb, Fulton, Fayette, Spalding, Pike, Gass, Monroe, Upson, Bibb, Campbell, Coweta, Troup, Whitfield and Gordon, in Georgia, and Hamilton county, ‘(Chattanooga,) in Tennessee. May 3,1855. ts W. L. GIIICE, WM. S. WALLACE. GRICE & WALLACE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW , BUTLER, GEORGIA. PERSONS intrusting business to them may rely on their fidelity, promptness and care. Dec. 10, ’55-33-ly. GARTRELL & GLENN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL attend the Courts in the Counties of Fulton, De- Kalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Car nil, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding. Lrc irs J. Gartrell, I Luther J. Glenn, ft rrneriy of Washington, Ga. ] FormerlyofMcDomiigh.C.a. May 16, 1555. . 3tf J. A. B. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. WILL practice in the Counties composing the FF,nt Circuit. By permission, refers to Hon. Hiram War rier, Greenville ; Levi M. Adams, Greenville ; Hon. (x. J Green, Griffin ; Hon. James 11. Stark, Griffin ; Rev. Will iam Moseley, Griffin. June 2nd, 1856 6 ly. JOSEPH A. THRASHER JAMES M. HAM?.KICK THRASHER & IIAMBRICIL, ATTORNEYS ATX AW McDonough,. Georgia. April 30, 1856 1 ly F. W. A. DOYLE, R. R. RANSONE. DOYLE & RANSONE, ATTORNEYS AT L AW, — > Georgia. April 16, 1856 50... ,3m I.- T. DOYAL I 3. M . NOLAN. DOYAL & NOLAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, -McDonough Georgia., WILL practice in the counties of Hen ry, Fulton, Fay ette, Coweta, Spalding, Butts, Mor iroe and Newton ‘B3'Refere.\ce—Themselv* April 2, 1856 48 Q . C . G RIG: E, ATTORNEY Ah’ LAW, FAYETTEVILLE, GEO RGIA. May 15,1856..... .3 ts. JAMES H. STA ‘ ATTORNEY A T LA W, “Grlllln, Georgia.. WHJ, practice in the Courts of the Flint Circuit, and in the Supreme Court at A tin a ta and Macon. Feb. 13, 1856 41 ly JARED IRWIN W HITAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, •Office front Rooms, over John R . Wallace & Bros., corner of White Hall and A] ibama streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. January 30,1856 ts W. L. GO RDON, ATTO RN E YA T LAW, ‘GRIFFIN, GEORGIA January 30, 1856 39. .... .ly HENRY F tENDRICK, ATTORNE Y AT LAW, Jackson, Butti County, Geot'gia. May 3, 1855. ts DANIEL’ & DISMUKE, Attorn’ gys at Law, Will practice in the T district Court of the United States -at Marietta. Uridin, Georgia. L. R. DANIEL, F. D. DISMUKE. May 3,1855. ts w, POPE JORDAN, Att orney at Law, Eebulon, Georgia. :e in all the counties of the Flint Circuit. May 5y Loo j.i J. H. MANGHAM, irL©y at Xiaw, GEORGIA. May 3 55-ly _j WM. H. F.- HALL, A'T LAW* July fy 1%5 . ZEBULON GEORGE. WHI T E LEAD'S 100 No. 1, Extra and Pure White Lead, re ceaved and for sale by HILL&SMh Griff n, 6c P t 19/55 V f €msixt mi DR. KNOTT HAS changed his residence and office to the first lot be low Mrs. Reeves’ Boarding House, on the east side of the Railroad, nearly opposite the Freight Depot, where be may be found at all times ready to attend to calls, except when professionally engaged. Griffin, Ga., May 3,1855- ly DR. BROWN HAVING associated himself in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, with Dr. WM. M. HARDWICK, would, by this means, introduce him to the confidence and patron age of the community, satisfied thatthey will find him wor thy and well qualified to fulfil all the duties incumbent on him as a Physician—under the firm, name and style of HARDWICK & BROWN, fi®-During the absence of Dr. Brown, Dr. Hardwick w/,1 always be found in the Office, unless professionally engage and WM. M. HARDWICK, H. W. BROWN. Griffin, May 14, 1856 DR. D. M* WILLIAMS, RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, GKIFFIN, GEOf.GIA. 63_Officeon Hill Street, over Banks’Boot & S’.ioe Store. May 3, 1855. ts TENDERS his professional services as a “Physician and Surgeon, to the citizens of Griffin and vicinity. Office on the same floor with the Empire Stale,"®* Griffin, March 5, 44....1y SCIRRHUS BREAST can be CURED Let the Public Read! IN mercy to the afflicted, and the gratitude andhi&liopin ion I entertain of I)It. MOSELEY as a Surgeon aud Phy sician, I deem it my duty to mention the case of my wife, hoping ut the same time that all persons similarly afflicted, may be benetitted by it. In the lirst, part of this year, my wile had several small lumps make their appearaUce in her breast ; they continued to increase in size, untCthe whole breast became a diseased mass, .and very painful. I procured the best medical aid in the city of Rome,and notwithstanding the earnest and faithful attention ‘of our most skillful physi cians, she continued to grow worse and worse, until they gave the case up as incurable, and advised ■amputation. I was advised by many of my friends, to visit Dr. Moseley, of Griffin, Ga., which 1 did, and, astonishing 3's it may seem, he had her entirely cured within on (month., and she i* now in good health! 