Newspaper Page Text
ty*three in number. There were,
ninetyvtwo deaths on the passage of
the former—how many the latter I
have been unable to learn.
By the English mail steamship
. Solent, from Vera Cruz, I am in
possession of correspondence front
the city of Mexico to the 3rd inst.
Things appear in a wretched state
there, as will be seen from the foie
lowing extract from one of the lets
tors I have received :
‘•The infernal condition of this
country is truly dreadful. No man
can he considered safe at this time.
Several of our first men have been
thrown into prison because they re
fu srd to lend m<>nev to the Govern
ment, All the Liberal papers are
stopped ihe only Liberal editor aL
lowed t,o roam at. large is William
M i urn, Esq . editor of the Extra*
ordinary This paper is suspended,
and his office closed.
cad <>ur advertising col
umns this week end you will fi and
something to interest you perhaps.
g@°*Several communications un
auoidably crowded out this week.
I Yellow Fever in ChMc^toa
Sept. 6.—The health officer re
ports seventy-three deaths by yel
low fever during the week ending
Saturday, 4th inst.
The African Slaves of
New York, Sept. 6.—The Her
ald’s Washington city correspond
ent saya that the frigate Niagara
has to proceed to
Charleston and carry back the Af
ricans taken by the brig Dolphin.—
Commodore Chauncey goes in com
mand. [A private telegraph res
ceived in this city states that the
Niagara will sail for Africa in abou
ten days. — Reporter .]
North-western Home Jour. Office
Chicago, 111., Nov. 7,’56. j
Messrs. Seth W. Fowle & Cos.,
Boston, Gentlemen: Your Oxygen
ated Bitters should be better known
in the Western Country, for we
have among us thousands who are
suffering from Dyspepsia. I feel
that I am indebted to your Bitters
for my recovery from this awful dis
ease. My habits at this time were
sedentary; and my complaint was
aggravated by too close confinement.
I despaired of relief, and considered
myself a hopeless dyspeptic. I con
cluded to try the Oxygenated Bit
ters, and a wise conclusion it prov
ed to be. I have taken in all, four
bottles, and lam cured. Although
rather a small man, my present
Weight is 160 pounds. Your Bit
ters need only to be known toTiave
a very extensive sale in this section
of the country. Respec’ly, &e.,
J. B. Meuwix, -Ed. Journal.
Beth W. Fowle & Cos., 1-58 Washington
Street Poston, Proprietors. Sold by
Allen W. ‘Thoxzibrow^h.j
Calhoun, Georgia.
Add by their \gents evrywhere.
Bleeding at the Lungs Cured
SETH W. Fowle, Esq.,—Dear
Sir: Having been attacked with
Hemorrhage of the lungs, which loft
me with a tr übicsome cough and
the usual debility consequent upon
such an attack, and having cured
myself by the me u: Wistarle Bals
sam of iII Cherry, I feel it a
pb asure and a duty to testify to its
merits. My general faith in patent
medicines is small J hut for those
Woo are suffering under pulmonary
Attacks. 1 am persuaded {Rat the
.Balsam is an excellent preparation.
Yours, very truly,
Jona. R. Ciilds, Editor Chico
pee ‘i'el--graph.
Chicopee, Mass., Feb. 20, 1854.
None genuine uuless signed I. BUTTS on
the wrapper.
*#* Prepared only by Seth W Fowle &
Cos., Boston, Mass , to whom all orders
shou’d he addressed, and for sale by Allen
W. Thornbrough, Calhoun, Ga., and their
agents elsewhere. Sept. 9 n2 2ts
On the 3d inst., in Dogwood Val
ley, by T. M. Henson, J. P., Mr.
Jordan Reid, of Cass count} 7 , Ga.,
and Miss Sarriney Odem, of Whit
field county, Ga.
Near this place, on the morning
of the sth inst., by W. Y. Wester,
J. P., Mr. W. W. Garner and Miss
•Caroline M. Hayes, all of Gordon
county, G.
We live in hopes of better days,
For lately on two Sabbath days,
Our Editor banished the Hayes ;
Whose lot is e’er to sing love’s
Though the former was not made a
The latter is under the roof of Gar
ner. typo.
An'improved Lot in the Town of Calhoun,
containing about twe acres, in a
healthy location* For further particulars
enquire of Col. W. H. Dabney ; or to
>Calhoun; Ga., Sept, 9. ts
Prices Current.
