The bee. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-18??, April 01, 1865, Image 1

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T 11 E Printed at the Office ol' G. N. Nichols, Bay Street, Savannah. Ga. VOLUME I. o n o r s v: H A CHOICE STOCK OF Ale, Champagne, Wines, SECARS AND TOBACCO, AT THfc “ OUR HOUSE” ON IIA Y ST ii KKT, 11/// be Sold ill ! eux'i/table Id /rex, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. K\T It A 11\ 111 I K >IE ,\ T \ OR KI.'KIi To B ETA 11. DFALFKS. A.ii inspection of this Stock i> respectfully solicited before purchasing elscwTerr. Supper and Wedding Parties Supplied with Native and Foreign Wines at Short Notice. IIK.M KMBKK 111 K PI.A K, “OUR HOUSE” BAY STREET, Between Bull and W hilaker Streets. LITE IRiSURAJHOE; THE KNICKERBOCKER LIFE wmm (IHIiTW OF NEW YORK, Is'iics Policies ii |>>>ll Lives iii all Icirm.-. Ini-iouiuenl Policies, Annuities. ->r payable on arriving' .it a s-iveu jof* 1 . or sooiku, in the e\ ent ol death. Tliev also is'iie the Popular j\ nit./or/i'it nn‘ I V// I’rrninnii l > n!ii ‘r. x. For further inloiniaiinn apply at sit I ;uy sireei. A, WILBUR, Agent, A t I lie • Mlier "i 11 nine Ins. ('n. A . G. IMS A \ IIS, siiiiiiis. nil! .ircu, GROCERIES. r&NOY A RTI CSLES , Ac.. Ac.. • Ac.. FOIL LINCOLN A N ' ‘ t'ONt; B FS< STS. o ftsiT - Se;-af' made oi the Best Florida lobnccO SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1865. Do They'. Me at Home ? Ihi t hcv'miss tnc at home do t hey miss me. I would he an assurance most dear |'u know that my name was forgotten. As though I Imd never been there. lo know that the tailor and landlord. And t lie banks where my paper i> due. And liosts whom I now cannot mention, iiad Imiii-iied me quite from then view. i*o they miss me at home -do they in s> me W hen tile market lor money i> * tight. And collectors with haste are pursuing I heir day and by uighl. Ibi the friends wlm once loaned me a lilty. And the others that loaned me a 'leu. Heave a sijii ol reirr, as they miss me And wish they could see me again ! Do they miss meat home in they miss me When no longer I'm seen upon l.’hange. And do those who were wont to assist me. Say 'his eoiidun 's iulernaily sljjif'ige V Does IheSk vI. vltk who limited me his money lo bear nio to region, unknown. Cook in vain lor occasion to dun me. And wish I again were al home .' Do they miss me at home -do iliev intss me. I would he an assurance most dear, lo know that my name was forgotten. As though i had never been there. But I know that uiv ineiuiirv lingers Around the dear place as ! roam. Am? while IVe tin wits ami my creepers, I hey II miss me. they'll mis. meat home! Genuine Religion. How beautiful is that religion vv Inch leach es me to love Cod above all things and mi neighbor as myself! Beligton is benevo ieilee. lllld benevolence include.' every Vir me. Ihe benevolent can not lie itiieimriln- Lie, can not be uni .illilui. can not be eett siiriotis. can it"! bo impure in act or thought, ea.n not be stdlish : they love God and t.licit neighbor-. and they do a> thev would he done by. But who is religious ! who is be in* vulenl ? who is at all limes pa re in t bought or deed ? who is at aii times tree from ren soriousness. from tineharitnbleness 7 None No. not one. I’he precepts taught us a» i hose on which "hang all the law and the irophets. /lie Inn o/ (inti unit l/u- hn'r ni tin / nri<//ihnr. may lit* impressed upon the heart and have the whole undivided a-seni of l lie understanding: while the mind is in this slate, liie individual is religious. But tin* ettres ol the world ami their jarring col lisions must at limes occupy the thoughts, and divert the mind from this wholesome stale. I lie passions which have been cher ished by bad education the imlitlgenees that have become habitual before the beauty of wisdom was perceived by I,lie iliousaml and ten thousand occurrences which tempt tilt* rich to mieharilnbleiiess. ami the poor to envy and malace. ail by turns, banish the truth Irom the mind. Ibis has led men to the desert and to the monastery': to become hermits and monks; forgetting tiitil religion to tin a> well a- lo sutler. I ruth becomes effective by frequent eoniempla don : and the habitual recurrence of its pre cepts induces pract ice. S\i akt Bov. A >i\ mouths'apprentice in a western office recently '< / itjt T.'JOO etns of bourgeoise in eight hours, and after wards avowed ho wiliingnes' in a/ n/> with uny pretty girl all night. V Beauiimi Picture. A mother (caching her child In prav. is an object at mice the must sublime and tender • hat tile