Calhoun weekly times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1873-1875, November 24, 1870, Image 3

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fluiOt N TIMiS. I M. TO.■!<«._ agents. «■ • , mfNT Arnold. is nnr authorized i ,11 contract., wade by him for this •i bo carried out by the publisher. ■ ; " ,u is our authomed agent to ■ M ” ' !üb,rriptions and advertising for the Atiantii Agent. T FtLL ,i.ovK is otir duly authorized I ' • \ ( i.,„tn. All contracts made by him ■ , i-,2 subscription or job printing, ■ ■' ’ . executed by the publisher. Vs Good as Money. V be more convenient for som<* of I ]j to furnish produce than groeri , vnnooe to receive for subscription ■ a* tve pn>p vi7V . .. in the eating line. | M ....... ii K. Hicks A Cos., ) Agents, Calhoun, tin.. October 22, 1870. ) Ii bring to a large number of our agents H- j] in ,r to make returns in time, and to I tickets not being all sold, the Grand E, j ( , and Sale is postponed to the ■ 9fith of DECEMBER, 1870, ■ aer . if the tickets are all sold— Iw notice of which will be given. [ p|,c Managing Agents return their I,: ,k- f.»r the liberal patronage bestowed 1. ,i the enterprise, and respectfully so- I , a continuance of the same for a I I t time, to complete the sale of all I. (l (ickets. Let none hesitate to buy I, kets. fir this is no New York hum lb,. but only gotten up to dispose of | ▲.[y. and that by good citizens of anty. On the day of the raffle, I tl,. whole matter goes into the hands of l.i, six commissioners selected by ticket is. and not interested in the raffle ~r in tickets, giving all an equal chance, l t j, 1)tv !i absent, of drawing a prize. Agents must make returns by the 20th Ls December, or four days previous to the raffle. Respectfully, IL. K. HICKS & CO., no?3t«l Agents. Wood —Let all subscribers who in tend to pay for the Times in wood, now bring it along. We need it. jfef- Winter has at last Set in “ in 1 cold earnest,” and our clothing mer chants are driving a good trade. !*#■• Some of our citizens who were :iwake during the £; Wee, sum’ hours” of Monday night, say that at one time the ground was white with snow. IteT Now is the time to buy your «' ying to advantage. See notice of iz. Uarrett & Cos. jflßu Large numbers of hogs are being [ transported to Atlanta over the State Hoad. A gentleman from that city, mvs pork is selling at nine and ten cents per pound. \ < ttSr Madam Rumor has it thitt ‘-its ill fixed up" between at least a half doz en good looking matches in our town, mid weddings arc looked for in various (jftirters every week. Messrs Ellis & Colburn have re moved their boot, shoe and harness making establishment to the new build ing of Capt. Boaz, on Railroad street, "hire they will be better than ever prepared to meet the wants of their friends in their line. 1 hristmas Signs.—Our friend N"d. 1 hayer is receiving large supplies “'"'ll from the store houses of Santa (, hms. He will have good things 1 miugh to make glad the hearts of all Cie little ones in the county. foe' People are coming from far and ’ H! to have their clothing cut and Mr. S. T. Parker, our fashion lie will sustain his reputn ,;' 11 for giving fits. His shop is over 11. Arthur’s store. ~Ar Donkey. —-Our town was ser £ I *’J a very polite and intelligent with an organ, on Monday last. ii r . . ■ " ;,s considerably lionized by the ■i.ill-fry, and wtw very popular even ; -a the big folks during his short stay. ■ • -Monkey had a fellow along with 1 Im to grind the organ. Premium Wagons. —The celebrated ' I'ite-water wagon speak for itself in !! 'Siio (ts the 3 IMEB. Messrs. Pitts Hinson, the enterprising agents. ■ 'in advertisement in another column. on the way a large number I sc celebrated wagons and are de termined to supply the increasing demand. II remembered that this wagon I 'h t] ie first premium both at the Mis -111 Rnd Georgia State Fairs the pre sent fall. f —.— fhe following is a copy of a dis i ' lcccived in Atlanta on the 21st: I m, i' VVANNAii, November 21. Jhe prosecution of Foster Blodgett, ? States Court, ended to-dav S ~ U . P by the jury. Judge 'inane made the speech. Try Knglish Female Bitters. F. 8., Great female Regulator. What means E. F. B ? The Bon-tons all want E. F. B. F. F. B. cures all females. j - Cat stir in town ahuut E F. B. Noble Example—Who’ll Fol low Suit? —We are informed by offi cial members of the different religious denominations of Gordon county, that Col. J. C. Fain, our present Senator, and Democratic nominee for the next House of representatives, has presented each of the five denominations with fif ty dollars to be used for church purpos es. * ' ’* *•' Huring the last session of the Legis lature Col. Fain worked hard to reduce the per diem of members; but