Calhoun weekly times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1873-1875, September 22, 1870, Image 2

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CALHOUN TIMES. ELAM CHRISTIAN, - - . EDITOR. CALHOU^rOA: THURSDAY, 22,1870. Democratic Nominees. FOR CONGREBB 7TH DISTRICT, GEN. P. M. B. YOUNG, OF BARTOW. FOB, STATE SENATOR. Hon. L. N. TRAMMELL, OF WHITFIELD. A Call for a Meeting of the Democratic Executive Com mittee. The members of the State Democrat ic Executive Committee are requested to meet in Macon, on Tuesday, the 27th instant, to elect their chairman. A 11. Colquitt, President State Democratic Convention. The unavoidable absence of the editor during most of the present week, is our excuse for the limited amount of original matter in tills issue. JftstT It seems that some of our demo cratic Legislators were about to be “guz zled in the recent attempt of some irre sponsible New Yorkers to buy the State Road. The mammoth union passenger depot is not making the lightning speed of some other enterprises in Atlanta. JBfcaf* It is rumored that 11. 1. Kim ball is about to build another Opera House in Atlanta on the old Trout House lot. The Legislature has not perfect ed tho school bill yet. The Senate made several alterations in the bill as it passed the House; and now the House will have probably several days more growl ing over it. Horace Cooke, late pastor of tho Seventh Street Methodist Episcopal Church, has obtained a situation as sales man in a down-town wholesale clothing house in New York. Messrs. 0. H. Jones & Cos., liv ery stable proprietors in Atlanta, offer a premium of SSO, to be awarded at the State Fair, for the best light top or no top buggy of Georgia manufacture. Andy Johnson to be at Dalton.— We are informed by Mr. Palmer, Secre tary of the Cherokee Agricultural As sociation, that Ex-President Johnson has accepted an invitation to deliver an address on one day during their Fair, which opens on Wednesday • October sth. No man in the country "would draw as many anxious listeners. —i The Hon. A. 11. Ilansell, of Thomas county, has patriotically de clined to run for Congress in his district on the ground that he is ineligible.— The Hon. Thomas G. Lawson, of Put num, also declines for the same reason, and his letter urges the policy of run ning eligible men, of whom he mentions several. The campaign in South Carolina is waxing hot. The Reform party, un der Carpenter and General Butler, is as saulting the Scott faction in the same sort of style that the Prussians adopted for the present war. And the results seem happy. At Kingstree, Butler completely dis comfitted the Scott men. He backed them squarely down. It will be a glo rious day for poor old smitten and out raged Carolina, when she can shake off the horrible, political incubus that now rides her to ruin. Senatorial Convention. At a meeting of the delegates of the 43rd Senatorial District, appointed to a Senatorial Convention held at Carters ville on the 13th inst.. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Sen ate, on motion. Col. AY. 11. Tibbs was called to the Chair, and AY. AY. Giddens requested to act as Secretary. Col. L. N. Trammell was put in nomination, and, by ballot, was unani mously elected as our candidate. On motion, the thanks of this Con vention was tendered to the county of Murray for yielding her claims to the county of AYhitfield in the present con test. The Chair, on motion, appointed J. N. Buckner, of Gordon, 11. E. AA’ilson, of Murray, and J. A. AY. Johnson, of AYhitfield, an Executive Committee in the Senatorial District, whose duty it shall be to call a Convention from time to time, and at such place, as shall to them bo deemed expedient and proper. Moved that the Calhoun Times and “North Georgia Citizen” be requested to publish these proceedings. On motion, the Convention adjourned sine die. AY. 11. TIBBS, Ch’n. AY. AY. Giddens, Sect’y. Comk Down. —Judge Linton Ste phens has resigned his Chairmanship of the State Executive Committee in a long letter to the Constitution, further elaborating his views on the same line of his letter. As his views are now noth ing more than the views of any other private individual, we have not the space or inclination to cither publish them or comment upon them. It is generally believed that Seward will buy China before he returns. [For the Calhoun Tithes.] North Georgia and North Carolina Railroad. Mr. Editor: Now that the