The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, June 11, 1807, Image 1

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- ■ ■ i—. — _ _ ~-.j-t ■yrmrwnaxtTVi.'si'ir .'xr.-.rur-jx jer-zxxoixrxe T7r:x* .1. r ’ ~*TT **.* r l t t: ■vitmi ““"tfZZ"™ AND PUBLISHED ° N MoWDAYs axd Thumdays BY DOUGHERTY and CAR VI ON TANARUS, on the Buy, nearly opposite the Exdimge. VOL. 111. No. 60. J TER M S . OK THE PATRIOT and OJIMERCI AL ADVERTISER. Terms of subscription arc six UAis a year —one half to be lit the time of subscribing and niivnler at the expiration of —and all pawn will be tinned until ordered to the con • rif. Advertisements of no snore elk than breadth arc inserted at cals- for the first insertion , and for each cmiimntion. A h ■ ttl allowance zedl be made to who wish to advertise by the V\ ” NEW-YORKand s SAVANNAH, s BOOTH SHOE STORE, J Just Received, Per brig Luna, HINDSOME ASSORTMENT OF Boots and Shoes , VIZ i top back strap Boots, in do do. tv arrow do. iiis fine Shoes and Pumps, >vs do do. dies Silk, Sattin. Velvet, Kid, & mnr iceo Shippers, b-w Slippers & Children* Shoes* . &c. nieii in nd ion tothsir former iipiies, makes their assortment rv extensive, which are offered reduced prices, on the Bay, ariy opposite the Exchange. A. SCRIBNER &co. April 27, 47 Nezo Drug and Medicine Store, > Me Bay , opposite the Ex- j Mange, next door to Mr. A. j Scribner. Dr J. B. Berthelot, RESPECTFULLY informs A his friends and the public, il lie has just received a com c, e and handsome assortment all kinds of brigs, Patent and ci ther Medicine . ’ td intends keeping a Stock of i e best and freshest Articles in ‘ “line; wholesale and retail, on amiable terms—Orders for upping and for the country, put i the lowest terms. ’L oilers his services as a •IVSICI.iN, and from his long r ac.'ice in the Art, hopes to fjt with success in the cures he ! h! undertake—He is in posses- ! a special remedy against j Cereal Complaints , which re- ! lilre ? no regimen of diet, and j nny be taken at any thru; j ‘ SSe wr, without any danger I accidents. He also possesses ex cellent Lye-Water, of ‘ “ lcll 4 he great elfic icv has been •itccessfullyexperienced in St. y wj"ifr o> that he could not an ’ e . r . t! ‘ c demands for it there. _ 51 at , su bsc irr~To~ eceived at ti Patriot Of fice, for toe Bernier s Gazette, Paper, pnblislied L. RYAN. Price of Subscription g 3 !„* ’ P -ypble huh ycarly in ad- THE PATRIOT AND C OMMERCI AL AD VERTISE R. Sheriff*s Sales. —* - - iue jtrst J ucsdujj m fitly next WILL BE SOLD, Ac the Csurt-honsc in the city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock:. All that tract of land, situate anout two miles from S'avannah containing 66 acres, being part of the Fair lawn tract. The above levied on and sold as the property of Thomas Nor. ton, deceased. ALSO, Alt thal Lot in Ewinsburgh ; Number twenty-five, and four j Lots in Savannah Number 16 in Green Ward, No. 22 in Elbert Ward &t Nos. 5 Ft 10 in Franklin Ward, Sold under a foreclosure of a Mortgage, given by John I. Gray to John Glass deceased, in iris lifetime, Terms Cash. Postponed from June sales. T. ROBERTSON, S. C. C. June 4. 58 I m | Sheriff’s Sales, < On the First Tuesday m July next, WILL BE SOLD, At the court-house in the city o/ Savannah, between the hours of 10 ayd 3 o'clock, ALL those buildings ard improvements, on the N. W. half part of Lot No. —, Deck er Wad, belonging to the heirs of Philip Minis, deceased —formerly occupied and own ed by Maurice LebiiF. A fifty acre lot, known by the number 8, the house at present occupied by Joseph Arnold, in Anson Ward and three lots, being part of a five acre lot, adjoining the town, formerly belonging to the estate of John Currie, dec. j taken under execution as the property of [ofeph Arnold, at the flits of Benjamin Bully, surviving copaitner and Benj. Bully, jun. Postponed from June Sales. T. ROBERTSON, S. C. C. June i. 55 Sheriff’s Sales. j At the court-house in the city cf j Savanna ?, WILL BE SOLD, On the first Tuesday in’ Judy next I Lot No. 5, Moore Tythiug j .Percival Ward,with the buildings j and improvements ; taken in exe cution as the property of the cs- •’ tate'of John WYreat, deceased, : to satisfy a judgment in favor of ! Owen Owens. ’ Postponed from June sales ■ T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. j Tune 4. 58 Sheriff's Sales. On the first Tuesday in July next l between the hours of ten and three o'clock, WILL BE SOLD, | At the Court house in the city cf Savannah, AH that plantation near Savan nah, known as No. 2, and part of No. 1, m Lairlav. r n tract, con taining 136 acres more or . *s, adjoining Ends of die late general Jackson ; foreclosed as the pro perty of James and Francis I). L. Homaca and outers, to satisfy a mortage due Richard ?vl. Williams. Postponed trr m June sales,’ T. ROBERTSON, S. C. C. June 4. 