Calhoun weekly times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1873-1875, November 17, 1870, Image 1

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The Calhoun Times. Volume T. THE CALHOUN TIMES. OFFICE OVBR J. H. ARTHUR’S, RAILROAD STREET. Terms of Subscription. One Year : : 5 : : 99 Six Months : : : ' : l Bates of Advertising. So’r* I I~Mo. | 3 Mo» <> Moh. 1 year. fUT" $9.00 $15"oo $26.00 Four “ 8.00 12.00 , 25.00 40.00 i column 10.00 18.00 35.00 45.00 ? .. 18.00 30.00 50.00 75.00 1 •> 30.00 50.00 75.00 140.00 All subscriptions arc payable strictly in adranee; and at the expiration of the time for which payment is made, unless pre viously renewed, the name of the subscriber will be stricken from our books. For each square of ten lines or less, for the first insertion. sl, and for each subsequent insertion, fifty cents. Ten lines of solid Brevier, or its equivalent in space, make a " 'Terms cash, before or on demand after the first insertion. Advertisements under the head of “ Special Notices,” twenty cents per line for first in sertion, and ten cents each sebsequent inser tion . ... All communications on matters of public ntenst will meet with prompt attention, and onc ise letters on general subjects are re spectfully solicited from all parts of the country. railroads. Western A Atlantic. fJIQHT PASBKNGER TRtlN —OUT AH Atlant' 1 7. 0 hp. m. Anive at ]'A \ < a. m. Arri -e at C’nlinti ntr ( 3 3<> a m I, \ y |»AS- h M;KK riI.UN OUTWARD. i.navi* Atlanta 8 In a m Arrjvpftt Calhoun 1 r M - At rive at ChaitauoogH -4.2 U P m. ACCOMOO TIO.N TRAIN—OUTWAHI) 1 e vc Atlanta 63" P M Arrive at Billon 3. UJ P m NIGHT PaSSKNORR TtlAIN —INWARD. I,save ( tut lanoojra 7"0 P m Arrive at. (lalhniin. 11.44 P m Arrive at Atlanta 4 14 a. m PAT PASSENGER TRAIN —INWARD. beive ( htttun o a 7-00 a. m Airi« - e at Calhoun ID 2!) a. m Ariive at Atlanta 3.27 P. m. ACCOMODATION TRAIN - INWARD. BfiVe Ballon 200 p m Air ve at Atlanta ‘.too a m Georgia Kailroad. DAY PASSENGER TK..IN. heave Angus a. 7.15 a. m l.ea' e A Unlit. 7"0 a m Ariive at Augusta. 5 45 p. M Ariive at Ai’anta. 7 10 i* m NIGHT PASSENGER AMD MAIL TRAIN. leave AngU'ta. 951 p m. liiuvn AtU-ita 545 p m. Arrive at Augusta. 4 oo a. m Arrive at A' anin, B.CO a m. Macon & Western. day passenger train. I.eive AtU’ ta. 7.55 a m Artiveai M c n. 1.4 1 P M. Leave Maeun. 7 65 a. m Ariive ut Atlanta. 2.20 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAIN, t.eare a*lant i 7 I” P. M. A rive at Macon 3 ‘23 a m |,e:,ve Macon 8.50 p. m.. Arrive at At'an’R MR a m. Koine Railroad. DAY TRAIN. Leave Rome 10 00 a m. at ive at Kingston 11.80 a. m Leave Kii g-Om 1 On r. si Ariive at Hume 2 3" P M. Cnnnei ting at It one with sccomnrla inn I ram on Selma, Home and Balmn Raibnail, and «• Kingst ti vvilli up and down trains Western a ,and Allan ic Ra lroad. NIGH I TRAIN. Leave Rone 9 3" p m Arrive ut Kin'B'or 1"45p m l,eaw Ki gston 11 Id i* m. Ariive at Rome 12 25 P M Ctuiuecii •*g at Rome ' ith llrnngh nigh' trains nn Se'nia, Rome and Dalton R ilmad, and a' King-ton with ingot trains • u Wes ii an ; Atlantic Kaiiro and » <’h ,t a nmga t .1 t o n and to a 'a "a. Selma, Rome & Dalton. PASKNGKK TRAIN. Sf-I'iiit <1 3 a. m. Arnv** it R -me 8 55 c m a i w u' LaUun 11 5 > r m aocdmmodati m train L> iti> R >me 4.45 p m. v ». t K im- 12.3" p. m v 1 ' I" o-i A. M < liurn» i - - ‘.v 1. ai'v Siir-i'-iv- -xct -■ r ■■ 'li ■ s-fn-cr »r uni will bt* m >i Su Guv. . SIONAL CARDS W. s. JOHN ON, Atloi-ney >Yt I ,;nv, CA'.JiO! v, GEORGIA. P&* La Southeast cornel- of the •tM’vt I muse. Air n its C FAIN. JOS. M CONNELL. fain and McConnell, Vtt oi*in» ys at Lqav', < ’ .I LIIO L\Y, GEOR OJA. Office in the Court House. Aug 11 1 ts IL M TARVER,” Y/tt ornoy (ALHOUX, GEORGIA. &AU Office in the Court House. Aug 11 1 • ts w~ J. CANTRELL ~ Attorney Act lAa vv. Calhoun. Georgia. \V ILL Practice in the Cherokee Circuit, * in L. 8. District Court, Northern Dis trict of Georgia, (at Atlanta); and