Savannah daily evening recorder. (Savannah, GA.) 1878-18??, June 20, 1880, Image 2
m THE SAVANNAH RECORDER 161 BAY STREET. B. fill. OEMS Editor. Terms of Subscription: (IHVARIJi BIiY IN ADVANCE.) One Year......... .95 00 Six Months..... 2 50 Three Months. 1 25 One Month.... 60 Cs MSf We solicit communications on all sub •ot« OI public interest, if authenticated by the name of the writer, and will publish them, whether we agree with the views expressed or not. 4®“ All notices and communications re¬ commending persons for the various offices to be tilled in the coming elections must be paid for in advance to insure publication. FOR GOVERNOR , Hon. Rufus E. Lester, OF CHATHAM COUNTY. Sunday, June 20, 1880. mrtMt Political Notice Important to Remember. The National Democratic Convention, to nominate candidates lor President and Vice President, will meet in Cin¬ cinnati, Mouday. 21st June. The State Gubernatorial Convention, will be held at Atlanta, Wednesday, August 4th. Primaries to send delegates to the Gubernatorial Convention will be held in all counties, on Wednesday, July 21st, by the same recommendation. Each county will be entitled to two delegates to each Convention, fo - * every member it has in ibe lower branch oi the Genera! Assembly. Misunderstood. Several of our contemporaries—tbe Brunswick Appeal , the Macon Herald, tho Augusta News, and perhaps one or two others—misunderstood an article of ours of a week ago, in writing the rumor of Governor Colquitt rnn s ng as an independent candidate for Governor. We said, let him run if he feels so disposed ; it is his right and his privi¬ lege. If he desires to get a vote from the people, it is his right, and we do not call it into question. We admire independence ; but we did not say we G would support him as an independent. Lester The Recorder flies TEe At this time, aud Mr. Lester is our choice. iJe TTEltS Fit OH THE PEOPLE BRAVERY SHOULD BE RE¬ WARDED . Mr. Editor : Tbe gallant action of Mr. Lee, male of the steamer H. B Plant, in saving the life of a Miss SiafFoid and her young brother at Tybee, should neither pass unnoticed nor unrecompensed. testimonial Either a purse or a should be gotten up in his behalf, and I would suggest, Mr. Editor, that the Recorder should inaugurate the movement by taking charge of the fund, and that a oommit^ee of three be appointed by you, sir, to determine in what shape the gallant man shall be rewarded. Poor as I am I will open the sub-* scriptiou li4t with one dollar, trusting that those who can better afford it will respond recording to their means. and I 1 don’t kuow this Mr. Lee, hav8 made no inquiry whether he is a Savanuah man, a Southern man or Yankee; ail I oaie to kuown is, that has anowu himself to be a “man’’ the strongest aud noblest acceptation ot the term. Reward. Wo heartilyfconcur with in his laudablo'dcaire to show some preciation of the brave aud gallant of Mr. Lee, aud while we would be instrumental in accomplishing object, w e would inform our correspon¬ dent that the matter is in the hands a committee ot gentlemen who will that the act will not be passed by lessly.—E d. Yellow Fever. The Nation el Board of Health, re por r this to be Blood Poisoning. The beet medicine iu existence tor clearing the blood of unhealthy matter is that named as Warner’s Bate Kidney anti Liver Cure, us-d ia connection with Wh ruer’s Safe Pills. As a preventive to yellow tever and all malarial favors, these remelies are a success. J H Koch. Jeweler, At No. 22J Whitaker street, hiving recently enlarge 1 ms store, is now eu •bied to exhibit bis fine stock ot Jew¬ elry, \Y itches, Oiocus, Spectacles and Walking O.uos, in a 1 ot which be of¬ fers big iuiiuceoiduta. His stock of Spectacles also and evo glasst*-* is tuijst. com plste, embraces the celebrated coqnilles, which, wth the colored spec tACtcs iu bis stock are tbe very thmc warned tor office use and by visitors to Tybee