Evening journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1871-18??, April 06, 1872, Image 2

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EVENING JOURNAL. S vrntI)AYEVKXIX<i, AIMtH-O. WIT. A inillionire is worth about two I'X'S of gold. Old cider is now made oi sulphuric ;11, sugar of lead and rain water. A California hotel has a vase label od 2th picks. In Nebraska, courtships are said to av-rage three hours and a bait in length. Leavenworth has a divorce suit St vied Jelly vs. Jelly. Family jars •• * (lid it. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder —of sombody else,” sensibly a Ids a young lady lriend ot ours. Judy’s shop boy won't get up in the morning. lie says it is sleep year. A Western lawyer included in his bill against his client: ‘‘To waking up in the night and thinking about your case, five dollars. V “If you don't give me a dime,” said a young hopeful to his mamma, <k l know a boy who’s got the measles, ami I'll go and catch them.” A Michigan editor dislocated his •w in the other day in putting on a •loan shirt. He hadn’t tried it for so long a time that he had entirely lost die “knack" of it. \ o-roccr recently had a pound of sugar returned, with a note stating that it contained too much sand for table use, and not enough for bund ing purposes. A young widow was asked why she was going to get married so soon alter the death of her first husband. ‘•(), la!” said she. “1 do it to pre vent fretting myself to deathon ac count of dear Tom. A woman raised to the third power of widowhood has the photographs of her three departed lords in a group, with a vignette of herself in the cen tre, and underneath is the inscription, “The Lord will provide. Os Mill Cos IS THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE -IN S .A. V j3L INT IKT J9l 3EH „ They are now without doubt ex * hibiting the largest and best assorted Stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, AND 3>7 o % i o 33. m Ever offered in Savannah MERCHANTS Should ex: mine the S3 W Q> O XSLS! KUSINBSS DiIIECTUi.V. ■ - —■ Varda ■inm'kain'mrectory at iSooenh per line for cue week. G, FAI.LIGANT. GENERAL COLLECTOR VF* amt House Agent, 1 *2O State Street. ftHAS. E. WAKEFIELD, PLUMBER, GAS VJ and Steam Fitter, No. lU£ Lull Street. Du. PATTON. BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, , HI Bay Street, (up stairs.) David weisbein, ioo brougiiton st~ Dealer in Dry Goods and Notions. Great Bargains from New York Auctions, received by every Steamer, to which lie calls the attention of buyers. IAOR THE LATEST NOVELTIES IX HATS, ' Caps and Straw Goods gti to Chas. B. AdiV 137 Congress Street. T 11. & W. CREIGHTON, DEALERS IN fj . Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, X'c., 1-ib Congress Street. LUDDEN & BATES, PIANOS, ORGANS and Music. Publishers Southern Musical Journal. Broughton Street. M AGILE & EVER ITT. RAILROAD AND Steamboat supplies. No. 150 Bryan Street. McConnell s restaurant and euro pean House, lid 118 Bryan Street. I) A. WALLACETTtaTIONER, NO. 91 BAY A# Street. \ VALENTINE BASLER, MARKET SQUARE V House, 174 Bryan Street. \T7M. EVANS. PLUMBER, AND GAS FITTER M No. 117 Broughton Street. CLOTHING AT COST ! NO. 130 BROUGHTON ST. __ TN CONSEQUENCE OF ILL HEALTH. AND A with a view to closing up his business in the Clothing line, GEO. S. NICHOLS Will offer bis fine stock of ready made Clothibg at Cost. There i* no better or’finer stock in the city. 00 Dozen STA.iI SHIRTS, ail sizes. 8-1-1 in McKEE & BENNETT, ~ DEALERS IN Carriages, Buggies, Harness, ete. Cor. West Broad and Bay Sts,, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. At this cxeemsive Repository and Manufactory will also be found a large variety of all the m■•■ft fashionable CARRIAGES,ROC KAWAYS &I3 UGGIES Now in use. Ail work sold and warranted at this establishment will be protected. Plantation Wagons always on hand. Repairing executed in the best manner, and at reasonable rates. MarG-lm TWFf.TRP QUftslFQ sHL H $ nil Ki Tt MeJ HLw I JU LI U S K OOX , Proituetol?, Aiwa vs keep on hand a supnlv of the best- C II A M P AGNES. ALES, Wines, Liquors, Sugars, &c., &c. j S'S?'” Drop in between the acts. MarUf FFRRMQnM ? niynN j i Cl! UUJ Uli (X UIkU si , , ."' ’ ’ UNDERTAKERS, 138 BROUGHTON STREET. ty-v: