Atlanta daily post. (Atlanta, GA.) 1878-1880, March 22, 1879, Image 4

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ALEX. FOX, OPTICIAN. 39 Whitehall Street. —. ..J DAJfLY POST. §IHMHIBgEORGTA, MARCH 22. 1879. 1; ' 1 ' CITY NOTES. Mr. George Barnes, a prominent member of the Augusta bar, is stopping at the Markham. A F Aiken, U. 8. ex-attomey General, of Cartersville, is stopping at the Markham. Services at the Jewish synagogue this morn ing. Three or four more weldings are whispered of corning oft* before the Ist of April. No business man should allow concealed weapons to be curried by the employees upon his premises. McWade’s Rip Van Winkle is one of the fin est conceptions that ever emanated from the mind of man. York White who was arrested day before yesterday for stealing flour from the West Point depot was tried this morning before Justice Tanner, found guilty and committed to jail. The latest labor raving scheme is to pile fence rails on the railway and let the trains work them up into stovewood. Such ascheme was the cause of an arrest up the Air Line yesterday the plan came near wrecking a freight train. P. 11. Snook, the great Maricttta street furni ture dealer, sol<l over §3 500 worth of furniture this week. I oacls in Brief. The Central depot is a lively place at train time; Preparations are be- ing made for a trotting race at the track Base ball clubs will soon be revived The livestock market is still lively Eastward travel is get ting very brisk The poultry mar- ket is lively and sitting hens bring a good price The hotels are doing a big business now The new boule- vard from the cemetery to Ponce de Leon springs is to be called Pittman’s Avenue Old Hip Van Winkle is at the Markham Pour companies of the sthArtiillery will occupy the Mc- Pherson barracks in place of the 18th Infantry Gen. Sherman has sent a copy of his war map to the Young Men’s Library Association Social efubs, base ball clubs, archery clubs and candy pulling societies are a few of Atlanta’s attractions.' ♦ A Queer Case of Oversight. A strange case of carelessness, and one that lias occasioned considerable uneasiness of mind was that w liieh came to the notice of Tits: Post today. A lady who had sold a lot a few days ago deposited 8100 of the receipts in a bureau drawer. Shortly afterwards, she was absent from home fora few days and left the money under lock mid key where she had deposited it in her room. Upon her return she unlocked the drawer, and was surprised to find the money gone 1 She says that she searched care fully through the drawer and found that the money, and, what was strange, nothing but the money, was missing. She could place a suspicion of tlie theft upon no one, ami had given the money up for lost. A friend, whom site hail informed of her loss, told the ciretim staance to Captain Connolly, and asked him to take some steps towardsits recovery. Captain Connolly called upon the lady and, to prevent all mistakes, requested to be allowed to look through the bureau in person. He lifted up two or three articles in his search and there in plain sight lay the SIOO. How the Sabbath is Spent in Atlanta. Beside the regular church services, one of the most noticeable features of theSabbatb day exercises is that of the temperance meetings held in Good Templar’s Hall, corner of Whitehall and Hunter streets, under the auspi ces of Wenona Temple Cold Water Templars. At these meetings the children conduct the meetings entirely; the objects are to'train up the children to temperance. The pledge is not to use alcoholic liquors as a beverage, nor to use tobacco or profanity. There is no computing the amount of good this society has accomplished in our city. The writer has the names of over fifty boys who took the pledge in this temple, now, although grown to be nicil, declare they have never violated their obligations. A very large proportion of these same young men are now in positions of trust and i responsibility in our city. Wenona Temple and its manage ment