Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday. June 23. 1880.
Beauty UnadoriitHl.
The fashionable women of New
are represented by a correspondent
the Cincinnati Enquirer as
over the question how to look
able, if not bewitching, in wet
garments. “A good proportion
them,” the writer says, ‘‘will give
the problem and appear, when
time comes, in the ordinary loose
and trousers, in which no mortal
can look otherwise than decidedly
enchantmg. ’ But there are some
will not give it up so, and a
designed for their benefit is thus
cribed :
I l The body garment was ostensibly
single blou.-e of pinkish gray
but it was really a most artful
vance. Instead of being straight
shirt-like, it was cut in to fit the
almost tight, so that when wet it
only have fulness to wrinkle a
while really following every curve
the figure. A belt encircled the
The skirt was very short—not Ion
enough to fairly sit down on.
trousers were moderately fail
the upper legs, but tapered off
to the knees, where they became
tight, terminating at the ankle.
the effect of tights was produced frot <
the knees down, but without
the material. The feet were left
The following secret is let out:
K Corsets are hardly ever worn
bathing dresses, because of the
of the flannel outer garment
their presence, and no woman
like to have it known that she bathed
in them. Well, to preserve the
of the wearer of this costume, a
had been made of fine wire, netted
large meshes and fitted neatly to
body. This odd corset was perfectly
pliable, yielding to the movement of
flesh, yet maintaining graceful
Ur IW Mli iLVwtl
Can be i’UEVENTED by the o se of
And Liver Cure,
In connection with
All authorities on the subject declare
low Fever to lie a Blood Poison. The
ing of a malarial infected atmosphere
directly on the blood.
It Is known, admitted, and iu
Vouched for, that
Warner's Safe Kidney anil Liver Cure
in connection witii WARNER'S
PILLS, acting, as it does, directly upon
organs—the Kidneys and Liver—that only
and purify the blood, is the best, and
fective blood purifler now known.
For Sale by all Druggists.
my 27-if
pr 2P5Ti [M
I ddS-ddCJ. 8
\m r
u! y
IRON BSTTtRS, i Highly recommended
to the pnbttc far nil (h--
1 eases reqiiirinK a cerla i n
A Great Tonic. B 5 and t'tlieient TOXIC;
especially tn fnrtl/'e.v
IRON BITTERS, lion. Itf/nprpnia, #•>
I nttrniittfnt
Mont o/.4|i
A Sure Appetizer. I I o t i t r , I.osh of
SI fourth. fin/, f.tie/.- Il of
i: nr rtr. en¬
IRON BITTERS, rich ft the blood,
strengt hens the inns
eles.aml gives new life
A Ci ptete Strcngthcncr. in lli'- n-rves. lo lbo
te 'll. l! »ml uhil
i rutiumn^ valuable lvt’iijk r
v rati not l)t‘ i«»4>
hi vh’> rrt*uinnuMult*(l.
A Valuabli' Miniic-.nt' it rf* Iilit' <i r/air?!!
■ ■ digestive oraatis.
IRON BITTERS, teas(KiOllful befe.ii
- - will remove all
y d\spent a symptoms.
Not SoM as a | 1 1-v <■ TRY IT.
~ S SelJ by all Druggists,
For Delicate l>msG. *. | BALTIMORE, Met.
For sait> i. / I! i 'MOn s A GO.,
Druggists, i vii nn.ili Ga dec2 eodly
IrOii ^ WTnr'i ku Ui A*
Corner Pine and 1,umber street.-.
Randolph street, near P oughton,
W# are now prepared to mamiPicture all k
—O F—
('astimrs. Plows, St * -iir Mills*
Oemet-ery. UiinUu ' Wrnndali
» spei ialt >
Archil i U wo
at i Ue lowest po?
l) i e ra
4. A T. Kru.lG an A (U
w •
Lines of Travel*
S., S.;& S. R. R. Co.. Sul’T’s OFFICE. &
Leave Arrive Leave Isle Arrive
Savannah IsleofHopc of Hope. Montg’ry.