Wholesale and Retail
Apples, Green,. • $ 40 $ 60
44 dried t 75) 100
Bagging, Gunny S 24) 26
“ Kentucky S 22) 25
Bale Rope ) 14 > 16
Bacon Hams ( 10 -* 32
‘ Shoulders ? 8? 10
“ Sides \ 9) 10
Dog round ) 8) 9
Butier. ) 15) 15
Cheese, Eng. Dairy ? 00) CO
“ Northern f
Domestic Goods, Yarns Ass’t ( 1 10) 1 15
“ -J shirting s 9, 10
•* 1 Shirting ) 9) 10
“ Osnaburg, No 1 ; 13) 14
‘* Osnaburg No 2 / 12) 13
Feathers ? 40 ’ 45
Fish, Mackerel No 1 \ 00) 00
“ *• No 2 s 00) 00
“ “ NO 3 ) 00 ) 00
Flo"r per lb. ) 2 > 2|
Grain, Corn ? 45> 46
“Wheat, Red c 60? 70
White, < 80 J 85
“ Oats £ 00) 00
“ llye 5 00) 00
Iren, Sweedes / 8) 10
“ Coopers ? 5? 0
Liqr’s, Whiskey, common ( 3* r K 60
“ “ lty e ( 7 5 lOU
“ Gognac Brandy 3 00) 6 0’
“ Wine, Old Port. $ 4 00 ) 6 06
44 44 Madeira < 2 00) 5 00
4 * 44 Cherry ) 400 600
44 r 4 Malaga < 1 50? 300
Lard per lb S 10) 12
Molasses, Cuba ) .40) 50
44 N. O. Reboiled ) 60) 60
44 Sugar House ? 56? 60
Me-1 par bushel ? 60’ 50
Nails 5) 6
Oils, Sperm ) 2.75) 3 00
“ Lamp ) 1 75) 2 00
“ Linseed ? 00) 150
44 Train ( 1 25? 1 50
Onions per bushel ( 1 1 25
Potatoes, Sweet ? 60) 60
“ Irish ) 50) 2 60
Rice ) 6) 7
Rope, Manilla ( 18? 20
44 Cotton (
Sugar, N. O. Brown ( 9jk 10
• 4 Loaf J 16< 18
44 Crushed ) 16) 18
Salt per sack ( 1 70 2 00
Pork ‘ 6? 7
|^”WIIEAT —This article varies in
price according to quality from 60 to 80
ceuts per bushel, and but little in market
the present week. We quote Corn at 40
ceuts with limited demand and but little
Administrator’s Sale
W}S7ILL be sold on Friday, the 17th
inst., at the late residence of James
0. Longstreet, deceased, One Piano, house
hold and kitchen furnature, horses, buggy
and wagons, hogs, cattle, and many other
articles of property. At the same time &
place alotin Calhoun will be rentel--and
negroes hired until Christmas.
Terms. -All under five dollars, cash; aU
over, credit till the 25th day of December,
18:9. J. M. LAMAR, Ad’mr.
sep, 9. ’sß.—lt
Cs-ISGRCIHA, Cff-Qrdoas county.
months aftov- date, application
jii will be made *o the Hon. 8 l>. Wylie,
Ordinary,- in and for said county, for leave
to sell the land and negroes, belonging to
the estate of John B. Rookev. Fold for
the hermfit of the heirs and creditors of
said, estate. <
J TV. Vv’RiGH'i Ad’mr.
Sep, 7. ’6B.—2;t\s.
SHUT,® 1111
TERMS. —One Copy, one year $5 00.
WILLIAM 11. YOUNG, Editor.
Fep 9. ’6B no 4. ts.
Gordon County
WlX.ll be Sold before the
w f Court House door, in the
Town of CALHOUN, Gordon County, Ga.,
within the legal hours of sale, on the First
Tuesday in
next, the following property, to wit:
Lot of Land No, 319, in 7th District and
3rd Section—levied on as the property of
Peter Free and John Hayes, sen’r., to sat\
isfy two Justice’s Cos rt fi fa’s issued from
the 349th District G. M., in favor of TV. J.
& B. L. Key vs. said Defendants—levied on
and returned to me by a Bailiff.
One house and lot in the town of Resaca,
coninining one acre, more or less, lying on
the West side of the Railroad—levied on as
the property of Wm. N. Bishop, principal,
and David * 11. Bishop, security, on appeal
bond issued from Whitfield Superior Court,
in favor of G. W. Prim & Cos. vs. said De
fendants, Known as their former Grocery
Store, and pointed out by Jas. A. R Hanks
plaintiff’s Attorney.
Lot of Land, No. 224, in 7th District and
3rd Section, containing one hundred and
sixty acres, more or less, —levied on as the
property of David G Wylie, for the pur
chase money, to satisfy one fi fa issued
from Gordon Inferior Court, J D Phillips,
Adm’r of A D Shackelford, dec’d vs. D G
Wylie and Jas M Orr, security, and point**
eu out by plaintiff’s Attorney.
One cow and calf, one rifle gun, two beds
and steads, thiee matrasses, five common
trunks, six chairs, one table, one glass, one
clock, one rope and pully, one cross cut
saw, one ax, and sundry other articles too
tedious to mention—levied on as the pro
perty Western Pierce, to satisfy one Mort
gage fi fa issued from Gordon Inferiour
Court in favor of Jesse Kincannon vs. said
Defendant, and sold by consent of parties.
