Newspaper Page Text
Norther a mall viasiavauuah and Charleston
R&llroau. k>aJ p. jc. ana t>:30 p. m. via Central
.Charleston. i:0U p. M. arul 7:00 p. at.
iPorl Western Hoyal mail Railroad, via Central 7:00 p. Railroad, m. 8:00 A.
and o:30 p. m.
V iKiorida mail via Savannah, Florida and
Western Railway, iaX, p. m.
8:D Thomasviiie and other points west of Dupont,
p. m.
Savannah Darien and River, Brunswick, Tuesday 3:00 5:00 p. X.
P. M.
MiUedgvvlUe and Katonton, 0:30 p. x.
Office s:00 open 10 :or delivery of mail on Sunday
from to a. k., ana from 2:30 to 3 P. M
Travelers’ Reoister.
Showing tue time of departure aud arrival of
trains al the depots.
Savannah, Florida and Western Railway.
Wight. Express..., Leave Arrive
4 30 P.jt. 9 00 A.M.
Accoin uiodatiou t7 00 A.Hi. t6 iO J*.X.
Central Railroad.
Train No. 1 9 20 A.X. 3 45 p.x.
Train No, 1 7 30 i'.M. 7 15 A.X.
Savannah ami Charleston R. R
Train No. 1...... 12 40 P.M.
No. 2....... 4 30 p.x.
No.? ..... 6 25 A.Mq
No. t ....... ................. 8 30 p.m.
Augusta l.aiu.................... 8 30 p.m. 625 a.m.
{Sundays excepted; *fc,aturdays excepted.
Sailing day a of Steamers, for
inleiior Forts.
J. Daviu N. Harriinan, Clara; Manager; F. ii. Ward, W. F. Barry, Commander,
G. F. A.
Centennial; Every Monday W. and C. ThursOa.., Ulino, at 4 p. m.
Chase. Agent; Captain, J. P.
City Bridgeton; Every Tuesday, John at Fitzgerald, l p. m.
ol Com¬
Every Tuesday and Saturday, at 4 p. m.
Kane; A. c. Caban isb. Captain, Jonn Law
ton, Manager; Tuesday,
Every at 6 p. m.
Ocean Steamers tor Northern Ports;
For Baltimore—Every Tuesday aud Saturday
For Boston—Every vVednesday, alternately.
For New Y wk—Every WednesdayASaturday
For PUiiadelphia—On Saturdays.
Every description of JOB PRINTING ueat
l y. and expeditious.y carried on at this office
over C. L. Gilbert <fe (X’s Wholesale Grocery
Depot, cor. Bay and Barnard Btreets
Sunday, June 20, 1880.
Weather Report.
Signal Office, }
June 19th, 1880.
Comparative statement of tempera¬
ture for the twenty-four June hours ending
at 10:44 p. m., o: 19th, 1880, and
for the corresponding day last year:
1879 1880
June 19, 7:00 a. m..... 70° 74°
“ “ 10:44 a. m... 76 79
2:00 p- m ......77 81
<• 9:00 p. in — ......72 75
‘ 10:44 p. m. ......69 73
Mean temperature..... ....72.7 76 2
Highest.................. .......78 81
Lowest,.................... ......69 6o
Rainfall................... .....0 OOin 00
P. O Guthrie,
S. S. O. U. S. A.
The telephone line is completed from
Savannah to the I-le of Hope.
To-morrow will be the return day for
the July term of the Oity Court.
Nearly all the trees and board fences
in the city have been whitewashed aud
present a very neat appearance.
The steamer Florida, Capt. M. P.
Usina, brought in 83 passengers from
Florida, yesterday.
JI^Tbe society lady never shtds tears.
Shi knows enough to keep her powder
We call the attention of our readers
to a material change in tbe schedule of
the Savannah, Skidaway and Sea¬
board Railroad.
Starch is said to“ be explosive. It
causes explosion in tbe family when
the old man finds it has been left out
of bis collars.
There will be graduating exercises
at the Academy of St Vinceut de Paul
in this city to-morrow evening at 7:30
An unpleasant passenger in a street
car is a crying baby. In such cases
Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup should be given
to the little sufferer to ease its troubles.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. it
Rignt Rev. Bishop Gross, Dr. John
D. Martin, Rev. F. O’Brien and H.
Brigham and wife, were among the
passengers on the steamship Oity of
Columbus from New York, which ar¬
rived iu this city late Friday night.
We take pleasure in calling atten
tion to the copartnership notice of L.
