Calhoun weekly times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1873-1875, November 17, 1870, Image 4

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AGRICULTURE. Short-Comings in Farming. Buy guano at £IOO per ton. have it spread during a windy day, on ground broken from one and a hall’ to two inches deep, get your cotton burnt up by the first trying drouth, and conclude that “guano won’t pay.” Turn up thin land deep enough to bury the soil two or three inches, with unauieliuratcd, cold subsoil, apply no stimulating manure to “bring out ’ your puny young plants, and thereupon de clare that deep plowing is a humbug. Subsoil your land without providing drainage for the escape of the w ater from your subsoil, and abuse book-farming because you are a fool. Cut one center drain through a flat of several acres, provide no side drains for cutting off seep water from the land around, and wonder that your cotton will rust so. Employ a hireling at ten dollars per month, and get out of patience because he don’t attend to your business more closely than you do yourself. Give that hireling a poor mule, poor gear, and poorer plow, then feel discour aged because you get such poor plowing done. Give him a fat mule, good gear and a pointed plow, fail to look after him close ly, and see what he will come to. Make half-way arrangements for feed ing and paying your hands, and expect them to work decently. Always ascribe your want of success to some other cause than the right one. Feed your mules in an open shelter, open to the depredations of feath ered tribes by day, and the African tribes by night, then wonder why your stock will keep poor. Spend hundreds of dollars for com mercial manures, while your mules waste most of theirs in an open lot, because you can’t spare one hundred to fix up a comfortable, roomy stable. Lending your money at seven per cent, instead of investing it in guano, from reliable parties, putting on land well prepared and well worked, and real izing five times as great a profit. Tell your neighbors how they ought not to do, then go and do that very way yourself—like the writer.— Correspon dence in Rural Carolinian. Ruta Bagas. —There is no crop more easily or certainly produced in our Southern country than Ruta Bagas. A proper attention to the preparation of the soil and the planting of the seed, en sures a generous yield. The following from an exchange is not an over esti mate of their value as food for milch cows: I raised and fed them for twenty years, and from my own experience know that oat and barley straw, with one peck of turnips night and morning, will keep a cow in a better condition, and furnish more milk and butter, than the very best hay with no roots. My cows the past winter never ate u feed of hay till Jan uary, and they held out their milk and kept their flesh far better than they have at other times with the best of hay.— My experience is that rutabagas fed to cows regularly in the winter, do not give the milk or butter any unusual or un pleasant flavor. —►- Novel Mode of Butter Making.— A correspondent of the San Francisco Argus gives the following new method *of making butter at a ranch in Mendo cino county, California: While stopping at the farm, 1 witnessed a most novel, and, to me, new method of making but ter. While giving directions how to do it, my hostess detected my thoughts in my face—seeing is believing. “Come.” said she, “I will give you a convincing proof.” I followed her to the milk room ; I saw her place a quantity oi cream in a thick linen sack, then roll the sack in a large cloth, and place it in a hole that had been dug in the sand for the purpose. It was then covered up with sand, and a board placed over it. The next morning, when removed, it came out as fine a roll of butter as I ever saw taken from the churn. It re quired but little working, as the earth had absorbed nearly every particle of milk. It is now five days old as I write, and just as sweet and solid as butter can be. Moon Fallacy. — l have