10:115 a. m, 10:55 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 11:30 a t m.
*3:25 p. m. 3:55 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m.
10 jn m. 8:00 p. in. 8;il p. m. 8:41 p. m
Leave Arrive Leave Isle Arrive
Montg’ry. IsleofHopc of Hope. Savannah
7:35 a. m. 8:05 a. m. 8:10 a. m 8:38 a. m.
12:15 p. in. 12:15 p. m. 12:50 p. m. 1:20 p. m.
6:03 p. m. 6:33 p m. 0:38 p. m. 7:08 p in.
•Sundays this will be the last departing Mont
I train, and tiie early train will leave
j tomery ty 9:20 8:15 and Isle of Hope* 8:50, arriving in
j g morning early train will leave
(‘“Monday an at 6:25.
for Montgomery only Savannah
Saturday nights last train leaves
at 7:40, instead of 7:36.
my 11.-1 f .Superintendent.
Georgia and Florida Inland Steam”
boat Company,
the only strictly inland route
The elegant and favorite steamer
CITY of mill) OH G
wilL leave direct, for FERNANDINA, every
to suit the tide, from wharf foot of Lincoln
street touching at St. Catherine’s, Doboy,
Darien, St. Si men’s Brunswick and St. Mary’s,
connecting at Fernandma with Transit Rail¬
road for Jacksonville, Cedar Keys, Tampa,
Manatee, Key West, Havana and New Or¬
leans. At Brunswick with Macon and
Brunswick and Brunswick and Albany I-tali
roads. At Darien, with steamers for
Altamaba and Oconee Rivers, At Fernan
din a, with steamer Flora for all points on
at. Mary’s river.
Through tickets and state rooms secured
and ail information furnished at office, corner
Bull and Bryan streets, directly opposite Pu¬
laski Bouse, and Screven House.
Freight received daily (except Sunday) and
through rates given.
J. HARRIMAN, Manager.
G. LEVE, G. P. Je8-tf
The new Iron Saloon Steamer
J 3 l. J 3 . Plant
«twlw»|* l
W I LI, run tlie following schedule, leaving
wiiarf foot of Abercorn street:
SUNDAYS—From Tybee 7 A m„ 12 i»r., to p
M. and 9 j*. From city 10 a. m, 3p. m.,7 p. m,
From Tj bee 7 a m. From city 6:00 o’clock p :>i.
DAY’S—From Tybee 7 a m and 4 p m. From
ciiy 10 a at and 6:00 o’clock p m.
Family excursions Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays. tickets this
Tramway must be bought at
of lice
All freight must be prepaid on wharf.
N. B. No freight received after 15 minutes to
time of steamer’s departure.
jeStf Agent.
St. Catherines, Doboy , Darien, West,
l'oint, St. Simon's, .Brunswick,
and Salilla Landings on
W. C., will leave for Darien
Way Landings every Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock, and on every Wednesday she will
cont inue on to Satilla River Landings.
Freight taken for all points on line Bruns
i\ K‘k ind Albany Railroad. Freight taken
for Altamaba, Oemulgee and Oconee rivers
and transferred at, Darien to steamer Halcyon.
Agent at Darien—C. M. LITTLEFIELD A
Agents at Brunswick— nov;3tf
0:»an Steamships*
Georgia (’apt.Smith, Alabama (’apt. Ritchie,
Florida-(new) Capt Nevada-Uapt. Braes,
Pennsylvania-! i. Stewart. Sniteof—(new)
One of the above first class Iron Steamers
xv 111 leave New t •very Ireland, Thursday, for
G la-gi>w, via Larin (Belfast)
Tlie First C bin Saloon i- situated amidships
on the main and upper deck, and extend- the
bread! h of file ship : Ladies orivate cabin ai
inched and Gentlemens smoking room on
deck, with convenient, bath rooms.
