The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 15, 1806, Image 1

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SAVANNAH: —printed and published on Mondays and Thursdays by JOHN DOUGHERTY, No. 3, Whitaker street, near the Ray. VOL. 111. No. 9.] p TERMS I OF THE I PATRIOT i and ■COMMERCE al advertiser. ■'fii-ms of subscription are si x ■ lU rs a year —one hat) to be My at the tunc of subscribing and I. re minder at the expiration ot ft months—and all papers will he ft, tinned until ordered to the con- It ft Advertisements of no more ftjf/i than breadth are inserted at ft cents, for the first insertion, and ft for each continuation. A ti mal allowance will be made to Li who wish to advertise by the ft/r. [: For Liver [tool , I r>. THE SHIP B 0 s T 0 N, Hftftgg'jj, Captain Trott, ■fie staunch fast sailing vessel Hi 2 years old, will be ready in a Hrdays tucoimneiice loading and Hi! be dispatched as soon as nos. Ht\ For freight apply to said Hnain or to. I’ R. & J. BOLTON. ■November 12. tf* 1. ■N hemiah Bcckford, MUDDLE# K HARNESS’ 1 MAKER , m ESPECTFULLY informs his Hl friends and the public, that Bins returned from the North ern, and taken tlie store lately Hcnpied by Peacock if Beach, Here he offers for salsa ■complete assortment of ■ft SADDLERY, consisting I ■dies’elegant Eve Saddles, ■'to low priced ditto Hntlemen’s Shaflfio ditto ■lkelted ti common ditto Ht Plated Spurs, ■ted Bridles ol every description ■to Jit brass mounted Harness, ■'to & Silver mounted Whips, Brse Nets, ■ave'iling ek portmanteau Trunks ■reatvariety of common hair do. Hik'd Haines tor draught 1 lorses, ■nuch superior to the collar and ■wines, both for ea>e and conve- Hience, Hted Harness Furniture, H'u Stirrups, H to Saddle Nails, ■to Sharp Pelham, St Bariioon ■ Bit's ■"> Lirb Chai ns, . H'o Roifer Buckles, H'o Beading for Saddlers’ and ■ Chair makers’ use, almost every article called florin his line, which lie will dis- H ,ov e of as low as they can be Height in the-Siate. Hp e hopes, by his attention to to give satisfaction to ■ se “’ io may employ him. U RE HAS ON HAND, Bhl'.H of a superior quality, b H POTATOES i:i barrels, yovember 27. ts. 4. ■A* Scribner & Cos. JUST RECEIVED V 1 li e Brig Dean from New- II York, ■ A LARGE supply of Shoes Slijijiers, ■ F AN EXCELLENT QUALITY. in addition to their former HP'S makes their assortment B extensive; which they oiler 1 ALE, at reduced prices, at store on the Bay nearly op ■ e Exchange. THE PATRIOT AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. Medical Store, THE SUBSCRIBERS Have recently received in Addition to their former Stock, a large assortment of Drugs & Medicines, Among which are the following articles, VIZ. Red acd lliirk, |()piom,* Glauber Sc chcll Salts, SLavendei Water, Sait Pet re Pnlv. §\lagnesia, Cream ‘l’artar, Camphor, ‘lace, Copperas, §Poi & Pearl Ash, A-lnm, Sulphur Roll, §Sret Spirits Calomel, § Nitre, &c.&c. ALSO, A VARIETY OF Patent Medicines, which they offer FOR SALE at I heir store in Wlifiaker street, (lately occupied by Mr. John Gardner and imon diatly opposite Mr, Uhic J’ohnr’s) at reduced prices FOR GASH, or approved credit. GREEN & 3ELDEN. Pecemlx 14. ts ti. Great Bargains THE SUBSCRIBER Having- taken the store of Airs. IVijlly's , opposite Doctor Ha bersham’’*, Bull Sir, ct, OFFERS for sale the follow ing GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. 3000 pair of Ishgro Shoes of the first quality, 5000 do. of mens, lined & bound ditto 1500 Ladies Morocco & leather Slippers, 550 hoys & girls Shots & ditto 500 pieces ot Humhums, selo gres and N.innah.s, 300 do.ol Fine &. coarse callicoes 30 do. of broadcloths &. coat ings 1 trnnk of Ladies Gipsies’ Fla's and Bonneits, of thejatest fashions Rochester Chip & Porcupine ditto 16 boxes of cotton & wool cards JO cases o! mens fine & coarse Huts, 9 llbds. of Northward Rum, f. do. Jamaica Sugar, 100 casks of Stone Lime, Package and travelling Trunks, JOSEPH HAWES. November 24. ts. 3. 