seen sever al articles in your paper in regard to cutting timber by “moon signs.” More than forty years ago I cut for a number of years, at different times in the year, considerable second growth white beech for stocks, which, 1 think, is the worst wood known to preserve sound (or keep from getting -‘dozy,” as we used to call it ) After trying many inooney exper iments summer and winter, I came to this conclusion, that the true secret was to cut the timber when there was the least possible amount of sap in the body of the tree—say the coldest weather in the winter, or the warmest in summer— June or February, when the sap is in the tops or in the roots of the tree. Ev ery tree I cut after the sap began to start in the spring was sure to u doze,” until June, when I found it safe to cut again.— 'Cor. Scientific American. Ts we were only half as lenient to the living as we are to the dead, how much happiness might we render them, and how much remorse might we be spared when the grave has closed over them. No character ean be lastingly injured by a fearless discharge of duty. Cal umny or prejudice may obscure it for a time, but iu the end it will shine all the brighter for the clouds which obscured it. Owe no Man Anything.- Horace Greeley says: “If you have but titty cents, and can get no more for a week, buy a peck of corn, parch it and live on it, rather than owe a dollar.” Many a man thinks that it's virtue that keeps him from turning a rascal, when it’s only a full stomach. One should be careful and not mistake bread for principles. To make a woman a scold, give her a husband who comes home drunk. To Drake a man a drunkard, give him f wife who will soold him every time he comes kmum. Full Report of the War. Louis and Will Went up the hill, To fight like naughty geescs; Louis fell down, And broke his crown. And Will picked up the peices. Then Eugenie She had to flee; A foreign home did Bub seek. The Prussians, queer, Drank lager beer, And France cried Vive Republique ! Puzzle. —Here is something worth studying. If any of our readers can solve it and see the point, they are at perfect liberty to do so : I FY QUO WEFO RYOUR PAPE RPA YI T. *— proud and loving Missouri father, in setting forth the accomplishments of his daughter, said she could “everlust ingly paw ivory and howl, and could paw a washboard like a mule.” A coarse, ill-natured man died one day, and his friends assembled at the funeral, but no one had a good word to say for the deceased. At last a kind hearted German, as he turned to go home, said, “ Veil, he vas a good schrno ker.” 1870. 1870. Come, Everybody and Buy nsr E AW FALL; WINTER DRY GOODS, Ready-Made Clothing ! Groceries, AND GENERAL PLANTATION SIIPPLIR BOAZ, BARRETT & CO., - AT TIIE 13i<jf Hi'iclc Store I NEAR TIIE RAILROAD. WE are always prepared, with a full and complete stock, to offer induce ments to purchasers of STAPLE DRY GOOD, FANCY DRESS GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, Ac. We also keep a large and choice Stock of FAMILV MlIRIIS! Which we are prepared to sell as Cheap as anybody in this part of the country. Our stock consists in part of SUGAR, COFFEE, FLOUR, BACON, LARD, SYRUP, RICE, SALT, Tobacco, Ynd, in fact, everything usually found it „ FIRST CLASS Family Grocery Store. We are “regularly' in” the Wheat Market, nd pay the Highest Market Prices ft. Vheat and Produce generally. BOAZ, BARRETT & CO. CMDnnn O-t 1 1 1 ‘f ATTENTION EVERYBODY! o POST® r" HARLAN, Would remind the people of Cherokee Georgia of the fact that they are still at their old stand on the corner of Court House and Wall streets, ready to supply every body's wants in the way of Btfiflt M'S fMCY DHT G-OODS! O&OTHIft e, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Ac. At as Low Prices for Cash a3 any other matt cau possibly afford to do. They also keep a select stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY &c., Which arc sold at the lowest market prices. Will pay market prices for all kinds of country produce. Aug 11 1 ls NEW GOODS AT New Prices ! Just Arrived and Arriving F r o m N e w York ! r, mTyoung 11AKXS pleasure in informing the Trading Public that he has on hand A LARGE and GENERAL Stock of FALL 5 WINTER GOODS, Which he has selected in person, with special care to the LATEST STYLES and CHEAPEST PRICES, for articles combining Beauty of Finish with dur ability of Texture. My stock comprises everything in the DRY GOODS LINE, usuasly kept in this market. FAMILY CROWi!! Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee; Loaf, Clarified and Brown Sugar ; Bacon, Lard, Flour, Syrup, Rice, Teas, Liverpool Salt, &c. Boots, Shoes and Hats, HARDWARE, Iron, Woodware, Oils, Paints, Drus, Medicines, Dyestuffs. Hem- LOCK LEATHER. Also, a good supply of the Athens and Roswell Yarn always on hand. THE BAR ROOM, In tlie Cellar, Is supplied with every variety of Bran dies, Wines, Cordials, Rum, Gins, &c. Pure Corn Whiskey, Mellow with age. from barrels soiled with the dust of days agone. My entire Stock has been purchased in the best market in the country, at Greatly Reduced Prices, and will be Sold for CASH As Low as the Lowest. COUNTRY PRODUCE, at the highest market price, taken in exchange for goods. Call and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere. Nothing charged for showing them. Fisk’s Patent Metalic Burial Cases For ordinary interments, Depositing in Vaults and transportation, they have no rival. Made of most imperishable material. A good assortment always on hand. R. M. YOUNG. COTTON STATES i e Insurance Cos. OF MACON, GA. Capital, - - - $500,000. Deposited with St te Authorities for protec tion of I’oliev-holders, and realizing at hast S per cut, $ 150,000. All Policies Including “Ordinary Life,” Non-Forfeiting and so Provi ded in the Policy. No Restrictions on Residence Or Travel. AS LOW AS TS JferTATIbLE WITH SAFETY. RETURN PREMIUM AND JOINT life I»or ICIES ALSO PARTICIPATE IN PROFITS. A loan of One-Third the Premium giv en. when desired, on all kinds of Poli cies and no Notes taken therefor. 1,800 POLICIES ISSUED; LOSSES PAID, $32,500. COMPANY MUTUAL. Dividends Declared Annually After The Second Year. Wm. B. JOHNSTON, Pres't. W. S. HOLT, Vice-President. Geo. S. Obeak. Secretary. J. W. BURKE, General Agent. C. F. McCAY, Act’y. J. MERCER GREEN. Med. Ex. Dr. D. G. HUNT, Med. Ex. at Calhoun, Ga. Agents wanted. Apply to \YM. JR MAG ILL, Supt. of Agencies. sept 2 70-tim Wonderful Invention! o rn tt ip -p f \ T 1 LGIFiIR liPOWDffi MAKES a beautiful,glossy Black Ink. which, after thorough tests, has proven itself superior to any writing fluid now in use. For DEEDS, RECORDS, Ac., it is superior to any heretofore offered—re maining black and bold upon paper af ter passing through tests which obliter ated other inks in a moment. A Gallon for One Hollar! This wonderful powder is put up in 1 gallon packages, which are sent to any part of the country, pre-paid. on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. THE PROCESS OF MAKING is very simple—only put the Egyptian Ink Powder into a gallon of boiling water, stir well, and you have a gallon of supe rior writing ink. After thoroughly testing this ink for two years, we have taken the agenev for this State, and will send the powders to any part of the State, on receipt of the price—ONE DOLLAR. If, in any case, entire satisfaction is not given, the money will be refunded on application. Address all orders to “TIMES OFFICE,” nov3tf Calhoun, Ga. TIN-WARE AND Cooking Stoves! W.T.HALL&BRO., WOULD inform the public that they are prepared to fill all orders in the Tin-Wars Line, At as LOW PRICES as any similar estab lishment in Cherokee Georgia. Our work is put up by experienced work men, and will compare favorably with any in the country. O In these days of Freedom, every good husband should see that the “gnot wife” is supplied with a good Cooliing Stove, And we are prepared to furnish any size or style desired at the Lowest Possible Prices. Give us a call. aull,tf ( A I II( >!