The Jewish tribune. (Atlanta, Ga.) 189?-1???, February 28, 1896, Image 1

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Tin? ttftittcttt nnio tot tatio I OP j 1-M jVV J Ib I rC ILb a \Fj Vol. I. . BOOMING AHEAD.. THE NEW HEBREW ASSOCIATION . X , ’,s GROWS STRONG AND STRONGER EVERY DAY. The Board of Trustees of the above organization have held several meet ings when matters of great import banco ' we ri members of this club, nbU\nhmbcf< nearly two hundred, arepalmly, * pursuing the even tenor ,of their, ' waV,' the Board of Trustees are Bust-' ling about to have the association properly housed in the least possible time. There arc no laggards oil the board., .Last week the first printed notice of incorporation appeared and in the proper time law, the association will? be, a legalized institution/, Over forty available : - buildings and sites have been visited and. inquired about and the best of all will be secured. It will be in an excellent location and will afford ample space for library, baths, bowl ing-alley, billiard-hall, reading rooms, and gymnasium., It must be borne in mind that the inaugura tion of this enterprise was inspired in behalf the younger generation. The older folks will derive but small benefit from the association directly; and so, everything that has been done was actuated by a desire for the good of the young people and with their welfare predominant. Within a week or ten days every detail will have been arranged suffi ciently to call a general‘-mectrffg; when the Board of Trustees will unfold their plans for the approval • of the association,, which will- no doubt be readily accorded. It will not be many months before the nucleus of a handsome library will have presented itself, and with two hundred members working in uni son for the success of the effort, there is no telling what magnitude the society will assume in the very near future. * Plans and specincations have been offered and examined, and improvements suggested and made. A site has been selected for per manent quarters of, the Hebrew Association. The location is central and the building will be'spacious, well ventilated, ‘ and ..nicely /fur nished. The committee ju * ' ? are > alive to\the demar .a ' <•-'"times, and havc devptedJ] -~of their time to the success*, mation of the projected \ The building will have a ceiling on the first floor, while the gymnasium will be 1G or 18 feet in height, affording every facility for all kinds of that will develop the physical con stitution of the children. As a general thing the Jews do not in dulge sufficiently in exercises of that nature, and the physical development is as essential as the intellectual, for both must be in harmony, or the one will detract from the other. .. , p It is the earnest wish of the Pres ident and the’ Board of Trustees, who have been working so conscien tiously and harmoniously,,that when the next regular meeting is called .... every., member of the association will promptly respond and lend his efforts to the working forces. : Any friends who arc interested in the cause will also be gladly welcomed. At the next general meeting, which will be held very soon, the entire JTTIDJLISM LIBERALISM. ATLANTA, GA./FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1896. plan will unfolded, when the thanks of an appreciative public will be ex tended to. the generous committee. This is a popular movement for a popular cause, and-every citizen in good standing is desirable. FRISCO’S WHALEBONE FACTORY. : .,,Tho establishment of the whaling station at Monterey Bay will, it is demand- for skilled .labor, employed in this city in . the;,.manufacture of whalebone. This is jlppked upohLby the Mer '^hlints’'Association as •"another indi cation of good times for California, and’Hhe whaling industry on this coast’ will'be fostered. : >( ;&In itself, the whaling trade is con siderable at this port, but its iriciease means more to landsmen arid the' .'.'manufacturing -interests of the city J 'WSfN ■ ■■' .< ■ Big®™® ‘Tib. . .. V.■ ■- /*N • W ■ffi ;““ WSai/ Y ■ Aispsgjss. \W" . felt • .’/'ll'll ' • .. 1 s . J •... • 7 ' 4 •• (1 ' I-' ; 7 ' * '’"'i ' ' 4 ' ‘ f ■ , 7 '? :i 7 '."- 7 : .. : -1. a 7 ’ : « RABBI JOS. KRAUSKOPF, PHILADELPHIA, PA. than is generally known. It means that within the next few years San Francisco will become not only the hiding port of the world, but £lso ri'center of the> whijlrilmn‘o • ritiL’ ' acturing interests. Already a whalebone factory lias -Iscen established in San Francisco, and before long the six other facto ries in the United States, now located in the Eastern States, will undoubt edly be moved to this city.. This proposition is almost self-evident when it is considered that at present five-sixths of all the whalebone manufactured in America is shipped from this port across the continent before it is prepared for the market. New Bedford, once the great whaling port of the world, does not send out more than one or two ships after the leviathan now, and all the rest of the trades is central at this port. It was this fact that called into existence the