was out voted ; and this generous act on his part shows that he was in earnest in that effort. We r want to see how many of the late members will follow our Senators praise worthy example. Another Voice from tiif. West. —During the present week we have met Mr. Reeves on our streets, who has just returned from the West. Mr. Reeves went from this county to Arkansas last fall, and after testing the merits of that country, is glad to get back to old Georgia, and settle for life within her borders. He says he would not give a good plantation in Gordon county for a half dozen similar ones in Arkansas. And yet there are men allowing their homes to go to rack, because they arm determined to sell out and go west. To such we would say, make your homes comfortable and stay where you are. — If you are discontented and unhappy here, with all the advantages Georgia affords, you will only be a great deal more so in a country twenty years be hind this in general progress. 1 ive la G rorc/la ! A Mammoth Southern Institu tion. —We have always held that man ufacturing and large wholesale establish ments in the South, would not only greatly benefit our people, but pay hand somely those entering into them. Con sequently, we are not at all surprised at the wonderful success of Messrs. E. F. Redfield & Cos., of Jasper, Tonn. They have the advantage of a heavy capital, long experience; and then, they are in a sect : on where the outlay in store houses and every day living, need not be so en ormous as a large city requires. They can buy home-made and foreign goods just as cheap as the New York Jobber, and their business expenses, or outlay for business conveniences, are not more than one-fourth as heavy as the New York merchant’s. Hence, this house can sell at a less margin than the north ern dealer, and yet make more money. It must work to the advantage of our merchants South to build up and en courage such an establishment as that of Messrs. Redfield A Cos., of Jasper, Tenn. We advise the merchants of Cherokee Georgia to try this house. Read their business-like advertisement in another column. For tliq Calhoun Times. Mr. Editor : —The people of Gordon county, Democrats, true to the princi ples of the party, and ever willing to be governed by party usages, desire to know through your valuable paper, the names of those many prominent D< mo or at, s-, who solicited Mr. Garlington to become a candidate for Representative against the regular nominee of the par ty. It is the people’s right to know the prominent Democrats , who would (if they could do so) sever the Democratic party, simply because the will of the peo ple was not their will. Let us have the names. Mr. Editor—the people demand it. Enquirer. Opening of tiie Macon & Augus ta Railroad. —-We are authorized to announce that the work on this road will be finished this week, and that it will be opened for the transportation of freight and passengers on the first of Decem ber—next Friday week. For the pres ent. only day passenger and freight trains will be run. the schedule for a night train being deferred until the new through schedule between New York and New Orleans —made necessary by the completion of the Mobile and New Orleans Railroad—has been settled. It is contemplated that the Macon and Au gusta Road should form a link in this route, and by it twenty-four hours will be gained between New Orleans and Au gusta alone. The day passenger train on the Macon and Augusta Railroad will leave Macon about 7 a. m., connect ing with the up day passenger train on the Georgia Railroad for Atianta, and all other points on the main line, and Athens and Washington on its branches. Passengers by this train will reach Au gusta at 1:30 P. M.. and leaving Augus ta at 12 M.. will reach Macon at 7 r. m., connecting at Camakwith the down day passenger train from Atlanta, Athens and Washington.— Macon Telegraph. New York Apple Crop. —The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser says: Apples arc so very plentiful in this country that the farmers do not think it worth while to gather them. Thous ands upon thousands of bushels are allowed to drop and rot on the grouud. Good apples can be bought in the south towns in this country for from five to ten cents per bushel by any person who will.take the trouble to gather them.