The times. (Savannah, Ga.) 1880-1881, August 09, 1880, Image 1

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p/ < H. A. STULTS & CO. Importers and Dealers in Whiskies, Brandies, Gins, Bums, Wines, Etc. We would remind merchants artd plan ters of the fact that they will find it deCi • :edly to their pecuniary advantage to give he advertisement of Messrs. H. A. Stults & Co. a careful perusal before laying in their supplies for the fall and winter trade. It will be seen by reference to the same that that enterprising firm is, as usual, well sup plied with a large and well assorted stock of Whiskies, Brandies, Gins, Rums, Wines, Cordials, Bitters, Ales, Porters, etc., in cases and casks for the ensuing season. These goods are all put up especially for the Southern trade, and Messrs. Stults & Co.’s facilities for purchasing are such as'to ena ble them to place their goods on the mar ket at the, very lowest figures. They, in addition to importing goods on a large j scale, buy all of their Native Wines and 1 Liquors from the distilleries direct, and purchase in such large quantities as to ob tain the very lowest cash figures, and, also, the lowest rates of freight, which, of course, enables them to place their goods on the j market under advantageous circumstances. For reliability and strict business integrity, the house of H. A. Stults & Co. stands sec ond to none in the South. Hence, those who favor them with their patronage.may rely on getting all of the advantages of the market, as well as the lowest rates of freight, and, as the cold spell is not very far off, we would call attention to Stults & Co.’s celebrated Rock and Rye, 'or those unfortunates who suffer-from coughs, colds, etc., during the .fall and winter season. See their advertisemeat. ALLEN & LINDSAY. Dealers in Fine, Medium, and Common Furniture, Carpets, Etc. Messrs. Allen & Lindsay’s extensive Furniture and Carpet House, on Broughton street; has long since been recognized as one of the-institutions of our city, and the large stoqk of goods which these gentlemen are now- receiving in store, speaks well for their determination that well . earned reputation. There is not a family in the Union that is not somewhat inter ested in the furniture trade, and we would call the special attention of those within the radius 4>f our commercial territory to the advertisement of Messrs.’Allen & I.ind - say, which will be found in another column, Mr. Allen, the senior member of the firm, is now making a tour of the principal fac tories in the Northern and Western cities with a view to laying before his customers, at an early date, one of the largest and most complete stocks of Furniture and Car pets ever offered in our State. They are determined to allow their customers to se lect from a stock calculated to meet the wants of all, whether it be a fine, medium, or common set of Furniture; from a single chair to a complete outfit for an entire house. They are also prepared to exhibit i Carpets, Rugs, etc;, of aj! .styles, grades, and prices. Parties visiting our city, or passing through to other markets, are in vited to examine each department of Messrs. Allen & Lindsay’s business, and they feel satisfied that they can make both terms and prices to suit those who desire to purchase. CRAWFORD A LOVELL. Importers and Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Agricultural Implements, Etc. Dealers in Hardware and Agricultural Implements may well be'set down as the most important friends of country mer chants and planters, for it is to that class of i trade that they look to for the latest im provements in Agricultural Implements and everything else pertaining to the tillers of the soil. This branch of trade, now i one of the largest, and certainly one of the i most important in our city, seems to in crease as each season rolls in, and we are pleased to note that it is ably represented | by the well-known house of Crawford & Lovell, and their well-filled shelves and store-room is conclusive evidence that this enterprising firm is determined that there shall be no scarcity of goods in their line of trade this season. Their stock is now complete in every respect, and embraces all of the latest novelties in Hardware, Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, etc.; also all of the latest improvements in Agricultural Implements, while in their Armory can be seen all of the very latest improved Guns, Rifles, Pistols, etc. They are also agents for the celebrated Miami Powder Company’s Sporting, Ducking, | Diamond Grain, Cannon, Mining, and Blasting Powder. The above mentioned lines of goods, in connection with a com plete stock of Turpentine Tools, enables Messrs. Crawford & Lovell to boast of one of the largest and most complete stocks of goods in their line of trade in our State. THE NOVELTY IRON WORKS, John Rourke, Proprietor. A glance at our advertising columns will convince any one