The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, September 03, 1856, Image 1

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%. % Editor. Vol. 2. THE EfIPIRE STATE-” IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, By A A. Grauldin^. TEUMS: —TWO DOLLARS IN ADVANCE, OR TIir.HPDOL LARS Afiriß SIX MONTHS, PER ‘ np-stairs over W. R. Phillip^ Advertisements are inserted at One Dollar square for lie first insertion, aud Fifty. Cents per smiare for each in* ertion thereafter. A reasonable deduction will be made to those who adver tise by the year. All Advertisements not otherwise ordered will be continu ed till forbid. • Sales of Lands by Administrates, Executors nr Guar dians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday tn the month, between the hoars of 10 in the forenoon and 3 in the afternoon, at the Court House, in the county in which the Land is situated. Notice of sale's must be given in a public Gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Sales of Negroes must be made at public auction on the first Tuesday of the month. between the usual houas of sale, at the place of public sales in the county where the Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guardianship nuiy have been granted—first giving forty days notice thereof in one of the public Gazettes of the State, and at the Court House where such sale is to Vie held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner, fortv days previous to tlie day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate, must lie published forty day's. Notice that application will he made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell Land, must be published for two months. Notice for leave to sell Negroes must be two onths before any order absolute shall be made theTcon by lie Court. .* Citations for Letters of Administration must 1 1 publish ed thirty days ; for Dismission from Administration, month ly six months ; for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Notice for the foreclosure of Mortgage-must be publish ed monthly for four months ; for publishing Lost Pa pers. for the futt space of three months ; for compelling ti las from Executors and Administrators, where a bond has t een given by the deceased, for the space of three months A. I). NITKnJRIY, attorney at la w , GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. •Tune,.27,1855. • ly. j UNDERWOOD, HAMM9ND & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL give personal attention to nil business entrusted to their management, and attend the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States, at Marietta, the Supreme Court nt Macon and Decatur, and the Superior Courts in Cobb, Morgan, Newton, DeKalb. Fulton, Fayette, Spalding, Pike, Cass, Monroe, Upson, Bibb, Campbell, Coweta, Troup, Whitfield and Gordon, in Georgia, and Hamilton county, . (Chattanooga,) in Tennessee. May 3,1855. ts W. L. CRICK, \WM. S. WALLACE. GRICE & WALLACE, ATTORNEYS AT L A IP', BUTLER, GEORGIA. PERSONS intrusting business to thorn may rely on their fidelity; promptness and care. Dec. 10, ’55-33-1 y. GARTRELL& GLENN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL attend the Courts in the Counties of Fulton, De- Kalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Car- Dll, Heury, Troup, Heard, Cobh, mid Spalding. | Leoins J-Gahtrell, I Luther J. Glenn, ’ormeriy of Washington, Ga. | Formerly ofMeDonc ugh,Ga. May 16, 1855. 3tf J. &. B. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRIFFIX, GEORGIA. WILL practice in the Counties composing the Flint Circuit. By permission, refers to Hon. Hiram War tier, Greenville ; I,evi M. Adams, Greenville ; Hon. G. J Green, Griffin ; Hon. James H. Stark, Griffin ; Rev. Will iam Moseley, Griffin. June 2nd, 1856 C ly. JOSEPH A. THRASnKR, JAMES M. HAMBRICK * THRASHER & HAMBRICK, r i TT 0 RN E Y S AT LAW McDonough, Georgia. April 30, 18.16 1 ly V. W. A. DOYLE, R. R. KANSONE. HOYLE & RANSONE, ATTORNEYS A T LAW, Griffin, Georgia. April 16, 1856. 50 3m I.- T. DOYAL, G. M. NOLAN. DOYAL & NOLAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, McDonough, Georgia., WILL practice in the counties of Henry, Fulton, Fay ette, Coweta, Spalding, Butts, Monroe aud Newton PREFERENCE—ThemseIves,“S® April 2, 1856., 48 ly Q . C . G It ICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FAYETTEVILLE, GEORGIA. May 15,1856 3 ts. * JAMES H. STARK, A TT O R N E Y A T LA W , Griffin, Georgia.^ WILL practice in the Courts of the Flint Circuit, and in the Supreme Court at Atlanta and Macon. Fob. 13. 1856...41.... ly JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office front Rooms, over John R. Wallace k Bros.