should have the approval and hearty support of all good Christian • men and women. To-morrow the Temple will have i unusual attractions. Among other no tables that will be present to aid in making the meeting interesting will be Mrs. L. M. Clarke,of Newnan, Ga., a lady of tine culture and rare abilities as an elocutionist and reader. Meet ings are alway open to the friends of Temperance . and strangers, at two o’clock and continue one hour. The Phonograph will contain Dr. W, *H. Felton’s last-tetter to Gen. Gordon tomorrow- Buy a copy. Turkeys, Turkeys. Go to A. A. Campbell’s, No. 9 west Alabama street, for beautiful dressed turkeys, fat and juicy. : ' A Rare F< ast of Music. Atlanta’s appreciation of first-class musical talent is attracting thither a list M fine musical companies. We ‘will soon be entertained again by one of the finest companies in the world. It consists of Mrs. J. L, Robinson, whose musical talent is well-known to our citizens,Mr. Edouard Remenyi, the celebrated Hungarian violinist, conceded by many to be the finest in the world; they will also be accompa nied by Mr. P. Ducklur, pianist, and Mr. William Courtney, the famous English tenor. The company is now I negotiating with Mr. DeGive for dates. ELAM JOHNSON. ■ —— A New Store fob Family and Fancy Groceries. In the handsome new building erected by Trayuham, Geiss & Co., on Decatur 1 street, there are three handsome store rooms. One ol these has just been oc cupied by Mr. Elam Johnson, a gentle man who has moved here with his fam ily from Southwest Georgia, who was attracted to Atlanta by its pul lie schools. ■ Atlanta thus gains another most valuable citizen through the inilneuee oi her splendid public school system. Mr. Johnson goes at once into business, being eminently amm ot business. He has opened a first-class store, as staled, and keeps ill it aline stock of fancy and family groceries. He will m ike a spe cialty of Southwest Georgia produce, keeping the genuine Georgia sugar cane and syrup always on hand; but he will furnish the people with everything they want in his line. He will also do a commission business, which he finds necessary from consignments alreadj’ received. See his unique monogram advertisement elsewhere, which is like wise printed upon bis window with the picture of a negro boy seated on a bench just ’‘going" for Georgia ’lasses. Saloon Fixtures, Hotel and Restau rant Supplies to the trade at Manu facturer’s closest Cash Prices at Me-! Bride & Co.’s Southern Crockery De- I pot, Atlanta, Ga. Lamps, Chimneys, Castors, Spoons, Forks, •Crockery, Wooden Ware, Stamped Ware to the trade at closest Cash Prices by Mcßride & Co., Atlan ta. Ga. 1.000 pounds fresh Tennessee butter very choice. Two car-loads Tennessee Hay iu store. Ten car-loads While Corn. One car-load choice water-ground Meal. .lust received, now in store and for sale W. L. Sauls, at 85 Broad street. V » Wholesale Fancy Goods and No tions. Messrs. Norris, Redwine & Co. . This firm has been for many years well and favorably known in commer cial circles throughout several of the Southern States from their connection with an old and honored wholesale dry goods and nothin house; in fact, in every city, town, village or hamlet iu the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama they are well known to the tiade. Last September they decided, however, upon a new departure on their own account, and established themselves in the wholesale fancy goodsand no tion business, and we are pleased to note the venture has proved a grati fying success; from the start up to the present time business increased rapidly. All, we presume, imagine they could name the articles include 1 in a stock of goods under the above heading; we individually were con ceited enough to think so, but not since our inspection of the magnificent assortment of goods displayed by this firm at HA N. Pryor street (second floor). On the back of their business cards is printed a list ot over 100 of the leading specialties for the con