The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 13, 1807, Image 1

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SAVANNA Ti .*—print so amd published on Mondays and Thuasdays by DOUGHERTY and CA It MONT, <fk the Zfey, Marly opposite the R*chanZ7 ’'- r - r j- - S'rss'rrsrrrrr rj- s-s- r rj-ss-jr rsssss~rr/■s-srr rrsSJ-r- rS- r r s-s SsS Sr- , VOL. 111. No. 69.] T E RMS OF THE. P A T 111 or and COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. Terms of subscription are six collars a year-one half to be aid at the time of subscribing anl l mainder at the e.vpiration of jj.r months —an t all papers will be •ontinued until ordered to the con• I run/. Advertisements of no snore ‘ength than breadth are inserted at \Q cents, for the. first insertion . and !s for each continuation. A li beral allowance will be ntale to hose who wish to advertise by the tear. SheritFs Sa'es. On the fuft Tuesday in August next, Wi LL BE Sol.lJ, Ullicourt-houfc in the town o r JJz f m > Can den County, ■ACK, a negro fellow sold as O’e pro property of Anthony Suarii, at the at of B. Brown. Al^D. A negro woman named F.LSV f>M as he property of S. W MoO'i, at the suit f Ala Lathrop nditiens Cajh. D. G. JU M ES, CC. fulti 2. 66 1 in Sheriff's Sales, On the first 7 ues lay in August next, WILL BE SOLD, It the court-house in the town of Jefferson, Con id n county, be tween the hours of ten and tkt ce i o'clock, the following property, t 1 viz. f.W, Cudjoe, Frederick Will, Frank, Somba, Violet, Juba, k're, Sallv, Mary, Diere, Lydia, Hama, Yarmn i, Cotnnrmsa, Q.ia li, Mobita, Coo'y and Cominis a; levied on and sold as the pro )erty of Mrs. Martha VVr Nighi ogale, on a Mortgage dulv tore :lised in favor of Richard O’D to ld, 29th May, ISO 7. Conditi ms of sale Cash. D. G. JONES, S. C. C: June 3. 53 2m Now in Camden Jaih TWO Runaway Negroes, me an African barn, r ills hi nself POM, lie is a tall, slim fellow, letween 23 and 30 years of ages he other a co'intry b >rn, calls limself PETER, a stout, ’-veil et fallow, nearly the same age. D.G. JONES, S. C. C. June 4. 53 ts Note—These Negroes were idvertised by Robert Powers, Its juire, late of M‘Jiitosli county, in i Charleston paper, ('[’lie Times) mti in the Georgia Republican. Sheriff's Sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, at the town of Jefferson , between the hours oj ten & tin ec *clock of that duo, WILL BE SOLD, ALL that certain tract of land OL situate, lying and being on he Great Sat ilia river, just below he Burnt Fort, containing 1150 Rres, originally granted to Eer liiwnd O’Neu.l; levied on as the woperiy of Nathan Powell, to a 1 Lsfy n “judgment obtained in ‘ivi.r of Joseph Livingston. Coudiiious of sale < asli. JOSEPH CREWS, D. S. C. €. county, r,2 t a 5- ATTEN’i KIN ! ! ~Oi PHE PRINTERS of Savannah arc *- hereby notified that the Sublctiticr viH not p.y any Bill rendered him, for publitlrcd l>y them, they oroduce his ter of D.G. JON-eS, ®t. Mary's Tit.- 5S to THE PATRIOT A AND COMMERCIAL ADVERT ISER. Sheriff’s Sales. ON the first Tuesday in August next between the hours of ten IF three o'clock, at the Court home in this city, WILr. BE SOLD. ONR hundred acres Oak ttf Hickory Laud, be the fame more or Icfs, fituatt a bout three miles from Savannah on the L mifville road taken under execution as the property of Dr. Be- jamin Putnam, a- eeafed ar the fait of the estate of Jacob Wifmbaker. ALSO, One ha sos the Wharf and Building* on I, t No. If. in Franklin Ward, adjoining < to the east, and Richard Wayne’s to the Weft, levied onto fatitfy a mortgage duly forec'of.-J. Poftpandcd from July fates. T. RO3ERTSON S. C. C. Ju'y 0 ■ AS sheriff’s Sales. ON lb ft ‘ft C £ucjday in Atrgufl neat. Will be sold, At the Court house in the city o f Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock. All shat tract of End, situate about two miles from Savannah containing 66 acres, being part of the Fair lawn tract. The above levied on and sold as the property of Thomas Nor ton, deceased. ALSO, All that Lot in Ewinuburgh Number twenty five, and four Lots in Savannah Number 16 in Green Ward, No. 22 in Elbert Ward &: Nos. 5 ft iO in Franklin Wwd, Sold under a foreclosure of a Mortgage, given by John I. Grav to John Gla*9 deceased, in his lifetime, Terms Cash. P'.ftponcd from July Sales,, T. ROBERTSON, S. C. C. J ul V 9- 6S Sheriff’s Sales, On the First Tuesday in August next, WILL BE SOLD, At the court-house in the city oj Savannah, between the hours oj TO and 3 o'clock, ALL thole buildings and improvements, cn the N. W half part ot Lot No. —, Deck er Wad, belonging to the heirs of Philip Minis, deceased formerly occupied