The Walton casket. (Monroe, Ga.) 1871-187?, November 02, 1871, Image 4

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AHR YEARS HATE LOITERER! BY, MMUER. M Ah! years have S A weary, weary -wnfre^Mj^ 1 ’ "Since last I saw t fof ge*» ' * With its sweek Since last I so 11 M^fyl Pass fondly tnronghTOy lK W Aa at thy knee I kaplfrAfr * ' To say my childish pr*yei|jr i Into the world I’ve gone, mother, The old^bfeb^^MDehind — New ties or friendatp and of love • -dll dry aqffjoyless a^nll, There lives m No earthly lailca7J^)f* Thy every Thy grief flare very XeJh Tby loving mfo-cig my,Jjirider tone, Thy warnpEiss o||n\y'oro>W— Gone from my life, forever gone!— I kno*v thy vdlLMiow. , * The following brief poem, a eonti ibu*- lion to the State Journal, of Wisconsin, is equally ‘calculated’ for other latifbde. I know a woman, pale and sliglikfrj i With Ireart, iu hopeless mood/ Who often toils throughout the night To earn her husband’s food. While he, in strength of manhood's power, Some gay saloon will seek, And spend more money in an hour „ Than she earns in a week. The Cotton Crop. —There is no end •to the speculations on the growing crop of cotto*. One fact, however, is certain, and it is this: That the crop 011811, will fall far short of 1-870,owing in the first place, and mainly, to the decreased area and land planted in hotton, and, in the second, to unfavorable seasons. The cotton factors es Augusta, whose intelligence and probity will compare favorably with the factors of any other city, North or South, have estimated that the present crop will not exceed 3,275,000 bales. The estimate was not , made hurriedly, but after careful mves ftigatioo, and represents the concurrent Hoinion of thirty-two gentlemen engage b the business. It is, therefore, erm Bo as much credence as any esti- BUkmade. kL-- Female Society.—lt once or twit* Ik drawin-room even Mitioii is slow, and than . ( ’ (.1 a i-.-h* ■ t< |dl their 5. ••' '|| fcv r Manufactures —The means of Wealth ’ The city of Philadelphia has 8,000 establishments in which persons are empfcryed at wages in oaan- Brods kinds. One htindXcT and twenty thousand totn thousand steady -egjpioymapt meats. ArLf * ' |e&e jflfl OOO.OM per antin' fcjjjhiM labor./ dy in the city. > y T||j product «f Ab, labo/tf tljup 160*0* o^- ftivesy'Wfiotyffim o S3W, QOjLQQQ per annum. vast ytiiOunt/'m-t less tliaifi $3T0,’000,000 in value distant markets,.'bringpigein return, reve nue in. money valuable exchanges ‘UEIi ‘ MF&* ™r"*u EignWdn hujdrtfl rnunupb-. tuning cstablrehments are dfiven by’ steam, tltc aggregate of their .power be ing that of over 5*0,000 horses* In these rfstablishm«nts are %a«d looms, Rallies, pbfhcs ahd'jmachiues of an infiy nite variety, rtflnityjring in all over 250, 000 improved lliboS'^’i-n^ltoppliancos. By their aid, oue meu isJeaabled to produce nearlyjfcwice as much in value as in 1860. Cheap coal furnishes the basis for this immense, aud in the aggregate, enormously profitable business. The Bible. Tire Bible is read of a Sunday in all the thirty thousand pulpits of the land. In all tire temples of is its voice lifted week by week. The sun never sets on its gleaming page- It goes edually to the cottage the plain man and the palace of the king. It is woven into the literrture of tire scholar and colors the talk of the street. The baik of the merchant can not sail the seas without is—nosnitp of war goes to the coufliet, but the Bible is there. It euter’s men’s colsets, mingles in all the gaief cheerfulness of life, affianced maiden prays God in Scripture for strength in her new duties—man are married by Sqjiy>tuje. Ijfe Bible attends them in their.sickness; wneto'Che ,{Mhf j of V aJmrfad ; a Softer it* its- leaves lie ouderceath. T 1 e mariner escaping from shipwreck cultchea this first of his tjdpures keeps it sacred to God. tlfaca; Witfi* in his crowded pace, cheers him at eveuUlf e when gto**# 11 ' dusty# tfMjjfediguedVjvj ftiglAlSs the fresh h^^ rni|Jg torn, vU J' J ' c with our m. T ' : ' lf to finer ’above htmsall, ‘"jj&P'A 1> ay f ptoried fatirersi Ti n£ rrnkl TOan, frym Mb is | dreapi oiJitelkwz^4h rcmgh tfc glass of Uar^Tti Wftyf he not filar to aland tread, ifoUM; 10 jfttke. B Death to wife, and bjbdl, and Lome, ■keest on this flieir Aarrest § hc Wag E^cy^Ro lt Q?oyalty j t® Rest bu'sineSß going,* 7,®<l ■tries of Ei'ijWrofdSuid idfigs V » most and v no jftis made on account ol ab ■yutyl lot Russia has the most Hah. His wa'/ffl a veiling .