1 he Subscriber, HAVING returned to this city, begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public generally that he Las received at his cabi net warehouse in Bull Street, opposne tlie Exchange, An extensive and handsome assort ment of Furniture, Which he warrants of the first quality, amongst which ate: Sideboards, new pattern-, Secretaries and Book Cases, Hair Sofas, Bureaus, Dining Tables.u itb & without ends Tea Tables, Card ditto, Candle and Bason stands, Portable Desks, &c. lie has likewise received, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Windsor and Fancy setting Chairs, which he will dispose of on mode, rate terms, for Cash or approved paper. JOHN SCOTT. frf* Cabinet Furniture made and repaired with neatness and dispatch. Nov. 24. ts. 3. Blank Manifests &c- For Sale at this Office. M O N D A Y, December 15, 1806. CHEAPNESS, COMBINED WITH ELEGANCE AND UTILITY Bit the hue a> rix'ati from T. IVER POOL and GLASGOW, Andrew Low Cos. Have received the largest and bed selected , as xeell as the cheap est assort meat of GOODS, Zehich they have e ter offered Jcr sate. —COMPRISING Womens and Mens Cotton Hosi eiy Ditto ditto rilk ditto, Boys & Misses cotton & silk ditto Cotton and silk Gloves, all sizes Men’s linen thread Stockings Patent White and black Daces Cotton and thread Laces and Veils Footings and Trimmings Habit shirts and Caps, cotton and lace Patent Garters Black embossed and coloured Velvet Silk and cotton Fringes Velvet net Trimmings and orna ments Bracelets, Beaufont Huffs Ribbons, velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and Lut st rings A few rich India shawls Lace Cambric and Leno do. very low Leno and Picquet Veils Plain Muslins, all kinds Figured and colonade ditto Figured Cambrics, Cambric Di mities 4-4 linen and cotton Check* 4 4 Apron ( hecks, nrv good Children’s Leather Caps Children and youth’s Hats Men’s Hats, common and fine Bombazines and Bomba/.etts Black Cambric and Book Muslins Black Lino and Picquet ditto Black I ice Shades and Cloaks Kotnal & Puilicat Handkerchiefs Fine linen pocket Handkerchiefs Children’s ditto Printed Calicoes, ofevery descrip tion Dimities, Muslinets White and coloured Marseilles Tincksetts, Corduroys Velvet teens Fustians, Jeans, Nankenets Cotton Kerseymeres Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, every width and price Cotton and Silk Citambrays and Luttres Handsome plaid andcorded Cam brics Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth ‘Diapers “Coarse and fine Sheetings 7-8 and 4-4 Linens, Huckabacks Long Lawns ad French Cambrics Britanmas and Platiilas Brown Linens and Sheetings Parasols and Umbrellas F'ans in great variety Adelphi threads in paper and var nished boxes Marking ditto Ounce and Lisle threads Coloured, Stitching & Oznaburgs ditto Best White Chapel Needles Papi-r and pound pins Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt buttons Mai king Canvass Fashionable placed and gilt but tons Ditto pearl ditto Marseilles Quilts, Counterpanes Bedtifks Furniture fringes and tassels Silk handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured Cambrics A lew dozen fleecy hosiery, for invalids Pavillion Gauze, white and co loured Best Flax and Tmv Csnnburg //;.'/) JUST OPENED. India Lutscrings, Bandannas and Humhums Ilvscn and Imperial Teas Blue Cottons, &c. Widiltnany’ other articles not enumerated. (s2?* Merchants who find it convenient to purchase for Cash, or orders upon pood people in town, will find these goods worth their attention. Mva 2ft. sft Wm. WILSON ~ Has rrcrivrd per the .ships Eliza and Volant, a large part nj his Fall Supply of Goods, j £3” Which with his flock, before on hand, makes his af fortnient very complete. Arr.ongft as great a variety oi articles, as ate commonly let forth in lengthy advertisements is a large quantity of White & cobred Negro CLOT 11. As this at tide was pttrchaf ed lad Winter for call), and as a moderate advance only, will be now exatied, it is con ceived that it will he an objefct worthy the attention of Plan, ters, and others, who wish to put chafe by the pieetror pack” age. Payment will be expeft ed in Caflt, Gotten, or ap proved town note.'