beacn, as they are ot great benefit to the eyes. Repairing a spe ciatty, add Mawcxittd m a workmauljc ■naMti SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Condensed from our Exchanges WrightsviUe Recorder : The Hon. Rufus E, Lester has been President of the Georgia Senate for the past two terms, and is one of the ablest presid¬ bad. ing officers ths Senate has ever And we are highly in favor of bestow¬ ing upon him Gubernatorial honors, as he Governor justly merits the same, We oppose four long Colquitt as we think make such years enough for him to a reputation as he might wish re¬ membered, without asking tor another term in order that he nught vindicate himself. We want no more U an four years from any one Governor, and if the Governor make in that ‘length of time cannot lor himself such a name as he would wish to have remembered, we can only say that his administra¬ tion liH9 been a perfect failure Aod we honestly believe the people of Geor¬ gia desire that Gov. Colquitt should retire from the field, as he has held this office long enough, and let Lester, Warrer, Hardeman, Gartrell or some other pure and able man take his place. Brunswick Appeal-. We are glad that Brother Thompson, ot the Savan¬ nah News, has at last come to regard Joseph E Brown with some degree of respect, and that we are not again to inerr his hot displeasure by words of excuse, palliation and explanation. When we last saw him the bare men-, tion of the ex-Governor’s name caused his nose to assume the altitude ol an angle of forty-five degrees, and his whole frame to shudder with abhor¬ rence. When the census taker, wishing to compliment, said to a citizen : “Ah, sir, you’ve a wife of a hundred !” the Udy grabbed a rollina-pin and sailed in on him, saying: “You villain, I told you I was only 25. Don’t you dare to put it down as 100 !” Hew Advertisements* WANTED. A GOOD WHITE WOMAN to do Apply general hou-ewo’k in a Broad family. to J/iS. McGINLKY York street, 2d door east ot Bull, or, on Henry street, 2d door east ot Lrayton. ____j e2U 3 t. CHARLES ZINK, BREAD and CAKE BAKER, MARGARET AKD WEST BROAD STS. Fresh Pies, Bread and Rolls, dally. J e20 t f Copartnership Notice. I HAVE this day associated with me in the Cotton Factorage and Commission busi¬ ness, under the Arm name of L. J. GU1L MAKTIN&C').. Dr. Charles R. Herron, late oLPensucola. Fla. L J. uUILMaRTIN. wavan^iah. June iiSth. 1830. Je20-3t ; / 'i 7 sawwrii m WS w* Tho Famous Seltzer Spring of Ger¬ many in Every American Home. TARRANT’S SFLTZEIt APERIENT, Bflsed unon a scientific analy-is ofthtscele ebrated German Sp'lug. in its concentrated duplicate, iu each with thirty to fortv sparkling doses bottle Sold by Druggists the world ovc my27eod-2w FURNITURE, Ac. By T. AIcLaujhlin <£ Son. ON MONDAY >Ist INST., AT 11 O’CLOCK. A variety of FURNI r 17ItE—Sideboards. Bu¬ reaus, etc. A very line Mantel Clock, cost 550. —ALSO— 2 boxes Bacon Sides, and Invoice of Clothing 1 box of Clothing, sold on account of all con¬ cerned. 2 cases Gaiters, a few cartoons of Shoes, etc. Je2 > NOTICE TO Builders and Lumbermen. B ID4 will ho received until Saturday, June 261 h, tor the erection of a i Of I ON adjolnLg w AKKHoUsK -n tho wbart lot above and Mds bin tbe Central t’oiton Press. be made for tbe entire work, and for ihRbrick, lunibiv-, m sonry an i carpen¬ ter* vlmk separately. In estimate for brick work,grading t’laua to tie Included. aud Kpceiffcat Ions can be seen at our Office no Bay street. Privilege reserved to re Jcot, any and all bids. >'20 1 H. M. COMER* CO. AN EXCURSION TO T Will be given by tho Board ot stewards of Wesley Monumental Church! (> N W K DN KSI) A V, J V N b i>. The Steam¬ er II. B. PLANT, bus been engaged and wit 1 leave wharf foot of A bercorn street at 2 l’ m 8 . promptly. Time and ill Tide leave Tybee on return at i'. m. will suit for bathing during stay at Island. Return by moonlight Tickets can be bought