55 i 11 I H U R S 3 A Y, Jumr it, 1807. j Sheriff’s Sales. ON the first Tueiday in July next, between the hours of to and 3 o'clock Will lm Sold, at the Couruhonfc in the city of Savannah. A negro man named Cupid; taken under sundry executions against the estate of Stephen Blount dec. Postponed from June Sides. T. ROB Eli TSON, s. c. c. Tune 4. 58 sheriff's Sales, On the first i ties lay in August next, WILL BE SOLD, At the court-house in the town of Jefferson, Camden county, be tween the hours of ten and th> cc o'clock, thefollowi- g property, V JIM, Cudjoe, Frederick Will, Frank, Somba, Violet, Juba. Sere, Sally, Mary, Dtere, Lvdta, Mama, Yarmna, Ooonnissa, Q,tn shv, Mobita, Cooly and Cotnmis sa; levied on and sold as the pro perty ol Mrs. Marilia W. Night ingale, on a Mortgige duly tore closed in favor of Richard O’Dou ntl, 29th May, 1807. Conditi ons of sale Cash. D. G. JONES, S. C. C: June 3 53 2:li ItCr ATTENTION ! ! -£% r T'HE P INTERS pf Savannah are 1 hereby rooCccl that the S bfcriticr win not r-sV 11 v B -I rciulrred him, tor ADVJtRTIiE.VIEN fS, pubalLed'y them, unltfs they produce hi- Lt tc - of MrcSt.em. D G JdNilS. St. Mary’s June 4. 51 , m “TThTTTTcs - FOR F in ME US A N D MECH ART'S. Proposals for publi .hixg, by WI LI JAM DUANE, Ao. 10G, Market street fhitndel phi a ; TWO F.DI I IONS OF PULI PICS for farmers A N 1) MECHANICS. Corrected and Enlarged. One edition shall be printed on superfine paper, and deliver ed in boards at 75 cents if 500 arc subscribed for, at 60 cents if 1000, at 50 cents if 2COO copies; if required to fie bound 25 cents additional. j The other shall fie a ciisap | edition, in the pamphlet form j —and the price shall be propor | tinned to the number subscribed for—twenty five cents a copy for any number under 1000—and 20 j cents for any number above 2000 i —-15 cents to> any number a- ; Love 3000 —k the usual allow ance to book sellers. Boelvsellcrs, printers & coun try store keepers, throughout the United States, are desired to forward to the Aurora editor, as soon as possible the number ot e-ich edition, they will subscribe lor. Both editions shall be put to press, as soon as a sufficient f number of subscribers to either J edition is procured to pay the | expence of printing. t Printers of Republican news- j pspers, throughout the union, ; are requested to insert these pro posals and receive subscriptions j those who advertise shall re- j ceive copies of the pamphlet in j payment. Chapmen who travel with j book-. o>- other goods shall be j furnished on good terms. [Subscriptions received at this I office ] May 11 51 00 | f PROSPECTUS . Os Lewis and ClarYs tour to the Pacific Ocean, through the interior of the cont’nent of North America, performed bv order of the Government cf the United States, during the years 1804, 1805 & 1806. | I nts work will he prepared ) by captain Meriwether Lewis, and will be divided into two parts, the whole comprised in I hree Volumes, octavo, con , laminins? Tom four to fir J hundred pages, each; printed on good p iper, and a fair Pica tipe. Ihe several vol umes in succession will be put to press at as early periods as the avocations of the author will permit him to prepare them for publication. Part the First —in Txm Volumes. Volume first Will contain a narrative of the voyage,with a description of some of (he most remarkable places in those hi . I . • , . r- theno unknown wilds cf Ame rica. accompanied bv a Map of good size, atm embellished with a view of the great Cataract of the Missouri, the plan, on a large scale, of the connected falls of tha. river, as also, of those of the falls, nar rows anti gteat rt nids of the Columbia, with their several portages. For the in formation of future vovagers, there will be added in the sect .el cf this volume, some observati ons and remaiks on the naviga tion of the Missouri and Colum bia rivers, pointing out the p'e catjt 10ns which must necessarily be taken, in older to in-u;c suc cess, logethei with an itinerancy of the most direct and practica ble route across the continent of North Ameiica, from the con fl t< nre ol the Missouri and ftlis stssipi livers to the discharge of the Columbia into the Pacific ocean. Volume second—Whatever properly appci tarns to geography —embracing a de -trip ion td he • ivci i, mountains, climrut, soil and la eof tue count: v; a view ol the Indian nations di-unbu ed over that ia:,t region, shewing i then 11 ud>l ion-.,’s, manners, 1 customs, national chanty ter, sta tute, complexions, dress, duel lings, arms, and dtr.nertte uten sils, with many other interesting particulars in relation to them 1 Also, observations and i fi.