Calhoun weekly times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1873-1875, December 29, 1875, THE CALHOUN TIMES-SUPPLEMENT., Image 1

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CALHOUN TIMES r V'X** —: ——— ■■ ij> • .. - ®* B 4 fREEIMAN, Editor WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1875 The Cent*HrMiAL of 187&.—Thi highly favored country is about to cele brate its hundredth birthday. Under its favored privileges, its citizens have beeA happy ; worshiping God accord-* ing to the dictates of their own consci* enccs; pursuing their chosen avocations exalted positions from small beginnin gs This is particularly applicable to Dr 1 utts I aver Pill. Ten years ago they had but a limited local reputation, but in this time, aided by scientific research and con scientious business direction, it has attained such a celebrity that there is not a country on the globe that they are not known and used. Wherever disease pevails,especially such as results from torpid liver, dyspepsia, costiveness, sick headache, fever and ague, aod they are eageny sought for. dee22-2t NOTICE I All who are indebted to the firm of Geo. W. Wells & Cos., either by note or account, will do well to call and settle by the Ist day of January, as we need money and must have it; by complying with the above you will save trouble and cost. Geo. W. Wells & Cos. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. After January Ist our books and notes will be placed in the hands of a collecting officer. Thoso desiring to save costs can dc I# by paying before that time. Gray k Middeeton* From the Macon Daily Telegraph and Messenger. Dentifrice.—We repeat that Dan forth’s Sanative Dentifrice is the most elegant and efficient detergent for the teeth and gums we have ever used, and do confidently recommend it to the pub lic ; and we doubt not that if mothers Would teach their children to use their little brushes with this preparation, their teeth Would last from ten to twenty years longer. It is the world s Denti- Irioe. For sale by Reeves at Malone. DO YOU WANT HEALTH ? Why will ye die?—Death, or what is worse, is the inevitubl ? result of con tinued suspension of the menstrual flow. It is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief is the only safeguard against constitutional ruitt. In all cases of suppression, sus pension or other irregularity of the “ courses,” Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator Is the only sure remedy. It acts Dy giving tone to the nervous cen tres, improving the blood and determin. ing directly to the organs of menstrua-, tion. It is a legitimate prescription, and the most intelligent Doctors use it. Prepared by J. 11. Bradfield, druggist, Atlanta, Ga.. 01.50 per bottle, and sold by respectable druggists everywhere. Boon to Suffering Females. LaGrange, Ga., Mar. 29,1870. Bradfield So Cos., Atlanta , Ga. : Dear Sirs—l take pleasure in stating that I have used for the last twenty years the medicine you are put., ting up, known as Dr. Bradfields Fe male Regulator, and consider it the best eomlinatien ever gotten together for the diseases for which it is recommend ed. I have been familiar with the pre paration both as a practitioner of medi cine and in domestic practice, and can honestly say that I consider it a boon to suffering females, and can but hope that every lady in the land, who may be suffering in any way peculiar to their sex, may be able to procure a bottle,and their sufferings may not only be relieved but they may be restored to health and strength. With my kindest regards, I am. respectfully, W. B. Ferrell, M. D. I, yards of the best jeans ever offered in Cherokee Georgia, cheap for the cash or produce at Foster & Har lan’s. I riDtSj Domestics, Jeans, &c., very cheap at J. W. Marshall's. Ho n & McGhee, wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Rome, Ga, will defy any house in North Georgia to under sell them io groceries, and guar antee as high prices for all cotton sent them to sell—ship them your cotton and send them your orders. ATTENTION, DEBTORS. The year is drawing to a close, and