Newspaper Page Text
Travelers’ Reoister.
Showing the time of departure and arrival of
trains at the depots.
Atlantic and Gulf Railroad.
Leave Arrive
Night Express.... ....... 4 45 p.m. 1015 a.m.
Accommodation f7 00 A.M. +4 30 p.m.
Central Railroad.
Train No. 1 9 20 a.m. 3 15 P.M.
Train No, 2 7 30 p.m. 7 15 A.M.
Savannah and Charleston R. R.
TrelD No.l....... 11 00 A.M.
No. 2....... 2 00 P.M.
No. 3....... 7 30 A.M.
No. 4........................... 8 30 P.M.
Augusta Train.................... 8 30 p.m. 7 80 A.M.
fSumlays excepted ; *Saturdays excepted.
Sailing days of Steamers, for
Interior Ports .
City ol Bridgeton; J. S. Lawrence, W. H Manager; Fleetwood, Com¬
Every Tuesday and Saturday at p. m.
David Clark; Manager; Thos. White, Commander,
J. S. Lawrence, Monday
Every and Thursday, at 4 p. m.
Rosa; P. H. Ward, Capt., W. F.Barry, Agt.
Every Tuesday at 4 p. m.
Centennial; W. C. Ulmo, Captain, J. P.
Chatte, Agent; Every Thursday
at 4 p. m.
City Point; Scott, Captain, Jno. F. Robert¬
son, Every Agent: Wednesday
at 12 m., and every
Saturday at 4 a. nately. m., and 7 a.m.
ton, Katie; Manager; A. C. Cabanias, Captain, John Law
Every Tuesday, at 6 p. m.
•ett Cumberland; A Kennedy, Captain W. T. Gibson, Dor
Every Tuesday Agents; and Friday at 7
p. m.
Ocean Steamers for No'rthern Ports:
For Baltimore—Every Tuesday and Saturday
For Boston—Every Wednesday, alternately.
For New York—Every WednesdayASaturday
For Philadelphia—On Saturdays.
LUCKIE.—Died at Ft. Reid. Fla., on the 9th
Inst., ALFRED T. LUCKIE, formerly of
Athens, Ga. ,
The friends and acquaintances of the de¬
ceased, and cf Wm E. Alexander and family,
are respectfully invited to attend the funeral
from the residenc-* of Macon, the latter, 4 Abercorn o’clock, this st.,
between Taylor and at
Special Kotice,
1879. Vehicles. 1879.
Office City Clerk op Savannah. Council, } V
January 31st, 1879. J
Owners of Vehicles are hereby notified that
all licenses for the same for year 1876 expired
January 1, 1879, and that the license lor the
present year is now due. Owners are request¬
ed to take out badges at once as t.he necessary
steps for the collection of the tax will be taken
Without further notice.
FRANK E. REBARER, Council. __
Jan31-tf Clerk of
1879. Liquor Licenses. 1879.
Office City Clerk January of savannah, of 31st, Council. 1679. }
Under and by virtue of the provisions of the
Tax and Revenue Ordinance of the cRy of Sa¬
vannah lor the year 1679, all parties engaged
In selling, malt, vinous or spirituous liquors
Within tne city limits, either at wholesale or
retail, are uotitieu that ail city licenses ex¬
pired on January 1, 1879, and «re now due lor
tne present > ear. No further notice will be
Issued, and all parties concerned failing to
oompiy with said above Ordinance will be
placed P uo on the information docket.
_jan31-tf Clerk ol
Notice to Owners and Tenants.
Office City Clerk of Savannah, council, ) i
January 31«t, 1&79. J
The ordinances or the City requiring that
all otral, tilth, rubbish, dirt and other matter
generated upon any premises in the city,
shall be placed in a box or barrel upon said
premises; and that the rubbish collected from
sweeping the sidewalks should be deposited
ready ror the Scavenger’s cart; all persons are
notified that any person violating the ordi¬
nances in this respect by falling to comply
with their requirements, or by throwing or
placing rubbish or dirt iu the streets or lanes
(othirwise than in convenient heaps for the
Scavenger's cart) will be placed on the infor¬
mation docket and dealt with aocordidg to
law. order of the Mayor,
Jan31-tf Uier k of Uouncll.
Quarantine Notice.
office Health officer,)
Savannah, January 18,1«79. j
Until further notice, vessels coming to this
port from Havana, Cuba, or from liiode Ja¬
neiro, 8. A., and vessels having had sickness
*>n boa id during voyage, or on arrival, shall
be anchored at the (Quarantine (Quarantine until Officer. visited and
inspected Dy
Health Officer.