— Cider ought to be cheap; and cider vinegar ought to be good and genuine. It is reported here that Napoleon has written to the members of the provis ional government, urging continued re sistance to any proposition ceding terri tory. Correspondence. R. Garlington, Esq. : Dear Sir —Many citizens and democrats of Gordon coun ty, entertaining the opinion that the Convention which met in Calhoun on the 24th of September, failed to make a nomination, and being fully satisfied that the gentleman said to claim the nomination, is not the choice of the par ty or the people, would most earnestly solicit you to become a candidate to rep resent the county in the next Legisla ture. We make the request after giv ing the subject fair and full delibera tion, taking into, consideration the best interests of the county and the party. You will greatly oblige mi by giving your consent to our request at your ear liest convenience, through the county paper. The letter which appears above, signed by many prominent citizens, was handed me some days since. In reply, 1 beg leave to state that, while a seat in the Legislature has been wholly unsought and unsolicited by me, I will serve as the Representative from this county, if elected. The course I hereby take will the better enable the democratic party to exert their free and untrammelled choice of a Representa tive. If at any time it shall appear to me, that the true interests of the demo cratic party require it, or that such is the general will of the party, I shall cheerfully decline interposing any obsta cle to the harmony of the party, that might result from my being a candidate. To the gentlemen who sent me this letter, let me say, that I estimate very highly the unsolicited honor they have done me. Robert Garlington. Life in Alaska. By the arrival of the steamer George S. Wright, at Victoria, from Alaska, we have the Times of the 13th ult.— The proprietor of the paper, Mr. Mur phy, having determined to remove the concern to the city, publishes a vale dictory, and in this manner refers to the condition of society which prevails in that territory: “No less than eight murders have been committed in Sitka inside of the last three years, and every murderer has escaped the punishment he deserved, except one, who is now in the military guard-house awaiting trial, and unless we soon get a court, he will escape the punishment he so richly de serves. We have seen women and girls knocked down in the street by an army officer and a United States postal agent; we have seen those two officers, one day, knock down poor inoffensive Russians, and the army officer, hand the postal agent a pistol to kill an american. We have known army officers to force their way into private Russian houses and attempt to take liberties with the Rus sian inmates, that, in any other country but Alaska, would cost them their lives. We have seen two companies of soldiers stationed right in the city, many of whom were not fit to run at large out side the walls of a state prison, and who forced their way into Russian houses as though it was a part of their duty. And what has been the result of all this ? Simply that all the refined and respect able portion of the Russian population have left our territory, heartily sick of, and thoroughly disgusted with, the very name of an American, and who can blame them? Who will not blush when he reads that out of a Russian popula tion of five hundred or six hundred people in Sitka, there are not over three young girls of the age of thirteen years who are not prostitutes; and in making this assertion, we challenge contradic tion. The soldiers, being stationed in the heart of the city, went around spreading contamination, disease and a state of demoralization only surpassed by that which existed at the time Sodom and Gomarrah were destroyed by an avenging God. We regret to say a few of the army officers also acted more like black-guards than officers.” [Olympia] (W. TANARUS.) Standard, Oct. 15. A New York correspondent says: A lively business continues to be trans acted here in munitions of war, on French account. The steamer Vander bilt came down from Albany this morn ing, (Nov. 14..) freighted to the water’s edge with guns from the United States Arsenal at West Troy. This is said to be the third or Fourth consignment by the Vanderbilt. Other steamers are finding like employment. These guns will be forwarded to Havre by the French steamers. These arms were purchased of the United States Govern ment. and in such manner as not in any way to violate the spirit of neutrality laws. The Germans have the same source of supply, if they choose to avail themselves of it. 36?* Nominations are the only means of securing party unity and party as cendency. Then stand by your nomi nees.