-a:,;',;, .wm, 3(55 timeses urlcii .V.'Bjint receives. W iie SidJ l ■' 1 cah (1<) St > witli 7'h ? artfl thg inevitable bills—is not easy ||o urn .Nap, iron, last ' v that paid him ■ut he has ; H -< n Va ” W up Kometlting hand ■eon him < ''mlo-raHo the pay of Em gjfi many may we don’t know/ but as Kißg of Prussia he was paid only $8,210 per day, or $3,000,000 per year. Victor Empnuel of Italy enjoys au income of abom $3,000, 000. Queen Victora is a good mana ger and keeps the pot a-bilin on abdut $2,000,000 per year. The Wales finds $625,000 unequal to ms 4& s|pj»qgine left Vi *ria land Albert left her $5,000,000. fit is thjjjrshe wiil^6ut gichlyMhan othif sovereign of h™v9 i j*/ ii? m In contraapto thlse%iapPificenyfigs Pit vMLy’ be to kwaw v6mge iilcome (jp nine >mffli(?ns«f ipeopie in England and Wales is less Why is love like a potato ? Because Not a favoritp summer resort /R R. R. .BIDWarSJUftDY £ K t ‘M TrfE woij|r pains Ifyfrom One to TwentJFwwSfas. /$ NOT ONE HOUR , this advertisement need any one SUFFER WM PAIA T . RAD WAY’S REA Iff RELIEF is a "CURE FOR EVKRY RAIN. It was the first and is The Only Pai 11 Rem e and y that immediaiely stops the most excruciating pains, allays In/lamations, and cures Congestions whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or oth er glands or organs, by one application. IN FROM HSNE TO TWENTY MINUTES, The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain 01 difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a l-umbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, wind in the Rowels, and all Internal pains. Travelers should si ways carry a bottle of ftadway’s Ready Relief with them. A few drops in \yeter will prevent sickr ess or pains •from change rtf water. It is. better tnan French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents. is not a remedial agent in this world thfIPPP cure Fever and Ague, and all other Biloue, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, other Fevers{aided by KadwaY’ PiiJ^y So quick as Rad way’s. Ready Ihiief. Fihy£e Uls f>er uott j‘ e . ■ and •WdKaTrr-ase of flc-l. and weiglu «B^scautilul courtplo ion secured toM^,| ? s Kesolvent jpalrc made the most astonishing cures, so quick, so rapid are the changes the body undergoes, under the influence of this truly wonderful Medicine, th t «. Every Day an lucrease and Weight i? T/iEjfimEAT *Xt»yfl|'u(rof the S/rsaMrillian Resolvent ihrotuffi dje .iMod. sweat, urine, and otheriftuics aflgr fir.xMsfi the system the vigor oflwflor it yang fine wastes oi the body with nevr.and sound rdSferiul. ijcrofula, syphi- dreeaise,* tjfcers,™ in pftts of the sere e™|^trtu nmpßffcisgUtirgefGfetmt ' au/Uthr. wars i<Mns of skffi diaßfees, ffever sorep.' 9 e 11 s I a # s 4j careers j«nd all wgtiKehirig affi painful (iisAiirgo, nigltf sweats, spss t>ffspef« and dl wastes jot principle, a m wijMn* thejfttive range oi ups vender or maaWn fimjprsay, and a bse .-will to using it for cither of these forms ol j disease its potent power to cure them. Sidney ajftl/Bladdffr Opgi pla ip urinary;, and womb gravel, drop@v, stoppage of water, inconiinence ol mine, J brigtffs dtseene, in all casts! where there are brjfK dusjjpßftosits, or the watery is thick, cpudy, mixed tWlh sul stances likedijr wjrite of am like white»sjl-®-tr there is Apt jjKrmjff dark bitlious appeaflA, and wWEe dust deposits, and is a jmcking, burning senUttion when J/nng pair, in the small, of the anti the loins. Dr, Fta«l\v#v’s PERfiCT RURGA-W^fflLV.B, perfectly gnrtt, regulate,cleanse, .Aad. difordeHß the stomach, liver, l>Ojd®ffidnr\ a, bladder 7%ervous disclSljf onstipa tion, costiYencss, indigtspß), bil liousneas, billipus fever, iigflfetion of the bowels, piles, and all derangewßts of the inter nal viscera, Warranted to effect a posiuve cure. Purely vegetable, contaitAig no tnercuryfcfoin erals, or deleterious drugs. A few dores ot Radway’s Pills will frae'tfce system from all the above named diseases, 25 cents per Box. Sold by druggists. |w Read “False and True.” Send oaaMetter stamped to BADWAY & CO., No. 87 Lane, New York, Informition worth thousands will be sent you, , * Pi-opri.tor. R. H. McDonald A Cos., Druggist. A- V San Francisco, Cal., and 34 Commerce street, N, Y. JidlhoNS Bear Testimony to thei* >J VVonderfitl Cni-ntive