Newspaper Page Text
I A Virgin in Tr» n'Ui r on a Keuinck; Land
A traveller from Virginia, ms His bl.-oded
corse, plethoric saddle-bags, ini naugt y ,/«-:»»<-
citmce indicated, stoppedata comfortabie wav-
ad* inn in Kentucky, on0 night, ninny years
ago. The lainilot”! was a jovial, whole-souled
fellow, as landlords were in thoee days, and
gave the stranger the best entertainments his
table and bar would afford, as well as Iris- own
merry company to make him glad. Early in
the morning the stranger was up and looking
around, when he espied a rich bod ot mint in
the garden. He straighiway found Boniface,
and. indignant at what he suppose- ! his inhos-
pitality in setting plain whiskey 1m tore him.
when the meansot.brewing noci u m■•■■■ .-■> ea
sy of acces-i, he draggs-i him forth to th • »p<ji
and. pointing his finger at the mint, ne ex
claimed ;
“I say. landlord., will you be good enough
to inform me what that, fo ”
■ "A bed of mint,’’ stid ti.e somewh,-.’ ! xi-
ished landlord.
“And will you please : i a hat in the
use oi it?”
Well, I dont exactly k . ;it ;T
woman dries it sometisne-r .. xrL t! oil.-r
Tao Virginian almost turned pah- ;.t th.
enormity of the assertion.
“And do you mean tot-11 me you don't
know what a mint julep fo '
“Not cept it something like sage tea, .
strangei. ’ ’
‘‘Sage tc.»! ■> /right ufo.-ig * > ti, • house,
j get iv bu< -;e* of he. io.-if.-u ;.ir. mid v ■ :r U -i ■
; liquor.”
i The landlord obeyed and the strata r sooi
; made his appearance with , haiciful i.j the
| flagrant,dewy mint, and : they bn-.u-d
| anddrank again.
Breakfast was over, and t.l-i > stranger's horse
wa.1 brought out only to U ordered hack j
again. Through the live-long Jay they brew-
,:i and drank; one oi two neighb/ifB drupped ■
in, who were partakers, and late iu the night \
were their orgies kepi up. Ere they made it '
bed time, i , - kindle.- >t ami •;is Virginia friend, j
who had initiated Jiim into the pleasimt mys
teries of mint julips, were sworn brothers, and
when the _stranger departed neat morning,
Boniface exacted a pledge that he should stop I
on. nis return ann -r,i\ as iotie as tie pieased, !
free «f cost. .
The stranger s bu.-ine
him longer than he c\j
next sui/imei b fore h
up Lite in tiie / uiiij
old negro who was at
same till)'- enouired:
“Well Sam. lio" v ■ >
“Yonder him
ing to a youth approac
•‘1 mean vonv oui m
“Old lii.-iiisa! Kin,
“Dead! What whs
He was in tin,; health 1
‘Yes, bat s . ivlm-sa
Viigidift gemmi ns eon
and showed hita >>c ?o<a.
liked Tn. so well he <
bill him.” said the ->li
The Atlanta IntrlUgenrer.
'i bis t>a]>er reached us last night, greatly im
proved in appearance. Hie pniilishers now
print it with new type, cm anew press; anil
in a tew words, the pager l-*>ks exmeediftffly
well. Ai"j. <t\ idionatis!.
ffT A tritiiug imtiilent (says a London pa
per: uas caused much small talk amongst ei-
d.trly matrons at the West End, Dr. Ite-—
a fashionable physician, wooed and won Miss
R , the only daughter of Mr. V. R~—, a
rich broker. The marriage was solenmizru in
a chapel belonging to the mansion of the la
dy’s lather. When tire bridal party assembled
round the alter, the Dean of —-. wliohad
beenchgig-ed to perform the ceremony, begati,
and continued to pronounce the words with
most impressive siih canity.- till the physician
had io gay. • with at body I the-.? worship,”
when he substituted the words, “with mv
body, I tliee honor.” The dean repeated
“worst)':-,” but the physician repeated '•hon
or,’" Four times the dean reiterated “wor
ship,” as oiteu the physician, ib a voice which
commanded awe, repeated * ‘honor. ’ ’ The dig
nitary at last paused ; a momentary red suf
fused his cheek; but. he proceeded, ar.d the
ceremony was eonclud- d. It is said that the
rural dean will receive an admonition from the
bishop for allowing physic to get the better of
Fashion Bay In Atlanta.
On Thursday last Mrs. Durand who is now
located in the very elegant building of Messrs.
Beach & Root, Whitehall street, opened her
rooms to the public, and exjiosedlier splendid
stock of Bonnets. Headdresses. Collars, and
•other articles peculiar to the milinerv depart
ment. Mrs. Durand’s rooms arc models a i.l
cannot be surpassed in Georgia. They are
on the first door immediately above the store
to be occupied by Messrs. Reach & Root, and
have been .constructed solely with a view to
Mrs. Durand's badness, and we must say
they display a taste and style which we could
hardly have expected to find in Atlanta, but
which we are only too glad to see introduced
amongst us. Our ladies will, no doubt appre
ciate the innovation. The stock of Bonnets,
exhibited by Mrs. Durand seem te com maud
general admiration. both for taste and ele
gance. Mrs. Durand's fine manners in addi
tion to her stock will draw an extensive pat
ronage from the I-otter half of the community
No lady of Atlanta. ran i ow be exeured for
being without an elegant head-fixing.
We must also iu thisconnexion pr.y a. JUbt
tribute to
’>• -vs. 8(#r!i di Root, j
T he ( iiu-ri/rising Mercht
j For several yean back, it lias been almost
' an impossibility tor the court* of Law in New
j York city to convict or punish a criminal
I charged v.iviia capital offence. Either by legal ;
hair-splitting, ingenious technicalities shrewd
| management and hi/ vx cry, or u too ten-
; der-hearted Governor. they have Iicon turned
' loots* to prey again upon an innocent and
pea-.-: ible society. \ cave however, -has at
I fongth o- cuircd, where aii-the means that
• -ild have bum resorted to, were attempted-
di-oixt sue- - . to clear a criminal, who had
•; t! - life of irn unofteuding citizen. The
v ■■ of the iias been maintained an/1
Dxl guilty will soon * his righteous fate.
lames Rodgers a boy not twenty-one years
•• age. vi .-• Tilled John Swanskin, while he
was valid/. «itb hi family in Tentti Avenue.
N-- ■ Y< 11: last l-all, after eight months
. ,•<••:.» litigation, a few days .tgo sentenced to
b • • outed on the 12th oi November, thont
h of b-.Aily e-bcaping liis punishment.
arfui as is the fab which aw-.-it;: tn cti a
t- ts< n • imbruing bis hands in the blood of
hi- tvlii -ns;-, it is far more important tfithc
com -oi’i: y vliicit crime iias been permit
ted to run ri-M that the law should lake its
-•on. ---, tha that peace-lovingand la /v-abi lh,u<-
eitincn.ssbi.-uld bo exposed to the deadly t j.
