Calhoun times. (Calhoun, a.) 1876-1876, December 30, 1876, Image 1

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CALHOUN TIMES 1. II FMEKMAH, Proprietor. CIRCULATES EXTENSIVELY IN Gordon and Adjoining Counties. Cince: Wall St., Southwest of Court House. HATH* OF SCBSCRIPTION. f,r,c Tear $2.00 j Tix Months 1.00 j Wstem& Atlantic Railroad AND ITS CONNECTIONS. ‘ • KEXyJWA W ItOUTE.” Th * following takes effect may 23d, 1875 NORTH WAUL). No. 1. Leave Atlanta 4.10 p.m \rrive Carte rsviHc * 6.14 ‘ 4 .i Sioi :>ton 6.42 “ u Da lion 8.21 “ .<• ( liatjattetg i; 10.25 “ No. 3 vc Atlanta 7.00 a.m . . • .. ('artc: v. 3.' 0.22 ~ .< Kington 0.56 • Dalton HAM “ (Riftttaiio 1.56 p.m No. 1 i. ■;tve Alla:it.;... : v> o v.m Avriv ' Cav‘evvillp 1.16 “ - Kingston 5.21 “ o Dalton ....11.18 “ SOUTHW AUD. No. 2. .< ave Citftttar.oogu TOO p.m \ live Dali on o-4 1 i. Kingston 7,28 “ Cartersvillc 8.12 “ Atlanta 10.15 “ No. 4. i vo Chattanooga 5.00 a.m ' n ive Dull on ( .01 “ Kingston 0.0. “ Cartersvillc 0.42 “ .* Atlanta 12 06 **.M No. l‘>. 1 a\e Dalton 1.00 a.m Ari e Kingston 4-18 •• • C-;rtersviiie *>.lß “ • Atlanta 6.20 “ nil nan Pula e Cara run \ Nos. 1 and 2 ,V. w Orleans *n <l IG 'inmre. iilioart Palace Cars run Nos. 1 and 4 ..> wo Alla ta a tut Nash vjho. i! h ill r tun No?. 2 mi l V . {,•! Loui-vUie anil Atlanta. , No ct.ange of cars between New Or l a! ‘N .bile, Montgomery. Atlanta and more, and only one change to New 1> ssi'iig 'vs leaving Atlanta at * 10 p. m., nrri.c i'n New York the second afternoon ;it 4.00. j; r st. n tickets: to the Virginia springs and various s.unmei ivsot tr will be on sale in N w Ovlefuis, Mobil-., Montgomery. Co -I,mil as, Mac >n, Savannah, Augusta msd At ],-nits, at gicatly reduced rates, first of 1 i;nc is tics desi -ing a % hole car throu<li to <• \ irgirva S .vln<rs or Baltimore, should ,i.t .ss the tin 1 ersigned. p„ ties contem plating travel should send p.i- :1 copy cf the Kennceaw Route Gazette, • .tnintr S'dielulos. etc. Ask for Tickets Cn Kenncsav B. \V. V'RNNN, G. P. & T. A.. Atbiuta, Ga. : CdltlC. ,y. AND .v FT UR M UtCil Ist. tjie evening V' ‘rain (except Saturday evening), <* Diis ;,d wil b.* lisountiuucd. T e trains wilt : as follows-: j; n:no ir.MN • *> *. 7:00 a. in. jleu o to i me a* ,n - *,yi njY .t"l".OI v.oi>at ! - .\. V • ,•<• 'tome (Satr •. ft V cnT,) at :< p.m li..a Rome at. • ; (,0 p. m's ~.v. rtiitcr trad: -t K. m > will make /. ■' eonnectiun vith S. P ■ & P. K. It. train • mul .*vnth an lat King-ton with M . \ t, R V, train South an 1 East.. . C. M. PENNINGTON. Good Furfft. ;:o. Til i.v. i;ui., Agent. t'AMR. (MOVER & CO., TANARUS" \J~ liolo "N A 1.0 \u! lie 1 . ail Don it' rs i>’ 'DY esnss, SIOTRUv3,3SOTB, tillO *■* x.<f <h'i\ JHst SrtiCK. and Bottom Price ß 1) J'Ul 4 . it > ih Ci i n owreeiviug the largest-in l bos stock <j; i ave c v er opened. THE SUN. 1877. Ell VOjKH. 1*77. A.i" ■. , . rent editions of Tllbt:x during >• I'. vi • ear will be the same as during that lie j• it p:ISS( 1. The daily .e iii iiudloii in. k days be a sheet cl four ;'.i ;i and <'ii i- u. i' lay s a hlic.'l o t eight j hi ot 1 columns; wli’o the wevkii edition v. ill bo* a .-h-mt of cigiit pages ei the. same dim-cssioft* > ■ ■ nnrac i.-=- ilia. .1. ,:’o ~\y familiar < ; our friends. I pi: Nr v.ill ■ in iiuie to <•: the strenu *'!i- ; i i'.. : of re form so: i retrenchment, oil of substitution of *taie nianship, %vis 6 aDd inl ..••.■ for ;•11 —' proienr-e. 'a ■< ill • and frail.i ia the • lui.oistrat ior. •>; puhii. a .fairs’. It will coi e■ 1 for the g ot Si: . peop!