imagination can conceive. Lleva I cd above earthly thing', she -inn- like one of those guardian angels, the companions ol uni earthly pilgrimage, through whose mill I'lratioii we are incited to good and restrain cd Irom evil. Ihe image ot the mother be comes associated in in' mind with the invo cation she taught him to his "Father who i' in heaven." W lien the seductions ot tin world a-.sail Ins youthful luiud. that well remembered prayer to lit' '■Father who i iii heaven, will strengthen him to resist evil. W hen in riper years he mingles with nu ml viud and encounters fraud under tin mask ot houesiv: when he sees eonlidina goodness t»elrayed, generosity ridiculed as weakness, mihridicd hatred, and the cool ness ot interested friendship, he mat in deed he tempted to despise ho follow men : tint In- will remember hi' "Father who is in iieav *n. gSlAmld he, on the contrary, abandon him sell lo the world and allow the seed of sell love to spring up and flourish in his heart, he ">IL notwithstanding, sometimes hear a warning voice in the depths of his soul, severely lender a' t hose maternal lipswhieh instructed him in his "Father which is in • leaven." But when the trials of life are over, and he may he e\te »ded on the bed o. leath. with no other Consolation but tin peace oj an anpi.ov in,, conscience, he wilt recall the scenes ot his infancy, the image ol his mol her. and with tranquil conlidciiee will resign ho 'Mil to Him wtio died that w ( might live the Kedeeuier of the world. dome Lute. II home lift* is. well ordered, the children nuviug. according lo ;lge. working time, play i line, books, games, and household sympathies, they will love home, and timl pleasure there. Give the little ours -dales and pencils, and • •neonrage their attempt' to make pictures. Drawing will ainii'C them when noisv plays nave lost their zest, or arc unseasonable: and the aft will lie nselnl lo them in after iite. Have them read to each other stories and paragraphs o! your seleelion. and sav« the funny things and the pleasant ones >U ii see in papers and hooks to read lliriu at vour leisure. 'l -in can not imagine how much it will pica sc them, and how it will bind them m you. But clioii'c well for them : tor the impression made on tiieii mind' now will last when the hills crumble. Have them sing together, anding with them, teaching them songs arid hymns Let them sing all | day- like the lords at all proper limes. Have them mutually interested in the -nine tilings amusements and occupations : hav ing specified times for each, so that their lialui' will lie orderly. Let them work to gether in the garden boys and girls -both need out ot door work. logethcr let them enjoy their games, riddles, etc. all their plays, hooks, and work while the parents' eyes din'd and sympathise, and their loud voices blend in loving accord. "if there i' anything I hatc. it i-a woman with a lap-dog! I always want to drown it and put a baby in it' (dace, says cruel Fanny Fern, forgetting that too often the lap-dog owners feel the same way, but take the dog because they can t have the huhv 'shouldn't tic hard on the J e.v., Fanny, be cause vou ve done a little something tor your i country. Every Facility tor all kinds of Job PriutiiiK, Advertising. a.c is i: ]•:. 0. BAILEY, men at i mm!. W IMI F.> to infill in til' friend', and the j.til. lie generally, that lie Inis on hand a lot ot DARK AND LIGHT BLUE CLOTHS, For Officer' wear, and an a-sortnicni «•! EhimiS, E.VSSIMEHKS AND \’ IvST' I N ( i S. illicit he is prepared t.. make up at tie shortest nonce, in the most lashionaltle -tv.e, and l-v the BEST OF WORKMEN. He ha> also a beautiful lot of W 111 i F, atnj itliOW N LIIT3IT rLILLC. For Spring and Summer wear t lothtug t til. Altered and Unpaired at 'lion notice. Fall and examine for yourselves, at the old stand ol tvoaixsox A I oir, <>n Bull 'treet. in rear ot Pulaski House. iOM Cr: Oliißl M. FITZGERALD. M iVI i ten HI. 1 111 ti.i |: jn PLAIN AND FINE CANDIES .lASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY, v v n laEidON SYRUPS, OF I Hr. UK’liKSl FT. W'OBS «r WhitftUer Stroot.'w One door South ol (‘oiigiV" CHARLEi GROSS, DRAPER AND TAILOR JB J$ YA JY STREET, a„r It', /•»/.,,/. , n ,„Me lizsr r I II ING and l{ F'.PA 11! IN G done with prompt ness. GRGCERIEST GROCERIES I GROCERIES I \ eh-iiee and Well selected Sn-ch id Family (iruccru's! < .'in Be found at W. W. REMSHART S, t'OKN Eli Ot Jones and Whitaker Streets* 129. Congress St. 129. I\ 11. JOBi IIA V UK.VIEK IN' it Aini! s k ji:iii;iii, nvia in nans, Ac. Ac.. Ac. Watches aud Jewelry Repaired NUMBER VI.