>. CHEAP CASH STORE The undersigned, having purchased the Stock of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE AND GROCERIES of JOSEPH O. DOBBINS, now offers them at very Low JPigmres. Come around and give me a eall, and examine for yourselves. 1 solicit a liberal patronage and I propose to sell for VERY SMALL PROFITS FOR CASH. H. C. HUNT. Aug 11 1 ts WAGON&BUGGY Manufactory! Z. T. GRAY, Respectfully announces to the people <f Gordon and surrounding counties that his Wagon and Buggy Manufactory at CALHOUN, GA, is now in full blast. He is prepared to fur nish any style buggy or wagon at SHORT NOTICE, —AND AT — PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. My work is well known to many of the people of North Georgia, and speaks for itself. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS, DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. Blacksmith Shop. In connection with my establishment is a blacksmith shop, where all work in that line is promptly attended to. The best of Workmen are employed in every department, and en tire satisfaction always given. Aug 11 1 ts CHEROKEE IAMTAHG CO., DALTON , GA. Manufactures all Kinds of FIMUNTITUIIE, Os the best material this country affords, and very superior in style and workmanship, which they offer to the public and the gen eral trade, as low as can be afforded. Chairs & Bedsteads a Speciality. Blinds. Doors, Sash and Job Work, to or der, on short notice. Dr. D. G. Hunt is our Agent at Calhoun, Ga., and keeps a good supply of Furniture on hand. J. W. WALKER, Sup't. L. D. Palmer. Secretary. aug2GTO-ly SHARP, BOROItiHSTCO TOBACCO, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 84 Whitehall st., :::::: Atlanta, Ga. Manufacturers Agents for the sale of Virginia and North Carolina Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, and Wholesale dealers in Cigars, Snuffs, Pipes, &c. Leaf Tobacco a speciality. aug!93m (.ESTABLISHED IN 1855.) J.O. MATHEWSON, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT I -4 UG USTA, GEORGIA. sept 22 1870 ly WOODEN WARES, Willow Ware, Tin and Crockery Ware, for sale by Df..TOURNETT & SON, C VC. Broad & Bridge sts., Rnme, G*. Groceries at Atlanta Prices! PITTS & JOHNSON, Wholesale and Retail GROCERS And dealers in WHEAT, CORA, And North Georgia and Tennessee Produce Generally. Our facilities for Buying are unsurpassed, 'and we are enabled to furnish Country Merchants and Planters, of this section with GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AT ATLANTA PRICES. We pay the Highest Market Prices In Greenbacks, for Wheat. A trial is only necessary to convince the people that we Mean "What we Say. and See us, on South side of Court House Street. Calhoun, August 11, 1870. ts T. M. ELLIS. W. M. COLBURN. ELLIS & COLBURN, Manufacturers and Dealers in HARNESS, SADDLES and BRIDLES, FINE FRENCH CALF BOOTS AND SHOES, AND all kinds of work usually done in a First Class Boot and Shoe Shop. We keep constantly on hand and for sale, Harness and Sole Leather, Also, a good stock of SHOES and SHOE FINDINGS, which we will .sill Cheap for Boots and Shoes made to order at Short Notice. In this department we employ the best of workmen, and guarantee satisfac tion. We pay cash for all GOOD HIDES. ELLIS & COLBURN. Calhoun, August 11, 1870. ir±iX liiLbl . Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 10,000 Words and Meanings not in other Dic tionaries. 3,000 Engravings. 1840 Pages Quarto. to add my testimony in its favor. U [Pres’t Walker, of Harvard.] livery scholar knows its value. Jlj [W. H. Prescott, the Historian.] The most complete Dictionary of Language. [Dr. Dick, of Scotland.] Ilhe best guide of students of our language [John G.,Whittier.] He will transmit his name to latest posteri ty. [Chancellor Kent.] I Etymological parts surpasses anything by J earlier laborers. [George Bancroft.] Bearing relation to language Principia does to Philosophy. [Elihu Burritt.] I Excels all others in defining scientific terms. J [President Hitchcock.] So far as I know, best defining Dictionary. [Horace Mann.] I\vke it altogether, the surpassing work. [Smart, the English Orthoepist.] A necessity for every intelligent family, student, teacher and professional man. What Library is complete without the best English Dictionary ? Webster’s National PICTORIAL Dictionary. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Eng's. Price $6. The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, j ust the thing for the million.— Am. Ed. Monthly. Published by G. & Cf MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. octl3tf DR. J. BRADFIELD’S Female Pteg-nlatoi', IS one of the great est blessings that has V Vy ever been given to vvo ■ 1 -c. . ..ilEi A man. It will relieve S v PP re ***° n , M o n t h ly .vi-. Pain*. Rheumatism. \jL -Neuralgia, and a cer '* tain cure for the Whites and Prolapsus Uteri. .<•) For full particulars, history of diseases and certificates of its wonderful cures, the reader is referred to the wrapper around the bottle. For sale by all Druggists. Price, $1,50 per bottle. DR. PROPHITT’S Celebrated Liver Medicine, ON Kof ’hr (irea'^K l Ke<i>« ’i*= * of 'be as**, f... all diseases fit the L : ver Jann<li<e. B iw«l I'nm plain*, • <dic, ChitN and F. ve* and IMlirns F> *er. in fact al disea.-es uiisii g from a dcarge. Liver ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. These Pills bar- h--*-n n»»*d for t‘ e lasi fifi »•? veafs and for it*, Deranged i iver, A are without an equal. DR. PROPIIITT’SAGUE PILLS. A suie CObF, f*>r CHILLS and FEVER. dr. propium Dysentery Cordial, Cures all derangemt nt« of ihe BOWELS. Dr. Prophitts Pain Kill It. Thi« celebrated Medicine >1" u and l>»> in ever lions- hold It is a cfain tore t..r all Pains, a*' •mtidi te to Bites of Poison* ns insect-*. Sn Ac. A remedy for Rheumatism ami Neura gia. TKV IT. Ad the above ailicles for sale bv Dr I>. O Hunt, Drufft’i'f. Cal oin, Ga. sepc..'i**7o-b D*JOCRXETT& Sox, Rome, Ga., will always pay the very highest market print- for Conn- | trv Produce. ROME ADVERTISEMENTS. ‘ ‘Home Again.” J. C. RAWLINS, PrGp’r. CHOICE - HOTEL BROAD ST., ROME, GA. Passengers taken to and from the Depot F r ee of Charge. ocnT7"tf TENNESSEE HOUSE", ROME, GEORGIA, J. A. STANSBI'KY, Proprietor. r l 'UK above Hote is located within Twenty I Steea o the Railroad Plat orm Buggige hardTd fre»«f Charge. n tfiTotf ALBERT O. PITnKR. HENRY H. SMITH. PITN’ER & SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Grocers & Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IN PURE KENTUCKY WHISKIES.&c. No, 95, Corner Broad A Howard sis , ROME, - - GEORGIA. cctG,lß7o-ly COLCLOUGH, HARKINS & GLOVER. rioinc, G a., CALL the attention of dealers to the fact that they have just received the largest stock of Drv Goods, Boots, Shoes, &<*., ever offered in the Cherokee country, and can furnish them at exactly New York prices. Call and be convinced. sept22'7(My ' o a ic ■' - Cl' DYSPEPSIAS INDIGESTION^ p RI'V£NTSCHIi-L* s TI jofe™is & WHOLESALE DRJGGIsts Sumter Bitters IS PLEASANT to the Taste, EXHILARA TING to the Body, imparting VIGOR and STRENGTH to the CONSTITUTION. \ Purifier of the BLOOD, a Regulator of the whole NERVOUS SYSTEM. DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION is speedily cured by the use of this TONIC. It is a specific as a pre ventative of FEVER and AGUE, and restorer of the natural powers when broken down by continued attacks of the enervating disease. FEMALES, whose constitutions have be come Nervous and Debilitated through sei.'m tary habit* and close confinement to household or other domestic duties, will find Sumtui " Bitters the true Tonic, possessed of intrinr*, virtues. For sale by Dr. I). G. HUNT, Physicist and Druggist, Calhoun, Ga. aug26’7(M»u< Fifteen Distinct Features OF THE MUTUAL PROTECTION LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Ist No Limit to Travel or Besidence. —Policy holders being allowed to travel or reside in any part of Europe or North America. 2. AMPLE CASH CAPITAL— Perfectly secured. 3. Policies Paid in Cash.— No deductions for Notes or Loans. 