The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 01, 1806, Image 1

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MiYANNAff: printed and published on Mondays and Thursdays by JOHN DOUGHERTY, No. &, Whitaker street, next door to Mr. Tobhr, near the Bay . VOL. HI. No. s.] IR M S THE “RIOT - ADVERTISER. Inscription are six r—one half to he of subscribing and if the expiration of tl mil papers will he ordered to the cou nts of no viore idlh arc inserted at * first insertion, and tinuation. Ali ! will he made to to advertise by the iverpool, THE SHIP BOSTON, Captain Trott, fast sailing vessel will be ready in a tnence loading and bed as soon as pos_ gilt apply to said J. BOLTON* 2. tf* 1. 1 Beckford, if HARNESS KER , ULLY informs bis and the public, tliat ! from the North -1 the store lately 3 eacoek X Beach, r ERS FOR SALK A ISSORTtIIENT OF Y, CONSISTING Eve Saddles, :d ditto laffto ditto minon ditto mrs, I every description mounted Harness, nounted Whips, irtmanteau Trunks jf common hair do. or draught Horses, r to the collar and lor ease and conve- Kurniture, ails, lhani, & Bardoon tins, ckies, lor Saddlers’ and ers’ use, rery article called , which he will dis ow as they can he State. y his attention to ve satisfaction to employ him. ON HAND, uperior oualitv, St >ES in ha: relss. ?. ts. 4. Dtice, esday next, the Horn will proceed fa Porter for the >m ot John Court those who mean c office will send als with the names ies to the Cashier, t day. MENDENHALL, Cashier, 27 4, t3d THE PATRIOT AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. CHEAPNESS, COMBINED WITH ELEGANCE AND UTILITY. By the fate arrivals from. INVER POOL and GLASGOW, Andrew Low & Cos. Have received the largest and bent selected, as 7 veil as the cheap est assortment of GOODS , ‘which thep have e ver offered jor sale. —comprising— Womens and Mens Cotton Hosi ery Ditto ditto silk ditto, Boys & Misses cotton & silk ditto Cotton and silk Gloves, all sizes Men’s linen thread Stockings Patent White and black Laces Cotton and thread Laces and Veils Footings and Trimmings Habit shirts and Caps, cotton and lac© Patent Garters Black embossed and coloured Velvet Silk and cotton Fringes Velvet net Trimmings and orna ments Bracelets, Beaufont Buff’s Ribbons, velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and Lut strings A few rich India shawls Lace Cambric and Leno do; very low Leno and Picquet Veils Plain Muslins, all kinds Figured and colonade ditto Figured Cambrics, Cambric Di mities 4-4 linen and cotton Check* 4-4 Apron Checks, very good Children’s Leather Caps Children and youth’s Hats Men’s K ts, common and fine Bombazii es and Bombazetts Black Cambric and Book Muslins Black Leno and Picquet ditto Black lace Shades and Cloaks Romal & Pullicat Handkerchiefs Fine linen pocket Handkerchiefs Children’s ditto Printed Calicoes, ofevery descrip tion Dimities, Muslinets White and coloured Marseilles Thicksetts, Corduroys Velvet teens Fustians, Jeans, Nankenets Cotton Kerseymeres Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, every width and price Cotton and Silk Chambrays and Luttres Handsome plaid andcorded Cam bries Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth Diapers Coarse and fine Sheetings 7-8 and 4-4 Linens, Huckabacks Long Lawns ad French Cambrics Britannias and Platiilas Brown Linens and Sheetings Parasols and Umbrellas Fans in great variety Adelphi threads in paper and var nished boxes Marking ditto Ounce and Lisle threads Coloured, Stitching & Oznaburgs ditto Best White Chapel Needles Paper and pound pins Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt buttons Mai king Canvass Fashionable plated and gilt but tons Ditto pearl ditto Marseilles Quilts, Counterpanes Bedticks Furniture fringes and tassels Silk handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured Cambrics A few dozen fleecy hosiery, for invalids M O N D A Y, December i, 1806. Puvillion Gauze, white and co loured Best Flax and Tow Osnaburg AND JUST OPENED. India Lutsirings, Bandannas and Humhums Hyson and Imperial Teas Biue Cottons, Stc. With many other articles not enumerated. Merchants who find it convenient to purchase for Cash, or orders upon good people in town, will find these goods worth their attention. Mva 28. 56 Wm. WILSON, Has received per the ships Eliza and Volant, a large part of h‘s Fall Supply of Goods, Which with his flock, before on hand, makes his ai fortment very complete. Amongst as great a variety of articles, as are commonly set forth in lengthy advertileinents is a large quantity of White & ccbred Negro CLOTH. As this article was porchaf’ ed last Winter for cash, and as a moderate advance only, will be now exafcted, it is con ceived that it will be an objefct worthy the attention of Plan, ters, and others, who wifi) to purchase by the piece or pack’ age. Payment will be expefct ed in Cash, Cotton, or ap proved town notes. Savannah, Sept. 18, 90 ts FACTORAGE AND Commission Business. THE fubferiber has take ll the wharf which has ior forne time been occupied by MefiYs Havens 13 Bilbo , on which he has convenient and iafe Stores for the reception of Produce, and will be happy to lerve his friends and the public, in the above line. ROBERT M’ DOUG ALL. October 2 93 ts 20 Dollars Reward , RJJN- AWAY from the subscri ber in Washington County, on the nth of February last an African Negro Man named Rich ard, about 5 feet 11 inches high, veiy black, speaks a. little English, lie ivas Untight of Caig & Mitchell , and left me on my way home, has a scar on his elbow, the toe next to the little one, on the left foot has been broke and terns to the left; he lias a very thick neck and is well made, ai y person that will se cure the said Negro so that the subscriber may get him again shall be entitled to the above re ward and all expeuces paid. DAVID BLACKSHEAR. November 24. 