that our Savannah me chanics are a wide-awake set of men, and are determined to contribute their full share towards the prosperity of our city. Promi nent among those, we would call the atten tion of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. John Rourke, proprietor of the Novelty Iron Works in this city. Mr. Rouke has had many years’ experience in his line of trade, and by referring to his advertise ment, it will be seen that he is now ready to receive orders for anything in the shape of Machinery, Castings, etc. He also pays particular attention to manufacturing Sugar Mills and Sugar Pans. Read his adver tisement, and if in need of anything in his branch of industry, you will find that your orders by mail will receive the same atten tion they would if you were ordering in person. *. ' ... y. • vv, A ■ r - , J - ' ■ I Vol. 1. PARISH’S Agricultural Depot, 190 and 192 St. Julian Street, Savannah, Ga. A glance into the large establishment of ; Mr. George W. Parish, at Nos. 190 and 192 St. Julian street, will convince any one that he is certainly looking out for the agricultural interest of our section of the country, for the large stock of Plows, Hoes, and Agricultural Implements generally, which he now has on exhibition, leaves no doubt whatever as to Savannah’s ability to cope successfully with rival cities, both as to price and manufacture of articles in the ‘ line of Agricultural Implements, and those j who linger blindly on the doubting side, I ' need only send to Mr. Parish for his price lists for the fall trade, in order to be con vinced of their erroneous impression. Mr. I I Parish also has on hand a complete stock 1 . j of Sugar Mills and Sugar Pans, which he ' I is now offering at as low prices as can be ' j obtained anywhere. Another important ' feature of this indispensable establishment is the manufacturing of Grist Mills, to j which Mr. Parish has turned his attention, i and is now prepared to Turn out the cele- j brated Green’s Vertical Grist Mills] fropi his shops, ajd their reputation for ex- 1 cellence and durability is too well known to the farmers of our 'section to need any further endorsement. Send for Price Lists, 1 and post yourself as to anything heeded in > Mr. Parish’s line of trade. WYLLY A CLARK. % ■ Dealers in School and Miscellaneous Books, Foreign and Domestic Sta tionery, Pens, Pencils, Law Books, Etc. Messrs. Wylly & Clark announce in an- I other column that they are now ready with a large and well assorted stock of School 1 1. ooks, .Literary Works, Stationery, of all . kinds and o the latest styles, Gold Pens, ! Pencils, and, in fact, everything usually found in a first-class Book and Stationery Store. They are also sole agents for the American' Book Exchange of New York, .which company has recently created quite ; la revolution in the literary world by their j cheap editions -of standard books. Just NOVELTY IRON WuRKSI JOHN ROURKE, Prop'r, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER. NO. 2 BAY ST., OPPOSITE GAS WORKS, SAVANNAH, - - GA, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS |of every description at lowest possible prices. Also dealer in NEW and SECOND HAND I W SUGAR MILLS AND PANS A H Our Mills are manufactured in the best pos- Jble manner, with heavy wrought shaft' and 'rnnTiTY' charcoal iron, and are warranted for one vear. All orders promptly executed and siA’sfaction guaranteed » Ac ’ Parties should send for my price lists, which are now ready, be- ll 111 fore purchasing elsewhere. Henry A. Stults. Chas. E. Stults. IJ. A . STULTS & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ALL GRADES OF WHISKIES, BRANDIES, GINS, RUMS WINES, ETC. We keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Case Goods Os all Kinds etnci Descriptions Put up especially for the Southern Market. Wines,Cordials, Bitters, Syrups, Ales, Porters,&c We keep constantly on hand a full stock of PORT and SHERRI 7 , in casks and cases . also, CALI FORNIA WINES and BRANDIES, CORDIALS, BITTERS, ALES, PORTERS, SYRUPS, COCKTAILS, and PUNCHES. A full assortment of BOTTLES, FLASKS, CORKS, etc. We guarantee our goods as represented. We are now offering a large and well selected Stock of Goods PURCHASED DIRECT FROM DISTILLERS. And any orders with which our patrons may see fit to favor us, will meet with prompt and careful atttention. Give us a trial and we guarantee satisfaction. OFFICE AND STOKE 131 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. •• ■ ■ < SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1880. think, for instance, of gating the Life of Burns for three cents? or Mary, Queen of Scots, for the same price, and the Life . of Christ (bound in cloth) for fifty cents, T- At those prices there can’t be any scarcity ’ of interesting reading matter in this coun- '• try. Send to Wylly *& Clark for price 1 lists. JAMES S. SILVA. Crockery, China and Glassware. We would now call the attention