The south half of Lot of Land,- No. not
known in the 14th District and 3rd Sec
tion, containing 80 acres, more or less, and
joining Valentine Cain’s land, and known
as Defendant’s former residence to satisfy
sundry Justice’s Court fi fa’s issued from i
the 1054th District G. M„ a the property
of Sam’l Simpson—Sams, Selman & Cos vs.
3. Simpson and L. Neal, security, and sun
dry other fi fa’s vs. said Defendant—levied
on and returned to mo by Bailiff,
One Lease, with all the improvements on
Lot of Land No. 30, in the 23rd Section and
2nd Section—levied on the property of Wm
Gravely, to satisfy one Justice’s Court fi fa
issued from the 874th District G. M.—Bo
gle and Fields vs. said Wm Grovely—levied
on and returned to me by a Bailiff, and
pointed out by J L Bogle.
The undivided half of Lot of Land, No.
66, in the 24th District and 3rd Section,
containing 80 acres, more or less, with all
the improvements on the same, xo satisfy
sundry Justice’s Court fi fa’s—W J Key *
Cos. vs. Wm M Putman, one WnTH White
and one E M Segoe vs. said Defendant—
levied on and returned to me by a Bailiff.
One town lot, with all the improvements
on the game, lying west of the Depot, known
as the Lewis Rice house, and lot contain- ;
jng some two acres, more or less, lately oc
cupied by Defendant—levied on sis the pro
perty of Wm N Bi hop, to satisfy one fi fa
issued from Whitfield Inferior Court -
Force, Connelly &Cos vs. ‘’’m N Bishop,
and pointed out by D A Walker plaintiff’s
Lot of Land, No. 317, in the 13th Gist,
and 3rd Section—levied on as the pr operty
of Alexander Stroup, 1o satisfy two fi fa’s
in’ favor of Bailey, Knott & Cos . one R M
Young; one .1 11 Dodd, one John P King vs
Alex. Stroup, and Sams, Camp J-’Co . se
curity, on appeal, and controlled to J lb w,
and sundry other fi fa’s in my h aids vs
said Stroup, and pointed out by Defendant.
300 cords of Railroad wood, more or
less, two yoke of steers and two 2 ox wag
ons. one clay bank horse —levied on as the
property of Wm. Holland and Williamson
Holland, to satisfy one 6 fa in favor of Hen
ry Gibbs, one John Lay vs. said Holland,
two Daniel M Ormby vs Williamson Hol
land and Wm Holland and E T Henderson,
security, on Ca Sa bond, and sundry other
fi fa’s vs, said Holland
One house and lot in the town o Cal- !
houn, known as the Bray house and Gro
cery lot, now occupied by Abraham Bald
win and Mrs Brede"—levied on as the pro
perty of Bray and Blalock, to satisfy one
fi fa issued from Gordon Superior Court in
favor of T D Lyon vs, said Bray and Bla
lock, and pointed out by M Francis, plain
tiff’s Attorney.
One house and lot, with all the improve
ments on the same, No not knowu, ad
known as J. D Phillips, containing one
acre, lying south of S L) Wylie s lot—lev e 1
on to satisfy one fi fa in favor of George G
Selman v-. D G Wylie, maker, and J I)
Phillips, and one Townsend & Arnold vs.
said Phillips and Wylie, and sundry other
fi fa’s vs. said Defendants, and pointed out
by George C Selman, plaintiff.
Lots of Land. Nos. 247, 2JO. 213, H 4,
225. 177 all in the 7th I)ist and 3rd Seat.,
containing 160 acres each, more or less,--
levied on as the property of David G Wylie,
to satisfy sundry Superior Court ti fa’s; one
George O Selman vs 1) G Wylie and J 1)
Phillips, one Townsend & Arnold rs Phil
lips and \V3lie, one Jona'h tn Hew vs 1) G
Wylie, maker, and Joab Lewis, endorser,
and sundry other fi fa’s in -my hands vs
said Defendant-, and pointed out by G 0
Selman, plaintiff’s Attorn y.
One house and lot, with all the improve
ments on the same, in the town of Calhoun,
containing one acre,’ more or less, the No
not known, but known as the S T Mays’
house and lot and now occupied by I. M
C Dunn; and one lot. of Groceries, consist
ing of sugar, coffee, salt, syrup, molasses,
spon'-yarn,, and sundry other articles too
tcdxuoß to wieutiorr- - rvtt-teytext on xnr• xt;e
property of I M C Bum to satisfy one .Su
perior Court ti fa in favor of 01 irk Wells
iV Spears, ore Cloud & Slia kdford for the
use of John W Shackelford vs L MO Dunn
and E R Sasecen. security, on stav, end
pointed out by Wm 11 Dabney, plaintiff’s
One negro woman by the name of Jane,
of da-k complexion, some 19 years of age
levied on as the property of A F Williams
to satisfy one Mortgage fi fa in favor of D
II Malone and pointed out in said S fa.