•; ny C. ' ooplt and tin. op]-, as opposed to government by fraud ,‘ihe l allot bu:: ami in the count ing if votes enforced by military violence, o will endeavor U> supply its readers a 1 i"ly not ‘ar from a million of souls wt i fiie most carol' .1, eonijdete. and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will employ for this purpi sc a numerous and caie.u } ■elected Mr IT of reporters and correspond ents. Its reports from Washington, espe cially, will be full, accurate, and fearless, audit will doubtless continue—to deserve 'ml enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what the law does not give them, while it will endeavor to merit the confidence of the public by defending the rights of the peo ple against the encroachments of unjus 1 tied power. _ The price of the daily Sun will be 5o cents a mouth or £6*so • b‘ ,:s T' l ‘ ’ or wit 1 the Sunday edition, •* <..ty } ■ The Sun hat edition alone, eight pages, ‘‘The Vvkkklv S°uN', P eignt pages of Abroad columns, will be furnished during 18m at the rate of $1 a ye r, post paid. The benefit of tins large reduction fro the previous rate for the Weekly can 5 enjoyed by individual subscribers without the nece-sity of making up clubs. At jU game time, if nuy of our lrier.uc Cl ‘ aid iu extending our circulation, v,< s. be grateful to them, and every such poison who sends u ten or more suosmbers Do one place will be entitled to one copy ot he panel for himself without pliargc. - dollar ay ear. postage paid, the expenses of printing are barely repaid , and, < om le !n. the sizo of the s :ect and the qual.ty of its contents, we are confident Die peop will consider the Weekly Sun the chcapM newspaper published in the v. o t, a irust ilso one of th ft very best. > TliE SEN, New Yo,k City. N. >■ JKta tit. CALHOUN TIMES. T wo Dollars a Year. VO L. VII. j i ’ are costantly adding new niaiori a ODR JOB DEPARTMEKT and increasing our facilities for G>- cxoctt tion of 4ob Printing of ail kinds. Wo ait n■ vv prepared to prim in neat tfyie on slor notice, CARDS, LEGAL BHANGS, CIRCf LAPuS, BLANK NOTES DILI, HEADS, BLANK UKGEIPi'S. LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, TICKETS, LABELS, POSTERS. PAMPHLET &e , &c. IVe guarantee satisfaction. Don’t sen.' your orders away to have them filled wlier you have an establishment, at home that wii’ execute work neatly, and at AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PttlOES GCX >l> FOR r r £j IVE Waits on all who purchase tickets in the Grand Extra Drawing, Monday, December 4, 1876, LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO. Tit. - institution was regularly incorpora ted by the Legislature of the State for Ed ucttOoruv purposes in 1868, with a capital t,t‘t'i'.tKM', to which it has si'ice added ■i for fv fund >f SB2O,(HKf. Its Grand .4inch- Nut.lie r tra wings will take place monthly. The season of 1876 closes with the following scheme: CAPITAL FRIZE, 1850,000. Only 20,000 Tickets at S2O each. Fractions in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize $50,000 1 Capital Prize 20,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 10 Prizes at 1,000 10,000 25 Prizes at 500... 12,500 100 IVzes at 300... 30,000 200 Prizes at 100...: 40,000 500 Pr zes at 100 60,000 2,000 Prizes at 20 40,000 APP R OXIM a TION Plt IZ ES. 0 Approximation Prizes ofsßoo, 2 700 0 Approximation Prizes uf 200, 1,800 9 approximation Prizes of 100, 000 2,865 Prizes amounting to $208,000 Write for circulars or send orders to B. FERNANDEZ Savannah. Ga ; CIVS. T. ilOiVAlxl), New Oil ans, la. Tin first regular ijiiarterlv dollar drawing will ' L f.laet! d’i January 2 18?7. Tickets - ! cadi. Capital P.ize $15,000. [uolfi’lm. ESTABLISHED L 235, Glff.MOaK OCK, Attoriirys at Law, Successors to Chipman, Hosmer & Cos., 620 F. ST., WASHINGTON. I> G. Americnn an'-t Foreign Futeats. Pr ten's procured m all coun'rics. Nvj i i'.ks j n advakck. Nu charge unless the patent is granted. No fees l’or making pre liminary examinations. No additional ices fur obtaining and conducting a veliearine. Special attention given to Interbvencg • •axes before the Patent Office, Extensions before Congress, Infringement suits in dif ferent States, and all litigation appertain ing to inventions or patents. Send stamp fur pamphlet of sixty pages. Unifed States Courts and Depart ments, (’Vims