whalebone factory, and that will bring still other factories of the same kind in this city. <S’The factory is located on California street and is owned and managed by the Pacific Steam Whaling Com pany. ' From twenty to thirty handp are employed in scraping and steamy ing and cutting and otherwise prey paring for market the bone of the mammal that swallowed Jonah. The price of this commodity is on the increase, if anything, though the whaling industry itself has fallen into comparatively insignificant pro portions. Many refined oils have been found to take the place of sperm oil, but no substitute has ever been found for whalebone. Many efforts have been made, to_fmd,sojxm subsiaifce that could be used in the place of whalebone and many expe riments on Various metals and sub stances have been made, but to no purpose. For corsets ‘and dress bodice’s "no ’’ other • substance will answer. Nothing else is so pliable and So lasting at the same time. ' It is not generally known, but it is a fact,' that whalebone may be Used river and over again, and is practically indestructible. -/ When bent out of shape it can be straight ened. by first steaming and then placing it under pressure. Aside part ift-plays in -, iifpareHts chief use is for whips. The process of cleaning and drying ,thc crude -whalebone when first taken from the ships is interesting. It is scrubbed and drenched with fresh water when unloaded at the yard, and then stood in bunches to dry in the sun. Down at the yards of the Pacific Steam Whaling Company at the Potrero, the stranger who sees the vessel unloading from a distance, and beholds the washed strips of bone stacked upto dry, is very likely to mistake it for some rank growth of .weeds or tules. When thoroughly dried it' is bundled up and taken to the factory on California street, or shipped East to the factories there, to be still fur ther scraped and dressed, then steamed and polished and cut into marketable strips. From first to last a good many men arc required to handle the bone product that is this port by the whaling vessels, when .it is considered that ibach one of thcsCAJesscls is manned jand provisioned here. — Call. ' NEW YORK LETTER. 1 ■ ■ GOSSIP OF INTEREST FRO.II THE METROPOLIS, OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.' Hon. Oscar S. Straus, Jacob H.' Schiff, and Rabbi Gotthcil were : took'part in a recent conference for the. establishment of a permanent board of arbitration, to settle all dis-. fcrences between the United States, and Great Britain. The former is well versed in international law, the sec ond is a banker and philanthropist,, while Dr. Gottheil occupies the pul-. pit of the wealthiest Reformed Syna gogue in this country., , , With all its claims to enterprise, New York street cars are mostly pro pelled by horse power. This strikes strangers as somewhat curious, in view of the more modern methods in vogue in other cities of less distinc tion. The squabble over the Heine statue continues. New York boasts of nu merous so-called works of art, of ’much less merit; many of them de- ’ cidedly hideous, and there is no good reason why New York should be deprived of the worst, despite the objections of the Sun. Before a great .while the “ Monroe Doctrine” will be shown to be a mere myth. Here is the opinion of no less distinguished authority than the late George Bancroft: “The policy regarding.further colonization of America by European powers, known commonly as the Doctrine of Monroe, had its origin in France, and if it takes any man’s name, should bear the name of Turgot. It was adopted by Louis XV I. in the cabi not of which Vergennes was the most important member. It is em phatically the policy of France, to which with transient deviations, the Bourbons, the First Napoleon, the House of Orleans have adhered.” These words were uttered just thirty years ago, but appear to have escaped the newspapers and the Jingoes who - have been recently clamoring for a brush with John Bull. Rabbi Emil G-Hirsch is still the" object of attr-J-ivc and favorable criticism.ydlit' at the re _eCTitr‘LiiTCOTrA liiday-*.Nfuct ± p-; now alleged to be due to a number of his admirers-who seized the oc casion as a favorable opportunity to boom him as a candidate for the United States senatorship from Illi nois. Some go so far as to say that he is being coached by the Hon. Ed- . ward Lauterbach, the brilliant law yer, orator, politician and gentleman . who is suspected of aspirations for similar honors from the Empire State. The. office could not be more worthily bestowed, and the proceed ings of the Upper House of Congress would certainly be enlivened by the presence of either of these moad- t guage gentlemen. Glancing through the pages of the recently published proceedings of the American Jewish Historical So- , cicty, it is - disappointing to find so _ much space devoted to the history of certain Jewish families whose career is without the slightest interest to the general Jewish public. The Society is doing good work, but should avoid the publication of such family records in future. No. 14.