in the Su pivine ( our; of the State of Georgia. E. .T. KIIiER, - ttorney at X>aw, CA L /IV UN, G EOR GIA. U'' W at ,fie Old Stand of Cantrell if TO Ur. J vVb9 L U' actic ‘: 1,1 : ‘R the Courts of the ’ a Tukee Circuit; Supreme Court of "■'"uria. and the United States District Court RUFE WALDO THORNTON, dentist, Cauioun, . p t * - U, » IGIA. Gd lANKFUL for ormor patronage solicits 1 a continuance / the name over Coaz. Babrkt-t & Co’s. sepl 5 Job Printing neatly executed here. Calhoun Advertisements. nCvOALLEWT DEALER IN D R Y-G 0 0 D S, NOTIONS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, &.C., M USICA L INSTRUM ENTS, FACTORY YARNS, SHIRTINGS, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING, Railroad Street, - - CALHOUN, GA. Nov. 10. 1870—ts R. B. HACKNEY, (At the Old Stand of M. H. Jackson,) COURT HOUSE ST. CALHOUN, GA. KEEPS constantly on hand a good supply FAMILY GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines, Liquors, &c. All who wish to get bargains will do well to call on him. P> A R R( >( > M ! MY Bar, in the rear, is always supplied with the very best and purest ot BRANDIES, WHISKIES, WINES, RUM, GIN, &c. jjgT Give me a call. novlo’7oif R. B. HACKNEY. IVew Maimgement 2 CALHOU MOTEL. E. 11. SASSEEN, [Formerly of Atlanta, Ga.~\ RESPECTFULLY announces to tlie travel ling public, that he has refurnished and refitted the above hotel, and is now ready to accommodate*ll who may stop with him. Rates moderate; and table furnished with the best the market affords. Calhoun, Ga., August 19th, 1870—ts JTd. tjnsley: WATCH-MAKER JEWELER, CALHOUN, : : : : GEORGIA. o ,4 LL styles of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry A neatly repaired and warranted, angl 9’7otf SALE AND LIVERY STABLE! G. R. BOAZ, KEEPS FINE STOCK, and Vehicles to correspond, and is at all times pre pared to furnish any kind of Conveyance, AT VEIIY LOW RATES FOR CASH. Stock bought and sold on reasonable terms. J. H. ARTHUR, DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS , Cutlery, Notions &c. Also keeps constantly on hand a choice stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, In all of which purchasers are off; red in ducements to buy. Aug 11 1 Om WHEAT GONE UP! LO(_>K OTJT! T PROPOSE to give $1.2«5 per bushed for I White Wheat, and sl.lO for lied Wheat, when tak :n in payment of any accounts due on my books. Let those who owe me now, bring on their Wheat and get good prices for it. M. H. JACKSON. Calhoun, Ga., October 6,1870 —ts BETTERTON, FORD & Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BRAIB, II ill SMB, Wines, Tobaccos, Cigars, &c., No. 209. MARKET ST., No. 209. CH ATTANOOGA, TENN. 0ct18,1870-ly J. H. CAVAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fine Wines, Liquors & .Cigars, iVo. 11 Granite Block, Broad Street, - ATLANTA, GA. AGENT FOR THE SALE OF THE Celebrated Cincinnati LAGER BEER and ALE sept 29 For the State of Georgia. 3m (J. 11. & A. W. FORCE, SION OF THE BIG IRON BOOT, Whitehall Street, : ; : Atlanta, Ga. r)OOT> Shoes m and T'tiiiks. a complete Sti ck s and new liiuuig arrivinst dail* ! it o s .id Shots, of the hp-t mak's. LalW ''tn e of a I kin*’*. Itcivs Misges at.d Children's -li- e> <>' < tret' g »tt* and ui:;ke. We ar (itei'ared t i otfer inducemc'its to hote-nte Tr. de. fte|,t2 .’l'n-lv Railroad Boarding House, By MRS. SKELLEY, CALHOUN, - - GEORGIA. Within ten st"p« of the Depot. net 1 off CALHOUN, GAY., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1870. R. R, HACKNEY I? O E r II Y . TIIE WEATHER. Frost. — Brown and yellow leaves Cover the ground; Barren and leafless trees Arc seen all around. Chilly.— Who will furnish fuel now. And raiment for the poor. And keep grim want an l chilly winds Outside each cheerless door. Col - See the mendicant shivering go, His tatters flying in the chilly blasts; llis figure is bent, and steps are slow— He is thinking of scenes of years ago. When an innocent boy, with heart aglow, lie chased with his sled o'er the pure white snow— I Ah, these are brigh scenes of the past. FrreztNO.