Passage Ne w isgow, Liverpool,
singletiek t sin tickets, . 8)6
Ret urn Ue; urn
The socotn iiiu i. la: d a little ‘orward
amidships hnvihg pa rat ■utranee, witii
sepiira i e tabl“ ml attencUu
Thes lie • nm ulat ions i) re not what is
termed ” 11 rmei late.”
New Yorl 'tin, Hamburg;, Manheim, Paris,
Havre, An wer|), ler lain and
single tick, ts ; ml Return tickets
-i.I, f 9 .) and -6 Al'S 1'IN, liAl.DH’lN A Co.,
vteueral Agents 72 Broadway, New York.
JAs. M tvl’IN, -Agent, 10*> Bay street,
apll-3m savanuah, Ga.
r ^ v, j r sts.
wv i il 4 • D RL W’
A. J. Miller Co.,
118, i:0 ami 152 HROUU UPON ST.,
Jobbers a id Retailors in
W limit si del’ >ard Ivt'frig rato;
Walnut Snow Flake 14< frig* •a tors.
Walnut Tom ITuiu. Refri ut'ir
Diamond Upright A Cues iigi
b \ llu i'le< .a mat • up. Extra
i< aucs. Cords and l’ui!c\
Baby Carriaiyes, Bat tail Kockers
and Lounges,
Cool, and just tlie tiling for Summer us
L A KG E stock of fresh MATTING in wii
red, ch k and fancy. Windo Sliadcs
I !''ioor Oil Cloths. md all >ovis perl i
I ( 'i 't't busin S. Uarp ken n
stored >\ re- 1 id in t li¬
ry w,»ik u: uc
TS. A 1 wo'k m a nt
4 om pa m : ■ t quail v invited
We sel her tor ohm: c on the insiai lent
'jPHE -X-l’S BEST d -HOEs cheapest made place and • re ■>
u street, oetweeu Buu
ami i.uis cured in a
i sh^rt •inic 5>.«t off Boots sht>. Mil Gaiters
bought at Ulv dam* piat *. iMCiS
rn X ttTi inL J
ts til 6
Subscription: $5,
per annum.
mmm to it.
It is the Paper
for the People.
It is the Paper
for the Merchant
to advertise in.
Advertise in it,
It is the best ad
reaching vertising 1 medium 9
all classes
and that portion oi
our people, who
procure their sud
plies at home.
;lc n <St Barnard
r ujy .
« » •
Yellow Fever.
That this terrible disease lias for years held
a despotic sway, at certain seasons of the year
in portious of our fair land, and in other coun¬
tries, is known by and every one. As
well known is it, that a cure or even a preven¬
tive, lias not been, heretofore discovered.
Within tlie past twelve months our National
Government lias taken lioid of the subject, of
have instituted a Commission composed
men high iu the knowledge of sanitary matters
and medicine, and have given them full power
to devise and institute measures to prevent its
recurrence. speak in detail In their published report, they
the fever is set of its action upon apatientafter of
the origin and in, and yet have little to say of
reason, for the existence so
fatal a disease, and still less of tlie way to pre¬
vent it. They say that “In tlie pathology of
Yellow Fever, it has been found by Dr. 11 lair,
and since verilied by other observers, that the
blood, the breath and vomited matter (at cer
zens in private life, have their signatures at¬
tached to testimonials, affirming the almost
miraculous curative power of this Warner’s
• cleanser s ate Kidney and Liver Cure, and that as a
of the biood, and a preventive to yel¬
low fever, we have no hesitation in offering it
tain periods of tlie disease) are marked by
alkaline, owing to an excess of “volatile al¬
kali.’’ That albumen was found In tbe urine;
that gastric irritation, and coagulation of
blood was prevalent. While this ‘National
Board of Health” tell us of tlie condition of tlie
afflicted one, when down with the fever, they
make no suggestions as to a preventive.