#comer of White Hall and Alabama streets, . ATLANTA, GEORGIIJj January 30,1856 ts W. L. GORDON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA January 30, 1856 39 ly HENRY HENDRICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jackson, Butts County, Geoi'gia. * May 3, 1555. ts DANIEL &. DISMUKE, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in the District Court of the United States at Marietta. Griffin, Georgia. L. S. DANIEL, . r. D. DISMTJKE. May 3,1855. . ts W. POPE JORDAN, Attorney at Law, Ceboion, Georgia. WILL practice in all the counties of the Flint Circuit. May 3,1855. ts ► j.~h7mangham, Attorney at Law, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, 7 May 3, 1855-ly 1 WM. H. F. HALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ZEBULON GEORGIA. July 4, 1855. 9-ts WHITE LEAD! iaa KEGS No. 1, Extra and Pure White Lead, just re lUU ceived and for sale by HILL k SMITH- Griffin, Sept 10, ’65 ’ ts OEmpirr ggl DR. KNOTT HAS changed bis residence and office to the first lot be low Mrs. Reeves’ Boarding House, on the east side of the Railroad, nearly opposite the Freight Depot, where he may be found at all times ready to attend to calls, except when professionally engaged. Griffin, Ga., May 3,1855- ly DR. BROWN HAYING associated liimself in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, with Dr. WM. M. HARDWICK, would, by this means, introduce him to the confidence and patron age of the community, satisfied that they will find him wor thy and well qualified to fulfil all the duties incumbent on him as a Physician—under the firm, name and style of HARDWICK & BROWN, During the absence of Dr. Brown, Dr. Hardwick wil always be found in the Office, unless professionally engaged WM. M. HARDWICK JI- W. BROWN. Griffin, May 14, 1850 DR. D. M. WILLIAMS, RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. B®,Officeon Hill Street, over Banks'Boot & Shoe Store. May 3, 1855. ts DR. DANIEL • ~ TENDERS his professional services as a Physician and Surgeon, to the citizens of Griffin and vicinity. j£S*Offioe on the same floor with the Efnj>ire state, Griffin, March 5, 1856 44....1y SCIRRHUSBREASTcaiibe CURED Let the Public Read! IN mercy to the afflicted, and the gratitude and high opin ion I entertain of I)R. MOSELEY as a Surgeon and Phy sician, I deem it my duty to mention the case of my wife, hoping at the same time that all persons similarly afflicted, may be benefitted by it. In the first part of this year, my wife had several small lumps make their appearance in her breast; they continued to increase in size, until the whole breast became a diseased mass, and very painful. I procured the best medical aid in the city of Rome,and notwithstanding the earnest and faithful attention of our most skillful physi cians, she continued to grow worse and worse, until they gave the case tip as incurable, and advised amputation. I was advised by many of niv friends, to visit Dr. Moseley, of Griffin, Ga., which I did, and, astonishing as it may seem, he had her entirely cured within one month, and she is now in good health! I would advise all who are afflicted with Scirrbus, and Cancerous affections to visit the Doctor with out. delay, as 1 am satisfied by experience and observation, that he is the most-skillful physician in the Southern States, in the treatment of that horrible disease—cancer. WM. IT. MITCHELL, M. E. MTTCHELL, Daughter of J. W. Bradbury, Rome, Ga. Rome, Ga.-October 25, 1854. * 5-ly Fulton A: House. r • t ‘*> v ATLANTA, GEORGIA. D. L. GORDON, Proprietor. January 30th, 185 G. .39. .ly. “griffin hotel. THIS large and commodious Hotclis now KvckS open for the accommodation of the public. The S ft Ipfe furniture is new, and the rooms comfortable and well ventilated. The table will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, and j no pains will be spared to render the guest comfortable. J also haveiu connection with the house, the large and roomy stable, formerly occupied by W. S. Birge, by which stock can and will be well taken care of. It. F. M. MANN, Proprietor. Griffin, Feb. 13, 1856... .41 ts The undersigned being the Con tractor to transport the U. States on routes, Nos. 0339 and 6340, takes this method of informing the public generally, that he will run his Hack as follows : Leave Griffin Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via Erin, Warnesville, Jones’ Mills, Greenville and Mountvillc—ar rive at LaGrange the same days. Leave LaGrange Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays via the places above men tioned—arrive at Griffin the same days. Leave Griffin Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays via Zebu]on and Flat Shoals, and arrive at Greenville the same days. Leave Greenville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via the pla ces above mentioned, and arrive at Griffin the same days. 1 will further add, that 1 have good teams and sober dri vers, who will spare no pains in making passengers com sortable, and put them through in good time, at very mode rate prices. R. F. M. M ANN, Proprietor and Contractor Feb. 13, 1856.... 