— Shivering and shaking the school boy goes, Running along the frozen streets: While the p ricing wind discolors his nose. And shoots through and through his warm, thick cloth's, And the keen frost nibbles his tiny toes Through the shoes on his pattering feet. Zero— Evening— Around ihe bright fire that ruddily glows, Upon the broad hearth-stone, we gather, And little we care how hard the wind blows. Or, for that, how coll grows - the weather. THE TWILIGHT HOUR. When sinks the golden orb of day, And evening shadows o’er me steal; When fa les the last expiring ray, Ere yet the stars their light leveal; Wh on zephyrs whisper through the g’oom, And wait the perfume of the flowers, To crowd like memories from a tomb. The stillness of the evening hours; When nightingales alone are heard Through dusty windings of the vale- While darkness listens to the bird That sings so well its plaintive tale. Then, when the evening vapors climb, Like mountains towering o’er a pass, Then is the hour; yes, then the time, The fitting time to light the gas ! What a ifion&cy minks About Whiskey. Tn my youth 1 had a friend who had a monkey which he valued at a high price. We always took him out on our chestnut parties. He shook all our chestnuts for us, and when he could not shake thorn off. he would go to the, very end of the limb and knock them off with his fist. One day we stopped at a tav ern and gave Jack about a half glass of whiskey. Jack took the glass and drank its contents, the effects of which soon brought him into full operation—skip ping. hopping aud dancing most enter tainingly—Jack was drunk. We agreed to come to the tavern next day and see if Jack would drink again. I called in the morning at mv friends’ house, who went after Jack. ’ But in stead of being as usual on his box, he was crouched up in a heap. “Come out here, ’ said his master. Jack came out on three legs, applying his fore paw to h;s head. Jack had the headache. He was sick and couldn’t go. So we put it off three days. We then met again at the tavern, and provided a glass for Jack. But where was he? Skulk ing behind chairs. “Come here Jack,” said his master, holding the glass out to him. Jack retreated, and as the door opened he slipped out, and in a moment was on the top of the house. IIi» master went and called him down. He. however, refused to obey. My friend got a cowskinand shook it at him, which the monkey disregarded, and continued on the ridge-pole, still obstinately dis obedient. Itis master got a gun and pointed it at him, but unsuccessfully. Jack slipped over to the back of the building. He then got two guns, and had one pointed on each side of the house, when the monkey, seeing his bad case, whipped upon the chimney, and got down in one of the flues, and held on by his fore paws. My friend kept that monkey twelve years afterwards, but could never prevail on him to taste whisky.— Wolf Loro News. A Good Answer.—“ Sir.” said a lad coming down a wharf in Boston, and addressing a well known merchant, “have you a berth for me on your ship, I want to earn something.” “What can you do?” asked the gen tleman. “I can try my best to do whatever I am put to,” answered the boy. “What have you done ?” *J have sawed and split all mother’s word, of nights, for two years.” “What have you not done ?” asked the gentleman, which was a queer sort of question. “Well, sir.” answered the bov. after a piuse, “l have not whispered once in school for a whole year.” “That’s enough,” said the gentleman. • you may ship aboard this vessel, and I hope to see you master of her some day. A b >y who can master a wood pile and bridle his tongue must be made of good stuff.” The Lancet says : “It is a curious fact that of the passengers in the train which met with a terrible accident lately, all. ' or very nearly all. who were asleep at the ; time, escaped uninjured—nature’s an- I aesthetic insuring them not only against fact a res and contusions, but even j against the bad effects of shaking con cussion.” How to build a house for nothing— Use freestone. For the Calhoun Times. “Dornroschen.” In olden times there was a king and queen who said every day, “O, that we had a child.” Time passed on, but brought no fulfilment of their hopes.