J. Guilmartio & Go. It. will be seen
that. Dr. Charles R. Herron, well known
in Savannah, but late ot FeQsacola,
Fla., is now of the firm.
Gen. Henry R. Jackson, die gifted
orator of this city, will deliver the
literary address at the sixth annual
coaiuiencemeiit of P 10 Nono College,
which will take place on Thursday, the
24th inat. Bishop Gross will present
the prizes, and give an address also
School teacher to a little boy whose
father is a grocer—“Now, Johnny, if
your father has a barrel of wmsky con
taiaing forty gallons, and one-fourth
it leaks out, now many gallons does he
lose?” Johnny— “He don’t lose none.
He fills it up again right off.”
The degree of Master of Laws will
be conferred ou W m. Perry Pierce, L.
L. D , and Bachelor of Laws ou Pat
rick Joseph O'Connor, at the
third annua! commencement of tbe
University of Georgetown, D C., on
Thursday next. Both cthdidates
honors are residents of Georgia.
Toe rp motion . ti nonsuit the . ca.e of . H. rT
L b. hremei vs. Geo. Oh and Geo.
Gomatiden, made bv Messrs.
and Richards, attorneys tor the de
lend tut, w a- sustained by Judge F
ing in the Superior Court Friday.
tiee of exception writ of error
the Supreme Court was giveu
Messn. Cbuier & ObarUbn,
The steamship City of Macon took
ol 53 lumber, 1,726 barrels of osval stores,
97 turttea, bales 1,643 boxes of vegetables,
of wool and several hundred
miscellaneous articles of freight.
Tho ll. hr t: T f r • •^ r , -i adf j r ° r
2,. Pbil 94n'h ? y f y T 1 « C;
gers 240 barrels of , naval stores, , 13,024
leet of lumber, 4,815 empty barrels and
kegs, 4,849 sacks sea island cotton seed,
3 I8u watermelons, 1 350 packages of
vegetables and a general assortment of
In another _ t v .. column , will * 11 , be found r j
notice wherein Messrs. H. M. Comer
& Co. solicit bids for the erection of a
cotton warehouse, on the wharf lot
above aod adjoining the Central
tou Press. Plans and specifications can
be found at the office No. 110 Bay
We would invite attention to the ad
vertisement of Messrs. Joyce & Hunt,
wherein they offer the White Sewing
Machine for sale. It is justly called a
model of beauty, simplicity and me
chanical skill, embracing many points
found in Peoples’ do vther. They are also agents
tor the Singer Sewing Ma¬
There will be a pleasant excursion
this afternoon on the steamer City of
Bridgeton, from her wharf foot of
Drapton street, to Warsaw buoy. The
boat will leave at 3 o’clock, and will
pass through St. Augustine Creek, and
Wilmington river, in front of Causton’s
Bluff, Schuetzen Park, Bonaveuture,
Thunderbolt, Wilmiugton and Skida
way Islands.
The summer night’s festival which
will take place at Schuetzen Park to¬
morrow evening will eclipse any pre¬
vious event in the history of these
kiudof entertainments. The fireworks
will he of a beautiful nature and will
consist of the latest designs and dis¬
plays. A most convenient schedule
has been adopted and a pleasant occa 1 -
sion is expected.
The Young America Social Club
picnic on Tuesday, will be one of the
most pleasant yet given ft Tybee. The
round trip tickets, including tramway,
are placed at filty cents and parties de¬
siring to go, can take advantage of the
low ra'es thus afforded them. A full
brass and string band will accompany
the party and furnish music for the
A ho r se attached to a buggy ran
away yesterday noon on Broughton
street, and when the gentleman who
tbe was dash in the buggy braced his feet against
board that part of the vehicle
gave way aud his support also. The
horse was about to huil himself against
the building on the southeast corner of
Bull and Broughton streets when b’s
mad career was checked by some gen¬
The bridge over the Savannah river
about fifteea miles above the city, was
partially burned on Friday afternoon,
and the Charleston end Savannah traiu
was delayed for a while. The passen
gera were transferred in boats to the
South Carolina side, when they proceed
ed to then destination. The repairs
will be made at once, so that the mail
[ and passenger r n caxs will not be delayed 3
The fire companies . of Bainbndge
are making extensive preparations for
a grand excursion to Tybee on tbe 15ih
ot next month, and will be accom
panied by th<ur famous silver cornet
band ^ re *i ®° m P aQies . Albany,
-r Thomasvnle and Bambndge have been
invited and a ^ e ry pleasant occasion is
anticipated, lhe Bainbridge Demo -
crat, speaking about the proposed ex
cursion, says. Our people cannot
taken trip for the same amount of
money that would afford half so much
real enjoyment as the one to Georgias
great seaside resort. Albany and
'lhoraasville will be largely repre
seated on that occasion. Lets all go.
