The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 16, 1807, Image 4

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AM COUNTS’. ) 0 R T— CHAMBERS. > C3fe Bait. • min Crook. _V v? the petition of Be*.j*min Crock, } itiii!’ that hr is confined fordebt, bv • ne >f a nrccefs bluing from the Hon - tuierior GonTt of Chatham County. 3t • fir of Williamfm and Cowling, an<l tint he is unable to p 17 the debt (■ r which hr .3 confined, or to give hail to anfutet* the Cm-; hut is willing tp deliver up *1! hi* . cA,f C real.and perfmal for the be* St: fi of -13 creditors, jtd praving to be 3>o i vted to the benefit of the insolvent Dentnr*’ Adti of this slate It 11 tmitc e'. ‘Hut n tire of this jppli* “ation be frrved norm each of the Credi t -of the fain B-niimm Crook, or pub li ed in ones the Gazet*e of thit city, that ry may apneas at the cwurt-houfe inhava iah outlie isrh day of August, e filing, to flarw catife (if any they l.ave) why the nr ivrr of the petitioner flaould not lie granted. A. S. BULLOCH, JOHN H. MOREL, J. I. C. C. C. txlrafl from i’ll Eflnxlei, il:t bit <f Jv!y , 1807. JOB T. ROLLFS, 61 i.m administrator’s Sales. Cm Saturday thef-f day of /urufi next, \VJI,I. iiK SOI I), At the conrt hovfc in Rrunfu'u.l, Glynn ecu ft /y. between the bouts of ten and twelve ®* clock, NEGROES, *nd about Twenty -T !ed of CATTLE; l rnc person al of Mrs S iah Burnett,dec. Conditions made known at the lime.of fa:c. JOHN BURNETT, Administrator. Jttlv •£. c,f> !m Aczv Drug and Medicine Store, On the Buit, opposite the Ex change, next door to Mr. J. Scribner. Dr* J. B. Berlhelot, Respectfully inform* his is ami the public, that lie has just received a com plete and handsome assortment of all kinds of Drugs , Patent and cm tlier Medicine , And intends keeping a Stock of the best and freshest Articles in his line; w holesale arid retail, .on reasonable term#—Order* lot shipping and for tire country, put on the lowest teims. He offers his service* a* a ,PHYSICIAN, and from his long . practice in the Art, hopes to meet with success in the cures he will undertake. Dr. J. B. Berfheloiy RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he possesses a sove reign remedy for all sorts of Vent, real diseases —Pcrsuns of both sexe can with confidence make use of it. The advantages of this remedy tire, that a young man 111 iv take this medicine, and be perfectly cored, w ithout a disco ver on the part of Lis connexions; -•dsn, the P fount may, withoutap. prelumding any danger, expose himself to e dd, uvtrht air and the ra<n, ami pursue bis usual avoca tions, as it requires noparticular ret>HF. at, other than to abstain front die. commission of excesses. Those who may. apply to him at Jis Mr.L'ICAL SHOE, near the 1 ■ xejuma-v uiay be assured of die must prolounrl sec rue v b ng ob served. June IS. 6‘J Boots and Shoes., A. SCRIBNER & Cos. Helve just’ Received, From Neit'-Vor k, a fresh supply ol Fair top bac k strap & Tuwarrow 800 I S, -Plain do do. Boots, ■JMcm-s ft Boys fine &. common ..SHOES, Ladies Kid, -Slippers, Plain and .Spangled, Morocco, Velvet, Sattin, & Leather Slippers, Misse;,& Childrens Shot", of a good quality, Which Will be sold In.”’ fo r Cash At tlvcir-Sture oti the Bay, opposite tile Exchange. JuncTi 62 if. Biank Manifests &c for Sal: at this Office.. Andrew Low & Cos, Have received per ship* Mary, from Glasgow, Eliza,Alex ander Hamilton, Ameri ca. ?; William from. Liverpool, Avery general AfTortment of SPRING GOODS’, viz . Lenr, Trafalgar, Vi6\ory and Paritun Gauze MUSLINS, Lotig and Circaffiau Robe* Leno, Lace and Gauze Shawl* and Veils Habit Shirts *ud Tucker* Lace ditto ar>d Spanish Maude* Plain and Plaid Cambric* Cctron Cbambray and Gingham* I-adit*’ ard Gentlemen'* Hosiery, silk and Colton Liner.