Newspaper Page Text
. 2:15T^ Central
^■lesion, Royal Railroad, 2:15 i\ m. 7 Wv . M.
■■tern i\ m.
mail via Central Railroad, 8:00 A. m.
■8:3k p. sr.
■orida mail via Atlantic and Gulf Railroad,
I P. M.
homasvllle and other points west of Dupont,
p. M.
[arien hvannaii aud River, Brunswick, Tuesday 8:15 5:00 i\ m.
lilledgeville p. m.
anil Eatonton, 6:30 p. m.
•tnce open for delivery of mail on Sunday
m 11:00 to 11:80 A. M., and 1:80 to 2:00 P. M.
Telegraphic Weather Report.
Augusta, wind southwest, fresh, cloudy.
Savannah, Charleston, wind West fresh fair
wind west, fresh, fair.
Jacksonville, St, Marks, Wind west, fresh, air.
Mobile,jsyfnd .wind north, gentle, cloudy.
Monjrffnncry, north, northwest, brisk, cloudy.
wind fresh, cloudy.
.Havana, West, wind northeast, gentle, clear.,
wind cairn, clear.
^''Vicksburg, Washington, wind north, gentle, fair.
rain. wind southwest, gentle, light
New York, wind east, brisk, light snow.
New Orleans, wind north, fresh,cloudy.
St Knoxville, .-Lou wind wind west, fresh, light snow.
Cincinnati, is, wind west, northwest, brisk, clear. brisk, clear.
Memphis, wind northwest, brisk, fair.
Nashville, wind west, fresh, fair.
Galveston, wind wind north, fresh, light rain.
Fort Gibson, north, fresh, clear.
Atlanta, wind northwest, brisk, cloudy.
Savannah,...... ........50. New Orleans. 47*
Charleston...... ........48. Memphis....... Cairo..............
Augusta........ .........43.
Jacksonville.. ........58. at. Louis........ 8
Knoxville....... ........32. New York..... .....26.
Mobile............ ........44. Atlanta.......... 40 .
Montgomery... .......43. | Corsicana...... 29.
Savannah....... ..29, 0!) New York...., .29, 63.
Key West........ ..30, 11. St. Charleston... Louis...... .30, 47.
New Orleans... ..30, 16. .29, 97.
Jacksonville... ..30, 03, Cincinnati... Fort Gibson. .30, 50.
Montgomery .. .MO, 12. .30, 15.
Travelers’ Reaister.
Showing the time of departure and arrival of
trains at the depots.
Atlantic and Gulf Railroad.
Leave A rrlve
Night Express..... 4 45 p.m. 10 15 a.m.
Accommodation, f7 00 A.M. +4 30 P.M.
Central Railroad.
Train No. 1. 9 20 A.M. 3 15 p.m.
Train No, 2, 7 30 P.M. 7 15 A.M.
Savannah and Charleston R. R.
Train No. I................ 1100 a.m.
No. 2 ..........:....... 2 00 p.m.
No. 3.................. 7 30 a.m.
No. 4.................. 8 30 p.m.
Augusta Train........... 8 30 p.m. 7 30 a.m.
f,Sundays excepted •‘Saturdays excepted.
Sailing days of Steamers , for
Interior Ports.
City ot Bridgeton; W. H. Fleetwood, Com¬
mander, ,T. S. Lawrence, and Saturday Manager; 5
Every Tuesday at p. m.
David Clark; Thos. White, Commander,
J, S. Lawrence, Manager; and Th ursday, at 4
Every Monday p. m,
- Rosa; P. H. Ward, Capt., W. F. Barry, Agt.
Every Tuesday at 4 p. ra.
Centennial; L. Wiggins. Captain, J. P.
Chase, Agent; Every Tuesday at 4
p. m.
City Point; Scott, Captain, Jno. F. Robert
son, Every Agent: Wednesday at 12 fn., and
Saturday at I a. m.. and 7 a. in.
Katie; A. C. Cabaniss, Captain, John Law
ton, Manager; Every Tuesday, at 6
p. m.
Cumberland; Captain "VV. T. Gibson, Dor
sett & Every Kennedy, Tuesday Agents; and Friday at 7
p. m.
Ocean Steamers for Northern Ports :
Is ton— Fiver? pteiiiateiy.
York—-Every ASiitui<i;ty
Y Ph} ladel phi a—On lays.
Paints, OflgancL Glass.