A big joint excursion of the three sis¬
ter cities, Aloany, Thomasviiie aud
Ice Cream, Cakes, Etc
Mr. Charles Salzer, at No. 116
Broughton street and 46 East Broad
street, tion is deserves rapidly gaining the reputa
he on accouut ot the ex
cellent quality ot his goods. His cakes,
P>es, Lv rolls, confectioneries,and especial
his ice creams, which are a special
! feature of his eatablishinent, cannot be
1 eioeib ®^ anvwhere. V»e advise the
P llb hc to call ou him. apl4-tf
^ LOW p*.** I riJCS qz.T Still 7T
ru ^ e ** ^ be P°pnlar establishment, cor
. uer Broughtou and Barnard streets,
where L. Fried is selling, at the
[° woat Clty prices “is immense ever stock known of all in
' .’
, , ^ FarDlsh
flf^kwear and :
i | ffTh/'ertf g F at bargains offered at S °“ L. e
p f ned *’
j Foutz's H erse and Cattle Powders
are renowned the world over for pre
venting and curing diseases ; it is, there
fore, unnecessary to give them auy
further recommendation. Try them. *
1 jel7 lsv *
~"*** 77",.
_ Latent no\eUies Mackinaw
in and
straw rl.its, at B. H. Levy s, 191 aud
j )3 0ons?re8S 9tre et.
Shriner’s Iudiau Vermifuge saved
; three thousand children from disease
an 1 death It is the wonder of the
‘ age. It will not deceive you. jelO-lw
\ A LARGS stock of Boys’ ami Youths
Ainas* Cv>*U, at B. H. Levy’s, 191 aod
nw a
Town Talk*
1 m aka a creditable
De ,ura ay '
^ 18 . 8dl< ^ * la ^ ^ be excnrel0ri . U P *- ,,,
Augustine creek by Schuetzen Fark,
Bonaveuture and Thunderbolt, this ai
tsruoon, will be one of the events ol
the season, .!■ and that them will be not
‘ ha , ‘ eaa ? . 8 lmF . ° P • ,<
P e ,n ^ 8 '
Reports that , the lord . ,, Dramatic
Association . representation of Aurora
Floyd” and “Paddy Miles’ Boy will
be the crowning * event of that talented
£ „ d A 8 ® < U i or ^ niZfltlon * 1the o.,*
benefic,anes fi - Wlli bave a ful1 hoU8e -
Rumor has it that there will be one
two fcb,s . week wblch . ,
or marm 8 PS P ro '
. be blissful unions,
We beard that steps are being taken
to organize a stock company for the
P ur P ose erecting a large hotel on
Tybee this fall,
Gossips say that one of our bachelor
doctors will soon join the band of ben¬
edicts and take unto himself a charm
mg little wife
It is alleged that Mr. T. J. Johnson,
Collector of the port of Savannah, has
quite a number of applications for po¬
sitions in the Custom House.
A young amateur actor of this city
says that “the best plays bave the most
villians in tbem ” Then why not dra¬
matize the Republican party ?
They claim that “Bonnie Belle,’’ an
accomplished little lady of this city,
who will make her first appearance on
the stage at the benefit Tuesday night,
gives promise of being one of the most
spirited aud perfect actresses who has
yet graced the Savannah stage.
It is generally considered that the
picn : c contemplated at Schuetzen Park
Joseph’s next Thursday for the benefit of St.
best the Infirmary, will be one of the
of season, and will probably be
very largely attended.
It is stated as a positive fact fhat the
excursion to be given at Tybee on
Wednesday, June 23d, by the Wesley
Monumental Church, will be a most
interesting event, that the tide aud
time will serve for 6urf bathing, and
that the many pretty girls connected
with the church will be in the party
and help to make it a success, socially
and financially.
Anniversary at the Cathedral
To-day being the anniversary of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, under
whose patronage the Cathedral was
founded, it will be observed by special
religious services and a grand Pontifi¬
cal High Mass, which will be celebrated
by tbe Right Rev. Bishop Gross, assist¬
ed by several clergymen, deacons and
acolytes. The musical part of the ex¬
ercises will he given under the direc¬
tion of Mr. F E. Rebarer, as follows :
Miliaril’ti Mass in b— Kvrle, Gloria, Credo,
Banctus, Agnus.
