The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 28, 1807, Image 2

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Foreign Intellrccncc. Cj o From London papers of the l i7th pin ,xh , received at N. 1 Ark. Banlsjf'the Elbe , March 18. . J\’u.twil!iftajiding the lofty language I! ill fickl by tlie French in their Bulletins and reports, it i; generally Be lieved here, that we (hall Coon tie con via ced of their fartehood, I and indeed, one or two cir curnfiances already intimate as nnsch. That the Corps. Di’ plomatioue has left. Warsaw is now admitted, anrt we are al lured, From good enthority, that at Stettin the General Poft ofßce has refufed to receive a r.y more letters For Thorn, According to letters from Berlin, Bonaparte is expected this week in that city, together with his guard. It is fuppoled that he will have no further ob ject limn to I'npport hirnfclf : during the redo! tiie winter on the Oder, the military pohti- j on oF which is alio interdling as it iel peels A u'lria. A variety of reports, con- j earning the real if!tie of the va- ; lions engagements lince the i battle of Lybu, are in circula | lion ; the molt plaufiblc of , vhjch is, that 1 c,ooo of the j French were induced by hun- ; ger to lay down their arms and beg for bread. This news is , brought from Ktcil. Gene*” i ral Blucher is (aid to have con- j firmed i, adding, that it was t the corps under Ourhnot. But : I cannot pledge my Self for the . truth of it. It is further laid, that the j French have been trying to | pet luade the Fvnperor of Chi- | na to declare war against the j Kulliahs, but without fucccds HAMBURGH, March IS. Extract of a private tetter Jrom ; Altana, dieted the 17 ik March. ! The situation of alFdrs in Bo- i land and East Prussia has assum- j <d a more favourable aspect ; ; the found it n-x;- - j sary to relt®®fcnd are Peking safety in Br.idenhurg and B rlin; j where the head-quarters of Na- j poleon are said tube transferred, j If rt port speaks true, in the me. morable battle of Evlr.u, Bona parte was wOundcd in the bad. ; and although his q tatters were pretended to he at Osteroeß- on the Bth there are here who nctu tlly saw him at f horn. He is said to be at variance with most of his general officer* seve, ral of whom have left the army in disgust with his proceedings. *. On the-night yf the 9 ; 'i List. a j close carriage pass, and ihiotigii j Magdeburg, which it is re ported contained Marshal Dmoc, w nom j this'Emperor Napoleon h-.p -m’ i case dos traitorous practices v > u i ; the Austrian Gen. Baron Vin cent. This evety'nq p?irate ‘errors ‘ have been received, which state ■ tiiat the Russians have their ad vanced posts at W, and that the French have h-tn com- j pic tel V defeated near Thorn, by i the combined Prussian and Rus- i sian army ; the latter is saulsnow to consist of J 00.000 men. It is reported, on the authority ; of private accounts from Berlin, that Gen, Out! indr,, command ing a corps of grenadiers, has gone over to the Russians, near Ostio lcnka, with 8000 grenadiers,hav ing been peremptorily -ordered ! by Bonaparte to make an attack at a time, when neither he nor ins corps -had ary sustenance: toi thirty six hmtri. The Russian army has, since the battle of Ky lau been increas ed to nctu JjOjUCu then. COTTFNBI\RGII, .Match IG. Fetier s ivuin, Copenhagen ie- reived by the post of to clnv, state..hat another severe battle, took place the end of last moplh. LONDON', Mar h 2 6. The Mail due on Sunday, arrived yesterday evening,and brqttght intelligence of great importance ; —Reinforced and supplied wiih every necessary, the Rufliahs are again assu ming the offerifive, and ad vancing against the invincible Bonaparte—who no longer finding his feafen of repose on the Vistula, is failing back to, Berlin*—Though his head quarters were Rated to be at Ofierode on the Sth, he is Bid to have beenfecn on that day at Thorn. The foreign ain bafTadors at Warsaw—The j whole tribe cf envoys and j Miuiftc-rs from the ful-jctf princes and allies of Fiance, 1 have been ordered to follow Talleyrand to Berlin. It is fa id even, in private letters, that : tire Ruffians have mifhed their advanced poll to Warsaw, and 1 that the French have fit (rained : another defeat near Thorn. Want and difafFettjon are also operating in support of die Rttllians and a whole divifum of grenadiers, laid to he Otidi not’s is Rated to have gone over to the Ruffians. They •had been peremptorily ordered by Bonaparte to make an at tack when they had not had any fu-ftenance for thirty fix hours. The ad ion of Braunlbcrg on the 26th, was followed by others tnoilobllinately contest ed, the town was often taken and retaken—it was at last burnt—it covered the left wing of the Fit rich and prevented it from being tut tied. These aMions arc (aid to have taken place on the 2 /th, 28'h and 29th. Ihe Cossacks did emi nent f rvice. On one of thole days they cut to pieces a whole eitvifion of French car all vof 40do men. iV.ogcieburgli is to he im mediately (applied with pro vilions and necefiaries for a long Liege. Does this look like Bonaparte’s being at ife ieifburgh by Mat-day? Imbe rear of two of the French pdfi tions, infurrcßion is gaining llrengtli and confidence daily. The communication between Stclti.ll and Thorn is almod: entirelytcut off. When tyrants n eet with a reverie of fufpicion always haunts them. The in vincible Napoleon imputing his want of Iticcefs to F,is ef’i- Ccrr, is fa id to have acculej levcral of them of Treafou. K:s former favoiite Duroc is reported to have incurred his difjdeafure, and to have been fern back to France tinker an clcort of gens d’armes. L is imagined iti the bed ir so ■ mod naval circles, that the Frti cli squadron, of three fa:-i <-f the line and a frigate, lull of troops which clbaped a few nights knee out of the Outer road o! Bieft, are gone to the Ead-Indies. March 27. Two Gottenburgh Mails arriv ed lids morning, and two bag from litisum.—They have bro’t great and most favorable intelli gence. / res/i factories over the French, Al/1 UN A, Match 20. EXTRACT O-F A TITIVATE LETTER “ i he advices ili.t have been rec eiv ed here since my last, from she coinbiued Russian and Prus sian armies, are of the most gr.*.t- T\ ing nature. Tlie French, if ‘hings go on as they have begun will hut c tie l’uithcr occasion to issue .their bulletins, To impose on the ctedulons part of •.fit: pub. lie, as thev will be obliged to re- , treat much quicker than t.icv came. “On the Ist inst. Gen. Ben- j ningsen’s head quarters were aM Heiisperg, the chief town of j Ermelanrl, in East Prussia, situ- , nted on the river Allee. where ; iiedrad received the insignia of j ihe order of St. Andrew, as a token of the great satisfaction that his Sovereign feels for his signal services, and this mark of distinction was accompanied by an addition to his salary of 12, 000 roubles. He had broken up from Koningsberg already on the 24-th u!t. The Prussians under General Lestoco's niyere* on hi3 right wing. General Lestoco s liead quarters were at Veters wald. On the 26th ult. the French gained an advantage over ; the “Russians, and occupied the j town of Braunshurg on the Baltic from whence they dislodged the Russians ; but the latter return ed to the attack on the 27th ult. when both parties became alter nately masters of the place, & al ternstely lost it again. Those conflicts were most bloody ; and the bravery and lion like tour age, and perseverance of the Bus. sians, after daily battles with the enemy, from the 26th ult. to the gth inst. maintained the field of Braunshurg, which was seen in flames on the Bth In this ; place and near Heiisperg, the French left near fifteen thousand j dead on the field. Near the iat- ; ter place, the French General ; Lefcbvre is said to have been taken prisoner with 6000 men. Napoleon’s head quarters were expected at Thor 11 on the 9’h inst. and though the French had a considerable force, consisting of their own troops, dftd -the Ger man and Polish troops at Elblng, yet, by the latest accounts, they have been driven back, and Gen- j eral Benningsen kept continually advancing. The Russians are about to receive two great rein forcements, each of 80,000 men, one of which will be under the