41.... ts -CARRIAGE, CABINET SASH M A KING!! THE subscriber takes pleasure in cing to the citizens of Griffin and sur-|gaß3g|Bg|l rounding country, that he still uontinnpsthoXAy business of CARRIAGE and CABINET Malang. gaRRIA GES, BUGGIES, and WAGONS made to order at short no tice. A few of the best made Buggies always on hand. He has recently added to his establishment the business of SASH MAKlNG—cheap, and good as the best. Burial ca ses, ncwstyle. He will be found at his old stand, always ready towait upon his customers. Give him a call. A. BELLAMY. Griffih, Aug.29,lßss _ J. K. WILLIAMS, JNO. HUE A, WM. M. WILLIAMS. J. E. WILLIAMS & CO., Successors to J. E. Williams, General Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN GRAIN. BACON. LARD. FEATHERS, and.TEN ’ NESS EE PRODUCE, GENERALLY, Decatur Street, near the “Trout House,” Atlanta, Ga. Letters of inquiry, in relation to the Markets, &c., prompt!}- answered. _ May 16,1855.-3tf ITj^ BUSINESS STAND IN ATLANTA FOR SALE. sell my store and stand, at the corner of Waite Hal Mitchell Streets, at a fair price, for cash, or on rea HHpße'terms, to a prompt ana punctual puxoViar-cr. Call was going to continue in the mercantile business, I would not dispose of it at any price. W. W. ROARK. Atlanta, March 19, 1856... .45... .ts U JL. WRIGHT, EXCHANGE BROKER , ATLANTA, GKO. WILL attend to collections entrusted to him, and remit promptly, at current rates of Exchange: buy and sell unenrrent Bank Notes, Coin, Ac. The highest cash price paid for Bounty Land Warrants. jg>T Apply; > W. C. Wright, Griffin, Ga., for sale of Land Warrants. REFERENCES.—John Thompson, Banker, N0.2, Wall street, and Cakhart, Bro. & Cos., New York; CoNYK'-sic i & Cos., New Orleans. Atlanta . May 16. ’55 ts DENTISTRY, A. CLEVELAND A SONS, RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they are pre pared to carry on the Dental Business in all its various branches, viz: to put up full and partial setts of TEETH “-JuTfYiion GOLD PLATE in complete and workmanlike style, with artificial gums imi tating nature in beautiful life-like appearance. Also,the most difficult cases fitted with accuracy, so as to be worn with ease ; also, decayed teeth neatly filled with gold, and great care taken to render the operation attendant with as little pain as possible. Those past filling, skillfully ox* tracted, if desired. Those suffering with toothache, re lief given in most cases. Also, we shall keep a Daguerreotype Office, and take likenesses in the best of style. JWSatisfaction guaranteed in all cases, and charges very reasonable.— on the shortest notice. Also, for sale, Gold Foil,Plate,Excavators,Burs, Drills. Artificial Teeth,and Daguerreotype Stock. Terms, CASH, Office at the corner of Hill and Broadway Streets, up stairs. A. CLEVELAND k SONS. Griffin. Ga., April 16, 1856 50 ly Qfi AAA POUNDS of BACON, just received by A. B. MATTHEWS k CO. Griffin, Match 26, 1856 47 ts “ I/O pent i|p tlikq confirms oi|ir £otoeirs —Jbe. tofrole boGoofirt I9 rIUFFIN, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING.. SEPTEMBER 2, 1856. [For the Empire State.] Mr. Editor : If you have any space in your columns for any more anti-Fillmore comtuniii cations, you have the liberty of inserting the following : And in the first, outset, I confess that it. does me as much good to know that some of the most distinguished and influential Whigs of the Empire State, and sister States, are stand ing side by side with the nnti-Know Nothing and Democratic Parts , endeavoring to main tain the principles which we have so long con tended for, (the great conservative principles of the Republic, ) as it did VI r Fillmore when* he was welcomed to make such a tremendous blow at the Black Republicans in a speech in the Capitol of his native State. And we cor dially welcome all such men to our ranks. 1 alhide to such men as Hull ad the Columbus Clique, as they are. called b> the Know Noth ings of my county ;an particularly we should give a stand to our assistant standard-bearers, to wit : Harris, Ramsey and Gartrell. Yes, they are welcomed to * ur r .t.ks doirtu-fl!etl, and are worthy of the suffrages of the Demo cratic Pai;ty, and shall be promoted, for we “play on a harp o*f equal strings. 