* and Lor.g Laws* I.iucn and Cotton Handkerchiefs Matlraf* and Vullicatditto Botnbazeeti and Black Crape Bed Tick* and 5 4 Irifli Sheeting Cotton Sheeting and Shirting Bro'rn Hollands aud Dow'a* Otnaburgs aud Cotton Bagging India Cotton Yarn in hacks and ball* Turkey Red, Blue, Green and Yellow <Jn. Printed Cambric and Calltoe* ’fable Cloths and Diaper* Lu(lrings and Mantua* Silk Shawls and Handkerchief* With a variety of other Fancy Article* Also, from Eero roifr. Imperial, Guu-Powder, Sc HyfonTEA Huni.umi and India Stripe* Blue and Yellow Nankeens. June U S7 ts ~ : “*notlcel HF’HE Partnership of THOM JL SON U. TOR BY was <li solved on the 20th Inst, by mutual consent—Thev request all those indebted to them, to make im .mebiate payment,otherwise suits wi|i be conitnenced against them wi t h out cl i *cr imi 11 a1 i on. W. THOMSON. P. TOKPY. Mav 2t 54 John B. Bcrthcloty Surgeon & Dentist, INFORMS the Ladies and Gen tlemen of this city that he has received anew and complete set of instruments in that line, extremely well adapted to every kind of operation en the teeth.— He will dean the teeth, part, and make them even, and transplant new ones if requested, and hopes also to give general satisfaction in that line, to those who will be pleased to employ him. May 11. 51 tf "notice. NINE months after <h*e, ap plication will be made to the honorable the in-ferior Court cf Ca-nulea county, for leave to sell afoiut seven hundred aers of land, lying on the bead of Crook ed river, about two hundred a cres of White Oak, and a num ber of Lots in the town cf Jeffer son, in the county aforesaid/ ap pertaining to the estate of Wil liam Jones, deceased, late of the town of St. Mary’s, for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors. r>. G. JONES, Administrator, St. Mary’s, Jan. 15, ISO?. Subscriptions Ai e Received at this Office For 110 FF's Edition of Domestic Medicine. (.Vow publishing in Charleston) l'o which are added , Observations on Diet, AND Advice to Mothers, B \ William Buchan, M. D. Fel low of the Koyai College of Physicians, Edinburgh. As the Vaccination, or j Cow Ptx, has become an impor- ; tant Branch in the Medical Art, I this Edition will contain the Best j information on this head. 1 he Advice to Mothers, which will be added, is n late product!’ on ■of this celebrated Physician. Price of Subscription, three dollais. Public notice is hereby Given , THAT the Ccnmipncrt ts lln Tcvim ai Comdex cf ibc TV**'* of brvrfxL'ici, CtynH Cm.niy, hare for LHASE, t number of Valuable Tra&J of Cotton Land ?itu*tt 00 Turtle river, and containing from lOto 1(50 acres each—on several of wbicb are convenient I>welling and Out- Hnfe*, mostly under Fence, and to be leafed on reafonaHe terms from one to “seven years, to suit the parti**. Possession to be given on the ill day of January, i*oS, and appl ieation to be made to y.'.mit G. Almy, Trtafxrtr, or to either of the fuhfcribers. WILLIAM PAGE, SAMUEL BURNETT, JOHN SAUNDERS, Comm is si oners. June 1. 58 laui Bni PUBLIC NOTICE THERE being an indifperfable necefS ty that the affairs of the Academy of this county should be fettled at the expi ration of theprefent year, to enable the Ccmmiffioners t carry imoeffedf the act of the Legislature, for th establishing a Public Academy,& other obje&s conncifled with it— Early Notice I3 betyly Given, That Payment of all arrears for Rents, &c. will be inliAed on indifcrirainattly, at the ca ptation of the present year, and this ear ly Notice given, that those ssneerned may make their,arrangements accordingly, WILLIAM RAGE, JOHN COUP HR, JAMES G. ALAIY, JAMES FORT, Commissioners June 4. 53 lmißm Notice is hereby Gnen. THAT at the expiration so nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell the following Tract of LAND :n the County of Bul lock, containing five hundred acres, adjoining land ofF. Rest er, for the benefit of the heirs & Creditors of John A. Eirick. MARY EIRICK, Adm'x. April 6. 