Lencc the aasassl
first consideration v.jxich s /civfv'.sb- t 1 have,
ought to lx-to protect its members from tiie
rowdies and law-breakers, v-' < arc t ■ i •. - ling
alwut t o rob idol /if their propert y u th. i life.
There is hardly a day in New York but ?<>me
act of bloodshed is perpetrated, and some un
happy family plunged iiiLo grief and left in
ludplessiM by the d-igger, the pis ml • • tl c
slung shot of some di-speratc • i ])e.ul Babb”
as these creatures are called. It is a singular
f.ict. too, tin; victim of this violence is gen
erally some honest, industrious, hard-working
citizen, who ■ ,m honeat livclileMnl r Ids
‘.’nilv by itic- daiiv sweat of bis brow. The
Mr, Join i’aliciTisia in bis statement relates
the feflowxng nfficiingincidentsfi
He saw one gentleman and lady jump over
board with their clothes all in a'blaze. In
order to get out of the? -ach of rhe flame:;,
which wen ctery moment coming neater and
nearer, he got a piece of rope of some three
yards in . length,, and letting himself down,
fastened himself to the forcecht^s under
neath the bowsprit, where fco bung some three
or four houT3, waiting for the Erdncfa vessel
$*j com: near enough to rescue them. As the
names increased, the poor, miserable <*rea-
tares on tiie bowsprit jumped into the -rater,
as their clothes caught on fire—dropping into
the water, as Mr. Paliemsi:'. says; “like, drops
of rain in a heavy shower One woman,
with two daughters, kissed them both, and
then putting her arms around them, all three
jumped into tire water . An English iady.
wi-o cacre on board at Southampton with her
husband, bad three children with her-—a girl
about five years old,boy about throe, and a
bubo in her arms. The husband had jumped
ov -r. and as the flames grew hotter and bur-
iic-1 more fiercely, she took her little girl,
rissed her, and threw her into the water. — J
Sh.- then took the boy, a fair healthy litrie .
foil -w, «-mbnic-(.-d hiiu, gave him her last kiss
mi i threw iam in H struck mi his back
of sin up-tewii -uoi»
The deacon is a nuuialy>y*i«d > $&.{ d
-r.i speak In ineeBiY, t uf rc-i-iarkabH
find hirase.U'on his tiiiw Iritlioi'm'lihyfiiNf#
or distinct idea of wimUtri eartwiteirk'
to say. On this occasion, inf* fomd-xi s
v'xrifiixned : * ’ . ■?'
“’Hie asylimr qaglit t-0 -yi tli
r-mr reasons. -.y-'N; : -p>-
Tlmsiar it was sailing, Imt
point the demon first iiogan to temjniw
reason.-!, and found that
readily as he wished. He thougirt a xac
and went on again:
“First, ahem i first, because thigf.aiw
t<i build a church iti that' .ffigbbpthiotxl
the orphans want any reHgsphf. • astn
they can go there.and get nr*:-
8o the first wan got .along with. Bu
for ibe second— *''W * •'
ScOOTid-^aother^^^ ^opad',
they want to was'n snd Icutbe-ar-.d goSm
that way, they can go thorffami dp R,
“Bravo, cleucou l you &!* Jois^ wxB.
• *' Child—{arm the? orain; ns panjso,.aod>
struggle.) Third: the Ionite i
by, nu-.i if they get crazy, they cm. go ii
“BraVisamo, deaooaf One roorc G
*.nd the { ait reascaw are stated.' . -.V-iT
Deivfon comes, up bravely to the wptk
land disccrnabie soiaewnere “
they can go there!”- - '
It is needless to add. tlmtthe de*coii ! «
reasons” triumphed over all argnmeht
How to M/.kk Gooi> i Vjf Fsu.-—hclcct kaguyra.
be-sure ti brown it equally stir unceasingly
[witli ;-. long handled -. ooden paddle two or
riiree i'-.vhe.-: sdej on live evais f fire so as
i: ; lij burn a grain, pour it out all at once,
i>»J .. ’ :i; i ! c-.u: w ilo Jiot facilitates tbe
1 ■ i i.-otktight in glass -jar for use.—
Yomsui-o the quantity deari-il. add half an
a:d : gill of boiling water, nux well, put
• -v-'f. s pot fill it uji-:vir;, frcsli boiling
-• ‘mil iu.stiiy oi: li-v cntrie t om
smoke, t-tii once wliil.-, when dona stii again,
add half \ cup of i-.fid water to settle, my three
iiilri• /1/- -, w Ken it will be found of « bright col
or aii i .ret from ncdiinent.
"x,il ! the .-Iills pots night and morning, air
th in well, and use alternately.
Mj friends say my wife has the Tost of caf
fe. uud t his is her process.
Nen Nash vine, Tc-no., 18-58.
“That's gL/.Hi coffee ire, and one of the very
bt-sr arkcii - c“ iDet. With good son-ar and
rit H i ream tl-.c most nutritious, healiufiil and
digx -th >■ t!u>t can be used in tiie family, ami
si.- 5 h used by ev-.-iy family thtev times
pei dieai.—Ei>. -- ! G-"o;i and Soil.
Tin: A vla : • c 1 ’,- ble.- -Thelatest intcllig, nee
. -in - cable, s-., the \\eshington Union, is
wcrsi tha-- -li .• uragiiig. Prof. Thouipson,
!:.■ :. ■ riistcudent, is satlsiiedthAtm-
t-. i bii- r iu ; i-.-oiiduciing wire.iinpiiirhig
i lie insulation and putting an end to tlio
teau.-mission of intelligible signals it. it be
lieved by the i lectrici ins that the inte rruption
exists not less firm two hundred and twenty
miles from Y ienti.i and it is surmised, with
great probability that s*-veral fractures may
have otcarrt b 8«> strong is the belief in Eng-
liut'l ti- cable i- a failure that shares ha.e
devlii c-d to a very low ligare.
if upi.'i: furth ‘v investigati u. defects
a;w- ii; round to exist, then is very little
In i, •- ’! o' -! )• -d, ter it will be ut-teriyim-
.. “ •'iierii-nt great depths for
tin-, purpose oi' rt^. tiring it. It is true that tiie
ixibh- night I c raided near the shore wk- .ethe
ocean ioiiot v t v deep, but in places where the
depth is son.Hi two «>i threi- toilcsriu.
strain U).on i: will ti *>.i the attempt.- —S-,»
its who have done
In construction of
> which iu- iiave
ompl' tud outside
a: Hi. and is with * tit extravagance one of rhe
most attractive buildings any-w he io. t be'seen
in the South. It presents a fine appearance
on Mliitehali street, with its heavy iron front
and showy iron o iu menta over the windows
VYe fancy that »b;« building is but the fore-
r:i-o,.-! i.f what all ti - huiliiings on >Yhite-
hniJ st’-r-.'t. will be iu i few yeats. Visitors
to Atla ita would do weM to call on Messrs.
