The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 27, 1806, Image 1

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AND PUBLIsHED 0N Mondays and Thursdays by JOHN DOUGHERTY, Near the Exchange, Bay Lane. VOL. 11. No. too.] 111 f„ r COPARTNERSHIP OF i*i IJ. S’ 7". Beg gs, P hM \ S| >„ ■ Nicholson Groves y ‘<■ Under the firm of and wP e S2 s Groves. continued as heretofore by > • i '-<Mrvjp',S BEGGS, and 1 ■ N ICHOLSON GitOVKS, -~®LL persons indepted to the fl late firms of Thomas 1 & Biggs tmd Reggs *J IDud, ‘VjHrffluestcd to make immcu:- I payment at ths compting of Beggs fc? Groves, No. itt^Bnlfee-House Vv b. rs : as every ‘tilßunt will be placed in the <>fl~] s of Messrs Davis & Iter* llSor collection it not liq-u before the 16th dav of ja i, Wry next; and those who have B claims against either of the toll firms, or the estate of icAm Beggs deceased, are re- Bsted to render theta for pay- Bu. : l JAMES BEGGS, ■ Surviving Copartner. Brannah Octber 13. 96 Iw2w. ;;Iwm7 wilson, ~B received per the ships Eliza r Bn/f Vtlant, a large pai l if his ■all Supply of Goods, ■U* Which with his hock, ■fore on hand, makes his af- Blment very complete. Bnongft as great a variety of Bides, as are commonly f'et Irthin lengthy advertiiements ■alarge quantity of White & cobrcd Negro 1 CLOTH. lAs this article was purchaU B lali Winter for cash, and Ia moderate advance only, ■ill be now exacted, it is con lived that it will be an objedl lorthy the attention of Plan. Its, and others, who wish to lurchafe by the piece or pack- Bf. Payment will be expert V in Cash, Cotton, or ap ■roved town notes. ■ Savannah, Sept. 18, 90 ts pTT BOLTON. K HAVE FOR SALE , ■weeds Iron assorted, ■rown Sugars pr. Hogshead, ■oaf do. pr. barrel, Bnferior Cotton Bagging, ■rokery Ware in Rrates, ■ortherd Rum, and other ar* I deles from Boston. I Cologne Mill Stones I 3 feet diameter, Packed Stone Lime. I September 2q. 8. I factorage I AND I Commission Eusiness I THE fubferiber has taken P. e w harf which has for feme Itime been occupied by Me firs Mens & Bilbo , on which he as convenient and fafe Stores or the reception of Produce, ?. be happy to serve his* t'ends and the public, in the above line. Robert m;dougall. for ialeat this Office, Blank Manifests , &c. THE PATRIOT’ AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. CHEAPNESS, Combined with Ele gance and Utility. By the (ate arrivals fr C m LIVER POOL and GLASGOW, Andrew Low Cos. Have received the. largest and best selected, as well as t>e cheap est assortment of GOODS t which they have e ver offered Jor sale. COMPRISING——• Ws omens and Mens Cotton Hois ery . Ditto ditto silk ditto, i>oys & Mises cotton &silk ditto Cotton and silk Glov es, all sizes Men’s linen thread Stockings Patent “VV hite and black Laces Cotton and thread Laces and Veils Footings and Trimmings ifabu shirts and Cap3, cotton and Inca Patent Garters Black embossed and coloured Velvet Silk and cotton Fringes Velvet net Trimmings and orna ments Bracelets, Beaufom Buffs Ribbons, velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and Lut strings A few rich India shawls Lace Cambric and Leno do; v&ry low Leno and Picquet Veils Plain Muslins, all kinds Figured and colonade ditto Figured Cambrics, Cambric Di. mi ties 4-4 linen and cotton Checka 4-4 Apron Checks, verv good Children’s Leather Caps Children and youth’s Hats Men’s Hats, common and fine Bombazines and Bonibazetts Black Cambric and Book Muslins Black Leuo and Picquet ditto Black lace Shades and Cloaks Komal & Pullicat Handkerchiefs Fine linen pocket Handkerchiefs Children’s ditto Printed Calicoes, ofevery descrip tion Dimities, Muslinets White and coloured Marseilles Tlircksetts, Corduroys Velvet teens Fustians, eans, Nankenets Coiton Kerseymeres Cotton Chirrings Cotton Cambrics, every width and price Cotton and Silk Chambrays and Luttres Handsome plaid