Lot of Land No. 191 and a fraction con
taining some forty acres, more or less and
a small portion of two 0 her lots, all con
taining two hundred and furty acres, more
or less, in the 1 Ith District, and 3rd Section
and known as the McDill bridge place,
with all the improvements on the same,
lying on each side of the Oostanaula R ver
—levied on as the property of Stephen
McGinnis, to satisfy’ two Superior Court fi
fa’s one the Ordinary of Forsyth countv,
for the use of Margi*ett Garni uiy vs. N.
McDill. princip 1. and Stephen McGinnis,
security, one J. S X’ L Bowie & Cos. vs
Newton McDill. principal, and Stephen
McGinnis, security, one fi fa issued from
the Inferior Court, J S & L owir & <’o.
j vs. said Defendants, and pointed out by
j plaintiff’s Attorney.
Two fine patent ale two horse wagons
new from the shop, and two new buggies
levied on as the property of .Trim Orr. to
satify one fi fa in favor of R M Young, and
sundry other fi fa’s vs. said Orr and poin
ted out by Wm 11 Daliney. plaintiff’s Attor
One negro man by the name of Isa-c, of
dark complexion, some 30 years o’ age, to
satisfy one Justice’s Court fi fa. Sams. Sel
man & Cos. vs. S T Mays and Wm Holland,
security—levied on as the property of W
Holland by John Gresham, L 0., and poin
ted out by J L Camp.
Lota of Rand Nos. 174, 187, 188. and all
of Lot No 173, except 60 acres off of the
North end of said Lot, and lot 257, all in
the 7th District and 3rd Section—levied on
as the property of Jas H B Sha-kelford. to
satisfy one fi fa in favor of the R o* well
Manufacturing Company, and sundry other
fi fa’s vs said Defendant, and pointed out
by Defendant.
All the tight, title and interest that Wm.
M. Denman has in and to Lot of Land, the ’
No. not known, in the 6th Dist. and 3rd ;
Sec.—levied on as lefendant’s property
and known as the McCahister Lot to sat
isfy one fi fa in favor of J R Parrott, and
sundry other fi fa’s vs said Defendant and
knowu a8 his residence.
E. D. Hudgins, Sh’fF.
S. T. KING, Dep. Sh’ff.
Sept. 3d 1858.
Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 miles, Fare $6.
JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent.
Express and Passenger Trains, leave At
lanta. 4 60 A. M.
Arrive at Chattanooga 6 23 P. M.
Lea ve Chuttanooga, 4 05 A. M*
Arrive at Atlanta 6 00 P. M,
Leave Atlanta, 12 J 5 P. M.
Arrive at Chattanooga, 8 25 P. M.
Leave Chattanooga, 3 10 P. M.
Arrive at Atlanta, 11 22 P. M*
Ths Lis x
Compounded entirely i GUMS,
IS one of the best Purgatpe and Liver
Medicines now before Met public, that
| acts as a Cathartic. easieiT milder, and
I more eflectual than any X-h’er medicine
! known. It is not tnly a <|kthaytio, but
; B. Liver remedy, ucting first li the Liver to
eject its morbi i matter, the® on the rtom
| ac'n and bowels to matter, ;
thuu accomplishing two piJT^B|B|
. ly, without any of the fex 3 j
; perienced in the opei
j tics. It strengthens the the r ime
! time that it purges it; and taken Oai-
I ly in moderate doses, will r. lengthen ml
build it up with unusual rarity
The Liver is one,- • is at
of the principal I las .found auy
regulators of the | peHms troubled
: human body; and j wild Liver C<m
; when it performs| gfH pl ants, in miy ..f 1
its functions well? ms. has but:
; the powers of the) toT?y a bat !, find
: system are fully! conviction is i
developed. The cc jain.
•St* much is a’mostj ‘jJ“T Mtese Gums re
entirely dependent m.j'e all morbid or
on the healthy a | m itter f. < m
tiop of the Liver tb system, sup
:’ r the proper p c r 4? p bi,i ng in their
fim.n.e of its. b.iSnce a ;
fun ti-.tis; whe I; , !tl ‘/ of l.iie. invio
the siomacli is at ; * * ,r ing the stem
fault, toe b.w Is I _ , using food j
are *t tuuit* and Jt^raMfes t well, pu
{.the whole y ‘.cm Hie Stood, i
Suffers in Cannes atnl !
quenue of one i r whole j
gin—the Liver—-j JjHpinery, remov
having cca ; ed to; . i hJiy-the cause of
do its duty Fori 1* disease—ef
the disease of tii tj __ a radical
I organ, one of the XmJL
proprietors has iliiiious attacks ;
j made it his study 3 cured. and,
in a practice of wlnt is better, j
1 more ill in twenty by the
! years, t find some Q | torsional use of
r medy wherewith gVj jtl.e Liver luvigot
to counteract the r -ter.
many derange i *one dose after
I meats to whic.. it eating, is sufficient ;
, is liable. to relieve the
j To prove that stop-ache and pre
i vent the food from rising or souring.