Veni Creator—trio .‘.La Hache.
a veMaria—duet Wiegand.
In the evening there will be Vespers
at 7:30 o’clock, when the following
programme will be given :
Vesper Hymns............................. ..Rosewig.
m nftioLt.V.y.’.'.V.'.V. ........Goeh.
o -aiutaris—duet........... ............. Donizetti.
Tautmeu Ergo—solo and chorus .Wiegand.
The exercises will be of an impres
j 9 i ve character and more than usually
j interesting on account of the import
j an c e which tbe church attaches to its
patroness. Tbe music will be ot a supe
j r j or character, which can be seen fiotn
the programme adopted. The choir
8 j n ce its organization in October, 1879,
been remarkably successful under
tbe leadership of Mr. F. E. Rebaier.
Q n two occasions it was particularly
8 o—on Christ m is Eve Midnight Mass
an d t h« Mass of Easter Sunday. After
to-day the choir will take a vacation ot
three months, so the grand hymns of
the Cathedral will not be heard again
for that period.
A Serious Accident.
The passenger train which left this
city yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock
for Charleston on the Savannah and
Charleston Railroad, run into a mule at
; the Ogeecbee crossing about four miles
from the city, which threw the engine
; off the track and caused the baggage
1 and mail cars to crash together The
. engineer, Mr. Marten, the'fireman and
.wood passer were injured, the first
j ramed quite seriously. The rail aod
, ties were torn up and the engine made
a complete wreck. An engine was sent
i out from the depot to the 6cene and
j took the paesengers and cars back to
j this city. The passengers were more
j lightened thao hurt. We glean the
foregoiug from one of the paesengers
A gang of men will be sent out to-day
to remove the debris and fix the track.
! Prejudice Kills.
Eleven years our daughter suffered
on a bed of misery under the care ot
several of the best (and some of the
! worst) physiciaos, wno gave her
various names but no relief, 'good and
cow sno is restored to us in
health by as simple a remedy as Hop
Bitters, taat we had pooh»d at for two
years, before using it. We earnestly
hope and pray thot no one else will
let their sick suffer aa we did, on
oouut of f prejudice ■ , against , so good
medicine a
rents. as Hop Bitters.”—2Aa pa¬
; Men's blue liuoa suits at B H
Levy’s, from T 3 upwirds; alpaca coats
, from $L 25 to gd; Children’s linen $5^ J jack
et5 AQd pants from §1 25 to if
k Smoke F. Koio a ------- Hudson '* aud
i •’Hinnrfess JaniJJ^ba.tT
Sundry Happenings.
An unknown man fell, while in a fit,
yesterday uear J. B. Fernandez’s cigar
tioi j on Bull and Broughton street.
Dr. McFarland who was pasting along
had his attention called to the unfor¬
tunate and ordered his removal to the
hospital. The name or residence of
the man could not be ascertained.
An inventive genius with a steam
threshing machine and other appar¬
atus attracted quite a crowd ye°terday
near the Port Warden’s office.
terday A buggy was badly demolished yes¬
opposite Bolshaw’s crockery
store on St. Julian street. The inci
dent created a little excitement.
John Francis aud Julian Francis,
bearing the same name buVol no kin
*o each other, sailots on the schooner
G»o. W Drury, now lying at the
Knickerbocker Ice Company’s wharf,
endeavored to furnish the Coroner with
a job yesterday morning. One had a
knife and dared the other, who was
in the rigging, to come down and he
would carve his anatomy. The fellow
up above came down grasped a cap¬
stan bar and belabored the one who
impugned his courage until the cries
of “murder" attracted the attention of
parties who separated them. Warrants
were issued by Magistrate Molina and
the belligerents arrested by Officer
Mali. They finally compromised the
matter, signed articles on the schooner
and then the captain discharged both.
The corners of Barnard and Brough¬
ton streets are crowded every Saturday
night with ruffianly colored people
who insult those who have occasion to
pass that, way and use the most ob
scene language. This nuisance should
be abated by the police, aod we are
satisfied that Gen. Andersou will do
so when his attention is called to it.
