Calhoun weekly times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1873-1875, November 17, 1870, Image 3

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caltoun times. I,OC'AI. TOI’H JS. agents. ' Mb Ct.kmf.nt Abxomv is our authorized .(rent and all contracts made by him for this paper will be carried out by the publisher. Mr. John Er.Lis is our authorised agent to receive subscriptions and advertising for the Times. Atlanta Agent. Mb. L. Fullilove is our duly authorized a K ent in Atlanta. All contracts made by mm for advertising, subscription or job print ing, will be faithfully executed by the publisher. — - As Good as Money. 4* it mny be more convenient for some of our friends to furnish produce than green- j hacks. we propose to receive for subscription j any thing in the eating Gnc. SMWfg »,i0 Office IT. K. Hicks & Cos., A Agents, Calhoun, Ga.. V October 22, 1870. ) Owing to a large number of our agents Failing to make returns in time, and to the tickets not being all sold, the Grand Raffle and Sale is postponed to the 26th of DECEMBER, 1870, or sooner, if the tickets are all sold— due notice of which will be given. The Managing Agents return their thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon the enterprise, and respectfully so licit a continuance of the same for a short time, to complete the sale of all the tickets. Let none hesitate to buy tickets, for this is no New York hum bug, but only gotten up to dispose of 'property, and that by good citizens of the county. On the day of the raffle, the whole matter goes into the hands of the six commissioners selected by ticket holders, and not interested in the raffle or in tickets, giving all an equal chance, though absent, of drawing a prize. Agents must make returns by the 20th of December, or four days previous to the raffle. Respectfully, 11. K. IIICKS Si CO., nov3td Agents. We arc out of wood. County Officers, send your orders for all kinds of legal blanks to the Times office. To Sweet—hearts. —Nice white Envelopes, at the Times office —four packs for fifty cents. IRcction Tickets. We arc prepared to furnish Election Tickets, printed in good style, at the lowest figures. Candidates in Gordon and surround ing counties, send us your orders. Several of our friends place their names before the voters of Gordon coun ty through our “candidate” column this week. \ | x \j When you see a man throw away a chew of tobacco, and prepare to, “take a little,” you may know there’s a candi date ab nit. KaTDou t pay at the rate of five dol lars a gallon for poor writing ink, when for one dollar, you can buy a gallon of the celebrated Egyptian Ink. Sec ad vertisement. Furniture.—As our people begin to feel the recuperating effects of the fine crops with which we have been blessed this year, they begin to look around them for the best points at which to buy the comforts and conveniences of life. Many are just now replacing furniture lost or ruined during the war. and we would advise them to try the establish ment of W. T. Archer, in Atlanta, Ga. I hose of our citizens who have bought of Mr. Archer, say he is the man to buy* cheap furniture from. Almost an Accident.—Ex-Gov ernor J. E. Brown and family, together, with his parents, passed through our town last week, on a trip north. Arriv ing at our depot he learned that con veyance had been sent from his planta tion in this county, and concluded to stop over. Before his wife or mother had leit the car, the train started, and the latter in jumping from the steps, Edl upon a side-track; but, we are glad to learn, was not injured. lhe train was then stopped and the remainder of the party safely landed. J. &S. Bones & Co.—We are glad ta see any evidence of the material pros perity of our section of the Empire and nothing speaks louder for us as a people than such manufacturing and importing establishments as that ' 1 and. &S. Bones & Cos., of Rome and Augusta, Ga. If the dealers of this and neighboring counties will call and. examine their stock, or try them witP order, «c think they will be convinced 1 ‘t it is unnecessary to go hundreds of niihs from home to purchase anything tlicit line. See advertisement. I’eterson’s Magazine comes to us Jr D *»wber, unusually attractive, even "i Peterson-— two superb steel plates, a mammoth colored fashion plate, brilliant C ct^ <58 > ar, d all that goes to make up 11 "“P I*® 1 *® Magazine. This is, we think, by far th a J r uest magazine pub lished, lor the monov /co \ • ~ . money per year) m this country. From this date we will Bcu d Teter -8 J l»g>*iMand the Calhoun Times one year for §3.50. Crreat Stir in town about E E. IT Our Church. —There will be a meet ing of the people of