41 lam yin NOTICE. NINE months after date, ap plication will be made to the Justices of the Inferior Court, for leave to sell the half lot No. 3, Ist Tything, Anson Ward,.belonging to the estate of James Whitefield, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Th. WHITEFIELD, Ex'r. Jan. i, 1807. lam9m Notice is hereby Given. THAT after the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to tlie honorable the inferior court Chatham cosmtv, for leave titaell the following lots & tracts of land, being the.real es tate ot Mrs. Bitrb try .Wright, late ot the city of Savannah (wi dow) deceased, for the benefit of the heirs, vi^. (due lot in the city of Savannah; fiOfeet in front, and 90 feet in depth, known by die number 2. in I ything, Healhcote ward. ALSO, One lot in Yamacraw, known bv the number 10, being 95 f ee t wide, and 100 feet in depth, bounded tp the west on Farm street. AND ALSO, A tract of 100 acres of Land on Buck-Head, in Burke eoun tv, adjoining Davis Austin, at the tiino ot the original survey thereof Wm. WRIGHT, Adm’r. ELIZABETH GABLE,Adm’x April 9. 42 j aill ,j ni for Ale, At bhis Office, MINUTES, CONSTITUTI ON and CIRCULAR LETTER OF the. general committee of Georgia Baktists , Convened on Mount Enon, trom tlie 6th to die ytli of Dec. ISO 6, inclusive: With an ARE END IX By HENRY HOLCOMBE,’a.m. Castor of the Baptist Church in I Savannah. Price—twelve 5c a half cents I PC OS PECTUS OfLitwisand Clark’s tour to the Pacific Oce an, through the interior of the continent of North America, performed by order of the Government of the United States, during the years 1804, 1805 & 1806. This ivork will ’ be prepared by captain Meriwether Lewis, aud will be divided into two parts, the whole comprised in ’lhree Volumes, octavo, con tainining from four to five hundred pages, each; printed on good paper, and a fair Pica type- Ihe several vol umes in succession ‘will be put to press at as early periods as the avocations of the author will permit him to prepare them for publication. Part the First —tn Two Volumes. Volume first —Will contain a narrative of the \oyage,with a description of some of the most remarkable places in those hi therto unknown wilds of Ame rica, accompanied by a Map of good size, anu embellished with a view of the great Cataract of the Missouri, the plan, on a large scale, of the connected falls of that river, as also, of those of the falls, narrows and great ra pids of the Columbia, with their several portages. For the in formation of future voyagers, there will be added in the sequel of this volume, some observati on and remarks on the naviga tion of the Missouri and Colum bia rivers, pointing out the pre cautions which must necessarily be taken, in order to insure suc cess, together with an itinerancy of the most direct and practica ble route across the continent ot North America, from the con fluence of the Missouri and Mis sissipi rivers to the discharge of the Columbia into the Pacific ocean. Volume second —Whatever properly appertains to geography —embracing a description cfihe rivers, mountains, climate, soil and face of the country; a view of tlie .Indian nations distributed over that vast region, shewing their traditions, habits, manners, customs, national character, sta ture, complexions, dress, dwel lings, arms, and domestic uten sils, with many other interesting particulars in relation to them— Abo, observations and reflecti ons on the subjects of civilizing, governing, and maintaining a friendly intercourse with those nations. A view of the fur trade of North America, setting forth a plan for its extension, and shew ing the immense advantages which would accrue to the mercantile interests of the United States, by combining the same with a direct trade to the East Indies, through the continent -of Norih America. This volume will be embellished with a number of plates, illustra tive of tlie dress and general ap pearance of such Indian nations as differ materially from each other; of their habitations, their wea pons and habiliments used in war; their hunting and Ashing appara tus, domestic utensils, &c. In an appendix there will also be gi ven a diary of the weather, kept with great attention throughout the whole of the voyage, shew ing also the daily rise and fall