I would remind those who are indebted to me that I need money. If satisfactory settlements are not made at an early day Ipositively intend to press accounts by legal piocess. J. W. MARSHALL. Fifteen cents per pound will be paid for cotton to those againsi whom we hold guano accounts. Foster & Harlan. J. W. Marshall has made preparation for the season by laying in a good stock of ready-made clothing, in suits and separately, and is offering them low. Buy Christmas Toys at J. W. Marshall's COLONISTS, EMIGRANTS AND TRAVELERS WESTWARD. For map circulars, condensed time tables and general information in regard the transportation facilities to all points in Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Min*, tiesota, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, lowa, New Mexico, Utah and California, ap ply to or address Albert B. Wrenn, General Railroad Agent, Atlanta,Ga. No one should go West without first getting in communication with the Gen eral Railroad Agent, ard become in formed as to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of families, household goods, stock, and farming implements generally. All information cheerfully given. W. L. DANLEY, G. 1\ & T. A. THE CALHOUN TIMES—SUPPLEMENT. Sheetings, shirtings, prints and no tions at the lowest prices at J. H. Arthur’s. A large stock of ready made cloth ing just received, and will he sold at low prices, at Foster & Harlan’s. FOR THE CASH Foster & Harlan are determined not to be undersold by any body. The most goods for the least money, call early. Those la need of hor-e collars will call or. Foster & Harlan. Go to Foster & Harlan’s, if you wish to purchase a Cotton Gin, of the Win ship, or some other good make, a Sor ghum Mill or Cider Mill, at lew fig ures. A fine stock of saddlery, hofsu eoJ- t lars, bridles, etc., just received at J. 11. Arthur’s. The place to buy your groceries is at J. W. Marshall's. REDUCTION ! Goods cheaper than they have ever been sold in this market at the Cheap Cash Store. Best prints at 7i cts. to 81 cts., shiiting,B cts.; Roswell’s yarns, $1 15; good brogan shoes, $1 50; heavy boo‘s, 03 00 to 04 00; and other goods in proportion. Always keep a full stock on band, and won’t be undersold if we lose money by it. B. M. & C. C. Harlan, Succ’rs to B. G. Boaz. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE ! ! A goud line of Furniture can always be found at the Cheap Cash Store of B. M. &C. C. Harlan. When wanting anything in this line give them a call. Roswell yarns at 01.15, and other goods at greatly reduced prices. We will guarantee better bargains than can be had anywhere in North Georgia, Atlanta and Rome not excepted. Come and price our goods and be convinced. 13. M. & C. C. Harlan, Succ’rs to B. G. Boaz. NOTICE No more groceries at thirty days time. On and after this date I will sell groce ries strictly for cash or produce. I will sell groceries as cheap as they can be -old in this market. “ Quick sales and small profits ” is my motto ; come and see me and be convinced that I sell cheap for cash or produce. Respectfully, Decl. li. K. Hicks. REEVES & MALONE will pay the highest market price for produce in exchange for goods, or Ift settlement of acccounts. Saddles of superior finish, and : t low prices, can be found at Foster & Harlan’s. Hats, Boots and Shoes, a full line :c suit the trade, at J. W. Marshall’s. J. H. Arthur is just receiving a well assorted lot of clothing,boots, hats, prints, notions, and dry goods generally, an ’ Is desirous that the public shall know that he is selling for cash at prices that absolutely defy competition. If you want bargains call at his store and you will not be disappointed. Oct29. DR. SALTER’S SPECIALTIES. At the Eclectic Dispensary cancers are successfully treated and a cure ef fected in ninety nine cases out of a hun dred, when taken in time. Rheumatism cured in every case in from one to three months, at a of five dollars per month for medicines. Diseases of TnE Throat cured io from one week to two months. Catarrh of the Head cured In one to three months, in most cases ; oc casionally meet with cue