The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, October 28, 1854, Image 3

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mmmmum <*r^ r M4 ViifUU MnUg»M*i W» are informed bj Mr. Mom Lynch, Chief Engineer on the East Tenne*- mc and Virginia lUilroed, that on Friday hut, he made a moat foTorahle contract with the well known firm of Maxwell, Briggs ft Co., of this city, for the mtner- ■truction on all the bridges not heretofore placed under contract, from Knoxville to the State tine, at the town of Bristol. Mr. Lynch gives us moat cheering infor mation of the progress that baa been made on this road during the last summer, the masonry and grading is in a most forward state, and has been executed in a manner most creditable to all concerned and which will greatly redound to the credit and pros perity of the road in future years, and it is hoped will entirely do away with the great item of expense often encountered by roads in operation, by reason of defective or ini' perfect construction at the outset. Mr. Lynch informs us that the iron for this road will commence arriving at Savan nah the incoming year, and that the com pany will be ready to commence the work of track laying by the time the roads in conjunction with theirs are able to transfer the material. Thus it will be seen that we may look forward to the early completion of this link in the great line of road, from the extreme South to the extreme North. This is a con summation most devoutly to be wished, and when these lines shall have been completed, ear people will enjoy the advantage of imme diate proximity to the greatestfthoroughfare on the continent, the advantages of which to our farming, mining and mechanical in terest will be incalculable, and it will serve to develops the vast resources of this re gion which are even now almost inaccessible, — Register,23d inst. Dextbkitv or Love.—A young lady of Namur, of good family, having a gallant, was at a loss in conducting their correspon dence, which was to fix their repeated as signations. A hair-dresser, not an unusual messenger in love, was chosen as the agent; but how eseape the vigilance of her father, a widower, who had a perpetual eye on her conduct? Singular as it may appear, the eld gentleman’s wig was chosen as the letter box. He wore a bag, which his daughter used to take off every evening when he called for his night cap, and was sure to find a billet from her lover, which the hair dresser had placed there in the morning when he affixed the bag, and which the old gentleman had unsuspectingly carried about all the day. She had sufficient time to pe ruse it, and replace her answer, whieh the hairdresser withdrew in the morning, to de liver to her lover. Decapitated by the Cabs.—The Ro chester Union of the 17th inst., learns by a gentleman who came frrfm Niagara Falls, on Monday evening, that the train which loft that place at about 4 P. M., ran over a man near the Suspeasion Bridge, under the following singular circumstances:—-^The man was discovered by the engineer, walk ing between the rails; the usual signals were given and the train checked, but the man paid no attention to the cars. The pi lot struck him, and threw him in such a position that his head wa% severed from his body—the former falling between the rails, and the latter rolling into the ditch beside the track. The train had but three coach es, and had come so near a stop when the accidont occurred, that the head of the un fortunate man was found under the cars.— lie was not identified, nor was his strange conduct accounted for. He was probably deaf, or had determined upon suicide. B; tlw Rev. Jm. HtpouM, c»lb* KUj, » Walton county, John W. Stnom, J*4-» Miss Nancy D. Hmiuw, Jangbur of th* lulu KUsha Kenderaon, Sag. I In Gwinnett County Ga. on the waning of tho 18th but, by tbs fiw. Janas C. futtanoa, Mr. B. Frajck Jolts of NewTsck, toMua Mast A* youngest daughter of William Nasbit - Bag., of Gwinnett Co. Died) in thin city, on tlf 16th inot.Mr. Ebewxsxb Robinson, lain lommiamon mer chant of Chattanooga, Ten*., aged 37 years. Chattanooga pope* please copy. tanooga papox please OMMEigiL™ Atlanta, October 27th. Cottoi.—In this artist we continue our quo tation: of yesterday—6/ to H oenta—about 40 bales were sold. Exchange, on New York U rolling at} percent premium. On CharlesOB and Savannah 1 per cent. Bacon.—We quote h« round to 11 12. Hams 12 J to 14 cents. Sides Ribs 12$ eta. Sides clear 12 to 13. Shoulders 10 a 11 cents. Lard by the bW. 1,'J to 14'cta. leaf. Ison. Swedes 5* todie; English 5 to 5$ cents; Nails have advanced to d a 8J eta. Conn is soiling at 74 to 100. Conn Meal, 851» 100 eents. Pork, Hog round 0 cents. Bbsf, By the quarter, d 5$ eeete. Swekt Potatoes 30 to 75 per bushel. Irish Potatoes 75 to 100 per busheL Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, @ 62,50, Liquors.—French Brandy, $2,50 to $3,00 per g&UoB : Domestic 50 to 75c. Peach do. 00 a 75 cents. Whiskey 45 a 50 cents. Gin 50 to 00. Rum 45 to 00 eents. Wee at.—G»od will bring to $1,40 per bushel readily. Flock.—City Mill from $4 to 4$ per hundred. Bm-RR, Country, 30 to 25 ets. Goshen, 35 eta. per pound. Tenn. Butter, 18 a 20 by the Keg." Fair N. O. Sugar, by hbd. 54- Prime u “ '* 64. Choice “ “ . “ 8-. Syrup, X 0. by bbl. 30 to 33 cts. gal. Extra Whiskey “ 46 “ “ Star Caudles per boa 28 “ lb. No. 1 Rio C-oSee by sack 12* to^lo “ “ Gcrut Baogino 16 to 18 ets. Rope 11 to 13 cents. Chickens, 15 to 30 cents. Eoes, 15 to 30 cents. Focdeb, 75 to 100 per hundred. Peas, $1.00 to $1.30 Feathers.—40 to 45. Cardle*.—Sperm 37 to 45c. Tallow 30 to 22c. Avuosta, Oct. 25. Corron.—Nothing doing in the Cotton market, nor will bo until the fever subsidee. GReccRiES.—- The business is stall eondned to supplying small country orders. Large additions have keen made to the stocks of our merchants withia the last month, and on the re-opening ef business, the Augusta market will offer induce ments to country Merchants thatthey will not be able to find elsewhere. Bacon.—The stock Is on the inoceaae, and pri- oes are lower. Good clear Tennessee sides are selliag at 12, ribbed at 11*. Western ribbedsidee at 10@lli. Shoulders are scarce and Western is selling at 9}@10 cents by the quantity. Coun.—Prices tend downwards. 8ome Norik Carolina has reached this market, and is selling at $1,06 per bushel in small lata. Retailing from tores at $l,12@$l,25. New Corn in selling by the load at 90 to $1. Flour.—Prices are also easier for this article, lit ef bbls. from Charlotte, N. C., has reached this market, and is selling at $9£@$10 per bbl. according to quantity. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 23.—Cotton market an. hanged 25,00, bales middling sold at 8). Naw Molasses 234. LOUISVILLE, Oct, 23.—It has been raining here for eight boars. Thirty inches water in the anal. Departed, the Fanny Bullitt. LADIES of every variety and style Bmhroideriet, Ribbon*, Hot*, Cays, Boot* Shoe*, together with a Urge stack of Sttfls Goods, Siadwan. Saddlery, A Also, keep courts at! jr on hand a Stock of Pure Lksb, Ewe, Paw*, Pent, Glass, he. Oar Stock of IBW OUliVI OlOCZKIIt la complete, aad wiB offisr Inducements, as our motto is abort prodts aad quick solos. Oct. 27th. ISM, tMSm H. W. GOZABT h SOX. A TKW BEEBE’S. r f yon wish to buy your HATS eheap, aad gets good article, call at the subscriber* where you can hare a large aad well selected stock to select from H. W. OOZART & SON. QA CASES SHOES offering at a reduced price by UU H. W. COKART fc SON. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The Collins Strankrh.—A London letter in the Now York Express, dated August 22, j er, Bath, says: ” SAVANNAH, Oct. 24.—Arrived, Steamship Augusta, Lyon, New York; steamship State of Georgia, Gar van, Philadelphia; ship Clara, Coop- Me.; brig Philura, Lockwood, New York. ■the action of the House of Representatives , on the Collins line of steamers gives general ioy here. The enemies of that line are the best frieuds England overbad. The Collius iine of steamers and the yacht American have done more to attract attention to, and inspire confidenoe in American power and capability, than all our battles upon land or sea. The British Government would give millions to have the monopoly of steam be tween the old world and new, and the Brtish people are ready to supply our marine with two Cunardcrs for every Collins ship with drawn. ]From the New Orleans Picayune, Oct. 21.] LATER FROM TEXAS. Arrival of the Steamer Nautilus. The steamer Nautilus, Capt. Thompson, whoso arrival at the bar was reported in our yesterday's evening edition, reached the levee about 9 o'clock last night. She had been detained at Brazos Santia go by low water. She left there on the 17th inst. for this port, rut Galveston, leaving the latter on the 18tli. We have full tilosof Texas papers by her. The Galveston Times, of tho 16tli', says there were then no cases of fever in tho city, exoept among those who had irapru- dontly returned, or among the shipping.— Mr. Hudson Gaston, of Fort Beua county, had died of the disease at Washington, Texas. The same paper says the Brazos river was again getting low. The Houston Telegraph states there had been considerable increase in the mortality from yellow fever since the 10th. There were tour interments on the 11th, four on tho 12th, and three on the 13th. The opin ion prevailed, however, that the sickness was over. The Victoria Advocate says that two cases of yellow fever had occurred in that town ; one a young man in the Government em-1 ployment at Indianola, the other a teamster from Lavaca. Both were getting well, and the town was entirely healthy—witli pleas ant weather. The Galveston papers report that the first passage through their canal was made by the stearalioat Guadalupe on the 12th inst. Mrs. Seawell was shot on the 16th, while CHARLESTON, Ort. 25.