Effects. V not a vile Fnncy Drink, Made of Poor *" Bwn> Whiskey, Proof Spirits anil ltefuse doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the Tonics,” “Appetizers,” “Restorers,”<S;c., M tippler onto drunkenness and ruin, but are ? atrue M*ncine,made from the Native Roots and Herb* <4 CalMnia, free from ail Alcoholic Stiinu- They are tlic GREAT BLOQD PUBI p VlEßand A I.IFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, Ia perfect Renovator and luvigorator of the System, " -carr|ing off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood to |i condition. No person can take these Bit terp according to directions and remain long unwell, pn|B6cd their boiies are not destroj-ed’ by mineral -pdlson or other means, and tlie vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They arc n Gentle Purgative as well as a •Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam r mationof the I.ivcr, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young or •old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at tiie turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no-equal. For Inflammatory ami Chronic Rheuma tism anil Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent ami Intermittent Fe vers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kid neys and Bladder, these Bitters lt%ve been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by -derangement of the Dtsestive Organs. t DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Pain iu the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the re gions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp tomf#-,' are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. The? invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them -of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and im parting netv life aud vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions,Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipe las, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin. Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time hy the use ol these Bitters. One in such " cases will convince the most incredulous of their cura live effects. Cleause the Vitiated Bfood whenever you find its im purities bursting through the s3in in Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed «nd sluggish in the veins; cleanse it-when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pare, and the health of the Bvstem will follow. Pin- Tape, anti other IVoi.ius, turkinginthe removed. Says a distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of •worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these lisfigJ#onsters of disease. No System oL Medicine, uoMeMifuges, no wiirfefrcAFe s;sU-m yya-uims ’-ike f $ Projfepl ff^i& co. Druggists afii Hej*^|teids < f>an,J?ra4c#fco. California, f ,4 3 *** u< * Street; New York, 1 'rtSTS OLD BY AEyyiyf#ST,yA|fr DE^F.rV i, FUkLi-upply of ▼ g&rs, A. r I»bHCco. For by ji 3 : jmsMvfxkp f CHARLES A. DANA. Editor. Wteklg V A KewspueuTthe Present Times, * People Now on Earth. " Inclndlng EarhlW Mechanics, Merchants, Pro fessional Men.'Wqjfcers, Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honest Folks, and the Wives, Sons, tail of aftjnch. C%9X.Y ONeJ&OLLAR A YEAR 1 * AINA COPIES FOR 050. f Or an ’ oAAent a Copy. Let there he a * . 8500^9’ht every Post Office. f V i^fl-V^EEKJLT^SUN, 82 A TEAR, F M thh 6are4 eizey vfl general character as ,jJ.THE WEBRLY, utrtjpvltu a greater variety of 1 t «niscellanlbns rcadhuf, and famishing the news ♦j»to its sniscriberß wifli greater freshness, becaose comes twice a week jjtf stead of once only. | 7§ THE A/LlfpfuN, 86 A TEAR. a preSmljAttly newspaper, -with tho .ffargest cinsulation in tho world. Free, inde- • /•pendent, aid fearless in politics. AH the news Iff*--from everywhere. Two cents a copy; by mail, V 5p centußmontk, or|6o year. CLUBS. C f WEEKLY SUN. jfiee copied, oqlyeapfeparately addressed. • ff Four Dollars, Ten-copies, ope tear, separately addressed (and an extke copy to the getter up of clan). * jff* Eight Dollars. Twenty copiesJ%ne year, separately addressed (and an extrwcopy to the getter np of crab), IT Fifteen Dollars. Fifty copies. oSe year, to one address (and the Semi-Weekly one year to getter n p of club). Thirty-three Dollars* Fifty,copies, one year, separately addressed (and the Semi-weekly one year to getter up of