Seemingly, it is not inappropriate at, this time
to supplement their report, by asserting that
which is known to every intelligent man and
woman, that the reason for this fearful scourge
is neither more nor less than the malarial
poison that emanates from low marshy lands
—whether adjacent to salt or fresh water—es¬
pecially under hot in certain stages ofthe drying process,
a sun: that as well are these familiar
with tlie fact, uncleaned cess-pools, in¬
sufficient kitid character drainage, unrernoved filth of any
or re-generators of this same
death-dealing miasma.
Observations of centuries lias made every
person, blessed with the least faculty of dis¬
cernment, acquainted with the effect of this
subtle malarial poison. Each and all know
that Typhus and Intermittent Fevers are the
lesser natural sequences of an inhalation of
tills Fever poisonous exhalative, and that Y'ellow
is the greater.
It is admitted and definitely understood the
that malaria poison is not cognizable by
senses, nor can it be detected by chemical tests.
It is known only by its effects upon the sys¬
tem. Alkali in the blood, (as made mention
of by the National Board of Health,) is a ne¬
cessary ingredient in maintaining the same
in a healthy condition. When an unusually
large quantity is present, a diseased condition
ofthe vital fluid is apparent. That this acid
is inefficient permitted to be ofthe in excess kidney is and because liver, of and an
when so in excess, induces inflammation, and
brings on a fever of some sort. Yellow Fever
is the one secured in places where malaria is
present. Alter a careful reading and study of
the report of tlie National Board of Health, no
other conclusion can be drawn, condition than that the if
the blood is kept in a healthy
birth, growth and spread of yellow fever is
materially lessened if not actually prevented
It is a matter understood by all and everyone,
that if the kidney and liver—the organs that
filter and cleanse the blood—are kept in a
wholesome and sound condition, all this impuri¬ same
vital fluid will ever be clear from
ties. That these organs, the kidney and liver,
can be kept free from disease, and at all times
in condition to well and faithfully perform
their duties, is a matter beyond dispute, cavil
or argument, and equally it is true, that a free
use of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure,
in connection with Warner’s Safe Pills, will
actually compel these same organs to perforin
their allotted functions.
Testimonials by the thousands are in the
hands of tiie proprietors of Warner’s Safe Kid¬
ney and Liver ■ ure vouching for its of positive kidney
curative qualities in all diseases
and liver, and as a natural consequence, a
purifier of the blood. Walking about tbe
streets, in hundreds of our cities and towns are
men; and women too; who have been raised
from beds of sickness to perfect health, by
means of this same medicine, these are oceular
demonstrations of tiie efficacy of Warner’s
Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. The press cor¬
dially and spontaneously endorse it. Tlie
bench, tlie bar, the pulpit, and Nation, men prominent well citi in
tlie counsel of Slate as as
to the public.
Some Newspaper Figures.
H. 1’. Hubbard’s Newspaper Directory ofthe
World, says there are 10,131 American (United
States and Canada) newspapers— 899 dailies,
.-.428 weeklies, tri-weeklies and semi-weeklies,
S..I moot iilies and semi-monthlies. Tlie total
circulation of a single issue of each ol tiiese
papers (omitting 1,9_'“ not *iven) reaches the
enormous a&gr ate of 2:i,697,513copies, weeklies, divided tri¬
as follow? Dailies, 3,540,156;
weeklies, and suni- ms, 13,511,424; month¬
lies and semi-monthlies, 3,!>2i,9o8. This is un
average of 2,01! to eaeli pa per for a single issue,
and taking ell issues of tlie whole for one year,
a grand total of 1,8■>•>, 173,562 copies. Taking or¬
dinary forty Hi. newspaper at its average
measure of I'.oOO sheets (solid f to the foot, one
issue of all'tbeso piled up would measure 5,170
feet nearly a mile in height., or for a whole
year 459,110 feet, over s7 miles high Counting
them all at the average size of 27x41 would inches,
and placed end to end, one issue ex¬
tend 70,04-.255 feet, 13,380 miles; for one year,
6.274,618,106 l'eet, 1,188.374 miles, or over 47 times
around the earth, and live times tiie distanee
from tlie earth to the moon. In a thousand
ems of type there are nearly 2 000 different
pieces, and in an average four page eight-col¬
umn paper, set in solid brevier type, there are
148,000 ems. or about 450 pounds, )6,00o of types in
one newspaper. T< I riot one issue tne to
tal 1-1.131 papers of this average size, there
mu !)<■ handled nt ly 5,006,1) (Hi pounds number of type, of
• ir 998,776,060 types Tlie total
editions of ;i 11 thes dailies, weeklies and
monthlies for one year would make 721.796,
ami to print tli m oil occasions tlie handling
of 2,17! 199 849, 696 , 1 * 0 types.