Calhoun and ity on Friday afternoon, for the purpose of devising means for the completion of the church building. In the present condition of the house it will be out of the question to hold services there through the winter. The bad weather is upon us. The time for action is at hand—if we ever intend acting in the premises. Every citizen is interested in this matter —deeply interested. The people are moving in the matter —some have voluntarily contributed libraily already. Let the people of Calhoun determine the church shall be finished, and it will then be but a question of time. They v ill do it. Come to the meeting Friday after noon. Correspondence. R. Garlington, Esq.: Dear S r —Many citizens and democrats of Gordon coun ty. entertaining the opinion that the Convention which met in Calhoun on the 24th of September, failed to make a nomination, and being fully satisfied that the gentleman said to claim the nomination, is not the choice? of the par ty or the people, would most earnestly solicit you to become a candidate to rep resent the county in the next Legisla ture. We make the request after giv ing the subject fair and full delibera tion, taking into consideration the best interests of the county and the party. You will greatly oblige us by giving your consent to our request at your ear liest convenience, through the county paper. The letter which appears above, signed by many prominent citizens, was ban led me some and ;ys since. In reply, I beg leave to state that, while a seat in the Legislature has been wholly unsought and unsolicited by me, I will serve as the Representative from this county, if elected. The course I hereby take will the better enable the democratic party to exert their free and untrammelled choice of a Representa tive. If at any time it shall appear to me, that the true interests of the demo cratic party require it, or that such is the general will of the party, I shall cheerfully decline interposing any obsta cle to the harmony of the party, that might result from my being a candidate. To the gentlemen who sent me this letter, let me say, that I estimate very highly the unsolicited honor they have done me. Robert Garlington. [communicated.] Scnora Masonic Institute. Mr. Christian—Knowing the in terest you feel in institutions of learn ing, and the advancement of our much favored country, we will give you a brief description of a trip to Scnora: M e left Calhoun Friday evening with a merry party, in a Pitta & Johnson Spring AVagon, furnished by our worthy friend, Capt. Boaz. and arrived at Scno ra in due time for the Concert and Ex hibition to be given by Prof. Fulton’s School, where an ample repast awaited us, tendered by the citizens and students of the place. The Concert and Exhibition came off under the courteous and judicious man agement of the Principal. The declaim ing was excellent, and spoke highly for both the training and ability of the speakers. The Music Department is under the charge of Miss Melinda Smith, to whom Providence has almost denied one of na ture’s richest gifts—eye sight, but has given her a clear head, a warm heart, and an amiable dispositton, whose grate ful influence renders her pleasing to ev ery one, and wins friends of all whom she meets. Her class, many of whom are new beginners, and appeared, for the first time, upon the stage before an au dience. showed the care bestowed upon them by their trust-worthy tutoress, and that talent which will, some day, make glad the hearts of their parents and friends. I pon the exercises as a whole, we can not speak more highly than did the at tentive interest with which they were observed by that intelligent assembly. ibe many old familiar faces and the warm grasps of the hand that we met, but served to remind us of the various practical lessons of morality and true gentlemanly courtesy, which we had re ceived from that people, and impressed i t^lQ i m l ,ortance of that TWWBWfir a high school. It is in a section of “peace and plenty”- has fine water, a salubrious climate and good community. What more can we say in favor of it. than to suggest that Esquires Robertson, Evans and Gaston, Dr. Dud ly, Maj. Donaldson, Rev. Mr. Wilson, and many oilier worthy citizens who are j well known all through this section of country, to say nothing of the high qual ities of the ladies, (which we would not forget) live in the immediate vicinity of this institution. With these advantages, and the effi cient Principal and corps of teachers, we see no reason why the Senora Masonic Institute may not number as many stu dents asany high school in North Geor gia. Parents vho are of edu eating their sons and daughters to use fulness, would do well to give