By order of J. F. WHEATON, Mayor.
Jau20 if
Plumbing and Gas Fitting,
Plumbing, Gas & Steam Fitting,
Nu. 48 BARNARD STREET, one door nor th
ol South Broad treet.
Bath Tuba, Jobuiug Water Closets, Boilers, Ranges
Promptly attended to.
•bll Also, Agent of •• BACKUS WATER MOTOR
Whitaker street, Southwest corner State st.
N.B. Houses fitted with gaR and water
•liort notice, Jobbing promptly attended t
and all work guaranteed, at low prices.
Paints, Qilsand Glass*
john Oliver;
— Dealer in —
Steamboat, flail Road and Mill Supplies,
Balusters, Blind Trimmings, &c.
For Sale.
AT I AUCTION, Kennedy,
By Dorsett Auctioneers.
We have Just received from a first class
Jewelry Establishment in Philadelphia
a consignment of elegant goofis,
consisting of
Gold and Silver WATCHES, SETS of ail descriptions. in latest styles.
Solid and Plated
BUTTONS and numerous other articles oi
Jewelry. —AIJSO—
A full line of Pocket Cutlery.
We propose to sell these at auction, com¬
inst., ut half-past seven o’clock, at the store and
oorner of Whitaker and tirvau streets,
continuing until further notice. febL’-tf
14 Boxes No. ii Hams for sale low by
Wholesale Grower*,
<w>i a A. Er, oor, iitty auU Barnard *Ys
Northern mail viaSavannah and Charleston
Railroad. 2:15 p. k. and 6:30 p. m. via Central
Charleston, Port Royal Railroad, 2:15 p. M. and 7:00 p. M.
7 p. m.
Western mail via Central Railroad, 8:00 A. m.
and 6:30 p. m.
Florida mail via Atlantic and Gulf Railroad,
3:45 p. M.
Thomasville andotherpointswestofDupont,
Darien and Brunswick, 3:45 p. m.
Savannah River, Tuesday 5:00 p. M.
Milledgeville Office and Eatonton, 6:30 p. m.
open for delivery of mail on Sunday
from 11:00 to 11:30 a. m., ana 1:30 to 2:00 P. M.
Every description of JOB PRINTING aeat
ly. and expeditiously oarrled on at thi* awlce,
over C. L. Gilbert & Co’s Wholesale Grocery
Depot, cor. B*y and Barnard Streets
Sunday, February 16, 1879.
Sexagesima Sunday.
The Park is growing green.
The Catholic Fair still continues to
be a success.
There has been a reduction in the
price of guano.
The moon has a conjunction birthday. with
Venus on Washington’s
The rice fields are now being put
under water.
Happy is the man who dies poor.
There will be no quarrel over his will.
Street pedlars are as numerous as
Our ladies are busy planting out their
The City docket. Court is grinding away on
the civil
The present mild spring weather is
causing vegetation to sprout.
Our hotels are doing a thriving bus¬
A new dish at our free lunch saloons
reads thus: “Probonopublico.”
Washington’s birthday will be cel¬
ebrated with the usual observances.
When will the new cricket club be
organized ? Tempus fugit.
The election for magistrate in the
third ruffle district the passed placid oft” without even
a on waters.
The Tybee Improvement company
is making arrangements to have a first
class boat for the coming season.
Bull street, yesterday, presented a
lively appearance. Pretty girls ; hand¬
some men, and elegant swells.
The young man who attempted to
make a crossing from the wharf to the
steamer Juniata got a good ducking.
A large lot of turtles came in yester¬
day from Florida. They will be sent
to Northern markets.
The steamship City of Macon left for
New York yesterday with a good list
of passengers and a heavy freight.
The steamship City of Columbus ar¬
rived from New York yesttrday with
a large list of passengers.
Mr Julius Kaufmann has had a fine
globe lamp placed in front of his sa¬
loon, Congress Hall. All the shades of
the rainbow are represented in it.
It is an oriental idea, that the spider
draws its venom from the rose ; and
thus it is that too often from the sweet¬
est sources comes the blight of happi¬
ness and human affections.
Messrs. Dorsett & Kennedy’s jewel¬
ry sale, corner of Whitaker and Bryan
streets, is meeting with great success.