at Messrs. O. But ler’s, Lu Idea ,t Bates, Geo. M Heidi's, Wylly A ’iarke s. E L. Ni i.Lin gcr’s, and at wharf. Wlmle tickets 50 c -nt<, halt tickets 25 cents. Retresh meats ou botrd Whether You Purchase or Not, We cordially Invite you to inspect , tlie beautitul, light ruuniug h • HjlHlS JL piicity MACHINE and luecUaniciI Isa model skill, of beauty, embrari sim m.iiiy flue points *ound in no other. To tlie purchaser we give a written guarantee, signed by tue Company, to turni<h nil repairs aud slumles P ns FREE for five years, except treedGs aud bi>bbtu>; thus showrec the great (•• mDilenee ?be Company p .ace in th vi nia dunes. Will also keep li, stork a fall snppiy ; o tne Peoples’ Singer Sewinu Maciiiue, which we cordi&m invite the public to ia -peot also. ’ JOYCS & HUNT. i No. Ut» , »r k a JeC'-it N ext to kV O rie * LINES. I A Gv>OD assorummt by Ciothes Lines, Just re ^ C. L. (GILBERT <» CO. >.im j. AB. Amuhements* SAVANNAH THEATRE Tuesday. Juno 22«l, 1880. G 1 RANI) Complimentary Benefit tendered I' by the citizens ot'.> tv mnnh to rol. T. C nia’ntucer of tlie Egyptian Mystery, and Miss LOUISE CLARKE, under the aus¬ pices of the JOHN T. Ft 'BD Dramatic Association. On which occasion Miss Carrie Lewis has kindly volunteered her services, also a bright an ,l beautiful Savannah young lady, Miss Bonnie Belle, w'll make her first appearance. Come one and all, and Admission give tne Parquetteand beneficiaries a rousing house. Dress Circle 75"; Family Circle50c; Gallery 2 c. Reserved seats can bo secured at Bren’s without extra charge jel7,18,20,21 22 vum-masux\ns>*4*'***** iwa—— 11 hi mmmmm —w mm mmsna Excursions* Family Excursion -TO WARSAW SOUND! THE STEVMER CITY of liHID GET ON Wi'l leave wharf foot of Lincoln st.,on SUNDAY AFTERNOON. 2<'TH INSTANT, at 3 o’clock, on an excursion to Warsaw Buoy and return, thr ough st. Au gu-tlne Creek and W'ilming Bluff, on River, pass¬ ing in front of Cau.,ton’s Schuetzeri Park Monaventure, ThunderboD. and VV11 ming’ton City before and sk dark. Ida way islands, returning to the Adults 50 cents. Children and nurses half price Jel8,20-2t _____________ NIGHT S FESTIVAL! -OF THE— ON MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1880. Shooting to commence at 10 o’clock A. >f. Military Team Shooting at 8 o’clock p. M. Dancing to commence at 2 o’clock p. M., un¬ til midnight. play 8 Grand Py rotechnical <11 at P. M. COMMITTEE: MaxKkauhs, Chairman, T. O. Rotereau, ri. Wes e, M. Helm ken. J. Bisehoff, Wm. Diers, H. Kolshorn, Je'3,14,15,17,20,21 Ot A GRAND EXCURSION"! Will be given by the Werner Hook and Ladder Compiny! -ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1880, —TO— PORT ROYAL, S. C. T HE steamer H. B. Plant will leave wharf foot of Abercorn street, at 8'^o'clock, A. m. The Guards Brass and - trlng Baud has been engagi d for tbe occasion. Gentlemen’s Ticket 81. Ladles Ticket 50 cts. Children umier 10 years free. COMMITTEE : A. H. Tamm, Ohm’n. V. Basler, J. F. Lu bs J H, Immen, H. Kuck. J el 6,20,23,27,3 j-jy 4,5 6 Fifth Annual Excursion —OF ThK mm mm social club To McVeigh & Weber’s Seaside Pavilion, at TYJ3JBB I TheSteamei H B. Plant, will leave wharf foot of Aberc*>rn si., TUESDAY, JUNE 2d. 1880, at 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Returning will leave Tj bee wbari at 4 aud 9 p. M. Brass and string Ban ’ in attendance. Tick etsOOand 5 aents, including tramway, to be bad from the fol owingcommittee: H. Loqan, chairman; 1’. McAultffe, J, F. Powers. Jim. Larkin, Robt Barbou r , L F. Mat ters, 1>. McAUliffe, Juo. Goette. je0,13.21 Special Notices* Adininisti ator’s Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All parties having Just and legal laims against the Estate o: me 1 Ue Mrs. MA BOA RET O’BYRNE, of Savannah, will hand them in to me (property tties ed> tor iinmed'Hte -ettlement; al parties indebted will *ee that. I must colle it their indebtedness to said Estate with equal promptness D. A. O'BYKNE, Administrator Ettate Mrs. Margaret O’By rue. myiHtf Notice to Physicians and Under¬ takers. Office Clerk of Council, ) Savannah, Ga , June 11, 1880- / The attention of Physician**. Undertaker* and other pari ios Interested, is hereby direct ed to i he loliowuig section of my ordinance governing interments in Laurel Grove feme terv. which will be strictly enforced, Klnu k certificates *or interments mav be obtained on application to the office of the clerk of Council. By order of the Mayor. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. ORDINANCE FEBRUARY 21, 1877. Section 15. B it further ordained, That eacn and every - 'on o each and every cem¬ etery u>ed lor public b ri il witniu five miles *>t the city shall de "and and requite with each aud ev ty application to him tor burl ii ot centrlca'e persons from dying in the city of Savannah, a lie Coroner, a physician, the Health orti cer or i selling forth the name, j ] death, sex, color, cause age, ot deatn, nativity, and lesidem of teuulcg day o' name P ci * n And in no instance shall any sex ton t any ceme ery used for public burial permit tne body of any person dying within the Binits of ihe cuy, to be Interred without such ctrt ficate. U' d t peua'ty, upon convic¬ tion ocore the Poli-e * oua ot tine or im i ri onment, or both, iu thecis *retion of the court; such fine ' ot t 1 exceed one hundred dot ar->, iiUti i such lmprisonmeut not to ex ct-ed thirty days. jei3-7t Ice. i ICE! IlD}W00(l, Gil O’A & Co •5 I \v t l< J I 1 l ' S VLE A Nt) RETAIL DEVLERS 7V IN , ICE.— .- Our - allies un-urp s.«d fiCiiitie-en I us t ) execute ml orders with unparal- 1 u:sp tea aid at as LO \V PRICES as «’tier t rul;*. establishment. >, ea - »-t place t In refrigerators, built . fo ta - purpose at fair rate-*. t h uiktul l >r past patron »ge, we respectfully solicit w continuance of the same Dilice No. 1SS bay street, J jel3U SAVANNAH, GA. ICE3J ; W E to ** ^ I at ten t ion of > 1 -L »ur N i :» v L l ) K \ - 'UATIE* r . ( r *upp S* 1: I V 5 ' U -. * qmniiies W’etif cure i ail Ui Ni'A N -UPCcY of ihi ” N ES and ole ti’Y Or’ r. a-e a t i- ■1 ELY I KIG U i v r. ?. Li-; c i Looer r e lid -d vy aive m ti* pr *p i s f* ail IN C -' r VS ^ OF BU-Iv'E? i ■e i ae m the > w rt and ill O t » cl: j •er< i •inp t iiu oi at ion re i’i'hia; • > i Sit *• i,u ui Fru.ts pi -c-d on ; ! i> e reasonuo e rates. •A >>f patronage ! is leswecLiaiiv s ilieU«d. Groceries and Provisions* FIISTE UlUa jlj ^yVef^ZENAY (Jv J The urtat popularity of this Brand of Cham¬ pagne In Europe is riueio the fact that M. M. DeVENOGK A CIE., have always bottle*) a perfectly Hon of pu.e wiae, entirely free of anv largel' addl aichoholic ingredients used so by so called fir t c'ass houses to give body tbeir inferior wines. (>ur wines are made from the best granes in the Champagne country, are kept in our lars 4 to5 years before they are shipped. sa'es ot last year in Europe have been ovei liAi,t00 Dozens. The DRY VERZENAY is a delicious wine, adapted to the palate of ladies or of sons who abstain from strong di iukb. The EXTRA DRY VERZENAY is a ger wine, very dry, full body and pure. of free Being unsurpa-sed delicate taste and if adulterations, our ( hau pagne nas a ten oency to improve the appetite, it the digestive powers of the stomach and causes nausea or morning ueadaohe. Orders respectfully solicited. For sale at all the principal wine and grocers. DeVENOSE & Cie • » Epernay, je!4tf___ GIVE Him A D. B. LESTER, FANCY No. 21 WHITAKER 8T. Jol8 B. FiVOBTTI, DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE Fowls, Butter aud No. 15 Market Basement, Savannah, Ga. may Blue Grocery Store. No. 156 Congress au^l 73 St. Julian streets. S EEDLESS RAISINS and New Prunes Munster and Eidame Cheese, Buckwheat Grits, Yellow Indian Meal, Mixed Pickles, by the Qt Roll Beet. Boston and Oatmeal Ciackers. For sale by J. uovfiti H. VON