1 would advise all who are afflicted tv :( 4> Scirrhus, and Cancerous affections to visit the Doctor with- 1 out delay, as I am satisfied by experience and observation, that he is the most skillful physician in the Southern States, in the treatment of that horrible disease—cancer. WM. U. MITCHELL. M. E. MITCHELL, Daughter of J. W Bradbury, ROme, Ga. Rome, Ga.. October 25, 1854. ‘ 5-ly Fulton House. ATLANTA, ffiAr Jf GEORGIA. D. L. GORDON, Proprietor. January 30th, 1856. .39.. ly. GRIFFIN HOTEL. THTS Urge and commodious Hotelis now fsTsffi® open for Cue aecommodationof the public. The ISI § islaß furniture is new, andthe rooms comfortable and Jrgh.rSjS well ventilated. The table will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, and no pains will foe spared to render the guest comfortable. I also have in connection with the house, the largeand roomy stable, formerly Occupied by W. S. Birge, by which stock can and*’,vill bfc well taken care of. R. F. M. MANN, Proprietor. Griffnj, Feh. 13, 1856... .41... .ts ZZacls. Linos. The undersigned being the Con tractor to transport the U. States Mail on routes, Nos. 6339 and 6340, takes this method of informing die public generally, that he will run his Hack as follows Leave Griffin Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via Erin, Warnesville, Jones’ Mills, Greenville and Mountville—ar rive at LaGrauge the same days. Leave LaGrange Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays via the places above men tioned—arrive at Griffin the same days. Leave Griffin Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays via Zebulon and Flat Shoals, and arrive at Greenville the same days. Leave Greenville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via the pla ces above mentioned,and arriveat Griffin the same days. 1 will further add, that 1 have good teams and sober dri vers, who will spare no pains in making passengers com sortable, and put them through in good time, at very mode rate prices. R. F. M. MANN, Proprietor and Contractor Keb. 13, 1856....41 ts CARRIAGE, CABINET AND SASH MAKING!! THE subscriber takes pleasure in announ- ( ~AllMfeJg, r / ciug to the citizens of Griffin and rounding country, that he still continues thevKY business of CARRIAGE and CABINET Making. CARRIA GES, BUGGIES, and WAGONS made to order at short no tice. A few of tlie best made Buggies always on hand. He has recently added to his establishment the business of SASH MAKlNG—cheap, and good as the best. sea, ncwstyle. He will be found at his old stand, always ready towait upon his customers’. Give him a call. A. BELLAMY. Griffin, Aug. 29,1855... .18... .If J. K. WILLIAMS,. JNO. RHEA, WM. M. WILLIAMS. J. E. WILLIAMS & CO., Successors to J. E. Williams, # General Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, BACON, LARD, FEATHERS, and TEN NESSEE PRODUCE, GENERALLY, Decatur Street, near the “Trout House,” Atlanta, Ga. #3-Letters of inquiry, in relation to the Markets, &c., promptly answered. May 16,1855.-3tf Tixe Best BUSINESS STAND IN ATLANTA FOR SALE. I will sell my store and stand, at the corner of White Hal and Mitchell Streets, at a fair price, for cash, or on rea sonable terms, to a prompt and punctual purchaser. Call and look,as lam making a change in my business. If 1 was going to continue in the mercantile business, I would not dispose of it at any price. W. W. ROARK. Atlanta, March 19, 1856... .45... .ts LUMBER! LUMBER!! GAULDING’S STEAM MILL. THE subscriber having leased the above Mill, being an experienced Machinest, and having supplied himself with a learge quantity of the best tine timrek, hoping to e able at short notice, to furnish those with lumber, who may favor him with their orders—orders left with A. A. Gaulding, or