— It happened on one occasion, as the queen sat in the bath that a frog crept forth from the water and said to her: ‘•Thy wish-shall be fulfilled, and you shall bring a daughter into the world ’ V. hat the frog foretold, came to pass, and the queen bore a maiden, which was so beautiful, that the king was overjoyed, and proclaimed a great feast, lie invited not only his relations, friends and acquaintances, but also, the wise women, who might thereby become favorable and well disposed towards the child. There were thirteen of these women in his kingdom ; but because he hid only twelve golden pl’tes, from which they could eat, one of them must be slighted. They were invited, they came, and when the feast was finished, they presented the child their most valuable gifts; the one, with virtue, another with beauty, a third with riches and so on by rest, with whatsoever is splendid in the world. Just -is tlm eleventh had made her wish, the thir teenth one stepped in—she wanted to av nge herself, because she was not in vited, and without greeting or looking at any one, she cried out in a loud v ice • “ The King’s daughter, ‘n her fifteenth year, will pierce herself with a spindle and die!” After these words, she turned and les s the room, while th others stood affrighted. Then the twelfth advanced, whose wish was yi to be spoken, and since she c uld n t emovc the predicted evil, but coni' 1 nly mitigate it. she said : “ Pho sh ’ >t die but f>r one hundred years th kiv’s daughter sh ill fall into a do p sleep.” The king, who wished to guard his dear child from the misfortune, sent out he command (h ■ all th ': p ndles in bis kingdom should be destroyed. Th e iden realized the various wishes of the wise women, and was so beautiful, that every one, who saw her, was oblig 'd to love her. It happ nod. that, on the very day til it she was fifteen ye v old. the king and queen were away fron home. od the or id w-s ;>! no in th castle; she went around to every place, saw the sitting rooms and bed chambers and finally she came to a tower. She i c nd. and a n.irr w flight of steps oU r eh >d a little dn r T n the loci tuck a misty key and when she turn : t. the door sprang open, and there s;U on old woman In a small chamber diligently spinning her flax. “ Hey. my dear uld mother! wh t are youdo’ngh ire?” said the King’s and u li ter. “1 am spinning,” the old woman said, and nodded with her head. “ How swiftly that thing flew around !” said the maiden, and she took the spin dle and would have spun —scarcely had she touched the spindle, when she stuck herself with it. At the instant she re ceived the wound, she fell mt pr fi md sle-'n. And this sUop -d self over the whole castle. The king and queen, so soon as they come home, began to fall a sleep, and their whole court with them. The horses went to sleep in the stalls, the dogs in the yard, the pigeons on the roof, the flies on the wall—even the fire that flickered on the hearth, became still and slept; and the roasting meat ceased to broil, and the cook, who wished to pull the kitchen boy’s hair, because he had done some thing wrong, let him go and went to sleep. The wind slept, and not a leaf was nnv’ng on th trees in fr nt cf ho e stle. A h and T tVrns b an to grow around the castle, which grew higher everv vear, until finally it grew entirely around and above it, so that ther ‘ was nothing more t -be .seen not even the flags on top of the castle. A report went through the land about the beautiful sleeping Dornr schen. h r this w-'s the name of the king’s and nigh ter —and also, that from time