—Arr. Brig Frances Jana, Guptill, Boston; brig Joseph, Burton, Rock- port, Me.; brig Iris, Hosmer, Rockland, Me.; U. S. M. steamship Southerner, Ewan, New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. JOHN R. WALLACE Jl BKO’S. LATE ARRIVAL— tit * 8 ■»t las tlauo for W tutor Wear sad Use! 1006 yds. Home-mode Joans, various colors. 300 prs. “ “ Wool Socks, “ sires. 500 yds. “ “ Linseys. BEST LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, CONSTANTLY RE CEIVING. To these special outward comforts, we can add, for the inner man— 30,000 lbs. Bacon, iachiding choice Hams. 5000 !bs. beet Leaf Lard, in barrels and cans for family use. As one of our firm resides in Tennesaoe and is en gaged in the purchase of the above articles, wc are enabled to offer them of the best quality— and as iow as the lowest. To the above we can add agood selection of Groce ries, from N. Orleans, Baltimore and New York; a good supply of Carpenter’s Tools of every description, Nails, and Hardware generally. Farmer’s supplies,^, Bagging, Rope, Salt, Iron, Ac.; Clover Seed, Blue Grass, Timothy and Herd Grass or Red Top Seed. For Painting—Beet No. I aud pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, Lamp Black, Litharge—also a pa tent Drier, snperior to Litharge, lately in use— Varnishes of all kinds, Brushes, Paint mills, Ac. For the Mining interest, we keep Blasting Powder. Octagon or eight-sided steel for Drills, Hammers. 2. Safety fuse, Ac.; Oil and burning Fluid of the best description kept constantly on hand. In short, it will be our aim to keep all useful ar ticles that may be called for. JOHN R. WALLACE.) ... . _ C. H. WALLACE. j AtUnte ’ Ga - J. W. WALLACE, Shelbyville, Tenn. Atiaata, Oct.’ 27, 1854. 28dAw2m EZRA T. MOSES, COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANT. Savannah, Ga. W 'lLL pay strict attention to all business entrusted to hi* eare. 14/ ILL be sold. before the Court House Hoot in V v the city of Atlanta. :a fbb first Tuosdny lx November hext, within the legal henrs of sale, tin following property, to- Lewis E. Thoms i’ Interest in a house aad lot ir the oitycf Atlanta, cumber cot known, containing half ta acre, more cr ks-:. lying on new Whitohai street adjoining laud? of Dr. Westmoreland whereon the defendant now lives, levied on a* tht property of Lewis E. Thomas to satisfy a fifa jbr ,-aed from a Justices Court, 1026th district, G. " Seagc, Abbott A Co., va. Lewis H made and returned tqfne by J. R Cain, eonste'bje. Also, lot of nnnd number enss' hundred andmiae- GaTOGA^MTfnis.nrt. (17) district o originally Henry, uo^rtjpen County, oootainin; two hundred two and a hfeif (202*1 acree more c less, levied on as the property of T. J. Steven*, t, satisfy a fifa issued from! Fill ten Inferior Cour in favor of O. Houston A Mon vg. Thomas J. Ste vens, property pointed oufiby defendant. Also, the Interest of B. jF. Grubb* in a house and lot in the city of Atlanta, number not known, whereon he now resides, hying on Arms street, ad joining lands of MilliganlSmith und Wm. Forsytl containing half an acre nr»re or less, levied on n, property of B. F. Grubb tc* satisfy a fifa issuer from a Justices Court, 1026th district, G. M.. E. B. A J. F. Reynolds vs. B. ,F. Grubb, maker ano J. A. Flournoy, endorser, property pointed out by J. A. Flournoy, levy made a(wi returned to me by J. R. Cain, constable. (, Also. W. C. Mayson’s interest in four acres of land more or leer, number not known, with im provements thereon, bounded east bv Felix Sow er’s lot, west by E. Payne’s lot, and south by n narrow street or alley, known as MaySOir* and Walker's Brick-yard, aud now in possession ofJ. F. Walker, levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas., is sued from DeKalb Inferior Court, one in favor ol Bones A Brown, vs. W. C. Mayson, maker, and Allan E. Johnson, endorser, ami four in favor of the officers of the court of DeKalb county, vs. W. C. Maysoa. Also, a house and lot in the city of Atlanta, number not known, situate between Peters’ street and the Macon A Was tern railroad, and fronting on Ihe East side of Peters' street, containing lj acres, more or less, and now occupied by Clark Talbot, and sold by Thomas Medarris to Thomae Uearns, levied on to satisfy two fifas from the Jus tices’ Court 1026th District. G. M.; Thomas Me- •larris vs. Thomas Hearne: levy made and return ed bo me by J. R. Cain, constable. Also, a house and lot iu the city of Atlanta, number not knows, situated on the center of White 'll 11 and Peters’ streets, and fronting otr the East side of Whitehall st, and also fronting the resi- ■lerace of A. W. Mitchell, supposed to contain ono- cigbth of an acre, more or less, levied on as the property of John T. Davis, to satisfy a fifa issued f rom Fulton Inferior Court, in favor of Beniamii Thorman vs. John T. Davis and James C. Davis. Sec’ty.; property pointed out by plaintiff. Gel 5. 1854. J. S. SMITH. Sh’ff. Messrs. L. Trapmaa k Co., ) ‘ ‘ Wardlaw Walker aad Burnside, y Charlestcn “ • James Adger k Co., ) 41 Hall A Moses, 44 Catlin, Levitt A Oe., Yort 41 . Purvis, Gladden A Co., New Orleans. 14 A. A. Solomons ACa., Savannah. Hall A Moses, Columbus. Savannah, October 24th, 1854. Qd—dwim To su. who use Ijqcoa as a M edict.v* or ah Beverage.—Physicians who prescribe Al coholic Liquors for medicinal purposes should give the preference to Wolfe's Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps. 1. It is manufactured at Sciedam, in Holland, and exclusively in the factory of the proprietor, by pro- cesms aud from materials elsewhere unemployed and nnksowu. 2. It is proved, by the repeated analysis of several eminent chemists, to he entirely free from the perni cious fusil oil which remains In evety kind of Liquor distilled from gmin, and which is the cause of the ner- Tnao nod visoeral derangement, serious congestion, and morbid desire for habitual and intemperate indul gence, which such Hqnors invariably (tend to superin duce. 3. It is proved by the same unerring tests that the luiffrerGm is no flavored with the coarse, acrid and in digestible oil of juniper heretofore used, but with this specifically lighter, more volatile, aromantie and me dicinal of the two essential oils of the Italian juniper berry, neglected by every other manufacturer 4. It is chemically proved to be absolutely pure In its rectifications—a quality obtained by an entirely new process, and which no other Hottand Gin in the world has acquired. 5. It is proved by extensive medical experience and testimony, to be an efficient as well as an agreable rem edy in many cases of incipient dropsy, gravel, chronic, gout, rheumatism, flatulence, colic, concretions in the kidney and bladder, dyspepsia, fever and ague, general debility, sluggish circulation of the blood, deficient as similation of food and exhausted vital energy. fi. U is a most grateful and Teaovating cordial, and when used as directed, never inflames the system or induces iuebric-ty, but tends rather to subdae the latter frailty, by creating a dislike to all inferior liquors.— And it invariably corrects the ill effects of bad water, whether in swampy or limestone districts. In all of these enumerated qualitiee it has no rival in any mark et in the world. Put up in quart and pint bottles with the Proprie tor's name on the bottle, cork and label. For sale in Savannah, by the following firms, at New York prices : A. C. Solokoxs, A Co. J. H. Carter A Cb. John B. Moore. W. W. Goodrich. A. Backer. McMahon A Doth. In Charleston, 3. C., by the following firms: P. M. Cohen A Co. NmAos Carter. HrteianT), Harral A Co. Kunk A WjCKRXHrRO. A. Klbuc* A Co. John F. O’Nmr.. A. Van Douon. Tnomah K. Cltdk. LaNNIUU A BrKKMTER. Folun A Focroeacd, And by all the respectable druggists and grocers in the United States. CDOLPHO WOLFE, 6ole Manufacturer and Importer, 18, 20 A 22 Beaver street, New York. Il-d3m. [Z?jr Authority of the Elate oj Alabama ] SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. GRAND SCHEME! Class 6. TO BK DRAWN THE THIRTIETH Or XOVEtfBER : ffgyCm* Price to 20 Tickets—and remember, every prise drawn Capitals 4 fil5000 “ 500’ “ 4000 “ 3001- •• 200c ’• 15013 “ 1100 44 5 of 51,000 50uf! In aH,501 prixei, amounting to 860,000 jryTickets $10—Halves and Quarters in proportion. Approximation Frizes The two preceeding and two following numbers to those that win the two first Capital Prizes, will be each entitled to $26 00, and those in the same prox imity to tbe third and fourth Capital prizes, w ill be entitled to $12 50 each. OS'l’rice of Whole Tickets $5; Halves $1 bO; Quar- ters$l 26 eents. Be it distinctly understood, that all the Prize’ above stated, will be drawn at the drawing, and will be paid without discount within ten days after tt<- drawing, The manner of drawing is as follows: All the Num bers are placed in one wheel and ail tbe Prizes in another, then a Ticket is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, at the same time one is drawn from the wheel of Prizes—whatever Prizes come out is placed to the credit of that Nnmber, and so on they con tinue to draw In until the whole number of Prize- are drawn. PersoM wishing tickets are requested to forward their orders at as early a day as possible. tBf All communications strictly confidential. BAM’L SWAN, Agent. At the Bronze Lions, Montgomery. Ala OX.Orders for tickets received by A. W. JONES, sole Agent for Atiaata. Office on Marietta street. Wasted. A good, New foundland dog pop, for which A a fair price will be paid. Apply at this office. Oct. 24 Homestead Law of Force ! pHE undersigned offers for .ale SOO acres of Land * on the oast back of the Little Tallapoosa river—five miles from Weedoweli, in Randolph County, Alabama, containing about ISO acres of bottom land, 50 acres cleared and the balance well timbered. The place con tains sufficient water power for any kind of