A. B. Dulin, at Griffin, will receive prompt attention. Jan. Bth. 1856. JAMES W. MOORE. fjTjL. WRIGHT, EXCHANGE BROKER , ATLANTA, GEO. WILL attend to collections entrusted to him, and remit promptly, at current rates of Exchange: buy and sell uncurrent Bank Notes, Coin, Ac. The highest cash price paid for Bounty Land Warrants. ST Apply*; i W. C. Wright, Griffin, Ga., for sale of Land Warrants. REFERENCES JonN Thompson, Banker, N0.2, Wall street, and Carhart, Bro. & Cos., New York ; Converse & Cos., New Orleans. Atlanta, May 16, ’55 ts MARSHAL.!. COLLEGE. BEING left alone in the managemet of this Institution for the present, the rates of tuition will be as follows : Ist Term- 2d Term. For Spelling, Reading, Writing, &c 10 00 8 00 For Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, &c.. 12 00 10 00 For Algebra, Philosophy, Geometry,&c 14 00 12 00 For Latin, Greek, Trigonometry, &c sl6 00 sl4 00 ta.No extra charges, except for damage to the College Building The first term will close about the 4th of July, i The second term will begin on the 4th of August, and close about the last of November. J. M. CAMPBELL. Griffin, Feb. 13, 1856.... “ %o pen 1 tip tfllca corifrqcfe ot|lr Joto’ets —J(ie tohole boundless Coniineirf is Otii - ?.” GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1856. ([For the Empire State.] Mr. Editor of the Empire State: As I learn . that I cannot have this letter to my friend pub ; lished here, please give it a place in your pa per : DANIEL. August 15, 1856. Mr. Editor of the I.aGrangc Reporter — Sir : Please give the folic wing lines a place in your paper, dedicated to my friend. I know not liis name, or I would give it ; but he has concealed it from me, and yet syles himself my friend ! I acknowledge the receipt of his let ter and scrip from a newspaper, and desire to answer him according to his folly. In the first place, had he given me his name, I should no doubt have written privately to him ; but he has secreted that as he has the oaths he lias taken fas I suppose,) among the Know Nothings 5 and as I am opposed to such secrecy, I cannot let the thing remain un known to the public, for I fear he will not de part from his folly, should I remain silent. I wish my friend to know what I think of the scrip, or speech, or letter, he sent me, and if he adopts the sentiments therein contained, I shall place him and the writer upon the same platform, and that a very rotten one. But I will not place them like a man placed a party not long since, for they must have been the smartest people I ever saw, to stand without any platform ; and if it was so, they must have been upheld by almighty power ; but I did not believe what he said, and let it pass. But my friend, with his friend, stands on another platform, and I advise my friend to keep off every ether person, or they will surely fall, and great will be the fall 1 And for fear my friend has adopted the sentiments of his friend, I de sire to show him some of the wickedness of his views, and endeavor to draw him out of the whirlpool which is beneath him. And to do vrhat J have proposed to do, it will be neces sary tp state something the writer has said : “We lived to see the day when, m the opinion of the great Democratic Party,- we must take into finternal hug all the low flung, outlawed pattpers arid criminals thrown upon our shores from European vessels, and place them in office ift opposition to native born citi zens, or we must be anatiiem’atised, and. our names cast out as proscfiptiOhistS, yea,traitors to the party and our country.” Now I ask my friend do w 6 riot stand Where we stood ten years back and farther ? Are we not contending for the saftie thing, and nothing else, the Constitution ? The same that Mr. Wheeler contended for, as he says he did when he canvassed the State twice in Tennessee as Electoral candidate for President and Vice President ? And I am sorry that Tennessee was so imposed upon by So unsound a man, as to fly off from the very tliirig h'6’ once advocated, and turns to a party that de sires now to change the Constitution, and has been in the habit of swearing those that joined j their party, thereby forestalling every one that joined them, to vote for their nominee. And if it be not so, let the party deny it, and show to the contrary. I presume they