The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 13, 1807, Image 2

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o p'Seafe thero: It’S y such a one as Goff Atmiguty gave h ; m. Mr. Hay, li r , has got into parliamentary habits; and talks very fluently of the previous amotion. On this subject I will make but one remark. The Ccnftiiutien has divided the powers of ;he government among three great depart ments, .he Legifidtewe, Execu tive&r Judiciary. These muff be kept lepaiate and diltmCt not only in their duties, but in their pratliee The LegifU ture act upon convenience, :he judiciary acts upon right. The gentleman, however, seems to ilunk him fell’ hidden, ly transported to the Lcgifli tive Hal'; 2nd no doubt, would soon think it very convenient to hang-Col. Burr. — He tram pies all our judiciary forms under foot; if we make a mo tion before the Court, he loon • tips up ours with bis previous motion. And where is his doctrine 10 end. We certain ly have the fame rights as the gentlemen theinfelves; and as they have moved the previous quellion, wc will move, fir, mat the Court liiall not hear their motion. It is better that ■we fend these parliamentary distinctions to the other tide of the houle, where they ouglu for ever to remain. Mr. Hay fays, that, this -no tion ought not to be rri?d cficn* dente Tut Sir,Col. burr ought to have the fame juiitce meted out to him which is meted to every olher perton. He hands here on the lame looting, and with the fame privileges as any other citizen in his iituatt on. 1 alien that any other man would have a right to this attachment; and that the motion may be. matte pend lute V.U, though ‘n is lometimes made afterwards —“ Wby does be make it at this time ? Why does he not poftpoi.e it till al ter the prosecution ?” AVhy 9 fir, when Cob Burr is difeharg cd, and I hope he will shortly he so, he may not be diipokd to trouble the Court any fur’ ther—How tong this profecu -110 ii will la it, no one knows; perhaps a week—perhaps lorn ger—it is already gone to !ar beyond our expectations, it is impoflible to conjecture. Now, fir, may not huniar coiuempts occur.? Is it not necclfary 10 reUrain certain people, by con vincing them that Inch practi ces make them liable to puniiii 1 ’ inept ? But what has Gen. Yi’iikin foi; done ? He has brought wt nedrs with bin from N. Or’ leans by tiiihtarv force, ilehas taken their dr: ohtums too, at. nre<yex par t e, f o 11. hepu rp o! eo t kcepii ■ g the*r leti iiiiony It raigiit. I lay down this broad petition: that the niati who g*i s about collecting afhdavits —we have already iten a volume o ( Inch at this bar, (hi r. Hay • Dtd the y come horn Hew Oileans ?) I did not lay Nfwv Orleans: —l inigiv have particularly menti oned Mr. juikfon—who con e heie with i'ne depolitions oNvit neffes, thus bound hand 5c for t fir,llaw them in this very court examining wit neffes with alii” davits in their banes and com paring, the one with the other ; demolitions taken not by com million, but ex pane ; when an intf rutted agentthus goes about collet;mgdepok!ions, and with, lhapmg them, iidt a:- tic pleases ; 1 avow that hv ate contrary to the Ipirit and gen n ; of enrgevert merit; 1 llwu they are a comfYn-ut ,ppon iff l jtWre. men are liableto an attachment; and from the very moment, when the government took poffefficn of Col. Burr's per son ; not ftoiw the moment of his erred by Mr. Perkins and, Lieut. Gaines, but from the moment 8 when Mr, Pei kins re ceived orders to condufct his prisoner to this city. Do not gentlemen recoiled any iti* ftaticcof libels,upon the courts, when they were actually in feflion ? Such have taken place on this fide of the ocean as well as oti the other ; ihongh not so frequently in Virginia, where printing prelFes are not so nu merous, nor so extravagant in the decide which they atfuuie. I repeat, that wbofoever does anv att which influences the adntinillraiion ol julUce, is lia* | Me to an attachment. Mr. ! Wickham hoped that the court would hear this motion to-nior- j row. The Chief Justice obfevv- 1 ed, that if the pradice could he ; fit own to affect the decision oi j the jury while they were in Ids j hon ; the couii could not re fute 10 hear the motion. Mr. Hay. Whenever it is brought on, I (Itall renew my n.o ioii to suspend this enqui r); until tire prosecution ill a1 i be fulfilled. NORFOLK, June 29. On Friday afternoon, one of the fchoon eri which have heretofore attended the Briiifli iliip: of war, est anchor near the for- - , a-.d 1:11 mediately an officer left her in a I'o- t and proceeded up the river to the Britifli Confui’s. Tliij information soon fpreadthrough the town, and the efledl produced may ’ e-fry conjeAured A numberof put off frpm the wharvet, after two of them had readied the boat another officer who had remained on board the ichooner, hoitteda white flag, the fig j rial for a/.