Machinery, and a number of fine springs, and is situated in the healthiest section of Alabama. For terms apply to the aabscriber at Rockdale, Alabama, or to James McCain, on the premises. FRANCIS M. PFKRYMAX. Oct 24 wlm A Warning. j Delay not; harbor not in your mind that sen S tcnce of fool*' phitlosophy, that a disease will get cured of itself or that you cau cure it with certain , . medicines for a few dollar*. Beware bow you tamper endeavoring to separate and pacify her two j with your general welfare. sons, one Of whom was threatening to shoot Y« wild and vicious youths, why will you persist in the Other <W>slcg with the filthy nauseating compounds daily D " ... ,,, . . j profited, thereby impairing your appetiteaad digestion, luC Brownsville v tag, Of the 7tll mst., - and destroying you mentally as well as phycally. when reports the arrest of Capt. Armstrong, clerk j b ‘‘ enr ® d wi,h * r, * w d<w " of patent medi- of the Steamboat Camancho, and bis iin- I Ye rakesof every age and roodition, why will ye *uf- pnsonment at Camargo, for having violated j fer and repine, and drag out a miserable existence, the order that no one should cross the river | “ Without a passport. He had Simply gone restored to health and Tigor by a treatment at once ashore with a party to collect wood, ana in pltosaiit and effectual, should commit Dr. MORRIS. ImnNiiM nf tL n’l - Hie success In chronic diseases has been greater than Ignorance or the dec ree. This was repre- that of any other physician of his day. Many who Rented to the MeXICAn authorities, but they bar* been for yean afflicted with diseaHe or’conae- refused to release him. *" I quences re*ulti»gfrom •xee«H. have been restored to Tlx.. iL*. ’ i c *.\ • h«j*.lth and vigor under hU ally rescientific treatment Ihe reports of the renufoe of the lneur- j gents is fully confirmed. They had re- crossed the Bravo, driven quite out of the Mexican territory. Many of them were in Brownsville. The crons throughout Texas will be gen erally good, it is said. tSt J The Chicago Tribune says that Mr. Lecompte, President Pierce’s Chief Justice for Kansas, and the gentleman who is to decide upon the legality of Slavery in that Territory, has taken slaves along with him. DR. W. T. C. CAMPBELL returns thanks to hi* friends and the public for the liberal patronage bestowed, and, iu asking for a continuance of tbe same, informs them that he U still to be found at his old stand, over A. Alexander’s drug store, White-hall St., where he still plugs teeth in the best manner and warrants them to stand, also inserts teeth on gold or platina plates with continuous gum, or the best style of block teeth—from one to a full set, by auction, or in any wav to suit the taste. Particular attention paid to children*’ teeth, and all operations warranted. Those needing anything in his line are requested to call and examine specimens of his work. Examinations i and advice free I References—all for whom he has operated, j Atlanta, Oct. 19 ’54. 2J—dwly ER LAWSHE HaS always on hand a Am stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES AMD and is prepared to hare watch-work of every descrip tion done up in nasi rate style and warraated. Allat. nta, Sep25th, 1864. 1—dwly Notice. T HE ijubscriber being now prepared to manufac tnre Burning Fluid, will sell the a lx Fulton November Sales. W 'ILL BE SOLD before the oonrt house door in the city of Atlanta, Fulton county, on the first Tuesday in November next, withia the legal boars of sale, the following property, to wit: Three city low in the city of Atlanta, numbers two, three, and thirteen, in Mock thirty-three, in the plan of the city, each being & pert of lot oi and numbered sevonty-seven, in the fourteenth district of—originally Ilonry. now—Fulton coun ty. and bounded as follows : Lot* number two and three, fronting on tbe west side of Whitehall st., sixty feet, running back west one hundred and lira feet to an alley; lot number thirteen, fronting on the north side of Peters’ street, thirty feet, and miming back north one hundred and five feet— levied ou as the property of Bernard T- Lamb, to satisfy the following Jt.fa*.—three from Fulton Superior Court and in favor of Baker and Hart, und one in favor of Gustavus Yolgar and one ir favor of French aud Butler, all against Bernard T. Lamb, one from DeKalb Inforior Court—in fa vor ef Baker aud Wiieox, vs. Bernard T. Lamb, ■ind one from Fulton Inferior Court—in favor of Scranton Stark aud Davis vs. B. T. Lamb, prop erty pointed out by defendant- Also, a lot in the city of Atlanta, distinguished in the plan of said city ae lot number one hundred •ind thirty-four, it being a part of land lot number .ifty-one, in the fourteenth district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, containing two acres more or less, levied on as the property of Elois Ixe- man, to satisfy a fifa issued from the Justices’Court of the 1026th Dist.. G. M., in favor of J. R. Wal lace vs. Elois Izem&n, levy made by a constable. Also, a negro woman, by tbe name of Violet, about thirty-five years of age, of dark color, the ■ •rdverty of Caldwell & Griffin, and one hundred acres of land, more or less, lying on the waters of Utoy Creek, in the fourteenth district of originally Henry now Fulton county, adjoining the land of Ji.el Herring and Timothy Chambles, the property »f Thomas Griffin, all levied on to satisfy a fifa is- sued from DeKalb Snperior Court, in favor of J. S. k L. Bowie vs. Leroy Griffin and E. M. Griffin, principals, and James Caldwell and Thomas Grif fin as securities, property pointed out by Caldwell J: Griffin. T. J. PERKERSON, D. Sh’ff. October 5 th, 1854. FULTON MORTGAGE SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door in the city of Atlanta, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: Jordan, a negro man: Howard, a hoy; Jesse, a man; Tom, a mini: Anderson, a man, and Jack, a man—all levied on as tho property of C. L. Wright, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa., Issued from Fulton Inferior court, in favor of David Meri wether and Charles F. Newton, vs. U. L. Wright. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. fa. Oct. 5, 1854. T. J. PERKERSON, Deputy Sheriff. Georgia Fulton county. W 'HERS:AS Mary- Ann Matilda Speights has thi* day applied to me for letter* of administration on the estate of John W. Speights, late of said county deceas ed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within tbe time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under ray hnnd and seal at office this 2d dav of October 1854. JOSEPH H. MEAD. Ordinary. 14 ’ILL be sold before the Commit Room, in the city > » of Atlanta, pq the flret Mcwfog la December, the following property, to-wit; City lot aembor forty-eevea (47} off bo* tot number iftreae, (51) by virtue at a fieri fades Is favor of tbe 4ajot a. Council of the city of Atlanta vs. John &- minger, for hie eKy tax for tbo year 1664. Abo, ooity tot oc Mitchell street, with a black- mlth chop oa H, levied on aa the property of Thomas lea roe, to satisfy a fifa in favor of the Mayor k Coun cil vs. Thoma* Hearne, for city tax for th* year 1*54. Abo, a erty lot lying on Peachtree street, levied on by virtue a of fifa for city tax, eu land-lot No. iff, the property of W. C. Huge. Also, a ally tot lying in front of H. T. People’*, on land lot No. $4. Also, a oity lot lying oe ley street, where Mr. Ham mond now lire*. Also, a city lot oa Whitehall street and branch, tot on land tot No. 77, ae the property of A. M. Watte. Also, a citv tot on Wheat street on land let No. 51, city tot No. 57. Also, a city tot on toad lot No. 51, levied on ae the property of George K. Fraser. Also, a city tot No. 147, on land tot No. 79. whereon the defendant now lives—W. Whitaker. Also, a city lot, number not known, whereon tbe de fondant now Km—D. H. SUvey. ! . Also, a city tot No. 1, land lot No. 77, whereon tbe defendant now fives B. Clayton. A city tot, number not know a, known ae Kile’s Gro cery, claimed by James Kile. ^A city lot No. 76, whereon A. S. Rhodes now fives. A city tot, No. 122, on land lot No. 52, levied on as tbe property of Lochfin Fannin. A city lot whereon W. C. HoBaday new five*, on Mitche'f street. A city tot on Hunter and Prior streets, where the livery stable is. tbe property ef W. H. Dieksoo. A city lot, number not known ; said tot fronts tbe Georgia Railroad, where J. J. Martin now fives. A city tot, number not known, fronts Peachtree street, where the defendant now fire*—James Langston. A city lot on Macon k Western Railroad, the proper tv of J. S. Lumpkin. A city tot fronting Peachtree street, tbe property of James F. Walker. A city tot fronting Peachtree street, where Felix Sowers now fives. A city tot fronting on the Macon A Western Railroad, where Jesse Timmons now Hres. A oity tot, number not known, fronting on Alabama street, whereon L L. Ledbetter now lives. A city lot, No. 17, on land tot No. 77. frosting Ala bama street, the property ef Ilonry Carlton. A city tot. No. fi, fronting on Houston street, where oa John J. Lane now lives. A city lot. No. 121. fronting Collin* street, whereon Willis Carlisle now fives. A city tot, number net known, fond lot No. $6, as the property of E. D. Crawford. - • A city tot. No. $, on Und tot No. 77, whereon B. T- Iamb keeps store. A oity tot on McDonough street, No. 26, tbe property of Meredith Brown. A city tot, No 46, fronting Decatnr and Collins streets, whereon Dr. D’Alvigny now fives. A city tot on Forsyth street, on Und tot No. 77, tbe property of E. L. D. Crowell. A city tot, No. 76. Und tot No. 5, the property of David Crockett. A city lot oa MeDooeugh street, whereon G. B. Hay- £ood BOW lives. A city lot, number net known, fronting on Marietta -1 reet, property of Hiram Province, whereon be now live*. A city lot on Decatur street, known as the FormwaH place, the property of Thomas Anbury. A oity tot on Peachtree street, tbo property of George Schoenborger. A city tot on Decatur street, the property of W. H. Harvfl. A city tot, fronting on Marietta and Peaoht ree streets, the property of Thomas KBe. A city lot fronting on Hunter street, the property of B. T. Utah. A oity tot, fronting on Walton street, the property of G. W. Thomason. A city tot, fronting on Peachtree street, th* property of H. W. Newton. And a fifa in favor of Mayor aad Council of the city of Atiaata against P. J. ImmeU, city let fronting on Whitehall street. All of which I have served the above stated cases this day, October 2d, 1(54 B. N. WILLIFORD, CHy Marshal. I A GREEABLE m on order •t the Court of Ordi nary of DeKalb county, will be sold before the Court Hooee door in Decatur, ou the first Tuesday iu December next, withia the legal hours o! sale, the following property, to-wK: One negro boy, Anderson, 16 year* of age; a woman, Martha, 25 years of ago; Ann, a girl 11 yean old. All sold for tho beuloftt of tbo hobs and creditors ef tho estate of Arthur Leitch, deceased. Terms made known on day of solo. Oct. 5. 