of the principal water courses which were navigated in the .course of the suite. Part the second—in one Volume. This part of the work w ill be confined exclusively to scientific research, and principally to die natural history of those hitherto unknown regions. It will con tain a full dissertation on such subjects as have fallen within the notice of the author, aud which mav properly be distributed un der the heads of botany, mineral ogy, and zoology, together with some strictures on the origin oi tlie Prairies, the cause of the mud diness of the Missouri, of volca nic appearances, and natural piie nomena, which were met with in the course of this interesting tour —This volume will also contain a comparative view of twenty-three vocabularies of distinct Indian languggei, procured by captains Lewis .and Clark on the vovan,. aud .will,he ornamented and em bellished with a much greater number of platesAhan will be be stowed on the first part of the work, as it is intended that even/ subject of natural history wiiicfi is entirely new, and es winch there area considerable,number shall be accompanied bv an au propuate engraving illustrative of i% This distribution of the work has been made with a view to the accommodation .of every descrip tion of readers, and is here offer, ed to the patronage of the public in such shape, that all persons wishing to become mav accommodate themselves with either of the parts, or tlie entire work, as it shall be nio*{ convenient to themselves. Detached from this work there will be published on a large scale, as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained to de* fray the expence, Lewis & Clark’s MAP of NORTH AMERICA. Prom long. 9 deg. IV. to the Paci fic 0< ean, and between 36 dep end 52 N. lat. Embracing all their late disco veries, and that part of the conti nent heretofore the least known. This map will be compiled from the best maps now extant as well published as in manuscript, from the collective information of the best informed travellers through the various portions of that regi on, and corrected by a series of several hundred celestial obser vations, made by capt. Lewis du ring his late tour. For the convenience of subscri bers, these works will be deliver ed at the most respectable com mercial towns, and at the seats of government of the respective states and territories within the union: No advance is required, nor will payment be required un til such delivery is made. Knowing that a considerable proportion of the expenee of such publications depends on the en gravings whic&embeHisb or form them, and that the precise num. berofsuch engravings, particu larly as it regards the second part of the work, have not yet beta settled; it is difficult for the author at this moment to fix a price ol them—he therefore declares to the public, that his late voyagu was not taken with a view to pe cuniary advantages, and pledget himself that the estimate which the will in this finances set on hit literary labours,shall be of the most moderate description; his princi pal reason indeed for proposing a subscription at all, is, that lie may bo enabled to form some &- tfinate of the number of copies to be struck off. *** Editors of Public Prints in the United States, disputed to aid the publication of this work, are requested to give the foregoing a few insertions ~A PROPOSAL BY WILLIAM Y. BIRCH,4 ABRAHAM SMALL, Os the city of Philadelphia, For Publishing by Subscription, A New, In eres(ing , amt Impor* tant Work, called, Female Biography , OR I MEMOIRS OF llluftrious and Celebrated WOMEN, J 0/ all ages and Countries. | ■#**###*##*#* J BY MARY HAYS. 1 Iff**#*#.***#*## j (J Subscriptions received Am this Office. 13 SUBSCRIPTIONS j] Are received at the Patriot Of-B fice,for the M Farmer s Gazette, fl A Republican Paper, published® weekly in Sparta, Gocrgia, by, a DENNIS L. RYAN- ■ Qj* Price of Sabscriptioi’ H -■ A year, payable half yearly in ranee. 1 bheritf’s Blank Titles | For sale at this Ojfii r -e.