No. <> Whitaker and 171 Bay Sts.
I take pleasure in calling attention to my
large ami well selected stock of
ill I II
1 ! ? 1
Railroad, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Plain
and Decorative WALL PAPER, &c.,
which I am selling at Lowest Market Prices.
House, Sign & Decorative Painting
IN all its branches.
Having removed to my nevf 'and commo¬
dious store No. (i. WHITAKER ST., 1 have ad¬
ditional facilities for carrying on my business
to the entire satisfaction of my customers and
all who may favor me with their orders.
I also take pleasure in informing you that I
have added to my business,
Mouldings, Stair Rails, Balusters,
Newel Posts, Builders Hardware, Etc.
Having secured »the services of Mr. H. P.
|Bickford, ^^ction so long and favorably known in con
with stock this business, he will have
of my of the above goods, at his
■m No. 171 Hay si., and 1 solicit a con
of the patronage of his old friends
ntanocs. and will, mallenses.guar
'-WL i i'.i lt, S 1 . !!'
AN DU I . \Y !! A N I. K Y.
— IJeSter in—
eamboat, Hail Road and Mill Supplies,
DOors, sashes, BUNDS, mouldings,
iters, Blind Trimmings, &c.
|LVHi/, 111TA K KIt ST.,
Coal and Wood.
Family Coal!
[ onl y in the best qualities of Anthra
and Bltuminous Coal.
liin Office: 1*21 Bay Street.
'eelal prices to Manufacturers, Dealers and
institutions. nov3-ta,th,s«-u
ood Dealers )
f -Canal st., SAVANNAH, next to Central GA. Cotton Press,
The best quality of Oak, Black Jack, Pine
and Light-wood, will always be kept on band.
aud delivered to any part of the city at short
notice. Measurement guaranteed. BOXES: Mr. H. Suiter, cor. Lib¬
erty and Montgomery streets. Mr. B. H. Levy
corner Jefferson and Congress streets. Mr.
V.s. Studer, corner Dray touand Broughton Perry and st reets. Lin¬
Mr. Joseph Goette, corner
coln streets. nov24-lm
30 Barrels Just Choice Baldwin Apples,
received oy
..... C. L. GILBERT A tX>.
tl«c22 . E. Whoiesalc.-G Bay Barnard rqcers.
S, cor. aud
Thursday, January 2, 1879.
Every de^ription <if toh printing, neat
ly. and expeditiously carried on at this office,
?Z‘f' .pot, cor. Ij ’^ Pay llbert and , & x, Barnard Co,S Wholesale streets Grocery
Bright skies.
The agony is over.
All over the city—mud.
The election passed off quietly.
Only two arrests made yesterday.
Jockey Club races will soon come off.
Savannah can boast of muddy streets.
Almanacs for 1879 are now in order.
A prosy man is like the clack of a
mill when it is empty.
Coffee supplanted champaign, on New
Year’s tables yesterday.
The Republican Blues will have their
regular quarterly meeting to-night.
The lovers of the turf will soon be
Guano is coming at last, prepare for
an olla podedra of smells.
“Please swim out,” is the latest slang
expression. It ranks with “cheese it.”
When will elections cease. Oh ! for
a change.
The Liquor Dealer’s Association meets
this evening.
Four or five sick men are to be seen
on the street—election returns the
Service to-night at the Baptist
Church, one and all are cordially in¬
vited to attend.
The auction flag floateth again to the
breeze, the tintillation of the bells fol¬
low in alluring vibrations.
“Whom the god’s love die young,”
is the only consolation for the defeated
The Savannah Rifle Association did
some fine shooting yesterday, and many
a turkey was gobbled.
A handsome sword for the most pop¬
ular military officer is to be raffled for
at the Catholic fair.
The young scamps who interrupted
the play last night, got justly reproved
when time, Humpty if Durnpty please.” said, “One fool
at a you
We would mildly suggest that Dr.
Sheftall, coroner elect, in bis official
capacity, political sit on death some of the men who
met a yesterday.
Mrs. J. H. O’Byrne and Mrs. Mc
•Yeigh, two of Savannah’s most amiable
ladies, will have an excellent suit of
clothes to raffle at the Catholic fair,
e irtii a ‘
some” by retracting
j ns i nua ti ong a g a i ns t Messrs. Ludden &
Bates. All parties have shaken hands
across the bloody chasm.
