Savannah daily evening recorder. (Savannah, GA.) 1878-18??, February 16, 1879, Image 2
THE SAVANNAH RECORDER. 101 bay street. R. M. OBME, Editor. Terms of Subscription: (INVA1UABLY IN ADVANCE.) One Year......... .$6 00 Six Months..... 2 50 Three Months. 1 25 One Month..... 50 Cs Sunday, February 16, 1879. PAUL PRY IN OTHER DAYS. We clip the following from an old file of the Advertiser , written by our townsman “Paul Pry.” Paul must have got married in the primitive period, when women were "straight up and down, »» and adorned as close as nature w’ould allow. He must have had a horror of crinolines and other female adjuncts when this was written. If Paul had waited to the present, he would certainly have no reason to com¬ plain, the dear creatures <( are as now all his fancy painted them,” and he would have no difficulty in encom¬ passing any thing under two hundred avoordupois if he could only keep off their skirts: THE PAST AND THE PRESENT. Oh, give me the days when I courted, Although I had then no moustache on, We were guided by no laws imported ion. Nor trammelled by issues of fasl Had I dallied along till the present, And foolishly waited to marry; I think ’twouldbe rather unpleasant As I would a bachelor tarry. I vainly have tried to discover How on earth now,they manage their wooing, How they act in the role of a lover, And do all their billing and cooing? In Wiy day there was no humbugging, No crinoline, panniers or bustle, But good honest kissing and hugging, muscle. That show’d both devotion and But now, those outside indicators Keep the boys at a delicate distance, They’re afraid to displace palpitato/s; resistance. While the other things prove a Oh, in my day we thought it delicious To handle our Nora’s bright tresses. For nothing was false or fictitious, To hinder endearing caresses. But fashion now ridicules nature, And people act up to that letter; They a Her the whole nomenclature, And marry for worse* not for better, Although I’ve not wedded a Haidee, # And thereby patch’d showed little fine lady acumen, Instend of a up married Thanks Heaven ! I’ve a woman. Savannah, August 23,1873. Paul, Pry. Curious Advertisements. We reproduce the following from a very old copy of the Commercial Chron¬ icle , Belfast, Ireland, Oct. 13th, 1816: "Wanted, for a sober family, a man of light weight who fears the Lord, and can drive a pair of horses. He must occasionally wait at table, join in household prayer, look after the horses, and read a chapter in the Bible. He must, God willing, rise at seven in the morning, obey bis master and mistress in nil lawful commands; if he can dress hair, and sing psalms, the more agree¬ able.” "N. B. He must not be too familiar with the maid servants lest the flesh should rebel against the spirit and he should be induced to walk in the thorny paths ol the year.” wicked.—Wages, fifteen guineas a Another morcean worth preserving, from the same paper, showing the shifts a high and mighty power like England had to resort to, for the purpose of seducing men to man their ships fifty or sixty years ago : We copy the following curious in¬ vitation from Jamaica paper of July 24, brought to this port by the Edward Downes, aud with which we have been fovored by the friendly attention of a respectable house here. Shese papers contain no political intelligence of any importance : June, 1816. 20, Times not to be trifled with ! Vol¬ unteers for His Majesty’s ship Salis¬ bury, bearing the flag of Rear Admiral Douglas, Commander in Chief on the Jamaica Station, John Mackellar, Esq., Captain.