The daily dispatch. (Savannah, GA.) 1893-18??, April 28, 1894, Image 1

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vqi, j- 1 al/nAi FAD TVOIT ; IvliuV rUn Ynr r lb W Train to fem to ft . W Um. ■„ ’ BONDHOLDERS AND MUTUAL GUESTS TO MAKE THE TRIP. ——- After an Inspection of the Road a Collation Will Be Served at the Is land-Mayor Butler to Make Tybee the Most Popular Resort in the South The first train will run over the Tybee road to-morrow. It will leave the city at 10 o'clock, and will carry the directors of the road, the bondholders, the contractors and a few invited friends. Tybee reached, the party will be given a collation, after which the various properties and belongings of the road will be thoroughly inspected. •ft The work, as it® has be.’n seen so far, is perfectly satisfactory. The road is in much better condition now than it ever was, not-' withstanding the period of time the road was allowed to go unlooked after from the date of the storm to the beginning of the ' work of repair. The roadbed is hard, compact and has none of the mud-like appearance of the other roadbed. NEW RAILS. The rails are mostly new ones, and the 1 crossties are heavier and more durable than those in use before; in fact, every class of nra ■—4«iaUba6bas been used kqfjhe- iesrkitid' and make. " —— ' h Alt along the road tile partv will inspect z carefully every foot of the new bed, work, , material, etc Hie new trestle work near ' the H-mF* <>st, which was built last week, will prol® . be more closely inspected than anythin*' «,as it is at a spot where consid erable >' aging has been done, and it was. this that necessitated its building. ■ LOW RATE OF TAX. p T! rre will be a new rate of tax on property at|Tybee, much lower, in tact, than ever be fore. Whiskey licenses have been placed at SIOO, the same price charged last vear. The town of Tybee will be run on broad, busi ness-like principles, and the administration will have one eye on economy, too. □Mayor John' Butler, who is also a bond holder and director of the road, was seen this morning by a Daily Dispatch man. "The council of Tybee will meet on May 10,” said Mayor Butler, “at which time and place a police force will be selected. Other business will also be transacted preparatory to putting Tybee in running order for one of the best summer seasons in her history. "The town will be run with a view to making it as attractive as possible, giving residents, guests and excursionists every privilege. Good order, of course, will be preserved at all times, and those who violate it will be punished.” TYBEE’S BRIGHT FUTURE. Everything seems to indicate a bright future for Tybee. The summer girl, her bonnet and her winning ways and pleasing smiles will grace the beach. There will be picnics ahd ex cursions and cheap rate days every week, on which the fare for the round trip will be 35 cents. The regular fare to the island will be the same as last year, 50 cents, and the same sched le will be run. ”St. Michael’s By The Sea,” Tybee’s little Catholic church, will probably be in charge of Father John McCarthy. This will be good news to the residents of the Island, and those living in the city desiring to spend Sunday at Tybee, can, if they have friends on the Island, leave Saturday night and still go to church on Sunday. Lovers of Race Horace Will see something interesting in the art sup plement of The Sunday Dispatch to-mor row. ■ UNDER THE ROSES. Mr. James 11. EnnU at Beet In Cathedral Cemetery. t All that is mortal of Mr. James M. Ennis is resting to-day under a bank of beautiful flowers, tributes of friendship, in the Cathedral cemetery, where the great oaks stand as silent watchmen over the grave that shuts in from the world the body of one who'in life had a future fraught with bright promises. Mr. Ennis’ funeral took place from the Cathedral Jof St. John the Baptist at 10:30 o’clock this morning, and the large crowd, mainly composed of young people, that participated in the sad ceremonies evidenced the esteem in which Mr. Ennis had been held. The body reposed in a magnificent cloth covered casket, surmounted with hand some floral designs, and was borne up the aisle to the plaintive hymn, “Jesus lover of by the pall-bearers. Messrs. R. E. Pepper, Robert Banks, Walter Coney, M. J. Doyle, Jr., Joseph W. Harry and John W. Gleason. Rev. John McCarthy performed the ser vices, the choir