The display of jewelry Monday is splendid. The
sale will continue and Tues¬
For the be»t brandi of teas, coffees
and sugars, and in fact every article
in the provision line, we can recom¬
mend Reiley & Maloney, whose adver¬
tisement will be found in another
Irish Jasper Green’s Ball
The ball to be given by this organ¬
ization on the 24th inst. will be a grand
one. Extensive preparations are being
made to have an enjoyable time.
All diseases ensuing from errors of
youth are speedily cured by Dr Yel¬
lowstone, 172 Broughtont street. it
Awake —And go with the times !
there is no use paying from $5 to $10
for a suit or overcoat because you know
the parties. They are used to charging
you a good round profit. Go to the
New York Bankrupt Clothing House
and buy low to suit the times and your
pocket. 140 Congress street. tf
... We offering the only fine
are now .if* J
gingham i umbrella, i n tbat the . i sun, nor
ram wont fade Alpaca and .ilk urn
brellas in variety at low prices, at La- I
Far & Co., 23 Bull street. tf
Diagonal coats and vests, fine cas- |
simere aud black dress suits for the i
holidays, at greatly reduced prices at |
Elias Brown’s. if 11
Just Think of It—W e now a ll
the white and colored -Forest City '
Shirt” t' the from material 75 cents to $1 be 25, bought cheaper j
an can for.
LaFar & Co., 23 Bull street. tf
Everybody is surprised at the hereto- high ;
prices they have been paying
Clothing fore, when the New York quoted Bankiupt
House prices are to
them for the fine Clothing and Gents'
Furnishing Goods. New York Bank¬
b rupt Clothing House, 140 Congress
f tr««V tf
Toilet Soap, SiV- per dozen at Reedy's
Pork and Beans at Reedy's
Oaliiornia, Port, Sherry, Angelica and Claret
Wines fine at Reedy's line
As a of Teas as there is in the city,
at Reedy's goods
Reedy’s Lop* are fcnoXxVh always fresh, because they
a tv utfvtw lemq to boeVtafe stale.
Election for Magistrate
In the election for magistrate in the
Third district yesterday, Mr
Molina received the highest
of votes cast, and was thereupon de¬
clared elected.
Doctor Yellowstone.
We would call your attention to
locals in this issue of Dr. Yellowstone
He is having remarkable success in
specialties, and is fast gaining the
fidence of the people. His treatment
is simple, natural and successful.
Isaac Russell, Esq., has fitted up a
neat law office, adjoining his magis¬
trate’s court room. He is a good law¬
yer, and has had remarkable success in
the practice of his profession. His
legal and magisterial duties are attend¬
ed to promptly and personally.
Phantom Hop.
The Pupils of Madame Louis,dancing
academy will have a phantom hop to¬
morrow evenig, at Masonic Temple, to
which tickets at 50 and 25 cents can be
had, at Tatem’s and at the door. Un¬
der the able management of Prof.
Minor, this entertainment will no doubt
prove a very enjoyable affair.
Sheriffs Sale,
City Sherriff David Bailey, sold at
auction, yesterday, the stock of goods
and fixtures of Julius Spanier, 149
Congress Salomon street, on an Phillips, execution and in
favor ol & for
breach in the condition of a chattel
mortgage in lavor of a man mamed J.
Israel, of Charleston, S.C.
The stock was sold to Mr. Israel, the
mortgagee, for $2,150.
Kicnelieu. , ..
This production of Bulwer’s, which
has occupied so large a space in the
eye. 1 of the theatrical world, ’ at all
imes a difficu ..a, u t piece . even with pro
feseionais, will be placed on the .tags
.J John 1. lord Association, on
the 2oth instant. Of course we should
not expect pertection ir, in an or, amateur
compacy, but we are .ati.fied, from the
mater,al of wh-ch our company >. form
ed that this masterpiece of Vandenhoff
will not suffer at their hands. They
have already had four flattering re, and their stage manager will
see that h,8 company leas near pertec
tion the as it is possible for them to be in
short time they have to study.
Tom Catherwood is no slouch in the
harness uaruess, and ana old oiq Georee ueorge Grar uray will will be De
thar too, so that .omereally fine acting
may be looked for. And, as the per
iormance formance is is intended intended to to benefit beneut a a good f?ond
cause, of course the Theatre will be
crammed r from too f to t0 bottom b " KOm ' SUCCM Success ‘
hu mem, we say.
u Pretty, but Oh, My!