1854. SARAH ANN LEITCH, Adm’r. greater part of land tot, number seventy-six, “* Util District of, originally Henery, now Folton-eoento containing brigtoeRy 202H acres more or all lyiugta th* city of Atlanta. ThUproperty nlg ln. Hold in lot* Of from one to five acres A plat or tne lo. can be had upon application t« the dnderslAw. • Sold by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary q DeKalb County, to make partition and for the benefi of tbe heirs and creditors of said Estate. Said sale to be eou tinned from day to day. If necessary, stllsll 1, sold. JOSEPH THOMl'SON. Adm’r. until all is sold. Oct. 19tb 1851. Administrator's Sale. O N Thursday, tho 9th day of November aoxt, wi! be sohl at the Johnson House, the late residence h Alien E. Johnson, deceased, all the perishable property of said deceased, consisting in part of one horse an< buggy, one yoke of oxen and waggons, one steam boilvi about fifteen horse power, seme cows, calves, and year lings, one mahogany Sofa, one fine piano torte. Togeth er with all the household and, an< many other articles not necessary tomeation Sale ti- continue from day to day until -aRare sold. Terin.- tnade known on dav of sale. Oct. 18tlr. 1864. JOHN H. JOHNSON, ) WILLIAM H. FDRGUSSON, X. B. Any person wishing to purchase the Steam Boiler can find it lying near the Georgia Railroad Depot Work Shop, and examine it for themselves. Administrator’a Sale. W ILL be sold, by order of the Court of Ordi nary of Fnlton county, on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door, ir, Atlanta, Fulton county, within the legal hours oi sale—one Gold Watch, one lot of Gold Miniature frames, one Stiver Cream Pot, one sett Aud-irons, one Flute, a lot of Books, and various other arti cle* too tedious to mention. Sold as the property of Adelaid Walthall decease, for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. B. F. BOMAR, Atlanta, October 14th, T854. Adm’r.. Administrator's Sale. Georgia, Cobb County- \ GREEABLY to an order of tho Court of Or- A dinary of DeKalb county, passed on the 2d of October instant, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Marietta, ou the first Tuesday in December, between tbe legal hour® of sole, lot of land number three hundred, (300,) in the 20th district and 2d section of Cobb county ; sold as the property of riealey Leverett, late of DeKalb, deceased, sold for the benefit cf tbe'heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on day of sale. SIMEON SMITH, Adm’r. Oct- 6, 1854. ‘fox- ^fli be commenced a The erection of tbe baUdihg .. - Laveaheady been oon as practicable. Suitable room* ecared for the First Couasx or r.KCrtrxih. ‘U* appear A regular announcement by the Facnlty wta . • • -. is soon as the organization is complete. By order of the Board of Trustees. August 9th 1864. 10—wtf JOHN COLLUTL Sec’y Sm. them, oa eTeryot offered tolfce rubfie, on V Q«a$«nif FieitftfF He feels no fears fhat tbe experiente of tfon* ,“e ret to”test them, will-be strictly in acord. •liHITEU^ITV OF LGUIalAN A. lCedlcal Department. THE Annual Course of Lectures- in *thi« department. ' will commence on Monday, November I3th, anr •viH term’oate in the ensuing March. J.amss Jo.nrs, M. D. Professor of Rraetice of Medieine Warren Srox*, M. D., j’rofessor of Chemistry .j J. L. Rtnr,ET,t, M. D., Professor of Surgery A. H. Csxah, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics.' 'I A. J. Wkdubkbcrx, M. D., I’rote.-sor of Anatomy. GrsTAvrs A. Nott, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica. Tnos. Hunt, M. D. Prof, of Physiology and Pathology. C.iKXKLH-c C. Beard. M. D., > Samuel P. Cnomx, M. D., j Pomon * t BO ‘ Afu * tom ? The rooms for Dissecting will be open on the third Monday in Gctober. The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of he Charity Hospital, and attend this Institution from November to April. The Students accompany the Professor* In their visits, aad. free of expense, enjoy extraordinary prac tical advantages. There are, during the session, about eight hundred persons prescribed for daily. In 1853 the number of patients was thirteen thousand S’ven hundred and fifty-nine. July 20, (11—4m) THOS. HUNT, M. P., Dean. HOTELS, &C. Georgia House. above House w situated hi the most pleasant JL pert of-the city, being on the corner of Green aiv* Jackson Streets, within three minutes walk of the principal stores. Medical College, Post Office, and Geor gia Railroad Pepot. The table will, at all times, be sup plied with the best the Market affords, and every atten tion given to make the patrons of the House comfort able. Board by the month or week at moderate terms. Merchants, Planters, and others visting the city will find the above House comfortable and convenient to business. N. B.—Terms per day $1,00. M. A. MUSTIX, Augusta, Aug. 23,1854. (13-2m) Proprietor. GEORGIA Fulton County, a A HEREA5 John H. Johnson aad Wm. 3 Forguson V v applies to me for totter* of administration on the estate of Alton E. Johnson, late of said ocunty, deceased, l hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred aad creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my oAoe oa or betore the first Monday in Oc tober next, to show cause, if any they have. why said letters should net be granted. Given under my hand at office thi* 28th August 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ord’y. Adminifftrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb County, will bo sold before the Council room door oa Whitehall Street in the city of Atiaata, on the first Tuesday iu November next, all the real es tate lying in said city, belonging to Francis Gideon, late ol said county deceased; consisting of three improv ed Lets fronting on Marietta Street, in said city, aud running back to the Western k Atlantic Bail Road, con taining, each one-third of an acre more or less, and being parts of city Lot No. 47. One improved Lot lying on the North-East side of said Marietta Street—fifty feet front, and 200 feet back —containing one, fourth of an acre, more or toss. Doe Lot, unimproved, on Grubb Street, containing une-eighth of an acre, mere or less. One improved Lot, No. 35, on said Marietta Street, containing one-half acre more or less. One unimproved Lot, No. 34, fronting on satd Street, containing one-half sore, more or toss. One Lot, being port of City Let No. 40, lying on the State Kail Road, one hundred foot en said Road and run ning beck to said Lot No. 34. Ail sold for the purpose of distribution. Terms on the day of sale. L. J. GARTRELL, Admr., with the will annexed. August 31, 1854. 15—tds. GEORGIA, Fulton County. A LL pbrsons haring demands against Adelaid Walthai, 4 “late of said county, deceased, ar* hereby notified to present them properly attested to me within the time ; ire scribed by law. and all persons indebted to said de ceased, are hereby required to made immediate pay ment. Atlanta, Sept. 14. 1854. B. F. BOMAR. Adm r. GEORGIA, DeKalb county. \ WHEREAS, Henry B. Latimer, Guardian of Wm. ' ' E. Wiidoa applies to me for letters of di*mi88»on from said Guardianship, these are. therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and ap- peur at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said Vetter* should not be granted at the July Term next of this court. Given under my bandat office. May 16th 1654. ALEX. JOHNSON. Ord’y. at ONE DOLLAR per GALLON, only. April 27, 1854 48—tf bore article positively for cash T. R. RTTLEY. 1X7ILL be aold under an order of the Ordinary of Mor V V gau county, on the first Tuesday in December next before the Court House door in Fayetteville, Fayette county, a lot of land No. 78, in the district of aaid ccmnty. belonging to the Estate of George L. Bird, de ceased. The b&id lot of land i« entirely in woeda.— HUGH J. OGILBY, Adm’r. bonis non with the Will annexed cf G. L. Bird, de ceased. Madison. Morgan county. September 12th, 1844. GEORGIA Fulton County. i 1' HERKAS Joshua Gilbert applies to me for letter* V \ oi administration on the estate o? Elizabeth D. Gilbert, late of said county, deceased. These are there fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they ha\-e, why letters of a^hninistration should nor be granted. Given under my hand at office, thin f>th dav of Aiiffuitt. 