The Waver Steam Fire Engine and
Hose Company, No. 2, will give a fine
dinner at Collini’s next- Monday even¬
ing, the occasion being the second an
niversary of their organization.
The young man who was so full of
expression over the New Year last
night, and who grabbed the lamp post
and ejaculated in loud tones, “Hurrah
for h—1, whose afraid of fire,” must
have had a vivid conception.
Up in the Air. —While on our
rounds this morning we observed a
man, evidently in the employ of the
Western Union Telegraph Co., adjust¬
ing the broken wires. While in the
prosecution of his labors, one of the
spurs on his foot by which he is enabled
to climb, failed to stick in the pole upon
which he was ascending, and losing his
balance he came down to mother earth
in a much quicker time than it is pos¬
sible for us to record the fact. Fortun¬
ately no serious injuries were sustained,
but the sudden unexpected collapse
caused the man to open bis eyes and
to express in language plain and simple
words which have a rather serious im¬
moral meaning.
Useful Presents,— Just received a
large handkerchiefs, assortment of shirts, collars, si'k
gether complete suspenders, stock socks, alto
a of furnishing
goods, to be sold as low as tve sell our
bankrupt House, clothing. New York Bank¬
rupt 140 Congress street, ti
—.....—......... . *4 .♦ -
Benefactor to Mankind.—N ot
quite so hig h and ambitious, but cer
jtaffii pockel, d is ^ enetactor"*| New Yo £iy an s
Clothing House, 140 Congress^keetYf
War is declare 1 against high ^
ir. men’s youth Jmd boy’s clothing, prices
hats^ and gent s^^^rnshing goods, at
Lewis Haim & Bro., 154^JBroughtc n
stireet - ;
For ten days only.—S antina wit
| sell Hats, Caps, Gent’s Collars, Cuffs
I Undershirts, at cost. Give him a call »
D'ft Congiess and lo 1 St. Julian Street S,
Schreiner’s old stand. d!6 \
Children's hats reduced to make room ■
j for holiday goods, at LaFar & Co., 23
I Bull street. decGtf
Arrived. —Latest styles in men's
and boy’s hats, VOUth’s and boy's rVU__^^ clot) -
• t t Ltw.a XTaud rr oni r A o aaatm
*''n’ <^|
Broughton street.
Go to Santina’s for Hats.)
The best shirt for 75 ce;
and canton flannel drawers,
75., deefitf go to LaFar & Co.,j^
For the finest line of
j . hate, cheap, go to LuFt^
.Death dir tins Gate City.
terday morning while the steamship
Gate City was lying at her wharl, a
stranger by the name of Ogden, while
promenading the forward deck of the
steamer was suddenly seized with con-1
V ulsions and fell backwards into a
comatose state. He was taken to the
saloon and every attention paid him
that could be rendered. The party
had engaged passage to New York on
the steamer. ITe is supposed to hail
from Union, Hudson county, New Jer¬
sey. He had been an inmate of the
Marine Hospital since December 1st,
heart, being treated for the affection of the
of which, no doubt, he died from.
Swindling Operation, —A young
man whe keeps a small store on Bryan
street, was victimized out of a hat in a
neat way, about eight o’clock last eve¬
ning. A wild eyed individual called
in and desired to look at some hats.
An assortment was displayed, from
which he selected a fine one. While
examining and trying the same on his
head, another man made his appearance
at the door, and cried for assistance.
The would he purchaser hastily started
out and crossing the street, was soon
lost to view.
The proprietor was disconsolate on
the failure of return of the man or the
hat, and laid the matter before a
magistrate this morning.
Facts Focused. —Things are not
generally known as they ought to be.
That the evening song of the night¬
ingale is nice, but the morning lay of
the barn door fowl is nicer. That the
end of the longest rail is blubber. That
ships they are frequently put into stays, hut
only wear barnacles when they go
to sea. That lovers quarrels begin,and
that many end with a smack. That
although one swallow may not make a
summer, an inverted tack on a chair
will make one spring, That the real
and only system of bookkeeping is—
not to lend them. That it is very
difficult to keep your own peace of
mind if the wife of your bosom will
insist on frequently giving you a piece
of hers.
Sudden Demise of Mr. Richard
Bradley, Jr. —We are pained to an
nounce the sudden death of Mr. Richard
Bradley, Jr., which happened at the
Pulaski House, yesterday evening, at
about eleven o’clock.