NEWTON, SOAP! SOAP! 100 BOXES KIRK'S CELtBRATED SOUP The Host Soap Made! The Oh ‘apest Soap Sold Try it. You will And it at SRANGH & COOPER’S. sepa-tf CHOICE" _____ FAMILY GROCERIES. T HE undersigned would nubile respt.ctfully inform his ft lends and Mi« that be keeps coiistantly n hand a full assortment of choice "roceries such as are usually kepi In first-class Stores and 1*. constant use in every weil reg¬ ulated household. He invites a call and soli¬ cits a trial order feeling confident of giving with satisfaction to all who will favor him their patronage. H. W. READICK, niy'Mtf No. M JBSTERSON 8T Suss [m. Limburger and Cream cheese, Ginger vie. ; Linn* Juice. Lemons, Lag 1 - Brand Rus-lan .Sardines, Norway Anchovies, Cuf Meiwurst, Orauge Spiced Marmalade, Roll Beef. Be®f Tonsues, NICHOLAS LANG & BROTHER jeiSu IS BARNARD BT Stovi.1 srd Tlr.'i'r:’ Sol© Agent for th© Globe Ventilator and Chimney Cap. THOMAS J DALEY, PRAi.IICa > R-ni-rln STOVE? I OB‘r at <is. Willow tUU den A ail O, man oxer of - vtltf, -l n Aooxi U£ f Guiiers, Leaden, Ac. 177 CViugruoB Street. SAVANNAH - - UUiA atyvTk-trtn gcui BOTTLING ESTABL/^ H. SANDERS, Proprietor. SOLE AGENT FOR BOTTLER OF | BOLE AGENT FOR Phillip Best Brewing Co/s Mi,waukee La « er ’ Bead lesion & YVoerz r b PORTER & ALE, Hew York Porter and Ale. Milwaukee Lager Beer* FOR EXPORT. i Also Half Pint Bottles Lager Beer fox* IPamily use. Southwest Corner JEFFERSON and South BROAD Stn., Savannah, Georgia. my21-1,f DIRECT IMPORTATION! I would respectfully call tho attention ot tbe public in general to the Fine stock of House Furnishing Goods, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION .1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED. H AVILA.ND and Co’s, flue trench China Dinner. Tea. and Toilet Sets, both plain and decorated. Motto Cups and Saucers in every style and flnDh. Va-es, Fancy Articles, Etc. Also a full line of Joseph Rogers & Hon’s celebrated Table and Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Scizzors, etc. Reed A Barton’s fine HILVER PLATED WARE, Fancy Articles. Castors, Card Reselvers, Card Cases, Pickle Stands, Vases, and numerous lot of Together with a beauttfui line of Ladles’ Dressing Cases, and an endless variety of Bohemian Goods, suitable foi wedding and holiday presents. CALL AND EXAMINE MY BTOCK. Very Respectfully ' THOMAS WEST, dec7 lm Corner Broughton and Jefferson sts., Savannah, Ga. Dry Goods. GRAY & O'BRIEN, Now Open A CHOICE SELECTION OF Spring Goods. NOVELTIES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. 1 IUU /AfY PIECES Black Camel Hair GREN ADINE. French Buntings in all the new shades. Black French Cashmeres at 50 cents worth 75 cents, new goods. Bengalines and Parisian Bla*k Tamiee, Mourning Goods for first class trade. Con¬ trolled exclusively by our house. Goods that we Black stake aod our colored reputation Lace on. Buntings, all wool, no Swiss snoddy. and Mull Embroideries.—The largest assortment ever seen under one roof this side of New York. White Linen Lawns, 27,000 yards at 12^c. LACE GOODS. We offer the greatest variety South, Patent Valenciennes 20 cents dozen up. Breton, Medices, Torchon and all the hard spelling names in the catalogue hand of Laces. and Lace Fichus.—1,000 dozeu 50 on to arrive, from '0 cents to $2 each. 100 pieces Mousselli.e Btaucne. 300 pieces white and colored Tarletons. These goods are only tfl'ered by the piece of yards each, at one half their value. 100 pieces French Printed CAMBRIC at 20c., cost 45c. to import. Table Damasks. More patterns to select from than you ever saw lu one single house. Napkins aud Doylies of our own importa¬ tion. TOWELS by the Million.