will not attempt to do so, but will say that all those secret things are removed, and a badge of honor in stituted, and public discussion given or invited, and even then they interrupt the speaker, and blind his ideas for fear their dark places should be touched, and truth brought to light. But Wheeler Lad joined the party, and says ho be longs to no secret society, and never expects to. Have they renounced their secrecy ? Have they acknowledged their wrongs ? If not, Mr. Wheeler and my friend, I suppose, hold the same views, and they have all let go to get a better hold, for had they succeeded as they did at first, they would have carried their schemes to consummation. But, my friend, their designs were discovered, and Mr. Wheel er among them, the calumniator of those he once upheld, and that without cause ! He has tried to bring them into disrepute ; and you, iny friend, by his ridiculous letter, expected to draw me into the same snarl ; but remember, I want no office, and therefore cannot be drawn away by that bait, nor enticed to alter the Constitution by your desire ; and if you and Mr. Wheeler have gone into that party, secret society I mean, you certainly have em braced their views. And if you have thought it wrong to be in a secret society, you must have joined a bad society ; and I am conscien tious in the belief that no Government can be carried on by means of secret societies. There fore it must have begun bad, and you ought to be afraid of it yet ; and I should not be astonished to see you both coming Over to the Democratic Party for shelter yet. But I re quest you, my friend, to read Mr. Wheeler’s letter again --read it as a man seeking after truth, with an honest heart, and you “will ac knowledge, in my opinion* that it is the most ridiculous, and filled up with more falsehoods and hard denunciations, than any letter you have seen m the whole canvass, when it has been gotten through with; except some of the speeches should be printed that have bfeen de livered by the American Party* and sent as letters to friends as you have sent to me. I ask tny friend where the Democratic £atty have departed from the Constitution, or have tried to add to it ? Where has there been any outlawed paupers or criminals placed In office by the Democratic Party ? Where has there been any motion, or any move made to join with any people contrary to the Constitu tion, much less the mother of harlots ? But who has shown the greatest disposition for per secution, the Democrats or Mr Wheeler, I leave for my friend to judge. Why docs Mr. Wheeler now find out the croakiug of frogs about proscription ? Why did not my friend and Mr. Wheeler find out the croaking of frogs in the Constitution ? Nothing of croaking un* til they want the Constitution altered ; and as soon as men began to discover and expose the evils of the Know Nothing Party, then Mr. Wheeler and my friend could hear a croak ing among the frogs, and they could not tell how any man professing the religion of Jesus Christ could, continue in the Democratic ranks. He seems to think, and really says as much, that no man can bo saved and remain with them ; and I suppose my friend thinks so too, and had compassion on me* and wished me to come out from them ; but some may dispute liis eutertaining such views. Here are his words i “How can any man professing the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ, continue in the ranks of the Democratic Party ? Does he prefer the loss bf his spul in the Devil’s hell, to the loss of a political party name here on earth ?” I canhot notice every thing he has said, but one thing riiore, And t will close, with some ad vice to my friend. Here follows his words : “For we should never lose sight of the fact, that the Democracy is now in hostile array against the God of Heaven, against His Church, against his cause, and in league with the enemy of God and man, and upon which the cause of God rests.” Now I ask my friend has he not placed us out of the reach of mercy, if we continue in the Democratic ranks. My friend, Mr. Wheel er says he has taken high ground. Are you with him ? I suppose you are by your send ing me his letter. I advise you to come down. Don’t you discover his dizziness ? If you don’t, your friends do, and they pity your condition Do step down, and get among