We have heard many complaints and
kaow that the same are true from actual
Toe mortuary list for the week eud
iog June 18th, showe the death rate to
be twenty-five, six of these were among
the white and oitteteen among tho
coiored inhabitants.
t, Fannie . „ Patterson, who w.ll , have a
hearing betore Judge Harden, of the
City.Court for to-morrow her afternoon, gave
bonds appearance at that
court before but failed to make con
nectioos. As her bonds were consider
ed of a straw character they were not
estreated, but she wss arrested and
committed to jail yesterday at tbs in
stance of the Solicitor general.
Thomas Symons, a colored man, went
into the market yesterday morning
and entering Kate Baker’s restaurant
called for a cup of coffee which
was given him. After he finished
it the woman demanded five cents,
which maddened him and he pushed
her heavilly against an iron railing.
The woman is about 70 years of age and
received some serious injuries from tha
violence of the aseault. She is well
known, having been in the market for
over 15 years. Symons undertook to
hide himself in the market, but was
captured by Officer Hill and taken to
the barracks. Magistrate Molina sub¬
sequently ascertained ths facts and
when aa affidavit of the assault war
made, he issued a warrant and took
Symons from the barracks and com¬
mitted him to jail.
Adam Dowly, g well known colored
man, was buried Friday afternoon, in
the part ot Liurel Grove cemetery de-
1 voted to colored iuterments. His re
mains were escorted to the grave by
the Liueoln Guards and several com
pauies and organizations, He was
keeper of Fig Island Light House for
some time.
Police Court.
Hou. John F. Wheaton, presiding.
J. H. Monahan was brought betore
tbe court yesterday morning, on a
ehargeipreferred * * by Sergeant y. Kiliourhy, TiG!
on the evenmg \r° ^ -I/.,, ^
charge was that Mr Monahan u i was vie
! lating city ordinances in having a dis
j turbanee in his premises and refusing
| to allow the officer permission to enter
j it for the purpose of suppressing the
! disorder. The Mayor continued the
! case for further examination.
A man was charged by Officer Smith
with fighting his brothc-r in his house
1 and disturbing the peace at 12.10 p.
j ! on the 18th inat, The allegations
were not sustained and the man was
I M. J. Kelly was arrested Friday
night at 10 o’clock by Officer Dulour
and locked up for tbe night. He au
swered to the charge of lying drank in
; the street aud was fined $3.
, Compressed Bricks.
I Messrs. J H. Furber & Co, pre
j p ar e their Ice Cream in such a manner
that parties sending for it from any
P art th? cit ^ can en J°- v witb them
fnends ia 8olid at home, foral as bein it will reach in bricks, their
, 8
“ -
’ ’ ' ’
P ac Ke< i,. iU ,ue ana irozen nara as a
. Their establishment head*
9 aArtera *' or tbe choicest confectioneries,
C4n< b es and soda water in the citv.
my 16-tf.
| A nice assortment of trunks and
1 traveling bags, for sale cheap at B. H.
Levy’s. 191 and 193 Congress street,
my 27-tf
Those w : -'hing to k-ep ccol should
call at B. H Levy’s, 191 and 193 Con¬
i gress strerf., for Linen and Alpaca
: suits. myl2-tf
Latest styles of Men’s and Youths'
C-issimere and Diagonal Suits, at 3. H.
Levy’s, 191 and 198 Congress street
The Old Story.
A young man from the interior whom
we will call Smith, because a man can
make a lool of himself under that
name as well as any other, visited Sav¬
annah a few days ago and immediately
started out to see the elephant. He
first visited Thunderbolt and was con¬
siderably impressed with the beauty of
that place as well as the good company
into which he fell. The cooling milk
punches which are so dexterously com a
pounded in that place, made him ieel
quite mellow while the associates sur*
rounding him plied him geneiously
with the seductive beverage. In a word
he became very hihiims and with two
companions started for the city. This
was on Friday night about 9:30 o’clock
and the young man remembered noth¬
ing until be woke up yesterday morn
ing in a disreputable house on Hull
street. His watch and chain were gone,
his pocket book was in the same pre
dieament, and some valuable etude
were taken from his shirt, front. He
endeavored to ascertaine what became
of his effects but his efforts were fruit¬
less and unavailing. He placed the
matter in the hands of a magistrate
who succeeded in recovering his watch
and chain. The young man was so
anxious to have the matter end there
as his family was well connected that
he expressed a desire to have further
proceedings stayed. He was furnished
with sufficient means to enable him to
return home. His position and family
connections aloDe prevent us from giv
ing the full statement, as the parties
who “went through him” are well
known in this city.
j City Court.
i Hou. William
j D. Harden, Judge.