— Constitution. The Radical newspapers announce that Smith, the negro cadet at West Point, has been acquitted, by General Howard’s court martial, for breaking a white man’s head with a dipper. Os course the white boy will now be dis missed for allowing his head to be bro ken. and we don’t know but what he ought to. — Doylcslown Democrat. A Negro Governor. — It is thought in South Carolina that Scott, the Radi cal Governor of the State, will he elect ed to the United States Senate. In that event the Lieutenant Governor, who is a negro, would be promoted to Scott’s position. The negro, no doubt, is the better man of the two. [Athens Post. Methodist Conference. —The North Georgia Conference will meet in Augusta, in St. John’s (Methodist) church, on Wednesday, she 30th instant. The Patriot, anew Democratic daily has appeared in Washington, The Rome Courier of the 19th, ss*y&: Our community was shocked yesterday evening by t\ie report of the mysterious death of Mr. John Veal, a brother of our fellow-citizen, Mr. Joseph E. Veal. His body was found upon the premises of Mr. John A Johnson, near Dykes’ creek, and near the railroad. He had no marks of violence upon his person— was laying in a clean and apparently selected spot on the grass. His limbs were composed and everything indicated a peaceful exit. A jury of inquest in vestigated the matter, and returned a verdict of death from an unknown cause. The Courier also has the following: We are informed that several attempts have recently been made by unknown scoundrels to throw the cars off the Selma, Rome and Dalton road, from the track, by placing rails and logs of wood upon the road, a few miles below Cave Springs. A few weeks ago the accommodation train encountered four such obstruc tions, and nothing but the vigilant watching of the engineer prevented a serious disaster. CANDIDATEIS. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the name of JOHN 11. ARTHUR, as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Gor don county, at the ensuing election in Decem ber next. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the nam« of N. J. BOAZ, as a candi date for the office of Treasurer of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. ~WE ARE AUTHORIZED to am nounce the name of D. E. BARRETT, as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Goi’don county, at the ensuing election in December next. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to announce the name of T. J. NORTON, as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Gorddn county, at the ensuing election in December next. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the name of W. G. C. DILLARD, Sr., as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. - FOR TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce the name of J. IL McCOOL, as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Gordon county. Election in December next. FOR TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce the name of W. M. RUSSELL, as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Gordongcounty, at the ensuing election in December next. FOR TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce the name of JAMES M. REEVES, as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Gordon county, at tlie ensuing election in December. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN GRESHAM, as a candidate for Sheriff of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. If elected, Mr. G. W. TAYLOR will fjgrve as Deputy Sheriff. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce the name of W. tv. STEWART, as a candidate for Sheriff' of Gordon county, and JOHN HUDGINS as Deputy, at the ensuing election in December next. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. We are authorized to announce the name of T. M. ELLIS, as a candidate for Tax Collector of Gordon county. Election in December next. sep29te FOR TAX RFC FI VEIL We are authorized to announce the name of PRESTON C. MOSS, as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Gordon county. Elec tion in December next. Mr. Moss is an orphan boy, and lias a fam ily dependent on him for their support. FOR CL’ K SFFERIOR CO CRT. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to announce the name of C. A. Harris, as a candi date for Clerk of the Superior Court of Gor don courty, at the ensuing election in December next. Sept 22-td FOR TAX COLLECTOR. G. R. 150 AZ respectfully submits his name to the voters of Gordon county, as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector at the ensuing December election. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. WJE arb author used to announce the name TT of CLEMENT ARNOLD, ESQ., as a suit able man for the office of Tax Collector of Gordon county. Election in December next, sept 8-1 STOte MARKINS. CALHOI N PLUCKS ( I JRKKNT. CfmRKCTKD WEEKLY. Times Office, Nov. 24 1870. Butter—3o, from wagons. Cotton—l3 Bacon—Shoulders, pt lb 15(a) 16 Clear Rib Sides, 18@10. Clear Sides, 19(7;20. Plain Hams, IS. Corn—New. 55 Chickens —from wagons, 15(720 Coffee—Rio, V 3) 221 (g 28. Java, 33(7 35 Eggs—from wagons, 20 cts. Flour—from wagons. 