to time, the sons of a king came and tried to get through th ■ hedge, in This was impossible, for the branches were interlocked among themselves, as though they had hands, and the young men remained hanging in the thorn, and miserably perished. After long, long years the son of a king again, came through the land. An old man told him about the hedge, that there was a castle standing behind it. in which a King’s beautiful daughter, and all his court were sleeping. He learned from the old man, that many king’s sons had already visited the place, had tried to press through the hedge, had remained hanging therein, and hud died sad deaths. The young man said : “ That shall not frighten me; I intend to get in aud see the beautiful Dorn roschcn. The old man would have disenabled him, but the young prince heeded him not. Now, on the very diy that the young man came, the hundred years were ended. When he approach ed the hedge, he found nothing but large beautiful flowers, which opened themselves apart, and he passed through unhurt The flowers then came togeth er again in solid hedge. He went into the castle; there lay in the yard the horses and the hunters spotted dogs, all sleeping, on the roof the pigeons were sitting with their heads stuck under their wings. When he came into the house the flies were asleep on the walls, the cook still held his hand, as though he would raise the boy, and the maidservant was sitting before the black hen. which she would have picked.— He went further and discovered the whole court sleeping in the hall, and the kingand queen lying near the throne. Tie went still further and all was so still that one could hear himself breathe. Finally he carne to the tower and open ed the door to the little chamber in which Dornroschen slept. There she lay, so beautiful that he could not move his e} r es from her. and he stooped down and gave her a kiss. As he touched her with the kiss, Dornroschen awoke, and looked up at him with a pleased and friendly expression. Then they descended together, the king and queen awoke, and all the court, and they all gazed at each other in great astonish ment. The horses in the yard got up and shook themselves, the dogs sprang up and wagged their tails ; the pigeons drew their heads out from under their wings, looked around and flew into the fields; the flies crawled again on the wall; the fire kindled itself in the kitch en and cooked the meal; the meat broil cd again, and the cook gave the boy a b>x on the ear, so that h cried, and the maid briskly picked the hen. And there was a wedding of the king’s son with Dornroschen, celebrated in roya splendor, and they lived happily togathci to the end of life. |Carhleo. “ Fetch cn Your Hats!” Adam Bepler keeps a tavern in Alle ghany. One rather gloomy evening re cently. when Adam was in rather a gloomy hunmr, a stranger presented himself about bed time, and asked to stay all night. “Certainly,” said Adam, eyeing the rather seedy looking stranger. “If you take breuklast, it will be youst one dol lar.” “But I have no money.” said the man. “I am and ad broke, but it you will trust me—” “Ah I’’ said Mr. Bepler, “I don’t like that kind of customers. I could fill mine house every night mit dat kind, but dat won’t help me run dis house.” “Well,” said the stranger, after a pause, “have you got any rats here ?” “Yes,” replied Adam, “you’d better believe we have. Why, the place is lousy mit dem.” “Well,” rejoined the man, “I’ll tell you what I’ll do. If you let me have lodging and breakfast, I’ll kill all the rats to-morrow.” “Done,” said Bepler, who had long been desperately annoyed by the num ber of old Norways that infested his premises. So the stranger, a gaunt sallow, mel ancholy-looking man, was shown to bed, and no doubt had a good sleep. After breakfast next morning, Mr. Bepler took occasion in a very gentle manner to remind his guest of the contract of the previous night. “What! kill your rats ? Certainly,” said