- the Wanted, Promotion in cousequence of Great of Warrant Officers since her arrival at Port Royal only three months ago, A Few Fine Able-Bodied Seamen, Who are equal to till up the present Vacancies of Petty Officers, and who will be sure of obtaining comfortable livelihoods, by entering on board the (Salisbury early, when they will have plenty themselves, of Liberty to go on /Shore to en¬ joy and while on board, as much Dancing to a First-rate Band, every LADIES, night, with the PORT-ROYAL And as they can stand to. , as a further encouragement for Good Men to enter, the Commande r-in Chief has authorised me to offer a Bounty of ONE GUINEA A ITEAD, Out of bis 0101 BoclCi , upon approved Seamen, to drink with his Messmat es and YOU NG LADIES, to the HEALTH of THE KING —God Bless him / Huzza ! Huzza !! Huzza 1! I JOHN MACKELLAR, Flag Captain. It is doubtful, says the St. Louis Re¬ publican, if the Republicans can show a Senator, Edmunds not excepted, the equal of Morgan, ot Alabama, in legal learning ami acute common sense. Al¬ though Senator Morgan has served less than two years iu the Senate, he is already ranked among its most notable •peake id. CORRESPONDENCE j)&- Wa solicit communications Oil all sub jects of public interest, if authenticated by the name of the writer, and will publish them, whether we agree with the views expressed or not. The Power of Music. Editor Evening Recorder : Ik has been said that “ Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast; however that may be, we know that nothing can Boothe the troubled spirit, like the hearing of some sweet melody. How olten have we heard of most heroic deeds by a handful of men, who in battle had almost been overpower¬ ed, when a band of music was heard in i the distance, playing some familiar air, would cause every man to shout for victory, rushing into the fight, forget' ing fatigue and all despondency. Sweet melody will move the heart sometimes when all else fail. An old divine once remarked, that he took great pains in selecting the hymn after the sermon, because he believed that while the Bermon had fixed the nail, the hymn would he the hammer to drive it in. Many instances might be told where the effect of music was almost electric. Of the many thrilling incidents which are related as occurring in the meetings held by Moody and Sankey, we know of none more touching than the follow' ing: Moody had preached earnest a most sermon on the efficacy of,Christ’s blood, to save even the chief of sinners. A rough, old man sat in front of the writer, apparently attentive, but very silent, looking steadily at the speaker, word. as if he was drinking in Sankey every began After a moment’s pause the hymn, “ Lit the Lower Lights be burning,” singing as if every note were inspired. Perhaps the old man had never heard such a multitude of voices p.s swelled the chorus. At all even',s, ce stood up as the last «ound was heard, and with the tears streaming down his face, said in a loud voice, ‘‘He will rescue even me." We think no one would dispute the power of music over that soul. There was a little child once, who after being particularly obstinate, was importuned by his mother to pray es¬ pecially for God to make him a good boy. Afler repeating his usual evening prayer, he asked his mother to sing, adding, "perhaps God will hear you sing, mamma, when He wouldn’t hear a naughty boy pray.” After listening to that sweet hymn, "Just as I am,’ the little boy looked up, almost asleep, at his mother, and said, "God says ‘yes,’ mamma. He will make me a good boy. >9 That child is in heaven now. Have you ever heard the little orphans who go about singing their “ Easter Carols ?’ Could not one dream that God had left open a chink in the Heavens, and it were the angels einging “Glory to Godin the highest?’ Who does not love music, and who has not felt its power, and sweet in' fluences ? A. T. C. Feb. 14th, 1879. Change the Name Editor Evening Recorder : I am glad you advocate to change the name of Bull street to one more suitable, for which you suggest "Alameda,” "Park, or Church street.” I Dominate anoth' er, which for location and taste would be eminently suitable, namely: Ceatre atreet. Let these names' be voted upon and the highest adopted. I prefer Park street, as it leads through a series of squares, or small parks, to our one grand City Park, it is eminently en¬ titled. We hope the change will be made, and ask you for information, what steps are requisite to accomplish the object? Is an act of the legislature through necessary? Or can it be done petition, by ordinance of Council? Please inform us Pabk Street. Note by Editor. —The city, through it8 board of Aldermen, names streets. The question is with the Aldermen. That Sacred Concert and the Mayor s Action Editor Evening 7 -r Recorder: 75 j tt Undei j « the above heading "Fourth Command meat informs the readers . Ot , the , morning Mamina D/ews that mat the tne State oiaie law law makes it a misdemeanor for any person to . r_n follow _ ,1 their ■ ordinary j- _ calling , 1 - _ on __ the _ "Lord’s Day;” also that the City ■L. Code the Marshal, tSherin and , requires policemen nnliepmon in to srresfc arrest all au riersnns persons thus inus viola* ing the law. "Fourth Command ment .,, draws y the t following n conclusion 1 therefrom- tnereirom. “Now now 1 T take lake it it mat that it 11 is is the me Mayor 8 duly— not prerogative, but ducy _to 10 fine nne end ana punisn nnnish nil au WUO who hrenk Dreak lie above law.” Let the wish of ,,rr< x 1 OUTth .1 r* Lommandment j , begrantedaDd . 1 j the law be enforced to its full extent, rpi then it 18 the Mayor w S duty . to fine - and J punish all priests, ministers, preachers, organis s, sextons, church singers, bell rin gers, physicians, druggists, police¬ men, ail cooks, servants, etc., because they follow their ordinary calling, out of which they make money on the Lord's ^hat will it coins then ? Consistency. | A gentleman, having —- occasion | to praise a kind-hearted Irishwoman for her good deeds, said to her: "Well, well, Kate, if there is a heaven in the next world you will get to it." As quick as lightniug came the reply, with all the heartiness of the race: "God bless ye, Mr. P •, an' sure if I do, 1 11 lave tie gata open for you," LOCAL NEWS. Port of Savannah, There are in the port six steamships, fourteea ships, thirty-two barks, 8ix brigs and twenty-two schooners. The shipping business does not seem to abate any. The number of foreign and coast vessels visiting our port this win¬ ter would indicate a successful trade for this section of the country. The Rose Will Case. We learn that the Ordinary will, on Tuesday next, hear additional testi¬ mony in this noted case, which has been in litigation for several months past. It is rumored that new and fresh evidence will be brought forward, by which public opinion will be very materially changed from the opinion formed from the evidence given last Fall in this celebrated case. Police Court Items. William Lee, the colored iacriligious cuss who stole prayer hooka from the Cathedral a few nights ago, was inter¬ viewed by the Mayor yesterday. The result was that Lee was sentenced to imprisonment for thirty days. Lena Davis, a young colored girl for using profane, abusive and obscene lan¬ guage towards Mrs. J. Stone, on Mont¬ gomery atreet, was fined $3, 75, or the alternative of a chastisement. Lena’s mother administered the latter in the good old style. Brown, colored, undertook George child to assume the management of a litt le of Mrs. Wilden. The latter believing in her capability, judgment and pro¬ priety intimated of bringing up officer her that own Brown child¬ ren, to an was usurping her rights, barracks. whereupon, Brown was taken to the Fred Anderson, for indecent exposure on the public streets, was arrested