of country merchants and planters to the advertisement’of Mr. J. S. Silva, dealer in Crockery, China and Glassware, in ‘which particu lar line we are pleased to note that he has laid in a stock of goods for the Fall trade, which, for size and assortment, can’t be equaled, in the State. Mr. Silva has been en- I gaged in the Crockery trade in our city for thefiast twhnty-three-years, and his long experience in that line, in connection With other facili ! ties, enables him to buy his goods, at very low figures, hence he can sell on the same terms on which he buys, viz: “at the very lowest market prices.” Being a direct importer, and having made excel lent arrangements with some of the, most celebrated potters of Europe, he enjoys facilities for catering to the wholesale trade that very few ■in his line can boast of, and we would call the special attention of merchants and planters to that im portant point. His wholesale de partments on the second and third I floors, are well filled with an ■ im mense stock of (jrockery, China, Glassware, Lamp® of all kinds, Table Cutlery, Tip ware, Wooden ware, and in fact a-full line of house furnishing goods.: The country merchants, who visit our city with a view to laying in their Fall and j > Winter stock, should not fail to i give him a call and inspect his •wholesale department, for they may rest assured that there they can select from one of the best stocks in the Southern States, and we would call their particular attention to the fact that Mr. Silva offers to duplicate, as a whole, any bill in his line bought in the Northern or Western markets. Read his ad vertisement. WYLLY & CLARKE (Successors to John M. Cooper & C 0.,) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SCHOOL Alffl BOOKS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STATIONER!, LAW & MEDICAL WORKS Comer Whitaker and St. Julian Sts., SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Go'd and Steel Pens, Gold Pencil Cases Foreign and Domestic Writing Paper, I lank and Copying Books, Copying and ! ■’ Seal Presses, Copying, Writing and Indeli- i ; ble Inks, Envelopes of all kinds, Porfolios, | < Writing Desks, Chess and Backgammon ; Boards, Dominoes, Croquets, Playing, Vis- - iting and Printers’ Cards, Gum Labels, : Seal Wax, Rubber Bands, Pen Knives, Drawing and Tracing Paper. FLAT AND LEDGER PAPER Full Stock always on hand. Mathematical and Surveyors’ Instruments,; Port Monies, etc. THE LITERARY REVOLUTION. Standard works complete at astonishi. gly low prices. Macaulay’s Life of Frederick the Great. Price three cents. Carlyle’s Life of Robert Burns.- Price f. three cents. - • • Light of Asia, by Edwin Arnold.'! Price five cents. Thos. Hughes’s Manliness of Christ. I Price three cents. John Stuart Mills’s Chapters on Soci alism. Essays of exceed-ng interest and importance. Price three cents. Baron Munchausen. His travels and Surprising Adventures. Price five cents. Mary Queen of Scots’ Life, by Lamer ;tine. Price three cents. ; Vicar of Wakefield. By Oliver Gold jsmith. Price five cents. ' Bunnan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Price six cents. Private Theatricals. By author of “ Sparrowgrass Papers.” Price two cents. ' Stories and Ballads For Young 1 Folks. By Ellen Tracy Alden; with very fine illustrations. Price five cents. Leaves From the Diary of and Old Lawyer. Short stories of thrilling, laugha ble. pathetic interest. Price three cents. The above works will be furnished at the [.above mentioned prices, by WYLLY & CLARKE. Sole Agents of the American Book Ex- ; ! change, of New York. WHOLESALE MUSIC TRADE. o Ludden Bates* SOUTHERN AITICTB TTATTOP I S i ~ HY JI Lulu SAVANNAH. GA. c HI cKE RINc ‘ IHWir-r I • The Only Wholesale M; -ic House in the Southern Mate-. —o—V Pianos, Organs, I SBECT I® MSS.C INB, Imported Musical AT O IB M’ RATES. o IKT oxm HIBIE »L Nos. 142 and 143 Congress St., To which we removed July Ist, we have a Special Whcksah Depute FOR THE SALE OF Violins, Violincellos, Guitars. Banjos, Tambourines, Drums, Accordions, Concertinas, Flu tinas, Flutes, Fifes, Flageolets. Harmonicas, Bones, Music Boxes, Musical Albums. Trim mings. Cornets, Finest Italian Strings, * And every description of Iffll ttfflll All of which we can offer at lowest j New York jobbing rates. We im port direct through Savannah and ! New York Custom Houses, and can compete with any house in the i trade. We are after the Whole sale Music Trade of the South, and are bound to have it. Merchants visiting Savannah are requested to I call and examine our stock. o PM 1 DH AT WHOLESALE RATES. Merchants who buy Pianos and Organs to sell again, will find our rates the lowest in the United States. We control Agencies for nearly all leading instruments for all this section of the South, and can favor merchants to and un usual degree. When in the city, i don’t fail to interview us and our HANDSOME NEW STORE • 0 Ludden & Bates. No. 11.