I The following criminal cases will be
l brought for trial in the City Court to
i morrow State morning Joseph at 10 o’clock.
vs. Burke. Assault
I an<J bat tery °,“ Joba Solicitor
I £ S ener Q!’,° ?‘ . r for , e . en lh ^ . e an L ® :ate i J ' E - Wootaa .
i Patterson. Lar
j a ? v 8 * an,lle
, osny of clothing . , . from Qsnrgta Jones.
; otate vs. haunie Patterson. Lar
! of K d from Withworth Wil
ij am8
| | state vs. Henry ^ Allen. Malicious
mi8chief in in j urio a g „, d watch be
,, ; to
| State T8- William Fuller, Assault
and ba , ery on J h J obnson
StBte v8- Thomas Symons. Assault
8nd batt on K<ue BurkCi
State vs. Richard Campbell. Assault
and battery on Samuel H. Jones.
State Henry Allen, Assault and
battery on Charles Harden.
He Gathered Him.
Yesterday evening at halt-past six
o'clock aa Officer Heidi waa patrolling
hia beat on one of our principal
roughfares, he saw a young m!$iU-ty¬
ing drunk on the sidewalk and unable
to take care of himself He immedi
ateiy took him to the barracks, when
he gave the name J. L. Deutenhoffer,
which he corrected for Barber. He
! bad iu his possession twenty dollars,
rare articles of value and a large pack¬
age of medicine. If some of the light
fingered gentry knew that be had that
sum of money, besides other articles of
value they would pounce on hime like
a duck upon a June bug.
Mortuary Report,
1 of SttV,ftnnah . (or th® week ending
j WHITES i and
'V M
j ! © * I I 1 •d * * S
j a a 2 3 I c
! Asthma....... ------— i
I ...i
Cholera Congestion infantum....... of the brain j... j...... 2
Consumption ii 1
( Convulsions. I I
j (j ong#st ; fe mellitus”. fev , er 1 !
Diarrhota............. 1 I ...1 1
H^ofrha"*......... I 1
; MeningUis^.V... ! 1
i 1
Oldzgo.......... Pneumonia 1
( Senffde 1 c»v* a , mW ..... ‘ 1
! . . 1
Spinal meningitis.... ' 1 1
: Sirangnlated hernia 1
,JuUCl ' t " 1
j Total i 4: 2'...| 7 6 4
Whites. 6. Black and colored 19. Total, 25.
, I , Total Population, W’h.tes, 18 229 ; Colored, 15,0i9.
51 93
Annual ratio per 1,000—Whites, 17.11; Col
j f ored, 65.78.
Still born, colored, 2.
J Blacks |
1 Ages. Whites j and ’iuf.*l.
! j i ;
Colord j
£ Between n , d “ r 1 >’ e%r , - f e ^- 1 I 3 5 6 4
( K 1 1
» i0 *• 20 «• 1 1
..... 1 20 •• 30 '■ 3
" 30 " 40 •• 1 1
50 •• 60 *' 1 1
*• 60 “ 70 •• 1 1 2
•• 70 “ 80 •*
•' 80 ' 90 “ 1 1
•• 90 '100 " I
Total. 6 19 25
FrA5£ E. Rbbakek.
Clerk of Coaaeil and Secretary Board of Health.
A COUPLETS line of Gent’s Hosiery,
Co\\% r * f T ea cn be found at B. H.
Lew iGi j nd 19 j Congress streot.
my 12 ti
The largest assortment ot Msu'a and
Boys’ White V*s*« i n ,y >is oh can bt
ffound at Bl llttAt H* L=vy *, 191 myl2-¥ apd l9o
miniature almanac.
Su.vnAY June 20 1«80
High water... 5:20 a. m. Sun rises. ........4 55
" “ 5 43 p. m. Sun sets 7 05
... ...........
Saturday, June 19, 1880,
York—Wilder Steamship City of Columbus, Nickerson, New
A Co.
Steamer Florida, Usina, Florida—G M Sor
sonville Steamer and City Palatka—John Point, Creaser, F Fernandina, Jack¬
Steamer Robertson.
City of Bridgeton, Fitzgerald. Florida
-J N Harriman, Manager.
Scbr Jessie, Mitchell, New York, 72 hours,with
cement to C L Gilbert a Co; vessel t,o Bloat, Bus¬
sell & Co.