this insti j t'itlou a trial. * * * A Card. i «-■ * j Allow me Mr. Editor, through, the ! columns of your p ’pvr, to thank the* many kind friends who have solicited : me to become a candidate for re-election I to the clerkship of the Superior Court ! of Gordon county, at the coming elec tion. In declining the honor. I have a few words to sav : I have been twice h ner j ably elected to the position, which 1 now hold. In the character of clerk, I I have endeavored to discharge my duties I honestly aud conscientiously. My acts, ! as a citizen and officer are open to the 1 just criticism of the people. I would assign, as chief reason for declining to run. impaired health, if e eoted, 1 would be physically unable to attend to the duties of the office as I sh iuld desire. In conclusion, I would return my sincere thanks to those friends in old Gordon, who, in 18GG. and again in ISGB, attested, by their suffrage, their confidence in my ability and integrity. Whether or not I again appear in pub lic life. I eannos forget their flattering support in the past, and long will they be remembered by their humble friend. Very Respectfully, 11. C- Hunt. c. s. c. What means E. F. B ? Trying to Rob the Democrats of their Victories. Washington, November 12.—There was a protracted meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, at which the political situa tion was discussed as developed by Tues day’s elections, but with what conclu sion is unknown. It was admitted, how ever, that the proposed organization of the House on the 4th of March on the b isis of revenue reform, was more for midable than had been expected at first, and the fact was conceded that the Dem ocrats would at least have a hundred members. One member of the Cabinet expressed the opinion that the law convening the new Congress on that day would be re pealed by the Republicans at the com ing session, so that it would not meet till December,’7l. By such a course it was claimed that the proposed coali tion of the Democrats and revenue re formers could be staved off, if not alto gether prevented. ELECT! ON SI’ECU LATIONS. There has been a good deal of specu lation over the election returns among politicians of b >th parties here to-day, with the view of ascertaining whether there would be strength enough among those members elected as revenue re formers and those known as supporters of the civil service reform to elect a speaker, with the help of the free trade Democrats aud thus control the organi zation of the next House. The result of the recent election in Missouri, it is claimed here, is likely to have the same effect upon the pro gramme prop sod to have been arranged with regard to the Court of Claims, as the late election in Indiana had upon the English mission. It seems to have been settled that Chief Justice Casey, of that tribunal, was to have been suc ceeded by Senator Drake, who, in turn, was expected to be succeeded by a Re publican. The present complexion of the Mis souri Legislature will prevent the suc cessful carrying out of the latter part of the programme, and lienee it is expected that the Administration will have to seek elsewhere for a successor to Judge Ca sey. Tlie Bon tons all want E. F. B. Columbia. November 11. South Carolina. — The passenger train due here from Greenville, at three-forty five yesterday fell through a trestle twelve miles above Columbia. The mail and one second and two first-class passenger cars were precipitated twenty feet. Mrs. Phillip Fogarty, of Charles ton ; Chas. Joy, of Newberry, and two colored persons were killed. Col. Jas. Haygood, of Charleston, Stephen Smith, of Newberry, and Ilatson Lomax, color ed State Senator, were fatally hurt. E. F. 8., Great Female Regulator. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 11. A nother Negro Congressman. —About fifty-one counties heard from, in which the Democrats have 1.500 majority.— The remaining counties will give about 5.000 more majority. The Democrats elect sixty members of the Legislature oid of one hundred, and probably five more. The following are elected to Congress: First district, Turner (negr >) Radical; second district, Buckley, Radi cal; third district, Hanley, Democrat ; fourth district, Hayes, Radical; fifth district. Day, Democrat; sixth district, Sloss, Democrat. 3, IT. .- 5 5 ill fj ai l 5 5. 0? the population of Cincinnati 111- 110 are fern lies. There were, s .}'s the Louisville Cwrier-Jou rnal , originally, 111,111. bat unfortunately, the clay be fore th 3 census was taken one of them mistook a glass of Clnclunatti whiskey far Kentucky Bmvbni. and the deputy marshall refused to count the corpse. Kociiixomega, brother of the Mika do and heir apparent of the Japanese throne, arrived at San Francisco a few diys ago. He his come t) be educated —will spoil five years in on American university, and then go to Europe. Floyd county has 3.000 more whites than negroes. t.