and own ed by Maurice LchifL A fifty acre lot, known by ‘he number 8, the houfc at present occupied by Joleph Arnold, in Anion Ward and three lots, being part of a five acre lot, adjoining the town, formerly belonging to the cUate of John Currie, dec. taken under execution as the property of Joseph Arnold, at the iuits of Benjamin Bufl'y, surviving copartner and Benj. Bully, jun. Postponed from .Inly sales,- T. ROBERTSON, S, C. C July .9. r ± Sheriff’s Sales. At the court-house in the city of Savanna i, WILL BE SOLD, on the. first tuesdoy in August next Lot No. 5, Moore Tydiino Percival Ward.'vlth the buildings and improvements ; taken in exe cution as the property of the est ate of John Wereat, deceased, to satisfy a judgment in favor of O wen’ Owens. Postponed from July salcs- T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c- July 9- tht Blank Bills of 6‘ale For Sale (it this Office M O N D A Y, July 13, {837. TRIAL OF COL. BURR, Continued. FEDERAL COURT— Richmond.- Wednesday, June 17. Mr. B urr. The court have very properly demanded some proof of the relevancy of our proposition. Sir, we are ready to prove it : we are ready to prove it upon people on this very ground ,- and we are ready to name the Post Offices, if the court requires it, which have been thus plundered.—When it comes out, that evidence has been thus improperly obtained, we shall say, sir, that tt is contami nated by fraud—l will name three persons who hive been guilty of improper conduct in procuring evidence against me. These are Judge Touhnin, of the Mississippi territory, John G. Jackson, a member of Con gress, and General Wilkinson.— Two of these persons are within the reach of this court; as well as the improper manner in which they have procured affidavits and witnesses against me. I men tion these circumstances for two reasons : Ist, that the court may take whatever steps they think fit to arrest this proceeding; and 2d, that they may understand the way, in which some of this evi dence has been contaminated. Chief justice. Let the con sequences be as they may, this court cannot take cognisance of any act, which has nut been com mitted within this district. Mr. Hay let some specific mo tion be made, and the evidence produced ; and if there has been any Crime committed, let the of fenders he prosecuted according to law. These gentlemen know the course ; and l most solemnly promise to discharge the duties of my office, whether they bear against Gen. Wilkinson himself, or the man at the bar. It the crime had been computted, it is not the province c£’ the court to notice it, till after an indictment had been found. Some desultory conversation here ensued, when Mr- Burr ob served, that he was afraid he was not sufficiently understood, from mingling two distinct questions together ;as to the subject ot the Post Offices, it might rest lor the present; but as to the im proper means employed in oU- ; mining testimony, tney were at ! this moment in actual operation ; 1 some.witnesses had been brought j here by this practice ; anil it was j otic which ought immediately to j be checked .- lie did not particu- ; laily level his observations a- j gainsc Gen. VV. —Tie did not say j that the attorney for the United ‘ States ought to indict, or that j such a crime ii committed out ed j this district, was cognizable by 1 tilt court, unless it was going on | while the couit itsell was in sea- j sioti. In that case, an attacti- j mtnt would certainly lay. Air. Wirt. I do not vet un- ! Jersiand the geutlcmcu. What is the object ol their motion l Air. Dotts. ihcie ia no mo tion. Wc shall he 1 calier make j u ; we have no other ol Jett by toe present anuuuciatiou, man to give a timely uouce ot out intentions. Air-Gun. M e have sufficient evidence on which to lound our motion. VV hac motion l demanded Mr. Wirt. Air. Burr. 1 thought, sir, 1 had sufficiently expl tined my in i tentions. I may either move for a rule to shew cause why an at tachment should not issue against these persons ; or what is some times, though not so frequently practised, I mat- directly move attachment itself. Mr. M l ßae, At whose mo. tion I Mr- Burr. At the public’s. jl ff r - M'Rae. A pretty prp ceeding indeed ! that the public prosecution should thus be taken out of the hands ol the public prosecutor! Mr. Burr, A strange remark indeed ! As it it was not the bu siness of the prejudiced person himself to institute the com plaint ? At thi* moment Mr. Randolph entered the court, and observed that it he had been present he would have himself opened this motion , which was intended to operate immediately upon Gen. Wilkinson, but