command of the Grand Duke Constantine. A private letter from Berlin, of the 14th instant says that Talleyrand, besides a great number of the diplomatic corps, returned thither via. Bres law, in Silesia, thinking the other no longer safe. Bonaparte was daily expected.” A letter from Thorn says the French lost In,ooo men, five Genet ais, 47 pieces of cannon, & 15 eagles. An article from Berlin, how ever, ot the )sth, in the Ham burgh papers, mentions nothing of any battles, h sass the French head-quarters <t<. Bonaparte, were still at Oste-iode on ihe 9th. -trTTi ■ ■ ‘ k Nortoli;, May 5. On Sunday morning the east w ing cf the Marine Hospital of thi/porr, was discovered to he on tire. There being a fresh bret as, tlie flumes spread rapidly, and soon destroyed that wing.— Owing to tiie urnweedemed ex ertions of sonic of the inhabi tants of this place and Ports mouth, the rest of this very use ful building was saved. Alnj Id. The ship Union, cn r. Re mington, arrived this eiay from Rotterdam, which place ne left oa tits 28th of Mu*ch. (’apt. K. brings 1 o papers, but lie savs.that it was reported, £c very generallv believed, that Lite Grand Armv under Bonaparto, hid been de fvateu with great loss, although the papers were silent upon the subject. Captain R. ,-avs that an army nf 60,000 men was collect ing at tlie Hague, in order t<, march and ra-ndofee tiie Grand \rmy ; on the day ho left Rot terdam hu saw tiro City Guards oi that place cross the Uriel e. on their way to the general rendez vous at rhe Hague. On Monday iast his B M. fri gates Milan and CleopiUa, an ,| aioops of war Halifax and Bermu da anchor'd! in the Bav. i he United Mutes frigate ("lies • a;f enpf; GorW, is on her ••• :y down from nVasbington, Commodore James >arron, goes - out in this ship, to t:fie command I in the Mediterranean^ | The Wasp sloop of\war is yet : Crany r -Island. Mr. Purviance, . who it is said is to go nut in her with the British treaty lias not arrived from Washington. ALEXANDRIA, May It- Shearing of four Lambs of the Ar- ; lington Improved or American j Long IVo 0 lied breed of Sheep Agreeably to our prauife to I our readers we have oatained ‘ an accurate account of the 1 Ilieariiig of (jour of the itr.prov- ! ed lambs, with tlie edfuisite of ! thevycightt>fcjrcafe;frotriwhich : may be formed a comparative view of the value of the fleece, j Mr. .Vint and Mr, Youug, I j from the cky, both of \gho'm | were in the habit of breeding 1 sheep, in England, and from long expei ience belt calculated to judge in the present in stance. attended on Saturday at Arlington, and fhcared the four lamb's above tiientioned, whole fieece and weight were as follows : 1. A Ewe of one year old, carcase eftirnated at 7 pounds per quarter. Fleece 7 pounds. Length of wool nine inches. 2. A Ram Lamb of cne | year old, carcase ten pounds ! per quarter. Fleece (even Sc a half pounds. Length nine incheas. 3. A Ram Lamb of one year old, carcase 1 1 pounds per quarter. Fleece 7-pounds and a- quarter. Length nine inches. 4. A Ewe Lamb of one year old, carcase eight pounds per quarter. Fleece five pounds and three quaiters. Length eight, inches. The Lambs were all bred 1 from Bakewell, the prize Ram of 1806, and crossed upon the last improvements. KNOXVILLE, April 25. The number of persons mig rating to tiii.< state cluring the last lour weeks is estimated at two hundred souls per day. The streets of this town are frequently crowded with the carriages, carts and waggons of moving families. .While the great demand for pro visions hasconsiderabivrgiseri the price. Corn, which was hereto fore a drug at 25 is now scarce at 50 cents per bushel, and we are informed that at some places on t!ie road from tins to Mero district it has sold as h gli as a dollar and (foliar and a halt. A greater price is yet expected. 