I Only .lose taken before retiring, prevents
; Nightmare
O Ji;ie take - * at n;ght loosens the
j bowels gently* and curxrt O‘3StiVo
- A
> i.e dose token aft J Ajßh rteal will cure
Dyspepsia. 1
Cel (km dose of twCl^asr-oonfulls will
allways relieve SiCDj-fpadachC, |
Oue botrle taken to L FSne oostruction
removes the cause of the disease and makes 1
i a perfect cure
O :e doge immediately rcliev s Cholic
|” <L e doso often .eai Jis a. sure core
■ f,r Cholera Morfcns, a pre* j
Vrntaav. UhOlCFa.
j * Toly out bottle !S.j,<eded to throw
out of the y-tem the eff -Hs f medicine af
ter a iong sickne-s.
One bott'e. taken
; removes all sullowues- or jimiiiui i crloi
| from the skin
One taken a shun nrn * he* .re e s
ing gives vi;<or to the >pire and m .kos
food digest well
i Oi e ■s • off rope t'd ■r .. jqqjj
!Di&rrhcea 1 1 ■” r ‘ vl “ !J
F.uhimcr .nd ore! cnr iut , i'd aI
; most 11 the first -n.s .
One or two do-es . urc attacks >'• used I
from ‘ n children : there is j
no safer, sorer, m* speedier remedy in the
world as it never fails
. few bottles by
j eu; tinjjc itio a1.50r1.. 1 ,t
We take plea.snre in rgfJS mmending this
; medicine as a preyentatYve. far Fever and i
.'•gin , ('hill Fever, and all Fevers of a Bill
ious Type. It opeiates with ce*a ntv, and I
thousands arc willing to testify to its vir- I
i sue- %
, All who use it ire giving
their unanimous testimo
ny in its favor,
i fST’Mix water in the mouth with the !
; Invigorator. ami swallow bc.tli tngetlier
I the liver mirnm-i
i Is a scientific mo heal < i eo\>.ry, and •
daily .wires, almost too gtf- \ to believe
: i cures as if by tnagic, even t e first and ■
! givinu benefit.,and sclpom t ore tnan ci-.c
j bottle is required t > cure ary kind of IJv
j Complaint. Irom the worst !.mudice or 1 s
pepsia to a common Headache, all y{ wliich
are the result of a diseased Liver.
Dr. S oford, Broadway, j
New York.
Retailed by all DruggistXyand
B. L. Ilf) WARD?,
LafJtoun, Ga.
’ Rep. 9. ’6B no. 4.—1 y
YiMpifl* (ari <r?
UUUAeI lii. dii V. litaD :
! 7
And Friends of 1 lunation,
4 RE rx quested to to! if -- t*n* Presi>= !
’ dent of EAST AN ><M Vi LIB I\L ;
C LI LGE. St. Louis. Mi.-sjuri, tor the An- !
1 mini I’amphlvt and Cireul-p of that. ln>‘i- |
tution. now the 1/rgest n.3 joust thorough ;
School for the proper eduratiuu ,of Young ;
Men and Women in the Uixon.
Students enter at any tqi.e
Course completed in t'roiq? t>> 20 weeks
The Pamphlet contains Valuable educa
tional information.
The Circular, importanMmd valuable inn
fomrtion sor t fartners, mech:*iies, merchants
and Professional Men v
Address. H. G. jWSTMAN.
Pres’t Convl College,’ Louis, Mo.
Sept 2. 858 2ts
Treasury B^Krtm’nt
To the Tax Collectors of the State
of Georgia T
INCE is-uing my Circuhtr to you, some
days s : nce, 1 am instructed by His
Excellency the Govern r, to notify you that
arrangements satisfactory to him have been
made by the BANK UF ATHENS and the
I BANK OF FULTON, which ire specie pay
j ing Banks and have made their Returns as
required by law; and to instruct you to re
ceive the Bills of these Batiks when ten
dered in payment of Taxes.
J B, LRIPPE, Treasurer
Sept 2.1858 It
Administratrix’s sale
BY Virtue of an Order fussed hv the
Court of Ordinary ot gib’d on coun
ty, WILL e sold on the Firw’f uesday in
October next, before the (botirt House
door in Calheun, in said uoUuty, Lot of
Land, No 229. in the I4tli btuet and 3d
Section of originally Cherokee, imw the sni I
county of Gordon hold s the property
of Joseph Walker, late of said county, de
ceased Sold for the beneff%*of tlie heirs
and creditors of said deceased
Terms of sine—Cue .hire cash, the
twoMhlrds due in twelve mouths, with inter
j estfrom date, if not paid punctually.—Note
I and good security.
July 13th* 1858.—n46tde.
Female College.
r HE Fall r'er-sion of the 5 h Col’
login to year of this Institu
tion will open on tne 4th Monday
of August next, and close last Fri>
dap in November.
Rev. Wm RUUERS, A. M.,Pres’r,
I Prof. Nat. Seience and Mathematics.
Prof. Mar. Science and Belles Let.
it’ v A. G. JOHNSON, A. M ,
Prof. English and Latin Litqjrature.