3 cents. Green Apples-—75 cents. Honey—lG@lßc. Iron—p lb 4|@B. Lard—U Leather — Sole, p lb 30(7; 10. Upper. 50(5; 1 (X). Kip Skins, each, $1 00(7 ,35 00. Calf Skins, S4 00(7 $7 00 Lumber—Dry, VM, ft.. Sls(a 20 Meal—From country mills Cos. Nails —Cut, So 25(7 $8 00. Oil—Tanner's "F gal., SI 20(7 140. Kerosene, u “ 75(0 80. , Estrella, “ “ 40a 50. Castor, pts., SC 25. “ J “ $3 00. Potatoes—Sweet, 4UaSO. Irish, p bushel. 50(7*60 Peaches—Dried, impeded, 4ao —peeled 6a7. Apples—3a4. By e—7 5 Rags—Cotton, 3 cts., from wagons. Rope—Manilla, 11) 28(7 33 cts. Machine, “ ** 11*121 eta. Cotton. “ “ oOaoO. Salt— "F sack, S2 25. Sugar—Brow”. R> 121 al7 Syrup—Muscuvjmlo, *7* g«L. C5a75. Cuba Molasses, 50c 3-* gallon. Golden. gal.. 31 al 25. Sorghum, V gal., Coa7s eta. Tobacco—Leaf, us lb 20a30. Medium, •• •* 6©a75. i Prime. “ “ 90*31 25. Tea—3l 25a52 25. ! Wheat—ial 10. Wool—Washed. lb 25a45 cts. Feathers— lb CO. Beaswax— V & 28. Tallow— ** “10 Barley— “F buslr 90a 1 00- .« t “ AKL Pcaß>—lo EL F. HELD & (’ll., Wholesale Merchants —AND N. W 4 S. W. Corners Public Square, JASPER, - TE\N. o Dry Goods Department: CAXEDONIAN DRESS TARTANS, Styles—Only 22 i cents. Corded Alpaca— 27} cts. per yard. AMXJRES Beautiful STY LES, At 22. V cents per yard. Mohair Poplins —Double Width, At 33 £ cents per yard. POPLIN ALPACA—DoubIe Width. At 30 cents per yard. SILVER SHIELD— Doubts Warp, black alpacas, We will sell No. 15, 40 cents. No. 35. 50 rents. No. 25, 45 cents. No. 45, GO cents. No. 55, G 5 cent*. Also, we would call especial attention to our “Koval Standard” Black Alpacas. (Trade Mark Registered in England,) IMPORTED TO US. They arc especially adapted for the Fall Trade, and on account of their extra weight, they hang in the dress and suit, and are de signed to take the place of the Poplin Alpaca, and at far less cost. PRICE LIST. NO. NO. 3, 371 c 55, G7}o 5. 42}c 75, 75c 15, 45c 85, 80c 25, 50c 09, 85c 35, 55c 115, 95c 45, GOc 125, 1.10 We have reduced the price of our JAPANESE SILK POPLIN ROBES To $10.75 ouch. These are the cheapest goods in the mar ket. We have all shades. The above prices are as low as some goods can be bought in New York at Wholesale.— Send for samples. 20,000 Yards SEQUATCHEE A No. 1 DOESKINS, In Steel-Mixed, Grey, Blue, Gold, Red and Brown, At 62 1-2 Cents Per Yard. These goods are guaranteed une qualled. Send orders. The Empire Boulevard Skirt, At One Dollar and Twenty-five Gents. This is New York Wholesale prices. COTTON YjftRNS. We are wholesale agenls for the Em pire State Cotton Mills, and will sell Cot ton Yarns in any quantity, at manufac turers’ prices. We quote to-day: * No. 500, 121 cents. “ GOO, 12} “ “ 700, 10 “ Short Hank, one dollar and thirty-five cents per bale of five pounds. This thread is guaranteed unequalled. WE call the attention of our consu mers to our brands of Irish Linen & Linen Handkereh’fs. No. 1 Irish Linen, 40 cents. No. 2 “ “ 45 cents. No. 3 i£ “ GO cents. We have Henry Matlan’s Linen Hand kerchiefs at 75cts., SI.OO, $l2O and $2.00 per dozen. We also call attention to our Table Linens aud our Linen Shirt Fronts. We have Pure Linen Shirt Fronts at 10cta each ; also at lf>, 20, 25, 30 and 40 cents each—the latter usually sold at SI.OO. The above prices are guaranteed to be less than half the usual prices charged for same goods by Retail Merchants. Will sell 5000 dozen Best American 3 cord Spool Thread—Warranted 200 yards, AT 35 CENTS PER DOZEN. Send us an early order. E. F. REDFIELD & CO. Jasper, Tennessee. Agricultural Department, Cahoon’s Broadcast Seed Sower, TIJEB EXT JX USE. PRICE TEN DOLLARS. Will save its price in one barrel of seed. Agents wanted. Send for circulars. Also, we will sell: 225 Dodge Perfect Plows, No. 1. SO. 250 “ “ No. 2,810. 500 “ “ “ No. a. SI 0. 250 “ “ “ No. 4.512. 150 “ “ “ No. 5, SI 5. 250 Dodge Double Shovel Plows, SO. 1000 Dodge Kentucky Stock Dells at manufacturers prices. 1000 Cahoon’s Seed Sowers. $lO. 250 Pittsburg Steel Peacock Plows. No. 1. SO. 250 Steel Peacock Plows, No. 2. $lO. 500 Pittsburg Steel Plows. No. 3. sll 200 Steel Peacock Plows. No. 4. sl2. And five hundred other Steel Plows at manufacturers prices. See terms to clubs and send orders. We have at all times an immense stock of Agricultural Implements and Machin ery, all of which will be sold at manu facturers prices. We have a large invoice of ten-inch Monkey Wrenches, which we will sell at 75 cents. TEBMS TO CLUBSt We offer the following great induce ments to farmers clubbing together for their Agricultural Implements: We have over one thousand plows—all sohl at Manufacturers’ net prices. WITHOUT FREIGHT. To clubs ordering ten plows at one time, we will give one extra plow, same size as others ordered. We have in stock, over one