P.oacli ii Root and tnkc a look through the
buildii g. liithi-r uf tin v pniit'- gentlemen
will take plcosuie in aci-'-nipain iiig then; -»•: i
showing th'-Tu round.
| s. ■ ■ • ■ . man who wt« in the r.d eabir.
; • nd -.-li said he :is g iu,: Califonii-i.
I where he had a brother, had his sister witn
j him, a girl 16 or 17 ycais oi' age Iu order to
j save her from the tire, he fastened a rope
around her bo»I>. and ■ ' g :-r« ■ nd e - >
the deck, let her limn ov.-r the side i>;'th?
vessel. He then pot another rope around his
I own body, and let, himself wn—cut the
rope was not well frtrt<uv i, and as he > . uped
over it slipped froni ui-k-r his arm.-- and
Caught Litu arei-ml the throat. As he mi nek
thewa:c-v. the wa\;cs da-sUetl liim ip
1 u sssei’s side, findfiilliny bu Ink
was ip.ritkly choked to death' his' - riek
ing, ‘ *II tipi! help! will nub''dy !i -Ip my ;-mill
er t" Mr. Pammlsia say3 when he
vc-ss d the poor girl ’ i‘ -' U- •
s.- '.aming an ! ti vi’.:.-. viih the w.i 1 .!:u
the dead body of ilie brotln-t . xinn ,«r vc
ry few moments. An Enchpiit.aiu : -iout oO
years of age, vho tatneon »-ant at South
ampton with his v.ifc. • ovled wit! iu: out
oi, the bowsprit as far as- i • and -is
i:iatue-x upprou lie-l ihey cIe-.--;d tl. arms
around eachodw-v ’ ihone hist kiss, juniped
into the water and sank immediate-!} And
s” bn. thets and site is, fathers mx! . mo-
tl.ers and daugliters. embracing rath other,
jumped into tiie wax es
Imd, at least, women bwve jiretty generally
learned to see the danger, if n^fp^fs the
hideousness of those wakp-waiKte piit«sr>hTtrt.
ly prized. A single tact elwiffd hr iho-C3tr>fe-
imcnts of Herltot wiii probably hsve' .more
weight than jvuges of -hiquept exhertarioo.
It is this • The same man who, when naked,
was capatfie of inspiring I$0 -:ti bio inches at a
breath, could only inspire. 198 wher. vh -,>s*>'.
Now, if we compare the tighiiiess of a womarfv"
staye with the tightness - fa man's tires:, w
shall easy form a conception of the wfous /
stacle stays mast be to efficient bm'-Uuug , a-
the injurious effects of this iiisutfoieni bre -
ing consist in its iiidudcr .» ilepxubsiorp l^. r£
the vital fimetioas -[BlacgwW'iixab.
ii.t-u.v Tit. ut-ii •• 81n i*r \ kia. - -Iii sneak-
m. .g- - for ncy. Miss MtJock, the
■it •••Titer, ob.-eives. ■ xvc think very
fir Tl ■■ Southern U:U,i, John Mitch,-ll s
Nt'WKjKip,. published at Knoxville Tenu., is
to he p it dished at Wasuington aftvr the mid
dle in' November next. We liope that whi-ti
it shall In- Man'lle i to the atmosphere of Fcd-
enil polities and influences that it will irat
abate' one jot of its independence boidand
tearless advot.-a,,* of its conscientious opinions.
Rm cess wherever it goes.
’cr attack)-1. It is giiuh men a.- Rwan-
s ji! ti, it-f-: been that usually are
•wn. md it is the-wives and children
el. ’.vho nr.- reduced to the lowest
.rx dion and i- ;-cry by uuch-cahun-
ourcitizens more
' ii o-:iii-■ more needing tl-e protecting
iverin ii-i • than the rich and the in-
*-. who in iter : !•!■. o! taking -are
•I a . mu! proi iding for their hunt-
■ • N .i i; --L_r.‘ ought always tv .juesiioii
net of,! . -ssin, hot diolce. Every girl ought
to I* t lught * hat a 1 ’vc-k-ss union stamps upon
liei as lb’il dishonor as one of those connections
which •mit the legal ceremonv altogether,
an 1 that, however pLle, dreary and toilsome
a life may be, urJiappy married life
must be tenfold worse, an everbannting temp
tation , nd irieurabk regret., a torment from
which I ic is it.-- s'-ap.i but death.
>il >f 1 ilk, t| • • ,- uidiv* and e'.r.’.v n-i.e
• :.;.s of hit pilurin.r.c/-, :tnd roll it oui from
this’present oxer a jwet wiiich lostory has
6f d Ii strouhe- ‘:>a k beyond the landing
rftiie i’ilgrin:: ■ ven.d the brigluness of tin*
Pilgrim*: iwyond the brightness of the refor
mation. i;n- the dim twmglit ..- flu*, middle
ages ; back i.eyond the new biriii -f a con
tinent , !• yond Agincourt, and (. rosy, and
Hasting, and over tie* graves ot twentx -liv -
generations, to the the very- childhood of tin
English people ! AVdiiam the Conqueror, if
he Should vise lit tliiadll,’ to -OJlTVOUt the : .Ixl-
.itious u- .xiiie- which claim have 'oc-meovei
x.'i'ii liiir would !’. younger, by one huuihed
yenre, Mvfhu.’- iaU was - when ho died.
Ax Oi.d M8. Foxrsn.—Recently, while look
ing over some old books and uian-ascripte which
lay neglected in the house where the Fraa-ia
cams lived. In Trencharil street, BristeA, a pm-,
foci copy of the Hereford Missal, which has
been in vain sc -relied tor by anti ju«i$ik foe
ee; xtunes, was tliscovered, and, t'trough Mr.
Maskell, sent unto tiie British Museum’ xvhkb
has purchased the rar.; tmd :!iten*tircA relic
for £300. We believe there is not another
Hereford Missal in a pegfeer state extant.
1'tsi’osixo ot a mu! c do 14-a a Bill. - !’i
ir.x\iiig iok-* which we copy 1:. n; a cram: >
paper, may lie old b'u ■•> t -> c iod ■/.- lose..
j Ire parties to tbU iransanh-r. we shall de-
•igi: ii" as Ben an*! Toni.
