The bee. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-18??, March 25, 1865, Image 2

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Saii hday Morning,] Cl]c iicc. »• ■ i> littlf among ~m-h a» fly; but her ! i<.<- chief of sweet things." Ecci.kmastioh. . A N N AH, (i 12 O 11 G 1 A . ui'day Morning, March 25, 1865. l-'fl Our readers will excuse* our lack of oiiviiuil matter this week A press of work brought iu by the popularity of the Bkk es tablishment, is the best reason we can give for its absence. Our little friend, Billy Owkns. sticks tip Poster in to-day's Bee. Any one in need of hi- services will tind him both faithful and capable. Music Hath Chakms. — See the advertise ment of Messrs, John C. Schkki.nkk & Son in to-day's "l>ee. See the third of Mr. Wm. Van Yeuhten \\ u. son on our tir-t page. M e cordially re commend him to all who are -o unfortunate us to iced his services in these bard times. Mr. W. can be found at ail times at Apotht caries Hall, corner of Barnard and Brough ton streets. Theatrical. J'he Herald of Wednesday announces the dissolution of the “ Sweatna.ui and Scott Combination Troupe,” and recommends the parties at variance to reconsider the matter a id ‘don't do it.' but keep their organization intact. Were it not too late, we would hearti ly second the friendly advice of our clever neighbor ; but, as they “have gone and done it.” and the concern is now collapsed, we have nothing to say. We are much pleased, however, to be able to state that the talent of the parties in question is not to remain idle, and that the gentlemanly and enter prising Manager of our 1 lieatre has eth-cied an engagement with the leading male mem bers ol the late company, Mr. M. Aiusley Scott, Mr. Addison Hyman, and Mi M. J. Howard, who will have the honor of again appearing before their many friends, com mencing on Monday evening next, and con tinuing lor a -hurt season, at the expiration of which they contemplate returning to the North. Success attend them. l'he performances of these gentlemen, in conjunction witti Col. Taggart's excellent Dramatic Company, under the supervision of so experienced and popular an actor and gentleman as Mr. A. H. Davenport, will render the entertainments at this establish ment more attractive than anything hereto fore ottered in Savannah, and will most cer tainly insure success and protit to all in terested. Mr. W. P. Sweatnam, we are informed, will in a short time open St. Andrew's Hall, for a series of variety entertainments. The Hall is to be thoroughly renovated and im proved. stage and scenery are to be gotten up in style and splendor, and such other arrangemunts as may be necessary for the atrical purposes. We wish Mr. Sweatnam all good luck in his undertaking, and be lieve he deserves it. * Luffday—A Lady. The word lady is an abbreviation of the Saxon Laffday , which signifies lireadgiver. The mistress of a manor, at a time when af fluent families resided constantly at their country mansions, was accustomed, once a week or oftener, to distribute among the poor a certain quantity of bread. She bes towed the boon with her own hands, and made the hearts of the needy glad by the soil words and gentle amenities which ac companied her benevolence. The widow aid the orphan “rose up and called her blessed ’ —the destitute and atHicted re counted her praises—all classes of the poor embalmed her in their affections as the Laff day—xhc gi\er of bread and the dispenser of comfort—a sort of ministering angel in a kworld ot sorrow. BOOKS. STATIONERY, MUSIC! MUSIC! rigj» MUSICAL INSTBIITS. CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, Photographs, fancy Articles, k. k.. JNO. G. SCHREINER & SON'S Cor Congress st. and Monument Square INSURANCE! **-»■ UNDERWRITER'S AGENCY, THE GERMANIA, HAXOVEIf. Niagara and Republic FIEE AND INLAND IYSUMMi: 111 IMMIN OF NEW YORK CITY, Have entered into an arrangement, for the pin nose of transacting TOGETHER, the business of Insurance against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE AND INLAND NAVIGATION, And in order to carry the superior advantages of sueh an arrangement into effect, have established an Agency in this city. ONE POLICY of Insurance is is.-ued by tff'e FOLK COMPANIES, through the Underwriters Agency. By the conditions of the Underwriter's Policy, but ONE SET <)E P U’ERtS is required to prove a loss to the several Companies insuring under it. thereby making the adjustment simple and expeditious. The Cash Assets of the four Companies on the 2d of January, 1865, were as follows, viz: Germania, (Maurice flilger, Pres’t,).. . $656,789 -">s Hanover, (Doras L. Stone, Pres’t,; 526,380 64 Niagara, (Jonathan f). Steele, Pres’t,.}.. 