4. THIRTY DAYS (JR A( E al lowed on all payments after the years premium is paid, and the policy kept in force during that time. 5. DIVIDENDS DECLAREI ANNUALLY upon the contribute n plan, in the most equitable manner. G. All Policies Non-PnrfrituLb • r the second year, and the assured entitl and to a full-paid policy for the while amount of premiums paid. 7. ALL POLICIES INCONTEST ABLE after five years. 8 Superiority of Manage ment , —The officers combine strict financial integrity with successful e>:j rience in i.lf£ j iSUB/'T'U'j: 9. All Polity-hold /•. Mcmhrnof tic Society and entitled to vote ft r Trus tees. 10. A CASH SOCIETY.—No Notes. Loans, interest or other complications to annoy the policy-holder. 11 Equity and Liberality shown Policy holders iri the several modes of applying djtfknds. 12. MUTUALIW.- All profits divided among the members. 13. / 'airness of Contract —eii.b died the written Policy in explicit terms. 14 Favorable rate of Mortality, takes nly first-class risks. 15. All ryliotts dinerim unfit,ns oho 7 hrd. —No extra premiums charged i t Railroad, Express or Stean b at en ployees. R. J. MASSEY, Atlanta, G . Manager Southern Departmcio Dr. E. IV. Brown , Local Agent. Dr. W. J. REEVES, fried. Ex., Calhoun. Ga. ootlS.’TO-Rm Gokdon County Farmers, whenever you visit Rome don't fail to call on UeJournett & Son for Groceries. # ■ (: YJDillard sr., haying anolie,! n, kI W ’ r Guardian of the person and proper R. and John R. Stewart. m tao f. fourteen years of age, relents & T . hlS 13 aU person* be and appear at the term of the < t (Irdinary, to be held next .fW «t ’° r ’ H tion of thirty days from the first m.lf> r| - of this notice, and show catmo ,V ,0a can. why w 0. C.' Sr V** not be intrusted with the Guardi,V 1- U Pr ° PC, ,y ° f ■* W * Gordon County Sherif s Sal,., ’ll TILL be sold before the Court Mon* i 1 * IJI Ui« town of Calhoun, Ga.. n„ Z * ' . Tuesday in December next, within the l hours of sale, the following property , J'' Oue sorrel horse colt, eighteen or t months old, levied on as the property of W R. Burnett, to satisfy one Superior onart< fa. in favor of Caroline Brownlee y. » Burnett, W. A. Bray and J. W. Johns, n Also, one field wheat thresher rknoan a separator] with all the fixtures heW thereto, including horsepower, and Wt l( m J as the property of Asel Littlefield, to one Superior court fifa. in favor of Aver ’ Hill vs said Littlefield. Also, at the same time and place, wifi i sold, one half interest in town lot No. ;; , in ' 12 feet of the west end of lot No 8 », 1 4 feet off South side lot No. R, running \\, jind West, full length oflot No. 8, all in ; section of the town of Calhoun. Gonj , county, Ga., in favor of Ayer & Hills v< \. Littlefield. Also, at the same time, will be sold, 0l)f Yoke of Oxen estrayed by Thomas L. T.u.n Description of said oxen. One of th r ox dun sides, white back and belly and ah . face, marked in right ear with an under*. ’ in the left ear with a smooth crop, and ti» other ox, black sides and black and w|, , speckled back and holly, the ends of ! . horns are sawed off—had a medium site I- ' on, marked in right cur with a swallow f.,-, the loft ear with an underbit; no 0n,,, marks or brands—supposed to be 5 or* years old. Also, at the same time and w ill be sold the Track & Rond hed of the Selma, Rom x D. R. R., lying in the limits of Gordon <•„,s. ty, and also upon the Bridges, piers, abut, inerts, Ac., upon said Road lying in Gordon county, in favor of Gustavos W. Nagle Vs \ B. Bread, Lessee of the Selma, Rome \ Railroad. oct3,tds JOHN GRESHAM, Sh ff / i EORGTA, GORDON COUNI 'i vl Reeves, having applied to he npi>«<int• and Guardian of the person and property of John H. and Martha Dye, minors, under foiirt> (n years of age. residents of said county. Tl « h» to cite all persons concerned, .o be and pear at the term of the Court of Ordinary to be held next after the expiration of tbirti days from the first publication of thism.ti ami show cause, if any they can, why -aid Osborn Refeves should not he entrusted with the Guardianship of theuhove named minor* This October 26th, 1870. oct27-40d -1). W. NEEL, Onl y. JUST ARRIVED, Yl ORE of that Good Old California Brandy, ill 3or 4 years old ; also, Wine of all kinds, Ale, Porter, kc. at C. J. THAYER & CD’S Oct.lotf. Confect ionerv. WANTED, A SITUATION as teacher, by a young In dy. References exchanged. Address, A. C., octlßtf Times Off ce, Calhoun, Ga. Ewtablishctl in Ih.