by an officer. Joseph Brand was on his muscle and wanted to fight. He was gratifying that propensity when an officer arrest¬ ed him. F OR son RENT—Small and Lincoln house streets, on within corner Ander¬ half a block of street cais ; four rooms with kitchen and piazza attached. Rent $7 00 per month, apply to this Office. feblG-18-18 Catholic Knights of America. A special meeting of Savannah Branch, No. 38, C. K. of A will be held at Cathedral Gram¬ mar School, Abercorn st., bet. McDonough and Perry, THIS AFTERNOON at 3 o’clock, to receive report of Committee on By-Laws, etc,, The installation of Officers will take place and other important business transacted. N. B.—Charter members will come prepared to pay first assessment, etc., pending the or¬ ganization ofabove branch. By order of Attest: THE CHAIRMAN. John T. Mdrtagh, Sec’y pro tern. feblG-lt _ TEAS AND GOFFEES. B UYERS for the household will find it to their advantage aud convenience when marketing to call at STALL 15, and be supplied with our fresh roasted COF F’EES of all kinds, and TEAS unrivalled for their drawing qualities. Goods delivered to all parts of theeity. Sat¬ isfaction guaranteed in every instance HEILY & MOLONEY. febl«-lw PHANTOM ENTERTAINMENT —AT MASONIC TEMPLE f By the Puptls of Madame LOUIS’ Dancing Academy. FEBRUARY 17th, 1879. TICKETS: Adults «0 Cents. Juveniles 25 Cents. To be had at Tatem’s Drug Store, at the door on the evening of the entertainment, and from all scholars. Floor cleared after entertainment. febl8-lt Prof. T. J. MINOR, Manager. Yaluable Real Estate For Sale. That valuable BRICK HOUSE, v. w. cor. State and Montgome-y streets, containing, 120 feet on State street and 90 feet on Mont¬ gomery street; with Garden, Out Houses, ftc. This house is situated on the healthiest belt of land in theeity. Will be sold on accommo¬ dating terms—it is one of the finest built houses In this city for a large family or Board ing House—or will be exchanged for smaller property. —ALSO— Lot No. 16, south of Anderson street, con tainlng No. 5\4 Acres, equal to 75 lots. Also, Lot 17, containing 5 « Acres, equal to 75 thoroughly Jo 1 * rtS this drained, section It or is the healthy, County has been and is not subject to city taxes. Desirable property for »Country residence and flue Garden, or can be divided and sold in lots. Also, 3 Acres Land west of the Arkwright Cotton Factory can be divided into City Lots—or used as a Garde i as it now is. Also, 100 Ac J® s al “ mil ® slone - Augusta Road, _ . pa-t cleared. Also, 60 Acres well-wooded Land, situated 3 miles from the City, on the Skidaway Ferry Road, abou t 30 acres cleared. Also. 115 Acres High and Low Land, well wooded, abo it 40 acres cleared ; between the 2 and 3 mile-posts on the Seaboa d and Skidaway Railroad, west side; an excellent stand tor a Grocery atore 2 miles from Anderson st. Also 5 Acres of Land on the Bonaventure Road, about 3 miles distance from the city. Also, 19 ^ Acres of Land on Marietta st., Atlanta, Ga. This is desirable property and ean he dl vided soid into Lots for fine residences. Will itn- be proved or exchanged for City of Savannah, Salts, property, or property DAVID on the DILLON, febi2-lm Apply No. to 2 Whitaker R. st., Savanuah, Ga. : ryneo :rn ran I ^l’R book for orders for Passover Bread is now open. Our Machinery being new and of the best kind, we will be able to iurnish a first-class article. Our price will compare favorably with Northern aud Western m&nu facturers. No charge for drayage. Please send your orders to IfW mm i co ill Cor. Bay aud Barnard sts. - SAVAMtfAS, GAi Hew Advertisements* 1844. —ESTABLISHED — 1844. Wm. M. Davidson, Wholesale Dealer in WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, &c., &c., ftc., Nos 158 & 160 BRYAN STREET, CONVENIENT TO THE MARKET. My