North Georgia and North Carolina Railroad Bill, has passed the upper House of the General Assembly, with a strong pro bability of being carried successfully through the lower House, with appro priations of State aid to the amount of twelve thousand dollars per mile, it is time that the citizens of Gordon and adjoining counties, whose material pros perity is to be benefitted by this great thoroughfare, begin to look after a question of so great magnitude, and begin action that will convince that we mean to secure the speedy construction of this Road, whereby, an avenue to prosperity and happiness will be opened to every fireside, and material wealth added to our whole country. Wealth consists in what will contri bute to convenience and comfort of life. This cannot be secured without a cheap and speedy communication with all the world, otherwise the world of mankind draws from us the price of our labor, and we are made to pay for other’s con venience and comforts. It is impossible, and utterly incompatible with our in terest and duty, to remain silent and inactive, with this grand enterprise within our reach. It is not a question whether we will act, but how shall we act, injustice to ourselves and the in terest’s of this enterprise. It is im material what we desire or hope for; to realize, we must deal with the enter prise in harmony with its object and our interest, keeping in view its magni tude, and its merit as a great thorough fare, and how its interest, as a com mercial thoroughfare, is allied to the interest of every citizen of our county. A glance at the map of the country through which this Hoad is to pass, a partial acquaintance with its superior natural resources, in connection with the increased commercial interest of the country in general, will convince of the necessity of the early completion of this Iload or some other that may be made to answer in part, if not in full, and which may not reach our county. It becomes our duty, then to speak, to act and do so at once that we may not lose what our locality and our ability places in our power. With the provision for State aid, private subscription may be made up sufficient to secure its early completion. Should this be found not sufficient, by acting as a county, the Legislature might provide for authoriz ing the subscription of such amount of stock as might be authorized by the people of the county. The necessity and demand for the Road, the value of the investment, the enhancement bf value to property in our county, the establishment of a good commercial cen tre and the equal distribution of increas ed value to property throughout the entire country, should prompt us to act readily to the extent of our ability in subscribing to the capital stock of the North Georgia and North Carolina Railroad. Personal or selfish interest should not govern our actions in an enterprise of this magnitude. Transportation is regulated by facts and figures, and in the system of Rail roads it becomes a science; and no country can prosper and increase in wealth without securing equal advant ages in the markets of the world. With this view it certainly is not only the duty of individuals, but of the county to act in the matter of aid to the enter prise. In the development of the wealth of our county, the stock of the Road is interested on account of local freight; this in connection with the great development of the county, and the interest or material wealth to be de rived from the great commercial section through which it is to pass, makes the value of our interest. Why is it we hear of parties favoring the partition of our county ? Can any be so regardless of the interest of the whole people of the county as to oppose the grandest enterprise ever placed with in our control ? We believe not. Such attempt to have personal or selfish in terest satisfied, might defeat everything. In a matter of this magnitude, then shuild be unity of action, action that will benefit the entire county. A coun ty is a corporate body, made by necessity of a government. It must have a centre for business for all that pertains to the government of the county. This centre becomes also its commer cial centre, as business in all branches is made more perfect when there is con centration of capital and skilled labor as well as competition; whatever draws from a growing commercial centre of a county becomes an injury, not so much to the centre itself as to the