making the responses. At the conclusion of the services Miss Mamie Nolan rendered in an effective manner, • Thy Will Be Done.” Y At the grave Father McCarthy held short services, and then the coffin wk: consigned . to its last resting place 4 Death of a Georgia Editor. Claude F. Cochran, editor and proprietor of 5 the Forsyth journal, died on April $6, after an illness of three weak*. He was a’ popular i and enterprising newspaper man anjl a pro gress've citizen. He had just attained his 86th year. He leaves two children, a son and • daughter. J Ths Daily Dispatch, every afternoon and Sunday morning, $5 per year; 50 cents per month. Latest telegraph and local news. Übe sails Wispatcb. THE SUNDAY DISPATCH. Be Sure to Get the Art Supplement for April an. The art supplement of The Sunday Dis patch to-morrow will be unusually attrac tive Among the illustrations are: A. Base Ball Incident—“ Caught Between the Bases,” (half page). The Japanese Village at the Midwinter Fair. Members of the House'of Representatives (hall page). A School for Physical Culture. Southern Bells and Beauties. Queen Victoria in Her Carriage. Preparing .Race Horses for the Coming Season (half page; a series of pictures by Vogt) Montana Cattle Fording a River. Among the articles of interest are-. “What a Metropolitan Telephone System li., .» An entire page for women.' “Congressmen at Washington.” “The Midwinter Fair.” VOTERS GETTING READY. Over Three Thousand on the Registration Books The total registration up to 1 o’clock this afternoon footed up 3,131 of which 3,421 are white and 710 colored. This is an addi. tion of 131 voters for the week, which is a fair showing when it is Considered that on Memorial day (Thursday) the books were closed. The following is the registration by day- Monday 24, Tuesdays 83, Wednesday 28, Friday 16. Saturday, up to 1 p. tn., 30, total for the week 151. ; „ The books will be open until 8 o’clock this evening and-the registration may reach 3,200 by that hour. • TELEGRAPHIC FLASHES. Two cases of small-pox are reported from Gadsden, Ala. The long-threatened strike on the Great j Northern reilroAdJs-riw ot. • - Admiral Da Gama,and the Brazilian insur- ' | gents, have escaped from custody. | The Augusta Southern railroad has been in- , dieted at Augusta for running trains on Suri- ; day. | Judge Y, L. G. Harris ot Athens, Ga., is seriously ill and his death momentarily ex- * pected. ■ The projectors of the Dixie Inter-State ' fair at Macon have selected W. O. Wadley as 1 director general. William King of Bibb county, serving a . life sentence for arson, has been pardoned as- ‘ ter 17 years in prison. Dan Creedon, in the ’'intb round, knocked ; out Dick Moore at Minneapolis last night, tri | a fight for the middle-weight championship of ; America. i It is expected that Coxey and his first detach- I ment will reach Washington Sunday evening. It has rented Brightwood driving park and will charge 25 cents admission. The impeachment trial of Judge Tully of ; Ninth district circuit court of Alabama, for alleged connection with the Skelton murders, will be taken up Monday at Montgomery. Henry Newman & Co., wholesale and re- , tail clothiers, New York city, have failed for ■ $1,500,000, assets $2,000,000. The firm was unable to meet extension notes given in Sep tember last. Maj. B. B. McCreary, a native of Ireland, and a gallant soldier in the confederate service, died at Columbians. C., aged 58. He was well known in businsss circles and a promi nent merchant at the capital. Gen. Grant’s birthday was celebrated in- New York last night by a dinner, at which over 100 prominent men of the north and South were present. Among the speakers were Secretary ot the Navy Herbert of Alabama. , In the Senate yesterday in response to the challenge of a republican senator to the democratic senators to come to a vote on the tariff bill at 8 o’clock the democratic senators accepted the challenge, but Senator Cullom, republican from Illinois,seeing that the bluff wouldn’t work promptly inter posed an objection. Harmony at Last. Washington, April 28.—[Special.]