The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 29, 1806, Image 1

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SA PA NBA ll:— printed and puslished on Mondays and Thuasuays by JOHN DOUGHERTY, AT). 3, Whitaker street, near the Bay. vol. nr. No. 13,] I T KRMS I of thf. I PATRIOT ■ and lomme rc,al advertiser- K- ;r?)|J of subscription are six Kms a year—one halt to hr K alike time of subscribes mil Wfeminder at the expiration oj Months—and all patters will be K|J until ordered to the ran my- WLfivertisements of no more K/, than breadth are inserted at Km/J, for the first insertion, and each continuation. A h K/ allowance tbill be made to K who wish to advertise by the K~ FOR SALE, FINE STAUNCH Bffsk* new Ship ENTERPKIZE, ■urthen ‘B4 Tons, now on her Btoyapre- If not S ° :< T within ■avs.Slie will take freight, for Hr York, or Rhode Isl and. terms apolv on board to ■ G ARNER SMITH. ■themiah Beckford, WiDDLER X HA IIS ESS m MAKER , info-ms his ■ friends and the public, that returned front the Nortli ■ and taken the store lately hy Peacock Sf Beach, ■> F. HP. OFFERS TOR SALS’ A ASSORTMENT Os IBiDDLERY, CONSISTING ■ elegant Eve Saddles, low priced ditto Sliatfro dit’o Spurs, ■ Bridlesoi every descrip'inn ■ & brass mounted Harness., ■ *v Silver mounted Whips, ■ Nets, fit portmanteau Trunks variety of common h ‘ii <iu. IS” Hames tor drannh: Hoi sc., .■ch superior to the collar and both for ease and couve '■! Harness Furniture, Stirrups, Nails, Sharp Reliiain, St Bardoon J^Bius 1 ‘'rb Chains, ■ ko ler Bm kies, Heading f, r Saddlers’ and makers* use, every anicle called ~■) bis line, which he will dts ’■? of as low as they can be in the S*ate. itopt's, bv his attention to cß'i to give satisfaction to niav employ him. £ HAS ON HAND, of a superior quality. Si ATOES in barrels. r, m!!^ r 2 ’f- + - I S. FOOT, ! 1 FUI.LY inform, the r "^B t>ul> ii c that lie has returned > and taken the house occupied in Bull p^B°P| ,os 'te the Auction Store S ’ H. S ackhou e where be B carrvmtr 01l ,| le BOOT MAKING business, |K J 0n hand, a confiderabU 10,11 quantity of !ae!^r oo{s & Shoes. lit firfl quality, re- J nces, ■ mbcr 4 * ts 6. THE PATRIOT AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. ’ TO LEASE, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, $3- THAT valuable traft of oak, hickory and rice land containing 300 acres on the Louilvillc road, well known as the 8 mile houfr, one of the bed Hands for a public house. ALSO, That plantation 10 miles from Savannah, late the pro. perty of Joseph Clay, dec. at prelent occupied by captain Andrew M’Lean. A LSO, Two valuable traits of oak, hickory and rice land, or any part thereof, adjoining the a. bove, and the plantations of David F. Bourquin, Eiq. Mrs. Fox, <Jcc. Sic. ALSO, Thai plantation and trail of land, on the Great Ogechec road, twelve miies from Sa vannah. well known by the name >f Uadick, late the pro perty Sc residence of Mr. Wm. Fox, deceased. , For further information, please apply to FRANCIS COURVUISIE, Who offers for Sale, A Bargain, and on easy Terms. A valuable trait of land, on the Satilla river, Glynn county, containing 1000 acres, adjoin ing lands granted to Stephen Darayton and Miles firewtor of South ‘Carolina, late the, property and granted to Win. Telfair, Esq. A L S 0, An undivided moiety of a 5,000 acre tract of Land, os the Alatainahaw liver, origi nally granied to Mr. Chas. W. M’Kinnor,adjoining land, of Jos. Gibbons, Ma r y Mel. ton, Butler, Maxwell, &c. ALSO, a Two tracts of Land, on O gechee river Washington coijs. tv, containing 287 each tract, originally granted toj. Peary and James Allen. Sptem ie 13. 19. Great Bargains THE SUBSCRIBER Having taken the store of Mrs. Wylly's, opposite Doctor Ha bersham'*, Bull Street, offers for sale the follow -ING GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. 