The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, June 08, 1807, Image 1

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SAVANNAH: primted and published on Monday* and Thursdays by DOUGH Kit I'Y and C All MOST, on ths, (tearlt, opposite the Exchange. VOL. 111. No. 59 ] ■ TER M S ■ OF THE I PATR /O T ■ and Commercial advertiser. mTcnns of subscription arc srx Hu-V-S a t/etr —ooe ha ! f to be U{at the fine of subscribin'?. and ■ remain ler a f the emiration o f ■ mouths —an f at’ naners r 7/ be Mtitvcei until ordered to the con• ■r?/. Advertisemer>fs of n* more U[tli than breadth are inserted at mints, for the host insertion, an ‘ ■ frr e’cb continuation Ali- H„/ nUmomce sc :!> bo male s o H,v - t ho wish to advertise In/ the H NEW-YORK and ■ 1 SAVANNAH, ■ tfOOr if SHOE S TORE. £ * Just Received , ■ Per brig Luna, H HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF I Boots and Shoes , I viz Hi’ top back sirap Boots, Ham do do. Hivarrow do. Huns fine Shoes and Pumps, H>vs do do Bidies Silk, Sattin, Velvet, Kid, ■ a ttv>r >cco Suppers, Bijsv Slippers & A hildrem. Shoes, B\ &c. Hhiciiia addition totheir former implies, makes their assormx ot try extensive, which are olteied i reduced prices, on the Bay, early opposite the E'change. A. SCRIBNER &co. April 27, 47 Neiv Drug and Medicine Store, In the Bap, opposite the Ex mange, next door to Mr. A. S, i inner. Dr J B. Berthelot, RESPEC i FULLY mlorms his friends and the public, bat he has just received a cmn ileie. and handsome assortment if all kinds of Drugs, Patent and o- 1 ther Medictne, M intends keeping a Stock of b? -best and freshest An cles in its line; wholesale and r tut, on tcaioiiabie terms —Orders toi lipping and for the country, put On the lowest tet uW. He pliers his services as a PHYSIC! aN. and from ids long practice in the Art, hopes to toeet with success in the cures he ■nil unde-stake—He L in possos sion of a special remedy against • enereal Complaints , winch re- Quires no regimen of diet, and ‘d'ich m.tV he taken at any time •flatever, without ary danger °| accidents. He also possesses excellent >’ y ; - Water, ol w hich tiie great elfiotcv has been experienced in St. Uomirigo, that t:e could not au llTer tiie demands for it tli re. •Ray II: 51 Sr. SU BSC Rl I'TIdN.S he received at the Patriot Of fice, foe the Farmer s Gazette , A Republican Pam r, published weekly in Soart.t, Goergia,bv, DEM VI S L. R Y \N. Price of Subscription S 3 A-. e tr. payable half yearly in ad* ra.iue. THE PATRIOT AND CO MM E R CIA L ADVERTISER. She riffs Pales. On the first Tuesday in July next WILL BE SOLD. At the Court house in the city Savannah , be'ween the hours of 10 and :i o'c'oek. All that tract of land, situate about two miles from Savannah containing 60 acres, being part of the Fairlawn tract. The above levied on and sold as the property of Thomas Nor. ton, deceased. ALSO, All that Lot in Ewinsburgh Number twenty five, and four Lots in Savannah Number 16 in (Peril Ward, No. 2 1 in Elbert Ward St Nos. 5 St T> in Franklin Ward, Sold under a foreclosure of a Mortgage, given by John I. Gray to John Glass deceased, in his lifetime, Terms Cash. Postponed from June sales, j T. ROBER I SON, S. C. C. ! v one l ss in Sheriff's Sales. 