The Walton casket. (Monroe, Ga.) 1871-187?, November 02, 1871, Image 1

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THE WALTON CMKET. $125, A YEAR. The Walton Casket. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN P. EDWARDS, EDITOR PROPRIETOR, atsJ.2s, per annum. STRJCTLX' IN ADVANCE. Professional Cards. J. N. Glenn, S. C. Dunlap, Lawrenceville, Ga. Monroe, Ga. GLENN &. D.UNLAP V ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Mofaroe, .Georgia. Prompt attention will Jbe given to any business entrusted to then - care. D. H. Waller, . .. +* H. D. McDaniel. walkj&i & McDaniel, ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Monroe, Georgia. Will practice in the counties of Wal ton, Clark, Jackson, Gwinnett, Hall, of the Western Circuit; Green, Morgan and Putnam of the Ocmnlgee Circuit* Oglethorpe, of the Northern Circuit; Newton of the Flint Circuit, Also practice in the United States District Court and the Supreme Court of Geor gia*# Atlanta, Ga. 1-ts. Dr. W. S. R. HAIiDMAN, Monroe Georgia. Offers liis Professional services to the pttidic generally 1 ts N L. GALLAWAY, .T A. ROBERTS. GALLAWAY & ROBERTS, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Ow?, Djre- Stnffs,Perfmierv\etc. strict ly pure. Broad street, Monroe, Ga. D. Callaway, tenders his Profession al services to the citizens of Wallon and Surrounding country. 1-ts. Dr. MILTON H. THOMAS, UEJYTMST, Monroe, . . Georgia. Office at residence, first door above Stephen Fclker’s on Broad street, offers his Professional services to the citizens of Walton and surround ing counties. He is prepared far preserving the natural teeth, or inserting artificial substitutes in a duiable manner and with the latest improve ment of the art. I'd- Business Cards, MISS nETTIE TUCK, MIIS. SARAH CAMI*. Mesdames TUCK & GAMP, Have a superb stock of Huts, Bonnets Ribbons, Flowers,Feathers,Fancy Goods etc. Broad street Monroe, Georgia. G. O. LUNCEFORD, W. W. WHITE. LUNCEFORD & WHITE, dealers in Dry Goods etc. Quick sales and low prices, Monroe, Georgia. CALVIN G. NOWELL, dealer in Staple ami Fancy goods, Groceries, Provisions etc. Will barter for any kind of country produce, at bis old stand, Monroe, Ga. JOHN FELIvER, has just opened a fine stock of Staple Dry Goods Groceries, Hats, Shoes and Provisions, Monroe, Georgia. RAILROAD schedule. Georgia Railroad. UP DAY PASSENGER. Leave Augusta, 8. o'clock, a.m. Arrive So, Circle, 3.37, “ , p.m. Arrive Atlanta, 6.23, “ pm • DOWN DAT PASSENGER. Leave Atlanta, 7.10, “ a.m. Arrive So. Circle, 10,29, “ a.m. Arrive Augusta, 5*30, ‘ p.m. UP NIGHT TASSENGER. Leave Augusta, 7.00 ‘ p-m. Arrive So. Circle 2.34 4 a.m. Arrive Atlanta 5.35 ‘ Aim. DOW NIGHT PASSENGER. Leave Atlanta 6.15 ‘ p.m. Arrive So. Circle 7.54 4 p,m v Arrive Augusta 2.45 4 am. S. K. Johnston, Supt. MONROE, GA,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1871. > Keep the Gate Shut, An English farmer was one day at work in his fields, when he saw a pacty of huntsmen ricing about his farm. — He had one field that he was specially anxious that they should not ride over as the crop was in a condition to be badly injured by the tramp of the hor ses. So he despatched one of his work' men to this field, telling him to shut the gate, and then keep watch over it, and on no account suffer it to be opened.— The boy went as he was bidden; but was scarcely at his post, before the huntsmen came up, peremptorily order ing the gate to be opened. This the boy declined to do, staling the orders he had received, and his determination not to disobey them. Threats and bribes were offered, alike in vain, one after another came forward'as spokes man, but all with the same result, the boy remained immovable in his deter mination not to open the gate, yifter a while, one of noble presence advanced, v ‘ and said in commanding tones: ‘My boy, you do not know me. I am the Duke of Wellington, one not accustom ed to be disobeyed; and I eomniand you to open that gate that I and tny friands may pass through.’ The boy lifted his cap and stood uncoveied be fore the man whom all England delight ed to honor, then answered firmly: ‘I am Sure the Duke of Wellington would not wish me £o disobey orders. I must keep this gate shut, nor suffer any one to pass but with my master’s express permission.’ Greatly pleated, rffce sturdy old war* v?*m*-Ht+rA-i+rbs <r.\n hat, auu said: *1 honor the man or' boy, who can be nei ther bribed nor frightened into doing wrong; With an army of such soldiers I could conquer the wbVld.’ ibid hand ing the boy a glittering sovereign, the old Duke put spurs to his horse and galloped Away, while thfe boy ran oft' to his work,shouting at the top of liis voice: ‘Hurrah, hurrah! I’ve done what Na poleon couldn’t do—l’ve kept out the Duke of Wellington.’ Every boy is a gate keeper and his Master’s command is ‘Be thou faithful unto death.’ Are you tempted to drink, to smoke or chew tobacco? Keep the gait of your mouth fast closed, and al low no evil comparfy to enter. When evil companions would eouneei you to break the Sabbath, to lie, to deal false ly, to disobey your parents, keep tlib gate ot your ears fast shut against such enticements; and when the bold blas phemer would instil doubts of the great truths of revelation, then keep the door of your heart locked and barred against his infamous suggestions, remembering that it is only the fool who ‘hath said in his heart there is no God. 5 Immortality. —How beautiful die fol lowing gem from the" pen of George D. Prentice, and how happy the heart that ean see tlttse beauties as he por trays them : ‘‘Why is it that the rairtbow and the cloud come o’er us with a beauty that is not of earth, and then* pass away, and leave us to muse on their jaded loveliness ? Why is it that stars which hold their nightly festival around the midnight throne are placed above reach ol our limited faculties forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory ? And why is it that bright forms of hi> man beauty are presented to our view, aud then taken from us, leaving the thousand streams of affection to How back in Alpine torrents upon our hearts? We are born to a higher destiny thsfn that of earth. There is a realm where the rainbow never fades—where the stars will be set oqt before us like islands that slumber on the ocean, and where the beautiful being that passes before us like a meteor will stay in our bres ence. BIT AMD BY. i By and by! We say it softly, Thinking of a tender hope, Stirring always in our bosoms, Where so many longings grope. By and by! Oh,love shall greet us In a time that is to come, And the fears tbafuow defeat us, Then shall all be stricken dumb! By and by! Then Clouding o’er our sky to-day, Shall be gone in glad to-morrows— SbalL be banished quite away! By and by! We say it gently, Looking on Our silent dead, Avd we do not think of earth-life, But of Heaven’s sweet life instead. By and by! We look in yearning Toward tlife harbor of tbe'hlest, And we see the beacons burning In the ports of perfect rest. 4- By and by! Our ships shtjf anchor, -If the tide and wind run la::;, Some day in the port of Heaven, Where our lost and loved ones arc. By and by! Oh say it softly, Thinking not of earth and care, But the by and by of Heaven, Waiting lor us over there!* flEi?“The election in Haralson county has gone Democratic by 47 majority UriT'The Democracy of Texas car ried the State by 40,010 majority. 25#'"A Jackson county man has invented anew churn. It feeds itself and is non-explosived. Chinaman’s account of the Chicago calamity is “Meli &nn % k&ftsiucrt jAnp air& milk cow*; cow kick oVer lamp; up go Chicago.”