—At last there is harmony among the Democratic sen ators on the tariff, and the party presents a united front to the enemy. Concessions have been made which will not be satisfactory to lots of democrats’, but it was only by con cessions that harmony could be secured. There is oi*e consolation for the party. The ’ tariff bill as it will be amended will be a de i cided improvement upon the McKinley law, and it will receive the vote of every Demo cratic senator. Having secured harmony, the : Democratic senators are now forcing the • fighting and will continue to do so until the i bill is passed. Everything's to be made to give way to one object—the passing of the I bill; and there is every reason to believe that i it will be passed in ample time to become a . law on July 1. If the republicans persist in i the filibustering tactics thev have this week I adopted, the democrats propose to resort to l heroic remedies to stop it, regardless of rules I and precedents • Pacific Grand Army. Oakland, April 28.—[By Postal Co.]— ■ Committees ot the local posts of the Grand • Army have completed arrangements for the ‘ annual encampment of the division of the Pacific which convenes in this city to-day, ’ and which will extend over several days. New York Begins at Home. ’ New York, April 28.—[By. Postal Co.]— t New York’s League base ball team opens the I season, at the Polo grounds this afternoon. Their opponents will be the Baltimores. Twenty thousand people are expected to at tend the game if the weather remains clear, f J < r A CoUlatou on the Big Bridge. r Brooklyn, April 28.—A rear end collision s occurred on the Brooklyn bridge to-day » Both trains were badly damaged. A panic ensued and several people were badly hurt. 1 Ths Daily Dispatch, every afternoon and r Sunday morning, $5 per year; 50 cents per month. Latest telegraph and local news. SAVANNAH, QA., SATURDAY, APRIL , , r.?;: 1 - ' ■ WHEELS AND FISTS. : —v ATLANTA AND SAVANNAH WHEEL-1 MEN COME TO BLOWS. Result of the Spring Meet of the A. W. B. at Augusta-Savannah Carries Off the Majority of the Prizes-C H. Leopold of this City Meets With an Accident. Savannah’s wheelmen carried off the majority os the prizes at the Augusta meet on Thursday afternoon. George Groth won three, Ed. Wilson four and C H Leopold two. The first race was a one mile novice and (he entries w re T. B Richards, George S Lombard and R. T. Bunting, "he first prize, a fine racing suit, was won bv Richards ; the second pgize, a handsome scarf, was won by Lombard. . Bunting’s leading the race in the last lap and he had to drop out. Time, 3:45. The second nee was a half-mile open. Enteries: Groth, Quinn, Wilson and Au gustus Beall. Quinn won the first prize, a $6 pair of patent leather shoes, and Groth won the second, a box of fine cigars. Beall was third and Wilson fourth. Time 1:09. A half-mile for boys was the third race. The entries were Lombard, Louis Evans, D. Boyle and Leopold. Lombard won the first prize, a pocket knife ; Leopold won a box of candy, the second prize. Evans came out third and Boyle fourth. Time, 1:15. The Austin medal was run for by the riders of A. W. A. in the fourth race. Beall and Richards were the only entries. Beall won 1 it. Time, 2:43. The fifth race was one mile, for men over 26. The entries were C. R. House, J. R. Stokes, W. T. Field and McClintock. House j -won the first prize, a walking stick, and j Stokes won a fine umbrella, the second prize. Time 2:57. A quarter of a mile dash was tne sixth race. Entries: Beall, won first prize, a sl2 ' bicycle suit, and Groth got a steel engraving, nHHB, one mile, for boys. Entries: i BoyleTTß* 3jrd and Leopold. This is the I race in which the accident happened to the : two latter young men, and Boyle won the I bicycle saddle. Time, 3:06. ' ■ Leopold, while travelling'-his fastest, acci- i dentally ran his front wheel against wheel ot George S. Lombard’s inRKt. < which knocked Mr. Lombard off and threw 1 his wheel down and Leopold came tumbling : after him. The young Savannah fellow’s i bicycle ran right over Mr. Lombard’s wheel i and he was forcibly thrown from hts seat I against the fence. He went sailing through i the air. Lombard tell in the grass and on th-1 > S>fl,tyiL.arULesLap«u-AHMtg injured. Leopold’s head hit the lence; his forehead was bruised and his legs were badly skinned where they , scraped on the ground. The wheel was smashed and almost completely ruined. Eighth race, one mile, open. Entries: Beall, Quinn, Richards, Groth and Wilson. Wilson won the first prize, a pair of $5 pants, ] and Groth got a diamond scarf pin for second best. Time, 3:07. Ninth race, one mile, for visitors only. Entries: Quinn, Groth, Bunting