peo ple of the county. The producer pro duces for a market as well as for him self, and if there is no market his labor is lost except for his own consumption. With a proper encouragement, the cen tre of a county should and will furnish enough of the spirit of enterprise to encourage manufacture and commerce to such an extent as to reflect prosperity to the people of the entire county. — This must be sustained by the whole people. The citizens of any portion of a county, however remote, are interest ed in building up a commercial centre. in order to hold capital. If there is no effort by the people to preserve this, it results in injury to themselves: for it may be observed in every instance, when the commercial interest of a coun ty is divided, that the farmers are the losers. The reason is plain ; they must sell their products, the price they re ceive i3 the reward for their labor; the nearer consumption or cheaper transpor tation may be had, that much more is realized to the producer, while the pur chaser, outside of what they produce will depend upon cheap transportation from other sections, as well as competi tion in their trade of what they pur chase. Their consumption at home of the products can only be secured by concentration of capital within the com mercial centre of a county. This is the only area that a community can control by themselves. Inthis light, this Rail road is a necessity. It will traverse a section of country where the wealth is undeveloped. It will be a great link in an important route from the North to the South. Its project, as well to cheapen passage and freight, as to im prove an undeveloped country. Every feature trill doubtless be observed that will make the Road a competing one Its direct route, its easy grade, its struc ture, the cheapness with which it will be built, will give it the power to com pete, and prove the science of cheap transportation with its practical results to the people and county. And now, Mr. Editor, let this subject be presented, from time to time, to the people of our county, and the end is certain. With what untold treasures of wealth will we be blessed. Our taxable property will be largely increased, and our burthonsome taxes reduced by the accumulation of capital. A reign of prosperity will attend us, and we can celebrate the day of the completion of so grand an enterprise. W. R. R. Since writing the above, we have learned of the passage of the bill by the House. It now only wants the Gov ernor’s signature for its perfection. The French Crown Diamonds. The telegraph reports that “the state ment that the Empress carried off the crown diamonds is refuted by the French government organs/’ What these crown diamonds are was told in the “Monthly Gossip” of Lippincott’s Magazine for last September. The writer gave an account of a gala night at the gr3nd Opera, August 18, 1864 : “The Imperial party arrived, and the diamonds of the duchesses paled before the splendor of the crown jewels like stars at sunrise. The Empress looked one blaze of light. She had driven in from Compeigne in a carriage open at the sides, with a lamp suspended from the top, that the populace might feast their eyes on her magnificence. Upon her head there arched in graceful curves an antique diadem, at whose summit the peerless ‘Regent’ diamond flashed like a sun. Her corsage of lustreless scarlet silk was edged with a row of large dia monds set in black enamel, from each of which hung two gems of smaller size.— What a pity that the sultanas of Ha, roun al Rasscid could not have seen her then ! They would have paled with en vy certainly. * * The Imperial necklace was similar in shape to those of the Princess Metternich and the Duch esse de Moray, but of far finer stones. The earnings were great drops of solidi fied light, and the bracelets were single rows of immense diamonds. Think . that and weep, O ye uncrowned empress es of our American hearts and purses.” How different was this triumphant entry from Compeigne, in a blaze of splendor, to the dark and silent exit of the ex-Empress, “by a side door on the Seine side,” only a few evenings ago. — On tho Grand Opera night the Emperor is also described as “very lively and ani mated, chatting with the King of Spain, using his opera-glass, and apparently in the best spirits.” Pity he could not have used his opera glass so as to see some things that were before him—say six years after that gala night. The Lynchburg Virginian says : “The scenes of rural peace and plenty to be found in many portions of A'ir ginia are truly refreshing and cheering. Especially is this the case in what is known as the Shenandoah A T alley. AVe have recently passed through a large portion of that favored region, and were never more struck with its beauty or with the abundant gifts which a munifi cent Providence has showed upon it than t hen, from Staunton down to its lowest borders, it is one prolonged gar den spot, blooming like a verdure-clad oasis. All traces of grim war have been swept away by the hand of industry.