your fHends, and they will help to open your eyes tilt you can see clearly. As for Mr. Wheeler, I have lost sight of liis recovery. I still hope for you. if vou stop and go no farther. Farewell. DANIEL. Kansas Meeting in Butts. According to a previous call, the citizens of Jackson and vicinity, on Monday evening, the 12th inst, assembled in the court-house, when the meeting was organized by calling on J. R. McCord to act as Chairman, and F. M. Car ter, as Secretary. Messrs. E. M. McGee and B. Jones, from Kansas, presented the resolutions aud state ment of the proceedings of a meeting held by the emigrants from Georgia to Kansas, near Kansas City, Mo., on the Ist of July last, by which these gentlemen were sent a3 agents of a committee, there organized, to Georgia, to seek relief in behalf of Kansas, which was read by the Secretary, as well as a letter of in troduction and recommendation from General D. R. Atchison, ex-Senator of the U. States. These gentlemen then addressed the meeting upon the situation, condition and resources of Kansas, calling warmly upon the patriotism of Georgia for aid to that Territory On motion, a committee of ten were appoint ed for the purpose of appointing a sub-commit tee of five in each Militia District in this coun ty, to raise a contribution to aid our friends in Kansas, as well as to aid others to get there, which contribution when raised by each sub committee, is to be paid to the Chairman of the Chief Committee, who is to pay the amount raised to Mr. McGee, Agent of the Georgia Colony in Kansas, and take his receipt, and forward the receipt to the Committee of the Georgia Colony in Kansas, with a certificate of Otrr Clerk of the Court of the amount rais ed.. These gentlemen bring tlie highest afld most conclusive proof of their high standing of ho nor, honesty and integrity, and give the great est assurance that every dollar contributed will be properiy applied. The manner in which the whole business is conducted, leaves no room for fraud whatever. . Mr. McGee has re sided on the borders of Kansas for near thir ty years, and is well acquainted with Kansas and Kansas affairs. Mr. Jones is a young man, the son of the well known J. A. Jones, of Georgia, who recently emigrated to’ Kansas, and was sent back by the . Georgia Colony Committee there to pray relief from Georgia. The addresses of these gentlemen were ear nest and candid, and entirely satisfactory, and left a strong impression on every mind in be half of Kansas. They gave us great hope for the Southern interests their *. We cordially recommend them to the favorable con sideration of every one, and hope they will meet the warm and grateful deception ev ery where that they deserve, and hope that our people will respond liberally to their call for aid. It was resolved that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Empire State and American Uuion. The meeting then adjourned. J- R. McCORt), Chairman. T. M. Carter, Secretary. George M. Troup. The following beautiful and just tribute to the character and memory of Georgia’s ever honored statesman and patriot, the late Geo- M. Troup, is extracted from an oration deliv ered before the Savannah Volunteer Guards, on the 4th of July last, by Wm. S. Daniel, of this city. Eor the extract, we are indebted to a friend who has the address in his possession. Allu ding to Troup, the speaker said : Savannah Nan. He it was, who, standing at the head of a State containing only 400,000 inhabitants, “ defied the General Government when en croaching upon the rights of that State who, when he found that Government backed by every othef State iti the Union, persistent in its determination to continue & course of injus tice and aggression, proclaimed to the people of Georgia that “the argument was exhausted and they iliust stand by their arms.” The leader of a minority, he stood forth the cham pion of State Sovereignty, dauntless, as with superior force on his side; demanding that jus tice should be done to the people of his State. Wlmt a sublime spectacle ! One man, by the unquailing assertion of the mighty truth. • and the exercise of moral power alone, gain ing a victory over material force 1 How far greater is such a man than the vulgar hero of the populace 1 The latter-may outstrip him for a season—calumny, with her