18M. .TA>. FT. MEAD. Ord’v. || FOB SALE 0B BENT. THE subsoribtr offers for Sole or Rent, the Globe Hotel, in Decatur, DeKalb county; with about thirty-five acres of town lot*, five of which is sown in meadow gran, all under cultivation anti well fenced. The loca tion ran be excelled nowhere in the Southern States for health. Tbe water anti atmosphere un rivalled : male and female schools in a flourishing condition, under the car* of most competent in structor* The Supreme Court of Georgia sits here once every year, commencing the 2d Monday in August, and usually continues, ite session from three to four weeks, at which time the Hotel is lib erally patronized. Fine springs ef mineral wa ter cbound in this vicinity. Any person applying early will be able to pur chase this property for three thousand dollars, which could cot have cost originally less than twelve thousand. The furniture in the hotel is all nearly now, and will bo disposed of at low rates, and possession given at any time. K. N. CALHOUN. Oct. 6, 1854. nlO-dwlm. JSW- Tho Augusta Constitutionalist and Chron icle A Sentinel will please copy 4 times weekly aud forward account to the subscriber. W. Herring ft Co., K EKP In eoncectioa with their large Stock of Cloth- ■ *4nga targe asmrtmert of HATS aad CAPS of th. Utest styles, also, Boots and Shoes, Tranks, Carrot Bags and Valiaro. 4 dtf. Atlanta, Kept. 2$, 1854. SAILS. nfl SB8 cot Nail* just received aad for sole by W W. W. HOAKK. Should a personal interview he objectionable, state your disease in writing—enclose five dollars—address Dr. W. MORRIS, through the Postoffice, Nashville, Tenn., a package and of medicine*, securely put up, will be sent privately and with despatch, full of direc tion* therewith, and no question* asked. Person* living at a distance, and afflicted with Scrofula. Old Clccr», Tetter, Cancers, riles, Fistula in A no, Gravel Stricture*. Gleets, or any disease what ever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be cured at homo by consulting Dr. MORRIS, by letter post paid, enclosing a fee. Medicines pleasant and safe, can be seat per mail to any part of the United States. Particular attention given to the treatment of female complaints. Ladies who may be afflicted with Irregu lar eoes, Flour Albus, or Whites. Prolapses Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, would do well to lay aside all false delicacy, and promptly ooonult the Doctor. Ccrks W-A»Rjumn>. Office over Mutual Protection Insurance Office, Ce- darstreet. near l’ostoffice. Room No. 14. up stairs. Nashville, Tenn. Hay 25th, 1854. 25—ly. IVo Excuse for Ill-health. An emaciated frame, sallow complexion, aa dgreat debility, the result of neglect to aU treatment, when efficient Medical advice can be obtained privately aad promptly. lAdie* who may be afflicted with Irregularities' biles, Fistula-in An'o, Gravel, Scrofula, Ulcers, Rheu matism, Ac., should not allow false delicacy to prevent their making immediate application to Dr. MORRIS, whose skill in the treatment of all chronic diseases and female complaint*, 1* too well known to be ques tioned. The Doctor assures all those who consult him by let ter the most honorable secrecy, prompt attention, pleasant, safe and efficient medicines; and to those who follow strictly ht» directions, he will guarantee speedy relief and permanent cures. Charges reasona ble. Addres*. DK. W’ H. MORRIS. Nashville, Teem. May 261854. 62—ly. Cnlliouat Pill*. THIS Exnu duration Family Mxpicts* ■* now about being offered to the public, we would direct tbe special attention of our friends and acquaintances everywhere to those Pills, not fearing In the least, that they will meet the public approbation more fully than any ever yet offered to the people. For further particular* sen advertisement in to-day’s paper. Look at ihe certifi cates, they are from a high souroe. July 27, 1854. {9—ly.j To Rent. a THE npper port of tbe house on Whitehall street, over the store occupied by H. W. Bul- FOR SALK. rpHE subscriber offers for sale hi* Farm neven j L utilesfrom Atlanta, it being the East half of Lot number 246 in 14th District of DeKalb county, cou i taming one hundred and one and a fourth acres more | or less, forty acres of which are coared aad under cultivation. There are on the Premise** good framed j Dwelling and all requisite out honaes. Apply by let- ; ter or otherwise to BKXJ. V. HARRIS on the Premises, cr to H. B. LATIMER Atlanta, Ca. I Atlanta <21,1853. 8-tf Fulton Postponed Sale. Wf n*L be soki before the Court Houae 4oor, in V \ the city ot Atlanta, on the Sr*t Tuesday in No vember next, within the legal hours of sale'tbe fol lowing property, to wit: The entire stock of Dry Good* and Groceries, coneiet ingof Calicoes, Huts. Caps. Hardware, Medicine, Tobac co. Cigars Wood ware. Crockery, and various other sr- Atlonto Oasta. Store I , WM. HERRING & CO. TlITE are now receiving an imraetute stock of Fall j V\ and Winter Clotlftiiftffi* for men and boys J wafer, of the tastiest and latent style. Abo, an assort’ i men of gentlemens* FURNISHING. GOOD^, which we- j wiS sell at the lowwr prices, for cash. We have on hand an assortment of DRY GOODS j which we will sell under the market price, aa we are j determined to doee out that department of our trade. ; We will be pleased to show any qersou giving us a call I what we will do. September 26th, 1854. (1-dwly.] W. HERRING, W. J. MASTERS, W. F. HERRING. I dlnm front. So. 40. Whitehall Street. Atbntft. Gh. j GEORGIA, DeKalb county. TO All WHOM IT JUT COMCXRX: W HEREAS, Joseph Walker and J. fi. McAlister, Adm’rs upon the estate of Zachariah Ghotston deceased, apply, for letters of Dismission from the Administration of said estate, therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and admonished to Ale their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant* at the Janu ary Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said coun ty. Given under my hand at office. June 6th, 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEOR G1A, DeKalb County. T O all whom it may concern: Whereas Edmond J. Bailey Administrator on tbe Estate of John M. Corley, deceased, applies for letters of Dismission from'said Administration, therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and ad monished to Ole their objections if any they have, in csy office in terms of law, otherwise totters of Dis mission will bo granted the applicant at tho Decern ber Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said Coun ty. Given under my hand official}' at office, this 3d June. 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON. Ord’y. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. W HEREAS James J. Diamond applies to me for iet ters of administration on the estate of James Dia mond, late of said county, deceased;these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular th# kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, and 81* their objections, if any they havs, why letters should not be granted the said applicant at tbe October term of the Court of Ordinary for said county Given under my hand at office. Aug., 22d 1854.ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Fullon County. W HEREAS William Wall has this day applied to me lor letters of administration on the Estate ef James Reese, late of said county, deeeased; these are therefore to cite and admonish all aad singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased-to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters should cot be granted aavl applicant. Given under my hand at office, this 11th day of September, 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ord’y. PLANTERS’ HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. r l*HlS aplendid new HOUSE, nituated on Broad street. * immediately in front of the site of the old Plant er’! Hotel, whieh has been furnished throughout with now Furniture, Bedding, &c.. is now open for the re ception of customers. It will be the endeavor of tho proprietor, to giveaatisfaction to those who may favor im with their custom. J. M. SIMPSON. Nov 1,1851 ly] : Proprietor. MAKSUALL HOUSE, frnrannnh. Georgia, GORCON FARGO) Proprietory (LATZ or THK V. 8. HOTkL. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.) ftavannah, November 3d. 1353. *21?—wiy GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS, G. Rankin, Win. M, Hnrlick, Geo, L, bnmmey, (SUCCESSORS TP A. ATKINSON & CO.] ’"TlHlSesitabiishmeat has been in successful operation for i amimbernf years. The Quarries are well opened, ami ’he Marble is superior to ary in the United Stctiv. We have so perfected our facilities for getting to and fin siting work, that we can furnish Momsmeuts, ToniDs, Tallies, HEAD STONES, and everything in our line of business, in better style, and at cheaper rates, than any yard in the country. When it is considered that we saw our own marble, I»:t\ no .jobber** profits and no high freight from the North, it wiH*be seen that*we do posse* material ad vantages over all competitors. We cordially solicit our friends and the public gene rail}- to examine our work, and compare our prices with those of other yards before'ordering Northern marble. We have on hand at our yard in Marietta a large as sortment of fiuished work—Monuments, Toombs, &c.,— whereour agent G. W. Summers will sell at our prices. Our principal work is done at the Mills. Address 31—ly J. G. RANKIN k CO. Marble Work P. O., Ga Steam Saw 31 ill for Sale. 'jpOGETHER with 400 acres well timbered pine land. 3 one mile east of Haralson. Coweta county, Geor gia. The mill has just been put in operation and is cutting 5000 feet per day; Slabaand saw dust furnishes sufficient fuel and a ready sale can be bad for all the lumber-sawed at the Mill at $1 per hundred feet.— F.ngine Of, inch bore. *20 inch stroke. *2 cylender boil ers, power sufficient to drive a 4 feet circular Saw, or a Grist Mill or Shingle Mill, might be attached, either of which would pay well. Living 40 miles from the above Mill, and having as much business as I can attend to, I will sell the Mill and land for the very Tow sum of $4000. $1500 cash, reasonable time on the balance. With proper man agement the Mill will make the money 1 ask for it in twelvemonths. E. 