-C . ■ - -rJ. ' <_ l~a .ANY QUANTITY of “Fine Virginia Leaf’* and Manufactured Tobaccos at DkJvJUjuXLTT & SON’S, Broad & grids:a sts.. Home, Ga. Sugars, Confess, Teas. Syrup. Bice, Cheese, Pepper and Spice, and Factory Yarns in abundance at DrJOUKNETT & SON'S, Corner Stor<\ Home, Ga. A Good assortment of New Mackerel, Yhite Fish, &c., &c., for sale bv DeJOURXETT & SON, Cor. Bread & Bridge, sts., Romo, Ga. CANDIDATES. ! WE ARE AUTHORIZED uAn ; the name cl' JOHN It. ARTHUR, i candidate for the office of Treasurer of Gor | don county, at the ensuing election in Deecm | ber next. WE ARE AUTIIORIZED to an the nam' of N. .J. BOAZ, as a candi i date Jar the office of Treasurer of Gordon j county, at the ensuing election in December j next. I i WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the name of D. E. BARRETT, as a j candidate for the office of Clerk of the Snpc ; rior Court of Gordon county, at the ensuing i election in December next. ! AlfE .VILE AUTHORIZED to announce the ts name of T. J. NORTON, as a candidate for. the office of Tax Collector of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the name of W. G. C. DILLARD, Sr., as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. FOR TAX RE DEI VEjiT AA'e are authorized to announce the name of J. 11. McCOOL, as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Gordon county. Election in December next. FOIt~TAX RECEIVER. AVe tire authorized to announce the name of IV. M. RUSSELL, as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. FOR TAX RECEIVER. AVe are authorized to announce the name of JAMES M. REEVES, as a candidate for the. office of Tax Receiver of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December. FOR SHERIFF. AVe are authorized to announce the name of JOHN GRESHAM, as a candidate for Sheriff of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. If elected, Mr. G. W. TAYLOR will serve as Deputy Sheriff. FOR SHERIFF. AVe are authorized to announce the name of W. 11. STEWART, as a candidate for Sheriff of Gordon county, and JOHN H ODGINS as Deputy, at the ensuing election in December next. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. AVe are authorized to announce the name of T. M. ELLIS, as a candidate for Tax Collector of Gordon county. Election in December next. sep29te FOR TAX RECEIVER. AVe are authorized to announce the name of PRESTON C. MOSS, as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Gordon county. Elec tion in Dec mbernext. Mr. Moss is an orphan boy. and has a fam ily dependent on him for their support. FOR CIVIC SUPERIOR COCRT. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to announce the name of C. A. Harris, as a candi date for Clerk of the Superior Court of Gor don coni ty, at the ensuing election in December next. Sept 22—td FOR TAX COLLECTOR. G. R. BOAZ respectfully submits his nam : to the voters of Gordon county, as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector at the ensuing December election. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. AAT E Ann authorized to announce the name VY of CLEMENT ARNOLD, ESQ., as a suit able man for the office of Tax Collector of Gordon county. Election in December next. septß-187Gte MARKETS. CALHOUN FBICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY. Times Office, Nov. 17 1870. Butter—HO, from wagons. Cotton—l3 Bacon—Shoulders, r p ft 15@16 Clear Rib Sides, 18019. Clear Sides, 19020. Plain Hams, 18. Corn—New, 50 Chicken —from wagons, 15020 Coffee—Rio, T> 1b 2210,28. Java, 33035 Eggs—from wagons, loots. Flour—from wagons, 3 cents. Green Apples—7s cents. Honey—lG@lße. Iron—~p ft -1108. Lard—T3 lb 18020. Loath' r—Sole, r p lb 30@ fO. Upper, 5001 00. Kip Skins, each, §1 00@,55 00. Calf Skins, § f OOos7 00 Lumber—Dry, M. ft., $15020 Meal—From country mills Go. Nails—Cut, $5 25053 00. Oil—Tanner’s gal., $1 200140. Kerosene, “ “ 75080. Estrella, “ “ 40a50. Castor, pts., $8 25. “J “ S3 GO. Potatoes —Sweet, '4oa 50. Irish, 0 bushel, 50@G0 Peaches—Dried, unpeeled, 4ao—peeled Ga 7. Apples—3a4. Rye—7s Rags—Cotton, 8 cts., from wagons. Rope—Manila, fp ft 280 33 cts. Machihe, “ “ llul 21- cts. Cotton, “ “ 30a50.” Salt—o sack, $2 25. Sugar—Brow”, 0 ft loal7. Synip—Muscavado, T 1 gal., G5a75. Cuba Molasses, 50c T? gallon. Golden, gal., slal 25. Sorghum, gal., 60a75 cts. Tobacco—Leaf, ft 20a30. Medium, “ “ Goa7s. Prime, “ “ 90a$l 25. Tea—Sl 25a52 25. Wheat—Bsal 10. Wool—Washed. 