— Washington Star. 2#~A colored \voman tu Morgan county recently, astonished herself and her employer by picking four hundred and thity pounds of cotton in one day Selma Times says that tiiere is but little doubt that the larger portion of the cotton ciop of that sec*- tion has been packed and ginned, ar.d that most of it is on the market. An old bachelor having been laughed at by a bevy qf pretty girls, told .them that they were small potatoes. “We may be small potatoes.” replied one of the maidens, ‘‘but we are street ones.” * ‘ A little gitl, just returned from a par .ty was asked by her she had enjoyed herself. ""Oh, mtemmatj” she said, “I’m so full ol happiness.: I no happier, without I was biggest v : “Husband, I nust have so’ite change to-day.” Well, stay at home and lake cure of the children ; that will be change enough.” Never chase a lie. Let it done, and it will-nut itself to death. lean w.ork out a good character much faster than any one can lie me out of it. Known unto God are all future events and contingencies. I have thrown my self blindfold, and, I trust, without re serve, into His“tdinighty hands. The likeness of JSilas Wright arill be the vignette of the new SSO Treasury bonds, “Edwin' M. Stanton of the SIOO bonds, Thomas H. Benton of the SSOO bonds, ex-President Harrison of the SI,OOO Burlingame oftho. $5,000 bonds, Und John A. Andrew of the SIO,OOO bonds. SE# I*'**Jupiter,” 1 *'**Jupiter,” a celebrated leader of the Democratic negroes out in Texas, is full of metaphor. He said tho other day, in a speech at Waxabatchie, “that if he had his way he would give the Rads the stripes in the old flag tid they saw tho stars, and then knock them out of doors with tho pole.” Go io Jupiter, and win. Letters ot Recommendation. A gentleman advertised for a boy to assist him in his office, and nearly fifty applicants presented themselves to him. Out of the whole number, he in a short time, selected one and dismissed the rest. ‘I should like to know,’ said a friend, on what ground you selected that boy, who had not a single recommendation.’ ‘You are mistaken,’ said the gentle man; ‘he had a great many. He wiped his feet when he came in, and closed the door after him, showing that he was, careful. lie gave up his seal instantly to that lame old man, showing that he wastkiud and thoughtful. He took off his cap when he came in, and answered my questions promptly and respectfully showing that he was polite and gentle manly. He picked up the book which I had purposely laid upon the fFoor and replaced it on the table, while all the rest stepped over it or shoved it aside and be waited quietly lor nis tern in stead of pushing and crowding, show* ing that he was ltonest and orderly.— When I talked to him I noticed that his hair’was in nice order and teeth as vvnite as milk; and when he wrote his name I noticed that his finger nails were clean, instead of being tipped with jet, like that handsome little ‘fel low’s in the blue jacket. Don’t you call those things*leiters of recommenda tion! I do, and would give more for what I can tell about a boy by using nty eyes tcu minutes than all ihe fine letters he can bring me. Aist lik DressJi-NUfeon’s toilette are pronounced by Boston critics to be re markably beautiful. Her ** Lucia” dress is the most delicate peach-blos som-coloted siik. In the shade it was a decided pink, and in the fall blaze of the footlights it paled to almost white. The front breadth was literally covered with flounces of point lace, aud a deep flounce went around the train. The corsage was heart-shaped and filled to the throat with a white tulle tucker. Her ornaments* were diamonds, and they sparkled from the dainty ears and flashod from the throat. But tho love liest toilette she has worn was the oue in which she appeared in the last act ot ‘ Martha/* A petticoat of sky*blue silk was trimmed with silver fringe and rows of silver braid, between which were brilliant buttons. The train of black velvet was the side by silver and cord tight fit- i ting velvet body-was fastened with dia mond buttons and the wrists were ished with deep cuffs