'CARLTON, .Inly 1st, 1854 fG—3m] LaGxange, Georgia. - ATLANTA RACKS! ri IHE first annual meeting over tl X near Atlanta, Georgia, will M'Ranieh, Mitchell & Hulsey, WARE-HOrSK &. COMMISSION MimOBAJNWS, A tla nta, Georgia. THEIR Ware-house is convenient - \JTT'\ \\ ly situated to the business part of;yggtW« Whitehall street, and is ntict^* Fire vn-- “ Proof—usual advances on cotton and other produce in atore. Also, I eaters in Ipncy and Staple Dry Goods. Groceries, Iren. Bagging. Rope and other articles of prime necessity. 1-dly A. W. MITCHELL, I. O. McPANIEL, E. J. HULSEY, P. E. McDANIEL. A Reward of FIFTY DOLLARS W ILL be paid by the Subscriber for the arrest andlodgement in any Jail so that I can get him. of mynegro m.;D, GEORGE, a runaway «-ho was lately arrested and lodged in Jail at Jackson, Butts county, hrom whichhe escaped on the 28th August last. The said negro is about thirty years or age, dark colored, and rather short and stoub—and can read and write. Address. W. A. HAYNE, Sept. 13, 1854, (16..wl,m) Pendleton, S. C. FOR SALK! A STEAM ENGINE of *5 li«*rse power, with two bci- ler.i, each 36 feet long, and 36 inches in diameter: also, one of Pages Patent Circular Saws, nil in complete order, and will be sold low for cash. Apply to A. J. Brady. Atlanta, or to Sept. 29th. 1-dwlm JOHN S. LINTON, Athens. Notice! 'I’HE subscriber offers his Plantation in DeKalb Coun ■ ty, 7>£ miles South of Decatur, on the McDonough Road, containing 250 acres, about 80 acres of which is cleared and under good fences, with a comfortable dwellidg, containing 5 rooms and a porch, and other necessary buildings for farming, with a good orchard of select Apples and Peaches. The locality is a good one for a Public House as any to be found in tho County. Any person desirous of purchasing can call on me at Decatur. Terms will be accommodating. JAMES J. WINN. September 25th, 1854. 18—wtf. Notice! A LL persons indebted to me for lots in the city o* Atlanta, by note past due, are requested to come forward and pay the same, and all persons holding bonds given by my former agent. T. Doonan. for titles to lota in Atlanta are requested to call and receive deeds from me. if they have complied on their part with the conditions of said bonds. JANE L. MITCHELL. Adm’x., with tbe Will of annexed, the Estate of Samuel Mitch ell, deceased. Zebulon, July 26, 1854. VV “DONE FP BROWN!” Tomlinson & Dooley, j HAVING ENTERED INTO COI’ART.N LKSH11- ! to carry oa the PAINTING BUSINESS, . are new prepared to execute work in all the 1 •rent branches of their profession, as good as it can ' be done “supieksr.” North or t-outb. I BOUSE, CARRIAGE, PASSENGER CAS, PICTORIAL. I SIGN, ORNAMENTAL. FLAG AND BANNER PAINTING. Abo, TRANSPARENCIES, GILDING, MARBLE IMITA TIONS generally, and every kind of Decorative Painting —AU of which will be done up in the very ‘-brownest style.” From their long experience in their business, and the durabilty, and the superior character ef their work, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. Orders froma distance solicited and promptly attend ed to Shop on Whitehall Street, opposite J. Haas & Co’s Store. Sign and Ornamental Painting done at short nstice. :undry fifa* issued from Fulton Superior t ourt; one in favor of A. C. Schafer, one in favor of Belcher & Holl- ic-.gsworth. one in favor of S. S. Farrar & Brothers, and one in favor of Wiley Banks k Co., all against Crusseil A Swift. Sale to continue from day today un til ail is sold. Oct. 5, 1854 JO. S. SMITH, Sheriff i GEORGIA* l)eKalb Countg. 4 ( %f’HKRKAS Jam?s Yaucy, Executor of the Efitate * of Francis Griffin, applies to me for letternof din- mi.s^ioa from hi* said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditor* of «aid deceased, to be and ap- earat my office within, the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of admin istration should not be granted the *aiti applicant at the Feba-uary Term next, of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Given under my hand at office. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord*y. July Uth. 1854. Executor’s Sale. ILL b« sold before the Court house door iu tbe town of Decatur, DeKalb eouuty, ou tbe first Tues day in November Best, the foUowiag negroes, to-wit: Tom, a man 45 year* old Mary, 27 years, John, a boy, 21 yean, Titus, a man, 40 yean old, Amanda, a girl, 4 years old, Newton, a boy, 18 months. And on tbe first Tuesday in December next, will be said before the Court-House doer, in I’aulding County, within the legal hour of sale, one lot of Und No. 863, in tbe 10th dutriot, 3d section; aU sold aa tbe property of the Estate of James W. Reeves, deeeased, for tbe benefit of tbe heirs of said Estate. Terms eu day of sale. August 30, 1864. JOHN Y. FLOWERS, Kx r. Manufacturers of Gilt Glass Door Plates, Window Signs, Numbers for Public Houses, Churches—and Street- Numbers. J. M. TOMLINSON. September 26, £1—dtf| AARON DOOLEY. Wholesale Cigar Establishment! WnrruLsu. Sr., Atuivtj, g.i., J. VALESTISE * CO. H AVE on hand, aud for sale, tbe following choice brands of Cigars, viz—: Los Cabanos, 1 Magnolia, I El Dorado, Kmpreesa. J Ambrosia, j Bustamente, Dmende Lend res, l Plantation, j NepKeno, Elvetana, I Curioaidad, I Expfosician, Minerva, | El Duende, | Mensegaros, Also, a large assortment of domes tic Cigars, which we obligate ourselves to cell na low aa the same stock can be bought in any market in tbe Union. Orders frees tbe eeuatry promptly attended to. Myt. 26, ISM. <L-dtf) - J. VALENTINE k 00. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. r C all whom it may concern: whereas O. B. Morrias applies for letters of administration on the Estate of Jane Russell, late of said county, deceased: these are therefore to cite und admonish aB and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, aad >how cause, if any they have, why totters of Adminis tration should not be granted said applicant. Given under mv hand cfficiailv at office. Sept 9, 1854. " ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Fnlton County. \\7 HER LAS Thomas W. f’onnally applies to me for let- \ ? tens of administration on the Estate of Cornelius M. Connolly, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my Office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why eaid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 12th oay of Au- gnst 1854.JOS. If. MEAD. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fulton County. HEREAc Daniel Johnson applies for letters of ad- r f ministration on the Estate of L. C. Cheshire, de ceased. late of La wren* District, S. C. These are there fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said decased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next. to show cause, if any exists, why said letters of ad ministration should not be granted. August 2d, 1854.JOS. H. MEAD, OrdV. GEORGIA, Dekalb County, _ T Wo mouths after date application wiN be made to tbe Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell tbe real estate aud negroes, belonging to tbe estnte of Israel Miller, Into of said county, deceased. Sept. Mb, IBM .J GIDEON ' GEORGIA, DeKalb County. TV’KKSEAS Ezekiel Reeves, Administrator upon tbe TV Estate of George W Reeves, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from his said Administra tion. These are therefore to cite and admonish aU aad singulaPthe kindred and creditors of said deeeased, to file their objections in my office, if any they have, in in term* of law, why the said applicant should not be dismissed from bis said administration at tbe Feb ruary term next, of the Court of Ordinary of sold county. Given under my band at office. July 14tb, 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. Fultftft Sheriff Sales. U71LL be sold before the Court House door, in the V1 city of Atiaata, on the Brat Tuesday In Nsr. next tbe following property, to-wit: Tbe east half of land lot number ninety-two, (92) in tbe seventeenth (17th) district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, tovfod on as tbe property of John Isom, to satisfy a fifa issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of John F. Martin'against John Isom aad John Thomas Security, property pointed out by John Isom. Oct. 5, 1854 JO. 9. SMITH, Sheriff. A4ainistrat«r*i Sale! GEORGIA DeKalb County. W ILL be sold, by order of the Court of Ordinary, on the first 7 uesday in October next, before the Court House door, in Decatur, DeKalb County, and within the lawful hours of sale, one-fourth of lot of land, number not known, lying and being in the six teenth (16) district of originally Henry now DeKalb county, and adjoining the lands of Henry Hollinsworth, John Barker, containing one acre, more or tosa. Sold as tbe property or Kphriam Sahnoad, deceased, for ihe benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms on day of sale. August 21st, 1854. WM. JORDON, Adm’r S IXTY DAYS AFTER DATE, application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of DeKalb county for learn to sell tbe real estate of James Diamond, of said county, deeeased. Oct. 2, IBM. JAMBS I. DIAMOND, no9-2m. Adm’r GEORGIA, Fulton County. WHEREAS, John U Harris applied to me for totters * v ef administration eu the estate ef William Farm ec, late of raid osunty . deceased,—Ttosro am therefore to eHo sad admonish all ana singular, tho kindred and creditors «l asM deceased, tobe nadappear at my office withia the Uasa prescribed by law, to Jtosri thy haws, why said totters sheold net be | COTTON «EFD BOCK AND FIRE-PROOF ROOFING. ’I'MiE undersigned, citizens of Somerville, Tenn.. are well acquainted with Mr. Duke Williams’ arti ficial rock The Court House yard and tho ground floor are laid with it, and have beeu for several months. The County Court of Fayette, Tenn., being thoroughly satisfied that the rock would answer a line purpose, and was ail the inventor claimed for it, employed Mr. Duke Williams to lay the said floor and pave the Court House yard. We know Mr. William* is a high-minded honorable man; aud we are satisfied the rock made by him is substantia], and will stand the test of time. We have seen it used by Mr. P.eed, who is putting up a large ho tel at : Somerville, in putting in window and door nils, and he is much pleased with it. J L Pulliam Jas Petit T H Logwood W B Dortch, Esq Geo W Trotter Tbos Rivers N T Jlacon E M long A P Dupuy F W Robertson Sam Sneeu Jas H Thompson August 15tb. 1854. Extract of a letter from-it H Bloant, of Houston, Texas, dated July loth, n * : Eighteen months’ use [ v the Cotton Seed Rock] here has shown that it makes» pavement vastly superior to brick, and it seems to be getting harder and better. ffS-The Patent Right of these wonderful inventions has been equally divided between Duke Williams and W. H. Poindexter, who are now prepared to sell State, eounty, or local rights. The right of tbe above article for this county has been purchased by Mr. Felix Sowers, wbo is now prepared to sell bead rightto. n21w6m W P Finney, Esq John C Reeves A B Finney, M D J A Williams T G McC lellan M J Turner J E Pearsall Jo H C-ooper Chas T Petitt Wm Button, Clerk of County Court parr & McKenzie, DEALERS IN Dry Gssds, Clothing, Hots, Shoes, HARDWARE AND GROCERIES. Will always pay the market price for all kind* of Peach-tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. HUNNICUTT & SILVEY HAVE removed to No 3, Dougherty’.