In the c umn of over6,OM of these were lu.OnO
newspapers, an advertisement Ciin be found,
that tolls of a medicine that isasafe, sure and
certain •ure for all and every disease of the
k dneys and liver. Bright's disease included,
am IS known a- Warner’s .Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure. \ oliunes of written evidence
testifyim is to tlie v;ilue of tills medicine, and
>f the curative qualities of other of Warner.s
*:U'e Remedies, are in tlie hands of If. II. War
nr; A the proprietors, and can be shown
I to any doubting mind.
“Draco was the author of tlie written code
of iaw sat Athens, whicli he is supposed 09th to
published in tlie 4 ,tIi year of tlie
Olympiad, 621 ii. i ’. He v. vas i>f distinguished
birth, honored fi ■ hH severe mann and liis
large experience in public affairs, and the ‘O
pie "of Athens,a prey to anarchy, besought him
to give them a code of laws. The system
which he proposed linked together civil and
moral duties. He took tiie citizen at the mo¬
ment of his birth. prescribed the manner in
i 1 which he should he nourished and educated,
*■ ° ’ he
di rent epochsot i -,nd flattered himself
j that lie should male men free and virtuous.
• Tiie penalty ofdeatl wits to tie inflicted for
almost every crime. The laws " of healtii are
equally arbitrary mu st re ici’dnevs v n imitten
| tion to the couditi Lon of and liver
brings on almost e ivory i lisease known to man
kind. Keep these i> fveiv* liealttiv and sick
ness would be coifipa unknown. The
onlv wav to keep such in 1 'th is by the free
use*of Warner’s safe Kidney and Liver Cure,
n jld bv all Dmsrsrists.
H 8 . WAPJER & GO af
1 my i »-1 ;■ mot <
The War Over! Peace Declared !
Both Sides Victorious!
Piano Blockade Raised.
The long strike and lockout In New York
Piano factories ended. All factories open.
5,0(H) locked out worn men again at work. A |
new piano turned out every ten minutes.
Workmen happy. Purchasers who wanted ;
pianos and couldn’t get them also happy
We have had a sorry time for the past two
mouths to furnish pianos to impatient pur¬
chase] s who wouldn’t understand that pianos and it
had to be made betore beiug delivered,
has worried us muchly, but the “winter of
our discontent” is now over, and we are
P.ack orders will bo tilled in short metre,
and new ones by lightning express. Our
stock now on hand is very large, and it is
only certain styles that we have been snort
of. These are “coming, coming,” 300,000 more
and don’t you forget it! Best of all, read this i
Present Prices Guaranteed.!
Having made new contracts with leading
manufacturers, whicli hold good until July l
next, we engage to fill all orders received by
that date at our present prices. Come what
will we shall not raise prices again until fall
trade opens and fall prices are established.
We have advanced retail prices but a small
percent, wholesale notwithstanding the large advance
still in extremely cost, low. and our present prices are
Buyers Can Never Buy Cheaper !
and they will lose t ime and money by wait¬
ing. We have special bargains to offer cash
buyers New instruments, new styles, new
prices, new terms. Send for Catalogues and
Descriptive lilus’rateil Brice Lists, givingfull
information. Address
Ludden & Bates,
Wholesale Piano & Organ Dealers.
mills sAth-t.f
Iron Works and Machinist*
I” J *
<*> ^ VW
p§S WtsA
**•**♦( ':L‘
pH Alto*.