0V r Wednrfd >y the tOtb infjunt, WILL B*l tS LLlat (btjhre lately cccupi J by La v rente Huron j'/tt. on the wharf commonly called y ones’ whiff, adjorning Sir F JK PetU Dtt P’lt gi!. between the lours if ten . and three o*clotl of the fame day, under awl by •virtue nf an cnier of the ban judge J nes t 1 judge of the eajlsrn difltiSl the so lowing ar ticles, tab n under attachment at the propet ty oj f.a .vtence Huron jun. at the suit of Law rente Huron—to wit. 8 lioxes (Jii<’Co!u:e 2 ditto Essence Spruce 91 Wire Steves 42 Hair Sifters 11 baskets Sweet Oil 6 ban els Cargo Pork 1 k- g Lard bin and Brandy in standing casks :> > bbis. Superfine Philadelphia Flour 2 ullage barrels sour Beer i ba> rel com,.i irg Vinegar 1 box containing Liverpool Salt. And mi mediately alter, on the same da, at the store lately oceu. pied by William Godfrey, for the said L. Huron, jun. in the Market Square, by virtue of the said order and under the said attachment, 4 dozen Mustard 2 kegs of twist Tobacco Part of a chest Tea. Liverpool Salt 4 bariei brown Sugar 5 ullage ditto dit>o 1 ditto ca-k Raisins 1 uo pipe cemin in Gin. T. ivOBEjiITsON, s. c. c. June 2 33 bheritt’s Sales, On the First Tuesday in duly next , WILL BE SOLD, At the court-house in t'ie city 0/ Savannah, between the hours \ of 10 and J o'clock, ALL thole buildings and improvements, on the N. Vv. hah par; ol Lot No. —, Deck ,er Wad, belonging to the heirs of Philip Mims, decealed —fottneriy occupied and own ed by Maurice Lchifr. A fifty acre lot, known by the number 8, the houie at present occupied by joleph Arnold, in Anson Waid and three lots, being pan of a five acre lot, adjoining the town, formerly belonging to the ella;e ol John Currie, dec. tiken under execution as the oroperty of Joleph Arno’d,t Tie luits of Benjamin Huffy, surviving copartner and Benj. liuffy, jun. Postponed from June Sales. T. KOBERTSON, S. C. C 1 June -I. M O N I) A Y, Junk 8, 1807. SberifTs Sales. At the court-house in the city of Savanna i, WILL BE SOLD, On the first Tuesday in Ju ‘y next j ’ Lot No. 5, Moore Tvt‘iiug Percival Ward,with ih ■ boihling . and improvements ; take” in exc cutiou as the pr >per'v of the r< •ate of John Wi-reat, and eea-ed, to satisfy a j idginent in favor ot Owen Owens. Postponed from fine sales- T. KOBEUTSOX, s. c. c. June 4. 5 8 Sheri if”s Sales. On the first Tuesday in July next between the hours of ten and three o'chck, WILL BE SOLD, At the Court house in the city of Savannah, All that plantation near Savan nah, known a; N *. 2, and part of No. 1, in Fan lawn tract, con taining 136 acres more or k--s, adjoinr g lands of the late geiu-ral Jackson j foreclosed as the ofo pert v of J tin s ami Francis 1). L. Ilomaea and others m satis!’ a mortage due Rtcdmd M- Williams-. Pofiponed from .Tone sales. T. HOBEIt TSON, S. V. C. June 4. 5S Sheriirs Sales. 0 M the first Tuefd?y in July next , between the hours cf 10 and 3 o'clock Will be Sold, at the in the city of Savannah. A negro man named Cupid; taken under sundry executions against the estate of Stephen Blount di e. Postponed from June Sales. T. BOBER l SON, s. c. c. June 4. 58 Sheiill’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in July next WILL HE SOLD, At the court-house in the count - t AT In tosh, between the hours of ten and three o'c'o’ k, Pie J ol io-wing propd ty, viz. A I IK.ELY N-g-o noy named ABMiUEEN; levied on as the property <>f James K. Badlie, to satisfy an execution in lavi.-rof Kohert Mitchell. <'onditior.*, cash on tiie dav ot sale. IHEOD. MONTFOKT, S- IVi. C. June 3. 