1 ’ and show to the public perfect things. Now it is said in the.American Union, which paper I offer as proof,, that Mr Fillmore’s Al bany speech was more interesting than those delivered in New York, because the subjects discussed were more important. Well, what did he say in Albany in regard to the Chief Magistrates ? Hear him : “That for the first time there was apolitical party presenting can didates from the free Stales alone and he asks, “can the) have the madness, or be so foolish as to suppose that the South would sub mit to be governed by such a President ? And supposing that the South, having a ma jority of Electoral votes, should declare that they would only have slaveholders for Presi dent and Yice President to rule over us at the North, would we ('including himself,) submit to it ? No, not for one moment.” (Trenton dous cheering.) Now, Mr. Edit r, who appreciated this ‘doc trine ? It must be those who applauded him so highly. Was it slaveholders, or men of Southern Democratic principles ? Or was it freesoilers ? Which will it suit best ? A great blow indeed ! The South vindicated ! It is evident that Mr. Fillmore was born and raised in a non-slaveholding state, and the pa per above referred to, in publishing the pro ceedings of a Know Nothing meeting of mv county, declared “that he ( Fillmore, was ed ueated in prejudice against slavery, aqd that lie declared i imself so in a speech to slaveholders in Kentucky two years age.’• t fence the en quiry, is Fillmore as bad as h'rem<un ? But the same paper continues, “Yet when he more, ) was President, lie rose superior to the prejudices of his education, and maintained the constitutional rights of the Sout h ” Now what does Mr. Fillmore say in his Al bany speech ? Hear him again : “You 11 know when the country, w be reaved of her Chief Magistia e. and 1 as called to the Executive Chair, that the coun try was agitated upon the existum - subject of slavery. It was then that I felt it my duty to rise above every sectional prejudice, and look to the welfare of the whole Nation. I was compelled to over-come long cherished prejudi ces and disregard party claims.” Hence \ is obvious that his supporters South say one thing, and In another, for they say he rose superior to his education tc secure the welfare of the country, and lie, ( Fillmore,) their candidate, living at the North, says he was compelled lo overcome prejudices, aid that sectional too and not only so, but he disre garded party claims in acting as he did Now I think there is.a great difference between sec tional prejudices and party claims, and that of merely being born in a non-slaveholding State, or educated against slavery ; and if these prin ciples and prejudices had to be overcome in order to secure the welfare of the country, what would have been the result Lad he main tained them ? Why the principles upon which our freedom was obtained, would have been lost ! The great conservative principles that caused a Jasper to lose his life in maintaining freedom’s colors, embroidered with gold and silver by the hands of Mrs. Colonel Elliott, would have been disregarded. And in the speech above alluded tp, Mr. Fillmore says, “he had rather be right than be President,” hence the inference is, he had rather be right than be elected President upon the principles of his party, for if he is elected, he will have to overcome his sectional principles and party claims as he did before, in order lo do justice 10 the Union, for it is to be feared lie is a. ‘little’ stained yet with principles of section ality, and in proof of this I refer to his Erie Letter, da ted Buffalo, October 1848, in which he de clared his “opposition to the annexation of Texas to this Union under any circumstances, so long as slaves are held therein,” and his votes in Congress are in perfect brotherhood and harmony with this doctrine ; yet it is charged upon Mr. Buchanan, and asserted that the treesoil influence in U e Cincinnati Conven tion, defeated Pierce and Douglas, and nomi nated Buchanan But this is not true, for there was not a freesoiler in that Convention, and one of the delegates prepared a resolution at home, and took if in his pocket to that Con vention, which declared ‘that if a freesoite maud hi* appearance in that body, that he should be expelled, but to his gratification, he never presented Jr resolution, for there were no such characters in that non}’ Cf Statesmen that it excluded. Hence then the freesoil in fluence alone is applicab e t ■ the Convention! that nominated Fillmore from the fact thai | Mr. Richmond, of Massachusetts, obtained a hearing in that Convention, and spoke upon his favorite subject, “no more slave States, no more slave Territory.” But in this ensuing Presidential election, the Southern people, and people of Southern prin ciple.