and Wilson. Wilson won the first prize, a silver cup, and Quinn second, a pair of silk suspenders. Time, 2:39. Tenth race, three miles, handicap, tor local riders. Entries: Beall, Richards and Boyle. Beall was first and won the Baltimore Cloth ing house medal. Richards won a hat, sec ond prize. Time, 8:25. The eleventh and last was a consolation race. Entries: Bunting and Field Bunting won first prize, a box of cigars, and second, a pocket knife. Time,'4s 2-5. “A fight an and accident that was not down on the programme occurred at thebicjcle park last afernoon, says the Augusta Chronicl*. The fight occurred towards the close of the races in the dressing room be tween two visitors, Mr. Ed Wilson, a wheel man from Savannah, and Mr. G. E Quinn, an Atlanta bicy list. “The difficulty was the result of some un pleasantness between Mr. Quinn and Mr. George Groth, a rider from Savannah, who were running against each other in the ninth race that was for visitors only. It- was a one mile race, and while spinning around the course Mr. Groth accused Mr. Quinn of trying to pocket him. ‘‘Words were exchanged by the gentlemen while they were running along, and alter the race, which they lost and which was won by Mr. Wilson, they renewed the quarrel. ‘‘Mr. Quinn threatened to strike Mr. Groth and Mr. Wilson interferred and told the visit or from Atlanta not to hit Groth, who was much smaller than he was, and took Groth’s part and invited Quinn to hit him. “Quinn took the dare and struck at Wilson and then they exchanged blows at a lively rate and finally clinched. They were quickly separated and neither party was seriously in jured. “Before the fight Wilson and Quinn, who had each won two prizes, agreed to run a , race, the winner to have all the prizes. After scrapping the belligerents ran the arranged go as you please race of a mile. \ "Wilson paced the first quarter and then both riders loafed aroundthe track until the , f post was passed when they spurted, and , Wilson came out in the lead. Wilson, in winning the race, got'both of Quinn’s prizes.” A Page tor Women Is one of the attractions in the art supplement [ of The Sunday Dispatch to-morrow. Did Be Bob the Store? On Wednesday morning the trunk factory of Mr. W. P. Wimberly on Broughton street was broken in to through a window on ' Broughton street. A number of belts and pockbooks were carried off. Mr. Wimberly placed the case in the hands of Detective ’ Bossell. Yesterday he arrested John Nor man, an employe of Mr. Wimberly, and he admitted that his brother had asked him to only half close one of the windows on Tues day night, which request he granted, but I denied that he bad anything to do with the . robbery. The recorder turned him over : the city i takefl : WON IN TEN INNINGS. i MOBILE SUDDENLY TURNS DEFEAT INTO VICTORY. Gettinger Drives a Ball Over the Fence at the Wrong Time for Sa pjvannah’s Team—Hogan a Failure as an Umofre. Mobile beat Savannah yesterday by a score of Bto 7 in a ten inning game. There was a tew pretty plays made during the game, but the general playing of the Savannahs was poor in the extreme Duke began the game for Savannah and Kling pi'ched the game throughout for Mobile. Spvannah scored two runs in the second inning and three in the sixth. In this in- Duke hurt his arm alter giving three me.) nases on balls and forcing in one run. Cain took bis place and pitched a good gany although a little erratic at times. Mo bile I aJ not scored up to this point, and thing's seemed to indicate that Savannah was going to win with hands doibn. But the indfetor pointed the wrong way. After Duke left the game there were still three men on base. The first batter up hit a slow ball to hutchinson who fumbled it, allowing a run to go in. M’CANN’S wttn THROW. In the seventh inning with one man out and tlje bases full, Gettinger hit a high fly to 1 center which McCann caught, the man on third .scoring on the throw in. McCann threw the ball to Hutchinson to cut off the runner irom second, but it was a wild one, going over the picket fence behind third base, two men scoring on the error. This tied Mobile with Savannah, and Trost, who is a hard and enthusiastic player, got around first base and yelled himself almost hoarse, but it availed him nothing as his team did not score another run. » GETTINGER’S HOME RUN. Neither side scored until the tenth innin g : when Savannah sent