venience of their customers; yet this does not include the one-tenth por tion. There is no ether business re quiring more care and judgment in making selections of stock, but from first to last it is very evident that the gentlemen composing the firm are thoroughly posted, for nowhere in the South can be found a more choice line of goods, embracing actually everything known under the heading of fancy goods and notions. This im portant point alone would insure the success of any, yet, being combined as it is with the honorable dealings of the firm, which is a characle:islie feature, and the fact that they are ex clusive ca«h buyers, we can readily see where in lies the secret of pros perity. All well know the great ad vantages derived by the latter system oi doing business —their large and rapidly increasing trade is convincing evidence that the dealers generally ap preciate the efforts of the house to •supply first class goods at popular prices. Their spring stock is now be ing received, ami the attention of mer chants generally is directed to it. We, as a disinterested party, take pleasure in saying that as to variety, extent ami quality, none in the city surpasses it, and a visit of inspection by those contemplating purchase will repay. The members of the firm, Messrs. R. 11. Norris, L. A. Redwine and C. P. Shartnan, are all honored and popu lar citizens who stand high in both social aud financial circles, and to con clude, our sincere wish is that in fu ture trade editions we may have the pleasure of recording the fact of their progress onward and upward. Buy Carmichael’s Liver Pills, For sale by Hunt, Bankin b Lamar. 50 febli Buy Carmichael's Female tonics, For sale by Geo J Howard & Bios. 50 febl4 and Hutchisot & Bros. FRANKLIN RESTAURANT. Northwest Corner of Broad and Ala bama streets Atlanta, Ga. This establishment has recently been opened, and will be conducted on a plan of economy, that will enable the humblest of our citizens and strangers to get the best the market affords, cooked in the bffct manner, at the shortest notice, at a very small advance on the actual cost. Soliciting the support of my friends, i and all who are interested in having I a resort of this kind, I am very Respectfully, etc., c. j. McClellan, Late steward of the Kimball House, Superintendent. A few day boarders will be taken nt low figures, with regular meals daily, at any hour called for. HENRY R. POWERS. THOS. R. EG LES TON. POWERS & EGLESTON, STOCK, BOND and MONEY BROKERS, No. 20 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga- ]> UYA ND SELL BOX DS AND STOCKS ON > Commission. Receive Funds for Invest ment. Buy mi(l sell City and State Securities. Negotiate Loans. ATLANTA MARKETS. Atlanta, Ga., March 22, 1879.—12 M. Cotton. COTTON—Good demand; middlings 9’;/; low middling 9, Produce. . BEESW A X - 23a23*/ 9 c, BETTE R—lo@2oe. DRIED FRUlT—Apples, peeled, 2c; unpeeled l ;! 4 e. EGGS-—9(fiUoi*. FEATHERS; New choice mixed 45'a POULTRY: Live Chickens—hens, ’mixed L<ulß. Live Stock. She p 3@3%; common cattle 1 • I good cattle 2‘ 2 u3; choice cattle extra cat- tle none; North Georgia cattle 2* 2 . G roeeries. BACON—Clear sides 7e; sugar cured hams ♦W-c. BULK MEATS; Clear rib sides 6. CABBAGE: Northern 6@loc per head. COF FEE: Rio 12’.'>(<£ 16‘4; old Government Java 250/29. CORN'; CREAM CHEESE: 10. Fl j. >UR : Superfine 81 50 : extra $3 00 : family 85 75: extra fnmilv 86 00; f.inev B<‘> 50u< 8675. GREEN MEATS: *sc. GRITS ; $1 25. ’HAY: 81 00; clover none. LARD: Tier* e cans and buckets refined MEAL: 63c- MO LASSES: 25c. ONIONS - : «2 s<hii >; 00 PEAS: Mixed 60(0,65; clay 75. POTATOES: Planting 83 75(554 2-5 : sweet 75c per bn. SUG A R : Stand ard A White extra C 9: extra 8 1 ./. yellow 7*.'>(iiS , 4; New Orleans 7’>iui9’. SYki P: New Orleans 45. WHEAT lIRAK ; 90;WHEAT: S130a$110.“ Miscellaneous. BAGGING: Jute 2 lbs. 13; I’4 lbs HIDES: l0c«;11. IRON TIES: bundle 2 25; P. ('. 