requiring more time. Womb Diseasfo —Ulceration,lnflam mation, Leucorrhea, cured in one-half the time required by other systems, abd without the use ef caustics. Epileptic Fits relieved and per na ncntly cured. In most cases from six to twelve months required for a perma nent cure. NervoUs Debility, from excess, self-abuse, etc., successfully treated and cured in from one to five months Blood Diseases cured in from three to twelve months. Kidney Diseases cured in one to three months. Diseases of Liver amenable to treatment, permanently cured in a few months. Neuralgia and other nervous dis-. eases successfully treated Call ou or address S. F. Sa’ter, M. D., No. 55 Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga Terms of Treatment J Consultation free. Prescription anp medicine per month, five dollars, in all chronic cases —Car.- bers and Tumors excepted. Operations on the eye, etc., at very low rates. dec22-3m NOTICE 1 We have closed out our stock of goods. But for the accommodation of those in** debfced to us we can be found at the old stand, for a short time, with our books open for settlements. Please call at once, as we are compelled to have mon ey, and will sue on all claims not paid soon —unless by special agreement. Re member now that you have notice. Boaz k Barrett. Buy your Christmas Presents at J. W. Marbhall’b Our stock is complete and our prices defy competition. North Georgia can f t beat us. We mean business, and for the cash will not be ndersuld by any body. Foster & Harlan. REEVES & MALONE will sell goods as cheap as the cheapest oX cash* Crockery ware,Queen’s ware, facto ry yarns, etc., cheap at J. 11. AhtiiUeCs. J. W. Marshall offefs bargains. him if you don’tbelieve it getv AIA A I>AV at home. Agents wanted. VI / Outfit and terms free TRUE & CO., t Augusta. Maine. rffii-yi-y per week Gt ahanteed to X / / agents, male and felriale, in th ir *l+/ I I own locality. Terms and outfit free. Addrcs P. 0.. Vickety & Ct>, Augus ta, Maine. p'A d*)AP or at l‘ ome - Samples to\/.1l worth 01 free. Stinson & *r*^Vo o<> Portland, Maine. Agents, the greatest chat ce of the age* Address, with stamp, National Copyiug Cos., Atlanta, Ga. .fill AP cr day. Business Si) TO JS||| !,onorable lu - Vcrative. Agents wanted. Addres ß Marion Supply Cos., Ma rion, Ohio. Mind reading, psychomancy, FASCINATION, Soul Charming, Mes merism, and Marriage Guide, showing how either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affection of any person they 7 cho'-Se in stantly. 400 pages. By mail 50 Cents.— Hunt & Cos., 100 South 7th street, Philadel phia 1 ADVERTISING Iri Religions and 4gricnltttral WEEKLIES HALF - PRICE ! Send fob Our Catalogue ON THE LIST PLAN. For information, address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 41 Park Row, NEW YORK. Advertising en CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS 881 foi> 35 Cents. Send for Our Catalogue ON THE LIST PLAN. For information, address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO , 41 Park Row, NEW YORK. mb. w. wits k cii., Would again call the attention of the public to the fact that they sti’l have on hand a good stock of One and Two Horse Wag* otiSf Spring Wagons, Haggles etc. We also have 0 1 hand a large assortment of our Kxcelsior Plows, arid all othef goods in the agricultural line. Wc are also supplied with a full line of SADDLERY AND HARNESS all of Which we will sell very cheap for cash. Call and price our goods before pur chasing elsewhere, Georgia, Gordon County: TO all whom it may concern : Jasper N Smith having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of M. 11. Jackson, late of said eounty-= This is to cite all and singular, the cred itors and next of kin of M. H. Jackson, to be and appear at my office within the time ollowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Jasper N. Smith, on M. IL Jackson’s estate* H itness my hand and official signature. D. W. NEEL, Oidinary. QRIiIMS. BKiI.IKS AND WAG OXS. fIMIE undersigned having purchased o X Mr. Z. T. Gray his shop, tools, and stock of material, consisting of everything ne cessary to