York—O Steamship Cohen Citv of Macon, Kemptoa, New
A Co.
Wm Steamship Hunter Juniata, Catharine, Philadelphia—
A Son.
Steamer City Point, Greaser, Charleston
John F Robertson.
Steamship Steamship City of Macon, New York.
Juniata, Philadelphia.
Bark Porvenir (Sp), Currell, Rio Janeiro; sld
May 22.
Schr Carrie S Bailey, Fletcher, Bath, Me;
sld June 12 .
Schr Ida Lawrence, Young, Philadelphia- cld
June 15.
Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway
10 bbls 19 vegetables, ~3 boxes fruit, 5 bales 1,221 boxes vegetables!
ber, I cattla, cotton, 30 cais lim¬
car 2 cars wood, 7 cars melons,
716 bbls rosin, 276 bbls spirits turpentine. 2
bales wool, 1 bag wool, 6 bales hides, 3 bbls
syrup, 6 sacks rough rice, 34 cases cigars- and
■f >or steamer Florida, from Jacksonville—
83 melons, 6 bbls vegetables, 7 crates vegetables.
Per steamship Citv of Macon, for Now York-
450 bales cotton, 368 bales domestics and yarns,
1 725 bbls naval stores, 115,495 feet lumber, 12,-
562 watermelons, 53 turtles, 187 pckgs mdse, 43
bbls vegetables, 1,643 boxee vegetables, 97 bales
B«r steamship Juuiata, for Philadelphia—
59 bales cotton, 234 bales domestics and yarns,
44 bales paper stock and waste, 90 casks rice,
240 bbls naval stores, 13 021 feet lumber, 175
bales rice straw, 40 casks clay, 485 empty bbls
and kegs, 4,019 sacks sea island cotton seed,
3,130 watermelons, 1,350 pckgs vegetables, 25
turtles, 19 rolls leather, 90 pckgs muse.
Per steamship City of Columbus, from New
York—Mr Schuyler, Rt Rev Bishop Gross, Dr J
D Martin, Juo Baylolt and wife, T (.) Chestney,
H Bri ’ham and wife, Fr O Brien, J Binswanger.
P Per Brady.
Eiuest steamer Florida, from Jacksonville—
Grant, M Endol, W A Smith, Mr- M A
Gould aud daughter, Geo Miiier, Mrs H L Kin
dall, D Y Dancy, S Dawson and wifo, J L
Tebbetts, Hanssy, N Merry, Mrs T A Cupawell, Mrs H L
J H Owens, Miss Moragu, Mrs Hiek
man, Mrs Kennedy, Miss Ada Bruno, Captain
Knowes, Geo R Davis, L U Sutherland, J L
Barton, N Alvord, Jr, T A Usinr, Jno Lyndall,
L Stebbins, Capt and Mrs Hallows, Jno Wil¬
liams, P Betteline aud wife, N Endel a^d child,
^oiw, Miss D Hickman, D*™. s p G s Ty
Bleadrick, . Mitchou and
Johnson, wi e, Capt Henry M J ChriMlopher. Bliiler, Solomon
Kendell, Walker, Mrs /Davis Rev H L '
Mrs J F Rhodes, Mrs and child,
M Woods, Keeine, J Jacks, Mr Ilentrelraan T Oapawell/ ana /rile, R Scott, S A
A Q C Biroes, J B
Penney, Mrs James, Mr Davis J G Keikaprf, aud wife Mr and
H L Dmenes, Mr J H Kennedy, Ferrell, MJrs Cflarenoe Adams and son,
and Mrs Jno James. j MiJlVr, f ’• Mr •
P Per Hartley, steamship wife City and of Macon^, child, > Mrs for /*Nptll^ric— GiiScrff knS
mother, Miss L B Gilbert, Mrs Wiring, H J Gilbert*, Miss
A J Warring, Miss Helon MrsV-lt
Cronk, Miss He'en Gwynn, vard/Miss Mrls Miller, J Hen¬
drick, Miss Jaife, Miss Ho Walkerjand Dauieis M r.s
Walter, G Gwynn, Mrs child. Mnfea
Hubbard. J G Robertson ami wife, George*C
Miss Bernis, Mary L Stebbins, Capt Iieiitzelman anil'Wi Dext*' 10 *
Lawton, Miss L wiile, (Tarter, <J II ‘.