the melancholy stranger. “Where are they the thickest?” “Dey are putty tick in de barnyard,” answered Adam. “Well, let’s go out there,” said the stranger. “But stop ! Have you got a piece of hoop-iron ?” A piece about fifteen feet long was brought to the stranger, who examined it carefully from one end to the other— expressed himself entirely satisfied with its length and strength, and proceeded to the barn, accompanied by Mr. Bepler and quite a party of idlers who were anxious to see in what manner the great rat-killer was going to work. Arriving there the stranger looked around a lit tle. then placed his back firmly against the barn door and raised his weapon. “Now,” said he to Adam. “ l am ready. Fetch on your rats I” How this scene terminated we are not precisely informed. It is said that, al though no rats answered the appeal of the stranger.Mr. Bepler began to smell one pretty strongly at this juncture, r.nd became very angry. One thing is cer tain. and that is that the new boarder was not at Adam’s table for dinner, nor lor any subsequent meal. He had sud denly resolved to depart, probably to pursue his avocation* of rat-killing in other quarters. Information Worth Having.— A Dutch woman kept a toll-gate. One foggy day a traveler, asked : “ Madame, how far is it to B —?” “ shoost a leetle ways.” was the reply. “Yes, hut how far ?” again asks the traveler. “ iShoost a little ways,” more emphatically.— - Madame, is it one. two or three, four or five miles ?” The good woman in genuously replied. “ I dink“ it is !*' Down the Mississippi. ( haracteristic Scenes on a River Steamboat. A LITTLE GAME OF POKER. ou cannot see now. as we did ten years ago, the cabin tables surrounded by planters, merchants and politicians, calling themselves gentlemen, who would gamble from morning till night, and again till morning, staking, and often losing their entire fortunes. We do not now encounter the elegant, gentle manly, professional gambler, who was accomplished in every way, and not least in the use of the pistol and bowie knife. U ell educated, fascinating, gentlemen were they, whose hands were again and again stained with the blood ol their fellow-creatures. All this class of men are hardly to be found in the south-wesfc in this goodly year of our Lord 187 0. The war did splendid scavenger work in sweeping them into the other world. And the young men now coming into life, who would have been such as they, find a better exist ence in working for their daily bread. The gang of gamblers who are our com panions on this trip belong to altogether another class than those whose places they fill These are what the panel thief is tn bo bank burglar, what Burns is to Morrissey. It is amusing for your experienced traveler to watch the tricks and schemes of these miserable wretches One of them is short, rather carries under his plug hat a cunning, greasy, smooth-shaven face, which has small, ferret-like eyes in it, and a red. snub nose, like a carbuncle, imposed upon it This man is called the “Judge,” and is. T believe, the leader of the gang, al though another fellow in common clothes, with a wolfish, cowardly countenance, gives the clue to all their doings. The third thief of the party is small in sta tue with black mustache, and an assum ed woe-begonc look. It is he who. in their make believe games, bets wildly and largely, who almost always loses, gets nn«rrv. and appeals tn the lookers on. The f >urth of the squad looks like an honest tradesman, who ought to be in better business than b'tt’ng. One day these gentlemen were pi a v ing at poker, which is a favorite gam for their nefarious purposes. Tlu; “Car pouter ’ —we will give them such name: ns describe them best—had dealt »■ For ret-eyes ” a hand of three kings and seven and eight of clubs. To “ Wolf mouth ” he gave three accs and a nine and ten of hearts. With these hands and “ Wolf-mouth ” be gan to bet and brag in the most excited way, t- lk’ng