0 lb 25a15 cts. Feathers— olb GO. Beaswas — p! lb 28. Tallow— ““ 10 Barley— ij) bush 00a 1 00. Oats— •• “ 50. _ _ * c Peas—9o GREAT BARGAINS in Callioun, CJa. o Suit, per sr,ck, §2.25 Sugar, 5 to 3 pounds for one dollar. -Coffee 4 “ « “ lloswell Thread, per bunch, I.GO Gulden Syrup, 75c Molasses. 45 to 50c Clear Side Bacon. 20c Lard, 21 e Rope, 20c Nails. Cl-to Sc i Horae and Mule shoes, 81 “ 9e | Clint'm Horseshoe Nulls, 28c All other articles in the Grocery line proportionately low. We, respectfully invite ail to “come and see.” oct2otf PITTS & JOHNSON. FOR SALS, IV, VO Barrels Golden Syrup, at Wholesale or Retail, at cost and carriage- Apply to Oct.l3tf. C. J. THAYER & ad. - - ■ ■■ - Always on hand, the very lest and cheapest of Gvccerics. For sale bv DeJ OUR NETT & SON, Cor. Broad & Bridge at*,, Rome, Ga. Wholesale Merchants —AND — llaii fMt ttierst N. W. & S. W. Corners Public Square, JASPER, - TENN. Dry Goods Department: CANKDOXIAN I*> KB S3 TAUT AX 3, Beautiful Style?—Only 22J cents. Corded Alpaca— 27 i cts. per yard. AMI RES - Beautiful STY LBS, At 22} c-nts per y*rd. Mohair Poplins — Double Width. At 33& cents per yard. POPLIX ALPACA—DoubIe Width. At 30 cents per yard. SILVER SHIELD—DoubIe Warp. BLACK ALPACAS, We will sell No. 15, 40 cents. No. 35, 50 cents. No. 25, 45 cents. No. 45. 60 cents. No. 55, 65 cents. Also, we would call especial attention to our “Royal Standard” Black Alpacas. (Trade Mark Registered in England,) IMPORTED TO IS. “ They are especially adapted for the Fall Trade , and on account of their extra weight, they hang in the dress and suit, and are de signed to take the place of the poplin Alpaca, and at far less cost. IUICE LIST. NO. NO. 3, 37 lc 55, 67 5,422 c 75, 75c 15, 45c So, SOc 25, 50c 99, 85c 35, 55c 115, 95c 45, 60c 125, 1.10 We have reduced the price of our * JAPANESE SILK POPLIN ROBES To $10.75 each. These are the cheapest goods in the mar ket. We have all shades. The above prices are as low as some goods can be bought in New York at Wholesale.— Send for samples. 20,000 Yards SEQUATCHEE A No. 1 DOESKINS, In Steel-Mixed, Grey, Blue, Gold, Red and Brown. At 02 1-2 Cents Per Yard. These goods are guaranteed une qualled. Send orders. The Empire Boulevard Skirt, At One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents. This is New York Wholesale prices. COTTON YARNS, We are wholesale agon Is for the Em pire State Cotton Mills, and will sell Cot ton Yarns in any quantity, at manufac turers’ prices. We quote to-day: No. 500, 12t cents. “ 600, 12 V “ “ 700, MO “ Short Ilank, one dollar and thirty-five cents per bale of five pounds. This thread is guaranteed unequalled. WE call the attention of our consu mers to our brands of Irisli Linen & Linen Handkereli’fs. No. 1 Irish Linen, 40 cents. No. 2 “ “ 45 cents. No. 3 “ “ 60 cents. We have Henry’s Linen Hand kerchiefs at 75cts., SI.OO, $l2O and $2.00 per dozen. We also call attention to our Table Linens and our Linen Shirt Fronts. We have Pure Lin»n Shirt Fronts at lOcts each ; also at 12.}, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40cents each—the latter usually sold at SI.OO. The above prices are guaranteed to be less than half the usual prices charged for same goods by Retail Merchants. Will sell 5000 dozen Best American 3 cord Spool Thread—Warranted 200 yards, AT 35 CENTS PER DOZEN. Send us an early order. e:f. redfield & co. Jasper, Tennessee. Agricultural Department, Call son’s Broadcast Seed Sower, TIIEB EST IN’ USE. PRICE TEN DOLLARS, Will save its price in one barrel of seed. Agents wanted. Send for circulars. Also, we will sell: 225 Dodge Perfect Plows, No. 1, SO. 250 44 “ “ No. 2,810. 500 “ “ “ No. 3, $lO. 250 “ “ “ No. 4.512. 150 “ “ “ No. 5, sls. 250 Dodge Double Shovel Plows, S9. 1000 Dodge Kentucky Stock Bells at manufacturers prices. 1000 Galloon's Seed Sowers, 610. 250 Pittsburg Steel Peacock Plows. No. 1, 89. 250 Steel Peacock Plows, No. 2, 810. 500 Pittsburg Steel Plows, No. 3, 811 200 Steel Peacock Plows. S T o. -J, 812. And five hundred other Steel Plows at manufacturers prices. See terms to clubs and send orders. We have at all times an immense stock of Agricultural Implements and .Machin ery, all of wh’n h will be sold at manu facturers prices. We have a large invoice of ten-inch Monkey Wrenches, which we will sell at . 