*>o, T. R. RIPLEY, v Removed to Peachtree Street, ATLANTA , GEORGIA. Wholesale Dealer in CROCKERY & GLASSWARES. lIT ILL duplicate any Bills bought in any TV Market, to the uinount of One Hun dred Dollars, and upwnHs, adding Freight I’. .8. All Goods guaranteed as repre.Dinted from this House. Aug 19 ly Two River Farms For Sale. ONE; two and a half miles north of ilesacs, on the W, k A. R. It.—containing about 500 acres—two settlements. One, one and a half miles north-east of R**- saca—containing 160 acres. Will bdsold at a bargain if early applica tion is made to J. 11. BARNETT, sept2’7o-Sm Rksaca. Ga. MiUsi Medical Discovery! Dr WAUCaa*3 CALIFORNIA . INEGAR BITTEnS, i or v., > . .. v in > u y <>.' < , < in single, us • ..o U.m. " 0 ilori -i turnu. 1 to, li.uHß'jtm* lk.ursi... - i.o -i. in. i:n..l I rui.oi us a.--:. Hundreds of Thousands Be..- i s'imony to 1 heir wonderful C»ra*!vo LA-cts. V/:!AT ""3 TMZY? THEY ARE NOT A VILE - - »*CY driwkJ Made of Poor Rum. Whiskey, Proof Spir its. and Refuse Liquors, Oociored, and sweetene-I to p.'eaae tue taste, ca ! led ‘ -Tomes “ Appetizers, ” “ Restorer*, w Ac., that lea i tbs tippler oa to drunkenness and rum, but are s true Medicine, made from the Native Root* and Herts of California, free from all Alcohoho Stimulants. Tney ar»t*>«G BEAT BLOOD PURI FLEJR an 1 LIFE GIVING PRIN CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and invigors! >r ot the System, carrying off ail poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a health/ condition. No person can take these Bitters, according t# directions, and remain long unwell. StOO will be given for an incurable case, pro viding the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other mean*, and the vital organ*>d bevond the point of repair. Por Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism, and Gout. Dyspepsia, or Indi go tion. Bilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, tors have been most enecesaful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, is K'-ner illy prod need by derangement of vs* Digestive Organs. % Tney invigorate the stomach, and itimula* the torpid liver and bowels, which reader thesa of unequalled etficacy in eleansiny the boo I c '‘ all impurities, and imparting new life and to the whole system. _ . . Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in tue Hhonlders, Coughs, Tightness of i * (best, Dizziness, Sour 6tomach, Bad Ta*t« “ the Mouth, Bi lions Attack*, Palpitation of to* Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, P* l ®** the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred o.ner painful symptoms which are th* otoprms* 1 * D. spepsia, are cured by these Bitters. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever T° a it* impurities bursting through the *s* n >2 pies. Eruptions, or Sores; cleans* **■■■*“• foul, and your feelings wdl tell the blood pure and the health ot the syste. r °PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, tagWjg the system of so many thousands, are destroyed and removed. .ireular For full directions, read earefuUy around each bottle, printed in four lwigt**s^ English, German, French, and Bpam*h. - J. WALKER, 32 &3* Commerce Street, ■*• | Proprietor. It. H. McDONALD * <»•. Drusorists and General A*es*»- San Francisco. California, and 32 and3-4 tom me-ce Hr et, N. Y. era *>'D BY ALL DBUGOISTS A* j DEALERS. " > Thev urr u tlcnllr l’nrsullrr as well na sTnnlc.rniv' i- t a '<>. t •) itrcunsr m. 1 1 1 :.< i- u* a p MrcifuliagcntlnruiinMn * or lutUuimal omt* i. >l.l r. a d ml i no Visceral Orv-ar.