of point lace. A coquettish gray hat with a loDg blue plume was set'jauntily on the frizzled mass of goldeu hair It was the very perfection of a toilette. — Age. 2^"Josh Billings says: “Most men will concede that it looks foolish to see a boy draggin’ a heavy sled up hill for the fleetin’ plcasuae cf ridiu’ down again. But it appears to me that the boy is a sage by the side of a young man woh works hard all the week, and driuks up hia wages on Saturday night. v Beer fills many a bottle, aud the botle many a bier. A Doctor’s motto is supposed to be “patients aud lbng-sufferiug.” Dogs arc said to be the best dentists because they insert uatural teeth. 2afPL4 Chicago paper suys, a good deal of our religion is simple starch. That’s the reason it washes out of some folks so easily. Truth is immortal: tho sword cannot pierce it fire cannot consume it, prisons cannot ‘incarcerate it fumino cannot saarves it. VOL. I JSQ. 4, . .AJwpj Davie i . In a recent small* < sissippi man who made b6»e« trading a business. He bought up her* ~ses for a cit^.market, and was consid f ered pretty good on a trade. £>ne day, a long, lean, queer, looking, spepfcfien of the Western coun try arrived at the dock with a boat Toad of hcYses. He inquire .tfST" horse jockey. ‘Daddy sen.t me down with soajßlbi ses,’ he safain a half idiot tou, r tf Wbo is he?’ ® ‘What do you want for ‘Daddy said you could set your own pri«,’ wad^tk^response. * ‘Let me go down and loolT[a^Voy x** horses,’ and they at the boat. : Brown examined the horses named price he would give for this.ofU* that, and the' country bumpbNt made no objection, although some or the offiys, were not more than one-half the worth of the animal,« One of tL<? bystanders said Brown had it his tfwu wljiy. 0F At last they come to another animal, which did not look so much superior lo* to the rest. ‘I must have more for this animal.’ - said the fellow. ‘Daddy says he can run some.* ‘Run!’ said Brown, ‘the nag can’t run worth a cent.’ ‘Daddy so, and daddy knoWs.’ ‘Why, I've got one up to tfre static thatj wqjild btf-.t him all hollow.’ } '4iueas not,* said the fellow. ‘Lot* try'em. I’ll bet the’ whole boat of horses on ’em. Brown smiled. ». ‘l’ll stake five thousand dollars a gainstyour boat load,* said Brown,- winking to the crowd; ‘and these men,’’ selecting two—-‘shall hold the stakes.’ Brown’s five thousand was intrusted to one and the other went on board the horse boat. One of tho crowd started to remon strate with the idiotic follow but he on ly responded: ‘Golly! dad told me he could run some, and daddy ought to lose, if be was such a tarual fool us-to- tell me that when be couldn’t.* * ’ ‘ Brown’s sleek racer was brought down and Brown mounted him. The countryman led out his animal and clambered on his back, looking as un couth and awaward as the horse he proposed to ride. The word was given and they started amidst the laughter of the crowd. At first Brown was at the head, and it looked as if the poor fellow was to be* badly beaten, wheD suddenly his horse plunged forward and the jockey was left far behind Such going had not been seen in those parts for a long time aud poor Brown was crest-fallen as, the* cheers of the bystanders fell on his ears ‘l’ll take the ‘spondulix;’ said the countryman, riding up. ‘Dad was right. The anermal ean get around a little. Brown tried to say, it was alia joke, but the fellow would have his money. ‘I guess I won’t trade to-day/ be said,as he put up his Told leather pocket book, ‘£ll gb back to daddy.* —r*H« *; " # , .Aw . bad sing—To sibg another m&u’a name to a note. SSST’Why are birds melancholy in the morning? Because their little, bills are all over dew. i A man must have a very bad opinion of himself, not be willing to appea what be ffcrlly is. gcgPTt is rrported Jefferson Davis intends so make Baltimore his permanent borne. lalP’Corn, of this years’crop, is sell** tDg at 50 eents pe? bushel.