The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 05, 1807, Image 1

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S'A VANN A £T;— printed and published on Mondays and Thursdays ry JOiJN DOUGHERTY, No. 3, Whitaker street, near the Hay, VOL. 111. No. 15.] ni ■ TER M S H OF THE ■ PATRIOT and BjMMERCIAL advertiser. subscription are six nc^B !U , s a year—one ha!t to Hr , ftiir time of' subscribing and and! the evpiratbm ot a!! papers -a'! be until ordered to the con r!HL . t J(^E fartisemenfs of no more wLlh llwr. breadth arc inserted at for the first insertion, and each continuation, A h- I ■ aliinemce 7 vill be made to oudsh to advertise by the flfthemiah Beckford* i MjDi)LTR H HARNESS ■ MAKER, informs liis ■ friends and the public, that “^E a s returned from the Nortlt- Aj, and taken the store lately by Peacock Si Beach, HE OFFERS FOR SALK A ASSORTMENT of ■SADDLERY, consisting ■ ’ elegant Eve Saddles, tow priced ditto Shaffio ditto |Hilwe!ted & common ditto ■ ’ Plated Spurs, jHueu Bridles ol every description M:c k brass mounted Harness, Stto & Silver mounted Whips, Br< Nets, ■ aa..<: p-.-ritn.irto.'-i Trtiu’.s Brest variety of eomtiitsn hair do. fßricd [lames,for draught Horses, |Hbuili superior to the collar and both for cave and conv'e Harness Furniture, Bo Stirrups, jHiitoSaddle Nails, ■itto Sharp Pelham, & Bardoon H Bins Hito Curb Chains, Bit'o Jtoiior Buckles ■nto Beading !><r Saddlers’ and ■ Chair makers’ use, With almost every article called ■ for in liis line, which he will dis ■ pose of as low as they can be ■ bought in the Slate. Bhe hopes, by his attention to Bbiness, to give satisfaction to Bwc who mav employ him. ■ BE HAS ON HAND,’ ■ VI);,K of a superior quality, ?* B POTATOES in barrels. B November 27. if. 4. ■~sTfoot, ■RESPECTFULLY informs the BY Public tliat he lias returned Bthiscity, and taken the iiouse B formerly occupied in Bull Breet cp|)osite the Auction ■* Mr. S. H. Stackhouse where he Bttends carrying on the BOOT ■ MI0E MAKINGUUSINESS, B* bn met iy. W c lla s on hand , a corfidcrablc I quantity of I Boots & Shoes, 1 of the frjl quality , F" ,c h be offers FOR SALE at re ■;;ced prices, i December 4. ts 6. I NOTICE. || Nine months after date, appli- P ‘ion will be made to the Iron. P ll trior court of Effipghairi coun ■r for leave to sell a tract of ■‘■‘•id in sai-J county, containing li 00 ,ltrUs > lying on the Sunbury I ‘ u d, for the benefit of the heirs ■Sad creditors. I XIILUSI WRIGHT, Adm'r. If GABLE, Admr’x. THE PATRIOT AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. TO LEASE, FOR AvT ER M O F YEARS, <£3- THAI’ valuable Iraki of oak, hickory and rice land containing 300 acres on the Louisville toad, well known as the 8 mite house, one of the belt Hands foV a public house. A L S O, That plantation 10 miles from Savannah, late ths pre. perty or jofeph Clay, dec. at pielent occupied by captain Andrew M’Lean. A L S (V, Two valuable tracks oT oak, hickory and rice land, or any part thereof, adjoining the a_ bove, arid the plantations of David F. Bourquin, Esq. Mrs. Fox, &e. See. ALSO, That plantation and traft of land, on the Great Ogechee road, twelve miles from Sa vannaii. well known by the name of Radick, late the pro perty Sc residence of Mr. Wm. Fox, deceased. For further information, pleale apply to FRANCiS COURVOISIE, ’ Who oilers for Sale, A Bargain, arid on easy Terras A valuable traEl of land, on the SatiHariver, Glynn county, containing 1000 acres, adjoin., ing lands granted to Stephen Darayton and Miles lirewtor of South ‘Carolina, laie the, property and granted to Win. Telfair, Esq. ALSO, An undivided moiety of a 5,000 acre tract of Land, on the Aiatatnahaw liver, ofigi. nally granted to Mr. Chas. W. M’Kinnon,adjoining land of Jos. Gibbous, Ma*y Me!, ton, Butler, Maxwell, &c. A LSV, a Two tracts of Land, on O gechec riverWafhington coun. ty, containing 287 jacres each