foul-tongued slander may bear him down for a time— but Ab some tall cliff that lifts its ample form, HweHs from the Vale and midway leaves the storm, Though ’round Its breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head.” The whole energy of Troup’s mind and affec tions were concentrated in his devotieni to the principles of State Rights. He was, indeed, the embodiment of that idea; and between them and his native State* he had divided a love which was inexhaustible; In reply td a cor respondent who, a few years since* suggested to him that he was born in Alabama, he Wrote —“it is tfde he was born in territory which now constitutes the State of Alabama, but he always claimed to be a native Georgian, inas much as the place of his birth was At that time a portion of the State of Georgia.” So ill coifld he brook the idea that he was not wholly Georgian. But all that was mortal M. Troup is mouldering in the dust. In the distant ana retired county of Montgomery rest his remains There, far from the bustle and turmoil of the busy world, and remote even from the whistle of the locomotive, he sleeps the sleepofdeath. No monument is there, towering to the skies, to remind us that he once lived. But entomb ed among his own hills, and shaded by noble trees, the growth of his native soil, there is no thing to distnrb the solemn grandeur of his re pose; nothing to mar the stillness which sur rounds him, save the meandering brook, as it passes by oil its way to mingle with the waters of the Atlantic, and the moaning sounds of majestic pines, moved by the winds of heaven to mourn over departed greatness. Selected by himself, it is a fit resting place for so much virtue and so much patriotism. From the U. S. Catholic Miscellany. Wortli Remembering. It is a Weil known fact that most of the pro minent leaders of the Black Republican Par ty in several Northern States, were elected on the double ground of Abolition and anti-Pope ry. Slavery and Popery w r erc for them the two cardinal evils of the Republic. The no torious Anson Burlinghame, amongst others* contended that the Catholic Religion ought to be put down in this country, because it was a Pope who first established by law American Slavery. Now that the more rabid of the Free>oilers, having used the American Party for their ends, have either, left it, or hang to it by very loose threads—there are some Know Nothings iu the South-west who would fain persuade us that the anti-Catholic or Know Nothing Party is thoroughly sound on the slavery question, and that Catholicity and Abolitionism go hand ill hand. It is difficult* it takes nc ordinary share of Christian charity* to believe in the sincerity of mett who fliake such an insinuation. But innocently or not, they are bearing false witness against the whole Catholic body, by this absurd statement which is not believed by the vast majority of their brethren. Catholics are the only religious bo dy in the Union, who as such, are bound by the Constitution. Members of other denom inations hold to the Constitution in thfeiv indi vidual capacity, some from a sense of moral duty, others for mere political reasons. But there are others of them whom geographical boundaries, party connexions, and even reli gious opinions, array against the Constitution. Such a thing amongst Catholics is merely im possibles As long as Abolitionism is siuful and unconstitutional, so long will they oppose it, whether they live in the Sunny South, or on the frozen borders of Canada. We have said this much by way of preface to the following extract from the Washington correspondent of last Monday’s Evening News. It shows that the Know Nothings of the North think very differently from their brethren in Alabama on the friendly relations of Catholi city to Aboliftonisffl ; though his sweeping censure (meant for pfaige.) of all Protestant e'fo'igriihts is, We thiuk, highly tmjust; It can only refer with truth to the bulk of English and Scotch Protestants, whose minds have been poisoned at home by strolling lecturers, lay and clerical ; or to those numerous Ger mans, free-thinkers, whom the troubles of ’4B have. Vomited on-our shores —Infidels in fact* but whom I’rotestafiism covers With the Wide mantle of her loose name. Here is the extract; “Mr. Bayard Clarke, a Fillmore man, from New York, made a