-eti ons on the subjects of civilizing, governing, and maimaming a I Iriendly intercourse with those nations. A view of the lur tr.,de ol North America, setting forth a plan tor its extension, and shew ing the immense advantages w hich would accrue to the mercantile interests of tiie United Slates, by combining the smug with a direct trade to me Last Indies, through the continent of North America., Tins volume will be embellished 1 with a number of plates, illijstra- | live ot the dress and general n p- 1 pearance of such Indian nations as ; differ niatersaiiv frimieach other; | of their habitations, then- wea- [ pens and habiliments used in war; j their hunting and fishing appara- J tus, domestic utensils, cie. in j an appendix there will also be gi- 1 ven a diary ol the weadiei, kept j with great attention throughout the wnole ot the voyage, shew” mg also (tit! daily rise ami tali 01 the principal v,uterACOUises wh.c h were navmuted iti ilia course u u the same. Part the second —in one Volume This part of the work will b • confined exclusively to scienuuc research, and prim ipally to the natural history of tfio-c hitherto [W'Honr Number 260. unknown regions. It will ron- Fi'tn a full itissertation on sncfi i s’nhji els as have fallen within the notice if the audior, and which ntay properly b- iisiiibntcd up. der tin >*■-ul; of bo - an- , mineral ogv, and z oiogv, together wjifi some strieuirys im tlieongin oS the I’rairie-, of ti eni-uL diness of the Missouri, of voh a mc appeara-’cn-, and n.-turai piu> norncn.i, which ,v. r.- m t w:tfi m ‘he course • f this interesting t 0!lf —This v- In me will also contain a com par five view 0 twenty, ti-ree vocabularies of distinct Intiian languages, procured i> v captains Lewis and Clark on the voyage mid will i>e 01 naiticitted ami nit bellished with a much greater number of plates than will i H - fi e . stowed cii the first part of tbc work, as it is intended that every subject of natural history which is entirely new, and cf which there are a considerable number, sliall be accompanied by an up. propiiare t ngraving illustrative of it. This distribution of tlie work lias been nt ale with a vi<*,v 10 the .accommodation of every descrip tion of readers, and is lure olf.V <:d to the p. tsoiLigc cf the rubric in sueh shape, iliat ail persons wishing to become sttbstribi is, mtv accommodate theinvo e; w iili eitii rof the parts, or the on tiro u <>rk, as iI; siiaii be uio.-t convenient to tliemscives. Detached tioui tics work tlu-rc will be puUiis.hcd on a large-case, ••’soon as a suffice nt number of s ibscribers can be ob amed .0 dt tiay tin- expellee, Lf.'.vl; iX MAP of NOR Ft oo long. 9 deg. IV te t c Paci fic 0 can, and between 36 an-- and 5 2 ,Y /at. E nor iti* g ail their late disco verii's, and 1 not p.-rt 1 f hie 1 out - iiciii fieri-tofore li:e 1.-,ist kn.*-. 1. l itis map will lv- co; 11,:| -,| , a Fit’ fi SI ()i,|jis HOW .1 II ,i, \i J j ufi ishcu tis in m. )uiscri|)i, from the cullerm>: it: ot'.uaiioti of iiiu be::: 1 - irav e||, rs tiiruUgil tue various portions of regi on, and conetted w: a series ..f fiiuulied 1:1 usual 1 i.i-i'r vations, inadu !>v c.ipt. Lewis ily- T lll<r hi-, late tout . h'"‘ ‘‘te convenience offtibscri bets, tin se works dl be tic-liver 'll at tlie most r spcctable i om tnercial leans, imil at Ute seals -of LO.’ceiol nt of ! tie icspecliv,- siarc.’ ami tomiorics witfitn the union: No advin c- is 1. c ni'c:., nor wil |.0> incut b re-, m ■.! u -.- ill sue'-. Ueliviuy is 11 j’- ■ . Ix"o a lug considerable proportion of the of sue a publications ilep'-nos t>;i toe 1,1- gravings vii.( h eii’ i >vj, , !:,h in- ii-cnt tlu-m, and tmt tin*, precise nm:u her of suc/i e;>,:gs, partieu i'.ily as it re gams 1 1: .second j},i.-t of (lie work, t.uV'e net y 1 Ot en si tiled: it is liilhctilt lor Uie author •it tiliS IllOUlClli to i..\ u i’ll them —he thereinre decian sly the public, tliitt his late voyage was not taken with a v iew to pe cuniary advantages, ami pledges himself that tee estimate win h the will in tins s< t ( n s t rury labours,d all be of tic m t modera’.e description; 1 is piaiHi p.v! reasyn indeed tv p, nposuig a sub en pi tpn at all, is, that he itl*tV be 1 miffed to lorm some <s imate ot the m,.in>„-r of copies 10 be rut I: *.lf. Editors of-Fublic Prints m t e United States, di ju>£et! to .. *.t I e puhlicatio 1 ol tins wo. k, ae ;-j :>.ve ti:o i.>r </ m<. 1 * r> ine rrious blienff s DiaiU; >. ulcs Fo r j'c ra t t'.is Off ce.