Prof, of Physiology and Hygiene.
R. 11. GUYN,
P;of. Vocal and Instrumental Music
Mrs. 11. 11. GUYN,
Assistant ia Music Department, i
— ,
Instructress in Drawing, Painting.’
Instructress in Primary Depart’nt.
Inset actress in Wax Work, &c.
• Candidates f>i admission the j
Freshman Class must be thirteen 1
years of age, and stand a satisfacto*
rv examination upon Modern Geog
raphy, English Grammar and A'ifh
| metic.
The College is furnished with
Maps, Diagrams, Charts, Globes,
and an excellent Chemical, Philo
sophical and Astronomical Apparas
Tuition in Primary Department, per
annum, sls
Preparatory “ 25
College 50
Music “ 50
Ofiiatnental “ 20
Oil Painting, per annum, 80
! Modern Languages, 20
Ancient Languages and Vocal Mu
i sic, free.
Incidental Expenses, per an. $2
Diploma, 5
Board, including washing, lights,
etc.. §IOO per annum.
Tuition required in advance
btr if not Convenient for any patron
to pay in advance, payment must j
be made at the close of the session |
! —and if not promptly made at that j
time, a note will be required in ev- i
oiy case.
Cassville is situated *within two
miles of the Western & Atlantic
Railroad, ands note*? for its health
jan ! mor.dity. 1 1 is not curse i with
a single grog'shop.
j Fm p trticulat s apply to the Sec
! retary or uny ui; in her of the l* acui
! tv. ‘ * !
Secretary Faculty. i
Aug. 12, 1858.
fr% x~7 & vVI <■ Ti arifu p
JLv Xj i’J 1, lilt jJuvitiliJ
CPf tviifllfP IMMPDI
Begins Sept. 11,1858.
rs and Farmers.
| r-.- rliaii its Fourteenth Year. and will e 11—
i ter on a New Volume on the 11th of .Sen j
i leather. It is the only weekly publication j
oi the kind now is ueti in this countrv, and j
it hs :> very extensi e circulation in 11
til l .? .T'l iteS ot the 0.0 ill ii is llOt. i.s MjlllC
might sin pose fr..m its title, si dry, h j
stiu. e work on technical science on the i
contrary, it so denis with tin* gee i t events j
going mi in ihe'fie. ineoh .w> •ii
: industrial w .is to pk-a- ...t.< 1 instruct 1
I every one .f this .Mock o.;e or Artizm j
: wi-iiesio km w the tr-t in • -liiije in use, ( ,r
I how to tu-ike any subst iwe mp eyed in his j
| —it mi tlon-e wile wishes to get
| a recipe tor m king ago id color, ecc —if ;
the invent’ r wishes ;.i know wh u is going
|on in t e way of i-npr iv< meats— if the;
Mi null turer wishes to keep posted with !
the times and to etnpl y the best facilities (
in his business—if t e Man of Leisure anil i
Study wishes to keep himself familiar with 1
the pri gress made in the chemical labor*
tory, or in the construction of telegraphs, j
steamsliips, railroads, reapers, mowe-s, I
and n thousand other machines and nppli- 1
. tices, both of peace and war—all these |
dc. ideruta can be found in the “Scientific j
American ” and not c'sewhere. They ure j
here presented in a reliable and interest- j
iug form adapted to tlie comprehension of 1
minds unlearned in the higher branches of
science and ait.
Terms i
One copy, one year, 52 00
One cdp.y, six months. 1 00
Five copies, six months, 4 00
Ten ccpies, six months, 8 b 0
Ten copies, twelve months. 15 OH !
ifteen copies, twelve months, 22 00 !
Twenty copies, twelve months, 28 00
Always in advance.
•Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inl
- Southern and Western money,
or Postage Stamps taken for subscriptions.
Letters should be directed to
MUftSN & Cos.,
128 Fulton-fttree , New Vork.
JESjrMessrs Munn & Cos. are extensively
engaged in procuring patents for tew in
volitions, and will advise inventors, witlia
out charge, in regard to the novelty oftheir
improvements nug26n2tf
Notice—Tax Payers.
H AVING been appointed to
collect the Taxes lor the present
year, 1 tifke this method of infer niug the
fax Payers of Gordon ci utity, that l am
re dy to:eceive payment; and may „e
found at the Court House, when not at
tending the Distric s. Those visiting towu
will confer • a favor by calling in and set
tling up. The Taxes are due aud uo so.
dulgence is promised.
jsEsfif2l2L, Cordon County
f -.WO Mouths after date, application
ts will i e made to rite Honorable’l
D Wvlie, Gudiu tjy in tn and for said county,
for to sell tlie Lind belonging to the-
Estate of IF. G l!oe, d< ceased, for the pur
| pose of division timongst the distiibutees
of said deceased.