Sometime ago the city purchased a
well matched, and fine looking pair of
grey horses. They were given to the
Bartow Steam Engine Company. The
horses were as handsome as the com¬
pany and were balky energetic. They are stub¬
born and seem to be posessed
of seven devils. Thomas O’Neill un¬
dertook to drive them yesterday noon
and received a severe kick in the left
ankle which will incapacitate him from
duty for some time.
Chief Blair then gallantly assumed
control, but managed to get ingloriously
stuck in the sand near the police
barracks. Chief Blair, the Lieutenant
and sergeant of poliece, sixteen men
and several boys could not persuade
the greys that it was necessary to ex¬
tricate the engine.
To get out of this dilemma the bays
belonging to the Washington Steam
Engine company were brought into
the requisition and hitched to the pole of
engine. The greys would not
move, the hook snapped, and the sit¬
uation was no better. After repeated
coaxing, urging and whipping proved
from unavailing, the one of the greys was taken
engine and the Washington
bay hitched instead when the latter
pulled engine, and grey away quite
easily. The whole thing was extreme¬
ly ludicrous, and in case of a fire break¬
ing out would have placed the boys
in a bad position. Fully three quar¬
ters of an hour were consumed in pull¬
ing the Bartow engine from - the sand.
The wonderful cures of asthma by
Doctor leliowstones treatment „ . , is - not *.
0 „, attracti » the notice of the reo- >
, 8 but als0 ou w doctor9 It
At and Below Cost.— The entire
stock of Hats, Caps, Boots and shoes,
. . . 128 a Brou „ hto st
° U S n -
Ictlols tf f
‘ x -
Hats and gent's furnishing good.
and neck Wear endless variety and i
S I^ 8 rown ' a > • remarkable low price, tf at j
Latest stvles in Hats and Furnishing
Goods at Santina’s, IRS Congress * sts. t
The largest stock oi overcoats in
Fur-Beaver, Kerseys, etc., just re
ce ived and will be sold regardless of
rr0 st. at E. Brown s, corner Congress
&ru i Jefferson streets.
The bloodhound is now employed by
Spanish fishermen to catch sharks on
th« Cuban coast.
, Cross A Blackwell's fine Salt in Crocks at
Reedy' Imported s French Vinegar Reedy's
; at
Gum Drops, 15c per ib retail at Reedy's
Gold Dust at Reedy’s Reedy's
Oat Meal at
Bee* at
Magistrate’s Court.
Lawrence Thompson, a colored thief,
stole a pocket-book from Mrs. Schroed
er, in the market" yesterday morning,
about nine o'clock. He then ran
through the market to Bay street lane,
followed by a crowd of negroes yelling
at the top of their voices. The fugitive
ran up Bay l«ne and was captured by
Officer Wetherhorn. Thompson
taken by the officer before Magistrate
Russell. The prisoner was searched
and $10.60 was found in hia shoe. He
was then committed to jail, to await
the action of the Grand Jury.
Trade of Savannah.
We hold it to be the duty of the
press to keep a vigilant eye on all
things that are calculated to build up,
strengthen, fortify and extend the
trade of the city or town in which it
is located. Acting on this view we
intend so far as we are able, to look
out for and furnish to our readers all
the information that comes to us cal¬
culated to build up and extend the
trade of our beloved city, knowing that
in so doing we but discharge a duty
we owe to our city and her people.
In her are we interested, and if
she grows, we grow with her. And
we shall thank all engaged in enter¬
prises to appraise us of the nature of
them 60 that we can advise the out¬
side world how we are progressing.
In connection with this important
subject we were reliably informed t' at
the celebrated firm of Guekenheim-r
Schwarz & Oo., steam cracker, cake and
candy manufacturers, that they have
just been disposing of a lot of their
goods to be shipped gratifying to the island of
Cuba. This is a enterprise
and shows that Savannah has an es¬
tablishment that is turning out ar
tides Northern fully equal and to English the celebra- bake
ries, if not superior to them,
an ^ e0 ^ ra t«s defying competition,
It evince., also that we are attracting
to us an entirely new trade. Hereto
f ore our intercourse with Cuba has
been a | m08t entirely confined to the
l uin ber trade, but this new firm will
8Dl P tneir their annarinr superior flnnr nour, cakea cares, pfp etc.,
w j|i l donhtlpqa he the nnenincr Jade artS I
of a dem nd for Savannah
c|e8 which win re dound to the advan
^Savannah t f this firm an( j a [ so to t u e cre dit :
with this faithful f 1 !
