The bee. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-18??, March 25, 1865, Image 1

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T H E B E E. Printed at the Olfice of G. N. W idiots, Bay Street, Savannah. Ga. *- ' .Every facility tor all kinds ol Job Printing, Advertising. Ac ILc VOLUME I. 0, BAILEY, nnnim i iiimi. WISH KS to inform his friends, and the puli lie generally, that he has on hand a lot ol DARK AND LIGHT BLUE ULOTUS, For Officers wear, and an assortment of IIUJTHS, CASSIA! EH KS AX 1 > V H3STI X O S. Which he is prepared to make up at the shortest notice, in the most fashionable style, and i>v the BEST OF WORKMEN. lie has also a beautiful lot of VV HI I K and BitOW N LUTS IT DEILLCj For Spring and Summer wear. i'lothing (’nt, Altered and Repaired at short notice. Call and examine for yourselves, at the old stand of Robinson A ('amp. on Bull street, in rear of Pulaski House. 201 fi ifi OlM’i M. FITZGERALD, M \MI Al'l e KKK AM) Dkai.kk in PLAIN AND DINE CANDIES jLV, fiaSPBERRV, STRAWBERRY, AND LEUON SY RTJP3, OF fill', RICH KST FLAVORS ht "VST" *• Street, •• *• One door South of Congress. CH RLE GRuSS, DRAPER AND TAILOR Our (lour \\ t‘xt nj J*u/ttx!‘i UniOfr. CF ITING and REPAIR INC done with promptness. GBOCEBIEST GROCERIES I GROCERIES l A choice iitul well selected Stack of Family Groceries! (’an Be found at W. W. REMSHART S, t'OUNKK OK Jones and Whitaker Streets. 129. Congress St. 129. IT I). .lOIfDAV, DKAI.EU IN ipii u Jim in , f\\i;v utma.KS, Ac., Ac., Ac Watches and Jewelry Repaired SATURDAY MORNING, MARUH 25, 18b5. It Is Not Always .Night. t is not always night ! Though darkne-s reigns In gloomy silence o'er the slumbering earth- Ehe hastening dawn will tiring the light again. Anil call the glories ol the day to birth ' The -iim wiilnlriiAvs awbite her blessed light. To shine again—it is not always night! i he voice of the storm may til! the sky. Ami tempest sweep the earth with angry wing: lit the fierce wii ds in gentle murmurings die. And fiesliened I canty to the world they bring: The after-calm is sweeter and more bright. Though storms arise, it is not a I way-' night. he Night of Nature, and the night of storm, Ai e e> bh ins ho h of shadows on the heart. Which fall and chill its currents miickand warm. And hid the light ot peace aid o depart : .A thousand s!ia|>es has sorrow to affright I he soul ol man. ai.d shroud his hopes in nigh' \ i‘t when the darkest, saddest hour is come. And grim Despair would seize fiisslirinking heart Hie dawn of Hope breaks on the heavy gloom. And one by one the shadows will depart : As storm and darkness yields to calm and light. So with the heart —it is not always night ! i’he Genius of a Family. Almost ail women have a passionate ad niration for what is called genius, and no hing so delights a mother as to hear it as serted that her child is very uncommon, very unlike ordinary children- —in fact, a ■genius' ot the tirst water. In her maternal pride she forgets that brilliant intellectual quali lies rarely accompany the faculty of being happy and beloved, and tnat the acknowl edged genius is often the most wretched and unsuccessful of all people. I aught from childhood to consider them selves as separated from the crowd as being superior to the duties and sympathies of common life, they grow up selfish and ex acting, with the most exalted ideas of theii own qualities, deserts, and destiny, and a disposition to underrate whatever belongs to the plain and practical in the world nr and them. Brilliant in some respects, they wili ■ie deficient in others, and probaldv in those very elements most necessary to preserve them from temptations from within and without. Ihe baptismal fire of a goiiuiin inspiration only descends on poet, prophet artist, or apostle once or twice in a enttin and it takes more than dark eyes. Byron collars, a nervous temperament and facultv for rhyming, to make a Slmkspeare ora Mil ton. Os course it. is not right or wise to discourage the use of any facultv which ma\ be turned to high or useful purposes : hut at the same time its possession, or the pre sumption of it.