5 cents. TSHM6 TO CiUBSi We offer the following great induce ments to farmers clubbing together for their Agricultural Implements: "Wn have ov ?r one thousand plows—all sold rt Manufacturers’ net prices, WITHOUT FREIGHT. To clubs ordf ring ten plows at onetime, we will oie extra {>low, same size as others ordered. We have in stock, over one thousand Ca hoon’s Broadcast Seed Sowers. To clubs or dering six at one time, we will send one ma chine FREE. We 3cll Gale’s Copper Strip Feed Cutter, an 1 warrant it to be the best in use. To clubs ordering 10st one time, wc will send 1 free. We sell the Star Corn-Sheller, bothd able and single, warranted the best in use.’e Star worth SI3. Double Star worth §24. — Clubs ordering ten at one time, will receive one. same size, free. We freely warrant everything we sell, and the above will enable farmers to obtain thcii favm implements cheaper than they can fron ; any other market. We furnish illustrated price lists and catalogues, when desired. Send orlers immediately to E. F. REDFIELD & CO., Wholesale Merchants & Manufacturers Public Suuare. Jasper Term. novlo’7o-ly W . D. HOYT & CO. DUUGS, MEDICIXE9, DRUGGIST SUNDRIES, No. 43, Broad st., ROME, GA. 'Wlioicsalo Agents Por Rosadalis, Plantation Ritters, California \ inegar Biitcrt*. Ed Wilder A- Co’s. Preparations. Pemberton. Taylor & Co* PrapV Ayer k Go’s. Preparations, White Lead, and Linec i Oil. * All of which will be sold at Manufacturer'* Prices. ~ r; j,, > 7*j.j r $6,000 For One Dollar! j 830,000 Worth' of Heal F.state Personal Property, j To b? Rs filed for at Calhoun. Ga., DECEMBER 26, 1870. Every Ticket Guaranteed a Prize. SO,OOO For One Dollar! $6,000 Fur One Dollar ! 1 Rafiio to be. conducted by six sworn Com missioners. Agents Wanted—to whom a liberal com- j mission will be given. References—Col. W. 11. Dabney, Atlanta, . tin., and county officers. Send for circulars. ! tickets, &c. to H. K. HICKS A CO M oc*2otd Calhoun, (Jr*-. OO.OOO'SJfr; LY GItEEXBA CKS, GrT.TTHUISr j&. "WMA/ST! -V FORTUNE FOR Ow. TWO POLIAKS! No Bogus Gift Enterprise! But a Genuine Institution! THE ALABAMA IMMIGRANT ASSOCI V TION, incorporated under the laws of the i State of Alabama, have resolved to give one j GRAND ENTERTAINMENT! In the city of Montgomery’, Ala., on S; It urday, iJecemlx’r 31, 1870, or, a soon before as the Tickets arc all sold, at ! which time ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS in U. S. currency will be given away, to holders of Tickets,*as follows: 1 Gift in U. S. cur’cy of $25,000. is $25,000 1 “ “ “ of 10,000, is 10.000 2 Gifts “ of 5,000,are 10,000 5 “ “ “ of 2, 000, arc 10,000 10 “ “ “ of I,ooo,arc 10.000 20 “ “ “ of 500,are 10,000 100 “ “ “ of 100,are 10.000 1500 “ “ “ of lO.are 15.000 1G39 Gifts of SIOO,OOO The Award of Gifts V> ILL be made under tl e supervision of three Sworn Commissioners, gentlemen of well-known integrity and high standing. At ter deducting the expenses of the Entertain ment, the balance of the money will be ap propriate! to tlie objects for which the Asso ciation was iormed, viz : the introduction of European Labor in the Southern States. The reputation and cha acterof the Incor porators of this Association, coupled wityev eiy safe-guard that the law of the land can throw around it, is a guarantee that the dis tribution will be Honestly and Fairly made, and that, every protection will be given hold ers of Tickets in every part of the country. In order to give all, Rich and Poor, an op portunity at this Grrantd. Sclieme! By which they may become enriched in an hour, the Price of 'Tickets has been put at ONLY TWO DOLLARS. A discount of ten per cent, will be made to purchasers of SSO, and a discount of 20 per cent, to purchasers of SIOO worth of Tickets. WE HAVE NO AGENTS. 125,000 Tickets Only will be Sold. Parties at a distance desiring to purchase Tickets must remit the money, direct to the •‘Association.’ as per address below, ALABAMA IMMIGRANT ASSOCIATION, Montgomery, Alabama. Read what the Montgomery city paper.- that know the gentlemen, who are the mana gers and incorporators of this Association, have to say as to their reliability and honesty: (From the Drill/ Alabama State Journal.) The American people are strictly a people 0t fortune ; they like to take a chance at a big fortune fora small sum of money. This scheme affords them this opportunity. The first award and the highest is $25,000. The low st is ten dollars. The price of tickets is on ly two dollars. When was such an opportu nity presented to make a “pile'’ on such a small investment ? The incorporators of the Association are Julicn Homans and Otto Schcrf, Jr., of New York, and J. G. Stokes and It. Green*:, of Montgomery. For the benefit of the public, we will statethat the As sociation is perfectly solvent—the gentlemen who compose it are of character and integri ty, and we believe they will see to it that the project is honestly and faithfully carried out. (Freon the Mon'joinery Daily Mail.) The ioe operators are two well-known and vvrahhy New Yorkers, Messrs Otto 8< Jierf, Jr , and Jtdien Homs,ns, and Messis J. G. Stok*sard U. Greene, of Mon’gort erv. These gentlemen wilt fulllu lv carry out tlie designs of the usso c'at'o , which p'Opores to give a series of mag itic- ni vote ainmenis, ui lim Li'st of w hich one hundred thousand dollars in currency will be g ven sway to In hie 9 of lick ts, in Minis ranging from * if* t<* $2.», ( '00 The Compiny will open them Mon'gnmery « filer, at once REFMKhXi-KS—Anr Ha* k>-r Merchant, or Busme-* man of reputation 1n 'ferity, novlotd ATLANTA CITY DIRECTORY. Auction. Barrett & May SOU —Auction & Coru mi-sion Merchant*. Marictte st., Atlanta. Ga. J. 11. Barrett, Auctioneer; A. 8. May son. Cashier and Financial Manager. Consign ments solicited. Cash advanced on goods in store. sept 29'70-3 in M. Menkci, Bro. & Co.—Dealer? in STABLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Ac. Liberal inducements offered to country mer chants. 2S Whitehall st., 2 doors from Ala bama street, (next to Jack's Confectionery.) Atlanta, Ga. sept29’7o-6m HAIR DRESSING AND MILLINERY. Ladies’ Hair Dressing Establishment. 11 ADAME Y. ILDA—No. 40, Whitehall st.. 11l Atlanta, Ga. Rea! and imitation Hair Goods always oa hand. Fancy and Orna mental work done to order. sept29’7o-2m A TTOFN’EYS A T LA W. OTIS JONES—Attorney at L: w. Will practice in all the Courts of Atlanta and adjoining circuits. Office, corner WliiteJittll and Alabama s’s., AGxnta, Gr. sept29-6m FM. JACK —Manufacturer and I)eal . cr in all kinds of Candies, Crackers, vanned Fruits, Pickles, Sanees, Nuts, Baif*- ns. Cakes, Preserves. Jellies, Foreign Fruits, Toys and Fancy Willow-Ware; also. Fancy- Family Groceries. sept2U’7o-3m T b7LANGFORD, Wholesale and IJ. Ueta l dealer in Stoves, Hollow Ware, Tin-Ware, Cutl-ry \c . 1 c., Atlanta, Ga. Bov. -A— Martin, ATTORNEY AT LA IF, DAHLONEGA, - - - GEO. Nov 10 IS7O ts SO,OOO For Ono Dollar! SICKNESS. PAIN & DEATH Legitimate!? re* ill as penalties for * toiallol I if natural ‘ana. Pom which Tsore escape. The ta*i**d check. the p deaad w*n 'cA'n-es tl e dud.e*o, ll.arli.iuLd intellect, a.e and ep he.tire s t*», the feeble at and emaciated fiume, sh? d-j.-et*.. Ui-* *»i, the totlpi tut JC*it, all indie'l# |<rr*Miua iraweg region of lew Kn* wing that “ptMnawtt. ra inn a die diief > f time,** a'l i telfigeat bring* *t>|Jv ft.r sniue nnir*li s»* «u n se cit*urrxlinae; ?s Nil those who do not im( upon the t.'i. cip'e lh*t “d*. avs ate d»s struts.," general*? L.m more tive and p. r n.« ic m my. 1 lumseiirta r*f mothca «nd daugh » • in allata -I'*’"** ar< J comduoi.e «u pf.., n'« euffe: rjr, haear. ing and OUig fr in b? tfl’etaid act.e 4t«ade4 tt.u dtfvdtu! Hut claims i;a tic iu.a ihnu„h. ut the leofttb si.ii brred h of om lai d. Mar * fi-iiittles sutfer in seme wirtt.tdi tr*> i> iKHlieii eome cum are ir* eicat !>eiil at tba cumoieticement ..f oiensuuation, wh ianthci on* dread its Hrchm at ihe "turii of li e.“ Son,, tiiraa the menetmal tOw i* too luuch, «»r t*a» titt'e, a* £ia* t».- attended witti pain; may be irrtgular **r *h ck-d, ur chang'd in tp; < a'- •end. and with .. her d-at esaieg avmptom*. ] eu conlcea, in die "White*,’* tuqnentl? diaina the sve'.tm ih ulce atum us the n uu.b may euatepatn cause mi id fiios’rs'ion. Fal ii g of the \?i mb is an exceedingly cnmirnn cnmpl int, ffiviue lunch tmuble and d'streae, wh ch, under oruina y lre'utmei.l, u difficult to cute. Hysterics Oteen Huknew*. liriubili'? nf tha Mon.b aido ht i .-e'ti us and <ata ouuip ! ainta'id. !< w the letnal- sex' throughout Ihe. ].«*-• o a medical genihman who has or can relirre ihe f.*ii sex ot thenUne tnuibler f Nut man?. U there no combination of remedial agent* that will come to ter te cu« ? We anmu tr. Y«a. ENGLISH* Femal "bITtSTs! ThernilyacVn. Uterine Tonic and Femal* ik Li tor krutwn, *ill curt ull iLom* iitmve menttrmed in an inciediblt shot t tine. Th* Hitters at once amuses, atrengihena and teatorea In? w.'inb to it a t.alu'ai coi.dilion, ien.o*iiig oh* atiuctiona, p*in and rrgulnting tha monthly period. Yfg'der Standa a pale, f«eb e ind Lnguid girl, just bursting into womanhood , >be is the pride of all, hut l ark! she ailebliy atea'a j* I*'* k’e, eats chalk, or * slate jiencil; no appetite I r food; a) e turns with a dull eve and aeeks aof dude; I cr eye no longer spaikles; her merry •uiigh is r o h rger lieaid ring.i g through tfie in; slie mopes about with h'o dbas lips and gums, with headache, palpitation, constipation. e**itn* ■ othe he H, cold feet ar.d hands, n,'a nr bob ’ f 'heh is a coa'ed tongue, off. tiaire bteaib, uad a host of other e? Is too nnmetous to tnentioo. \( hen neglected all these symptoms become tg/iavated. there is sick stomach, heartburn, a .la Ic line settles under rhe eyes, the legs ard I* t* swollen, the hair loses its gloss and ! hIIs off, there is brittleness aid splitting o’ the fr g-T-nails, swollen abdomen, extieme Dervous' ness, Iretfub ess, pains and aches, dr? cough. Hysterical Fits, rapid prostiatt n, rpi epsy and dea'b ! If yon, nr any of your friends,are thus «Rinded, send a’ once for a Mottle of English Fe male Hitteisand becur.d. It effects are magical •v such complaints. 