to each other. app"-ling to the crowd, and getting up an enthusiasm pretty much as the clown and ring master do in the circus, shouting and running in order to make the audience believe that the In.rse which the equiu queen” is riding is going fearfully f st when it ,c HI •• shun, gotten up for effect. Such was the excitement about our steamboat gaming-table “ I see your twenty dollars and go fifty better,” shouts “ Ferret-eyes.” “I see your fifty and go ten better,” screamed “ Wolf-mouth.” “ I see that, and make it one hun dred,” cries “ Ferret-eyes.” At this point there was a dead paus ■ and silence, broken in an instant b “ W o’f-UKuHi ’ vU L 'N r *''eh’Pe ly to the by-standers with the remark : “Gentlemen, I’m biowed if I ain’t strapped.” Meanwhile moving *r nnd ?h tab!© there was a peaked, sandy-haired man, who has on board forty mules, which he is taking to Memphis. This fellow had seen b -tli hands, and knew that “ Wolf couth ’ had the stronir en ds. Just at this moment he caught the gambler’s eye, who continued : “ Ks 1 had a mule, wouldn’t l sling him, ears and all, atop o’ that pile?” “ You kin bet one of my mules,” w r as the answer of “ Sandv-hair.” “Mill you take the mule?” cried •‘ Wolf-mouth ” to •• Ferret-eyes.” “ \ es,” answered the other, asking the “ Carpenter.” as he had a right t< by the laws of the gauic, for two card.- in a place of his seven and eight of clubs. That obliging gentleman at once complied, giving him the fourth king and an ace. “ Wolf-month ” did not ask for more. They showed their hands. “Ferret-eyes” swept in the pool, and “Sandy hair,” to his dismay, bed lost his mule. Niagara is no longer the most w n derful of cataracts, its rival has been discovered in British Guian *. in S nth America. ’Jh two }-J!s • \ s ven hundred and seventy feet and an other of fifty. r lhe volume of water passing over these fails is seventy-eight ! feet deep and three hundred feet broad ; during the dry season. The colon if i government of Guiana is arranging i. j cilities for visitors. A lady, who. though in the An hi of life, hid not lost all and; ms of ii.- Spring. said to Jerrold. “I cannot im :e --ine what makes mv hair turn gnv. I sometimes fancy it must be the j of rosemary with which my maid is in the habit of brushing it. What do you think ?” “I should be afraid, madam,’ i replied the distinguished dramatist, drv- ! ly, “that it is the essence of thyme.” A three year old youngster gaw a , drunken man tack ing through the street, j “Mother,” said he, “did God make that man ?” She n plied in the affirmative, j The little fellow reflected for a moment. ! and then exclaimed, "I wouldn’t have | done it.” Oldest Western settler—The sun, of j course. 7STuml>ex* 15. A Romantic Incident# The Springfield, 111., Rc,jistu\ of the 17th snvs: In a flourishing city near litre there i resides a family of high social paition 1 and wealth, which is blessed with daughter nineteen years of age. This young lady received a careful education, graduated with credit last. .Jh»h\ and re turned to her home. Almost immediate ly she made the acquaintance of a young widower of her native town, anil fell deeply in lore with him. It is due f » the gentleman to sav that he did nut en courage in any manner this sudden pas sion. The infatuation of the young hidv was so great that she took no pains to conceal it. and being remonstrated with ' hy her family, she boldly persisted it? i avowing her love. At the solicitation of her friend* the gentleman had an in terview with her in the. presence of her mother, and represented to her. in the most gentle and respectful manner, that her passion could not be returned, anu bogged her to abandon it for her own sake and the credit of the family, of which he was a close friend. In this interview the gentleman unfortunately announced that be was soon to be mar ried to another lady. At this time the young lady became furious, and exhibited a state of feeling