andcorded Cam brics Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth Diapers Coarse and fine Sheetings f-8 and 4-4 Linens, Huckabacks Long Lawns ad French Cambrics Britannias and Platilias Brown Linens and Sheetings Parasols and Umbrellas Fans in,great variety Adelphi threads in paper and var nished boxes Marking ditto Ounce and Lisle threads Coloured, Stitching & Oznaburgs ditto Best White Chapel Needles Paper and pound pins Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt buttons Mai king Canvass Fashionable plated and gilt but tons Ditto pearl ditto Marseilles Quilts, Counterpanes Bedticks Furniture fringes and tassels Silk handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured Cambrics A few dozen fleecy hosiery, for invalids M O N D A Y r October 87, 1806. Pavillion Gauze, white and co loured Best Flax and Tow Osnaburg AND JUST OPENED, India Lutstrings, Bandannas and Humbums Hyson and Imperial Teas Blue Cottons, &c. With many other articles no enumerated. $3” -Merchants who find it convenient to purchase for Cash, or orders upon good people in town, will find these goods worth their attention. Mvn. 28. 56 Sheriff’s Sales. On thefirst / uesday m November next, at tie Court-House in the town of Jefferson, Camden County, between the hours of ten and th. ee o'clock of that day. Will be Sold. A pari of that Tract of Land laying on the river Littie Sattilia, in laid county and known hy the name of Black Hammock and lately fold to Williford and Cock, by Wil liam johnffon. Containing —■ — acres, more or less, fold to fatisfy a fudge;.tent in fa vour of T. Mendenhall againlt Williford anti Cook. A L S 0 , ALL that undiviued nioiiy of a Tract of Land adjoining the ] own or Jefferson, con r taining in the whole thirteen hundred and sixty acres, the one half of which is seized a belonging to the dbte of John l'rttterlnnj j'-'4^c nient obtained in favor ol the executrix of Ambrole Gor don. Conditions Cash. D. G. JONES. S. C. C. St. Mary’s, 26 Sept, 180 6. Sheriff’s Sales. WILL RESOLD At the court-houie in Tatnal! county, on the first Tuesday in November next, at the usual hours for cash, 200 Acres of Land, The property of Stephen Bow en, lying on the waters of the Alumahaw adjoining Abner Davis, on two sides and un known lands on ail other, ta ken under execution to fatisfy a judgment in favor of John Sands. ALSO, the improvement and claim of land that Alien Rawls now lives on, levied on as the property of said Rawls to latisfy an execution in fa-’ vor of Israel Bar her. ALSO, one hundred and fifty acres in laid county, le* vied on as the property off. Clements to fatisfy the de manes of the (fate affairs. ALLAN JOHNSON, D. S. T. C. Sept. 29. it. NO TICE. Nine months after date, appli cation will be made to the lion. Inferior court of Effingham coun ty for leave to sell a tract of land in said county, containing tOO acres, iying on the Sunbury lioad, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. WILLIAM WRIGHT, Adm'n E. GABLE,Admr’x. Sheriff’s Sales. Will be fold, on the firfl TUESDAY in November next, at the court house ir this city, between the hourt of ten and three o’clock, FIVE NEGROES, VIZ John and his wife Catherine, together with their children, Charlotte, Juliet and Harry, taken under execution, Edwin Lewis vs. Emanuel Rengill, pointed out by the defendant. Continued from Est Tales. Conditions Cash. H. W. Williams, n s. c. c. Sept. 4. 80. Sheriff’s Sales, On the Ist 1 uesday in Nov. next, W ILL BE SOLI), at the court house in this city, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A negro MAN named B? chus,taken under execution at the property of William Bar nard, under sundry executi ons, pointed out by the defen dant. The former purchaser not complying with the terms of Lie. Continued from 12ft Tales. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c: Sept. 4. 