1 65. LF. XTIIER : Hcnilo k sole 20(^25; white oak 30m35; Georgia upper 2> 10 : lin ing skins 84 8125. NAILS: $2 35. POWDER: Blasting 83 <HG»B3 50: rifle 86 40. SA LT : Vhginia 81 l(>: Liverpool 8105. SHOT: Drop 8163; buck *1 90. OATS : 43; seed 50a60. Fruits and Confectioneries. FRUITS-Lemons, Malaga $4 00@4 50 per box : Apples, northern 81 00; Oranges, Florida B'2 505/3 50 per 100; Mes«inoß3 50 per box : Co. eonnutsN; Raisins s‘2 25@2 50; ’ 5 box $150; ’4 box 7c; Currants 7*. (o'S; Citron 20(3:25; Figs 10 (h'llc: Almonds 20@22r; Pccitus 7ri; Brazils 7 i 14 @,10; Filberts 12 1.a15c; Walnuts 17’j. Tobacco. Very common find unreliable 40c; fair com mon 11 inch 12((ti.45; medium 43@.50; extra me dium 11 and 12 inch 50@50; fine 11 ami 12 inch 60(3'75 : extra fine and fancy styles 75@*$l00; Brown’s extra or Log Cabin 81 00; Leather wood $1 00; natural leaf 81 00: Calhoun 81 25; Cook’s extra fine figßs; line cut in pails 75®85. Dry Goods. Ticking 6.20; stripes 8; osnaburgs 8 ',.a9 1 ; cambrics 5a5 l _■ ; prints 4 • a2s‘. ; brown sheet ings 7 ; brown >hirtinus 6; bleached sheetings Call; bleached shirtings 4.gS, checks Bali ; a ; yarns 25. \\ HEELR & ILSON S NEW NO. 8. WSSSSe l -’o i- Bami 1 y T J Sue 9 Lightest Ruuning. ~ Bov Bressiiialcevs, Fastest Sewing. Bor a 11 lilacturers Most Durable. Bo r IM ercli an t s Easiest to Sell. For Everybody Cheapest aud Best. THE NEW NO. 8. WHEELER & WILSON MANF’G CO., 68 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. W. B. CLEVES, GENERAL .AGENT. E. P. CHAMBERLIN. C. E. BOYNTON. H. S. JOHNSON. CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON <fc CO., Are now receiving the Largest and Finest Stock of STAPLE A X I > FAiVCY D It Y GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, LINENS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, LADIES’ UNDERWEAR, Etc., ever offered in Atlanta. Samples from this Department sent by mail on application. CARPETS I CARPETS I We will receive in our CARPET STORE, during the next ten days, the largest collection and the handsomest Patterns of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Shades, Cocoa Mattings, China Mattings, Wall Paper, Lambrequin Material, Cornice Moulding and General House-Furnishing Goods ever before offered in any Carpet Store in Georgia, and at prices to defy competition. Lambrequins and Cornices made to order. Carpets cut and made to measure. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Our SHOE STORE is separate and distinct from either our Dry Goods or Carpet Store, and has. bv far, the Largest ami Finest Assortment of Men’s, Ladies’, Misses’, Youths’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes to be found in Atlanta. We make a specialty in this Department of Burt’s, Miles’, Canfield’s, Duubar’s, and other first-class makes of Boots and Shoes. It will repav any and all to call and look through each of our three stores, where can always be found the best of goods at Bottom Prices. Call and be convinced. Chamberlin, Boynton & Co., G 6 and 68 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. It is false economy to buy a cheap Organ when a few dollars more will get the incomparable and always reliable MASON&IAMUN ATrnn LOWEST PRICED. IM U 1 POOREST AND DEAREST, T3TTT HIGHEST PRICED. I) U 1 BEST AND CHEAPEST. m it jMhA 3 s § £ > wo « Six Stops, Elegant Embossed Walnut Case, of new design, only SBO Ten Stops, 4 Sets Reeds, in New Style Il luminated Case, only $95 Ten Stops, 4 Sets Reeds, Mirror Top Case, with Gold Bronze Ornamentation, only..slOO Over 100,000 Made & Sold. WINNERS OF HIGHEST HONORS AT ALL WORLD'S‘.EXHIBITIONS FOR TWELVE YEARS PAST PARIS, - - 18671 VIENNA, - 1873 I SANTIAGO, 18781 PHILA.PA. 1876 j PARIS. ; - 1878 I SWEDEN, : 1878 Endorsed by Franz Liszt, Theodore Th mas, Ole Bull, ' tootschalk, Strauss, Warren, Morgan and over One Thousand eminent musicians of Europe and America. The testimony as to the immense superiority of these instruments over all oth< rs is emphatic, overwhelming and in disputable. RENTED until paid for These organs are now offered pur< Lasers by monthly