speech In the House the other night, in which he stated that the Pro testant Foreigners were all anti-SlaVefy* Add the Foreign Catholics pro-SlaVery. That Slavery and Catholicism wero twin aesp'otisms and that he would fight the one as the other. This course of action and remark on the part of Mr. Fillmore’s friends at the North, will kill bim as dead as a door nail in the South.” [From the New York Day Book.] A Nut for the Abolitionists. It is a well known fact, that the Abolition ists have howled and groaned with rage that a slave should exist, and have pictured a per son held to service or labor, as the most de graded and miserable being oti the earth, They have even gone so far as to say, that no slave would remain in bondage if he had an oppor tunity to “taste the blessings of freedom.” — Now, all such talk as this will do Very well foi‘ old fogies, blit the fact is* they neither dou’t take gt eat pains to tell the truth, or else they ate sUperatively igiiorant of what is going on about then!. It is* doubtless, true that hun dreds of slaves ate annually brought to New York, and other Northefrt cities* and not only make no attempt to escape, but most indig nantly repel the base approaches of abolitiou ists. We now speak of a fact. There is a slave stopping at the Metropolitan hotel, in this city, who belongs to the Rev James God frey, of Savannah, Ga. He is alone, with perfect liberty to act for himself, to go and come When he pleases. If the abolitionists want to know where to find a faithful colored man, who possesses the entire confidence of his master, and won’t steal nor cut anybody s throat, let them come to us, and we can point them out. Our reporter, yesterday afternoon, saw the slave iu question, and had some con versation with him, in regard to the klavcs at the South, for whom the “freedom shrickers” at the North are howling. The slave infi nitely the superior, both mentally and morally of the abortion crew. The per dtem allowance to Members of Con gress is at anliUd. The Senate bill heretofore passed, givingsoo per year, was changed in the House so as to give- $3,000 a year, de ducting for voluntary absence daring the ses sion, and giving nojjiooks except those printed by .Congress. In this form it passed the House by 101 to 00. -It was at once sent to the Sen ate, and there passed by 2T to 12. The bill applies to the present Congress, the per diem of which for this session araounis to about $2,- 000 for each member. —Exchange JeHiis--53,00, fa fa%ince. [Correspondence of the Constitutionalist ] Election at Indian Springs—•'Buchanan ahead — Col. McGee, aiid Capt. Jones—Kansas Meetings , and funds raised. . Indian Springs, Aug. 10,1856. I hasten to give you the result of an election which was held at this place *to-day, for Presi dent of the tJnite'd States. Some gentleman of the opposition, with “more zeal than knowl edge” for Fillmore, had the rote.taken, for the purpose of playing oif the same brag-game, as in some of the Northern States. But it would’nt do. When the vote was counted out, it, stood, for Buchanan, 85—Fillmore, 70 —Brooks and Kansas, 1. When it is remembered that the wool-hat bo.yß are not hi the habit of congre gating much at watering places, tne above vote is but a feeble indication of the overwhelm ing majority that will be given to Buchanan in November. The vote for Brooks and Kansas, menlipned above, was given by Col. E M. McGee, a bor der ruffian, who, together with Capt B. Jones, have been appointed by the Georgia emigrants in Kansas, to canvass the State, to raise then and money for the purpose of sustaining South ern interests in that Territory. That vote is indicative of his feelings on the subject. With him, Kansas is first, last and everything., They are engaged, heart and soul, in the work, ahd should receive the cordial support of every true hearted Southerner. Two meetings have been held here by them within the last tew days, at which, about four hundred dollars have been Subscribed Sophronv - r La Maupiu. ThfS extraordinary woman was oh'e of Lnl* lis opera troupe. She was equally fond of both sexes, and fought and loved like a man ■ for devil) and resisted and fell as a wojnan She was married to a young man, Who left her to take an office to which he had been appoints ed in provencC, when hhe ran away with a fen cing mastef, with whom she learned to fence. They first went to Marseilles, where, as they had good voices, they were engaged at the op era. She soon fell in love with a young woman;. The object of her whimsical affection was shut up iu a convent, to which Maupin obtained ac cess as a novice, When she set fire to it, and in the confusion ran away with her favorite.