— The barns and dwellings leveled to the earth have been rebuilt; the destroyed fencing has been replaced, and overflow ing gamers and waving fields of corn and grass proclaim the triumph of na ture over the barbarisms of man. It is pleasant to behold evidences of thrift and prosperity which have so soon fol lowed in the track of fire and sword.— The fertile fields which there abound, responsive to the toil of man are giving out a generous yield of the fruits of the earth, and shedding abroad a happy in fluence on the people. Queen Emma, of the Sandwich Is lands. has seen so much of civilization that the has resolved not to throw her self away upon the funeral pile of her la mented husband, but instead thereof U) permit another suitor for her hand to dry her tears and to sweeten her cup of aloes. She proceeds ou the great principle laid down by St. Paul that “it is better to marry than to burn.” Thus it is that her late spouse was defrauded of his Em-pyre.— Chicago Post. Proceedings of the Carters ville Convention. Cartersville, Ga. ) Sept., 13th. 1870. J The Convention met at 12 M. On motion of D. R. Turner, Dr. Geo. G. Crawford of Fulton, was elected tempo rary Chairman, and H, A Gartrell of Floyd requested to act as Secretary. On motion of Capt. Newman, a com mittee of three were appointed on cre dentials, as follows: W. T. Newman, Lawson Fields and Daniel Johnson. On motion the Convention took a recess until-1$ o'clock P. M. The Convention re assembled at the hour appointed, and on motion a call of counties was had. The committee on credentials report ed the following delegates entitled to seats. Df.Kalb. —W. 11. Howard, Daniel Johnson. Fulton. —Amos Fox, G. G. Craw ford, W. T. Newman, S. T. Hoyt, T. W. Hill, R. S. Watters. Cobb. —S. C. Harris, D. R. Turner, T. L. Kirkpatrick, E. IT. Lindley. Gordon. —Lawson Fields, I. N. Buckner, N. J. Bcaz, *John Taliafaro, J. M. Patton. Paulding. —H. M. Whitworth, J. C. Griffin. Floyd. —J. R. Towers, Nathan Bass,, 11. A Gatrell, D. M Hood. Bartow. —ll. F. Price, D. V. Stokc ly, T. W. Milner, T. Tuinlin. Chattooga. —J. B. Knox, J. F. Morton. Catoosa. —T. M. Gordon, W. J. Whitsitt. Cherokee. —J. B. Richards, W. R. D. Moss. Dade.— A. AY. Mitchell, E. M. Dod son. Polk.— N. J. Tumlin, M. A. Fletch er, AY. F. Jones. AYalker. —N. C. Napier, D. C. Sut .ton. llarrolson. —AA r . J. Head, Merrell. AYhitfield. —AY. 11. Tibbs, Janies Hamilton, J. A. AA T . Johnson. Murray.— B. F. AYofford. On motion of D. M. Hood, the con vention do now proceed to the election of permanent officers by counties, which resulted in the selection of Col. AY. H. Tibbs, of AYhitfield, as President, and H. A. Gartrell and Thomas AY. Hooper as Secretaries. The following gentlemen were appoint ed a committee to notify Col. Tibbs of his election and conduct him to the chair: N. Bass, T. AY. J. Hill and Daniel Johnson, Col. Tibbs addressed the Convention in a few appropriate re marks in accepting the honor confirmed. On motion of T. C. Howard a com mittee of seven were appointed to pro pose business for the action of the Con vention. The chair appointed T. C. Howard, N. Bass. T. AY. J. Hill,E. M. Dodson, AA r . G. AA’hitsitt, A\ T . J. Head, and N. J. Tumlin. The Committee reported the follow ing preamble and resolutions which were received and adopted: The Democracy of the 7th. Congres-. sional District of Georgia in convention assembled deem it our privilege and a patriotic duty to declare that we regard the organization of our party and its triumph in the union as of the extremist importance to the well being of the American people, and to the very exist ence of constitutional and republican liberty in these States. The temporary eclipse of the Democrat ic party, and the loss of its controlling power in the government stand out now before the country and the world after the