.t is .op r. foi a bete. inei-tstandiug of
tie; join:, to intiniat. tfn-.i the former spocn.-
foteis to a'mfuiestdegi-ii*. iu birah es and it is
not necessarv to siu wiud the latter dots, tur-
tl .-r tl:::■ i in- is ' ' the l0'.’O*iif>t»\i- Ot ;H’t
t: . .Io ii t -i ■ sbv, and is by xtll in.
a greet wag.
The story runs that Ben had tak-u in a
three doJlai counterfeit bill, and not relishing
such deaf: capital, be ooikcivi-o th iiicsi of
giving d i-’Toni who was a i • * i i.. - i-dlnxv,
and t-ouil mni;--. it go if any ’"xB
curtfingly, lie apj rote lied '. - • ■ op! ite-d
dispensing mediuin One - -i i’u!-. vr-'
Ing couven. .Uou cr.sxg :!
Election of Members.
Hon. Lawson ITixii? has been fleeted sena
tor from tin* ii:\v coutity of Milton. i'!iio
was but a ju i compUinent to a man who did
More to create, the new county than all the
i’> ’ance ot the I-egislaiure. Mt Rdbekt At
;,kn s the ue member i-iee.i from Hal- sliani
in the place oi Yfliite cut i.ff into the new
E«;o.-.iiu i,mji -M.vxuFAcri’BEns. —The U.-n-
oou corespondent of the live-spool Mercury.
writing on the afternoon o? 4th of September.
. .- itiauger J assed a less jovial 'tieght than
>n liis pro ious visit anil was off 1 r,- :.. :
iU2 next morning. He quite 1 his cousii nee,
however, iu the end ’itu tiie vetleetioix that
i/'ood tilings ;ue sometimes in ■■■•*. 1."
"Ti-.r 4: .umixiiiifaetnfe in England is sta
tu!, on good imti.- ;itry. to be in bettei state
ihixu ft has been, at any time, .,iuce the year
! 816. On of the recent shipments ot
'.xvitt. tlx/ : iiilit ' . : . !•• 6. twopence per
'"he report, from thelfivcrpool EreJutmjv, on
the aft: ’-n.ii.u of the l (tt of September, were
Uvorab'h to tixe cotton trade. The report
says .
• Tiie Manchester market tuts agiiir. advuar. ■
ei 1 to-day as much as oin-fcirrth to a li-ilf pc-noe
in yarn' s, and threa p-ctico per peiee in cloth :
.-.nd even at theftpirices, Kpinners arc not xvili-
ing to enter into large o>mtracts- tin. v* n
jii sp.. t of fur* i - i:-'! thus tending to cb< -k
the extern d' l-.usinr-ss/which, however, con
tinues .-•'ry exte-nwvc, juirtictdariy for India
aid (..'him’.
w rinless tins he
do rule, io membei
•!.‘]ireii •“ -’if of the
fl^r’ Tiie inscription of the slab which wr.
jiliteed over the Rpatinisk sailor recetlfty lau-
ded and deceased at Stag Harbor, L. *t. is this
—‘“Dead m^n tell ho tatec” Tlxt- strange ves
sel seen there is tbongfit to be a shwete-ainco
sunk. ; if
I”,-.— Tn Americansidior, wannl Weeks, w rites
to the X Y. Herald, from Seville, 8;Klin, where
In- i' confined in tin. rV.iaiiishState prison lie
w-:s S’.-coi.d mate of the ship Waverly, wlach
aril t at Mtuniiia three years ago .will* a cargo
if ^ ’dlious coolic-s on-1 jard, iii conflict with
whom the officers andgye»v co» unifted gi -or
sicitight-, r. He van condemned to four , and
Mr. French, (the mate of the ship ; to :-iz
ye;a ' Lnprisomnet;', and both are no tv hi the
el ai> L--.L.- at Rec:II-
A Leon lore P.EvnaAGE. I heard, says Thom
as Selden, a capital stoiy, at Mr. B s, o 1- ’
a dandified attache at» "ns! intinople, vdiotrax
eli d into K oo r.;! isuin. iute-ndingto copy Lavard,
and write a book. Hi was what he called
roughing if with six or seven In , s, , ran >. i .ig bis
ixutessrries /. .• few thillg in /.’(juldliot p".-'
sii.ily Bo without, .among them were the
wooden frtunes ;o”«*1t’iinhfghi<» iwits-imi shoes,
and a t'-aee of i-.ittles of >• jiecidiai fine v uish,
lor liis polished leathers Ht xvxis attacked bv
tiie Aralwho ov rhaulcd his kit. vYL.ti ihey
came to tht b'-ttles, they optne-f them ; and
the varnish being made with madeira, and
scented witli ;-,)! sorts of good fixings, it smelt
so nice that the thieves tho l.-lt! :! must Ik'-
something to drink In vain did u.e explain
t::::t it wuspauit foi his bools, t’bcy wt-ro ,-ure
that it was to.’ delickm for that : j,ml. in or
der t try ii. he sh-onii! drink s*»ni ; so they
took nut one of hir. own cut-ghiirstnuibleTS. and
n. id’ him d rink ,i glass "flxis xHx-n boot r ■ - !
Joint A.. Hiti-rlr, Esq.
We are mu h gratified to see that our old
am’ -steeiaed fellow-citizu-n, John L. Harris,
Esq., has 1 -e - ■ J. - -ted to the IsigislAture from
iW Heavy frosts have occurred iu. New Ha
ven and the vicinity for several l.igfch, past,
and plants and vines have ante red in i’«ih,- vevy severely.
An honest son of Erin, green ftoui lx:? per -
gritations. put bis iiciid inter a la vyer'.-; office,
and'Ai the ininsbi:
“An’ what do you sell here!”
“Blockheads," replied tho limb of tin L-nr.
•ilch tbin to besurc,” add bx-.t. ' .t must
bo a good trade xor I .s.e thf.t there- is bur-.-ee
m' tbom left.’
G.P.EBdj it Co.,
1 he* -‘.uox ixjxii’d firm have bt—ix en-
g;iged foi sonic time past in the Job Printing
liUsiiii’KS in this city. Thi y hr ■ recently sulci
their Job Department t James l Miller .V
i - .,.. who will continue the business -m their
own account, Mr. Miller lias been foremgn
ofthe establishment xince ithas b ei under
their direction in this lit.y IF: is a good
i-vkman and every way qualified toffll the
u ‘i-t h-.* occupies. Wi-wish hiui success in busi-
nes . a rich harvest, and plenty of work
1 D in ; mil i siwintcrcd
C# *“«.n. Henry Beduiger. late minister t.
Dcmn-iik. has arrived ai home in Jeffers .-n
count} V-.. and has been cordially greeted
!■. Iris ’.nun :• -i - fxi -..fx- ot i : l p&rtit-s.
pedto th fi 1 Ben hased a
can • t • -s , . i,nc d ii-ir and a half, and
.ax o down the tliretr floliai b [layment for
thiem. FI - clcrl Ii In la tire 1 ill \cry
doubtfully, wine, his su - x ‘amt
i iiateiy calmed by Tom, who told him there
o use looking for hi had received the
bill from Ben himself not ten minutes since-
Of course the clerk with tiiisassurance, iunne-
(iiately forked overthe di Jlaraud lurirxhaii
and with this deposit -J the can : oyster.;
Tom leit.
Shortly afterward^ he met Ben, who g<I
him if he had passed the- -in.
“Oh. Y•.*«,’ said Torn, .‘here’s yi» tshare.;’ at
tiie same time passing i-vi-r theiiolhu au-i a
half to ?..• *x.
That lught when Ben madi tp* his cash ac
count he was mirpriscd to lin-.J the same old-
•Where did yon get this i. rsol bi’I? Di«bi t
you know it was counte) i -i
‘Why,’ said the other. “Tom gave it tome,
and I suspected ii was fishy; hut lm said he
had just received it from you, an : i therefore
took it.”
The whole thing had neno rat ed the wool of
lien, and xith a peculiar grin muttered out
Anotheh 8*xVAroa to in Jrr-tns. -Ti;-.- T- ->>
nan Banner learns tiart Htm. ITu. iinctianmi
the “able and dist aiguisbed Set.-; tori' - teom
(’pwetii. county; has resigned his k..a? iii the
State Senate, and that it is tiie inteathm of his
friends to ran him for Judge of tae-'T'atiaptfbijei
Circuit. ^
li;-: vv Detam vnos ---'il.e failure of White,
Ruiitl: h Co . Northampton, Mass., inanu-
lactiinixs of ennamtied cloth, is announced —
The JtepvhHam of that plac e* says it was brought
about by the alleged defalcation of their sel
ling agent in New York, Mr. Damon, whose
delinqnt nces aa ;.- estimated all the way from
thirty to sever.ty-ii ,- thousand dollars, The
fix .a * .-teA-d the confidence oi the communi
ty, n-ndix anycitj -.x-nr bad invested fix its notes.
Son -, i thusp’it out all or near all of th-Mr
means ■ .J rin* failure overtakes them with
great distress. It is calculated that the con-
• urn ov s citizens of Nortliaiaptos abou < $40,
00f) tor money -'.i;m--d or for eudoxsemeiit'-i. for
which uoti* of them have any security. Mr.
Damon i. in j 1 at Not th-.impton.
•permitting their children to become
■1 ui;,-:nitrolIab](*. ami that txJoralion
! weakness, i- a crime against socie-
in -ure punishment iii every
- guilt ii fully established i- : the on-
y top: event the recurrence of the-:
gedire. with which the newsjtajxirs
i’l'ieii. The public liave a nara-
Fiia BsMncENCB ofAIiktu -Ti.ere is
r equal to a cheerful •.*ud ex a mirtixf
retaxtion, for Ti*storing *Le l one of mil
body, when both have been overdone,
great and good men, on whom very her-',
and toils have been laid, manife.-t a -•■
tional tendciu y to relax into mirth wlie
work is over. Narrow minds denounce
A. Ricbavlsou resigned ids "fii'’e as Governor | eongruity ; largo hearts «’-vji s g<*
. , , /.„;,„ , {in the fact, and rejoice in the wise pn
• - f 1 ! r.i.-«;. for ■ ■ .: ft : live .. -HE
/Bin .no running for the I-nit ed States Sen- ( t., cxlinusi is ii or., of Nat arc’s in
ate us he Administration candidate. There- i ive efforts i»;.! Die part wiiich has beet
■ ort that h. was - i urn mg to sunport t touglas j 01 •*• \“' J Wtiot too sternly
* . * ' ; bate a frivolous hto , but tithe life be (
(\aS all Immcom II . if,, irxxxl xor rri; ri with, ti I- - t rl, x- i-.
a .single temp'- • a!i cl --■•- without a
single hypocrite.
A Diemen Cut.—Among the thousands 'Abo
met .it ladianappolisto Welcowc v'nl&uel.}can-
son, of Kentucky, when he mad-? iits eiection
eering tour through the West-, rr, Btiilesin l£4i>
was “0V1 Charlie,” a colored rnnn who oaco
was . servant of the colonel, hit: now free
and settled in Indiana. Chaiiio was ir full
feathers. He took the r id Soldier undei liis
protection, installed himself as door keeper,
and no one was permitted to shake- hands wi* h
his former master unless by Obarhi-.’s mu-du j-
tioii. While the crowd.was at tbe <Wt a
ly, pompous man came v.y- md takhxg* hariie
liv the hand, said
i'.vEMi!..\, . L’atiknuf..—In.court -JadgeOin
w;.s violently a Hacked by a young and very
.:x pertinent attomv hut licurd him quite
through, and made i:i> reply. After the ad-
i'lnnimem for the day. anti when all had as
sembled at the hotel when the Judge and
many of the court had their lodgings, one of
the company, > ferine to the scem’e at court,
it.iked tixo Judge wh; he did not rebuke the
impertinent fellow
-I'eniiit me,” said tfc- Judgi iou-i enough
t* -.ellheattentii.*n ofall the co • any, among
Nak .:i '1’bvtii. '1 it** late eccentric liffm
Holmes used frequently, in his addresses to
differ ait iime-), 1 < exph'-in the meaning of fclit
; te ase “naked tra.tlx,” by relating the follow
ing falrlc :
The Stale Fair.
Tin- Macon Pres* says theStati Fair opens
ir Atlanta, on the 19th of this month, accorri-
ing to tue jiapers of tha: city, everything on
•i.-irlty, md h" teseri t</r’cognize b; /.ut*-:
“Vrhy. I ns*,*» to know yon.' said tht ■.
when you Ik’!'Kigcd toCoi. -hfimoAp.
“Very likely, sar.” tepliul i 'hurili.-; “the •
xv&v a great many people that knew nr Jeh:-
--ris thjxi- we did not know. The Jefoiaon’#
did n’t- associat -.vith ev -ry ! x> iy!”
AiuJ ihe xsimy .us giroieiriaix -vs- -f. • By
lived >!■* vn in tiie count rx. had a dog. a mere
puppy, 1 may say.. Well, .his puppy rouid
go 01.U every moonlight ni ■’ '■ ; no kirk -,t tk.-
moon for hours t<.g*:-th-1
Here ,.h‘. Judge :»u*i.-••<: .s ., i- - had done
with itu sr.ry
“Well. well, what o* •- • ' 'aini’M India
di xen of the audieuei * «u-'
■rt’ii. ' nothing- - n*.*!hi:ig wi: xte v«; i he
Mr Dunpii. J'te Kslxit*-.