tract, originally granted to J. P.eary and James Allen. jfobei t M‘ Doug all. II AS removed from Jones’ Wharf, and taken a Coun ting room in the Store of Mr. Samuel 11. &iacklioufe> on the BAY, oppoiite the Ex change, where he iiill conti. riues in the FACTORAGE and COM MISSION BUSINESS and will endeavour., by his at tention to their Interest, to merit the Patronage of these friends, who may think pro per to commit their business to his care. N O L Ibis.” ALL persons arc Cautioned against Purchasing or mak ing any Contracts tor the Cargo of the Brig SALLY, commanded by Capt. George Wilson. Wm. GIL MOIL December IS. 10 wTnteoT” TWO YOUNG LADS, from ]3 to It) years of age, as apprentices to the Book-Binding Business. — None need apply without good recommendations. — App’v to IL R, THOMPSON. M O N D A Y, J \Nt7AR)” 5, 1807. Cotton Ginned, THE S U BSC It IDEAS, Having esubiifhed in Yamacraw, 0:1 thA .lot where Joseph Hilleicttfd a -Corn- Mill, Si adjoining to the topo rf> of the Key. Mr. Glay, 2 rolici COTTfiJX GINK on an ap proved and superior construc tion offer to Gin Cotton at the reduced price of 5 cents per pound. V They will obligate them, selves to stipulate a time of de li very for Colton received to be ginned, and will store “ the fame, after being prepared for market, until'convenient for the proprietors to remove ‘ it, without making the ufuat charge of storage, and will aL so purciiafe Cotton in the feed at the fair market price. ALEX. JAFKKLY, WM. WILKIE. Savannah, Sept. 4, ißc)6 58 GEORGI A, jKy Isaac Crews, (L. S.) fleck (f the cam Isaac Crews, jof Ordinary for (lie County of C'auiden, m the state afore said. Whereas David Goodgame Jones, esq. applies for letters of admini stration on the estate and effects of William Jones-, late of St. Marys deceased, as nearest of kin. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kin dred and creditors of I be deceased to file their objections (if any they have) in my office mi or before the first Monday in January next, o i her wise letters of administration will be granted him. Given under thy hand and seal this ninth day of November 1806$ and in-the 3 Ist ypar of American Independence. December 1, & D t Douglass & Cos. RLSPLC 1 FULLY inform the public, that they are now opening next door to Mar quaod and Paulding's, A COMPUETE ASSORTMENT OF PjiILADELFBIA AM) N L -.7- York Boots & Shoes, Os the first quality , Liquid and Cake Blacking, L 1 K E IV I S E, A few thousand pair of Negro SHOES, which will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms, lor CASH or approved Notes in town. November if io.s. L'otice is hereby Given, T HAT at ihe expiration o nine months horn the fia,e hereof, application will be made ter the Honourable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell the following tracts of Land, be„ longing to the efiate of James Doors, deceased, viz : Two hundred and Fiftv a ores, did Purvey, situate, lying and being in Chatham Court ty, bounded by Croat Oge chec liver, lafid of Goldivire, and land now of Joseph \Vdf iher, Esq.—The fame being f or the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said Ja.mes Doors, deceased. THO’s. MILLS, Adm’r Savannah, Sept; 4, iBcC. CHEAPNESS, COMBINED WITH ELEGANCE AND UTILITY. By the late arrivals from LIVER POOL and GLASGOW, Andrew Low & Cos. Have received Hie largest and best selected, us well as the cheap est assortment of GOODS, which they have e ver offered for Sale. • —COMPRISING— Womens and Mens Cotton Hosi er v J Ditto ditto silk ditto, Boys & Mjsses cotton &silk ditto Cotton and silk Gloves, all sizes Men’s linen thread Stockings Patent White and black Laces Cotton and thread Laces and Veils Footings and Trimmings k Habit shu ts and Caps, cotton and Patent Garters ! Black embossed and coloured Velvet Silk and cotton Fringes Velvet net Trimmings and orna ments Bracelets, Beaufont Ruffs