which resulted in a complete aberration of mind. A physician was at once called, and after a few days treatment at her home, it was found necessary to send her to the State Asylum for the Insane. This was accordingly done. The poor girl, who had so recently exhibited an unusually active and brilliant mind, was now a complete wreck, and alternated between fits of the deepest melancholy, during which she* could not he induced to speak, and spasms of frenzy, durin*_r which she had to be pinioned, lest she should do herself harm. iliis was her condition in the asylum, and gradually all hopes of her cure were ..bandoned, when suddenly she disap. peared. During the third week in Au gust, she. in company with a number of other patients, was in the grounds of the asylum, taking air and exercise, and when the others returned to the house, she was missing Search was immediate* ly made, but without success, and. tho’ the officers of tlie institution and her now doubly afflicted family, spared no pains to find her. she was as Completely lost as if the ground had swallowed her U P- . Six weeks passed, and, as suddenly as she had disappeared, she reappeared one rainy evening, after dark, at the doors of the asylum, and was immediately tak en in. The astonishment created by her appearance, alone and in the night, was doubled when she was found to be perfectly sane and in complete bodily health. Her story was soon told. She could remember nothing, except that she found herself the day before in the woods, alone, W'ith her clothing in tat ters. and herself ravenously hungry.— She mad'* for the nearest road, and, bv inquiring her way and walking all night and all the next day. arrived at the asy lum safely. It being quite apparent that she required no further treatment, she was at once returned to her family. It has since been learned that the young lady wandered away into the woods and subsisted upon berries as she could find, and that she occasionally went to a neighboring Farm-house, where the family kindly gave her bread, it seems strange that this family did not think it necessary to report the fact of a strange girl wandering in the woods, in order that she might be cared for. and we have no idea why they did not do so. The house physician of the asylum is of the opinion that the exposure and chauge of diet are the direct causes of the restoration of the young ludv to health of body and mind. Standing Treat. A traveler may go all over the c mi nent of Europe, of Asia and Africa, without seeing any man, except an American offer to “treat.” and the Frenchmen are quite social enough, hut when they turn into a to sip their wine and branched coffee together, eaoh man pays for his own. When two Her mans. long separated, meet, they will bu very likely to embrace, and then to turn into an adjacent beer cellar, sit down and drink lager and eat pretzels, and chat, hut when they part again, each man settles his wn score in depot) k ntlv. So in Italy. The Italians r pr v ri :- ally merry and *nercu b pays tor ms > tie, tnatdm u n. gars. I hey nc*er go into each o:; pocket b ks the sacred u; me t tr epdsh ?•. They would as soon th;iil> f trao fcrrir.g to each other then w . or . oman s bids. i he preposterous fashion of trc-’tmu” is r spoilsihie o r the terrible and nk :i --uess in America Th w . ’ httie need oi te» . like' work f.r V 1 iV there is in ericai y. V? * •] * »i iii s pernicious o*-. m ,s *■ WJ.s -»i most ridiculous, the m * , -wAu?; : and the ni> st prstih rr ea. u n t laid its tyranicuj haad-> •. • . man beings. In the hour of distres- ml r the eye of every mortal turn r.. fnt-n . ship; in the hour of gladu*.:-' o. c n viviaiity’, what is our want ;* friendship. When the heart «*v ill mh with gratitude, or any other sweet and sacred sentiment, what is the word to which it would give utterance? My friend. Texas has anew game in cards.— One holds a revolver, the other holds the A coroner holds the inquest.