It would be well if bad otber
manu f ac t„ r ie. that would draw to u. i
RavaS + u„ Mntionnn« TZZZSnt nur I
T,” is the
P ,° the tne West west India India Wands islands, and ana ;
should the capital to draw these '
p8 Tancred le . The late war has materially
i c n ed nur our condition cond non, ana and we we should should
; <-> judicious
! , make , use c f every J trade* appliance :
I th C t ni attrac tt a t to t0 U8 us tne t h e traa « which wnicn I
«eek. , other , markets. , L It ,s true “cap,tal i
lg timid,’ but genuine enterprise over¬
leaps all obstacles and press on to the
attainment of great things. The mer¬
chants of Savannah should make a note
of this matter, and set their wits to
work to discover what other articles of
domestic manufacture are adapted to
the wants of these people, and those press
readily into competition with of
other cities to supply them.
Cotton, rice, lumber and turpentine
are not the only articles of commerce,
and why should our merchants hesitate
about opening «p new avenues of trade.
One idealism is turned aside and we
are now in the grand race for commer¬
cial supremacy. The war has thrown
us on our oars, left us, like little babes,
helpless, ourselves. and it remains We have for the us now to
help and skill. talent Shall
and the ingenuity the
we sleep while the army of competi¬
tors are on the march? Shall we lack
the thrift, the enterprise, the energy
that lifts other communities into em*
mmence ?
Not having the room to dilate more |
extensively on this subject at this writ¬ [
will what hcve penned !
ing, we leave we
with those directly interested for their
consideration, another time. promising Let to renew think it at |
us act, not or i
write, where our welfare is concerned,
and we will soon see Savannah rising
to the proud position for which she is
fitted by nature.
I WILL take any case of consumption
that has not been tampered with, and
if by my treat ut-nt I don’t cure in 40
days will forfeit $500 dollars. Dr. Yel¬
lowstone. it
Another reduction. Still
prices at the New York Bankrupt
Clothing House, 140 Congress street,
Also great bargains in fine Gents’
Furnishing Goods, guaranteeing a sav- tf:
ing of fully twenty-five per cent.
----- --- -
Go to Santina for Collars, Cuffs, Un- !
dei wear and Shirts; they are sold at
cost to make room for Spring stock, tf
Santina, Fashionable Hatter, 138 :
Congress and 137 St. Julian street., tf !
If .. jour wife ., or child is consumptive, , *
we advise you to see Dr. Yellowstone
at once. Office 172 Broughton K st. It
havVmed 1 . T 0 U?er
and We take 'Dr.* Ulm’eFs Cofrect^r. |
swered pleasure tn stating that it lies an
heve finely for all the purposes for which
we used it. It is pleasant to take and
acts well as an apperienu
I..' ^ ^
fobs W. High. iKor.
J. C. C. Blaikhubn, M. D.
wooTwarmu\°ed"at^jus^open'ei Br >' an street. ^Apbeve '
R J5a,-J Red Bananas n ' 8 HamS ' Sboulders and B. Bacon at
at Reedv's
Yellow Bananas at Reedy's
50,UOO Cocoanuts at Reedy's i
Lemons at Reedy's
ib tt* Cut Loaf t»uVM ftnr *1 at Reedy**
Lemon Thief.
Ike Williams, better known as
Peck, a colored roustabout, was
ed by policeman T. Jones,
for stealing lemons from E. J.
& Co., in the Market basement.
Mr. Gustav us Bergner, of
phia, the principal of the firm
breweries Bergner & Engel, one of the largest
in this country, left
day afternoon for Jacksonville, Fla.
New Enterprise.
It is rumored that a company of our
successful wide-awake, energetic bus¬
iness men will soon make efforts to es
tablieh an oil factory. The site of land
has already been selected to that end,
and it only now remains to ascertain how
much the machinery will cost. If the
project is consummated, Savannah will
indeed have accomplished much in the
way of thrift and enterprise, The time
is near at hand when the South will
cease to be dependent upon other sec¬
tions for what can be readily obtained
at home. A little more manufactories
and mechanical appliances and the days
of prosperity for the South will soon
usher in.
The Essence of Sarcasm.
A young lady in this city received
the following lines, written beneath a
cheap valentine. Her brother is
strong-armed chap, and will give $25
and voluntarily serve 30 days on the
ehain gang to find out the name of the
creature who sent them:
“With woman’s forms and woman’s tricks,
So much of man you surely mix,
One knows not where to take you.