the completion of first-class Wag ons, Carriages and Buggies, and also Har ness, Bridles, &c., together with All Kinds ot Farm Work, in Wood, Iron and Steel. Horse-shoeing done in the best style. AL kinds of repairing done at short notice, and in good stile. The same hands contin ued in the shops, with the addition of Mr. Metts, Who is known to be among the best of wood workmen. Mr. Gray will give his personal attention in the shops for awhile Try me. All work and prices warranted satisfactory. A liberal discount will be made for cash. A. W. RE-EYE. Georgia, Gordon County: JOHN M. PATTON having applied to be appointed guardian of the person and property of James M. Pcnde*, a minor un der fourteen years of age, resident of said county— This is to Cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the tertn of file Court of Or dinary to be held after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if any they can, why John M. Patton should not be entiust ed with the guardianship of the person and property of James M. Ponder. Witness my official signature. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary, Utrdwfonl. TAKE SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR, for all diseases of the Liver Stomach and Spleen. MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWJIL COM PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, MENTAL DE PRESSION, RESTLESSNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, SICK HEADACHE, COLIC, CON STIPATION and BILIOUSNESS. It is eminently a Family Medi cine, and by being kept ready for immediate resort, many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time ; and doctors' bills is saved. After Forty Years’ trial it is still receiving the most unqualified tes timonials of its virtues, from per* sons of the highest character arid responsibility. Eminent physi cians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC for Constipation, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Dizziness, Smtr Stomach, bad taste in the mouth, bilious attacks, Palpita tion of the Heart, Pain in the region of the kidneys, despondency, gloom and forebod ings of etil,all of Which ate the offspring of a diseased Liver. The Liver, the largest organ in the body is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Rk<JUGated :u lihle, great suffering, wretched nCSS, and DEATH Will ensue. IF you feel Dui*L Drowsy,Debil itated, have frequent Headache, Motifrt Tastes badly, poor Ape tite and Tongue Coated, you are suffering from Torpid LiVeU or Biliousness ,” and notl ing will cure Vou so speedily and perma nently. “1 have never seen ir tried such a simple, efficacious,satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life.”— ll llaifies, St. Louis, AJo. Don. AleX. ir. Stephens. “ t occasionally rise, when my condition requires it Dr. Sitnttlons’ Liver Regulator, with good effect.”— lion. Alex: II Stephens. Governor of AUibartta. “ four Regulator has been in use in mv family for some time, and L am persuaded it is a valuable addition to the medical sci ence.”- Gov. J. Gill Shorter, Ala. *'l have used the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen years. 1 can safely reccomitiend it to the World as tile best med icine I haVo ever used for the class of dis eases it purports to cure.”—//. K Thigpen. President of City Bank. “ Simmons Liver Regulator ha proven f! good arid efficacious id idiciri*,”— C. A, butting. Druggists. “We have been acquainted With Dr- Nim moris’Livei Medicsne *br more than twen ty years, and know it to be the best Liver Regulator offered to the public.”— M. R. Ly on and 11. L. Lyon. Bellefontaine, Ga “I was cuied by .Simmons’ Liver regu late-, after having suffered several yours with chills and fever.”— lt. F. Anderson. The Clegg. “ My '\ife and myself have u-ed the Reg. ulatorfor years, and testify to its great vir tue.”—Rev. J.R. Felder. Perry, Ga. Ladies Fit<lorsemevt. “I have given your medicine a thorough trial and in rto Case has it failed to give full satisfaction-.”