-, gfot , $ygk* New Brick Building, north of the Railroad f VV and opposite tbe Atlanta Bank, and are * ft* receiving a general stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which will be sold at tbe lowest market prices. Also, a desirable stock of Cnratlvi'r«g > for men and youths’ which cannot be excelled in mull* rial, style, or finish inthecity. Call before purchasing elsewhere, and examine for yourselves. We, also, keepa beautiful liue of furnishing Goods—under gar ments of all descriptions. Shoe*, Bool*, Hat*, Cap*, Valises, Carpetbags, Trunks, Umbrellas, be., Ac., In fact, everything in tbe clothing and furnishing line. Come and see—you will not go away dissatisfied. Thankful to our former patrons for past favors we beg a continuance of the same. Atlanta, October 5th, 1854. 10-Cm. FOR SALE. A House and Lot on Mitchell street near the intersection of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, formerly owned by Geo. W. Cook. now in possession of John Simpson. Titles ntable and terms accommodating. Apply to SIMPSON k HARRIS. Agents for Neritt, lathorpe & Stebbins. Atlanta. March 23. 1*54. 43—If City Laud for Siilo A BEUTIFUL five acre lot, well timbered, lying im mediately on a public street, a flue location for a private residence, good—call on is offered exceedingly low. Title* December 21. 7852 WM. H. THURMOND, or Maj. STEPHEN TERRY. 30—tf MOUSSES. 1 AA BBLS. New Orleans Molasses, now in store, and lGU for sole at 28 ct*. per gallon by ' W. SP. RQARK. the “SWIFT” COURSE come off on the 2nd Tuesday in November next, and continue five days. Liberal Purses will be offered by the Club for the sev- real races which will take place, and no pains or- ex pense will be spared to make visitors on that occasion comfortable. The Nelson Sweepstakes have been opened by the Club, for three year olds, entrance $160, halt' forfeit. The Club to add $200, if two or more start, to close on the first day of September. To be ran on Wednesday of race week. Nominations must be addressed to C. A. HARAIJ. N, Secretary. Atlanta. Georgia.May 1 i, 1854 AO— trd FRAUD! ILL who wjynt Axes of the real CoLtixe k Co., ^ * make ahoulil be particular to notice tbe stamp, as there are various counterfeit* and imitations stamped Collins an«l labelled much like ours, which are frau •lulently sold in some parts of the United States as our manufacture.—They are made in different parts if the country by various axe-makers, and ate gene rally of very inferior quality. The genuine Collins axes, which have acquired such an extensive repu tation, are invariably stamped “COLLIN.* 5 k CO. HARTFORD, M and each axe has a printedlabel with ray signature. It is now more than Twextv-fiv^ years since wc commenced the business with the stamp of **Collins & Co. Hartford,” and I do not know of any other axe maker by the name of Col lins in the United States. SAMUEL W. COLLINS. August, 1S53. 14-ly DOWSING ft. YOUXG, General Commission and Forwarding Morohant, Aid. 28, Grader Street, New Orleans, La. B USINESS entrusted to us shall receive our personal attention, (and from our desire to please, and our experience in business, we flatter ourselves that we will give general satisfaction.) In the execution of orders we will be prompt, and take special care to purchase, as far as possible, from flrst hands, and at wholesale prices. Goods received and for- warded with despatch. In fine, it shall be our earnest endeavor to be in ail respects fnithful agents. Aug 11,1853. 11 wtf City Lots at Auction ! /'J SCHOENBERGER will sell at public outcry, to the " highest bidder, on Saturday, the 30th inst., at 10 a. m.. his house and lot on Peachtree street. Also, at the same time, eight valuable lots on Calhoun and Col lins streets. Terms made known on day of sale. Atlanta. September 21,1854. fl7—dwtds*] JT. B. CA RBERRY. COMMISSION MERC ANT No 12 Cobriade Row. fool of Vendue Range CHARLESTON SOUTH CAROLINA- ^OLICITS consignment s of Flour, Grain and t’p- fc Country Produce generally. Refers to—Messrs. McDaniels, Mitchell & Hulsey, Jas., M. Calhoun, Esq., Atlanta. Ga. F. P. Fan ning. EsqMessrs : Lanneau, Smith k Wilden. Messrs. Hyatt, Mcliar ney &Co., Messrs. B.W. k J. P. Force kCo., Chareston, S. C. A. Bell, Esq., Chattanooga. Tenn. rr.Y 20, 1854 ffi—w6m^ Forwarding Business, At Cltaiieston, S. C. KV\\V\ THE undersigned, in connection with a general Commission business flJi' foe the sale of COTTON, FLOUR, QUmI BACON, CORN, and aU other Produce, will forward with the greatest possible despatch. Merchandise, Machinery,* Produce, an<i other property consigned to him, for the interior of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee. North and South Carolina, Florida, and for any northern or foreign port. August 17, 1864.' (12—flm) J. H. WILLY. REFERKxrss—J. P. King, President G. R. R., C. T. Pol lard I’res’t. Montgomery R. R., W. M. Martin, Prcs’t. F. k E. Bk., Hopkins, Hudson & Co., Charleston, j. Cald well, Prea’t. S. C. R. R. Jno. F. Mims. Atlanta, Rice Dulin. Charleston, Bastin St Walker, Augusta GARDELLE & DE1AIGLE, (formerly - of Augurta, Ga.) Factors and Commission merchants, Accommodating Wharf, Ohaxleaton. S. O. Liberal advances made on Consignments of Produce. Kffkkknck.s:—Messrs. Bustin and Walker, ArcrSTA. Doughty & Beall, J. Frazier b Co. Charlkstox, 8. C. August 10, 1—wfim HEW STOCK. DRUGS, Medicines, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Putty, Glass Ware &c., be., at the sign of the Mom moth Mertar, under Council Hall. An extensive assortment of Drugs, medicines, perfumery, chemicals^ glassware, in my line, oils, putty, soaps. ,combs, brushes, be., b.. suitable for city and country trade, has just been received from the North, on favorable terms, which will enable the sub scriber to sell at very reasonable rates, and lower than heretofore. As I am determined to build up a respectable business in the above line, in proportion to the encouragement extended, I respectfully solicit the continued and increasing patronage of my friends, and the public in general, and also that of my professional brethren in Atlanta and the surrounding counties. Physicians are assured that' they can rely upon the quality of the articles which they may obtain at - the establishment. For asle by DR. THOS. S DENNY. I with Ihe teStttuouials’ of those distinguished -**5*Jjj 1 men whose names with tUousandHOf ^ I who would freely testify, if deemed necessary- ^ • The CALHOUN I1ELS will be found e minen«y • ' ' all other family preparations, rotlie- removal 07 v • iot to ' •Catalogue of diseases arising fi'^m - - hat great >. --at of the Digeatire Appermtaa, DanutffWBta '-nee,Bowel Affections of allkind*. , , ® . -'■•he, Rheumatic laihs, lain* tach. as Fevers ofally, V. en a n<l persisted in, an* ' -very character of Head-a. , ata £, s of disease, til the Chest, and so on. II ta„ ' 4 >ucsition to dis cording to directions, in tlic initia. - jitonw. .ind particularly during a decided pre>n.. -» doubt ease, they will, like a charm, dissipate wilhc -4 fort, thousands of cases that'might, and 1 do no. . would, terminate iu death. The subscriber speaks con fidently, as he is enabled to do from thirty-two yenra experience in the Medical Profession, and many years experience with his Pills, which have, during the time, undergone many alterations, with the view and hope of making them a Safe and Reliable Family Medieine* They are strictly Anti-Billious and Anti-Dyspeptic. The Public are referred to the testimonials of their tlonsors Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Judge of the Fuprune .,'ourt of Ceorgia; Fx-Judge John J Floyd; Edward Young Hill, Judge of the Superior (’curt; Messrs. John H. Pope, of Lee county, and C. Low. of Augusta, Ga. DrcATUR, Ga. F. N. CALHOUN, 31. D. TESTIMONIALS. Atbs-VS, September £3, 1863. Dkar Sir:—T received several days since, your favor, asking my opinion of the Medical merits of the Calhoun Pills. Allow me to premise, that for ilie last ten years I have been tortured in body and mind, by the Demon Indigestion. I was endowed by nature with an admir able constitution, and my formidable malady has been superinduced by a coslivo habit, brought on by too close confinement and want of regular exercise. Never hav ing sufficient leisure to starve out disease, even if it be posable to do so. which 1 very much doubt, 7 have run the rounds of all the most approved cures aud itllevia- tives. I have tried in their turn—I.oe's, PetcrS’s, Brandreth’s, Cook’s. Hill's, Spencer's Smith’s, und ma ny other Patent Pills and Dyspepsia Drugs, which have come within my reach, and outran- to the commonly expressed opinion, I mus* bear my K.'mble testimony in favor of the virtue ol" each and all of u» te N U Ntr-ma I am by a Box of Pills, a by a Book which i« not of a vicious tendency. 