6t 3. For Sale, A COUNTRY born Negro Wench, who is at present pregnant, and a Mulatto liny two and a half years old. The wench is a good cook, washer and ironer, warranted sober and ho nest. For terms apply at this office. Oct. 30. tl 201 ALL KINDS OF PRINTING Done at this Office, with Neat ness Accuracy and Dispatch. Great Bargains. TflE SUBSCRIBER Ravins’ taken the store of Mrs. Wylhfs, opposite Doctor Ha bersham's, Bull Street, OFFERS FOR SALE THE FOLLOW. ING GOODS AT REDUCED I’RICES. 3000 pair of Negro Shoes of the first quality', 2000 do. ol mens, lined h bound ditto 1500 Ladies Morocco Sc leather Slippers, 500 hoys & girls Shoes & ditto SSO pieces of Humhums, elo gres and Sannahs, 300 do. of Fine &. coarse callicoes 30 do. of broadcloths & coat ings 1 trnnk of Ladies Gipsies’ Hat s and Bonnetts, of the latest fashions Rochester Chip & Porcupine ditto 1 16 boxes of cotton & wool cards 10 cases ol mens fine & coarse Hats, 9 Hlids. of Northward Rum, 0 do. Jamaica Sugar, 100 casks of Stone Lime, Package and travelling Trunks, JOSEPH HAWES- November 24. ts. 3. ? The Subscriber , HAVING returned to this city, begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public generally that he has received at liis cabi net warehouse in Bull Street, opposite the Exchange, An extensive and handsome assort ment of Furniture, Which he warrants of the first quality, amongst which ate: Sideboards, new patterns, Secretaries and Book Cases, Hair Sofas, Bureaus, Dining Tables, with & without ends ‘Pea Tables, Card ditto, Candle and Bason stands, Portable Desks, &c. He has likewise received, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Windsor and Fancy’ setting Chairs, which he will dispose of on mode rate terms, for Cash or approved paper. JOHN SCOTT. 03 s Cabinet Furniture made and repaired vrith neatness and dispatch. Nov. 24. ts. 3. A. Scribner & Cos. HAVE JUST RECEIVED Per the Brig Dean from New York, A LARGE SUPPLY OF Roots, Shoes & Slippers, OF AN EXCELLENT QUALITY. Which in addition to their former supply, makes their assortment very extensive; which they oiler FOR SALE, at reduced prices, at their store on the Bay, nearly op posite the Exchange. November 24. Notice. THE Subscriber being appoint ed GAUGER for the City, informs that he is to he found oil Smith K Jlourke's, wharf where he has his Cooperage. JAMES ALLISSON November 15. 6t 1. Notice. r Subscriber, hasconiinenc- X ed Business in the line of his profession, of COOPER, PACK ER & GAUGER, on Smith and Bourice's wharf, and assures the public in general and his friends in particular, that nothing shall be wanting on his part to give satis action with dispatch. JAMES ALLISSON. November 15. it 1. [Whole Number 2.05. D, Douglass & Cos. Respectfully inform the public, that they are now opening next door to Mar quand nd Paulding’s, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Philadelphia and Ne\v- York Boots & Shoes, Os the first quality. Liquid and Cake Plat knur, LIKEW I S Ep A few thousand pair of Negro SHOES, which will be d/spnset 1 ot on the most reasonable to ms, for CASH or approved Notes in town. November 13, if 105. GEO RGIA. By his Excellency JARED IR WIN, Governor and Common, der in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A Proclamation, TJLTHEREAS in and by V V an aft pafied ihe 1 uii of February, 1799, entitled an afct to regulate the general elections in this State, and to appoint the time ol the meeting of the General Aflembly,” it is among other things declared, that all writs of elections to fill vacancies that may happen, for members of the General Afiembly of this State, or House ofßeprelentatives of the United States, shall be directed to the Ju It ices of the Inferior Courts of the refpeftive Coun ties, who are required to give public notice thereof, Sc caule the lame to be held in manner and form as herein before pointed out, ag Jfeably to (uch writ.” AND WHEREAS, a vacancy hath happened in the Houle of Reprelcntatives of the United States, by re Aon of the resignation of THOM AS SPALDING, who was eletled to ierve as a member therein, for this Sta'e, until the fourth day of March next, I have therefore thought fit to iflue this my Proclama tion, hereby notifying, direct ing and ordering the Ju 11 ices of the Inferior Courts of the iefpe6live Counties in this Slate, to conliderthe fame as a general writ of Election, for filling the aforefaid vacancy : And I do hereby charge and require the Juflices to give due notice, that an Election will be held in the respective Counties, on Monday the firlt Day of December next. And I do hereby further require, that such returns ot laid Elec tion as the aforelaid ati points out, be made to the Executive Department within the time therein prelcribed. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the state, at the State Mouse in Louisville, this 7th day of November, in the year es eur Lord, eighteen, hundred and six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the thirty first. JARED IRWIN. BY THE GOVERNOR, HOK: MARBURY, Secretary of thk State. Blank Manifests , For sale at this Office,