— Maupin w r as taken and condemned to be burn ed, but as the young wbman was restored tb her friends, she was pardoned, She went tb Paris, and made her first appearence on the opera stage in 1695, when she performed the part of Pallas, iii cadmus, with the greatest success*. The applause was so violent that she took off her casqlife to salute and thank the public, wheii her beauty caused them to re double their applause. Her success was from that time uninterrupted, but her strangest act ing was not Upon the stage- Dvimeni, the counter-tenor haVLiig affronted her, she put on men’s. chothes, watched for hiin in the Place des Victories, and insisted ort his drawing his sword and fighting her, which he refusing, she caned him, and took from him his watch and snbfif box. The next day Du meni boasted at the opera house that he had an d fended himself against three men who attemp ted to rob him, when Maiipin tbld the story &nd produced his w'atch and snhff box as proofs of his cowardice and the caning. Another person only escaped her chastisement by pub licly asking: her pardon; after hiding himself at the Pallds Royal for three weeks. At a ball, given by the brother of the King of France, she put on men’s fclothcs, and having behaved impertinently to a lady, three of the friends bf the lady, supposing her to be a man, challeng ed her out for it, and she killed them all, when cobly returning to the ball, she told what had happened to the King’s brother, who Ob tained her pardon. After some further ad ventures at Paris, she Went to Brussels, and became the favorite of the Elector of Bavaria; who becoming tired of hes sent her a purse of forty thousand livres, by the husband of thfe woman whom he made his next favorite, wheii she threw the piirse at his head, telling him it Was a recompense worthy such a scoundrel ab himself, She then returned to the stage, which she qiiittcd in 1705 She Was at length seized with a lit of devotion,(?) and recalling her husbaiid, passed the rest of lifer life , With him in a very pious manner, and difed ift 1707; aged 34; — -Exchange. Another Old-Line Whig Senator otf fob Buchanan*—Senator JoneS, Tennessee.—- Senator Jones, of Tennessee, delivered ft mag nificent speech in the Senate to-day. Without Surrendering any of life whig principals, ho declared his purpose to Support the democratic; nominees for President and Vice President: He takes this positiofi as the only sure means of averting the dangers which uow threaten the XJnion from sectionalism. He examined at length several platforms and the candidates of the three parties j and showed eOuelHsively that the true position’ of an old-line whig in the present contest is with the democratic party. Mr. Jones made a triumphant vindication of Mr. Buchanan from the charge of having done injustice to Mr. Clay in regard to the charge of bargain and corruption. His speaeh wad listened to by the Senate and a crowdod gallery with marked interest, and is destined to exert a powerful influence on the public mind. • W. Dawson, Esq., one of the Bill-’ more electors in Virginia, has declined, and intends to support Buchanan and Brecken ridge. He says: “However painful it may be to me to aban don old prejudices aud old opinions the pre sent condition of the political parties of the country impel me, as a southern man,to decline the appointment, aud to act, at least for the prcscr, with the DenJocrfttio party. This posm tion I assume, not in a hurry, or without reflection, but with a solemn conviction, after exhausting all the means of information Within my reach, of its justness and propriety. If it is an error, it is an error of the head and not of the heart, for, by all that is sacred, I declare I am actuated alone by the love of home aud country. * * * Then let tts once, fellow cittizens, when we go to the ballot box this fall, leave our prejudices behind us, and vote for Buchanan, Breckinridge and the South.” No. 18‘,