-, ought not to be governed by what par ty revilers say, but go in unitedly for the constitutional principles of the Souih and of the btates, and in doing this, we should lake Mr. Fiiliuorc good for what he ays, “that he can never consent to be one thing to the North and another to the, but that we at the North will rot submit to the will of the South.” So then he is North-northern, and in order to preserve our rights, let ns vote for the man whose character is spotless, and whose princi ples upon the slavery question are as sound as slaveholders could wish, and whose votes stand recorded in harmony with Southern rights That man is to be found in the person of James Buchanan. I learn that the Buchanan fever is raging in Arkansas, and .1 think we might say that it has not abated in Ohio, lowa, Michigan, Ken tucky, nor no where else nor wont till frost, or until the Democratic triumph will surpass all previous victories. The fever is very slow —it will last two months yet, and continue ■contagious nil the time ; but it is strange that pone but the deepest dyed Know Nothings and respectable old line Whigs, are apt to catch it. There are none of them but what are lia ble to take it. But I dont have any idea that it will prove fatal ; no one need notiunoculate with Fillmoreism to prevent the fever. I be lieve it has bem prevailing for eighty years. It has never done, any harm, and I can assure them it will not effect the ‘Constitution,’ or im pair it in the least I cordially approve our Electoral Tiqjcet,. not by personal acquaintance, but by principle- the great National, Con stitutional, Democratic, Republican, Conserv ative and anti-Know Nothing principle—l did not say anti-American, for I think that alone applicable to the tories of the Revolution —so it may be known henceforth that I scorn the name, and attribute it to those that so scorn fully use it at their indiscretion. But they know not what they say. And let us give our ticket an honorable start, and a successful run, and a triumphant coming out, sending up 10 Electoral votes for Buchanan and Brecken ridge, and then Fillmore and “Donelson will know not. what to do Hurrah for the South and Union Rights ! Locust Grove, G a., Sep., 185 G. R. S. U ashington Correspondence of the Georgian & Journal. Proceedings of Congress. Washington, Aug. 2.2. In pursuance bf the proclamation of* the President, the extra session of Congress, con vened to make provision for the support of the army fi r the ending June CO, 185 TANARUS, which provision was prevented by the defeat, of the army Ji li by the persistence of the House in its revo • tionary Kansas’ proviso commencQd yesterday. In the Senate thirty eight, members were present ai t e opening of the session; in the House, one hundred and eighty six members answered to. their names on the call of the roll. A joint resolution was passed by both Houses, to authoriz the signing of-such enrolled bills as had been left over for want of time, and to present them to the President for his signature. The Senate also, on motion of Mr Hunter, passed a resolution That the (House of Repre sentatives so much of the twenty first rule ns requires that six days shall elapse from the commenewment of the session before resuming the consideration of bills, resolutions •••■d reports remaning unacted on at the” close of the previous session) be suspended during the present session .so far is relates to the army bill; but tiie house did not concur in the reso lution. The effect of the adoption of this reso lution by both Houses would have been that the army bill reported at the last session could have.been taken up at the exact [joint at which it stood at the adjournment on Monday. Anew army bill, precisely similar to the bill considered at the last session, was reported by Mr. Campbell from the Committee of ways and means, with the same obnoxious Kansas pro viso annexed, and was passed by a vote of 98 to 85. The House then adjourned. Immediately on assembling this morning, the Senate took up the bill, and amended it by striking from it the Kansas proviso; thus bring ing the whole quenstion to precisely the condition n which it stood at the adjournment on Monday. Previous to considering the Senate amend ment, the House on motion of Mr Kelly, of New York, granted t<> Thus. Childs, Jr., of New York, a member wiio has been prevented by sickness froiu attending since