years of bitter experience as a cala mity to every section of this once happy union. Our purpose is to do all that God and opportuuity will enable us to achieve in effecting a perfect restoration of the rights, the freedom and the hap piness of the people. AYe propose, in accomplishing this grand reform, to take the government as it is, holding ourselves and party only responsible for our own action from this time forth. AYe have no time for vain regrets, no strength to waste in attempting impossibilities, and no friends to alienate by captious and uncompromis ing self assertion and opinion. A\ T hat we want is a wide spread, all pervading catholic spirit and genuine fraternity throughout every section of the country. Under the benign rule of the Demo cratic party we once had this brotherly union, and under its restored control of affairs we shall have it again ; therefore Resolved, That w r e here formally re assert our old adhesion to the principle of the Democratic party, and pledge our most strenuous and unceasing efforts for its future triumph throughout the Union. Resolved , That we adopt and endorse the recommendation of the body known as the Congressional Executive Commit tee, that we should nominate to all im portant offices men of unquestionable eligibility and such as under no color able pretext could be denied admission to the places to which they might be called by the voice of their constituency. Resolved, That as their is a wide spread doubt of the formality and pro priety of the action taken by the State Executive Committee of the Dem- party at its recent session in Atlanta, exercising our right as members of the party, we recommend and request that the committee should re-assemble and re-elect its officers, and after perfecting its organization, that they would publish an address to the people of the State on the condition of the country, and as to our best policy in view of the impending canvass in Georgia. D. M. Hood moved that the conven tion do now proceed to ballot for candi dates to represent the 7th District in Congress, and that two-thirds be requir ed to nominate. AA\ T. Newman offered as a substitute, that a majority vote nominate, and that the convention proceed to nominate a candidate for the 42nd Congress first. Pending discussion on the above mo tion, 11. A. Gartrell moved that General P. M. B. Young be nominated for the 41st Congress by acclamation, which was carried unanimously. On motion of A\ T . T. Newman, Gene ral Young was nominated by acclamation for the 42nd Congress amid great ap plause. On motion. Thomas Tumi in. J. A. W. Turner and Lawson Fields were appointed a committee to inform Gen. Young, who was present, of his nomina tion. General Young was conducted to the stand, and in a brief but appropriate and feeling speech, expressed his heart felt thanks for the high honor so unani mously conferred on him. On motion of W. T. N wman, the following executive 0 e for the Tth Congressional Disinot s appoint ed by the President 3 DeKalb—Thomas C. Howard. Fulton—Captain AY. T. Newman. Cobb—D. R. Turner. Haralson—AY. J. Head. Floyd— H. A. Gartrell. Paulding—H. M. AVhitworth. Polk—Colonel Bait Jones. Gordon—Lawson Fields. Bartow—AY. H. Styles. Chattooga—Joseph Hamilton. Catoosa—Judge AVm. Penn. AA T alker—J. Y AVood. Cherokee—J. R. Brown. Bade—R. H. Tatum. Murray—AVm. Luffman. AA’hitffeld—AV. H. Kenner. Superintendent Crawford, of the Car tersville and A-an AYert Railroad, ex tended an invitation to the convention to pass over his road, which was accept ed. * • . Dr. AV. R. Peacock, Secretary of the Bartow county Agricultural Fair, invit ed the convention to visit the fiur grounds, which was accepted. On motion, the convention adjourned sine die. AA r . H. Tibbs. President. H. A. Gartrell, ) T. AY. IIoorER, j Secretaries. The Candidate who has no wish to be Governor. Boston, September 12. AA'endell Phillips accepts the Labor Reform nomination for Governor in the following letter: I have no wish to be Governor of Massachusetts, and flattering as is the confidence. I thoroughly dislike to have my name drawn into party politics, for I belong to no political party. But 1 see nothing in your platform from which I dissent, and the struggle which under lies your movement has my fullest and heartiest sympathy. Capital and labor 3ire partners, not enemies. They stand face to face in order to bring about a fair division of* the common profit. lam fully