club). Thirty-five Dollars. One hundred conies, one year, to one address (and the Daily for one year to the getter up ol club), Fifty Dollars. One hundred copies, one year, separately ad. ’ dressed (and tho Daily for one year to the getter up of club), (sixty Dollars, ** THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Ffitp copies, one year, separately addressed. Eight Dollar*. Ten'copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to getter up of club), Sixteen Dollars* SEND YOUR MONEY In Post Office orders, cheeks, or drafts on New York, wherever convenient. If not, tnen registei the letters containing money. Address ~ i I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, J N gun office, New York City. Cheese. —Eresh, delicate flavor, very nice, for salo by J, M, Siieimrd, X. * It Leads to Happinesd! A Boon to the Whole Race of Woman ! DR. J. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE BEGULATOBI It will bring on the Menses; relieve all pain at the monthly “Period;” cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia of Back and Uterus; Leucorrhoea or “Whites,” and partial Prolapsus Uteri; check ex cessive flow, and correct all irregularities pecu liar to ladies. It will remove ail irritation of Kidneys and Bladder, relieve Costiveness, purify the Blood, give tone and strength to tne system, clear the skin, imparting a rosy hue to the cheek, and cheerfulness to the mind. It is as sure a cure irall (Be above diseases m Quinine is in Chills an' Fever. Ladies can cure themselves of ail the above I diseases without revealing their complaints to any person, wbiefa is always mortifying to their pride and modestja It is recommendeSkby the best physicians and the clergy. ’ * w t LaGcai&e, Ga., March 2371 ?70. 1 BRADFIELD &UO., Atlanta, /la. —Dear Sirs; I take pleasure in stating thdlA have used j for the last twenty years, the medicine you are j now putting up, , knodn as Dr. J Bradfleld’s j FEMALE REGULATOR, and*feonsider it the 9 best combinationAever gotten together for the' diseases for is recommended. I have been familiar wffiU'the presWipHon both as &> pructitioflfy- of medicine and in donSsticprictice, and can houpstlysay that I consider ij a boon to suffrritig»fenmies7 k and can but hope that every lady in land, who may be suffering in any way peculiar to their sex, may be>, able to procure aJ|ottle Ahat their sufferings may not only be relieved',>bu( that r hey may be restored to heolth and strength. With my kindest re gards, I am respectfully. W. B. FERRELL/Mt D. ‘ Near Mard-tt*. Ga., MarohSl, 1870, MESSRB WM. ROOT &SON.— Some mnnilis ago I bought 4 boxle of Bradfield’o FEMALE REGULATOR from you, and have used it in my family with the utmost satisfaction, and have recommended it to three othi r families, and the y have found it just what it is reconi* mended The females who have used your REGULATOR are in perfect health, and are able to attend to their household duties, a«d we cordially recommend it to the pubhe. Yours lespectfnlly, Ruv II B. JOHNSON. We could mid a tnoesund other reiy/icatrs, but we corisi/'er the above amply sufficient proof ol its virtue. All we ask is a trtal. For full piirticula's. rnstorv of diseases, and certificates oi us wonderful cures, the reader is referred to the wrapper around the bottle. Manufactured ,mH s< Id by & CO., Prioe $i 50 Atlanm. Ga. - Sold by all Druggists. 17"ly. CLOVER SEEDS! - h J / 7mm. w. joiin s o n , ff j > $ JbEALEK IN i''(fuano, iculiural Impteiuems, Ma- Jv\ nnery un/I Chemicals, Oppfrxifr (Totton f'f'areJxmsf, Brwul St ., Ayuanta, Georgia. Has a large s"tor> in his line. Send l<>r I’licfe hst Post Office Box ‘230. 26 3m. BUT CROCKERY and GLASS No. 47 Peachtree Street , —FH()M— T. R. RIPLEY, AND JOBBER^ JB@*ESTABLIBHKD 21 YEARS."©* Keeps a large stock. Oeeupief thhee floors —30x120 feet. Inducements offered to cash buyers EQUALTO ANY MARKET. Atlanta, Ga., August 2, 1871. 26-4 L GUN SHQPI GUN SHOP!! I am prepared for doing any kind of work oa Guns and Pistols, and STOCKING GUNS. I will also Iron Buggies and Wagons. All wt rk done in the neatest and best style and warranted, cheap for cash. Shop 7 miles Bast ot JMonroe. Wm. llenry Watkins. THE best and purest Liquors for Medicinal purposes ulways oh hand of every descrip tion. 5. M. §HEPARD, Boarding House, BT JAMES W. STARK, on Prior Street, 200 yards North from Car-Shed, Atlanta, Georgia