prosecuted in die Supreme Gourt of the United States, Court of Clair s, < Vurt of Comrnissionire of Alabama Claims. Southern Claims Commission, and all class es of war claims before the Executive De partments. Arrears of Pay an of 3ounty. Officers, soldiers, and sailors ot the late wav or their heirs, are in many cases en titled to money from the Government, of w rich they have no knowledge. Write history of serice, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp, and a full reply, after examination, will be given you Lee. Pensions. All officers, soldiers, and sailors wound ed ruptured, or injured in Die late war, however slightly, can obtain a pension, many row receiving pensions are entitled to an increase.' thud stamp and informa tion will be furnished free. Ur.tied States General Land Office, ('untested land eases, private land claims, iuing pre-emption and homestead cates, osecuted before the General Land Office <i Department, of the Interior. Oid Bounty Land Warrants. TANARUS: e last report of the Commissioner of, the General Land Office shows 2,8€7, r >oo ef Bounty Land Warrants outstanding.— Flies', were issued under act of 1855 an i ~,‘ior acts. Wc pay cash for them. Send by registered letter. Where assignments arc impei'feet we give instructions to per fect them. l aeh department of our business i con ducted in a separate .bureau, under the charge of experienced lawyers and clerks. By reason of error oi fraud many attor neys are susp nded from practice before the Pension and other offices each year.— Claimants whose attorneys have been thus suspended will be gratuitously fuinishfed with full information ami propel papers on application to us. As we charge uo fees unless successful, stamps for return postage should be sent Liberal arrangements made with attor tiers in all branches ot business Address GILMORE & CO., P O. Box 44, Washington, J). C. Masuington, D. C., November 24, 1876. I take pleasure in expressing my entire confidence iu the rcxponxihlly and fidelity of the Law, Patent and Collection House ot Gilmore & Go., of this city. GEORGE H. B. TV HITE, 'ashier of (he National Metropolitan Bank.) dec.'-If. _ . gW.. ,,r po;.K'lN-3“rmENM";.N^ CALHOUN, GA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30.1876. Editor Times: The persistent zealous eilorts ol some of tho frieuds of some of the numerous candidates Tcht the office of ordinary are carried to such an extent in certain channels against Col B. J. Ivtker, as to work, we observe, the overthrow of their pets and build up iu the public ettecu: the latter’s—Ooi. Kiker’s—claimi. Aye, verily, the physic is working, and in such a way that some of the eandidales will find —too late—their prayer should have been, - •dtdiver uie from my frieuds.” The puerile, fiiois) ehuige tha: Go!. Ki ker manipulated the presentments of the Grand Jury of our last Coutt is simply and superbiy ridiculous, as well as an insult to that body of honorable gentlemeu over who e signs-manuai the startling document was presented to the public. Why shjuid Col Kiker be made the target for the terrible archery Inat ought to be aimed at the Grand Jury, it anybody is at fault? Did he not perform faithfully the duties he as sumed upou the simple request ot’ that body ? They say tie did. For have they not adopted as a part and parcel of their presentments the report, which it is said, was the result of his scrutiniz ing labor and investigation '( W : th the dignity of a court pape*' and the sattc tion of the Grand Jury it is before the public with the impress of 'ruth, as derivable from the best sourc s —the re coras—and cannot be successfully or satisfactorily attacked by any ex parte siateuienis, or the bold, reckless and des perate assertions of over zealous Lunds cf the candidates anxious lor Kiker’s defeat. No, no, the cause of all this is, it is pccieved by ail observing men, th. t Col. Kiker holds the trump card iu the game for the