- possession, should not he permitted to interfere with the exercise of other powers equally valuable, or with the observance and performance of those social amenities and m lvidua! responsibilities which belong to every member of the great family. It is the fault of mothers that they foolish ly indulge, and make the whole famiiv yield to the whims ami caprices of the pale, -len der child, w o-e passion for hooks, and in teresting looks, are the incessant admiration of huh visitors: while the hardy, rough red-faced, brown handed hoy, whose appe tite is vulgarly excellent, and who occasion ally plays truant from school, is completely ostracised, and, if possible, kept out of sight. And yet it is these sturdy, hardy hoys, and healthy, romping girls, who are the hone and sinew of our population How very often has the gieat injustice been prae tiesed of depriving a wole family of natural and proper advantages in order to lavish in diligences and a eosth education on the fa* unite son. the ■genius' from whom, when -•very sacrifice had been made, -o much was expected! And how often have all the fond expectations been disappointed, monev worse than wasted, and the declining years of the parents soothed alone by tin* care and atten tions of those children whom they had neg lected and despised ! I rue genius is a di vine gift. hut ii is not for everv-div wear. Better is it to he thankful for the common dessings ol health, strength, and ordinarv intelligence, than to sigh for contact with the tire which descends from the gods, and which scorches and Mights the moral per ceptions of its possessor as often as it illu minutes his intellect. I Live or Those Who Love Me. 1 live 1 1 )l those vv!n> love me, W ho-e hearts are kind ami tin*-; For the heaven that smiles above me. And awaits my spirit to: For all human lies that bind me ; For the ask by (Son assigned me; For the bright hopes left behind me, Amt the good that l can do. I live for those who love me. For those who know me true : For the heaven that smile- above me. Ami awaits mv spirit too: For Hie rau-e 1 >iat lacks assistance : For the wrong tnat needs resistance; For the future in the distance. Vmi t lie good I hat i oau do. A Printer on a Tramp. A Dutchman, sitting at the door of his tavern in the Far West, is approached hv a mil. thin Yankee, who is emigrating west ward on foot, with a bundle on a cane over Ins shoulder. ” \ ell. Mishtcr \ alking Shtick. vni you ant.'' '■ lies! and ret resit nielli, replied the priu o*r. “ Supper and loehin, 1 recoil.” “I es -upper and lodging Be you a l aukee hediar. nut chevvelrv ■it pack, to sclieai te gal- '! '■ No sir. I am no A aukee pe liar. '■ A singin in,i.-hter. too la/.y to vork? ’ “ No sir.” ** A shenleel shoemaker, voi hives to mea sure te gsils foot- and ankgle- petier tan to make te -hoes ! "No sir or 1 should certainly have men ded my ow n shoe.-. *■ A hook aclicnt, vot podders te school gommittees till dev do vat you v ish. shoo.-t to get rid of you '! *• Guess again, sir. 1 am no hook agent ■‘ Te tuyvel ! A teiilishl pretikin de hee ple s clmvv- at a t.ollar a -elmag •• No sir. I am no tooth-puller." Phrenologist, ten, feeiin te young folk - heads like zo many eahhifeh •‘No. nor a phrenologist.” •‘N ell, den. vat in te tuyvel can von he'. Shoost tell, tint von shall have te pest sas sage for supper, tint shlay all night, free gratis, in it out payin' von cent, unt a chili ol vhi sky to -litart mit in te inornin.” ”1 am an humble disciple of Faust a professor of the art preserv ativ e of all arts a typographer, at your service.” “Yatch dat ?' “A printer, sir: a man that prints both books and uew-papers.” ‘*A man vat print- newspapers ! Oh, vavv! yaw ! dat ish it a man vot prinish newspa pers! Yaw! yaw! 1 vish 1 may he shot if I didn’t fink you vasli a poor tiuvclofa dishtriet school master, who vork-for noting, unt poards arount no vliare. I thought you vash him. \ alk in. valk in. Mishtcr Prin ter-man ! A b VKI!. Wiu. Van Veghten Wilson, APO I 1 I La AKA . >• * lung ami 1.-imiliailv known in connect ion wu li the Drug Store of Me.—r.-. A. A. S, i.iivhin- y Do.. will tie |ilea.-ci! in see his old friend- with miuii dale-lor new me- .it Apnihccaiie-' H ill, corner Barnard and Broughton streets, W M. HAH.-ll l*r (|ii i.-tor !N.H. A- I >rmerl.v, Pin siciau-'Pi i| > s i«> ii. I tie carefully compounded at any hour of the night. life Insurance. THE KNICKERBOCKER life wmm imii iu OF NEW YORK, l-'ttc- Policie- upon Hive-in alltoim-, Kndowmeut Polieie-, \niiiiitic.-. oi payable on arriving ala gi ven age. or -ooner, in the cv cut ol death. They also is-ite the Populni ,\ mt-f or/ atiirt‘ lrn I‘rtmmnt /‘u/n'U's. For tiirtliei information applv at |sn> -lied. A, WILBUR, Agent, At tii#* I)tfice ol Home 1 ns. l u, PRINTING rTTTTTTT F 1111 INI KKKEI KFK TTTTTTnT 1111 1111 Fl*. KLKi.EF TT 1111 III! ft: ri ltHmilllll'H F.K'-TK TT nil III! KR tt mi mi ikkkittk TT 1111 III! HI I:Hi.I I I. FAST LIN F —I I JO TI.MK WHHKK \ HI, KINDS Hi ORNAMENTAL P.AIN, FINE AND HANDSOME P p R R I I N N T I N C Is Executed at Short Notice/ OFFICE ON HAY ST KKI.T. ‘ I NUMBER V. ( tIN N K< l it) N F: A < II Tit I I*