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JULY 2, 2015
Madison County Journal
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Merged with The Comer News and The Danielsville Monitor, 2006
Vol. 30 No. 26 • Publication No. 1074-987 • Danielsville, Madison County, Georgia 30633 • A Publication of MainStreet Newspapers Inc. • 24 Pages, 2 Sections Plus Supplements
Local Shriners get ready to roll before the 2014
Colbert Independence Day Parade. The 2015
parade will be held Saturday in Colbert, begin
ning at 9 a.m.
Red, white
No weddings
at the county courthouse
Probate court no longer performing marriage ceremonies
By Zach Mitcham
The U.S. Supreme Court
legalized gay marriage in
America last week, but
there won't be any more
wedding ceremonies
at the Madison County
However, marriage
licenses will be available
to all.
Probate Judge Cody
Cross said he decided a
couple of weeks ago that
he won’t conduct any more
wedding ceremonies in his
office. He said his office
has been overwhelmed
with wedding ceremonies
in recent months as offi
cials in other counties have
cut back on the service,
which has sent more cou
ples his way and interfered
with his other duties. Cross
said he couldn’t limit the
ceremonies to just Madison
County residents, adding
that if a couple wanted
to come from outside the
county to be wed in his
office, he had to perform
the service,
“Probate judges who
elect to perform marriages
at the courthouse must per
form them for all couples
that come into the office
or perform no marriages at
all," said Cross. “There can
be no picking and choos
ing. Most probate courts
no longer perform marriag
es, or only perform them
— See “Weddings” on 2A
and blue
Annual July 4 parade
set Saturday in Colbert
Get ready for the flags,
the hand-tossed candy
and the sirens.
Colbert will celebrate
July 4th Independence
Day with the parade
beginning at 9 a.m.
A variety of live
entertainment from the
stage all afternoon will
be hosted by Danny
Anthony and Mayor
Chris Peck and featur
ing the BaCuPs, Conner
Mack Tribble, C.J.
Bidinger and others.
Deena and Emily
Parham will present
music under the pavilion
during lunch, when bar
becue will be served for
$9 a plate. There will be
concessions and vendors
on hand with their hand
crafted items and arts.
“There will be lots of
activities for the adults
— See “Parade” on 2A
News — 1-3A
Opinions — 4-6A
Socials — 9A, 12A
Crime — 7A
Obituaries — 10-11A
Sports — 1-3B
Schools— 4-5B
Churches — 6B
Classifieds — 7-8B
Legals — 9-11B
Phone: 800-795-2581
Mail: P.O. Box 658,
Danielsville, Ga. 30633
Label Below
8 "04879 14144
All stars
hit the field
Madison County
11-and-12 year old and
9-and-10 year old all
star teams were in action
in Madison County this
past week.
— See Page IB
Man caught
after escape
A Carlton man was
arrested last week after
he attacked and then fled
from a sheriff’s deptuy
on Hwy. 72 in Comer.
— See Page 8A
Madison County
monument altered
Phrase with
God comes from
Star Spangled
By Zach Mitcham
A local monument
that created a national
stir last year has been
changed. It still ref
erences God, with a
quote coming directly
from the Star Spangled
The county school
board agreed to remove
a Bible verse on a mon
ument by the Madison
County football field
after secular organiza
tions complained about
the religious statement
on public grounds. And
Trinity Granite recently
altered the structure and
removed the verse.
g ee “Monument” Madison County’s altered monument includes a
on 3A quote from the final verse of the National Anthem.
Dallas Bordon/staff
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just.
and this be our motto: "In God is our trust.
BRWA aims to
establish access
point at Hwy.
72 bridge
By Zach Mitcham
River lovers may soon
get a public access point
to the Broad River in
Madison County.
Right now, all the
access points in the coun
ty are on private proper
ty. But the Broad River
Watershed Association
(BRWA) has received a
$35,000 grant to create
a public access point
for citizens to the Broad
River. The group says a
landowner is willing to
sell land for an access
point at the Hwy. 72
— See “River”
on 3A
25 and counting
Rotary Club of Madison County celebrates a quarter century of service
Eleven charter members of the Rotary Club of Madison County were on hand
Friday for a 25-year celebration of the civic organization. Pictured (L-R) are
Marvin White, Morris Fortson, Phil Piche, Wesley Chandler, Pat Graham, Roy
Gandy, Jerry Bonds, John Dunleavy, Alton Rowe, A1 Stone and Frank Ginn.
Photo by Jean Mullis
By Zach Mitcham
A group of men and
women get up early every
Friday morning and fill
their plates with bacon,
eggs and grits at the Ila
Restaurant. The coffee is
refilled as they talk and
laugh. The jokes are fre
quent from both the podi
um and the crowd.
But the business is seri
ous. Those in the banquet
room of the longtime
Madison County restau
rant have a common goal
— improving Madison
They do so through a
variety of measures, such
as pushing childhood lit
eracy and supporting the
food bank. The group has
also gained widespread
acclaim among regional
civic organizations for its
ramp-building prowess.
The Rotary builds ramps
for handicapped or elder
ly residents with remark
able speed, even compet
ing among themselves at
times, with Roy Gandy’s
crew racing Pat “Ponytail”
Quinn’s squad to see who
— See “Rotary”
on 2A