cilice of Ordi nary,and we would warn all now to look for. and bewaie of combinations,as they may and are likely to ue made simply ana solely ior his defeat. Already, some are adopting the following elec tioneering scheme to wit: “ Vote for any body to beat Kiker." Officers are the people’s servants arid their acts as such, subjects of criticism Let us see it some ot our present in„ cumbents of tho county officers are wholly innocent of the charge of neg ligence which they allege, is so flip pantly and unwarantably preferred against them,and at the instance of Col Kiker from selfish motives. Paragraph seven of section 553 code of 1873, says it is the duty oi the County Treasurer "on the second Monday in January, an nutily, to file with the- Ordina v y a full statement of Ins -account, accompanied ,b// h‘‘s vouchers Jut the preceding year together with hts estimu e for the in'* debteduess of the county for the ensu ing year, and the means of providing therefor,” and paragraph nine of same sec!ion gays it is htn duty "to publish at the door of the Coutt llouse, and in a public gazette, if there is one pub lished in the county ( a copy of his an nual statement to f he Ordinary.” Now M,. Editor, we beg to ask, have these piain requirements of the law been com plied with ? We have not inspected, but if these duties have been ignored, may we not reasonably infer, sustained by the Grand Jury Presentments, that other equally plain and imperative mandates of the law have been ignored ? If this negligence or failure to dis charge duty have been continued from year to year, whose fault is it ? The Treasurers? We think not, wholly For paragraph seven section 337 code 1873 says, " The Ordinary has oti o inal and exclusive jurisdiction in examining and auditing the accounts of all officers having the car , management, keeping, collection,or aisberseuient of money be-- longing to the county or appropriated for its use and benefit, and bringing them 'o settlement.” Is there net acre then dereliction trace.ble to the Ordi nary ? Who else have the people to lock for redress of wrongs but those to whom they have confined the trust of official position 7 Are they nut the rightful custodians of our interests ? Where else have we lodgment for our r : ghts? To whom shall we iu > k for protection ? Is official promotion to be the ioward ot’ oostiuuai negiigtoica ? Are we to endoise and ratily official in difference, because, ffirsootb, the aspi rants are or may be clever men 7 ihe c-isis is such as demands the vigilant act tot: and energetic work and direct ing, controlling genius of those most competent and of tnose from win in we have good reason to expect much in the way of retrenchment, that our over bur dened people may find relict and com - parative repose from the almost cver anoying tax gatherer. We believe Col. Kiker’s.ability and fitness commensu rate with the requirements of the times. We believe the people-on next Wednes day, with remarkable unanimity will ratify his faithfulness as a private citi* zen in the past by bestowing upon him more ample means for further official work in his elevation to the responsible office of Ordinary- We ear; assure him a rousiug majority from the invin cible " Sixth,” and are informed that our neighboring districts —tho 7 th, Fairmount and twcutyGouith will do likewise. Truly. Mr. Editor: I understand (hit some circulars are being circulated to Glow that the Grand Jury ui-2 the County Treasurer injustice in their la.-t general prtseutments. 