large stock of Liquors comprises Ail grades of John Gibson’s Son ft Co’s, well known brands of WHISKIES. From SINGLE X to CABINET. The best and choicest importations of Old Foreign Brandies, Wines Liquors. • Claret and Light Wines, best quality. —ALSO— Claret, Light Wine Vinegar, Sauterne, Etc. Ac., for table use. Champagne, bparkllng Moselle, Etc., Etc. I am also sole agent fer WM. MASSEY ft CO.’S Celebrated Philadelphia Ales and Porters, viz: Cream, X, XX. PALE XXX, and East India ALES, Which will be sold at wholesale or retail, with a guarantee for all goods as represented. As I make a speciality of Gibson’s Whiskies, I will sell the same at Philadelphia Catalogue added. prices, according to quantity, with freight Being now located In my new and spacious premises on Bryan street, with a mammoth cellar that has a capacity for storing 10,000 barrels of Ale, I am in a position to sell on better terms than any other House in the trade, I will therefore be pleased to serve my friends and the public at my new quarters. feb!4 Amusements. GRAND MASQUERADE BALL OF THE tali HU, Mm AT THE TURNERS’ HaLL, Tuesday , February MARCH 25, ’79, Opening with a GRAND in the Hall from 8% o’clock. to 10 p. as. Dancing awarded to com¬ mence at 10 Ladies’ Maek A prize and will be to the best to the best one Gentleman’s Mask. ADMISSION, 82.00. Tickets can be procured M. from the Committee of Arrangements: Helmken, W. Diers, A. H, Tamm, F. X. Bin gel and C. Meitzler, Chairman. jau21-Su5t-feb24and25 The Catholic Fair TO RAISE FUNDS TO Plaster the Exterior of the Cathe¬ dral of our Lady of Perpetual Help, —AND To¬ Assist in Building a New Church for St. Patrick’s Parish, IS NOW OPEN — AT— Cathedral Hall 9 Corner of Abercorn and Harris Streets, Afternoons and Evenings. THIS GRAND FAIR Is in charge of the Ladles of the Cathedral and St. Patrick's Church, and surpasses any similar effort made in this city. The public generally are invited to attend. Admission free. feb5 tf Leather and Findings. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Dealers in HIDES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 106 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, ge5rgia. ■O' H IGHEST Market Price paid for Hides, Wool. Sheep Skins, Furs, Deer Skins, Beeswax and Tallow. A full supply of the best French and Ameri¬ can Tannages constantly kept on hand. Liberal advances made on consignments. No business transacted on Saturday. Valentines. VALENTINES! SENTIMENTAL AND COMIC. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -BY — WTLLY & CLARKE. febfltf 1 GRITS! MEAL! We are agents for the Enterprise Grits Mill. A NY driver orders of left either at our of our Store wagons or given will to the be promptly filled. A. a HARMON & CO. jan»- XI Wkliskcr street Seeds, Plants and Birds. H AVE gelecied constantly assortment on hand of a large and well Garden, Field & Flower Seeds. Handsome GERANIUMS of Apple, Roves, Spice, Fish, Etc. Choice Roses, Camelias and Azaleas—very iow. Hyacinths and other Bulbs. Jars, Cages and German Canaries All Bouquets, Wreaths, etc., made to order. orders receive my personal attention. GEO. WAGNER, 8— ds i aaa sad .FToriat, CUfiStJ •Kvmxmxb ‘us Groceries and Provisions* RBOPElsTED ! The Tea and Coffee Emporium, 189 BROUGHTON ST., formerly conducted by the late A. J. Moloney with has been reopened by the undersigned entirely new and improved Roasting hud Grinding Coffees Machinery and a full and frest i line of Teas, and Spices direct from I m nor ters hands. Our Teas have been selected on their drawing merit and our Coffees for their body and the fine flavor. We solicit a Moloney, continu¬ ance of patronage of the late Mr. and Invite new patrons. We guarantee to sell all who may favor us with a caM if quality and price are a consideration. CoffeeR