the beginning of t he session, his per diem and milage from the beginning of the session to the 18th inst. as was done in the case of the Hon. J. G. Miller, of Missouri, deceased. The Senate amendment was then yielded by a majority of two, ninety four voting in favor of retaining it, and ninety six against it. A mo tion to reconsider this vote was laid on the ta ble by a vote of 9t to 95. A message was then received from the Senate, stating that they still insisted on their amendment A mo tion made by Mr. Cobb of Georgia, that the House recede from its disagreement to the Senate amendment was lost by a vote of 94 to 96. A motion- made by Mr. Washburn, of Maine, that the House adhere to its disagree ment was then passed by a majority of four; ninety seven voting in the affirmative, and ninety three in the negative, and a motion to to reconsider this vote was laid on the table by a mojo ity of one. A resolution offered by Mr. ,Nhe man, of Ohio, that the Speaker of the House, and the President of the Senate, be authorized to declare the respective Houses adjourned sine die at 4 o’clock P. M., was re jected The House lias now at o’clock P. M. taken a .ecess of half an hour Thus has the arm} 7 bill been again defeated by the persistent action of the Republicans.— The only chance of Its final passage at this session rest? upon flic possibility that the House may concur in the joint resolution to suspend the twenty first joint rule above men- T.iuHgd; otherwise, no farther action can be taken on the bid, the House having divested itself of the j.o- < r to reconsider it by passing the resolution to adhere to its disagreement. The regular course of legislation in this re gard is as follows: When eitner House—the House of Repre sentative-for example—sends a bill to the other, the other may pass it with amendments a- has been d■me in this case by the Senate. The regular procession then is, that the House disagree to the a mendraent, the Senate insist on i ; the House insist on their disagreement, the Senate-adhere to their amendment; the liouse a; acre to their disagreement. i he adherence of the Senate, (a parliamen tary finality, precluding ail further action by the body adhering,) as already stated, should have proceeded an adherence by the House, width, therefore, by its adherence been guilty of a great parliamentary discourtesy, besides, according tt> Grey, a high authority on parlia mentary usage, cited by Jefferson .in his man ual, in the ordinary course, there are two free conferences on a disagreement before an ad herance. The first adherently either ren ders it necessary for the other fb recede *>r ad here also, when the matter drops According to the same high authority, either House may pass over the term of ‘insisting’ on a disagree ment, and may adhere in the first instance, but it is highly disrespectful to the other to do so. The use of the term ‘insist’ instead of ‘ad here’ multiplies opportunities of trying modi fications which may bring the disagreeing House to a concurrence. The House, it will be seen has disregarded and discarded all such efficient and proper checks on legislative abuse, and has thus brought on itself the great er condemnation. Should Congress again adjourn without fi nal action on the bill, the President will again immediately convene it. IMPARTIAL. Excltiag News from Kansas. Bloody icorlc—Lecomjiicn taken ly the Free State men — Gov. Robinson and his Fellow prisoners rescued, tfc. Our telegraphic dispatches have given ns brief accounts of the late stirring events in Kansas. In our Northern exchanges received last night we find the following details.: — Sar. News. We have received the following from Law rence, Kansas Territory, dated 3 o’clock; P. M. of the 21st inst:—“Yesterday, about four hundred free State men, including one hun dred from Lane’s party, attacked the ruffians’ camp at Washington Creek, but the cowards run before we got within a mile of them. They ‘were strongly fortified. They left their pro visions, and we burned their fort. We took two prisoners near by, who say tney had about sixty men at 2 o’clock this morning.— Our camp marched towards Lecompton, and at this moment I can distinctly hear the boom ing of cannon A large company of Missou rians are there, but victory is sure. Dragoons don’t interfere. I hasten to the scene.’ It is reported that at the fight near Ossa watomie five free State men were repulsed, with fourteen killed and sixteen wounded. — Lecompton will be destroyed. St. Louis, Ang. 20. The steamer Lucas arrived here to-day and brings the intelligence that a party of (South erners, whe left here two weeks ago for Kan sas were attacked, while on their way from Kansas City to Lecompton, by a large body offree-soilers, when a desperate conflict ensued Many were killed and wounded on both sides. The SoutheYners were finally compelled to yield, and wore driven from the field. St. Louis, Aug. 21. The Leavenworth City (Kansas) Journal, of the 7th inst., contains anTiecount of anoth er outbreak which occurred in Kansas. Mr. Brown, at the head of 300 free soilers, attacked and drove in. Missouri a colony of Georgians who were near Ossawatomie burning houses and destroying, property. On the sth, the Treadwell settlement, in Douglas county, numbering thirty men,’ was attacked by 400 free-soilers, armed and mount ed, under Messrs Brown and Walker. The Treadwell party were on foot, and they sent to Gov. Shannon for aid. He called on the U. States troops to go to their assistance, but they refused to do so. The anti-slavery men are driving, as fast as they can, all the pro slavery men out of Douglas county. A fight occured on the 14th near Ossawato mie, between 200 free soilersadsl2 pro-slave ry men— ; the latter were in the fort. Fourteen free-soilers were killed and six wounded On the morning of the 16th Lecompton was attacked and taken by 300 of Genera! Lane’s men The United States troops, having in charge Messrs Robinson, Brown and others, surrendered without firing a gun Col. Titus was absent at the time, having gone to the assistance of the pro-slavery party in Tread well His house, about a mile from Lecomp - ton, was burned. Mr. Clowes, the editor of the Southern Advocate, and JVI r. Systaore were killed A large body of men were orgonizing in the border counties of Missouri, for the purpose of entering Kansas It is reported that it is the purpose of the pro-slavery party to burn Lawrence oh the 20th, for which place a large force had left Leavenworth. Chicago, Aug. 20. The St. Louis Democrat of yesterday con tains a letter dated Kansas the 14th inst., concerning the affairs at Franklin. It appears that a large company of Missourians and Car olinians, encamped at Washington Creek lmd been committing depredations upon the farm* of free State settlers in the vicinity, when they sent lor assistance to Lawrence. The people from there sent Mr. Hoyt, formerly of Massa chusetts, to the camp of the Missourians and Carolinians, to ascertain the reason of their depredations. Mr. Hoyt, went to their camp unarmed, and on the next day (the 12th inst,) was taken prisoner by them and shot. The Lawrence men, immediately on hearing of this horrible and murderous outrage upon a peacea ble and unarmed man proceeded to attack the fortification of Franklin, for the purpose of securing arms to drive the encamped force 6ut of the Territory, but sustaining considerable loss in killed and wounded in the attack on the fort, they were obliged to return to Law rence without attacking the camp of the Mis sourians and Carolians. B@“*A farmer in Linn county, Penn., a few day> ago, while plowing, his horse and plow sunk and disappeared in the earth, leaving a hole to which no bottom has ye t been found, and into which the farmer came near falling. His neighbors were called to the place, who, by means of ropes, let him down in search of the horse and plow, to the depth of 30 or 40 feet, but the further he went the larger the hole appeared, and he called to his friends to pull him up, which they did.— Exchange. It;rks~~s)2,oo, Wlio should Irishmen Vote for at the coming Presidential Election. Nkw York, Aug. 14. To the Editor N. Y. Daily News: The question of Irish born Citizens of tire country is one of more than ordinary moment* and one which will affect them for better or for worse Let me then as ah Irishman say a few words upon the subject. There arc three candidates before its, Fill more, Fremont and Buchanan, How would the adopted citizens of the country be placod in case Mr. Fillmore should be the successful candidate ? If such a qncs tion be answered in no other way, the red blood of those innocent Irishmen, murdered ifi open day in the streets of Philadelphia and Louisville, are now appealing to Heaven for vengence, would be sufficient. The murderers were Know Nothings, the Jury rendering thd virdict were Know Nothings and who would expect an Irishman to get justice in such & case. If Mr. Fillmore is elected, ah IrishnKin’3 life, his property, his reputation, will be con tinually exposed to the assaults of bigots and ruffians. liishmcn will be looked upon as he lots and slaves—as persons who should exist merely by sufferance. Their rights as men* os citizens, as freemen, will be abused and trampled upon. No Irishman