. Savannah. Sept. |j?, po tt I AGTOKAGh, A N I) Commission Business. THE Cubicriber has taken the wharf which has for ionic time been occupied by Metfrs Havens & Bilbo , on which he has convenient and Case Stores for the reception of Produce, and will be happy to serve his friends and the public, in the 1 above line. ROBERT M’ DOUG AI L. October ‘J 9j ,f D, Douglass & Cos. T> ESPECTEUI.Ly inform IV the public, that they are now opening next door to Mar qtiand and Paulding's, a complete assortment of Philadelphia and Inew- Vork Boots & Shoes, Os the first < /ualifi/, Liquid and Cake Bias.king, L 1 K E IV 1 S E, A few thousand pair of Negro SHOh\ “ Inch will be disposed ot on the most reasonable terms, lor LASH or approved Notes in town, i November 13. if 10>. * NO f ICE. SUCH subscribers as were in ad_ ! vance to the “ SOU i HERN PATRIOT previous to the first I day of October last; are 1 (jnest ed to present their accounts,for ba lances due them, to the snbsctiber, at the corner of Jefferson and Nt. Julian streets, where they will be immediately discharged.—Those who formerly patronized that pa per, are informed, that all emolu ments arising from that establish ment, from the above date, are parable to Mr. J. Dougherty, the present proprietor. JAMES lIELY. December V iat)6 4t S. ("Whole Number 259. s. FOOT, R|-<P‘r i| l h.y r., .1,, I iililtc il at lie has ivlnmed to this city, and-taken the h„„ tc he I inneriy o< copied in Bull St root opposite tl< ■ Auttion Store of Mr, S. 11. S ackhon-e where he intends Carrying on the BOO'! h SHOE MAKING BUSINESS, as fotinci iy. He has on hand, a cons dcrable quantity of Boots & Shoes, of the firjl qualiy, ” bicli ho offers FOR SALE at re el'ur cl prices 1) • ec-mbt r 4. ts 6. fust opened and for safe, in Bry an street, n ar the Market, otr. posite the late reside!, ce of Ales sxs -Mein ami Maokay. -A MOST Elegant afforr mcm of Ladies BONNETS, and other articles in the Mil linery and Dry Goods line, 10... tedious to mention.— Al in, expects per firll arrivals an aoditiona! Ripplv. Sctviti” done in the neatell manner. Ofioher 27. 95. GF.DRGIA, t’,\ Isaac Crews, (L. S.) ■ clerk of the court Isaac. Crews, Jof Ordinary sots fl.e County of Camden, in the state afore raid. VV ticrcas David Goodgatne Jones, esq. applies for letters of ndmini sir.t'ioii on ibe estate and effects “t VViliiarn Jones, lam of St. Marys deceas’ and, as neatest of |<in. rpj 1 nese are then (ore to cite and •n niom ii ,-.l! i.iiil singular, the kin do and and . rcditoiW thedectased to fiV [heir f.b'* < ‘^ r is (;l any they ha\e) in inv i ifice on or before slies (list hloiKlav *n Jailuai'v nest, o. tii letters (,{ aduiimstratiort wnl be granted him. Given midst my hand and sea! thi, ninth day of November 1806, and in ihcSlst year of Am.-ricitn ludcpendence. Djtifmb'i j, - -i) Doll ,rs Aczvard, EUN-AWA Y from iij e subscri - b- 1 in V Hs!itng,t|ii) County on tlie 17'h of Fobruary lasi an Atvicau Negro Man named Rich j*L'D, about 5 bet II inches lupb, vfiy black, speaks tilittle Fi.g.ish, he. was bought of Caig \ Mitchell, and left me on my way imiue, has a scar on his elbow, the toy noxt lt) the iittJc one, on the left foot has been broke and terns to the left - he bus a verv thu k tietk and is well made, ai y person that will Se cure the said Negro so that the subscriber may get Irm again snail I.C entitled to the above rc wafu and all ex polices paid. DAVID BLACKFHEAR. Novetiiber 24. 6t 3. io be Leased, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, r ‘'HE House on ttie Bay, for -K merlv occupied bv Mr. Gunn, and last bv Mrs. Sears as a Boarding House fi r which it j* qetter calculated than any other bouse in Savannah. •There are twenty-one bed rooms On the first floor arc two large hails, the se cond floor :s one Iciig room Ii lias a large Cellar, and there aru cm the premises good Mab es, a pump and eveiy convenience re. quisite. For futtiier particulii.V cucpiire of JOHN ANDERSON December 1 , ALL KINDS OF PRD Done at this Og ee, re ness Aci'utaeq arid D . ... ,