thousand Ga boon's Broadcast Seed Sowers. To clubs or dering six at one time, wc will send one ma chine FREE. We sell Gale's Copper Strip Feed Cutter, ami warrant it to be the best in use. To clubs ordering lOat one time, we will send 1 free. Wc sell the Star Corn-Sheilcr, both double and single, warranted the best in use. Single Star worth sls. Double Star worth ?24. Clubs ordering ten at one time, will receive one. same size, free. We freely warrant everything we sell, and the above will enable farmers to obtain their farm implements cheaper than they can from am- other market. We furnish RTustrutted price lists and catalogues, when desired. Send orders immedintelv to E. F. lIKDFIEPD k CO.. Wholesale Merchant? & Manufacturers. Pnhlie fcojuare. Jasper Tenn. ccvlO 70-ly w . D. HO YT «fc ~o o. DRUUg(, MEDICIAEB, - a n n—■*■■■■ • • DRUGGIST SUNDRIES, No. 43, Broad st., BOMB, GA, lioiosalo JF*oi*' Rosadalis. Plantation Bitters, California Vinegar Bitter*. Ed Wilder & Go’s. Preparations, Pemberton. Taylor A* Go’s Prep’* Ayer A Go’s. Preparations, White Lead, and Linseed Oil. All of which will be sold «t Manufacturer’s Prices. srpjfb 1870-ly $6,000 For om> Dollar ! S80,0( >0 Worth of Real Estate —AN I'—<* Personal Property, To be Raffled for st Calhoun, Ga.. DECEMBER 26, 1870. Every Ticket Guaranteed a Prize. #6,000 For One Dollar! $6,000 For Oue Dollar ! Raffle to be conducted by six sworn Com missioners. Aukxts Wantko—to whom a liberal com mission will be given. References-— Col. W. 11. Dabney. Atlanta, Ga.. and county officers. Send for circulars, tickets. &c. to H.K. HfCKSAjCO., octiotd Calhoun ~oa. mit ~Tw r~n~ri~ißhi i- imi i ■ mmimm mum y i■_jwi ® IOC xooers# IX GIiKEXiLI CAW, G-IVBN ! ( A FORTUNE FOR V /£/ . TWO ; I>OLLAI{S*! V • No Bogus Gift Enterprise! But a Genuine Institution! npilß A LAG AM A IMMIGRANT ASSOCIA- L TION, incorporattnl under flic laws of the State of Alabama, have resolved to give one GRAND ENTERTAINMENT! In the city of Montgomery*, Ala., on Sat urday, JJI, 1870, or, as soon before as the Tickets tire all sold, nf which time ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS in U. S. currency will be given away, to holders of Tickets, as follows: 1 Gift in U. S. cur’cy of $25,00(1. is $25,000 1 “ “ “ of 10,000, is 10,000 2 Gifts “ *• of 5,00(4.are 10,000 5 “ “ “ of 2,000,are 10,000 10 *• “ “ of 1,000. are 10,000 -’0 “ “ “ of 500. are 10,000 100 “ “ “ of lOO.a re 10,000 I ;><M) “ “ “ of lO.are 15.000 1039 Gifts of SIOO,OOO The Award of Gifts MILL be made under tl e supervision of three Sworn Commissioners, gentlemen of integrity and high standing. Af iter .deducting the expenses of tlic Entertain ment, the balance,of the money will be ap propriated to the objects for which the Asso ciation was formed, viz: the introduction of European Labor in the Southern States. The reputation and clur aeter of the Incor porators of this Association, coupled wity ev ery safe-guard that the law of the land can throw* around it, is a guarantee that the dis tribution will be Honestly and Fairly made, and that every protection will be given hold ers of Tickets in every part of the country. In order to give all. Rich and Poor, an op portunity at this SisSoiioirra.©! l’>y which they may become enriched in an hour, the Price of Tickets has been put at ONL\ TWO DOLLARS. A discount of ten per cent, will be made to purchasers of s’>(), and a discount of 20 per cent, to purchasers of SIOO worth of Tickets. WE IT A VE NO AGENTS. 125,000 Tickets Only will be Sold. Parties at a distance desiring to purchase 1 ickets must remit the money, direct to the ‘•Association,’ as per address below, ALABAMA IMMIGRANT ASSOCIATION, Montgomery, Alabama. Lead what the Montgomery city papers that know the gentlemen, who are the mana gers and incorporators of this Association, have to say as to their reliability and honest v: {From the Daily Alabama State Journal.) I he American people are strictly a people of fortune ; they like to take a chance at a big fortune fora tmall sum of money. This scheme affords them this opportunity. The first award and the highest is $25,000. The low est is ten dollars. The price of tickets is on ly two dollars: V> hen was such an opportu nity presented to make a “pile’’ on such a small investment ? The incorporators of the Association are Julien Homans and Otto Scherf, Jr., of New York, and J. G. Stokes and R. Greene, of Montgomery, For the benefit of the public, we will state that the As sociation is perfectly solvent—the gentlemen who compose it are of character and integri ty. and we believe they will see to it that t lie project is honestly and faithfully carried out. {From the Montgomery Daily Mail.) The incorporators are two well-known and wealthy New