86. Cotton Ginned, THE SUBSCRIBERS , Having established in Yamtimaw, on (he lot where Joseph Hill eretted a Corn. Mill, & aejoining to the houie of the Rev. Mr. Clay, 2 roller COTTON GINS, on an ap proved and fiiperior construc tion, olfer to Gin Cotton at the reduced price of 5 cents per pound. They will obligate them, {’elves to stipulate a time ofde livery for Cotton received to be ginned, and will store die fame, aftci being prepared for market, until convenient for the proprietors to remove it, without making the usual charge of storage, and will ab so pu 1 chafe Cotton in the feed at the fair market price. ALEX. JAFFREY, WM. WILKIE. Savannah, Sept. 4, 18Q6 86 CAUTION. I forewarn ali persons from purchasing or trading for a Tract of one hundred acres of oak and hickory land, lying on Savan nah river, Stoney bluff’, formerly granted to John Kennedy, as the property of EdnmndWalsb, as 1 am the only owner. THOMAS WALSH. June 19 6+ tl 6 1-4 Cents Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscri ber, some time i:i September 1805, an indented apprentice to the Coopering business, named Joseph Helvenstene ; it is suppos ed ha lias gone to the county o i Effingham in this state, where he formerly lived. The above re warn will he given to any person who will deliver him to THOS. WALSH. October 2y. 3E 9#* [Whole Number 195. CHATHAM SUPE RIO 11 COU RT, January T krm,lßo6. Christina Dasher, vs. / Petition The heirs and re- > far Fore dpi presentatives of \sure. John llaiipt. dec, / UPON the petition of Christi na Dasher, praying the fi>eclo3ure of the equity of re demption on the following premi ses r ALI- that lot cf land in die city of Savannah, known by the number five, third tythi ng Rey nolds Ward, containing sixty feet in width and ninety feet in depth • with the improvements thereon, mortgaged by Elizabeth llaupt, now Elizabeth Dowell, Robert Bolton, and Justus Hartman Scheuber, guardians of the per sons of the said John Kaupf, and trustees of the property of the said John Hatipt, by virtueof au °rder ot the hon.tlie superiorcour of Chatham County aforesaid in the said Christina Dasher, for the sum of eighty pounds sterling, equal tothree hundred and ioi ty two dollars eighty-five cents se ven miffs and one-seventh monies of the Uni'ed States, on the sixty day of May, which was in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and on motion of Mr. CUYLER, Attorney Jor the Petitioner , IT 18 ORDERED BY THE COURT, that the principle, in terest and costs due upon said mortgaged property, be paid into Court within twelve months from this date, and unless the same be so paid, the equity of redemption shall thenceforth he foreclosed and other proceedings take jdarec pursuant to the act oi assembly in such case made and provided And it is further ordered, in pursuance of said act that this rule he published i one of the Public Gazettes, of this state at lease cnce in every Month until the time appointed for payment, or served on the Mortgagers, or their special agent, at least six months previous to the time the said mo ney is ordered to be paid into Court as aforesaid. Extract fron the minutes , J. BULLOCH, Clki Feb. 29. 1806. —— - Notice is hereby Given,- That at the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to tLe Honourable the Inferior Conrt of Chatham. County, for leave to fell the following tracts of Land, be* longing to the efiate of James D oors, deceased, viz : Two hundred and Fifty a cres, old survey, future, lyinsf; arid being in Chatham Coun ty, bounded by Great Oge. chee river, land of Goldiviie, and land now of Joleph Well* cher, Esq.—The fame being for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of the laid James Doors, deceaf>d. THO's. MILLS, Adm’r. Savannah, Sept. 4, 1806. I air- gin 86, To be hired by ti e year, A likely Negro Man.— Enquire at this Office. Ju.y Ig. ts. 76.