4 ""~ * Lexington, (Ken,) May 5. On Saturday la-0, Ciiacles Va rr 1 kr, who was con victed of Healing from .Gen. Kindly, receiver of public monies, several hums, exceeding 47,. COO dollars received the following lenience:— ‘The court fentcr.ce—that the laid Charles Vattier pay to the Hate of Ohio, a fine of 200 dollars—that he pav to James Kindly, clq• the owner of the property Itolen, the sum of 94.C00 dollars—that he he im prisoned thirty days, and that he be publicly whipped on his naked back, te'i [tripes , on the 23d of May next at ten o’- clock, in the morning ®to pav colls of prosecution. and Hand committed until fcnience be performed. Six private M's have been sent out ot St. ,lgr> de Culja, and fiv out of Barracoa. They are sent to sea expressly to enptur. neu. tral vessels bound to British I ports, or having British matin- Pictured articles on board. N. T. Pap. CHARLESTON, ■ Capture of M?.vc-pel ■-I CiiE-t. Magee cf t ! c source, from Mr, nttv :.., 1 ■ politely favoun-d Ul journal, from which We >H made such extracts i;5 our K would admit, of t | )e ,. |n bu s cf the capture of ji ■ The British fleet „rjer H command of Admiral i arrived in the river J,-, ; , . H ! bout the latter end of NcvcxlH I with a reinforcement of -S \ troops under General Avr®| | TV, af'er refreshing t!w't rr H at Maklonada, tl e licet | the river on the lodr Jmuirvß - tlie transport* nncfiorid offl I small bay about lour nnlrstnl ! eastward of the city of Mo n . e S ’ do, and abreast of <a Sp M H I encampment of 1500 <ir - I ! ’men. The men of war --J j ed off of the hfirbofl ; about tffTO raiß s p^ nt , ■ The city. The Vice-hoy/,® j was at Montevifdo, sus'pecifl | that the British meant m am-nfl Ia landing, took the commaJ , the Spanish troop-, i n pcv m l | Un the 17ih January the lil j tish commenced debarkin troops m the hay, umlcr°coJ of the Gun-Brigs. The S-J aids opposed their larding 1 j -first, but t-hc incessant fire lJ ! these vessels kept them ft ad* j tance. By sundown ilie iandil ! of 4000 men and some artiikrl were effected- without any mJ opposition than a few shot IroJ the enemy, which did nue ;i e c l tion. 1 On the IST, they imrchtH , with their whole force. ( hH tn big of soldiers, marines am! niHo ors, and on appmachingtl-.r nifh encampment, the. f, n ,jW n deserted, the Spaniards ing towards the city, f-foitcH ciosely by the British, wlo--e vanced parties keeping up n bri firing upon them, at l er threw them into <:< nu-sion. Till British at 9 o’clock had retclitßj] the heights, in the vicinity suburbs. .The f/Howinv tlie'cVdce-Rcy left the ci:; took with him all the tror-ns the train of artillery, asperated the inhabitrr, • tremely. In the moni’s; Governor sent “out i2OO men two pieces of artillery tn r.tabHj the British, who had began fortify their camp, but they driven back with the loss of 1 men. ‘1 he British fought tvr.lß their bayonets, and likewise ! sered njuch in killed & woundedß The British having reteivtiß ! further reinforcements fleet, to the amount of iC'iOmetß 1 sent a flag into the city r.n I ! m< it to surrender on iavota® j b!e terms, that the further tff-W'B j cn of blood might be avoided® I but the Governor rejected’it. 1® ! the evening the British had com® j pleted two batteries, vv'.iicli wer® j opened against the city. H® j in the haibour wc ® j silenced and driven front the;® ! stations, with many killed and® 1 wounded. For several Bat 3 t |lC B I cannonading was kept up ky t:.® j British from several smn-1 ffruß | which they had erected, and f rc *B l-quently threw si-ells iit’o drl I town, which did consickrabhl | damage. Ihe frigates and other! i armed vessels annoyed t’t%T l ""l j whenever the wind was favor.ra-J j bie. It was not until tfce 26thJ j that they were able to biingonl j shore the battering artillery,! ; which now made two breach*-' 1 I near the south gate, “hic n I the Spaniards filled’ up’ ;rl t,e ! night. The Governor was mde ! fatigable in his arrangements f- 1 - i the security of the city, ana ip * dctc 1 mined to defen'Uit to t.® last extrenfftv- The sta rs ! irha! itants began to subdue, •-> ; tlie; b. came acct ston ed t° 1 1 torn ol ihe ciiipon. On lr!t : of February, the wall* were so ’ much 1 altered down, i thei flag was sent to and” ‘- ,0 ' Cl 1 t er, to mt rt r-det the pan j‘ •'* i prireners cf, or me ! ; ! would he taken by storm. / j was rejected. Between a ’ ‘ , o’clock in the me:.m eof d*