— Film Meachi m, Chattahoo chee, Fla* Professional. “From aeftirtl Experience in the use. of th's medicine in my practice, l have been and am satisfied ft) tiSe and prescribe it as a purgative medicine,”*—///-. •/. IU. M"o/i. M. F: Florida Conference. “ I have used Dr. A’immons’ Liver Regu lator in mv family for Dyspepsia and sick imadache and regard it an invaluable rem edy. It lifts riot failed to give relief in any Distance. ’- -Rev. 11'. F Fosterling. President Oglethorpe Collage. •‘Simmons’ Liver Regulatui is certainly a specific for that class of complaints which it claims to Crire.”— Rev. I tariff Wills. No In .tin nee of a Failure on Retool When Simmons’ Liver Regulator has been operly taken, J. 11. Zeilin & Cos , sep2o lv- Proprietors. NOTICE I I hate sold my entire Stock of merchan dise to Messrs. B. M. & O. U. Harlan, and would respectfully solicit my friends and customers to give them a fair trial. They are polite and clever gentlemen. B. G. BOA DeUemSKr 7, 1875. FURTHER! Having purchased of Mr. B. G. Boaz his entire stock of merchandise, we respectfully solicit the patronag; of his friend; and cus tomers and the public generally. We shall keep always on hand the LARGEST AND BEST Selected Stsek of Goods to be found in this market, and will guaran tee better bargains than can be had any where in North Georgia. B* M. kC. (. HARLAN. Successors to B. G. BOAZ. decß-4t. GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! Rare Inducements Often and. J. \V . mar s*h all Would remind his friends the puMis that he has in stock DRY GOODS, DOMESTICS, MHJfTSf, BOOTS & SHOES,- READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, JEANS, NOTIONS, AC. And a fH -ir,e of Grocei ies 2 the heaver class of which he has moved into his basement room. All goods sold at lowest competition prices, (Jail and be convinced. pisrrttanfous. THE CASH GROCERY STORE. Slielor & Rankin, THEIR MOTTO s LIVE AND LET LIVE. The stibstatltials of life a specialty. Everything at bottom figures for cash. Will pay Cash or barter for eggs and buttef. Attgust 9, 1875. TRY US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. THE OLDEST HOUSE IN CALHOUN. ISstafelistied IHiiT. NEWGOODS! >s KW GOODS! WE are pleased to notify our friends that we are now laying in a- jtfV'g-e affd superior stock Of Seasonable GroodS* Those who wish Bargains will give us a call. FOSTER Sc lIARLAIN. REEYES & MALONE Are now receiving a large and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CLOTHING, And a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, Which we offer to the Fall Trade low for cash. Our busineis will be conducted by Mr. JAS. S. HARKINS, Call and see Our Elegant Assortment of Ladies’ Shoes, J. B. S. HOLMES, M.D. Wm. L. GORDON. HOLMES & GORDON. Wholesale and. Ltetai Driui'g ists, No. 19 Broad Street (SHOKTJEJ* BLOCK,) JlofciS, Ga. Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Dye-Stuff3, Toilet & Fancy Articles, 3F Paints, Oils*, Putty, Glass IP* TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c. Fisk’s Patent Metalic BURIAL CASES. IlnVing purchased the* stock of Boaz & Barrett, which will constantly be added to, ft full range of sixes call always be found at the obi stand of Rcefes & Malone. declo Gm. T# A. FOSTER. Special JSTotice. MISS HUDGINS ertft no# befotind at MRS. MILLS’ FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, 51 Broad Street, Rotne* Ga., whel-e she Js prepared to do Mantua making and Cutting in all its branches. Call and see, Mrs. Mills is receiving a full stock of millinery and fancy notions, latest styled felt, straw and velvet hats, cloaks -neks and wraps in endless variety. Efcrythiftg necessary k<*pt for ladies’ outfit. [sep2D*7m. Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna. E. & H. T ANTHONY & GO.. 591 Broadway, Xcw York.* (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers & Deal ers In CHROMOS AND FRAMES, Stereoscopes and Views, Albums, Graphoscopes an l suitable views, Photographic M atcri a1 s. We are Headquarters f O~ everything in the way of Stereoseoptieons and Magic Lanterns. Being manufacturers of th© Micro-Scientific Lantern , Stereo-Panopticon, l *// ivers ity StercGscopticon, A dceitisers S 1 ercoscopficon f A rtopticon , Srhojl Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lantern. Each style being the best of its class lit (tf<? market. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with directions for Using sent ofi application. Any enterprising man can make money with a magic lantern. out this advertisement for refer . ence 'YGJ sep29*om Ul T| TANARUS) AVf Headquarters for VjlJ lIU ll v/ A .Foreign and American t’hromos. Dealers, Agents. Trunk and Bosniakers. Newspaper Rublislierx and Tea .Stores, will find a complete supply. Ouf new and brilliant specialties are unequalled. Our D\ll mounted Ghrotnos outsell any thing in the market. Twelve samples fo f $1.00; one handled for 06.00. Illustrated Catalogue free. J. Latham & Cos., 4l& Washington St., Boston, J/ass. P. O. Boj 2154, ro©tl3 5w CHEAPEST AND BEST! HOWARD liIMAIIUO CHIT! MANUFACTURED NEAR KINGSTON, MRIOW COUNTY, GEORGIA. Equal to the best iinp’errted Portland Cement. Semi for Circular. Try thin before buying elsewhere. Refers by permission to tUr. A. J. West, President of Cherokee Iron Company, Polk county, Georgia, who has built a splendid darn across Cedar Creek, using this cement, and pronouncing it the best he ever used. Also refer to MeSSfS. Smitl , Son & Bro., J. E. Veal, F. I. Stoite. J. J. Cohen and Major Tom Berry, Reme. Georgia, Major H. Bry an, of Satartnalf, T. C. Douglas, Sunerin t-endent of Masonry, East River Bridge, New York, Gen. Wmi* Mcßae, Superintend ent W. & A. Railroad, Capt. J. Postell, C E. Address G. 11. WARING, Kingston, G octl3l y. T. 311. EtXiXilS’ IMRU MIMABII Good Saddle a<l Buggy Horses and New Vehicles. Hor.;es and mules for sale. Stock fed and cared for. Charges will be reasonable. Will p y the cash for corn in he ear and ‘‘Odder in the bundle. feb3-t*. Gordon Sheriff's Sales . WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Calhoun, Gordon county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Fob*llafy next, the fo.lowing property, to-wit: 112 acres of land, mare or less, off of kt of land number 173, in tiie 14th dis trict and 3-1 section of Gordon county, Ga., the s me being off the north vide of said lot. and north of the Oostaffauta river. Also 1(70 acre*, more or less, off of lot of bnd number 152, in the 14th district and 3d Section of Gordon county, Ga., the same being all of said lot north of the Oostanau la rifer, as the property of E. S. Mann, to satisfy one Superior Court ft f„ in favor of F. A. Kirby vs. K. S. Mann, as principal, and Jot-eph E. Reavers as indorser, and Jonathan Dew. security off stay. Defend ant E. S. Mann, in possession and not.tied. This Deceiut er 28. 1875. I. E. BARTLETT, Sheriff. pisrfUancous. Z. T. GRAY. A. J. MIDDLEI GRAV & MIDDLIO Dealers in Family & Fancy Grocerii COURT HOUSE STREET. 1 i Everything usually found in a first c Grocery establishment can be had of I;** OUR STOCK IS SUPERK and we can supply the wants o' all. , ask old friends and the public general) give us a trial. We sell I.OW FOR CAS and guarantee good bargains, The highest market prices will be pai cash for all kinds of country produce. GRAY & MIDDLETON GORDON SHERIFFS HAL WILL be sold before the Court 1' door in the town of Calhouri, Ctfr county, Ga., between the legal hours of i on the first Tuesday in January next foVhywing property, to-wit: The west of lb* of land No. 45, in the ‘23d dis and 2d section of Gordon county, as property of John Dudley, to satisfy t ti fas issued from the Justice’s Court of 874th district, G. M. t of Gordon county, 1 in favor of Erwin & Dyer, and one in f of Erwin & Crow ; all against JoL n Dm Fi fas levied and returned to iue by 1* Lloyd, L. C. Also, at the same time and place, wil sold, lot of land No* 302, in the Bth dis and 3d section of Gordon county, ns property of Joseph Shepeard, to satisf execution issued from the County Cou Gordon eounty, in favor of Win. H. Dal against said Joseph Sliepeard Join Nesbit 1 in possession and notified. Pr< ty pointed out by Plaintiff’s attorney. Also, at the same time nod place, wil sold, lot of land No t 83, in the 7th dh and 3d