convinc ed that hitherto legislation has leaned too much—leaned most unfairly to the side of capital. Hereafter we should be impartial. The law should do all it can to give the masses more leisure, a more complete education, better opportunities, and a fair share of profits. It is a shame to our Christianity and civilization for our social system to provide and expect that one man at seventy years of* age should be lord of many thousands of dollars, while hundreds of other men who have made 3ts good use of* their talents and opportunities, lean on cLtee r their daily bread. Os course there must h ■ r .ilarities, but the best minds and hearts of* the land should give themselves to the work of changing this gross injustice—this appalling irregularity. I feel sure that the readiest way to turn public thought and effort into this channel is for the workingmen to organize a political par ty. No social question ever gets fear lessly treated here till we make politics turn on it. The real American college is the ballot-box, and 011 questions like these a political party is the surest and readi est, if not the only way to stir discussion and secure improvement. If my name will strengthen your movement, you are welcome to it. Allow me to add, though working for a large vote, if we fail, we should not be discouraged by a small one. Last year’s experience shows your strength ; and the anti-slavery movement proves how r quickly a correct principle wins assent if earnest men work for it. Yours truly, AVendell Phillips. Eligibility Candidates. —The fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopt ed by a meeting of the Democratic party of Dougherty county, at Albany, on the 10th instant: Resolved ’, That this meeting disap prove of the recommendation of lion. Linton Stephens, chairman of the State Democratic Committee, in recommend ing that candidates should be nominated without reference to their eligibility. Such a course is in conflict with the unanimous advice of other friends, and would, in our opinion, result in disaster to the good cause which we see to pro mote. Eugenie, it is said, was once engag ed to be married to Wm. C. Rives, of Virginia, who made her acquaintance while she was a fast young Countess, and he the son of the Minister to France from this country. The match was broken off by an aunt of the gentleman, who considered the Countess entirely too ‘•fast” to suit her old-fashioned Virginia notions. Eugenie, perhaps, does not regret the mis-alliance. «< ♦ »- On Sunday last, Henry Banks, a ne gro living on the place of Mr. Dope, one mile from Monticello, was called to his door and shot dead in his tracks by two unknown persons. Mr. Pope hearing the report of the guns, hastened out in the direction of the men, when one of them snapped a cap at him. The citi zens of Jasper county are very much exasperated at the affair, and -•? deter mined to spare no pains » bring the murderers to justice. ■ The Savannah Republican, of the 18th says: Among the passengers by the Virgo yesterday were sixty-six English emigrants—men, women and children—who will go to Columbus, Ga., to work in the Eagle and Phoenix Cot ton Factory in that city. They look- and like a healthy body of people, and will doubtless make excellent working ma terial. The Jeff. Davis mansion (so-called) has been at last turned over to the city of Richmond. FROM EUROPE. Paris, September 10.—The Prus sians are sit several points almost within Cannon shot of the walls of Paris. A number of prisoners were taken yesterday by the Prussian cavalry and sharpshooters. Several convoys, munit ions of war and provisions were also captured. The Prussians now occupy the small woods around Paris, which are too green to allow of a commanding view. There has been musketry firing all day in the directiou of Bourse. Many Prussians spies were arrested yesterday in and around Paris. Twenty-two thousand of the Garde Mobile arrived in Paris yesterday. The Prussians are numerous near VI lie Nerevo, Doimuartiu and Laplessos. Three thousand at Upper A’illiers Cat terets, and ten thousand at Nouterrill. The scarcity of printing paper is se verely felt. Galignan’s Messenger has recently reduced its size from the cause. It announced to-day its suspension in a few days. London, September 17.