1 wil! say that if they did it was not intention*!. — 'i hey sough Cevery source of informa tion, taking the records of the differ ent pers ins or court authorized to draw orders upon the County Ireusu rer (all of whom are required by law to record their orders) and tb> r Jiuin g-t (lie amount for whicn ordets had bee>i Truth Conquers Ail Things.” drawn. The committee alsd got from the Treasurer all the vouchers that he had or that he would furnish them, in or del that they uiig-ht be able to get ful ly the amount paid our. then from the tax books they ascertained the amount that he had received, which gives 'he result as set out in the presentments. If the Treasurer has other vouchers he withheld them from the committee Gideon Bovd, Esq, is the member of the cooiuiittee who culkoi on him for vouchers, and who can tell any one the straight of it (See Mr. 1J yd - cer tificate.) I was not emph yod it an at toruey t.i the matter, but was r quested, not only by members cf the Grand Ju ry but by the county boawl and man) of the citizens to assist the committee. No fee was Ifered an 1 none was asked. It is true this labor might have been sav ed f the Ordinary had compelled the T reasurer to make his annual reports at and published them as required by !uv\. showing the ameunt received 'i he amount paid out, to whom paid, and on what account. Why don't the TressU/ rer make his settlement with the Ordi nary, or the report required by law and publish that 7 It would cost less and be moie explanatory. No, all this is ti prevent my election, if possible, be cause I know too ui ich about these matters. E. J K ker To the Volet s of Gordon County: I dislike to uppfear frequently before the public through the medium of’ the newspaper press, and would really pie fer investigatijus, reports aud comments from authorized tribunals than to be forced to review myself the evident in consistent and conflicting reports ot out county officials. Rut wink’ it is the duty and right of every cit zen it is a painful duty offered upon me in self-de fense to compare and expose iho incon sistencies of our County Treasurer's re port, as that officer has published his card, manifestly with the. intention oi duping the masses into opposition to my election. Mow, I call the attention of the vo ters of Gordon county to the following sworn statement of that officer made to the Grand J ury of ihe September term of our Court. Here it is: TItEAS U It E R ’s ST AT E !\l EN T. Need red. funds received from J. Non on T. 0. 88,17 T 78 Froi’j other sources about 306 00 83,47 J 78 Disbursed. Paid to Coroner, Bailiff &c ,about 81,200 00 Pauper fund about 1,200 00 Bridge, Ac , abiut 1.600 00 Flection returns about 50 00 Court House ex.. penses lbout 700 00 Juries about 1,450 00 Pauper fuudl‘orlß76 about 500 00 Bridge, etc , about 500 00 Coroner .bailiffs.etc., about 300 00 Juries, about 250 00 Vouchers not entered about 450 00 7,000 00 8 I- >J i > J. 11. Arthur’s commi-sion 4 i 5 0 Cash in the Treasury 83’; S > Georgia, Gordon CoLwrr. Personally appeared before the ' r m i futy of the September fern, l 3 78, II Arthur, C. T , wno ben.' ii ,• ~v r.„ says too above statement is as aot:’ a> he can make if to his h.-.-t rec. lie tu i The books and mast of tfie Oievu: s were destroyed by burglars. J ffi A,.- I r. IL M Y oumi, Korea:.a G J New remember the a ove was his statement of the Grand Jury tind.r oath, and partie lar pains were taken to give notice of "thu books and most of the vouchers.” NOW LOOK ON THIS PICTURE. J lr Euttor : The G .nd Jury pre sentments it; circular form, which are being distributed over the County by L. J. Kilter, doing ute as County J Teas urer,the inj usticego leave out my state ment, which canto out in the saute is_ sue. and immediately under the Grand Jury presentmouis. Therefore I fake this metlu and of say*, ing, to the committee ap. out and, Lad they conferred with me iu regard to the business of the Treasurer’s office, they couid rave saved to the county, the 335.D0 which they {aid KiKi as at torney As I have all the vouchers represented in n;y statement, and will be pleased to ,-liow them to any one wishing to see tnem. J. H Arthur AND THEN ON TLIS ONE. The amount paid out in 1875 may not be correct, as the vouchers were aii destroyea by fire, and I cannot ueL the exact amount, but I am satisfied I paid out as much as reported. J. 11. A RTiiUR, County Treasurer. It is to be übseired in the statement to the Juty the disbursements are not actual but "about so and so. iu his -dDle card, he said he could have saved the county the BJ;> lie had all the vouchers etc., etc. Why then did he precede his ili.