Ribbons, velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and Lut sti ings A few rich India shawls Lace Cambric and Leno do; very . low Leno and Picquet Veils Plain Muslins, all kinds Figured and colonade ditto Figured Cambric3, Cambric Di mities 4-4 linen and cotton Checks 4-4 Apron Checks, very good Children’s Leather Caps Children ami youth’s Hats Men’s Hats, common and fine Bombazines and Bomba/,etts Black Cambric and Book Muslins Black Leno and Picquet ditto Black lace Shades and Cloaks Roinal & Puilicat Handkerchiefs Fine linen pocket Handkerchiefs Chiltlteu’s duto Printed Calicoes, ofe.-ery descrip tion Dimities, Mualinfets White and coloured Marseilles Tlncksctta, Corduroys Velvet teens Fustians, Jeans, Nankenets Cotton Kerseymeres r Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, every width and price Cotton and Silk Chambrays and Lull res Handsome plaid andcorded Cam brics Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth Diapers Coarse and fine Sheetings 7-H and 4-4 Linens, Huckabacks Long Lawns ad French Cambrit.3 Biitannias atid / Platilias Brown Linens and Sheering* Parasols and Umbrellas Fans in gre.t variety Adelplii threads in paper and var nished boxes Marking ditto Ounce and Lisle threads Coloured, Stitching & Oznaburgs ditto Best White Chapel Needle* Paper dad pound pin* Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt buttons Marking Canvass Fashionable plated and gilt but tons Ditto pearl ditto Marseilles Cfuilts, Counterpanes Ridtieks Furniture fringes and tassels bilk handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured Cambric* A lew dozen fleecy hesiery, for ilivaiid* * 1 [W HO 1.5 NUMB ER 21 f, Pavil!ion Gauze, White and co loured Rest Flax and tow Osnalmrp* AND JUST OPENED. India Lutstrings, Bandanna, and 11 urn hit ms IL son and Imperial Tea* Bine Cottons, fkc. With many other articles not enumerated. Merchants . who find >t convenient to purchase for Cash, ° r or<lns >fP°n good people m fo j vn ’ “’ill find tbe re v ro „ d , w.nh their attention. MvaSS. 56 Wm. WILSON, Has received per the ships Eliza and Volant, a large part of his Fall Supply of Goods, tO“ Nil Inch with In- Hock, before on hand, makes his af loument very complete* Among (J as great a variety of ancles, as ate comnmnlv set lorth in lengthy advenifettients is a large quantity of Vv Lite & colored Negro £ L O T XL if As this article was purchas ed lafi Winter for cafii, and as a modeiate advance only, ’vdl be now exacted, it is con ceived that it will be an objeti worthy the attention of Plan* tors, and others, who wilh to puichale by the piece or pack” age. Payment will be expett td in Cash, Cotton, or a[. proved town note*. Savannah, Sept. 13, So t s —aa > To bg Leased, FOR A TERM (-J* YEARS nPHE lie.tse on the B* , ( or . J- metiv otcupied bv Mr, (Mntt, and List bv Mrs. Sears as 4 Bonding House fi-r wliicli it jj bolter calcu'aud than am other bouse ii, Savannah. ‘I here are t bed rooms.On the first floor are lno large halls, the se cond door is one long room It has a large Cellar, and th re are, on the premises good m,doles, a puntp and every convenieiTce re quisite. For further particuiau enquire of . ilOllKr ANDEBSGN. December I 5 Sheriff’s Sales. ON the frjl I uc'day in Janu r ary next, Will be Sold at the Court.houfe in this city between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock , A Waggon Sc geers for one If one—ALSO a forrd horlcj seized to fatisy an execution David Burney v s . J„hn Cal hotm the property pointed out by the plaintiff. T. LOBERTSON, S. C. C. December 4, $ - -. mi ‘x. N O T i C E. Nine months after dah applfa cade ‘ will be made to the hofcs, nl crier Court of Chatham coni ~ y, L>r leave to sdi a tract 4J acre* bf land in raidcounrv, ad* joining Mi. Butler and Belim'% Ends, on J.iule Ogechee. for tho benefit of ihe heirs and creditois. WILLIAM WRIGHT, Adm'r E- G A RLE, Ada >. June 16 U N