August 2d, 1858. n4!) 2ms
Cordon County
Thomas Connelly applies to me for>
ters of Administration on the Estate of E 1
v in .Lines, late of siid county, deceased
These are theres re to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by
law. to show cause if any they have, why
said Letters should not be grunted said ap
Given under my hand at Office, this 2nd
day ot August. ’BSB.
BAMUEL D. WYLIE, Ordinary,
aug'tlmlO yOds
G-EOHG-ia, Gordon County
Eliz iheth J. Black applies to me for Let-
I tors or Admitiislratiou ou the Estate of Jus
! 11 Black, deceased.
‘fhe.-e are therefore to cite nrd r.dmoi.i-h
; all per-ons c ti .erned, to be and appear at
: my office within ttio ti-ne prescribed by law
to showciu-o, if any they have, why said
Letters sliould not lie granted.
Given under my hand at office this 2d
day of August. 8 8.
Samuel L>. WVLIE, Ordinary.
aug.f'tlui-19 and da
Gordon Ccnuty
E L>. Iluiig ns applies to me for Letters
of Administration on the Estate of News
horn Williams, late of said county, de
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, -to be and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law,
to show cause, if arty they have, why said
Letters should not be granted suid appli
Given under my hand at office this 3rd
day of August. 1858.
ftug-5n49 SUtls
GSOHGIiI. Gordon County
hereas Joseph Underwood and E. J.
j y Underwood, Administrators on the
estate of iieuhen Underdood deceased, ap
| plies to me for Letters of Dismission- from
said Ailministraaion,
These are therefore to cite and admon
ish, all persons concerned to be and ap
pear at my oliice within the time prescrib
ed by law, to show cause, if any they
have, why said Letters sliould not be gran
Given under my hand at office this 24th
day of July, 1808,
S. D. WYLIE, Ordinary,
€r!S2OXS£3IA, Gordon County
JEi- frEhß JX M. LAM Afl, applies to me
for Letters of Administration, with the
j will annexed on the Estate of James G.
| Longstre t, late of said county deceased.
These are therefore to erte an l admon
! ish, all persons conceroed, to appear at
j my office within the lime prescribed by law
Ito show cause, if any they have, why said
Letters should not be granted.
Givt n under my hand at office this 2Gth
day of July, 18-.'B.
ti. D WY’LIE, Ordinary.
NOTMjjfeT 7 "”
j-J C: s.f . i 1 ; . gs.
I t ;. l.:. )m .sons inuO .l l-i tlie . stale ol .
j V. il i,nn*Ev: t,s, 1 { of G ;r<s n co.iu
| ty deceased, are r quested to make imme
| dial payment; find those hiving claims a.“
i gains; s it E-tare are hereby notified to
present them in t mis of the 1 iw.
•i Yi E 1. IV v . > „ ,
LEM. E. EVANS, } Lx rs -
July loth, 18 8. nJG--40Js
IK w |o
JSi” i SJ il
! A , f*- *S” A f-r-a
xact a u s, it l%x xC M
mi hAhhi ririA.
A Benevolent Justituti m established hv
special Endow ment for the iteiiefof
the Sick .'■!! Dtstretrsed, i.fil.cted
witii Virulent and Lpi iemio
rmi-E n )WAUD ASBOCI\TIO. in view ‘
ni tht'aw ul Lsfruction ~f human !
j life, caused by .Sexual diseases, and- the j
! deceptions practiced upon the mitWtum>re'l
| viciiia- i 4 sucti diseases by Quacks, sever i
j ;il yea s ago directed their G< nsu’rit g Sin— j
i peon, ns a GH.U.ITABi.K ACT worthy of J
j iheir name, to open a for the j
j treatment i tii s class of dise-ises, in fill I
; their forms, and to give MEDICAL AU
; VICE GltAl 1 to all who apply by letter,
| with a ue.cripiiou ol their condition, |age,
j occupation, bald's of life, t Ve .) and'in
j ease-of extreme poverty, to FURNISH
! needless to add that the Association coin
minds tli- highest Medical skill of tlie age,
and will tarnish the most approved modern
; treatment.
‘1 he Directors of the Association, in their
| Annual Report upon the treatment of Sex
; U: ‘l Diseases for the rear ending Januar
i Ist, 1858, express the highest satisfaeti in
| with the success which has attended the
labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the
cure of Spermatorrhoea, Semii al Weak**
ness, Impot nee, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphi
lis. tlie vice of Onanism or Self-abuse. ,\c.,
and order a continuance of the same plan
for the ensuing year.
‘J he Directors, on a review of lie past,
feel insured that their labors in this sphere
of benevolent ffbrt have been of great
beuefit to the nfil cted, especially to tlie
young and they have resolved to deVote
themselves, with renewed zeal, to. this very
important and much despised came.
An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea,
or Seminal \V -akness, the vice ofOnanism,
Masturbation, or Self abuse, and other dis
eases ot the sexual organs, by the Consul*,
ting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a
sealed envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, ou
receipt of TVO STAMPS for postage.