& S' u
Uf! vi'M j
.wn' f
. ..j
Personal Iflxperiences in the
United States and Confed¬
erate States Armies:
By General J. B. HOOD,
Late Lieutenant-General Confederate States
Army, published for
to M Drpks Msscrlil Fusil!
New Orleans, 188u.
The entire proceeds a rising from tlie sale of !
this work ore devoted to The Hood Orphan i
Memorial Fund, which is invested in United I
Stales Registered Bonds for the nurture, care, I
support and education of the ten infants de¬ !
prived of (the their melancholy parents Ihm incidents summer at New
Orleans, ot which i
sad bereavement are still fresh in tlie public
mind.) j
The book is an elegant octavo, containing j
360 pages, witii a tine photograph likeness
andla line steel engraving, made expressly
for this work, four large maps of battle fields,
bound in handsome gray english cloth, at
Three marble Dollars, edge. Three or in a Dollars fine sheep and binding, Fifty Cents— with ' j
tn Dollars, half liound best morocco, Turkey library style, Fr ur ,
o r in levant Morocco, full
gilt sides and edges, Five Dollars.
On the receipt from any person remitting
by mail or express, of tiie amount In a regis- I
tered letter or by a postal order, bank draft,
or check, a copy will be immediately sentfree I !
of postage, registered as second-class matter. j
rii volume is published in tiie best style of
typography, on elegant paper, with lllustra
tions, executed as highest specimens of «rt. !
The author, the subject, the purpose, all
alike render desk—or it worthy a place the in book every library !
—on every upon sheif of j
every house in the country.
Zg- Ag s wanted in every town and coun
ty tn the Unite State a and a pref*r*r
5* «\ v e “ & ‘ i MJOrabiy Uischar * ea ve,orans
thk'r To the"ladies, who f»*el a desire to express j
the.r s> svmnathv mpau).^ with with “Thu ^The Hood H ^Wphin l wnlii, n I
Mem a Vi {
their •• r>f friends, will atT<»r*l ;tn exce i.ent l
way onttiouiiag ^nb^UAnLiiLi aid to so de- I
serving a cause.
Fer terms, rates to agents, etc., address with
uii particuia-6, Gen’I G. T. BEAUREGARD, Publisher,
Cm behalf of The Hfxid Memorial Fund.
Medicines* .
••For sinking spells, B H *‘$500 irlll that b« paid Ijop
fits, dizziness, palpi! a- M for a case
tlon and low spirits, B Hitters will not cur*
rely on Hop Bitters." or help.”
••Read of, procure I ■ “Hop Bitters builds and
and use Hop Bitters, 9 up, strengthens continually
and you willjbe strong B cures
healthy and happy. from the first dose.
••T.adles ’bo do you B I “Kidney complaints and of_all TTrt
want to beautiful? strong, I nary ^ * 4 iermanentljr
healthy and cured 11 ? by Ilop Bitters.
Then use Hop Bitters, q
* “The greatest ap¬ Hop Coro it Cttkr 1*
petizer, stomach, tlie sweetest, safest
blood and liver regu¬ and best. Ask children.
lator—Hop Bitters. The Hop Pad for
“Clergymen, ▼ Law- Stomach, Liver and
yers. Editors, Bank¬ Kidneys Is superior Ask
and Ladle* need to all others.
ers Druggists.
Hop Bitters dally." d absolute
“Hop D.I.C.isan
Bitters has re¬ and drunkenness, lrreslstablo cure
stored to sobriety and for use
health, perfect wrecks of opium, tobacco ami
from Intemperance. and narcotics.
"Sour stomach, sick | All above sold by
headache and dizzi¬ druggists. Hop Bitters
ness, Hop Hitters cures Manufacturing. M. Co.,
with a few doses." Rochester, Y.