I pray you, if it’s not too far
To ask of Nature what you are
Or what she meant to make you ?
Yet stay! you need not take the pains 1
With neither beauty, wit, uor brains,
For man’s or maid’s desiring.
Pert as female; fool as male;
As boy, too fresh; as girl, too stale.
The thing’s not worth inquiring.”
Suspected « * j -lur Murderer .i Arrested. \ a
Officer Wetherhorn received word a
f / <j j 0 that t man was wanted * 1
ew a vs a g a
'° , , . . TT ,,
°“ r X^AA ‘J* gTr V,frtW ' ,W 1 coined
d . 1 f rtu6 that , W colored
8 ’ mP £ a
man named Thom f 8 B °wman, on one
of the steamers plying between this
F»rUnd certa.n pia« 8 ,n Florrda, was
Klf! Detective wJh!rWn-tVn-n,lr Wetherhom set to work tn to
b ™^ he ™ “fte'' some in
T e8tl « at,on came t0 the conclus.on that
1 man wa8 on , 8teamer Qity 0 f
'* S v;t,„ ora i3
a a m n „ an awer in § tn e ascription had
be employed , , on the , boat, ’ but had
, aQVB ? ve of en g O : von v i v,; h to 1 8°, to
^ hospital. , . , *. The officer proceeded j
thith P nd karned lUat BoUan had
, r a
left that place early in the morning.
Here all traces of the fugitive were loet.
Capt. Fitgera'd told the officer that he
would keep a lookout for Bowman.
The City of Bridgeton started dis¬ for
Jacksonville, and after being out a
tance, Bowman was discovered stowed
under the boiler and was taken on deck.
He refused to surrender himself to
Officer Wetherhorn in Savannah, so the
Captain turned him over to the Chief
of Police in Jacksonville. These facts
we learned from a reliable source, and
were given us for publication. Officer Wether¬
Capt. Fitzgerald and
horn deserve great credit for the sum*
mary manner in which this matter
wai traced by and a capture effected.
Planters’ Hotel.
This well known House has been
xecently refurnished and renovated
throughout and the accommodations for
families increased and improved. Spe¬
cial arrangements have been made to
meet the wants and requirements of
commercial travelers in the shape of
good Having sample rooms, etc.
made the Hotel business the
careful study cf my life, with a view to
understand the wants of the Southern
old people, I pledge my reputation that the
Planters Hotel shall be con
ducted j. . j so as to . retain , • the .i patronage , of c
old friends and increase the claims of
new ones.
mi,. He convenience to t-~ k business .1 c.7 r. naa and a r, A the
central location of my House, With the
LOW RATES chai’ged, make it an object
for commercial and other travelers.
fe7 tf John BrESNAN, Manager.
Smoke F. Kolb’s “Hudson” and
“ Huntress ” Segaia.
- — -
Correct stvles in Hats at Santina . ( s,
138 Congresl and 137 St. Julian .U. tf
A people call 7T Savannatl 0 ,
GOOD many
a deal place, but the New York Bank- •
rupt Clothing House is fi ne
Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods j
lower than can be bought at wnolesaie
X ew York. 140 Congress street, tf ;
Sard the grave old1 .exton-These i
grave robbers are tomb mucii toi U8. \
—--- *----
You can buy a full suit, with a whole ;
lot of Furnisliing 6 Goods for the same
“oney that , Other ,, stores . Will -it charge i you
for the SUlt alone, at the New I Ork
p Bankrupt a „L_„ T ,i nUtUinrr ClOtuing tL ur )U8e, 1 lit) If) Ponor-nm Congr~
street. ’ I
Have your Silk Hats 11 :k-i t a -
Santina’s, the Hatter, 25 and 5 j uts. b )
For the most stylish hats, shirts and scarfs
in' new goods at low prices go aud sec Appel,
Roasted Rio Coffee , 20c per fb a* Reedy’s
Light C Sugar, 13 Its for si at Reedys
Early Rose Potatoes, S2 per bbl at Reedy s
Butter, Mushrooms', very nice, 2(*c per !b Reedy at Reedy s
3hc per can at s
French Fens, 2>- per can at Dev-ds *
V ,‘.'n , ' 11 KR oarnpeUtors, s Li Y kr Cokrkotor a .Silver Modal was award- the
‘\ air held ai.