8 rely no mother will post pme and del*) this duty until DEATH IS AT^hFdOOR - ! In all these complaints the system etidently a want of iel blood, and Mr. Chu chill in his work on 1) senses nf Feina'es, sa\ a : “BeaiiDg in mind the blood is remarkably deficient in ted corpusclts. and the know,) propert? of nos to collect this Condition, theory suggests it as he most to be relied otj, the best of which is the Citra'e. Citrate of Iron enters I .rgely int. compositio? o' English Female Hi t* rs, cr.mblred with powerful regetable tonics of taie qualities. Among the mountains of Tennes-ee and the piuey woods id Ms i sippi, is found a cei tain Laid and fl nty mol, which has been in secret u-« b? oate old midw:?es for many years, poo*ea*ing rnsgic tsiwera in r g.ilatiug snd restoring all ft males sofi'eiing with any uffection of the womb. 1 his root we nave obtained gave it a fair t«st in our practice and it is now one of the princ plein g»edieDts iu these Hitters Other powerful ntaitrs andgcuetal tonus also enter intuits couiposition We also add Leptai and a or Black roof, snfEcient to act upou the liver and ktep the bowels open BLOOMING YOUNG GIRLS, ; iihhv T f?t'.LTJ^;^llBnnitMWVVga3KSBSBfSSl .VI d.tle aged mutrons, those at the ciiticul period, and the ug**d grandmother, are all cured by tb* use of owr Engi rt) Female Bitter*, now presented and ured by physician* ail over tbe couditt. Il you are tumbled with Falling of tbe W mb, attended with* senr-e ot weight and bearing down nam iii the back and side, and other attends*! -vi’s, English Female Billets sill give entire re lief. Th >i>e at the ‘ turn of life,” a>othe>* after eaa linetm nt, and all i.thers < male or female) w ho ar* conr*!e.-cent» ftom any j»r. traded or debilitating complaint, who gain strer gth slowly, and whoa# d-g.-atioo is slow and imperfect, wi I find these Bitters the vety tLit g their -y»t» m demands, ft aivcs a powerful appetite, aids and assists digee non. arotthea the liver, strengthens mentally at and physically, and tills the w ht»le system with pure criuiaon blood coursing through its chaur eia. rcsrragsar, g.;, wobe Common Grog-Shop Bitters. rer-3sr.-i. ■ -imy, .aiiMi. Kit ply Bitter Bett es, of rarionn aty’ea. can be 'ound art no I every dwelling and cabia 1 bnnugboot the land. Tneir ta-fe is pleasant, and are Anveiaiseo to cure t Imost every di.-eare, while the manufacture! * know tl cy posses* ru medicinal j ropertits whatever. They me so man v •Jiset Ura for excetdingiy common beverages w Inch do not, nor can not*possibly cure a-y one. Beware of t* esc- plat ant bitters in quart bat tles, they contain a sting for yoar vitals, and be who buys 'hem ca-tie* a “toper *” g rg into hie house. One man who knows nothing abou 1 med cir>e, at»' g his big bottles of common stuff will cu e chills and fever, rhumatram and cansuo p— t on ; another, whose bottle is very fancy. cures ad impurities of the blood, rnak esold m-n y coog, casts ont devils, restores sight to she blind, and numerous other n itaclca; while jet another, wLe presumes every man a drunkard, proposer to cure c lie ingrowing r ails. reßow f«-ver. neert disease 4®d love sick maidens f! We know they make »o Such cores, we know the people at large are tereived »nd »e indled, and as we desire l*» vea •ilate th- *- e-*nitson humbugs maze tb* loilow r g challenge to one and all: ■a?.’ iy : 3 KsL * - •TV J tl B ay^W2SJP 1 / 1 'faKßßggM ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS That ore tc.a.-poonful of ENGLISH FEMALE BIT I FRS c. ntains as much medicinal properties va one bo lie • f any ot the p rasanliy tas'» J enra uiou a*srt rt».«ed bitters ot the •ay ! The medical pro esc ion to decide the question. Be it under* a:ood that Lnglteb Female Hillers is not a bever age, but is a powerful Iron and Vegetable Tonis combined, curing 'ong sis- ding chronic female complaints in ever-v directum. Tut up in large bottles at $1.50 |#r bottle, ot sis bottle* p,i fh.mO, aid sold by Druggists aad Meicbantft evervwhere J P. DiiUilt.OOLE * C 0.. Prop’s, Aiemphia, Tena. DBOMGOOLEA CO.'S BBCHU. The &**t and (heap** combination for ab »f~ fecti ns of tbe Kidneys tod Bladder ever offered to tbe public. It is prepared by regular pbysu cans and u.-ed bv the pr.'fes-ioo. I’rc fl or Hit bottle* tor $5. Sold by Drag* I gists and klerei a»ts evervwhere J P. Dlit*Jlt.UO'.E it CO., •e, *t«ai*hia, Tvaa.