3000 pair of “Negro Slices of the first quality, 3000 do. of mens, lined & bound ditto 1500 Ladies .Morocco & leather Slippers, 150 boys & girls Shoe* & ditto 500 pieces of Humhums, seio. gres and Sannahs, 300 do.of Fine 6l coarse callicoes 30 do. of broadcloths & coat ings 1 trnnk of Ladies Gipsies* Hats and Bonnetts, of the latest fashions Rochester Chip & Porcupine ditto 16 boxes of cotton h wool cards lO cases of mens fine & coarse Hats, 9 Hhds. of Northward Rum, C do. Jamaica Sugar, 100 casks of Stone Lime, Package and travelling Trunks, JOSF.PH HAWES. November 34; ts. 3. MO N D AY, Decembfr 29, 1806. Cotton Ginned, THE SUBSCRIBERS, TUT iOLAVING esiablilhed in Yamacraw, on the lot where Joseph Hill erected a Corn. Mill, & aojoining to the house of the Rev. Mr. Clay, 2 roller CO TTON GINS, on an ap proved and superior construc tion, offer to Gin Cotton at the reduced price of 5 cents per pound. They will obligate them, feives to stipulaie a time of de livery for Cotton received 10 be ginned, and will store the fame, after being prepared for market, until convenient lor the proprietors to remove it, without making the usual charge of stoiage, and will aL so purchafc Cotton in the feed at tbe fair market price. ALEX. JAFFREY, WM. WILKIE. Savannah, Sept. 4, 1806 68 GEORGIA, T By Isaac Crews, (L. S.) J clerk ts the court Isaac Crews, )of Grdinary for the County of Camden, m the state afore said. Whereas David Good game Jones, esq. applies for letters ot adtiuni stratiofron tile estate and ctlbcts of Wuliam Jones, late of CSt. Marys deceased, as nearest of kill. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kin dred and creditors of the deceased to tile their objections (if any they have) in my office 011 or bclore the first Monday in January next, o therwise letters ot administration will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal tins 11i.1th day of November 1806, and 111 the 31st year of American Independence. December J, j NOTICE. SUCH subscribers as were in ad vance to the “ SOU I HFRi\ PATRIOT,” previous to the first day of October last; are request ed to present their accounts,for ba lances due them, to the subscriber a t the corner ol Jefferson and St. Julian sire ts, where they will be immediately discharged.—Those who formerly patronized dial pa per, are informed, that all emolu ments arising from that establish ment, front the above date, are payable to Mr. J. Dougherty, the present proprietor. JAMES HELT. D t Douglass & Cos. Respectfully inform the public, that they are now opening next dour to Mar quand and Paulding’s, a complete assortment of Philadelphia and New- Yorjc BcxTs & Shoes, Os the first quality , Liquid and Cake Blacking, L 1 K E IV 1 S E, A few thousand pair of Negro SHOES, which will be disposed ol on the most reasonable terms, for CASH or approved Notes in town. November 13. ts 105. BUTTER JOOOtb. Northern Butter, of an excellent quality, at 25 cents per pound,— f uft receiv ed, and for Sale by the Sub feriber, on Hardens Whar. FARNUM WHITE. December 15. CHEAPNESS, COMBINED WITH ELEGANCE And UTILITY. By the late arrivals from LIVER POOL and GLASGOW , Andrew Low Cos. Have received the largest and best selected, as well as the cheap, est assortment of GOODS, ivhich they have e ter offered Jos’ sale. ♦—COMPRISING — Womens and Mens Cotton Hosi ery Ditto ditto silk ditto, Boys & Misses cotton fit silk ditto Cotton and silk Gloves, all sizes Men’s linen thread Stockings I’atent White and black Laces Cotton and thread Laces and Veils Footings and Trimmings Habit shirts and Capa, cotton and laeft Patent Garters Black embossed and soloured VH vet Silk and cotton Fringes Velvet net Trimmings and orna ments Bracelets, Beaufont Ruffs