of all kinds roasted daily. The pub¬ lic are cordially invited to call and see our the new South. Roasting House, the most complete iu Jan31-tf REILY & MOLONEY. New Goods. A TMORE’S MINCE MEAT, London Layer New Raisins, Citron, New Layer Prunes, Raisins, Dried New Figs, Currants, Pre¬ serves, Jellies, Florida Oranges, Choice Apples Kiln Dried Oatmeal, New Boneless Codfish, Bologna Sausage, Fire Crackers & Fireworks. Choice Hams, Shoulders and Strips, arriving choice by weekly Flour steamer. sacks and Cheek barrels, ft Whitlook’s in Bell Logan Flour, also the unsurpassed Town Talk Bak¬ ing Powder, the best in the market, give it a trial and be convinced M. F. Foley & Co. dee!9 S, W. cor. Broughton ft Barnard sts. FRESH DRIED FRUIT AT THE Blue Grocery Store § No. 156 CONGRESS! ST. F RESH DRIED CHERRIES, S Hoed Apples, Peaches and Prunes. New Almond, Walnuts. Pecans aud Brasil Shoulders. Nuts, Ferris Fine Hams, Pig Pork Break and fas, J niton Bacon Market aud Bologna Beef, Beef Sausage. Tongues New at 50 Linsen, cents a piece, j»Ut Fresh fc Peas aud Marrow Beaus, Hollandischen ( mm Cheese, Oat and Buckwheat Grits, Ovuoanuts ana New Tennessee Peanuts. Fine j japles always on hand. By J. H. VON NEWTON. FRESH GOODS. 1 JLw A Casks Strips Magnolia and Shoulders, Hams, 1C Ferris’ boxes Cream Hams, Cheese, Peas and 15 boxes Italian Maccaronl, French Fresh Buckwheat, Mushrooms, 10 barrels Choice Malaga Maple Syrup, Grapes. VERY CHOICE STOCK. Fresh Crackers. Lemon Snaps. Ginger Snaps. Cocoanut Snaps, NicNacs, Cream Soda Bis, cults, Roekawuy Graham Wafers, Water Crackers, Fruit, Chocolate Macaroons, Etc ut BRANCH & COOPER. feoll tf NEW GOODS. At No. 19 BARNARD ST •» [Goram 4 Leffler’s old stand] w ESTPHALIA HAMS. Gocse meat in Sardines, Gelee, Goose Fat, Roil Herring, Spiced Swedish Anchovies, Kieler Sprot ten, Smoked Buckinge, Pickled Eels, Holland Cream and Roquefort Cheese, Dried Apples, Peaches, Tennessee Cherries, Pears and Prunes Cocoa nuts, Peauuts, etc. A full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. OSCAR ZAHN. feb6tf REMOVAL! Savannah Steam Cofee anil Spice Mills I N order to gain more room we have re¬ moved to No. 157 BROUGHTON ST., where we wiTsell Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugar, etc. Our selections ol stock is made with care, and our facilities being unsurpassed we feel confi¬ dent to please all who may favor us with their patronage. We have in now stock a fresh arrival of Oolong. Gunpowder, English, Imperial. Breakfast, Young Hyson, Teas COFFEES, Hyson Rio, Java, (uncolored( Ja¬ pan Coffee fresh parched dally. Mocha, etc. BYRNES & HICKEY. Janl5 157 Broughton Street. Fish. M. M. Sullivan i Son, Wholesale Dealers in OYS1ERS, SHAD, Fresh&Salt Water Fish, Terrapin, Game, VEGETABLES AND FRUIT, Florida Oranges a specialty. Families served with oysters by the quart or gallon. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. All orders punctually attended to. novl-4m Iron Works and Machinist. <0 6 oLACksmixh woRKW-p^Sfi -3 Clothing. The Popular Clothing House of B. H. LEVY, Children's O FFERS stock of for all the Rtyles next thirty Men’s, days Youths’ his entire and duced prices: CLOTHING, at the following re¬ 209 Men’s cassimere Suits, dark or light, solid colors or striped, formerly so d at $16 00, now $12 50. • Dress Diagonal Coats and Vests, ranging from $6 00 and upwards. 509 pairs Cassimere Pants, different colors and styles, ranging Boys' from $2 00 and upwards. 300 Children and shits from $3 00 and up¬ wards. Great reduction in Overcoats ! 300 Overcoats at the low figure of $3 00 and up warde. must be closed out, rather than to carry over the season. Anyone wishing to purchase will find it profitable to call at Dry Qood3. (Inks. Cloaks s 500 ON CONSIGNMENT. SALE POSITIVE WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. Ladies' and Misses' Beilin Beaver. $30 Cloaks at $20. $25 Cloaks at $15. $18 Cloaks at $12.50. BOYS’ SUITS. Full line 3 to 14 yearn, long and knee pants. Boys’ BLUE BLOUSE TRICOT OVERCOATS. Boys’ DIAGONAL BLOUSE OVERCOATS. Boys’ MELTON BLOUSE OVERCOATS. Gents' NECKWEAR, the largest stock in this city. 50 dozen Gents’ SCARLET FLANNEL SHIRTS and DRAWERS. 20 dozen CANTON FLANNEL SHIRTS and DRAWERS. 130 dozen Ladles’ Gents’, Misses and Beys UNDERVESTS. Ladies’ KID GLOVES, Opem Shades, 2, I and 9-buttons. Gents’ KIDS, CASTOR A DOG SKIN GLOVES 50 dozen Misses’(ALEXANDRE) KID GLOVES in dark and medium shades. 10 pieces of very fine 8-4 and 9-4 Satin faced TABLE DAMASK, at fabulously low prices. 100 dozen NAPKINS, beautiful designs. 50 sets TEA CLO TH and NAPKINS to match at So 50 to »12 set. 1,000 yards CRASH TOWELING, at 5c. 200 dozen HUCK TOWELS, at 12^c., worth Xe 5000 yards STANDARD PRINTS, at 5c. BLACK CASHMERES, 30 pieces JuBt opened 75c„ former price $1 25. GRAY & O’BRIEN. dec20tf Lines of Travel. Savannah & Mellouvillo Steauiboa LINE. INLAND ALL THE WAY SEMI-WEEKLY. For St. Catharine’s,Doboy. Darien, Union Is¬ land, Ga., Fern&ndina, St. Simon’s, Bruuswlck and St. ail Mary’s, Jacksonville and point# on SU John’s River, Fla. WEEKLY for aU landings cm the Satilla River. The low pressure sldewhcel S1EAMEB ROSA, Captain P. H. WARD. X Aj EAVES wharf foot Drayton street at 4 FLORIDA, o’clock, touching P. x. EVERY TUESDAY, FOR at all the above places, and for Satilla every Thursday at 4 o’oloek, p. M., connecting at Brunswick with Macon and Brunswick aud Brunswick and Albany Rail¬ roads. Through bills low rates of freight all and passage _nd of lading given to points. Freights for Altamaha, Ocmulgee and Oco¬ nee rivers must be daily, prepaid. Freight reoeived W. F. Sundays BARRY, exoopted. J. H. smith, Manager. Agent. O. 8. Benson, General Business Agent, novlltf filgir l to Mi M AND ALL WAY LANDINGS, Touching at St. Catharines, Sapelo, St. Doboy, Simon’s Union and Island, Brunswick. Darien, T he W. STEAMER C. Ulmo, will CENTENNIAL, receive freight Captain forth* above Abercorn places at DeRenne’s Wharf, root of Afternoon street,and at leave every THURSDAY 4 o’clock, p. x. Freight received at all times, J. P. CHASE, .j febltf A gent. Dnrum, W. H. FLEETWOOD, Commander, v\ WILL LEAVE SAVANNAH EVERY TUES¬ DAY AT 5 P. M., FOR T T OUCHING at St. Catharine’s, Doboy, St nandina, Simon’s, Jacksonville, Brunswick. St. Mary’s, Fer River. and all points on St John’s EVERY SATURDAY at 5 p. m., for Jack¬ sonville, touching at St, Catharine’s, Doboy, St. Simon’s, St. Mary’s, Fernandina, and con¬ necting at Jacksonville with steamers for all points on Upper St. John’s. Steamer David Clark, THOS. WHITE, Commander. Will leave Savannah every MONDAY at 4 p. m. for Brunswick, touching at St. Catharine’s Doboy, Darien Union Island and St. Simon’s. The above steamers connect at Brunswick with M.4B. and B. A A. Railroads for all points in Southwest Georgia. At Mary’s St. Mary's river. with steamers for points on Ht. At Fernandina with A. G. 4 W. I. Transit Co.’s Rai'road for Waldo, Starke, Gainesville. Bronson, Cedar Keys and all points on this road. At Cedar Keys with steamers Jacksonvlli# for Key West Tampa and Manatee. At with F, C. R- R. A J. P. & M. R. R. for Lake City pblilffc Lffye Oak, Montlcello, Railroad. Tailahastee, Palatka and all o- J. P. & M. At witn steamers for the Upper St. John’s aud Ocklawaha rivers. At Toooi with St. John’s Raltwiqr for st. Augustine, and at St. Augus¬ tine wish steamers for New Smyrna and all points <30 Indian river. Tbrodf* tickets sold ana mils of .... lading giv¬ en to above points. For freight or pausage ap¬ ply at Office No. 5 Stoddard's LAWRENCE. Upper Manager. Range. J. S. J. L. ROUMILLA’L^