two men, Larocque and 1 Welch acioss the plate. Larocque hit to center for one base, Welch ' did the same, Peeples struck out, jantzen hit I to left, y/elch and Larocque scoring. Cain and Clarke went out. The audience cheered lustily, the ladies waving their handkerchielt, while the bleacher gods were frantic. Savan nah was two runs ahead. For Mobile two men were put out in quick I order. Pinder came to the bat and got hit. I He got put out going to second. Underwood < also got to first, but was put out going to I second. Kling made a bunt, York did the same. Gettinger hit a home run over right I field fence, the first ol the season, bringing in ] York and Khng, winning the game by a score I of Hto c * , . | HOGAN A I'tXTR (IMPIRr The audie • completely disgusted with Unipiie hogan, and they had good rea son to be. He either knows very little about the business or is afraid of the players, as the players frequently have to ask him what his • decision is, Hogan being dubious about giving > his decision on any close play. On balls and i strikes he is particularly “rotten,” to use a 1 slang phrase. As an instance that tested his I stability, in the eight inning Berte hit a ball ■ to right field. It went two feet outside ot i the first-base bag. Welch kicked, but Berte took three bases. In the ninth inning Clarke ; hit a ball only a foot to the right ot first base and Hogau called it a foul. This is not done to have it appear that he lost Savannah the game, but is simply what the people saw and objected to. Savannah lost the game by the poorest kind of ball playing. It is to be hoped the team will play better ball to-aay. Battc Ball Enthusiast* Should not fall to see the art supplement of The Sunday Dispatch to-morrow. NEW INTERVENTIONS. Two Creditors ot Lavin's Estate Made Partlow Complainant. In the superior court to-day Seabrooke & Morgan filed two interventions for creditors O| the Lavin estate, and orders were granted making the intervenors parties complainant in the case of Kate G. Lavin vs. James P. Lavin, exr., etc. One ot the intervenors is Thomas Clements, whose claim is for a balance due on account of $367. The other intervenors aie Paris, Allen & Co. of New York for two accepted drafts aggregating $868.05. A Licht Criminal Docket. A rather light criminal docket was dis posed of in the city court todiy. Marsh Green, a little darkey, who stole the pocket • book of Policeman Davis was, on account of the extreme youth of the often ‘er, sent to Bryan county where he hails from. Sam Duncan, charged with carrying con cealed weapons, and Willie Allen arraigned for larceny, were found not guilty. Sarah Johnson, charged with assault and battery, was permitted to go on her own recognizance and trial set for next Saturday. Court Notes. Argument in the damage case against Muhlberg fbr false imprisonment was heard in the city court and the jury has the case. S. W. Williams, a graduate of the Colum bia university at Washington, D. C , has located in Savannah and was admitted to day to practice in the superior court. Joseph Gulinan, a citizen of Russia. Jerry Bradley, a subject of Queen Victoria, and Charles Moehlenbrock, Jr., a subject of : Germany, were admitted to citizenship in i the superior court this forenoon. . A judgment was taken in the superior court to-day in favor of Thomas S. Sweet, ' trustee, vs. Ella Simons for permission of ; lot No. 8, on Hili street, and the clerk w« ■ ordered to issue a writ of possession to : Sweet. ’ Argument is being heard in the superior ’ court to-day is one of the noted illegality 1 cases for the asphalt paving of Bull street ! south of Harris street. It is the case of the |M|HAgk]oseph D. Weed, in which the city BL execution for $403.85. Mr. Clay W dußignon & Chisholm, argued, J»r the defendant and at 1 o’clock Miey Sam Adams, Esq., began his t,le pla»rt'<T- The case is being iMEiMe court. at BRECK MUST PAY. Judge Bradley Refuse, a New Trial to Kentucky'. Star. Washington, April 28.—[By Postal Co.j— The motion for a new trial in the Pollard- Breckenridge case was overruled by Justice Bradley this morning and thirty days given to the defendant in which to file a bill of excep tion. Labor Leader* to Meet. Philadelthia, April 28.—(8y Postal Co.]