!’b te -n Telegraph, after iopving the pai
ag iq ii from tfo ‘rrufin Aihericant union, pnlv
lished in tl.* . stevday, o the’effect tl>-.*.i
ii: Dtrmot Dempsey recently deceased, had
left xi'-e fly all of Iris huge estate to the Catholic
Ci :' if, Hitting his two childreii off-with only
i-'J.teO'i r-.-xch, dt xAC'Sthe cc- rectm ss.of the s'uite-
e;.*tit The T'oIegTapIi has been infomed flmt
ii. ■ ’-tiniated v.duc of Mr. Dempsey's estate is
about 8250,000. ,ind imi $500,4X«), ns state. .1
the Union, and ail goes to his ehildrci
icie-rent to ihe (. .oheJic C! xirch, as it has Ik
infiinned and be’I-■ - Sm.
the sanxe place. Foisell'. ck! e<‘>r,ir,g -irat out of
*!. water, took hig- ompaniim’s '- 'h- s. uxfi
left his cr vi: raimen; and th*. e went on
his way. IruiL email.g out. iyj,*he wafer,
Sii'i-yhtin vain Iris own proper dress—di.-ahurx-
ing towcar th.?,m,iL -’t i idseh i Truth s?>a-
ted, ai; r ake---. to pursuit ofthe thief, but am
,-iiig swift < f i*t ’.-v-. nev".r ovcrt iki n
itititivi K. since lie hus been km* n •-
Qvack&—In -i ]J.Hin ia Wise-. the
name of which wo cannot <>ir>noiince if xx .
sboxld succi • d in spelling it. r-v-i ? •*. c•-rr-.-s-
pomi’ut •« ax; exchange who -'nmislie 5 tie- fi»; ■
i - >v,iug:
. iiidaia! “i/x ■! is 1 fid i r. Niclt •!.-. > ho f . ■
fix ;x, Ohio. He “to- :
ti .- busint-:«, having bt-cn “brought up'"
.1 ii '; uie jai.itl as flirt ceil of tecs did no! com*
ci.-.m/i .- him. a id -La : uf-oti-' —yV
-li•... r > Ti - iiusiness, for tire ieiai! of dn:us
and ini'Jiiicii!’s tie had a great sign pai uteri
it itttae! the wondering eyes 1 the villagers
so l the Doctor loved to stand in front iftfie
stove r.'i.l express its beauties fo th* tpj’ ; *i_'
11 holders. One of these was an Irishman, «! ■•
gaze ! at it for a while with a eonncai i-iok, a: 1
“Ocb : and tiie e >. i- if i-7 t : . 1 •>• *.
there’s sobicthitig a litxle ifit .xunting it
“And wliut. pray. ix. that r’ t.-kdl • •!•..- -
t' r.
V\ ’-V x-.lUfK *,” =.i• I x ou’vi •• i :! it.
iulshe* t xx-’.’ x Lx** - . :uul oi . l.jr ,•! • Ini
swimiiiing iu ii
“Ay—p S. •'.-!• -4 li: )•*- ’ ■
eoc-d thought. i’B ; ■ ;, ... q.». »wa
p-aJmcd then - -y.. 1 . rit tiu-x imfii e '
“Faith, I riot,'; i- .• it i x.oidd.
said Put : “lifi ! in uit* ithfiih iniy fix*, re’s an*
tiler kiud o’litd what -ild mi ri .p-p-. -
••And xvh.t's*” hskcxl -lie • '
\\ hy, i ••iUi't i’N.i- ri thin!, of his i-aitn iis-
:xo v. out 1;<* is on-- <-i thes*: k; nd of : i-Is * ! t. -
when be /Te-. ire suvs. '(pari:, ci:.d
'VAit DuxAium Agains.t T .as .
Gal vest-on pu;s rg of the £l.-t u-t .
: v’(x New Orleans. They stem: (bat tl-
rent c’ iuiinchei;, Kiowas, and xi
pachi-s. numbering fourteen Tndi-m
! Inf . a- ■ i. ' ts
fft'i :|? e. „f <}; s
New Yi rk, Oct. b.-
can institexo; .v;..-- lien
Balacc ill time of ti
x Loxrtcal Hamragc * xxt -I <-/-.
Toepo-tofu hoggiigc master • o. :i radio-1
train is not an euvi-ble one. Th n is'-ten.,
•vide difference bctvvee • the company, sregu-
b-oions and the p hunger’s opi^on of what
avricS- s iind -l-..’ aui-anut i»: th’n: pr-.'in rly
conit-s und-;'- tiie dciiominatiou of 1 -a: gage ;
'.nd this dif:’lenci- .-.i opinion frequently sx.L-
t-x tho unlucky official of the trunks and
l-xhi’t-boN depurt merit to animat' x! - iiscussit>ns
with ai-ortein ' l-;.?s of l-!:-.- t-avei»ing .a-.iiii*.
We heard :u» cru-.-'xote <if “G or;,-.” tho
afiable bag-agi muster on Capt. t -fob's r
on the Virginia uud. ienm-ss ;e rotul "iik-b
ton gotkl to be lost;
I passeng ' presi-ntwl hitns-r’u at a xvay ..u-
•. on aii*: i- Kid with twi* tinnks und a sad
rid' for -.- ni-h ; .*' pu st--a cm-rixs. the i v -
:u;_- iiisstei p -mptiy chei Md tlie- iriiiiks, but
rl -j-.mih -L iis. extra churge oi tweuty-irvo
cents for th;-- saddl.- To this tin- passi ngs:
kmur-. d, Ut i ’i-smgiiis tcni’- r. perempt.- ; .
“Will y in heck my baggage, sii f
“Are you a horse ?” quietly inquired Gcorgv.
What ilc ymi mean sir:" exclaimed the
irate travel *r
“Yi*u claim to ri:xs-. .id!.- .x/- k d ns
“Gcrt iiulx it !• bix^gngc :' [.->»'rivtiiy re-
turiicd tiie pas . :ig.-r.
“Well. ' raid the hnpurienablc tteorgo, “by
the '.'.ompajuy s regulations nothing hut wear
ing upparel is admitted to Ire baggage: and if
tills M'-l-dt is your w«-.,rii% q-par. io; course
you i- . ai>rse! Now. sir, just allow me
to six up it .-n . oc ■* back, and :i shell go to the
xu. i the --ad without anyevtiwchargcivhate
Coot/ Ra3cautv.—1 ; < iui-innati, ,’. few days
since, two sharpe.-niu >»st» ;xc.. i.-. mans: ,
ping id one of the hotels, and stating that th-w
were detc-ctix s, iccla id th: t u . act
ed of • - ii’ng in i mat.'-rfi Jr money. The rt-
nilist asserted hia entire innbe nc--: but tl -y
said they would search him, , ml tm-k rim o.-
ica pn vxttf' room, when they found $108 in
good money. 1 ne xvent U> consult a detective
coiiceming tiie v iauk ,ot--s. ic-maioed uw..- -
long that his coi q-mu-. v also deported in search
of tht delayer. Of course, ncitb-.-i turned',
ami the run,! ai’-d nasopltistU-ated *• 'low leaiii-
-i t'Kihltc that he was vie ilxt’r ;.