Mr. Bradley has been an invalid for
Lcomplication for several months of past, suffering contracted. from
was born in 1842, he was a dutiful son,
and affectionate parent, and a true
friend, and his lost will be deplored by
many friends. *
He was well known to our commu¬
nity as being connected with two of our
well knowned and popular hotels—the
Screven and the Pulaski—and his loss
will be felt very materially in this re¬
spect. He leaves wife and three children
to mourn his loss. May this sad
bereavement be sanctified to their good,
Sneak Thieves and Tramps. —We
would advise all of our citizens to be
on the sharp look cut for sneak thieves
and tramps. Every week our city has
a new addition to her population in
the way of straggling this desperadoes, and
we give them warning in time as a
gentle reminder- of the fact that there
is nowr a very unruly and not altogether
desirable make up in the population of
our city.
Last evening several of our efficient
policemen were and on the quivivc as to the
character whereabouts of one or
two suspicious characters, who were
strolling about in a manner creating
suspicion. We doubt not but what
they will be trapped and brought be¬
fore the court of justice, if they continue
in their game of what seems to be not
altogether pursuit legitimate or in accordance
with the of an honest living.
The Original Santa Claus
This is to inform ail the Ladies and
< jntlemen, the Misses and Masters,
i id all the little ones of the city, that
f »e Original Santa Claus has established
1 mself again at his old headquarters,
8 4th Mrs. Myers, No. 35 Whitaker j
i reet, where he will hold his levees
i II id receptions daily, from early morn j
t late in the evening, to shower his I
] Stock of Toys and Fancy ’
( oodsjnto the lap of all that will come
t > pay him a visit; assuring them that
ty he giviug^kn bett^B»j*red a call will convince that
is seasoZh^HLr to serve them!
tiis Goods than e^^hefore. Prices and with j
<lSlm !
fcts—And go the times; i
there illb use paying from $0 to $10
for a suit ^overcoat because you know j
the parties!^ good They are used to cha^^M
you New a Yterk Ba r profit.
and buy^i^
C A RELil •otin.
Hiecrackers jasWI ull
in commemoration' few
and celebrating the election, Jf?
Hllis, a colored longshoreman^ was I
verely burned in the eyes. The rnjui! ac*
dent caused a most painful 1
which may ultimately result in th
• oss ol sight,
A Word for the Louise Ktng As¬
sociation. —While it is impossible for
this new association, one productive of
so much good, and whose object deserves
the commendation and support of every
right-mind man and woman, to be al¬
ways on the qui vive, yet it is always in
accordance with their manifest duties
and prescribed rules and regulations to
have cases reported to them from time
to tim°, by which, if circumstantial ev¬
idence can be had against the parties
who inflict pain and outrage upon
dumb animals, the cases could be pros,
ecuted to the utmost extent of the law,
and the parties be made to bear the
penalty prescribed for their ill treat¬
ment and inhuman conducts towards
poor beasts of burden.
Ytesterday we observed two negroes
carrying away in a small cracker wag¬
gon, a poor, maimed ar,V>«d whose
back had been broken, and whose
groans intense suffering. evidently showed the most
The poor beast was
tied down by a rope with its all fours
tightly drawn up to its chin. A large
tar plaster was laid across its back
where the fracture had been m He, and
at every turn of the wheel tl. side of
wagon would rub against lL ck of
the poor brute, amid the most Heart¬
rending The groans.
case would have been a good
one for an example, and no doubt would
have afforded good material by which a
salutary lesson might have been derived.
Horse Notes. —Mr. N. B. Tilton has
recently purchased a fine blooded horse
in Macon. He is of the best Hamble
tonian stock, and shows unmistakable
signs of speed. Several of his progeny
are in the city
Capt , w Wm. Hone it i has a i beautiful l- c i
thoroughbred at the Kentucky stqbles.