Send for^ Circular.
One of the Most Important Discoveries
of the nineteenth century, and one that
takes equal rank with tiie invention of
tbe telephone, tiie electric light and other
scientific marvels ofthe age, is that of
S3 21 This Compound possesses the most re
markable Healing Properties of any
Ijg known agent employed Wounds, for Cuts, the purp Brill! use
ol runtic '-oi •s, ses,
inflamed a mi abraded surfaces, and for
Its cleansing properties remove all ira
nnriiies that hinder tlie formation of
healthy flesh, and tlie work ol cure goes
on to completion with most WONDER¬
FUL RAPIDITY. Let no family be with¬
out a box of it in tlie house. thousands Physicians who
extol its virtues : and the
have used it, unite in recommending it.
Beware of Counterfeits.
A si for Henry’a Carbolic Salve, and take
■ no Other,
Sole Proprietors,
8 College Place, New York.
Liver Corrector,
Vtaqetabie 0i EASES
1*1 i
From f, Disordered state of the
Dr. B. Ulmer.—I have Swainsboro, Ga.
F. tried all the med¬
icine you put up, and I can recommend them,
but especially the Liver corrector. I tried the
bottle you sent me on a patient and it acted
like a charm. It m care to use my name
you are free to d< > so.
J. G. Medlopk, M. I).
I have introduced Dr. B. F. Ulmer’s Liver
Corrector in my practice, and flud that it
gives general satisfaction. The best evidence
ol the estimation in whicli it in Bold is the
fact that persons trying it once invariably re¬
turn for another bottle, recommending it at
tlie same time to their friends.
G. A. Penny, M. D., Cedar Keys, Fla.
Prepared by II. F. ULMER, Savannan, Ga.
Price One Dollar, Por sale by Druggists
generally direct, and
if your Druggist hasn’t it, order
it will baser I postpaid. mys
M 3 * e sill S*Sb
m Ut \
Ague Cure
Is a purely vegetable, bitter and powerful
tonic, and is warranted a speedy and cer¬
tain eur« for Favor and Ague, Cliills and
Fever, Intermittent or Chili Fever, Re¬
mittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical
or Bilious Fever, and all malarial dis¬
orders. In miasmatic districts, the rapid
pulse, coated longue, t hirst, lassitude, loss of
appet ile, pain in the hack and Joins, and cold¬
ness of the spine and extremities, arc only
premonitions of severer symptoms which
terminate in the ague paroxysm, succeeded
by high fever and profuse perspiration.
It is a startling fact, that quinlno, arsenic,
and other poisonous minerals form the basis
of most of the “ Fever and Ague Prepara¬
tions,” “Specifics,' Syrups,” and “Ton
ics,” in the market. The preparations made
from these mineral poisons, although they
are palatable, and may break the chill, do
not cure, but leave the malarial and their
own quinism, drug dizziness, poison in the system, producing
ache, ringing in the cars, head¬
vertigo, and other disorders more for¬
midable than tbe disease tiiey were intended
to cure. Aveu’s Agkk Ct’PwJ' thoroughly
eradicates these noxious poisons from tlio
system, and always cures the severest cases.
It contains no quinine, mineral,or any thing
that, could injure the most delicate patient;
and its crowning excellence, above its cer¬
tainty to cure, is that it leaves tlie system us
free from disease as before the attack. O
For Liver Complaints, AvKft’fl Anris
Ci.’uk, by direct action on the liver and bil¬
iary apparatus, drives out the poisons which
produce, tiiese complaints, and stimulates tho
system to a vigorous, healthy condition.
Wc warrant it when taken according to
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Lowell, Mass.
I hfl S" m i . *J I '
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Wheeler & Wilson
r p HS Wheeler* Wilson has no competitor
World* ,' it * t 18 i* peer. OSH ill ill 1 its ^ quit tor tcbl ities. rie ofthe It is
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