5S ( m sheriff's Stiles, On the first 1 uesday in August next , WILL BE SOLD, At the court house in the town >J Jefferson, Canid, n county, be tween the hutus of ten ana tm te o'clock, the following property, \ via. JIM, Cud]oe, Frederick; WiJi, | Frank, S niiba, Vho-ut, Juba. ; sere, Sally, Mary,, LyU-a, • Mama, \asuma, Cmmutssu, Ha j shy, Mobtta, Looly and Connms pert) ol Mr. M ‘rtha W. Night- j mgale, on a Mortgage duty lore | closed m favor ot llicuard U’lJoo nti, 29th May, 1807. Conditi j ous ei r’he ( D- G. JUNES, B. (. C: June 3- 58 2m £3- ATTEN 1ION! ! r-j -HE PRINTERS of Savannah ar* l hereby notihed that the Subferiber will not pay ay Bill rendered him, lor ADVC.RTI EMENI'S, publirtied by them, nnleb they produce ais Liner of Jit-eU ok,. D. G JON. S. St. Mary’s June 4. 5b n\ PROSPECTUS on -F.wis and Clark’s tour to the Pacific Ocean, through the interior r>| the continent of No-ih America, pe fntm.-d by 01 d-r <f the Government rl the Uuiterl Stmes, during the Veais 18 4, 18G5 & 1806. I hi, work wII he prepared bv r’ap'-iin Meriwether Lewis, and will be divided into two pa- ts. thrt whole comprised in 1 h e* Volumes, octavo, con taui'u'nT from four to five imndred pages, each; printed on good paper, and a fa.r Pica type. The srveial vol umes in succession will he put co press at as eadv periods as the avocations o', the author will permit hi n to prepare them f >r pub’ica-ion. Par’ the F rit—in Trv Volumes Voi.umk f.RsT —Will c ‘tain a narrative of the aova-rc.with a de crlption o! some o f die most remarkalale places in those nf thi-r o unknown wilds ol ‘Vme 'ic-i. aciompntved !)v a Map ol good size, arm emb llisbed with a’view ol the g*eat Ca aract o r j the M Fsorui, du* plan, on a larae scale, of the connected fal l ol tha Aver, as also, “f tho-e of the falls, narrows and great ri* pids of the Columbia, with their ! several portages. For the in fmmarion of future voyagers, ihrrt- will be added in the seij w! ol this volume, some observati ons and remaiks on the naviga tion o.f the Missouri and Coinm bia uvers, pointing out the pre cauiions-which must necessarily be takm, in order to ius ore suc cess, together with an itinerancy cf the most direct anfb.^ r n'ticc blc route across the C’ winen’ ol North America, lrom the con fluence ot the Mis onri and Alis sis.sipi rivers to the discharge ,of the Columbia into the Pacific ocean. Volume second — Whatever properly appertains to geography t mbuudng a descrip ion of the nvt rs, itriu’Uain,, climate, soil and Gee of trie countiy; a view ol ihv Indian nations distribu c i over tiiat vast region, shewing iheii traditions, h.ibiis, maiuiers, t ustonis, national ehaiaet- r, sta ture, cumpiexutlfs, d'ess, dwel lings, arms, anO ilotuvstte uten sils, with many other interesting i ( articulars in relation to them .-ilso, observations ami rAL'cti j ons on the tui.'jects ot tivii.z ng, ! oi-vti'irino, auu ivainiaioing a I o r* J o • trieiidly intercourse with these ! naii<jns. A v-t vv of the lur u.;de ol Nir:b America, setting ioriiiu ; plan for its xti-usiou, and sfiew- I mg t/iemisncnsf advantages which f would accrue to the I interests ol ’ tire United-States, by ; combituug the wit It a direct | trade to me East Indies, tuiuugh ; the continent of Nurili America, j Tins volume will ba fmo-Ulislied | wnh a iiiimbu-i of piutes, illusua ! five ol the dress and general ap” i pearance of ->uch lnd> -n nations as UilltfFmaterially trout each otliet, 1 if tin-ir habitatmtis, their wuu- | pons and habiliments used in “ur; : their hunting and fishing appura- ■ ! tun, domestic utensils, bii. Jo ! an appendix tliere m also be gi -1 veu a diary oi the him in*', k. pi I with urea, atte.iition throuuiinui • i -lit wlioie <>l Hit* voyage, sfietv’ ! tiv also “die daily rise and lull o. I 51 . J , ..he pruicipal wate** courses j wine iiavp'iuuLl