Lovers of the track will have an op
portunity of seeing this animal speed¬
ing at the races shortly. The pedigree
and accurate record of this horse is a
matter wink and of keep inquiry, but the knowing ones
silent. We shall present¬
ly see.
tion, Faugh-a-ballagh and if is in splendid condi¬
the weather be propitious
and the track in presentabl* °»<*fr,this
favorite animal will show a high ?Gviw 8r ra t, e
re -
horses, but «* s-. ems fo trainiif*HH| he I&SHhK 1 !
indifference in properly
bringing them out. We unuersteM
that the gentlemen connected with th^
Savannah Jockey Club will spare no
exceed to in make point the of interel appikaching an*d display races
of blood and trotting st<Mk, any pre¬
vious event. w
The Holidays
Are upon us, and all the young, middle-
aged and older persons are looking
around for something as ke4psakes for
or New Year’s gifts. Of
tangible, they valuable desire to and selec^somethin
.• ,
where which all can they afford go to find topi? ft atprtces Vhy,
advantage the/ cannot and select anything*, priTs a bettW
at lower than at
M Sternberg’s dealer m Diamond
Watches and Jewelry, No. 2i Barnard '
street, whose stock is of the finest, and
all articles sold will be goaranteed to
be as represented or the money refund
ed. Call on him.
Neckwear at Santina’s at c<lt.' d!6
Question Easily AnsweMd.— piWits It! j
it better to be charged big by
those you know than go to Hoifc t* New
York Bankrupt Clothing and
the finest clothing and turMshing i
without profit and sav«about
per cent., is the question Iw you
to answer. 140 Congress street.^
Santina defies competition id
---- jm
. an,d 8tate R^kitig bovernment. reforui But tlx
Y so mucil about Reform, when
Reform Hyers, No 35 Whitaker street, sells the j
segar, the best that is sold at
cents in the city decSif ,
a SaN , wmT ? INA Wlil be Qndew T~ oldJ tf .» i
never 1
Diagonal coats and vests, fine cl
and black dress suits for tl
holidays, Elias Brown’s. at greatly reduced prices!!
Ifets and -- gent’s furnishing good |
wear in endless variety arr
IvUia uY.- low prices g
dved for Christmas a n<
uits, 85, St> and 88.
^oats ^opened am
res F ! BlPil
chieanW ' -
loyal ate alligeance to the
of -bitf choice.
It is true, that there was a nu
of tickets used and the many dei)
to catch the unwary would havel
tonished Jim Nye and the heal
Custom and political usages lega
this method, but the difficulty of di«
minating between the candidates
somewhat obviated by the individi
themselves who sought the hon
The most unbounded enthusiasm t
vailed throughout the day and the]
turbing by the element of was several kept policemeA in subjetl
The presence colie]
clerk of court, tax
treasurer position, while and surveyor tilery had uo] ca|
wer© two
dates for sheriff, two for receiver of
returns and four for coroner.
whole number of votes polled was abd
3,000, a fair number considering the d
advantages. rnenced The counting was ca
evening at by half-past Magistrates si$ o’clock la
and Hart. Russell, A
rama The smaller box oq
tickets was opened, as the number of sp!
time was large and trequired mej
to examine carefully, It Wj
after ten o’clock before the numbej
votes polled was counted consiSfrtHidB and A
nouneed, so the further
^ 8r K er box was deferred until*
°’ cloc k this a. rq. At the appoi
time Magnates RusseUi Abrams
Hart proceeded to count, and the
lowing is the result:
For Sheriff.
John T. Ronan......................... 23
John P. McIntyre................ . 2!
For Clerk of Superior Court.
Charles S. Hardee.......... ■21
For Receiver of Tax Returns.
Barnard E, Bee
T. T. Barrett...
counted, s! d-OpO
tionally the l COl
The Prime^^H
Between the ages of for ve and
himself sixty a man who be ha3 considered properly regulated in
may the
PI™ 6 ft H “ ma tUred 8t T- gth
of constitution renders hrar u almost , ra¬
P erv "?" s aUack ° f d I 88a8e ; T d
g ' T8 “, 80uni3n f 88 tokl8
J u ^ men - His mind is resolute, firm
and equal-all his functions are in the
arghent b order; bu,1 he d assumes mastery over
U8In88s ;. U P has a competence on
‘^ foundation . , he laid in early
manhood and passes through a period
of hie attended by many gratifications.
Having gone a year or two over sixty,
he arrives at a stand still. But athwart
this* is the viaduct called the turn of
life, which, if crossed in safety, l ea
to the valley of “old age ”
which the river winds,
y ond, without bany or^
fleet his passage. The brie
ever, enn-tructed of fragi
uepends bend how break, it is
it or
are also in the vi
an( i w ith p
either grsj iiJ
' stl
and Above FearU d]
chasers. J
100 boxes j
50 25 bbft. kegs M N
50 bbls. N
ai«o, c