1875, and Diploma ’ at M*con. octob» r,
a at the Falrcf the Soulk
Georg.a Agricultural and Mechanical Associa¬
tion,held at Thomasville, October, 1875. [del*
For the next thirty days Appel will sell hla
immense stock or Mon’s and Hoys’ Clothing at
New York cost. Come and see prices, which
it ill astonish all, at Appel’s, 1*12 Bryan st
Office Evening Recorder, 1
Savannah, Ua. Feb 15, 1879. 1 r. M.
T«*ue of the market, quiet.
middling, Ordinary, 8; Good ordinary, 8jk. Low
9 1-16, Middling, 9 7-16. Good mid¬
dling Receipts—2,770. 915-16. Middling lair, 10 5-16.
^ Exports (foreign ) 2,750, coaat
Sales—1.303 Stock on hand,778,321.
Half grown, ip $ pair......... 60 @ 60
Three-quarter pair................. pair 35 @ 40
Chickens dressed grown tt,... '-p 40 © 45
pucks, « ..... 12}$@ 16
Ducks, (Muscovyj, (English), $ pair...... 75 © 90
Turkeys, ■p j-,air...... $ pair........ 75 © 85
Turkej dressed, lt>....’..’.7.7. 1 50 @8 00
s, . 15 @ 18
Eggs, Eggs, (Western), (country), p doz............. 19 © 22
Butter, (country), p doz............ 18 @ 20
Peanuts,(Georgia), lb............... 15 © 18
Peanuts, (.Tennessee), bushel.. 75 ©100
Florida $ bushel 1 00 @1 35
Florida sugar, $ lb, nominal..., 7 © 8
Honey,'P syrup, gallon......................... gallon, ......... 18 © 20
Irish (55 ^ 70
Sweet potatoes, $ bbl........................ 2 75 #3 50
Poui.TKY.—The potatoes, p bushel................. 35 © 45
demand market barely supplied and
Eggs.— The market is unsteady wLn a fair
Butter. —A moderate demand for a Unit
class article. Stock ample.
f ^PKANurs.—Market fairly supplied; demand
Syrup.—G eorgia and Florida in light de¬
Sugar. —Georgia and Florida, scarce, with
but a light demand.
Rice. —Demand not very active.
Common, •!? 5@5^. Fair.5%@5%. Good, 8®#^.
rib A sides, . c , ON ’ 7 6>4; :V emand shouiderR, Bood. 5 %: stock dry small. salted Clear
ribbed sides, ?>%• long clear,5%; clear
liaras, 9^. shoulders, ’ 4‘4 ;
Flour. —Demand good.
lancy, Superfine, 86.75®87.00; $5.25©$o.50; extra, 86.00@86.26
o.50. family, $6.25@86.)5; Cai'-m’.
Hides.—P rices declined. Demand good.
Dry flint, 11; salted, 7@9.
22@28; .^wool.—N burry, ominal. 9@12. Unwashed, free of hurra.
Skins.— Deerskins, 17; Otter skins, 25c.@82.00.
Tallow, Wax, 23c. 6c.
Sun Rises 6.84
Sun Sets., 5.26
High Water, Savannah, 3.20 a.m. 4,00 p.m.
Sunday.. February 16, 1879.
York—Wilder Steamship City of Columbus, Nickerson, New
<fc Co.
Steamer St John’s, Vogel, Florida—G M Sorrel
Steamer City of Bridgeton, Fitzgerald, Florida
—J S Lawrence.
York—0 Steamship Cohen City of Maeon, Kempton, New
A Co.
Wm Steamship Hunter Juniata, Catharine, Philadelphia—
& Son.
Jas Steamship B West Wm Kennedy, Foster, Baltimore —
A Co.
Steamer St John’s, Vogel, Florida—G M Sorrel
Steamer City of Bridgeton, Fitzgerald, Florida
—J S Lawrence.
Steamship Steamship City of Macon, New York.
Juniata, Philadelphia.
Steamship Wm Kennedy, Baltimore.
Ter steamship City of Macon, for N«w York_
755 bales cotton, 79casks and 139 sacks rice, 717
bhls rosin, 150 bbls oil, 392 sacks oil cake. 844
pkgs fruit, 933 pkgs vegetables, and genl mdse.
Per steamship Juniata, for Philadelphia_
314 bales cotton, 225 bales domestics etc, 41
casks rice, and 4 half casks rice, 208 bbls rosin,
69 bbls spirits turpentine, 26 bags boues, 42,000
feet lumber, 65 empty bbls and kegs, 57 hdds
iron, lot loose iron, Wm 300 pkgs fruit, and genl mdse.