Ribbons, velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and Lut striugs A few rich India shawls Lace Cambric and Leno do; very Jow Leno and Picquet Veils Plain Muslins, all kinds F'igured and colonade ditto Figured Cambrics, Cambric Di- nil ties 4-4 linen and cotton Check* 4 4 Apron Checks, very good Children’s Leather Caps Children and youth’s Hats Men’s Hals, common and fine bombazines and Bombazetts black Cambric and Book Muslins Black Leno and Picquet diito black 1 <ce Shades and Cloaks Homal & Pullicat Handkerchiefs Fine linen pocket Handkerchiefs Children’s ditto Printed Calicoes, ofevery descrip tion Dimities, Muslinets White and coloured Marseilles Thtcksetts, Corduroya Velvet teens Fustians, Jeans, Nankenets Cotton Kerseymeres Cotton .Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, every width and price Cotton and Silk Cliambrays and Luttres Handsome plaid andcorded Cam brics Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth Diaper* Coarse and fine Sheetings 7-8 and 4-4 Linens, Huckaback* Long Lawns ad French Cambrics Britannias and Platiiias Brown Linen* and Sheetings Parasols and Umbrellas Fans in great variety Adclpiii threads in paper and var nished boxes Marking ditto Ounce and Lisle threads Coloured, Stitching Sc Oznaburgs ditto Best White Chapel Needles Paper and pound pins Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt buttons Mai king Canvass Fashionable plated and gilt but tons Ditto pear! ditto Marseilles Quilts, Counterpanes Bcdticks Furniture fringes and tassel* Silk handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured Cambrics A few dozen fieety hosiery, for ia valid* fWhole Number 213 Pavillioh Gauze, white and c loured Best Flax and Tow Osnalmrip AND JUST OPENED. India Lntstrings, Bandannas and Humliums Hyson and Imperial Teas Blue Cottons, &c. With many other articles noc enumerated. &3r” Merchants who find it convenient to purchase for Cash, or orders upon good people’ m town, will find these goods worth their attention. Mva 28. 56 Wm. wilsonT Has- received per the ships'Eliza and l olatit, a large part of his Fall Supply of Goods, HOP” Which with his Hock, before on hand, makes his af lortment very complete.—— AmongH a* great a variety of articles, as are commonly set forth in lengthy advertilements is a large quantity of White & ccljred Negro CLOTH. As this article was purchas ed la ft Winter for cash, and as a moderate advance only, will be now exafled, it is con ceived that it will be an objeft worthy the attention of Plan, ters, and others, who wish to purchafc by the piece or pack’ age. Payment will be expect ed in Cash, Cottcn, or ap proved town notes. „ Savannah, Sept. A 90 ts To be Leased , FOR A TERM OF YEARS THE House on the Bay, for merly occupied bv Mr. Gunn, and last by Mrs. Sears as a Boarding House for which it is bettei calculat'd than any other house in Savannah. There are bed rooms.On the first floor are two large halls, the se cond Boor is one Jong room It has a large Cellar, and there are on the premises good stable;;, a pump and every convenience re quisite. For further particulars enquire of JOHN ANDERSON. December I 5 Notice is hereby Given,* T ■f HA I at the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, application ‘will be made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell the following tracts of Land, be* longing to the estate of James Door*, deceased, viz : Two hundred and Fifty a cres, old Purvey, fituiue, lying and being in Chatham Coun. y, bounded by Great Ogc chee river, land of Coldivirc, n l land now of Joseph Well ih;:r, Esq.—-The fame being o the benefit of the heirs and creditor* of the said James Doors, deceased. THO’.. MILLS, Adm' r Savannah, Sept. 4, ,806. lamgm 86, ALL KINDS OF PRINTING Done at this Office, with Meat, utij Aecniaeq and Disputed.