—A secret conference of labor ■eaders of the country is to be held here to-day. It is supposed to be a movement to disrupt the Knights of Labor. The call was issued by Joseph R. Buchanan of New York, and reads in part as follows: “I have secured the co-operation of trusted men to bring together in one grand column the labor forces of America. We desire you to join with other representatives ol labor in a conference for the purpose of making t e preliminary arrangements to effect the unity ot labor on a common ground. The conference will be held in Philadelphia, Saturday, April 28. The basis of representation to be not more than three delegates from any one national or international organization and one delegate from each state district organization of 10,000 or less membership.’’ A Notable Fl.tle Affair. New York, April 28.-[By Postal Co.]—A. four-round bout between “Eddie” Pierce and Walter Edger- ton, the "Kentucky Rosebud,” will be a feature of the Madison Athletic Club’s box ing show at Grand Central Palace to-night. The winner will be matched against Dixon for $5,000 and the championship. The ’’Rosebud’s" friends were disinclined re cently to back him for such a large amount on the strength of having knocked out Dixon by what the latter claims to have been a chance blow, and insisted that he go against some other man of champion ship quality asafurther test of his punching skill. Another event of interest will be the bout between Owen Ziegler and “Jack" Fal vey. The other bouts will be furnished by “Tim” Murphy, Frank Patterson, “Maxey" Haugh and ■' Danny ” Mcßride. Going to Atlanta. New York, April 2£.- [By Postal Co.]- The excursion in connection with the fourth convention of the Interna- tional League of Press Clubs presents an interesting itinerary. The conven- tion will be held in Atlanta on May 1 and 2. The delegates leave New York in a special train of Pullman cars to-day. They will pass through Cincinnati on their wav down, returning byway of pointiL.of interest in ; York. Women to Be the “Encl Men.** New York, April 28.—[By Postal Co.] —The Young Ladies’ Charitable Society will celebrate the first anniversary of its existence to-day by giving an enter tainment, the novelty of which has not been attempted in this city before. The young women, whose object it is to help the needy of the city, will give a minstrel per formance in which only members will take part. A genuine old-fashioned minstrel troupe has been arranged, where each per former will hide her rosy cheeks by using burnt cork. Inter-Volleglate lai Cronae. Ithaca, N. Y., April 28.—[By Postal Co.] —The game of la crosse is now penna anently established at Cornell. Two years ago a handful of enthusiasts, mainly Canadian students, introduced the sport here, and now it is pursued by about 25 menjyho are candidates for the uni versity team. Cornell will play most of the colleges of the Intercollegiate La Crosse League this year, the following games having been arranged: To-day, Johns Hopkins, at Ithaca; May 9, Stevens Institute, at Ithaca; May 12, Lehigh, at Bethlehem. The Onondaga In dians will probably play at Ithaca on Deco ration day. AnierieanH “On the Line.’* Paris, April 28.—[By Postal Co.] — The great annual Salon opens to morrow with some excellent paint ings and sculptures by Americans M. Fred erick Mac Monies, one of the most talented and individual of American sculptors, pre sents a statue of “Lord Henry Vane,” which is intended for the Public Library of Boston. M. J. Vencker shows one of his nymphs, this time a “Chassereuse,” holding a hunting spear. Another Coursing Meet. St. Louis, April 28.—[The Pastal Co.] —St. Louis Coursing Park Association hold another meeting at their park at Brentwood to-day, when a 32-dog stake will be begun Everything has been done to insure a success ful meeting. Furriers Will Bun net. New York, April 28.—[The Postal Co] —The Manufacturing Furriers’ Associaton of New York city will hold its eighth annual dinner at Delmonico’s this evening. Many guests of national reputation will be present and respond to toasts. For Ohio'. State Convention. Columbus, 0., April 28.—[By Postal Co.] Secretary Davis has sent out a call for a meet ing of the republican state central committee to be held at Columbus this morning for the purpose of fixing the time and place for hold ing the republican state convention. A Late Celebration. Boston, April 28.—[By Postal Co ]—The Unitarian Temperance Society has prepared a service of temperance and purity for the keeping of the 72d anniversary of the birth o? ' ■ ». 