Am .1. • acts of : terest in the las’-
census of < real Britain, ir is stated that the
tingfiish }' -..pio in ra-otlaind numb-rad 18,562
• mu 19,234 females; Soottish people in
Fra.!; 1 ai.< te-i .s 60,7 J4 males and 42,834
fomaltjs; Irish people in England and Scotland
rite.: ti nuilcs and i’T.i,850 females.
T" e males in iV tiirec ishuxds at toe soldiers
eg*.- of twenty to forty am mint to three mil
lion, tiirec i nifire-l thon usd men. So that
xvith x. s-s.aii un i . . riigrce of military
discipline as experi'-nev m this ccunti x* has
pr • i *.’• b dnedl volunteers, England
aright t id (i ’ »•!! Europe in aims
iu GiefttT-ri' in, ."iytijOfiO Iiave j'-assi : -v
• ity yciiTS ; a !u ndr. ati-1 twtiniy-uiue ihou-
santl vc over fourscore, years, ten thousand
• *vex i netj yours Ixvo thousand and thirty
x-xgux. n!nety-fiy •y :>.rs, and ffireo hundred and
ninetx-, ’1 mure than. a % hundred years. The
i.opou give- ri.’.'sc- -ii known ““examples of
longevity, .ri s’arrhnd'HejfryJonSSns—
Pair lived 152 --v; nine months*—Henry
fcnkhi-:. l-xfiye:;: - 'i i- !iv4,iri!irr (Bed January
28 1588, god -07 yeuis. i rom ihe y :vr i”59
to 1780, dieil -rtyeaKoaK the young stupe J DiO
-eldest 175 also in 1797. '.iiiiulatti in Fred
erick Town E A., old to be 180. Iu ; •
Wonderful a/te. eccentri.- Maguriu- mention
i« made of two Hungarians, John Hovel, in
his I72d ycin uniSarah bis wife, in i.ur 181 f ii-
geri a man nam *.:i Ale:rara!ti <
;•-» end -ibis existurnJe iu Blair c
8un*u*.x nig’r, V.x . .. hi.-
..i ;• dullkixifextlv . - : -
wi.i- r inserting bis fix . rs, i
(led the job h; saw;’i:-. inti- ifie r n
VTKO n on x
ii.’vtexv says
• . ■ .i n.r-ii',.
ft- ” ri xx -ii.- in tiie i'xT.y Bu i-_ -
!. '-.I. ’ s x • i'tb of sub riot - i ; .
nu.iu the fm-'-.xstst-, wex:b1 i:--tx
Austria and her living pm bnu- *.-- :
er Tin; \u- riant-wvirariiivri
s-itely refused to .Taut pisnnissi-. .
garLin protestuofi. to constitute •- iu .
info iii: mihpon-fiint j.difri'iiis ’i :
J*f*Tin: i/lasterew employe i n
t. • ex W.ibiii igton, have ifotithni ■
riiat un! •> their wages are Idc’- cas .
p. r J:: \ they shall suspend work.
Two girls, named CSstftqp- i - andi
8argu-u’ -xie nv. airing tri.u at g'otss’i-.!. N
on a charge of having ussistcd in vie <-•
of tiira- . riponers from tht courQ ; ,uu1 at
x GoK..- TlBY • KVF.: ukajju •• *ir.--:tTl. ■ -
bum- • !. x. ic r-Kld’ -appx-.i;: xi' v l -u
in a Xcxv > ore. piqK-r with « leminisei-x,. or -i
bit of a A--ry. Here is hi, last;
In 1774. Dr. Webster wiu a p-. u’iu11 grerxu
er .J tiie Kiik of Scotland, ii- Edinburgh -
Business brought him to London, and one htj
when passing the Iloust «)f Loi liHcuiio:.’,-
tv induced him .to make tin off- i : sti.p in
xx nd see them. N"ne were d xvitho’i:
aa »rd<*r, except noblemen’s servant.-x V.Vb-
siL-r being ignorant <>, the rtiie. ri qn- st d «d-
uxittancc: --What j.or-! -Io belong to :
said the doorkeeper. ••’! ti;-: U.rd Jehovni;.*
replied Webster. “The fo-.d Jr-h-mih.” re
peated the xioorkeir, -1 L .x e kept here -ex .-i
years, but l have never hcardof such a Lord.
Jack,” said he to his feiloxv keeper on tin- front
steps, •'here's a chap who says he hiriougs
to the Lord Jehdvah : ;lo you know such a
Lord?” “'Never heard of him, ’ says Jack
“But,” *xid Webster, (willing to keep up fh.
illurion,! • there Is such a Ijord.” “Pass
iii,” raufi Jack, “1 ’sp-oso it's Some pi of Scotch
Tills . >ccurred at a period when tueie vva.-
- not one in twenty ofall in the. manufacturing
or rural districts in England, who could react
the Bit•!«* or write Iris own name. Sai.-bat’
schooL, wereinl’r./ducod in 178”-.
• X’l) V.L, 111
P. Logan
11 i v.'Oi
Tub Lvt;. M :.u.-j- of IU.?, Ulafk T . i’Wji.—
I- mni our c temporary. the Mad >*f • -- terday,
x-.i lciira tiswt Aiken the. im:-<U-r<.*i Mike
ifo/i. ai • i i x.-ixil- ■ ,-ounty; - uri' ■:
cd near liri- • i.y .-.b-.u: sxxomonth-iu*.-. and
he no xx Inca re; rated m. U.x yrij of Tjowndcs ia
lately c-iuftssisl tliat hc-tu -k the life of Mr.
i lark 'Taylor who was foxind in a dying stale
;;t Id- : -.-siui-r,’ ■; i>; this county, ai- it t-lu•
nioniht- ;ii ’ He s--ns he committed the mur
der i; r ti- get ]H>fsi.ssion offl 500 which
he ki c •• >x s in Mi Vris j-.-x-n, >sion. Two o.