Yorkers, Messrs. Otto Scherf, Jr , sod .Julien Homans, and Masai* J. G Stokes and 1 R. Greenp, of Montgomery. Those gentlemen will faithfully carry out the designs of the asso ciation, which prajmses to give a series of mag nificent entertainments, at the first of which one hundred thousand dollars in currency will be g ven away to holders of tickets, in Mims ranging from $lO to $25,000. The Company will open their Montgomery office at once. REFERENCES—Any Ranker, Merchant, or Business man of reputation in tbu city. novlOtd ATLANTA CITY DIRECTORY. Auction. Barrett & Maysoil—Auction & Com mission Merchants, Marietta st., Atlanta. Ga. J. H. Barrett. Auctioneer: A. S. Mayson. Cashier and Financial Manager. Consign ments solicited. Cash advanced on goods in store. ' sept2U’7o-dm M. Meilkol Bro, & Cos. —Dealers in STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS. Clothing, Boots an*l Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, &e. Liberal inducements offered to country mer chants. 28 Whitehall st., 2 doors from Ala bama street, (next to Jack's Confectionery,) Atlanta, Ga. Bept2'.i"7o-Gm IIA Hi DRESSING AND MILLINERY. Ladies’ Hair Dressing Establishment. MADAME WILDA— No. 40. Whitehall St.. Atlanta. Ga. Beal and imitation Hair Goods always on hand. Fanev and Orna mental work done to order. *stcpt2'<"7o-”m A TTOEXEYS A fib A W. " " OTIS JONES —Attorney at I-iw. Will practice in all the Courts of Atlanta and adjoining ’circuit#. Office, corner Whitehall and Alabama st.-.. Atlanta, Ga. srpfSb-fm Fm. jack- -Manufacturer and Drtil • t*r in all kin sos Candies, Crackers. Cauned Fruits, Pickles, Sauces. Nuts, P.ais ens, Cakes, Preserves, Jellies, Foreign Fruits. Toys and Fancy Willow-Ware; also. Fancy Family Groceries. sopt2fi'7o-.‘:ni T B. LANGIfORD, V. !n le- .T/and lj. Retail dealer in Stoves, Hollow Ware, Tin-Ware. Cutlery &e., &c., Atlanta, Ga. Bov- jSL. Martin, ATTORNEY AT LA \V, DAHLON EGA, - - - C.r'*. Nov 10 1870 ts #6,000 For Oho Dollar! SICKNESS, PAIN & DEATH l<egitiui*U iy res tit as tenuities for i Riiativtia of Inns, from which non* escape. The tudial cheek, the pnicand wan *eatt»>ee. the dull e'e, flit* dmidtil mtrliect, the and ep Leaving sigh, the feeble and emaciated ftaine. lit and. jerted brow, the totter fh* gait, nil ted fete ptrviowa trausgrcs>Hiu • f iaw. Knowing that "bnatwi nation i s the ibi e f, f tim*/' nil it tellifcnt bviagt apply for tome rented* an as rircun s'a, cm petnut; whil- who do not act up, n i|,„ P'ittciple i) "dciavs are dangerous,” u»iitrally lose more Tim and p.-v more mi-kit. 1 hmissndaof mothets and daughtera inallata ttons and conditions of | fe. at* euffer ing. linger, tnr and dviag fr m the iff ats ot irnr drasdrd and dreadful FEMALE COMPLAINT, y ns?&itr ; i TBMMB——C— That claims its victims tlin u K b, at the Dncth and bread h of our Sand. * Many femules suffer in some wav at each month ly pet t«d ; w>me guls are in great pciil at th* cotniiitnccmcnt of menstrual ion, w hile other oi e* dread its decline at the “turn ol file.” Sometime* the menstrual flow is too numb, or ton little, er mar be attended w uli p«.iu ; may be irrtgular ct en'irelv chicked, or chang'd in apt, at tended with other diatiersirg avmptoma. L«u corihma, or the "While*,.” ficqnently drains the system, or ulceration ol the w ou.b mat criate pain and cause rapid proswa’ion. haliiog of the Womb i* an exceedirglv c< mmon comp Lint, giving much trouble amid >*' tess, which, under ordinary treatment, ia difficult to cure. Hysteiies. Green Sickness. ItriLbilßy of th*r " “nib. « id o*htr seri, ns and fata complaints lirfr low Ihe lemale kcx throughout life. Livea ‘he?# a medical gentleman who l«as or can relieve the fait sex ol the above tnublee? Not many, fa there no combination of temedisl agents that will' come to her te<cui ? We answer. Yes. EN G LIS H JF e ma I eJBITTERSr The only ack m.w!e.’ged Uterine Tonic and Female R- gulator khowTi, will cure all those complaints above mentioned in an incit-dibl* ahoittime. Th* bitters at once arouse*, sliengihtne nod ir.Uuror the womb to its natural condition, letnoving oh* st i net ions, relieving pain and regulating the monthly perils!. Vunder stands m pale, treble and Lnguid girl, jast bur-ling into womacbood ; she is the pride ol all, but I,at L ! »he silently steals a pi* kle, cats chalk, or i sls'e pencil; no eppetbsr lor food; she turns withs dull me and seeks sol itude; ler eye no longer spathic*; l er merry laugh is no longer heard ring.rg thn ugb the air;: she mopes about with bloodless lips and gums, with headache, palpitation, constipat'on. swim ming ol the he d.cold feet and hands, n elarcboli; she huH a coated tongue, offensive btenth, aud a other evils too numerous to mention. M hen neglected all these