-. </ iru-r, for the firft time, tor j certainly piml v. : t can f-iy so from our own j knowlcogt)llie did not come up & a Jtag •/ j truss % _ j Before the officer reached the Britifli Consul’s, lie was met with by a number of 1 citiaens, who olfered no personal violence; , but apprehending i’, or that the oflic r 1 might he detained, theconfut claimed the protcAkin of the civil authority, and the fantftiiy of the charaAer in which the offi cer had come. The latter ground was not tenable, as war docs not exist, and again, the vend had not come up as a flag .1 truce ought. RefpeA,however,forthecivil power, and sentiments of generosity, pre vailed & in about an hour after his arrival, the officer was put on board his veffcl, with out receiving tiie imaheft violence or inju ry, ;.nd immediately departed. May this spirit of moderation produce efTVA win re it ought, if it does not, it will command rifpcet even from thofc who will not he influenced l y the example. Our diiboit readers will, no doubt, look with anxiety lor intelligence from i.ns quarter. Our duty will be to carefully collect .>nd collate all the information in our power, and puhlifli such only as we fliail confiller may be interesting, and at the sane tune, such at we belie e to be correct. Wc Snail endeavor to avoid the tbt.ufand idle rumours, which are daily circulating. Ycfterdav evening the committee received iufo maticn from Hampton, that an at tempt to bud at that place would be made from the Britifli ihip, below, near ly .Coo citizens immediately volunteered their ferviccs to man the gnn-boats, and proceed infhntly to Hampton, and they will go off this afternoon, four in number. No place can be better defended by gun boats than Hampton, on. account of the bar, which pteveuts the acccfs of large velfels. There may be no real fouudati nil in this htlief, hut the unprepared state in which the Chefapcake was attacked, in fpircs an uticomnftin vigilance and fufpici -01l T!ie folk w ing letters have parted hc twccil tlic committee and the flritijb Conful \ which are publiil.ed for the infoimation of the public. Til OS. AH Ml STEAD, SVc’y of 1110 Comiuittoc. Britifli Consul’s Office, Norfolk, A’iigini*. June 2J, iBo7. ‘To Rritrjdier-Gcna o! Mulh'tvi, Chairman of the Ce-wiKi'to .• ijpoinUi to carry into cffrtt ike Helclutiona , la ~ SIR, As I <!o not perfectly mid ft ft and how far the conftri Hit t) of the Kcfolutious adopt ed in the meeting held, ycflcrday, as they refpecc the con; i.ut’ita ion between uiyfelf and his M-i liv's ihip in the Chcfapeake, may be supposed to extends I leave to enquire ot y ou, Sir, as the Chairman of the Committee appointed to carry those reso lutions into cft-.C'i, whether .any or what reftraiut it thereby intended to be laid ou my communication with the ICingVfhips— wl.ether tht schooners which have hitherto as advice boats, w-ill be permit ted m&afs as heretofore, uninterruptedly, and Jj£ef there will be any o_tj Aiou to iny f.-mily, g irg to, or wßWte filips of war be'nw, in such boats as maV be allowed to carry ray eorrtfpondence, or to our going by & to the Bay-fnde, and embarking from thence and returning to the shore in the fliips boats. I have the honor to remain, With perfeA refpeft. Sir, Your moft'obd’e. humble ferv't. JOHN HAMILTON. To Col. Join Hamilton, Consul for the State of yitginia. SIR. In anfwcr to your letter of this date, I am tlircAvd by the Committee to fay, that the l'chooners hit I erto employed as advice boats in the ferviee of his Britannic Ma jeftf’s Ihip-, ca: not he permitted to pass and re pal. as heretofore The Ctmmittce view the uhjeA of the rcfelutions as in tending to prevent supplies of every kind being afforded to th. fe fliips, until the p'eafure of our government be known.-—- The committee can fee no obstacle to you or any of your family communicating with the officers of his Britannic M -jeftv’s flops in either of the modes you mention; con fident that no attempt will be made to con travene ttic r-ftih tions reftriAing supplies. The boats y u may engage in this fervic* will be permitted to pass with examination I have the honor to he, With p-rfcA rtfpeA Your mult obd’t. humble ferv’t, li. Mil i t h.VVS, Chai m'aii of the Cosnmittee. Norfolk , June 16, 1807. At a meeting if the Committee *t tie Fogle Ta* v.