1,270,R0d 16 Republic, (Rob't S. Hone, Pres’t,i 5 3,643 13 Making a security in the aggregate 0f... 2,987,166 58 Affording an abundant guarantee. J T THOMAS, Agent, Office, 117 Bay Street, south side, next east of Bail road Bauk, between Bull and Drayton. F. GROSCLAUDE, dealer in f AfG Ht 0* J t & t, SILVER WARE, ST^YTIOJSTIEIR,Y, <ScO. Bull st., opposite Masonic Hall, Savannah, Ga. WATCHES AY.i JEWELRY REPAIRED At Shortest Notice. TI I I ] 15 EIE . GARDEN SEEDS A Great Variety of CHOICE GARDEN SEEDS. JEST RECEIVED AT TI LI > EN’S, 100 Broughton Street TAILORING! The Subsi riber has cm hand a Fine and well se'eeted Stock of CLOT IS i\l) (! ISSIMKES, SFITABLE FOR BUSINESS 81 ITS. Which tie will dispose of At Prices to Suit the Times S Being ot long experience in the Tailoring bit in ess, On- advertiser flatters himself he will be able in the future, as in the Past, to gi\ e full and ENTIRE SATISFACTION i o a 11 his old and nu merous patrons, and -ueh new ones as may be pleased to favor him w ith their orders. Good workmen always employed. fair Clothing Cut, Altered and Repaired, at th shoriesr notice and in the Latest’ and most Fash - ionable Styles. PETER DONELAN, Bull Street, in rear of Post Office. Tilil COPPERS!!ififSHOP Where you can find a general assortment of TIN WARE, and where any article of Tin or Copper is MADE TO ORDER t rum t Fin ('ip to a Stkam Pipe o K-'3>. . All kinds of Roofing and Guttering attended to with dispatch. JOHN J. MAURICE, Bryan Street, Market Square “O UR H O USE” IIILLMli!) SALOON AN D— RESTAURANT Corner of Bay and Whitaker Streets, [l’P STAIRS, j Where maybe found WINE, ALE and CIDER. Also, GAME, FISH and OYS TERS. served in every style, at all hours, every day and evening through the week. — No pains or expense will be spared to keep the Larder well supplied and Meals promptly served. Call at “OFR HOLLSE” and make yourselves at home. C. F. HBHSEY. a#s§i} m&mm,!, i’dintrv and (bins in, WHITAKER STREET, Between Bay aud Bryan. MUSIC! MUSIC! March 2f>, 18li5 R spouse to a Poet. * Most readers are familiar with Moore's popular melody, sung so many thousands of times, of winch the following is the first -tan/a : “ This world is nil a Heetiug show, For mans illusion gi\ <>u : the smiles of joy, the tears ot woe, Deceitful shine, and ceitful How: There's nothing true but heaven.” An American writer improves the senti ment of Moore in the following ANTITHESIS. This world's /fit "all a fleeting show. For man's: illusion given”— He that hath sooth’d a widow’s wm;, Or wiped an orphan's tear, doth know There's something here ot Heaven. And lie that walks life’s thorny way, W ith feelings calm and even, \\ Dose path is til from da> to day By virtue’s blight and steady ray. Hath something felt of Heaven, He that the • ’hristian com e hath ran, And all his toes forgiven, And measured mo life’s little span In love to tjrod and luxe to man, On eattii hath lasted iieaxeo. The P. lute* atici the Type Perhaps there is no department of enter prise whose detai > are less understood by intelligent people than the "art preserva tive” —the achievement of the types. Every day their lives 16.*g they are accus tomed to read the newspaper, to rind fault with its statements, its arrangement, its looks, to plume themselves upon the discov ery ol some roguish and aerobatic type that gets min a trolic and stands upon its head ; or ot some word with a-waste letter or two in it: but of the process b\ which the news paper is made, of the myriads of motions aud thousands of pieces necessary to its composition, they know little and think less. S The y imagine they discourse of a wonder indeed, when they speak of the fair while carpet woven for thought to walk on the j rags that fluttered upon the back ot the beg gar yesterday. But there is to us something more won derful still. \V hen vxe look at the hundred i •*ud fifty-txvo little boxes, something shaded® wiiu the touch ot ink\ fingers, that c nnpost; a printers "case, noiseless, except the clicking ol types, as one oy one they take their place in growing line- we think vve have found the marvel of the art. Strewn in those little boxes are thin par allelograms of metal, every one good for something that goes to make up written lan guages ; the visible footprints of thought upon carpets of rags. W e think how many fragments of fancy there are in the boxes : how many atoms of poetry and eloquence the printer can make here and there, if he only lias a little chart to go by : how many facts in small hand fulls, hoxv much truth in chaos. Now he picks up the scattered elements until he holds in his hand a stanza of Gray s Elegy, monody upon a Grimes “all buttoned up before.” Now lie sets up a “Puppy mis* | sing,” and now “Paradise Lost” He ar rays a bride in “small caps,” and a sonnet in “Nonpareil.” He announces that the languishing "live,” in one sentence—trails poses tin world, and deplores the days that are “evil,” in the next. A poor jest ticks its way into the printer’s hand, like a little clock just runn’ng down, and a strain of eloquence marches into line. We fancy we can tell the difference by hear ing of the ear : but perhaps not. The types that told a wedding yesterday, announce a burial to-morrow—perhapS in the self-same letters. - They are the elements to make a worn of. I hose types are n world with somethnig in it as beautiful as spring, as rich as siwmner, and as grand as autumn; flowers that frost cannot wilt, fruit that shall ripen for all j time. j Always speak the truth. Live up to your j engagements. Make few promises. Live | within your income.