Other Hop its and Tracts on the nature
and treatment of sexual diseases, diet, &c ,
are constantly being published for gratui
tous distribution, and will lie sint to tlie
affiioted. Some of the new remedies and
methods of treatment discovered during the
last year, tire of great value.
Address, for Report or treatment, Dr.
GLoIIGE It. CALHOUN, Consulting Sit
geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South
Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors.
LZR.4 D. lIKAKTWELL, l'res’t.
May loth, 1&58. n37v018 ly
fj HE Copartnership heretofore existing
1 between James M. Fields fond John
Gregory, under the title of Fields it Greg
ory, is th s day dissolved by mutual con
fccut. Tois August 1-t, 1808
augl2uoo 3ts
MAVE removed to their WffW
STOH23 (known as the Fain
j hd IVi u tup building,) which they haT*
recently purchased and fitted up in very
handsome style, and are now: fast filling up
with J
Strictly Nevtr
mi nil sum
One of the Firm has just returned from
New Yolk, where he purchased a heavy
j Stock of *’ ■ I
Comprising every variety of
Ladle’s & Senltemen’s Dress Coodf f
Glovfs, Hosiery, Ribbons and Trimming*,.
Minte Goods, Embroideties, a splendid va*
riety. White and Colored Stella Shawls and
M u,tilbi3 of Silk and Lace ’ Also Bn elo*
gant Stock Ladle’s BoDneta, trimmed
and plain of the handsomest designs; a
large Mock of House Furnishing and Plana
tei’s Goods, 1300t3, Shoes, Hats, and
Manufacture I by the best City Tailors.
We respectfully invite the attention of
tue puMic, to our Stock of Goods, especial 4 *
:y those
e would sayl that we are permanently
located here—expect to keep up a good
supply of Goods suited to the wants of thf
people of tliis section of country, and we
pledge ourselves to use every effort in our
power to make it the interest of Cash buy*
er<* to give us their patronage.
D - s -
More of Them!!
,4a now receiving direct from tha
J'.'wL Eastern Cities, the largest and most
complete STOCK of GOODS ever offered for
sale in this market.
Their Stock consists of a complete an*
sortm-ent of
Staple and Fancy
In a word, they have a well assorted
riot of everything wanted by the public.
A I of which i3 offered upon the very beet
of terms. All they ask, is, for one and all
to cali end see them and satisfy themselvea
as to tlie rare inducements offered for trade.
- TK-h cuaii.nvers'vriil he VvaiSed fc-Tlk’ “
• promptness by the members of the Firm,
C’-oir polite and attentive Clerks.-J
- iey lucre rove say to their former friends
a:i i customers, especially to their prompt
P >yi gones. come on and rapplv yourselvea
up.ui the very best ofterms. Their motto
sales and short
! pr.OEiES,”
i; i-.y u up return their thanks for the ve
rv !L oral patronage which the public has
Urctofo-e extended to them. They also
express the liope that those owing them for
1 st year’s accounts will call and settle by
Giiah or Note.
Calhoun. Ga., March 31st, r 6B. ts
‘I/o Debtors and Creditors^
A LL persons indebted to the Estate of
xA William L. Rogers, late of the
‘county of Whitfield, deceased, axe requesa
f< >l to come forward and make payment
inline lately. And all persons havingdte
ni:mis against said Estate are notified ta
present tnein duly proven, within the time
prescribed by law.
May £7, 1858. n 39 40da ‘
C-ordoji County:
YTTHEKEAS O. P. Heath applies to me
VV iVr Letters of Guardianship over the
pc-rsou and property of Benjamin J F J.
Bennett., minor lieir of R. F. Bennett, det
ceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned to be and appear t
my office within the time prescribed by law
to show cause, if any they have, why said
Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 16th
day of August, 1858.
SAM’L D. WYLIE, Ordinary.
August. 10th, 1858. vol 4 no l 30da.
Administrator’s Sale
GEORGIA, Got ton County.
BY Virtne of an Order passed by the
Court of Ordinary of said County,
VviLL be sold be'ore the Court HoUse doer
iu the town of Cu houn, la said county, on
the first Tuesday in October neit, within
die legal hours of sale, the following pro
perty, to wit;
Lot ot Land No. 68, ahd ono*fourth of
Lot of Land No. 28, both in the 16th Diet,
and 3rd Section, and one-half of Lot of
Land No. 140 in the 24th District and Brd
Section, all originally the county of Cheroo
bee. now the said county. Sold subjeot to
the widow’s dower. Property of the Estate
of David Black, late of said county deoeas*
ed, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of the Estate of said deoeased.
Terms made known on the day of sale.—•
August 10th, 1858.
Religious Notice*
TIIE members of the New ProVidenot
Church, with whom the Middle Cherokee
Baptist Association meets shortly* takp
this method of saying to the Delegatet that
m.iy prefer to come by Railroad, that they
will be met at Resaca Depot on Friday bos
fore, at the hour of ten o’clock, with oon*-
vcyances to carry them out to the eburob.
By order of the brethren.