-rn. on Friday June 23, 1807. Prefcnt Thomas Mathews, D.-tnicl Bcddln grr. J. W. \ urdaugh, I.tike Wheeler, William Newfum,Thomas Newton, Iho mas Blanchard, fheo. Arm flead. Rcfclvel unanineonjly , as the opinion of this committee, that the Britifli t liicer who this u y hrougtit difoatches to Col. Ham ilton not hoifteda and ig before his ap proach to our harbour, was not afterwards entitled to be confulered as coming une'er the protcAion of a flag of truce; and as such he fliould not have been difekarg. ed, but fliould have been held in custody until the pleasure of our government was known. Refolvtd unattimmjly, That it is the opi nion of this committee, that any Britiili officer coming to this place, fliail he con sidered as a prisoner until the decidon of the government lha 1 s e known. Uefolved unanimovjly, l ha the p-oceedings of tin, meeting he regnla'ly puhliflted. The Comnuttee of C rr. fp n lence laid j before the Committee a let er from Mr. I Hope, of Htmp.on, which ordered 1 to lie puh'ilh-d. RefohcJ, That Theodorick Armifteid, and Thomas Newton jttn be a committee to afeer'atu the b ft means of eftahlifliisg a Telegraphic cotnnun vation be:Wien til* fca thor- anil this place. Mr. James W. Murdaugh having inform ed the com ini ttcc llt it a number of young gentlemen had inftruAed him to elf :r their lervices for the ertAion of batteries for tin defence of the towns of Norfolk an j I’ortfmnuth; Refolded, That Mr. Murdaugh be request • ed to return tlu-m the tranks of the com mittee for th-ir patriotic offer, and trusts that the time ir- not dlftant when an oppor tunity will be offered for the difplav of their seal. THOS. M ATHEWS, Chairman. TiliiO. AxMlsrxaD, St*r,.'jiy. , Proceedings of the Committee at the F.x change Coffce-Houfe, on Sunday, 2S;h June —Prefer,t Tiios. Matthews, Seth i Fuller, Moses Myers, Francis S. Taylor, I J. W. Murdaugh, Thomas Blanchard, I.uke Wheeler, Theodorick Armiftead, Richard Blow, Thos. Newton. The committee of correspon dence submitted to ihe meeting a letter from sundry gentlemen (as a committee of correspondence) ot W illiaimburgh, whereupon they were instructed to transmit 1 thr rebolutionu entered into on , Friday last. 1 lit iohnl, That the letter from the committee of correspondence of WiiliatYubaig be published in the papers of this Borough. Whereas the committee have received information from vari | ous sources that the commanders i el the British ships have menaced ’ die inhabitants of Hampton with an invasion for the purpose of 1 procuring water. It is Resolved, I hat application be made to Captain Stephen Decatur, com mander oft he (J. States’ Naval this pluCC| to tl , e, in availing hitnstlf ol the services of the Captains and beamen who have proffered 1 incur, to proceed to Hampton, or ns neat t k a s ,\e may judge propt r, to co operate with the people in thur defence, in any manner he may juuge mom expedient, or to uuas cirtiiinstances may dictate, in pit venting th c execution of the stud threat. hushed, ‘I hat T homas Blan chard, Seth Foster and J. W. Alurdatigh be a committee ap pointed to wait upon Capt. De_ catur with this application. i?vf*.Vfi.Tkstth(.t!irnks of this ccnimittec be given to the Kev; Mr. Davis, for the appropriate, eloquent and patriotic discourse delivered by him this day. To the Committee if Con efptndenee ft Norfolk. WILLIAMSBURG, June 27, 1807. Gentlemen , _ We conceive, that until the decision of our government be known, it is proper, just and bo notable, that provisionary mea sures of retaliation should be with promptitude adopted. They are justified by the pressing ne cessity, that arises from the late British outrage. Ihe unfortu nate seamen, tv ho were wrested from tire Chesapeake, anticipate an ignominious and cruel death, which we tear will be dieadtullv realized. It is therefore reewmmended to the committee in Norfolk, to adopt proper measures to secure the persons of any of thc crew of thc British iquadion that may be found on shore ; and to use such means as they may deem proper to give information to the British commodore, that if the seamen taken from the Chesa peake shall he executed, it will be considered a just ground for retaliation; and that the British Seamen will he detained, to an swer for the lives oi the Seamen taken from the Chesapeake, until the sense of the American Go vernment can be known. We salute you, Champion Travis, Baruiell Bus.set, William Coleman, Leroy