The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 25, 1807, Image 1

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Si fA iV y,A H .-—PRINTED AMO PUBLISHED ON Mondays and Thuasdays by DOUGHERTY AND CAUMONT, on the 3ay, nearly opposite the Exchange. VOL. 111. No. ,55.] TER M S OF THE PATBIOT and JJJMERCI.VL advertiser. MS of subscription are six lARS a year —°' ,e half to be it the time of subscribing and ,(minder at the expiration of paths—and all papers will be jmti l until ordered to the con • j . t hirtisements of no more A than breadth are inserted at Visjor the first insertion , and ~ web continuation. A li j alloroance will be made to yjtho wish to advertise by the •f’ f's’ s !’ NEW-YORK and I; SAVANNAH, s 10OT M SHOE STORE. $ Just Received, Per brig Luna, HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF Boots and Shoes, VIZ top back strap Boots, n do do. arrow do. is fine Shoes and Pumps, s do do. ies Silk, Sattin, Velvet, Kid, morocco Sappers, ;as Slippers fe Childrens Shoes, &c. ich in addition to their former dies, makes their assortment extensive, which are ottered (uced prices, on the Bay, y opposite the Exchange. A. SCRIBNER &co. pril 27, 47 New Drug and Medicine Store, the Bay, opposite the Ex tnge,, next door to Air. A. tibner. KJ* B. Berthe! ot, ESI'EC TFuLLY informs his friends and the public, he has just received a com- E and handsome assortment li kinds of ugs, Patent and 0- ther Medicine , intends keeping a (stock of fcstand freshest Articles in >*; wholesale and retail, on table terms—Orders for ping and for the country, put ’* lowest terms. * °ueri his services as a WCIaN, and from his long Slce in the Art, hopes to Uith success in the cures he ondertake—He is in posses °f a special remedy against Complaints, which re- J 5 n o regimen of diet, and ®tnay be taken at any time Vcr , without any danger tc 'dents. He also possesses e xctlleit Eye-Water, of ‘ l l |e great efficacy has been experienced in St. that he could not uu (,||e demands (or it tin re. T\N_. jist __ hlbsciapi ions f teiv *J at the Patriot Of fice, tor r!ie wmers Gazette , Paper, published JffNlS’ L RYAN ,!ce of Subscription S 3 ha,'f.yearly in THE PATRIOT AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in June next WILL BE SOLD, At the court-house in the county o f M- Tntosh, between the hours of ten and three o'clnrf the fol lowing property , viz. ONE tract of land, lying in Liberty countv, containing 18T aerts, more or less,bound ed westwardiy on Wm. Carr’s, southwardly on marshes of north New-Port river. ALSO, Four likely Negroes, viz. Habersham, Jack, Maria, and Child; levied on by virtue of sundry executions, against the estate of Samuel Hastings, dec. pointed out bv the plaintiffs. ALSO, A likely dark bay horse; levi ed on as the property of William Timmons, to satisfy an executi. on in favor of John H. Breton, pointed out bv the defendant. ALSO, A likely negro fellow named Jerry; levied on as the property of Abraham F. Powell, to #a. tisfy an execution in favor of Keen and Stiiwell, pointed out by the plaintiff’s attorney. Conditions—Cash on the day of sale. THEOD. MONTFORT, S. M. C; April 30. 48 lm Sheriff’s Sales, ON the first Tuesday in June next , WILL BE SOLD, at the Court-House in AElntosh coun ty between the hours of \0 3 , o’clock. The following proper ty viz. hundred acres land . more or less, situate Iv'tng & being in the county of M‘lntosh granted to Murdoch M‘Leod senr. old survey, seized and tak en under execution as the proper ty of Murdoch M‘Leod Jr. at the suit of Edward Teal. Condi tions CASH on the dav of sale. THEOD. MONTFORT, S. M. C- May Ist. 49 Notice is hereby Given. THAT after the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, application will he made to the honorable the inferior court of Chatham county, for j leave to sell the following lots & | tracts of land, being the real es tate of Mrs. BarbSry Wright, late of the city of Savannah (wi dow) deceased, for the benefit of | the heirs, viz. One lot in the city of Savannah; ] 60 feet in front, and 40 feet in j depth, known by the number 2. in Tylhing, Heathcote ward. ALSO, One lot in Yamacraiv, known by the number 10, being 9b feet wide, and 100 feet in depth, bounded to the west on Farm street. AND ALSO, A tract of 100 acres of Land j on Buck-Head, in Burke, coun ty, adjoining Davis Austin, at the time of the original survey thereof Wm. WRIGHT, Adm’r. ELIZ A B LTD G A BLE,Adm’x April 9. 