section of Gordon county, as property of John A. PullLm, to satisfy execution issued from the Superior Gou Gordon county, in favor of Wm. Dilln Son against John A. l’ulli .m. John A liam in poss'ssion and notified Prop pointed out by plaintiff s attorney. Also, at the same time and place, wi sold, lots of land Nos. 127, 102 and 13< the 7th district and 3d section, and 1 15, 179 and 180, in the 24th district and 2d tion, all of Gordon county, Ga., as the y erty of Wm. E. Carter, to satisfy an ex tion issued from Gordon Superior Cour favor of Thos. J. Whitman at.d II Wrench ngainst Jesse Miller, Thor Talley, James A. WilPams and Wm. E. ter. Wm. E Carter in possession and lied. Property pointed out by plain attorney. Also, at tlje sabre time and place, wil sold the south half of lot ot land No. in ♦he 14th district ftlid 3d section ; 4nt of lot No. 280f lii the 14th district an section, boutided west by L. M. Sinn south by Si Simpson, ncith by D. W. I< also li)2 acres of lot No. 202, in the district and 3d section, bounded west 1 Simpson, east by It. Abbott, south b; Alexander; all in Gordon county,“Ga the property of W. D, Stewart, to sa one tax fi fa in favor Of T. J. Norton, f i vs. W. D. Stewart Property pointed by defendant. Fi fa levied ahd return me by John Hudgins, L €. Also, at tlit* same time afirl place, wi sold lots of 1 ml Nos. 1 12, 129, 13(> 99, 100, in the 15tli district and 31 section, 107, in the 24th district and 3d section of Gordon county, Ga., as the proper M. M. Anderson, to satisfy an executio sued from Gordon Superior Court in 1 of Joseph Rowe, lor the use of Wm. H. ris and II 11. Dobson vs. Samuel Sim an ’ M. M. Anderson, security on appe: Abo, at the same time and place, wi sold, 140 acres of lot of land No. 117 the 14th district aftfd 3d section of Go county, being all of said lot we: the Oo tanaula river. Also, 44 act lot of land No. 118, in the 14tli district 3d section of Gordon county, being a fbtid lot on the west side of the Oostan river, fld beihg located cn the north of said lot. Levied on by Virtue of on< fi fa against J. A. Williams for State county tax. Fi ta issued by T. if. No Tax Collector. Levy made and returnt me by John Hudgins, L. C. Also, at the same time and pi ice, wi sold, lot ot land number 183, in ih< district and 3d section ot' Gordon cou sold as the property tff R M Voting by tue of a mortgage ti fa i Stted from G<> Superior Court, in favor of Barrett & i well agaib't It M Yom g; said 'ot of pointed Ottt in ti fa and by plaintiff’s u hey. Also, at the same time abd place, vi ' sold part of town lot mtfffber 1, in th section of the town of Calhoun, being part of said! tfronting north oh Hurd s iGO feet, more or less'and running had feet, more or less, eotl'.aihibg one-half i taore or less, bounded oti the south by 1 of T A Foster, and Ott the east h lau N J Boaz ; sold as the property ot Young by virtue of a fi fa issued from don Superior Court in favor of Barrt Caswell agaiast R if Young ; said pro} pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. I E BARTLETT, Sheri In sellii g the above described proj of the defendant R M Young, as set for the foregoing advertisement, as Sliei will also bv virtue of an order of the i oiable John Erskine, Judge of the Di? Court ot the United States, Northern trict of Georgia, sell at the same time place all tiie interest of the assignee o said II if Young, bankrupt, i and ft property described in the above advei tfienf. This November 30. 1875. I E BARTLETT", Slier To Contractors, Will be let to the lowest bidder on first Tuesd.-.y in January, 187 b, ibe con for building two bridges, oife on Oofbca creek, near W. W. Harkins’ arid the c on Little Salaquoy creek, near E. St land’s. Also the repairing of Po creek bridge. Specifications can be see calling ou the undersigned. T A Fostt Clerk Board of County Commissi one * decß- 30d. Georgia, Gordon Cotm : I) B MAULDIN has applied for exem i. of personality, I will pass tlie same ou the 3()th iust., at 10 o’cloe M.,at my efflee iu Calhoun. This Decei let, 1875. I>. W.KEEL, Ordinal South Side Court House Street-