Anden on, ! Tally Robinson, Robert Saunders, James Semple, Armisteud 7 . Mason,J Dibit, on Saturday last, at the Marine Hospital, Robert Mac Don aid , one of the seamen wounded on hoard the Chesa peake frigate. Yesterday his fu neral was attended by nearly four thousand citizens—the body was brought over from the Hospital Point, attended by a procession of boats, 10 the market wharf, !V]i nute guns from the artillery fir ing during the time, all the Ame rican shipping with colours half mast. Arrived at the County wharf a prrrcessicn was formed, which marched up Market- Square, through Catharine street, to Freemason-street, and from thence to Christ Church, where an appropriate,impressive, and patriotic discourse was deliv ered to a most numerous congre gation, by the Rev. Mr. Davis. The following was thc order of Procession. Detachment of the Junior Volunteers. Minister. Chairman of the Committee, Committee in rwo lines. Surgeons of the Hospital. THE CORPSE. Three Matters of VcfTcls f Pall Bearer* , i Pali Bcarcra Three Madera of Veflcls. Captain*, Mate* and Seamen, by four’s. Bind—Drums Muffled. U S. officers, civil & military,by two’s. Volunteer Companies^ Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen. Commen Council. Citizens by four’s. RICHMOND, June 27. At a meeting of the Richmond Troop of Cavalry, held at the Eagle Tavern, on Fri day Evening 25th june, 1 807 ; called by order of the Captain, for 1 lie purpofeof exprelfing tl'.eir sentiments upon the late outrage com mitted on the flag of the U. States ; On motion of Andrew Ste ven foil seconded by Dr. J. H. Foufhee, the following rolo’.u lions were adopted : r i he members of the Rich frond Trobp of Cavany !, a .. beheld with the deeped indi ■’ nation the late base, and u; - manly outrage committed f • the Briiifh Ihip Leopard, U p O J the American frigate caiuxhi.; Chesapeake. 1. Resolved, therefore, that being ju fitly fen Able of the hap. pine Is enjoyed under our pre sent government, as by ! aw efilablifihedjWedo view with ab. hoirence and detefifiation, t |,j s outrageous and daring attack upon our liberties, end tie murder cf our fcarnen, as ?. mounting to a declaration of war on the part of Great En tail) ; and an attempt to tram ple upon the rights, and |ji 0l! with the lives of cur citizens, j 2. Reiolved therefore, that we will defend, at the hazard of our lives and property,ev.-. ry attackupon ihegoveinmen Sc liberty oi our country ft ora every foreign power u-hatc ver. 3. Resolved, that Dr. j, ]j Foufirec, William Ft-nwick. tc Andrew Stevenson, be appoin ted a committee to drafts fin able address to the Panda;o; the United States, from thij company, making a tender to him of thei’ fervicc,-,,whcnevtr the situation of our country fihall require, 01 he thinks no cefifiarv to demand them. B. SHEPPARD T.C. Altefl, Wm. TEMPLE, fecmsry From the Pstexsbvrc PcForncnc. The citizens of the town and Petersburg, participating in the feelings of tlieir fellow-citizens, of Norfolk— filled with the lame horror— electrified by the fame spirit of indignation—as sembled at the couit-hcufc, June 26th, 1807, for the rur pofe of taking into confiidera* tion the late unpreccden/rtfoEti rage ofi Great liritiir., iw Lfl mariding the privilege cfl fcarching a public armed vtrfl fiel of the United States— peiling a submission to that titfl mand, by attacking the United States frigate, wiir.B our jurifdidion, when unp-B pared for refiiiance — wrcr.-B iug and murdering our fei!jß citizens, and lorcibly iciitß and carrying away four ci ofl’ crew of the faiti frigate ß ill. Resolved , That Wiitiß vents occur of a nature citing to the public at is the duty of the pcop-c V express their IciiiitDentstor lK information and goicirrce w the government, iiroo^ 1 -* 1 "* a manly approbation 1 is due, and thc Urongdl afl mod determined rtp:ob* -B ofafts, hoflile to the and derogating from !^eU ' 5 B ty Sc independenceotourcj-p try. ,B 2d. That by the lawsan-H sages of nations,a is always exempt and free i>(B examination or search, v B foreign vellel or B 3 d. ‘1 hat this premcuitß outrage is conlideied tamount to a declaration B on the part ol Grcat-'d'* J and as evincive oi an a*-® cileable hollility to this ft 3! B 4 -h. That we enter* confidence, that the g° B merit of the Unite j J la ‘ vS B , adopt tire moll decifivf 3 ;| 1 gorous inealuies to - ■ paration for the ■ wrongs ludained from > 1 B venmient of s th. That ibis coniider as infamous, ■*-' who mav furnifh lu??'l"B ny kind'to Isriu& I fels. I Committe ofCorres pontlence.