43 lam 9m NOTICE. THE Subscriber forbids all persons, from this date, to give any credit on his account, without a writ'en order from him. J. A. MORUICE. j April 13 43 f M O N D A Y, May 25, 1807. TO LEASE, For one or More Years. r I TIE large and commodious 1- HOUSE, lately occupied by Mrs. Biair, as a Boarding House , corner of Franklin square and Bryan street. It contains ten rooms, has a go M stable, and o. tired* necessary out buildings—For terms annlv at this office. March 5. 33 ts NOTICE. I 1 CTi! pill TWO Runaway Negroes, one an African born, calls himself TOM, he is a tail, slim fellow, between 25 and 30 rears of age; the other a country born, calls himself PETER, a stout, well set fellow, nearly the same age. Note—These Negroes were advertised by Robert Powers, Es quire, late of M‘lntosh county, in a Charleston paper, (The Times) and in the Georgia Republican. The owner or owners can have them by applying to D. GARVIN, East Florida, opposite the Town of St. Mary's. Martin’s Island, ) March 19. \ “ 6 6m Qfh These Negroes were ad vertised nearly two years since. A Young Man, Lately from the Welt-In dies, wishes a situation as SUPERCARGO, to the Wcst ludies, or any port of Europe— A line directed to G. L. and left at this Office, will be immediate ly aitended to. April 30. 43 ts Subscriptions Received at this Office for . LEWIS fc? CLARK’S TOUR to the Pacific Ocean, through the continent of North America, now preparing for the Press, by Capt. Meriwe ther Lewis, in three volumes j octav.o. Subscriptions Are Received at this Office FOP. HQPF’s Edition o f Do mestic Medicine. (Norv publishing in Charleston J To which are added, Observations on Diet , AND Advice to Mothers , By William Buchan, M. D. Fel’ low of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. (VT* As the Vaccination , or Cow-Fox , has become an impor tant Branch in the Medical Art, this Edition will contain the best information on this head. 1 he Advice to Mothers, which will be added, is a into product!’ on of this celebrated Physician. Price of Sub <*-iptimi, three dollars. Apprentices s Inden tures for sale at .this of fice. Blank Bills of Sale, For Sale at tfm Gjfut. PROSPECTUS Os Levi.* and Clark’s tour to the Pacific Ocean, through the interior of the continent of North America, performed by order of the Government cf the United States, during the years 1804, 1805 & 1806. This work will be prepared by captain Meriwether Lewis, and will be divided into two parts, the whole comprised in Three Volumes, octavo, con tainining from four to five hundred pages, each; printed on good paper, and a fair Pica tvpe. The several vol umes in succession will be put to press at as early periods as the avocations of the author will permit him to prepare them for publication. Part the First —in Two Volumes. VotUME first —Will contain a narrative of the voyage,with a description of some of the most remarkable places in those hi therto unknown wilds of Ame rica, accompanied by a Map of good size, anu embellished with ! a view of the great Cataract of the Missouri, the plan, on a large scale, of the connected falls of tha'c river, as also, of those of the falls, narrows and great •* 1- pids of the Columbia, with their several portages. For the in formation of future voyagers, there wiil he added in the sequel of this volume, some observati ons and remaiks on the naviga tion of the Missouri and Colum bia rivers, pointing out the pre cautions which must necessarily be taken, in order to insure suc cess, together with an itinerancy of the most direct and practica ble route across the continent ot North America, from the con fluence of the Missouri and Mis sissipi rivers to the discharge of the Columbia into the Pacific ocean. Volume second —Whatever properly appertains to geography —embracing a description of the rivers, mountains, climate, soil and face of the country; a view of the Indian nations distributed over that vast region, shewing their traditions, habits, manners, customs, national character, sta ! ture, complexions, dress, dwel lings, arms, and domestic uten sils, with si/anv other interesting particulars in relation to them— Also, observations and