symptoms btcom* •ggravated, there is sick stomach, heartburn, • ria ! k line settles under the eyes, the legs and tinkles me swollen, the hair U ses its gloss ar and alls off, there is brlttleress and splitting o' lb* finger-nails, swollen abdomen, extreme nervous ness, fret fulness, pains und uchis, drv congh,. Hysterical Fits, rapid prostrati n, eni.'ejtsy and dea'h ! If you, or any of your friends, are thus afiiicted, rend at once for a Bottle of English Pp male Ritteisand becured. It-* cfiocts are magics? iu such comp'aints. StTely no mother willpoafi pone and delay this duty until DEATH IS AT THE DOOR * Id all these complaints the aval cm evidently si a want of ted blood, and Mr. (Jbuithill, i» his wotk on Diseases of Females, savs : “Bearirg iu mind that the blond is remarkably deficient iA red corpuscles, and the known property of it< » to correct this condition, thenrv mggrsts it sa the most to be rel ed on, the best of which ia th* Citrate. ’ Citm'e of Iron enters I tgcly inta lb* cam posit ior o' English Female Briers, ct mbired with powerful rege able tonic* of rare qualities. Among the mountains nf Tenmssee mod tb* pi ney woods of Mia i si[>pi, is found a cei tain hatd and fl nty root, which has i-cea in secret use by tome old midw iresfor many years, possessing magic powers in r<gnlating and tesloiirg all Ic males suffering with any affection of the womb. I his root we have obtained gave it a fair test in our practice and it is now one of the principle in gredients in these Bitters. Other powerful ui«nr« and general tonics al«o enter into its composition. \V e also add Leptui dra oi Black root, si fficienf to act upon the liver and keep the bone!* open.- BLOOMING YOUNG GIRLS. jjHt'»i jut yp Middle aged matrons, those at the ciitioa! per o*, and the aged grandmother, are all cured bv tbs’ use of our English l*trmale bnt«is. now prescribed and used by physicians all over the countrv. If you are troubled with Fulling of th* W. nth,, attended w-ith a sense of weight and bearing down pain in the back and side, and other attendant evils, EDgiisb bcuiale Bitteis will give catiie ra— lief. Those at the ‘ turn of life,” mo he.s sffsr can fioement, and all others (male or temnle) wheaia convalercents from any protracted or debilitating complaint, who gain strength slowly, and whose digtstiou is slow and imperfect, w’t I fiud th»s* Buters the ver y thing their systim demands, ft gives a pt)Wcrlui nupctite, aids and assists diges tion. arouses the liver, strengthens menially and physically, ad fills the whole Hvatem with pars crimson blood coursrag through its cham els. Common Grog-Shop Bitters, ‘Empty Bitter Bolts*, of various style*, can fcs found around almost every dwelling and cabin throughout the land. Their tn*te is pleasant, and are a dvkistised to care almost every disrate, while the miiuuf icturer s know t! ev pornas c# ruedirinn! rrope?tf«»s whatever. Thc.r aieso many disjoint*# for exceedingly common beverages w i>i« b do not. nor cm; not possibly cure ar y one. Beware of tl.e.«e p!ea‘abt bitters in quart Lat tles, they contain a sting for your vitals, and he who buy* ihcm ca ri # a "toper's” g og into his bouse. One man v bo knows nothing abou* med icine. sa\ a bis big bottle* of c< mmon stuff will cure chills and fever, rhnmatism and centump t on ; another, whose bottle is verv Inner, ears* all impurities of ibe blu'd, makes old miDjoury, casts ont devils, restores tight to the blind, arid numerous other miracles; whileyet another, wta presume* every man a drunkard, proposes to e"re colic, ingrowing nails, velb-w frver. heart diseass and love sick maiden.* ff We know thev male no such cures, we know the people at large at* deceived and Mulled, and as we desire t« rts* tilate these common humbugs make the Joil&w irg challenge to one and ail r OHEJHPNDRED DOLLARS That one tea«p<y)rfnl of ENCLfeill FEMAI.I BITTERN contains as nmcb medieiiiA properties as one bo'tie of any of the pleasantly tast'd arm mon artvt-riised bittns M the ' ay * ’ The median! pro>«-ion to decide theoue*Gen. he it under* stood that English Fert a!* hitlers is not a b* v»r sge, but is a j «w erfui Iron ami Vegetable Tonra CiMobinod, curiug -ong standing chronic It stale Coir>,)tainis in every dirf-elion. Put rip in large botrla* at (I.sft re* bottle, or six bottles Jar sc.uo, and sold by Diuggiats sad Merchants everywhere J. T. DRO.MGOOLE 4 CO., P-op’s. Memphis, Ten a. DR0l!re00LE"& Co7s BDCHU. The be>t and eherpt at comb ustion for ah ef fects B* of the Kfdrvys ind Bladder ever oflertd to the public, fl is prepared by regular phj«K ctans and used br the profession. Pr e* (1 or six Lotties for fcj. Bold by Dr»fs gists and M©reliant* everywhere J. P. DROiiGOOI E A CO, aa^tift'7o-i y Meat?his, Teas.