ultimately upon some other persons. Mr. Ran dolph here read the motion which he would have submitted to the court. Air. Hav protested against this proceeding ; which was cal culated to interrupt the course of the prosecution ,- and was level led at G en. Wilkinson alone. Why these hints ? Why these mysterious looks of terror, with which gentlemen come itvo this court, as if they had something too horrible to be told? Mr. H.iv claimed from the court a priority for the business of the United States. Let the present prosecution he concluded ; and gentlemen mighc then proceed with their investigation into the conduct of Gen. Wilkinson. Mr. Randolph. The gen tleman, fir, will underltand this fubjecl much better to morrow ; but as he alked for fome intimation of our da ligns, I thought proper to ac company them with a few remarks. And fir, if this af fair be really lo stupendous, as I conceive it to be, if it be true (Mr. Hay exclaimed that it was not) is it not entitled to the molt serious enquiry ? if this lubjcDt bears upon the present caie ; if it may influence the relultol this tria!;ought it 10 be suppressed ? Your honor will direct me when to come out ; and I allure your honor, that 1 lliall come out with an affi davit of one of the wituefies themselves. Mr. Martin declared, that they would make their motions m the morning. Mr. Hay expatiatedat fome length ; he underltood the objett ot this motion was to aliett the materiality of Gen. Wilkinlon’s teltimony : and 111 what way ? He prelumed that thecouu would not notice the ! pretended iianlactions which had been alluded to, many o ther way than as amounting to a contempt. As to any oflence again!! the iaws of the U. 5. the j true course wouid bet pro- i ceed in the way of a predem ment. Now, what aie the principles of the laws ot con tempt in relation to this lubjcct Gen. Wilkmfon is laid to have ; taken the depoliuons of certain pet ionsin New-Oileans, and then to have brought them here by military Luce. fins is the only ground of the con- ! [Whole Number 269. tempt again!! this court. But how can a contempt be com mitted P Either by ditcdfly in tuiting this court; or abusing ! ts proct fs; or inten -,-ting iis j ll flics ; will it be (aid that General Wilkinson’s conduct comes under either of those de (criptions P Gentlemen have very often pleased 10 put words into our mouths : and on one occaiion they have made us to fay that Gen. Wiikinfon is ii the pivot of the profecuiion.” And is it this very pivot which they are now attempting to breakdown by this precipitate -application? Are the communications be r tween the court and the G. j. to be thus interrupted ? Is their examination to he lufpended, until Gen. Wiikinfon has been put upon his trial ? If these lulpetted iranfattions do a” mount to a contempt of this court, u was not his bufinels, ollicially to notice it. He should move to postpone the motion of gentlemen, until the piofecuiiou was over; for le veral reafons-becaule it would neccflaiily irueriupt the buli ne(s before the court —because it was intended to impeach the credit of a wimefs—and be caule this enquiry could be as well condutled alter as before the pcoiecution. Mr. M ; Rae. Twill affirm, Hr, in the presence ol this tiourt and the people, that the charge mow adduced again It Geu. Wiikinfon u completely unfounded. 1 af firm, that no wituels has been brought fiom New-Orleans with an affidavit along with him except one individual, who,rc fuiitig to obey the luminous ol the government, Was regu larly biuught beloiea private magidratc for his disobedience and dealt with aecoiuing to the due course of taw ; ana who is now in the culludy 01 a per* ion before this court. All me rest came as good citizens ought to ha e come; and the only lault winch can pallidly be attributed to them, it it be a lauti, is, that they came in the United S;atv.s’ vessel in which Gen. Wiikinfon was authoit. led to come. Mr. Wickham. Mav I re quest the liberty, fir, 01 making a few remarks upon Mr. Hav s motion i Coi. Burr, fir, bio’c forward his motion in the plain ed polfible Ityle. ‘There was no imputation ; there was no attempt to excite the public feelings. He merely Hated his object m the molt gc.,c;al tennis. Ihe gentlemen, fiosv cvet, mifundeitioou him.— They icquned a ipecihcaticn ot cur Cloughs; and then ue pioiuik-d to Uusty them, to nioi.ow, Ii cy Uni inliited upon a moie particulai expla nation o. oui powus, and Mr. Randolph oicl me to gtauly ihtm. Nothing, iiowevci, ficnisto plea in mole gcnile n.en. i uey not only lound lauli with cue motion, hot the t.ceoi Mr. Randolph, i.e v> t!l lcaiccly, liowevci, change