—General A’inery, at the head of the now army, has commenced exterior operations. His maneuvres will prevent the invasion of of departments where the enemy can seize provisions. Two corps are nearly ready for the west and centre provinces. The Constitutionnel says the Prus sian will occupy llurr and Cherbourg and cut off all communications with England. Bavaria repudiates the desire to enter the German confederation. The Standard’s Berlin correspondent gives the substance of a recent conver sation with Bismark. Later —lt is affirmed that Prussia will prosecute the war indefinitely rath er than abandon the idea of territorial aggrandizement. Berlin, September 17.—A German apprentice at AValhelmshoe attempted to assassinate the Emperor. He was ar rested and a loaded pistol found on his person, lie declared the bullet was de signed for Napoleon. Paris, September the 17. —General Ulrich telegraphs to the AVar Depart ment that the situation of the city of Strasbourg is growing desperate, and will necessitate an early capitulation. A general republican demonstration recently at Marseillese, Esqueras made a strong discoure in honor of the United States asserting that the Empire was the friend of the Southern rebellion, and that the Republicans of France favored the Union. Price, the American Consul, also made a sympathizing speech with the new Government. It is said that Bismark has asked an explanation from the Belgium govern ment for having allowed 12,000 French soldiers to cross her territory unchecked. The Independence Beige, in this con nection, says it fears Belgium has al ready leaned too sharply to Prussia. London, September 17.—A corres pondent of the Globe, writing from Par is, says the Red Republicans are now more dangerous to the safety of the city than the Prussians. Some fire already urging the erection of a guillotine. A special dispatch to the New York Times, dated London, September 17, says Minister AYashburne advises Amer icans remaining in Paris during the seige to remain in their houses, but to be sure to keep the American flag flying from roofs or windows. Americans ac cordingly take the seige coolly. Paris, September 18.—The Prus sians have been seen iu front of Colmar Mulhouse, moving toward Lyons. The Prussians crossed the Seine at Athis, but were beaten back on Friday night. Cannonading is now heard in the direction of Bietrie. The King refuses to recognize the Provisional Government and will only recognize the Emperor or Bazaine. A committee of German workmen made a protest against the war. The cattle plague has attacked the cattle of the Prussian army. The Minister of Ensrland, Austria, It aly and Turkey left Paris. A balloon has arrived from Metz with letters. Paris is calmly awaiting the enemy. Fort A r inccnnes is evacuated and the guns brought within the walls. Special Dispatch.—Heavy cannona ding heard in the direction of Forts Ju ery and Charniton. The French Institute protests in the name of Avilir atim, against the possi ble destruction by bombardment of the libraries, observatories, and galleries of Paris. The latest Paris advices say that the Pope and the diplomatic corps have ta ken refuge in the Castle of St. Angelo. The capitulation of* the city is hourly expected. Later —The diplomats left Paris has tily last night, being informed a heavy attack would be made. There was hard fighting yesterday and to-day around Paris. Gen. A’inery made a reconnoisance. and fouud 3,000 Prussians at Coeteil. In a skirmish fifteen were killed and thirty wounded. Paris, September 19.—The Red Re publicans continue to placard the walls, denouncing the new government. Trou ble is apprehended. Citizens say they prefer Prussian aule to communism. The railway to Orleans is cut at Con flaus. The Swiss, American and Belgian Ambassadors decline to quit Paris. Many Prussian scouts have arrived near the Walls of Paris. New t York, September 10.— Cable dispatches from private sources, dated London, 19th. state that the reported armistice is unfounded. Peace pros pects are unimproved. Prussia explain that she will be fully prepared to treat for peace only when Frace presents a government sufficiently stable to enforce a treaty. A dispatch by cable to the Herald, dated Paris, says: It is reported 40.000 Uhlans yesterday occupied Versailles. Postal service has been suspended, and service by messenger will be organized. Florence, September 19.