ih.ecothi-is were u.-soeiated 'xi:h AikvR in
ti-ii- . - i -ut v li" ri.- v f.i • has net fra* -
ItetAiamowv N.vvv Yahu.—Ti:e Boston
Heiuid says- The ni-.’.ul-T of men mployed
•a l<i>t pav oil xvij,- ItrJt; :a.d the ivuoii:.: cx-
l«: xded for tiii* '• u-t- ir-.i-ntiw i.-.boi was $7d,‘w0
2'i. Work on l he le w .ri.oop-of-xviiT ix- about
iodic suspended for wanto* deck plans ,unl .-
discharge of somefiOO carjicritei-s is expc-i ted
daiiv. 'I’henew steam sloop HartiY-id wii! 1-.
readx for'-lunching in a few weeks. Tin i.--
vanfc .'till remains iu the dock. ri. larae num
ber of mason--- ai ■ stiH engage*t on the d«-n.i,
and the chimney to th,- new machine shop Is
:*!ready 224 feet in heigh! . The heighi wh u
- ompleted, is to he 225 feet 6 inches -cite tall
est el bnaey in die United SWtes. The sb re
ship Rel'ea.'" isexpooted to sail for New York
to iie fitted for ihe Paraguay expedition. Tin
following is a list of heroffurars: -Lieut. Cotu- Acting Burseh Wm. A. Parker
irtLieut, v.'m. T 1 ' Sicer, 2d -lar *•
Masxvell* A-riing Master, Geo. li. IVr'-ins.
Captain’s ('lei* jiptersou .1. 8bi' mi.
Hnuiii of f fiiirlfnloii#
ri tin* last v ■-.kl\
,i; - - ,-1 u x--/• • ton Boautl of health makes
xx A munlvr i.:' deaths ninety-three, cf
. . - . " otu iv ex ■ bx yellow lever, ufty-
vhii<- idults, .sex- white children, an<l
si and colored adults. This isa de
use of seventeen dvaihs from yelloxv fever,
unparod with last weak’s report. The fe
ll a> toixiii!, during the iast week, the g.en-
eunibc of it» victims on the iii-ck and it
ei! t • jiri-nciit ,i less malignant type.
er A IX-Cr was recently killoit near Wiie
-axis. »iiix-li lirul ;10 s; ik . to his hero. ;.i
;>• in. 4. -x id a half of bit on bis brexust.
;:t* ihe xiovernor of 'Nw. Jersey hue otter-
i-ri’d u rexvani of $560 for the arrest of Jatoes
M'Million, thxi alleged aartofi' of !ns siat •
tff V pr-.-tty WI&V..US plt-iises tiie eyes- a
giviul woiiiar: pleases ibt heart. The one i*xv
jewel tin’ other a treasure.
V Hunt Bunt. —A hole in the crown i xotir
!*" Wh •n an lri.siim.ui first tried pt-aclu s,-
h< said he liked the Haver, tat th-«ctu* I^P
hard on lus stomach re ^ isSa
pST* Tiie ^vr&oise JoLii Dal gives n? uu irifiil-
Jliblc rwiiicd;-■ for the ‘-out -'-iioawt with *‘*
printer. ' |
ff i be. exit authorities <*t N^burj'Jf*o|fc 5 j
M css.. List week wised nearly. fiOff
H.,.ior, uefongiijg ti- i’erk-y ft PiUabtsifo of
am ■- S
Tin- traveller paid li - u.;.i
■ •it his hat.—Brieful Metre.
JfT i • :r V.ibih: iwchang- s annoum, t!--
death of lte- H--tiiy M-tU’leville. 1? I'- . .x-
tm oi rI, ■ }’;• si x tx-rian t’h'irx.-ii , . uio .-
HXnl fortll.: i ‘ pi -li SOroi ?.■ lies Lett--.S in fix.
'Hamilton C >ib >., Bex.- York, und at ib ro;'-
seiies ;>t eio. i-.ti.'im \ an i uiid rin-* tex
Ur James fk-tou. the- man eiiMge.i with
s .-xtidiing jiis ikutucrs out of about $10,000,
aii! running away to Europe is now residing
at skx'iieatelcs. Tin- peopleof thy. place arc
soxis.-wliat‘indignant, -ind oi-. WcdiKsiisy even
ing last. Fit,ton xvas iiurncd in eftigr in tue
streets of that village.
ggf“*J'!tc ”i ib dr tab-sM;*;siialat Sew Y**rk,
Mr ilvrnlet- just disco'i-red the fact that
a ssel (railed the ••Haid- e” fitted out in that
city, xx it to Africa and-,obtained a cargo of
■ ro; c . J.irulei! them on tire coast of Cuba,
and ri l i ned to the United scuttled the
vessel ii ti shore, and the captain und crew
,!i; perse 1. Ryndcrshas • -ded in arresting
pcveix.!- of the parties.
So it seems Northern, capital Inis been in
vested in the Slave trade all the time, and to
ape punishment, &H the guilty parties have
to do is to destroy the ship and disappear!
**: George iVrish, a w dl-knowi: luiliioil-
irireof OgdeiSbn-!-, lately had a*! immnisc es
tate left him ! t Bohemia.- H*- bad-more than
enough before, ycr his previous wrearif wns
hut littlf* cniiuMiud with that lately n. --uvaHi-
Teaas. -It ar peril's from the returns of the
wnsui* of Texas that, the population of that
State is about four hundred an-1 fifty thous
and. It is shiteil that in eight years r !’-x;i -’
brut more than donolcd its number of inhabit
ants, ;whilc its productive capacity lias l«en
deve^ipcd in a still Iiigl er ratio.
jffi" Bev. Wm.‘ 8. McD.undd, of|i)rth:C-!ar-
ohua-. lately -«f Bt-te i-sburg. fires been elected to
fill tip' chfir ot Motl'i-iurelics anil Lretm, jbiilu
i.'lii-.ixiM FeiiiaieiiistitMt--. .Jfurircf-sb;.ib. jf <:>
- ... f ,,x
first section ofthe omhm! s/.ip, * " Tn rli<-yeru 1.827, the tribunals
rout- to California -some 000 mi’es—-hag been ; piottounbed lj>-i2 Bcntem-cs of matrimonial
traversed in more than one day less titan ir.l- I s . parations, and there were 4.350 eas.-s i. -
led for by the .xeedule. If the gain Tiolils j dec. whi'ic neithc - |iartysbruiM interfere xxitli
througb at the same rate, San Fran istsi will i tlu’-.ttief’s property.
b.’ reached overland in tweniy-two. -lay’s | - 1V iMliledgeviU.-j AV.wi/rr.of
T11 lft * | -/th iust.. says: “A, gentle man died recently
It & vsrinmted that three are 20,000 i« Mississippi, x\e understand, who left hy
nersons out oi employment in the iiondiatncta I wiH niteen tho. si-nd dollars to %letii.,r,s'
r'R cnniylv&i ia. l Lnivet8|ty
The ;xo. ruharer ot the < liartcr Oak plate
tford, Conn., bss ; •'aikexi meaeun's to
re ihe knowledge of rin* site