-burscmcnts with the lit tle vvu and "about 7 Can .iy one pfint out the e oM-ae iey in the foregoing re ports and cat.l 7 ihe cause of lois opppsiiKn to my election is too patent to* have the desir ed effect. It is but the dieud of conse quences that must follow m, election. to-Wit: the thorough "straightening out of the fuff-if and financial condition of uur county i ihiuk uo further com ment necessary. If elected, 1 shad dis.> charge the duty of the office of Ordina. ry, aud the Treasurer and other county officials over v\h ui the jurisdiction of the Court of Ordinary extends when sitting for county purposes or otherwise will te required to fill the full measure of duty as required by law. Very respectfully, E. J. Kiker. Sonora,Ga.,Dee 29 1876. I here by certify that 1 was one of the com mittee appointed by the Grand Jur*' fui the second week of the September term of the Superior Court, 1876 of Gordon county to examine the Treasur er s office and ascertain if possible the financial condition of the county, and report tu the November adj un el term, I called in company with Judge Thom a* Foster upon J. 11. Arthur County Treasurer for all the vouchers lor mon ey paid out by him, he furnished us with a large lot of old vouchers, state, ing that it was most of tn< m up to the close of the year 1875 that the balance together with cooks were destinyed by burglars. I furtiier certify that we were ad is and by at least three of the County Coui.nisc stuners V> employ Col. E. J. Kiker to assist in the investigation but Col. Kjr ker refused to be emplu td but prom., ised at the request of the committee to give all assistance in his power,and the reason of the recommendation to pay Col. Kiker, was because we considered his services of great value to the coun ty and considerable loss of time to him self. The investigation was a fair one and the presentments are correct ii’ the records were correctly kept.. We care fully examined into me whole matter as required to do by the oath we had ta. ken. Gideon M Bovd. Chairman of Committee P L. TURNLEYj —Dealer in— Di• uffs , Mediciti c s. Ealnts , Oils % Euttij , Glass, Per fa m cries,Ac. HOME, G 4. The public are assured that my stock is complete in every depa rtmeut, ana Die greatest effort will be made to render sat isfaction to me customeis. TURF Xj33"2'’iSl (.PUREL Y VEGETABLE) Liver and Dyspeptic lonic. A certain cure for Side Headache i Colic , Cramps , * Chills and Lever, Palpitation oj the Heart , And all diseases arising from a ditordered Liver. THE BE3T MEDICINE EXTANT ! INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. A never failing remedy for Cuts , Bruises, Burns, Sprains , Old Sores , i leers, tc ., etc. A t-rial will coiiviuce any one of it. - * li ail ing properties. Ask for it at your drug store. novlß-ly. "JL a 2lri- Lllffll & StLIS STABLE. 2a£ la Go(m! S**Gle autl Horse and hew Vehicles. Horses and mules for sate. Stock fed and eared for. Charges will be reasonable YGI! p.y the cash for corn in be car and odd*r ’ii the bundle. lebd tf. In Idvancc. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all tho purposes of a Family Physic, and for curing Costiveness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Foul Stomach, Breath, Headache, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Bil iousness, Dropsy, Tumors,Worms, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, for Purifying the Blood, SAre tho most ef fective and conge nial purgative ever discovered. They are mi and, but et k ' operation, moving 1 Although gentle P in their operation, Ai most thorough and searching calhar- ! tie medicine that can be employed : cleans ing the stomach and bowels, and even the blood. In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate the digestive organs and promote vigorous health. Ayer's Pills have been known for more than a quarter of a century, and have obtained a world-wide reputation lor their virtues. They correct diseased action in the several assimilative organs of the body, and are so composed that obstruc- i tions within their range can rarely with- j stand or evade them. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every- ; body, but also formidable and dangerous ; diseases that have baffled the best of j human skill. While they produce power ful effects, they are, at the same time, the ! safest and best physic for children. By I their aperient action they gripe much less than the common purgatives, and never give pain when the bowels are not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, and strengthen the system by freeing it from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates, containing neither calomel nor any deleterious, drug, these Pills may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take; while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. prepared nr Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERY WHERE. Sit e riff's Sales for Janaary. W ill be sold before the Court House door in the town of Ca'houn, Gordon County, Ga.. between the usu;il hours of sale, osi the first Tuesday in January. 1877, the following property to wit ; Lots of laud nos. 88 and 23, in the I.7th district and 3d section of Gordon county as the property of Caleb King, to saaisfy one fifa issued from Gordon Superior Court in favor of Johu M King jet al, heirs of Jonas King vs. Ca leb King. Properly pointed out by de fendant. Also at the same time and place will be sold. 18 acres of land, more or hss. being a part of lot no. 44, in the I4th distiict and 3 J section of Gordon county 10 acres, being in the northe-'st corner cf said lot, and 8-2 acres being on the west side of said lot, sold as the property of Sion Wheat to satisfy a fifa issued from the justice’s court 080th dis trict G. M. in favor of A. Waddell vs. Sion Wheat. Levy made and returned to me by James Kean, L. C. this De.- ce ruber Ist, 1876. POSTPONED SALE. Lots of ]; oi nutnhers 88, 93, 84, 12k, 124, and 02, except that part of 92 lying ea t’of the Conasauga river and sold to U. Harlan : each containing 100 acres, m .re or less, except 92, being lit) acres, more or less, as sold off on (lie east side of the Con asangsi river- all in the 14th district and •3d section of Gordon cou ty. .Sold a- the property oi Wm. :i. Lonnef, to satisfy one execution issued from Gordon Superior Court in favor of Dennis Johnson and trans ferred to James M. H -rl n and ot Win. H. jlonner, for the purchase m said property. I E Bartlett, She M....AH .. : STEASI TMKESHISft MACH USES HAW MILLS AXD FLOiHL\G MILL MACHINERY. Pamphlets describing any of tlie above sent! on application. When writing say in what paper you read this. SS2MP3LU, 3XKG-I7 <sk 00. I*lo WaaTeiagtoa Ave., fflga SeCDtJZS* THE GREAT CAUSE WJ HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, in a Seal'd Enodopc. Price six ends. A Lecture on f l*<* Xaiure, Trcsjf ment, and Radical cure of .Seminal Weak- : ness, or Spermatorrhoea, indue and by Seif- j Abuse, Involuntary E nissfflns. In:potency, ® N®nruUs Debility, no Impediment.-. to Mur l riftge. generally; Consumption, Epilepsy : and Fits. Mer g'd ami PhysioM Incapacity, ‘ &c— By KOREA r J CURVERWELL, M b \ author of the “Green Book,” ej c. The world renowned am her, in th'a a i mirable lcc ire, clearly proves !. : vu | experience that the awful consequences* of Sell-Abuse may be effectually removed with- j out medicines, an ! withu. t’ilm-jpa ous sur gical operations bougies, instruments,rings or .cordials : pointing cut a r ofc-u* euro at once certain and effectual. L. which- cv.