in the course o o the sasic. Part the second—in one Volume. Ting part of the work will b confined exclusively to sci. ntili research, ami principrlly to *bi natnrai history of those hitiieri- [Whole Number 259. Ito known regions. It will 1011- ] tain a trill dissertation on smh si I j els ;is lane fallen within 1 e 1 ‘"'lice A H e au'hor, 11ml vhi h Fin’ properly be dis'ribi-iiil nu d’ r tin.’ heads ol bniiinv, inn er;d ogv, ami zoology, tog’ llnr p h seme s! rim ores on the oiigin oi IM ” Prairie-, the cause of 1 fit 1111 id. dim'ss of the Miss-m-i, of voh a- II c Hppvnrnncr-i-, and natural plie n’ liiemt, whn h wire 111 t will) in ‘.he course 1 f rliiv ii ten sting to t ,r — H'fiis Veil,me will also com, in a corop.tra 1 1 u* view of tn entv.thr- e voeabularics of di tinet India) languages, procured by captains Lew’s and Ci. rk on the voyag ami will be onjatm/ited ;m.I nr b:’li's'-ied with a rom-h er-m, ( number of plates than will he he on t,K ‘ fi'-'t part 1 f the work, -is it is intended 1 hat c-v - v subject of natural historv l, is entirely tmw, and cf who !i t icie are a considerable mimb r, shall be aceouii-aniec! by aii a;)~ engraving illustrative of it. This distribution of the work has been ni ide ‘vitha view :o the iiecoimiiodaiioi) of every tl scr'p* tion ot readers, and is here ort'er < and to tiie lu. 1 idnage of the public 10 such shape, ihat ail persons wishing to krone subsenb- Is, miv a.-eoiriniodate thenisvii us wiih c-iili r ol tlie parts, or the ‘■"lire “ork, as it sh a il be most convenient to themsipves. Detach ands orn this work there wnl be published on a large', i , as soon as .1 suffi. unt non b r T subscribers,/:). I.e ob‘u ned iu u* fi'aj the exotip-r, L'i wr-; He ( j.a a v*- map of ejrrif am art. From long y deg. t: / (■■- fir 0 enn, and between 33 and 5 2 N lat. Embracing all ‘liter ‘ate disro i veries, and part I thernii!,” • n nt hereto/uie ti e least kumm. I Ins map will (,(- compiled Irnn the best maps now exiant as v eil pub ishell as in maiiiiscrip'', Iruin 1 lie c< llective iiilorniahon nf the best informed travellers through the various portions of that regi on, and corrected bv a series of ! se'vn.l imndred celestial eb-ei- I marie by capt. Lewis du ring his lati tour. for tie convenience of’subscri bers. th; so woiks will b’- tleiiver ed at the most 1’ specth.ble -ioui ij.c rciiil ton ns, and .u tiie seals of g ovei iiin.'iit of the respi-cMve Matey anil ter* itorics ui.lrai thu union; No j.dva. ce is p q i red, uor nil: pay me in b ■ icq fir, a un til such di-iiyviy is nr:o. . j.iioniiig, a consider,.be proportion of ihe expeiice ol •>h h pnijlii ai (>ns depends on the en gravings wli r Ii embedisli or form them, and .that the pr: cise mi:.!,. Per oi sue a eiigravpigs, pariicu ’<it iy as it re gat os i lie second p,.r t <l tiie work, Pave not vet been stliieo;.r. :s mlltciiH lor Hie auliior [ at tins moment to fix a price ml ! them—iie therefore declares to the public, limt Ids laic voyage “a., net taken with a view tup-. - cuuLrv auvttiipiges, and j h.iges : liimself t e e ipii.te nlinli 1i i e will m mis li 1 1 ai! r■ • s se t r n hi* : b'ernry labours, I aU be of t. e most modina’e desci iption; his princi pal reason n.deed for plonnsing asi o ci ipi>0n at aii, is. lie ; may iein bed tolorui sonic is ■ filiate ot tiie number ol i:>pn to ii > i.k k off. j Editors of Public friitfs in 1 e United St iles, di p-jfeC to ad a |jiilnication of this woik, ai q -o give ‘.lie I r. going a ins rtioms Sher i) s Blanl . ‘ itlcF i \ Tor fait at this Office.