—The last cargo by the‘ Unknown,’’ under, round railroad, duty free. Beats ail competition. THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN Fancy Lisle Thread, HOSIERY, Passementerie, Fringes, Huttons, Etc., Etc. SPRING NOVELTIES IN aras Is And SUN UMBRELLAS now open. Boys’ Linen BLOUSES, Misses’ Linen and Gingham DresseR, Infants’ Linen Short Dusters. and Long Slips, new goods, Ladles’ Complete Lines of PRICES Popular Spring Styles al tbe LOWEST In the City. GRAY & O’BRIEN. ncohlStf Hotels* White Bluff. The Vernoaberg House IS NOW OPEN For the reception of visitors. I -.vould res¬ Large pectfully ask for a share of public patronage. Bath House and Boats lor the accom¬ in odation of visitors. je*-lin Mas.S. L. CONSTANTINE. THE luczumu HOTEL -AND ISLE OF HOPE RESTAURANT, This popular place 1* now atocked with Choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars. ALSO, THE RESTAURANT Is amply supplied to furnish a good meal AT REASONABLE RATES. mayi6-tt UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE SUCCESS OF THE MARSHALL HOUSE Has become widely known, and with its SPACIOUS VESTIBULE. EXTENSIVE AND ELEGANT VERANDAH Affording ladies promenade. a fine view of tne AIRY AND WELL VENTILATED Sooms and Unrivalled Table, j * Is ack n owledged to be ! The Leading Hotel of Sa\ anLah,! As demonstraied by the large daily ar rivals. BRESNAK, JOHN Manager. Drawing and Fainting School. J rjOOF, J. EDWIN CHURCHILL Will open Wx hi* olasaes for Painting and Drawing op Wines and Liquors* POOL AND BILLIARD ROOM l Coolest Plae<i in the City. myll-61n W H. THOMPSON. Pro’r. CHIUS. LANG, Agt. Wines, Liquors, Segars. The best Lager Beer always on draught, Free Luueh every day from II to 1 o’clock. COR. DRAYTON * CONGRESS ST. LANK. J«»-iy _____ THE HUNTER’S RETREAT, NO. 20 WHITAKER ST. T HE choicest WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, aud th * bent LvGElt BEER to be tound Saturday hero. nights Free daily from II to Je4-tf_oil L, and GRAHAM, at 8 o’clock. Prop’r. AS. Rail Road House. HENKV SULTElt, Proprietor. [Successor to Theo. Raderick.J COR. WEST BROAD A HARRISON 8TSJ The best Wines, Beer, Liquors, and Segars, also Cool Eager always on hand. FREE LUNCH dally. Janlltf __ THE TELEPHONE SALOON, 161 BROUGHTON STREET, T HE Milwaukee best of WINES, LAGER liquors, Segars and Br.EK, always to be had here. FREE LUNCH from 11 to 1. WM. MCNEILL. nov!4tf JVC o V olgJh’B SEA - SIDE PAVILION ! Including ball room, refreshment saloon, and bath houses at lyneu. Open to visitors April l»t. Elegant bathing costumes, Webor a XloMtauraut. Tastefu'ly fiumshed. and Tete-a tete tabloi. Prompt unsurpassed cuisine, NO DELMONICO PRICES. Market, Beef, halibut aud Clams, luiddock, from Fanouil Bouton. (Shrimp aud other flsh nlwuys ou hand. inhutf F. J. RUCKERT, Northwest corner st. Julian street, MARKET SQUARE, SA ANNAH, GA. Importer of and Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer, SEGARS, ETC. Sole Agent for the ‘Budwelser Bottled Beer aud the celebrated ' Taunus Sellers Water.’ Rhine and California Wines dec2tf A SPECIALTY. JOHN A. CHRISTIAN, (.successor to the late F. X. BJngel.J Wines, Liquors & Segars. The best Lager Beer on draught. Free Lunch every day. 21 JEFFERSON ST., cor. Congress it. Lane Jy28-tf__ Henry Kolshorn , [OHOVKRS’ RKHO RT. J Wines, Liquors. Segars, and Tobfteoo* The best Lager Beer always on draught. Free Lunch every day. meh!4tf No. 33 WEST BROAD ST Leatner and Findings* Dealers in HIDES, FURS, WOOL, Deerskins, Goatskins, Sheepskins, Buckskins, TALLOW, BEESWAX, ROUGH LEATHER, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 108 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA The highest market price paid for the above articles Prompt returns rnade. No drayage or 0 <jininisHion charged on con¬ signments Liberal advances made on consignments. Mo Gnalnoaa »ror««/»tad Sflhirdot Coal. WOOD i COAL T HE u r . lemlgnea naveupeuud a C lAl.and WO >D YARD, and are now prepared to « wood All grades of Coal, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES Giv^ us a trial order aud beconviucod that wa give eaUaUtcMon. it d. Je J J. M ehrtem vxjmoj ■4 | 1 i. km dmAy - a - - rrar. a-