installments of from $5 to 810, or will be rented until the rent pays for them. From on • to three years the time given for payment. Speei il lie.iu. tion given to Church s. Schools and Pastors. Agents wanted everywhere. Organs sent on trial to any part of the South. We pay freight both ways if nut satisfactory. sm TloVwipiLESAl.K DEPOT For the more convenient supply of Southern trade, a Southern Wholesale D( pot has been es tablished at Savannah. Ga , from which Dealers, Churches, Tv. chers, and the r< tail trade can be supplied at N. Y. ami Boston factory rates. For Illustrated Catalogues, price lists and full information, address LUDDEN X- BATES, Savannah, Ga., Manveacturkk’s Wholesale \GF.N”rs, ATLANTA HEALTH INSTITUTE Electrical, Movement and Water Cure. U. O. ROBERTSON. M D, Phvsicinn, M I’HORINE. M D. Mammer: Miss M B HORINE, Matron. JAH ROBERTSON, FORMERLY OF ROW " zhiml Springs Hygienic Institute, begs leave to announce to the citizens of Atlanta and adjoining country, that owing to the inac cessibility of the former location, his Institute has liven removed, and is now permanently established in this city, where easy access, greater facilities, ami superior a'commo dations than have ever before been offered by a , Health Institute South, are now extended to • invalids from all parts of the country. We i confidently claim to have the leadi.* :; Southern I Hygiean Home, and the only Health Institute ; South superintended by leguhiriy qualified I Hygienic Physicians. Among the various diseases successfully , treated nt this institution, are Rheumatism, , Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Diseases I Peculiar to the Reproductive Organs, Const!- • pation and Piles. Paralysis, Incipient Consump j lion, Kidney Diseases, including Diabetes and [Albuminuria; Diseases of the Bladder and [ Prostrate Gland; Erysipelas, and all kinds of j Diseases of the Skin. Liver. Spleen, Stomach aud Bowels; Nervous Debility, Physical Ex haustion. etc., etc. All of which are scien tifically and successfully treated with Hygien ic Agencies alone, no inorganic drug nostrums being used in any form. Thousands of per sons afflicted with diseases engendered by wrong habits, local causes and surroundings, die yearly by wrong me<lical treatment. Le ia use drug remedies are themselves causes of disease. If they cure one disease, it is only by producing a different drug disease; and as each and every dose diminishes the vitality of the patient, it’will at once be seen how potent for evil and suicidal it is for persons thus to poison their systems and taint their blood with drug medicines, simply because they are sick. A far better and mure rational process for treating and restoring sick people to health is now presented to the people of this section—a system of treating diseases more in accord with nature, science?and civilization than the old erroneous and at present prevalent quack, lo tion powder and pill system, which originated among the heathen and ignorant nations of three thousand years ago. Patients in the city, or at a distance, visited and treated when practicable at their homes. For particulars, call at Atlanta Health Insti tute, No. 178 W. Peters street, or address Dr. U. O. Robertson, Atlanta, Ga. lam prepared with increased facilities to furnish promptly Dressed Lumber for build ing, Boxing, Moulding, Scrolls and Brackets, F f coring, Weather Boarding, Door and Win dow frames, Walnut Lumber, etc., at prices satisfactory to all. A. Murthy. 1879. SZF’ZRIHSrQ-1 1579. r-UKCIIGOTT, HENEDICI’ Jt CO., TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THEIR SPRING OPENING. Monday, March 10th, and following Days. Domestic Department. In this department will be found a full and complete line of Prints, Bleached and Un bleached Sheetsand Shirtings, Tickings. Ging hams, and Checks, at New York inauufactur ing prices. 4 -4 Sea Islands at 4c. Bleachings from 4'4c up. 4- 4 Cambrics, equally as good as Lonsdale, at 9 cents. 