— 1 tis offi cially announced, that the troops on en tering A’alletre. were received with great enthusiasm. Gen. Bixio is inarching on Rome. London, September 19. —The Ship, ping Gazette anticipate* there will 1* to* mucftfotfii and Ido little corn f r0 i„ the Southern State#: Cotton prices ar<> low and therqi is much activity in l^ ri . eashire. A Canadian writes to the Birming ham Gazette that the present liberal government of the colony will drive Can ada to annexation to the United States or independence from Great Britain. The village of Batciih*. near Sedan was destroyed by the Prussians becau** some fugives from the German army were massacreed in its streets. London, September 20.—Rumor* to be rccieved with caution, cirrulat - here of local uprisings in France against the Prussians. Londou morhing and evefniug jour nale to-day have no news whatever from Paris. A dispatch was received here to-night from Paris, dated four o’clock this morn ing, reporting a collision of trains o?» the railway at Plessos, near Tours, in which eleven persons were killed and twenty five injured. Thiers has arrived at Tours. Florence, September 20.—The ®eige of Rome ha-* been commenced.— Five divisions under Cadarna, invest the city. Resistance is it matter of form and surrender is expected to-day. Richmond, September 19. The police to day arrested Henry Burton in the act of pouring metal into counterfeit five and three cent nickle dies. A large quantity of counterfeit five cent pieces were found in the build ing; Several influential colored citizens visited Gov. A\ alker, this morning to ask that colored men be admitted to the jury box. The Governor informed them that the Legislature had not altered the old Code, so as to admit of it, and ad | vised thorn to appeal to the Legislature, which meets next month. Last year Colonel Joe. Calhoun, of Coweta county, applied for a homestead, which application was resisted before the Ordinary by one of his creditors.— The facts developed on the trial were, that Col. Calhoun was a bachelor, had no white relatives or persons living with him, and had eight servants on his prem ises. The Ordinary held that tins facts did not make Colonel Calh >un th head of a family in thcs. u law and constitution. Th 1, eal •• ! ! ed from this decisi week the case came boh ,1 by, who affirmed the decision u. the Or dinary. AA'e understand the case will go to the Superior Court. The Empress Eugenie and the Prince Imperial are still at the Marine Hotel in Hastings. A number of servants <»f the Imperial household, two carriages, aud twenty-three horses have arrived at Hastings. The Prince goes out lrc quently, and is quite popular with, the people. Napoleon has fifteen million dollar.* in English funds. He can afford to retire. DkJocknktt & Sox, Rome. (la., will at* > pay the very highest market price for r< un try Produce. N(* AV A<l A Pl* (iS(* HI (‘II I Cl EORGIA, Gohuon Coc.nty. —Julia A. * J Itxese has applied for exemption of per sonalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the -aioe 10 o’clock, a. m., on tiie 29th of this inst., a: my office in Calhoun. This 21st day of Hip limber, 1870. i). W. NEEL, Ord’y. sept22-2t COLCLOUGH, HARKINS & GLOVER. Home, Ga., f (ALL the attention of dealers to the fa r t l J that they have just received the larg> -t stock of Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, &(*.. ever offered in the Cherokee country, anl j can furnish them at exactly New York pi ice* Call and be convinced. sept22'7o-lT j (.ESTABLISHED IN 1856.) J.O.MATHEWSOX. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT AUGUSTA , GEORGIA. sept 22 1870 *7 RUFE WALDO THORNTON \ DENTIST, Calhoun, - - G. »‘' THANKFUL for 'oraier patronage 1 a continuance / the same. Office over lloa7. Habiiett & Co'». L O K £ ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PIC. PI A LL, who know themselves indebted A. undersigned, tre requested to c* ward and pay up. Indulgence has***’ be a virtue. I need and must have ' Bj Verbum mt. [seplotf] R. M FLOURJ FJ 7 > A GOOD lot of that s, A at VEACH & CO MILLS, ou hand and for su; W. H. septlstf Calhou3-\|| $6,000 For One Dolt*r' i J ®3O,OOcT Worth of Real Estate —AKD— Personal Property ; To be Raffled for at Calhoun. G*~ OCTOBER 24th, 18 70 Every Ticket Guaranteed ; jl’|[o(| juo OO^jp s<>,ooo For One Dollar! Raffle to be conducted by * iX missioners. hbera-' ■ Acems Wasted—to who® 1 mission will be given. _ . References—Col. W. ■ Ga., and county officer*. jV.b L> & t tickets, &c. to H. K. ” septlStd Gordon County Farmers, n "!Lj. ; mrSq( visit Rome don’t tail to call o » Son for Groceries.