then with the feelings of a man should be so destitute of self respect as to vote for Fillmore. Should we vote for him ? Doubtles some Irishmen will tote for this gentleman upon grounds satisfactory to them selves. But do the supporters of Mr. Fremont state their position fairly ? I think not. The majority of his supporters in the New England States are Know Nothings, and he must have had at some former time, or now has some connection with the order, or he would not re ceive its support. In fact, if I mistake not, he accepted the nomination of a Know Nothing convention held in this city on the 19tli of June. The issue therefore is Know Nothing ism In the Northern States he is propped up by the decayed remains of tlie old whig party, with the help of Know Nothings, and renegade democrats, who all swear that there is only sixteen States in the Union. Tim issue here is Northern domination. Should Irishmen then as patriots, as conservatives support the holder of either of these issues ?—■ Do they waut to vote away their own rights,- and at the same time stab to the heart the glorions step mother who nourished and protected them ? If they do, let them go to the polls with masked face, vote for Fremont. We come then to Buchanan. Thank Hea ven the mass of the American people hare right hearts. The shield of the great aiid all powerful democracy is over us,and we are safe. Irishmen Can haye no hesitation in voting for Buchanan for he is our blood and kindred, and will not allow U3 to be wronged; more than this he is the candidate of the whole country, and therefore the embodiment of its patriotism, and he appeals to the adopted eitizens to re member the oath he took, “trod as an individu al member of the confederacy to guard ohd preserve the country from thp assaults of inter nal and external foes. 1 hree cheers then for Bucb. and Breefc—hip, hip, hurrah ! TYRCONNELL. A Female Traveler. —A Montreal lettci* in the Boston Bee says: There is travelling in Canada at the present time a lady of no little interest. She is an edu cated Irish lady, and a native of Dublin. Her name is Miss Jane Willson. She is 23 years old; of prepossessing appearance, and is exceedingly interesting and intelligent. She left Dublin in March last for this country, unaccompanied by any attendant, male or female, and has traveled in every part of the State*. North and South. She has a strong taste for adven ture, and enjoys nothing more than going from place to place and closely observing such matters as may be of interest. She is a second Madam Peiffer.and has only to see half the yeafs of that distinguished lady to have toured the globe. With plenty ofmoney, a stout heart, a reliance upon herself and a full belief that woman is protected and respected wherever sho may go, Miss Wilson spans the continent unhar med and unmolested. She will shortly visit Bos ton. The following arc appropriations for Georgia in tlie Light House Bill approved the 18th ult . For a beacon-light on or near the south point of Sapelo Island, to range with the main light for the bar and channel, one thousand five hundred dollars. For a beacon-light to range with the Ame lia Island light and the other bar, two thou sand dollars. For two beaeon-lights and keeper's dwel lings, on or near the north front of Amelia Is land, five thousand dollars. For a small light to be erected on the bay; in the city of Savannah, to guide vessels from Fi” Island light-house, two thousand dollars. Fof a bell-buoy to make the entrance to Sa vannah River, five thousand dollars. For a bell-buoy to mark the approach to the bar at Doboy, five thousand dollars; Re-enforcemf,xts for Walker —Col. John McArdle of Albany is now raising a regiment of volunteers for Gen. Walker, with which he proposes to sail early in September. CoL McArdle Ims only half the usual supply. Os arms —having left one behind at Rivas — but he posesses a wh.ole heart, a large aud gallant one, which he has proved Oil many an occa sion. He has our best wishes for the success of himself and companions.— N. Y. Nat.Dcm. % Judge Mortox on the Stump.— The Hon. Alex. C. Morton, formerly of Georgia, is now actively engaged in stumpiDg the country for the Democratic nominees. Headdrossed two mass “meetings in New Jersy on Wednesday and Thursday last, and we learn from those who heard him that his speeches were received with the utmost enthusiasm. His style combines anecdote and argument, and is ever fresh, for cible and interesting. Judge Morton has, en gagements aud will address meetings in Penn sylvania and New Jersy during the coming week. The Democratic ball rolls on. — N. Y. Dm. N r o. 19. r