10 4 Sheeting, soft finish, as low as 18c per yard. Examine and price all goods in ♦his depart ment before buying elsewhere. Dress Good? and Silk Department. We are in receipt of all the l itest importa tions in Fancy Dress flo«xls, also full lines of Black and Colored B lutings, which we will offer at astonishingly low prices. Black silks as low ns Uric—worth SI.OO. 30 pieces Summer Silks, lower than else where. Full lines in Gray and Black Goods. Sundries* We call special attention to a large stock of PARASOLS. 1 I Union Linen Lawns at Bc—worth 15c. Solid Colored Lawns at 8c —worth 20c. The above goods are worthy of inspection. To the Wholesale Cash Trade ! We offjr to cish buyers a i.v gm Is in our Hue BIGGEiI BARG UNS th in even New York Jobbers can, and we respectfully invite tnem to mr establisomjiit for an inspection. All retail orders amounting to over 810.00 wi 1 be sent by Express, FREE OF CH IRGE to any part of the State. ’ AVSainples sent to the Country, if desired. Respectfully, Benedict & Co., 38 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. "W. HLJYZRT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN AX IIITE PINE BOORS, SASH, BLINDS, OBYZEI) SASH, Mouldings, Stair Railing, Newel Posts, Balusters, WINDOW GLASS, BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, 30 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Georgia. 1 Brice List: 12 LIGHT WINDOWS AND BLINDS 1 3-16 INCHES THICK. PLAIN RAILSASTL Primed aud Glazed. Rolling Slats. SIZE OF GLASS. FBICEPERPAIR PRICE PER PAIR. 10x14 1 S-, . : lj • 111x16 10x18 185 ,40 10x20 2 10 . i 60 — mini —••• 1 so i WHITE PINE DOORS 4 PANELS, MOULDEDON STILESAND RAILS, O. G. RAISED PANELS * INCH DOORS. 1 3-16 DOORS. J3Z POORS. Size Price. Size Price. Size Price 2 ox 6 0 ...SI 00 2 0x 6 0 $ 1 25 2 6x6 6 S 1 45 ’2 4x6 4 Ite 2 4x6 4 1 40 2 Bx 6 8 ’ 1 fir, ■> 6X6 6 1 30 2 6x6 8 1 40 2 10x6 10 1 75 *2 Sx,i 8 1 - i 2 Bxll „ 155 2 6x7 0 195 2 l’x6 6 145 2 10x6 6 i 70 3 ox7 0 1 <ls o 10x6 10 ] !■> 2 lCx6 10 1 70 |2» 6x7 6 ° •7 0X 6 6 130 3 ox 6 6 I*Bs 3 ox7 6 2 it 3 Jx7 0.................. 130 ; 3 ox7 0 1 85 | 3 oxß o2.'"2Jc ; Door Hinges with Screws, from 10 cents per pair up. Blind Hinges, 20 to 30c per set. Prices furnished on application, for any sizes not on this list. WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., Manufacturers of Superior 218 Market St, Philadelphia,-! 1498, 500 Broadway, New York- JNVITE THE ATTENTION OF DEALERS TO THEIR NEW STYLES OF PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS FOR THE SPRING OF 1879, WHICH THEY OFFER AT VERY LOW PRICES. Mcßride & Co. do not deceive or try to deceive merchants into buying their hard and unsalable stock by packing up a few C. C. Teas below cost, with a set of unsalable Dishes, Tureens, etc., at five times their val ue. The Piedmont Air-Eine. is now the popular route North. Few think of travelling any other way. Cassimere and Jeans Department. Gentlemen can find all the latest importa tions, such as Broad Cloths in Black, Blue and Brown. Black Doeskins, Matlisee Goods, Tre coes, Diagonals, and an immense assortment of Fancy Cassimercs. In this department we have, this year the best hue ever brought to this city, and at the \ ery lowest prices. Please call mid look at our Carpet Department. Just received, 100 pieces best qmlitv Bras ses: also 7-> pieces Ingrains. 2 and '3-Plys, i which we offer at prices to suit the times. | Hemp Carpets at 15c. Ingrains 25c. j Window Shades 62V$c—Fixtures included, low ltt n ® e ’ otnergoods proportionately White Goods. Full lines Piques, Marseilleis, Nainsooks, Swisses, Jaconets, Towels, Table Damask, Nap kins, Quilts, etc., at prices which defy eompe- I tition. . 1 I In Hosiery and Notions we offers!! the latest i novelties at the very lowest figures. Mcßride & Co., Atlanta,Ga., Manu facturers Show Cases. Send for price list. They can supply Coockery, Lamps and Saloon Fixtures at bottom prices. GREAT OIL PAINTING SALE To-night at the auction store of Hall & Mor ris, Marietta street, 1% o’clock.