-ry sulrerei, no matter what his coßthhon may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Tlu% Leave niUprorfa Bo n to Thou sands and T/toutcr, *Bent under seal, in a plain enreioe, to aay address, j osl-puni. oo receipt of six cents or Ur postage stamps. Add i ess . : THE CUbVE?ff¥ILL fVHZDCSAL, CO,. 41 Aau St. .New l'oik- P. tj. 433 b. i S T E J N W A V ! I __ "FIGURES DON’T LIE.” ;Btuin wu „y IManon STILL TBll Ml IIA NT | Strinvra\’s sales evidence nf j their popularity, - - §1.205.463 ! rtiickcring & Sons $822,40 2 | William Knabe k Cos 883,fi1l 1 Haines Bros 2b7.0n 1 William P. Emerson 2- 2.799 Albert Weber 221,44 1 Tho above figures are 'alien fr< in the i unnal laferna! K< venue Tux Lotions. Wj.; ■> -4 ”SjiS; ghk-Ed ■ - -i fail* E l BKNSTFI rur.i g a l nij long i ud difficult jourmys all over tm erica. a and in a very *.'lenient season, 1 used •'our 1' ar.os. ami have been able to use jour Pi anus in nn two hum red and fifteen cou verts, ami also in private, wit’i ihe most eminent sat i; fa lion and effect. Now • Yoik, May 24;!i, l '7-l. (The above is the ..nh 4 , timonial ever given by Rubinstein tv, my Piano manuacturer.) Pray toil Air. Steinway that ids splendid upright l’iano shone to brilliant advantage to the festival performances at the Wart burg, where, last Tuesday .it served under my fingers as •* Vice Orchestra,” ex citing general admiration. (Extract from Dr, Franc Liszt to the celebrate composer, Metzdorf.whi . let ter,dated L’ept. 27, isN*, 1 posß/ssion Messrs. Stein way & So °* ns.) MARXI KHEBS After thoroughly testing your Pianos, both in pri vate and public,,! can con-. scientiously * say that the Steinway Pianos are supe rior to all American an 1 European ins tr um en t 8 known tome 4 New York, May 17th, 1872.) OK MEYER. “ During my artistic ca reer of more tl an forty years, I had occasion to use the pianos of all tlie world renowned makers, in public and private, but have never found an in , r ument which compares With your pianos. [New rk, Marcii 31st, 18G8.) JAELL. “ Yhjur name deserves jo be inscribed in golden '’•‘l’m m history oi piau g in America, to BP cement of which yo up ,e so largely ccutribut '• A our pianos uiay ne pi 'j claimed ns incomparable What noble, distinguished t< ne ! What poetical Sin k ing quality! [Paris, Ami 19, 1807.] P ARI. ( j “ During my long career as_Artist and Composer, I have met with many fine Ei Vo pear, and American Piano Fortes, but none that combine gran leur aud poetry of tone, elasticity oi touch—in short, every thing that renders a piano perfect, to such a high degree as your celebrated Piano Fortes.” [ New York Juiy and, 1872.) WE ALWAYS GIVE DATES WITH AL L CREDENTIALS, there mo some ‘‘old,” ves, A’Eitf old credentials out from different ceiss brated Artists, given by—some before Mess. Steinway & Sons ever uianulactured lfiinos, aud others, be fore they had tried these celebrated in - i Rtrumetits. L M I LLS, (celebrated Cetnuoscr J N. }’ATT ISON, “ * ALFRED H. PEASE, “ “ B. WOi/LENDAUPT, “ “ JOSEPH WIKNIAWSKI, Direc tor of the Conservatory of Music at Moscow, Russia. * THEODORE THOMAS, CII AS. KITNKEL, S P. WARREN, WILLIE B. PAPE. Pitmij’ to H. R. H. the Princess of Wales. E. B. \Y A toll BURN, Minister to France. And numbers of Olliers too numerous iD> men!) in. Send for Catalogues and see for youix if. aS f ennrui/ h Siam,:-, have taken eiwry / r.:.p. cud Medat ichcrtvw’ their l iuiwx Icre her, placed m corn petition with \ ofh- ra. JhrviH 18{;7- lm,ndon 18(12, u: hi eh place, their Pianos at the USA . of THE WOULD. ALSJ Hardman, Haines Hr os And Other Pjanob. V, ..atcvci is wanted in the musical line " e cau supply al lowest lute and at short notice. Reliable agents wanted in Georgia, Ala bama, Florida. North and South Larokua and East Tennessee by TURNER ui BRAUMULWiR, Wholesale Southern A<jent& } 30 \\ hitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. I) li. FREEMAN, eeial Agent, CaihouG a Mur 22 NO. 17.