and wife, E J Acosta Jr, child aud imi^o 1
J Miss Warring, Ida Acosta, children Mastor Geoifge Acosta, Mrs J*
two an oervaut, Guo W
Mitchell and wi'e, M Eudl^ and family, H A
Grust, Merry, John B N Bradh, Jacks, Rev J Douglas, Mr Kendall A Meadows. and N
Alvord, Jr, J H f wile N
Mrs Owriyis. JMrs L Lyons, Mrs
Smith J F Rhodes, M/rs Tebbetfs, i’Bitti and wife, Mary E Grafat, A Louise Giant
M s Ohusby, Miller, Mr Tyndall. T Mr Usina, L D Suth-r
land, C A L'aBawdl and wile Mr
Kenvon, J L Barton, Geo/ Mills, E H Stoddard
J B Penny. Juniata, /
Per steamship for Philadelphia—
W G Fairchild and wt,f fti J w Tet*pl*» L F
Thompson, J G Killdoi-f and wife, Mrs Crosby
Mrs A M Fisler, W D/Fisler, S C Ogden, W S
Thomas, R Davis, wifp and cbil# Chas Thomp¬
son, G H Herrick. '
Per staamHbipCity orColumbus.from New York
—Agt C R K, Agi 8 , V A W K, Allen a L, G W
Allen, Branch A C, !W(ih<*ira Bros 4 Co O
ford Butler, 4 L T T H T Bolshaw/Cuiyiingham Cbaper/u, V/ H 4 H, Craw¬
Chaplin, A H Champ'iQ^ Cherry & Co, W II
W H Cosgrove, J p
Chase, agt, M J Doylp, I Dasher 4 Co, John
Derst, J A Douglass, JJckinan 4 V, I Eostaiu
BroB, A Einstein a Sor ls Fretwell A N, M'Fent
c '°>. ^ Fr»GeDl>erg ,
* * Co, J H Furber 4 Co,
L I ried, I L raik a Co, Guckcnheimer, S 4 Co,
Gray 4 O B, C L Gilbert 4 Co, F Groenb&um,
S Gazan Jos GorJ)ai a# Holcombe 4 G, S G
5*?°“ * Br°. F M Hull, C Hopkins A Hanley.
E Heidt, I H P. Jack*o a D K Kennedy, E J
Kennedy. Lof Lovell E N A j Jt Ludden 4 B. Lippman
’ b * - Lang 4 Bro, Jno Lyons, P>
H Levy D B , Lester, A Leffler, Meinhard Bro«
4 Co, 1- Morgan 4 Co, Mc-hr-Bros, Wm B Mel
4 Co, J McGrath 4 Co, E McCarthy, A Meyer, -
Newton 4 K, E.L Ne diinger, J Nicholson, A P
Nicholeou, Order, Peacock, H 4 Co. Palmnf
Bros, K Platshek, P Paire, J Perlinsoy
took & P, Re-ser A S, Russak 4 Co, Jasy.av,
■l Rosenheim, C D Rogers, G H Kemshart, J B
Reedy, W 8 o Ex Co, Saussy 4 H, Solo non Bros, J
Bro, Schley J 4 Co, Soloun>ns 4 Co. E A Schwarz 4
Thompson, Sullivau, H L Schreiner, H Schroder, J
G P Tubeidy, J W Tynan, J L Villa
longa, J H Von Newton, L Vogel, Weed A C,
Wylly Ward, A 4 M U, William* C W 4 W, D Weisbein, R D Walker. H Yonge, J R
Florida, 4 West,
str Per str City Florida, ot Bridgeton. from Jacksonville—
Porter Fleming, M Fitzpatrick. Jno McKenzie. 8
A Woods, McMillen <k S, H Bolger, E J Larre
bee, M J Christopher, Jas Naylor, Meinhard Bros
4 Co, Mre C R Tredwell, C H Dorsett, New York
ebip Per Philadelphia Savannah, Florida ship.
and Weitern Railway,
June ifl—To Transfer Department, Peacock,
Hunt 4 Co, C L Jones A T Lee 4 Co, W C
Jackson, Williams 4 W, JCP.owland, MY
Hecdereon, W J Miller, L P DuPont, I, J Miller,
Herman 4 K, Pickuew 4 W. gloat ft 4 Co R
B Keppard, J J MoDouuugh, G D Baker A Co,
II Myers A Bros i.utler 4 S, Holoombe 4 G, M
Feist <fc Co, R Majutire 4 Co, Meinhard Bros 4
Go, Goodaan A Tn omits Pepper, <’hae Seiler.
lfl*l« B'SOUblHTmr ac.