reflecti ons on the subjects of civilizing, governing, and maintaining a friendly intercourse with those nations. A view of the fur trade ot North America, setting fortli a plan for its extension, and shew ing the immense ad vantages which "> O would accrue to the mercantile interests of the United States, by combining the same with a direct trade to the East Indies, through j the continent of North America. I This volume will be embellished with a number of plates, illustra tive of the dress and general ap pearance ot such Indian nations as differ materially from each other; of their habitations, thoir wea pons and habiliments used in war; their hunting and fishing appara tus, domestic utensils, txc. Jll an appendix there will also be gi ven a diary of tiie weather, kept with great attention throughou the wnole of the voyage, shew ing also the daily rise and fall o. the principal water-courses willed were navigated in the course o 1 he saxie. Part the second—\n one Volume This part of the work wiil I) confined exclusively to scientifi research, and principally to <h natural history 01 those hitherto [ W hole Number 255. unknown regions. It will con. tain a full dissertation on such subjects as have fallen within the notice of ti e author, and which may properly be distributed un tier the heads ot botanv, mineral ogy’ and zoology, together with some strictures on the origin of the Prairies, the cause of tlie mud. dmess of the Missouri, of volca nic appearances, and natural phe nomena, which were met with in the course of this interesting tour ’ This volume will also contain a comparative view of twenty-tliree vocabularies of distinct ‘lndian languages, procured bv captains Lewis and Clark on the voyage and will be ornamented and em bellished with a much greater number of plates than will be be stowed on the first part of the work, as it L intended that every subject of natural history which is entirely ijew, and of which there are a tjonsiderable number, shall be accompanied by an ap propriate engraving illustrative of iL • \ This distribution of the work has been nudfi with a view ;o the accommodation of fcvory descrip tion of readers, and is hero offer ed to the patronage of the public in such shape, that all persons wishing lo become subscribers, may accommodate themselves with either or the parts, or the entire work, as it shall be most convenient to themselves. Detached from this work there will he published on a large scale, as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained to de fray the expellee, Lewis & Clark’s MAP of NORTH AMERICA. From long. 9 deg. W. to the Paci fic Ocean, and between 36 deer’ and 5 2 N. /at. Embracing all thcSK&fc disco, veries, and that part of die conti nent heretofore the least known. 1 his map will be compiled from the best maps now extant as well published as in manuscript, from tile collective information of the best informed travellers through the various portions of that regi on, and corrected bv a series of several hundred celestial obser vations, made by capt. Lewis du ring hi s late tour. For tiie convenience of subteri liers, these works will be deliver t‘d at the most respectable com mercial towns, and at the scats of government cf the respective states and territories within the union; No advance is required, nor will payment bn required un til such delivery is made. Knowing that a considerable proportion of the expence of Ach publications depends on the en gravings which embellish or form them, and that the precise ihiisu her ot such engravings, particu larly as it regards the second pa*'t | of the work, have not yet been j settled: it is difficult lor the author I ;lt this moment to fix a price on them—he therefore declares to the public, that Ins late voyage was not taken with a view to pe cuniary aa vantages, and pledges Inmselt that the estimate winch lie will in tins instance set on his literary labours,shall be of the most moderate description; his princi pal reason indeed (or proposing asub cription at ail, is, that lie may be enabled to form some cs ijnrate or the number ol copies to be struck <>(]'. Editors of Public Prints in the United States, di post'd u, aid ‘he publication of tins vv. rk, are lequestel 10 give tile I r amim a ew insutiou . Blank Manifests &c. T.r Sal; ut ihii Office.