1822 . to be of the abstrets " the poems taken Wllllam- A P ril “>■ ! '■" tal Comeets PRICE 3 CENTS READY FOR WAR. Miners Deniaoding Work, M or M, PARADING THESTREETS WITH RED FLAGS. Poor Commissioner McClintock Or dered to Leave Town in Two Hours —To Call on the Governor for Relief—3,ooo Starving. Escanaba, Mich., April 28.—[By Postal Co.|—Five hundred miners paraded the streets ol Iron Mountain to-day. Theycai rieda red tl tg and demanded food or work. A committee will be sent to Lansing by the mayor to urge the governor of the necessity of affording relief. The men, mostly Italians, marched to the high school grounds and forced the men on relief work there to quit. Then the mob voted unanimously to order Poor Commn sioner McClintock to leave the city in two hours. Five hundred families are on the verge ol starvation, and 3,000 are in enforced idleness in this city. ‘ m’kinley orders out troops. Columbus, 0., April 28,8 a. m.—Gov. Mc- Kinley has just ordered out the Fourteenth regiment to move on Gen. Galvin’s Industrial army at Mount. Sterling at 10 o’clock. Gen. Galvin has defied the sheriff to act. CLOSING IN ON WASHINGTON. Gaithersburg, April 28.—Gen. Coxey and Browne left for Rockville at 7 o’clock this morning. The army left at 0 o’clock for Washington. AN UGLY CHARGE. Publisher Hearst Aalu That H Receiver be Appointed for a t'lalm Bureau. Washington, April 28.- [Special.)-John 1 Company,” the list named concern being well known to newspaper publishers by rea son of its sending out circulars asking big advertising in exchan re for its stock, which was to have “millions in it,” sometime in the future, has had some ugly charges made against him by William R. Hearst, publisher of the San Francisco Examiner, in a bill filed in court asking that a receiver be appointed and that Wedderburn be restrained from in termeddling with its affairs. Mr. Hearst says that he was a partner with Wedder burn in the examiner bureau, and makes the following specific charges against him: Tnat he established the “Press Claims Company” without Hearst’s consent; that he maintained it with money belonging to the Examiner Bureau; that he mismanaged claims, including some for subscribers of the Omaha Bee and the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has refused to refund money which the contracts with those papers called for; that he has created a large indebtedness, including a note for SB,OOO given to Mr. Hearst’s mother ahd signed without authority with the firm’s name; that he has improperly used money for his personal " expenses, and that he has in jured the reputation of the San Francisco Ex aminer by his mismanagement of cases and by sending out a circular offering prizes for inventions, charging competitors an iniation lee of $5. Thirteen Colliers Killed Mons, Belgium, April 28.—[By Postal Co ] —A terrible colliery accident is reported from Bois de Sac. The cable into the shaft broke, pricipitating sixteen men to the bot tom. Thirteen were kill instantly. For the Big Rowing Regatta. New York, April 28.—[By Postal Co.]— The executive committee of the National Amateur Oarsmen Association meets hire to-night to arrange for the summer meet. Greece Shaking Again. Athens, Greece, April 28.—[Bv Postal Co ] —There were several earthquake shocks this morning and the panic is greater than ever. Harvard'll Athlete*. Cambridge, Mass., April 28.—[By Postal Co ]-Harvard's annual athletic games ate scheduled to take place to-day. Strikers Rioting Toluca, 111., April 28.—[By Postal Co.] —ln a riot here to-day three strikers were badly wounded. Senator Quay 111. Pittsburg, April 28 —[By Postal Co.] — Senator Quay now lies seriously ill in this city. Races I RaceH 1 The great spring meeting opened al Nash ville to-day. Direct wire from O’Dell's turf exchange to the track. Come and hear the description of all the races from start to , finish by the best descriptive operator i south. . “Marie Burroughs Art Portfolio of Stage . Celebrities'* < is a complete, comprehensive and refined ' collection of photograph • of the most ' noted actors, actresses and singers of the age. It is the most elegant work ever of fered to newspapers readers on the coupon plan. Readers of The Daily Dispatch can 1 get these fine portraits at half a cent apiece i —twenty for 10 cents. See the advertising columns of to-day's paper.