Per steamship Kennedy, for Baltimore—
249 bales upland cotton, 15 bales sea island cot¬
ton, 201 casks rice, 60 bbls rosin, 224 bbls spirits
turpentine, 306 boxes fruit, 210 pkgs mdse.^
Per steamship City of Columbus, from New
York—Mrs Geo A Robbins, Miss Marion Robbins,
Master Geo Robbins and servant, H T Lynch, F
N Mrs Kilbouu, B Glover, J W Miss Tulls, Ellen A Cuthbert Nolan, G W Smith,
VV H Brrker
aud wife, Mrs David McCandless, Miss Helen Me
Cand'es*, W J Ehrich, Julius S Ehricli, Mis* Ii
L Ehrich, Mrs J C Greenlsaf and daughter, T M
Murray, Mrs W H Patterson, D Ii Wickham and
wife, Eugene Diven and wife, Miss Annie Diven,
R II Timmons, B W Lansing, R II Vickers, D
W Melton and wife, Miss A L Melton, John
Turner, Henry Turner, R L Hancock, H Lincer
and son, J M Intosh, P Green and 6 steerage
Per steamship City of Macon, for New York—
J McIIarg, Miss Frances Giebelhouse, Mrs Me
Kunzie, R F Mackellar, Mr Stafford and wife,
Louis D'Aubry, Walkeoberg, JB Branch, Chas Peters, C 8 Teal, C A Powel- Peters,
son, Mr Petro
J G Peters, C Mehlaasbick, and 8 steerage
Par steamship Juniata, for Philadelphia—
D Pettit, B Brawel, Col C Boyd, G M Gumann,
J McKenty, J O Moore.
Per steamship ,. City of Columbus,from New i oi k
_ A A 0 R R agt C R R agt. Alexander A M,
Allen * L, E A Abbott Branch *C, G D Baker,
Apple, T P Bond k Co, Boehm, B A Co T H
Bolshaw, MBohv, W C Butler, O Butler, J G
But!er fl Bilos p Barry, a S t. Crawford a L,
Cunningham A H, J Cohea, A II Champion, A
Coleman, J A Douglass, W B Davis, M Daly,
LklSn VVa Em.ieiWn, °!
Frank a Co, I L Falk & Co, A Freidenber'g A
| Co, J II Friel, M Ferst A Co, C L Gilbert a Co,
i S Guckenbeimer HVknl * Co, Gray aOB, C Goodman &
rHl?ff, rf Q R 0 'H
c Hcomb e
Hanker, Hudson, S E G Heidt, Haynes. Wm F Ilalligan, Hunter & A Son, Hanley, Mrs W E
B Lester, J S Lawrence, Loeb A E, Lovell A L,
s K L „ witl| B u Levy, A Leffler, J Lyons, J
Lerkev, G Love Meinhard Bros. Mob r Bros, H
j^Vei^ MUIe? 4 M, E Jlilhlberg,
E L ^STeidliuger, Order, Palmer Bros, J Pember*
ton, J Paulsen a Co, Pulaski House, J Perlin- „
ski. H Peoples A Co, Russak 4 Co, J B Reedy, Reilly
J Rosenheim, J H Ruwe, H J Heisor,
Bros, A Straaser, G M Sorrel, Jas Silva, Sinon
A R, J Schwarz, E A Schwarz, M Sternberg. J
Sullivan L H Santina J A Smith A Stucker,
®“ brc * n * r ’ 8 * v “ n "? h a " d T r ust Co g
A Stultz A Co, S K Simon, N O T Tilton, ( J T w
Tvnau. P Tuberdy. J C Taylor, H W Tilton, J H
Von Newton, -J \ olaski, D Weisbem, Aft; a
C W West, Wilcox. G A Co, We«d *■ C, Wv’lv
. ^ ^ Wilson P H Ward • iJ E U a.,, f
u Willink. H Yonge. O
I and Landscape Painter, 8T„ between has permanently Abercorn
located on BOLTON
;• u ' Lincoln street, north side, where he is
prej red to PAINT Photograph, Portraits Ambrotypes, and Landscapes 'lln
of all s./t
type. aud Daguerreotypes, enlarged from
card to iife-size.
All orders intrusted to his care will receive
prompt attention. He will paint 8x10 size for
five dollars, 14xt7 fifteen dollars, and lUe-bizc
twenty-five dollars. Gtw* hlat a caii.