1 never bought either, which I did not think fully worth the money which it cost. It is only necessary to add. which I do most cheerfu lly—not only through kindness to you. but to the pub lic also, especially that portion of it who know, by sad experience, what is meant by the Vulture-like gnawing at the pit of the stomach, bitter tnste in the mouth, tiutnlence, a-etdity, disten.-ioa of the stomach, consti pated bowels, cold feet and acute pain in the head, back and vicinity of the heart—to all such. I can cor- lially recommend the Calhoun rills. The efiicacv of this Remedical Agent, 1 tested for the lirst time'du ring my recent sojourn with you. and have used it fre quently since, and have found, experimentally, that it subserves in my case a most excellent purpose, particu' larly in its effects upon tre Liver, the sympathy between whieh and the stomach is too intimate to require com meat. btncerely glad to learn that you arc making arrange inents to give more extended dissemination to your Pi!!* I am truly your friend aud obedic-nt servant. JOS. HENRY PUMPKIN. Dp.. K. N. Csuiot-x, » Decatur. Georgia, j Covixutox, October 13, 1853. D». E. N. CatBOL-x—Dear Sir ] am gratified to learn that it is your purpo.-.e to disseminate the improved Cal houn Pills more generally than you ha ve heretofore done, have occasionally, when sojourning at your house, used them when indisposed, and haviDg found them so mild, yet so efficacious iu cases ofderangement of the digestive organs, 1 most cheerfully commend them and their use to the public, and especially to gentlemen having large fam ilies, as a most excellent preventive of fixed and perma nent disease arising from indigestion. Truly yours, be., JOHN J. FLOYD. I.aGraxgx, October 23, 1S53. IlR. E. N. CALHOrb—Dear Sir: I am gratified to learn that you have come to the conclusion lo create Agencies for the Calhoun Pills in different parts.of the country ts it no less an act of justice to yourself than to the world at large. Since the year 1841. I have been in the habit of using your Pills individually, and as « Famlllv Medicine. Observation and experience prove it eu itunl- uable specific for nearly allirregualritie oftliol igestive Apparatus, performing its office with little or no pain or nausea ; it leaves the patient with a good appetite, in creased strength and greatly improved and elevated spir its— properly used, it will cure] yspepsiannd expel alLof its gloomy concomitants. InCliills and levers, and even Bilious levers, I have found it equally i-fboicnt. Trusting that you may find the world us ready to com pensate you as to benefit itself, the result i.l' your skill and labor, 1 am sincereh your friend, &c., BDW. VO'J.Nu HILL. STAKKVII.I.E, Lee Comity, October 26, 1863. Dr. E. N. CsLHorx—Dear sii . While at Decatur, l ahd as I consider, a fair opportunity of testing the Cal houn Ptlls. prepared by yourself, aud 1 uni so much plesed with their action upon the Liver, and as u menus if breaking up Bilious predisposition, that i hope as you ire now preparing to otter them ill the pM flic, that you will create an Agency at rdarkv ilie. Ilia: may be e'r.a- bled at any time to procure them. 1 exjeot to use thi m with white aud black iu all ca.-es thiea.emup attacks of a Biilous chnruc'-er. 1 would be gratified, not only on your own account, but al o for the bone tit (if the public at large, that you would place them in tl.c reach of every person, for I feel confident that there has not yet been offered to the public any preparation of Medicine that will oorajiete with your Dills as a general Family-Medicine, or a traveling companion. Very sincerely your friend, kc., JOJtM Eh POI’E. Augusta, October^!), 1853. Dr. E. N. Calhouk—Dear Sir This is lo certjfy that before I had the pleasure of meeting you, frequent ly attacked by some Bilious derangement producing pros • ’.ration, loss of appetite. Nausea and Head-ache. From the use of your (Calhoun) Dills, administered according to your inst ructions. I was immediately and permanent ly relieved. It affords me much gratification to ac knowledge the advantage 1 derived from yoar judicious reatment. I remain with high esteem, vour obedient servant, CHRISTO!TIDE DOW. For sale by J. M. Ra.vtly, & J. Nokuross, Agt. in At lanta. July 27, 1854. P—1 y. Valuable r 'ity Lots for Sale. ’J'HE subscriber desiring to close ont the balance of * that valuable property in this city, belonging to the estate of the late Samuel Mitchell, deceased, hashed the same surveyed off in lots to suit purchasers, who trill find it to their advantage to examine the property at an early day, which wili be shown them by the gab scrilicr, or Mr. Mitchell Jr., by calling at the resi lience of the former on Whitenifll street! March 9th, 1854. 41—tf T. DOONAN J. & L. S. MORGAN, MANUFACTURERS OF Chair* ft Cabinet Ware. AT THEIR OLD STAND, DECATUR, GEORGIA. WOULD respectfully inform then friends that, haying made extensive . additions to their Machinery, by tl.c : in- traduction or STEAM 1 POWER, they now propo^Dto fill all orders, for their Celebrated original Southern Cottage Chair, at the shortest notice. They are also Manufacturing a neat, substantial article ‘‘and of black Walnut, .Cane heat, .and every variety of' 1 ’ Chairs usually sold in the Southern Market. .. Having'secured, for the State, the right of vr ■ - 4»y * liT ■ftiifteffhdroraMMflaauMaUM LEY’S FlTENT BEDSTEAD, wc 'are'miw’.foni.fiurturinS and selling on reraarkabteterm*, this recently inveuteu and truly excellent article, which we consider superior to any other now in use;; and to which wo would re spectfully invite the attention of proprietor* ot Hotel*, ami families.generally- ■ before purchasing elsewhere This article is so constructed, as to be proof against vermin. Our Stock consists of , • ■ - Sid* Boakss, DlnlngTabtee, Ireoms Dross Bcrkac, Breakfast do Common do. ;> , v p , . Cmtof.d# SEcrctarv no Ladies do ■ ffoim Casts, Eight Stands, DaiBttsi.vo TsmJB, ■ a Aad every article usual!y Manufactured—which they- '•ami j“t *£ >. mmvAf. j-Japutsstdiuist ittlh.irx o.i eiajji-— D VSI'El'SIA, RHEUMATISM, SCKOFILA. toU-.II, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, LIVER COMPLAINT, be. TRUTH IS MIGHTY 1 ARE YOl’ SICK ? HEWAllE OF IMITA TIONS ! Ask lor Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. The many cures made by this pleasant und sate remedy aiay in duce counterfeiting. -V Medicine must have merit und great, merit too, to stand the test of public opinion. No urt of puffing .in galvanize a worthless article, so as to keep it up tie it good mediciue if it be not really so. A good medicine will live, become popular, and ex tend its sales year after year, in spite of opposition.— The people will readily find out virtues, aud tho fame of them passes from mouth to mouth with more rapidity than newspapers cau spread it. A living witness testi fying to the cure a medicine has made for him is of far more service than any newspaper advertising. Iu proof of what we say above, we reier you to I-lamp ton's Vegetable Tincture, and its effects. The Wife of T W. Yeakie, Grocer, 76 Pearl street, cured of Rheumatism of 8 years standing: other reme dies failed. Win. M. Oldham, (late or the Custom House,) dwel ling 126 Finest., of Dyspepsia, great debility, permantlv cured. W. A. Schaeffer, Esq., one of the oldest Magistrates and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great weakness and restored to robust health. Jarret Plummer, 163 E. Baltimore st. suffered intense ly six years with hip disease and mercurial rhumatism: cured after all other remedies failed. .■space will not permit to name hundreds of others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thos. Canot, ltohert Gault, James Symth, cured of rheumatism. John Tervail. S. A. Grffin, John Luke, Rev. V. Eskrige, U. is. Navy, and thousands of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Cough, X.iver Complaints, Broncliits. Ft. Vitus’ Dance, be. We refer to our own citizens. Cull on them. Dr. Hamilton, the author of this great Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture, is in his 80th year, in good health, so that it will be seen it is not an article got up to im- ose on the public. GREAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM BY HAMPTON’S VEGETABLE TINCTURE. Chester District, F. C., January Sd. 1853. Messrs. Mortimer b Mowbray—Gentlemen: For the last five years I have been a severe sulierer from Rheu matism, till, seeing your recommendation of - - Hamp ton’s Vegetable Tiucture,” I procured a bottle, cud the first dose has so much relieved me that I cunsider it as justice to give to the suffering world the result of tire application. Mine was Acuto Rheumatism in • the back-—so bod that l was confined to my bed for the hist six months. The first bottle acted like a charm, the second restored strength to my poor afflicted back, and I am now as well and feel as young ss when I was sixteen. I am now 74 years of age. I consider your Tincture the greatest discovery of the age and poor sufferiug humanity qgght to erect a monu ment to Dr. Hampton, who has savtd thousands from pain. And you, gentlemen, have acted tho part of pub lic benefactors in disseminating the benefits which have resulted from your invaluable remedy. I am u plain cotton planter, aud have never written J ior literary fame; but when my fellow beings are afflict- ' ed shall 1 hesitate, or through modesty, withhold any . information valuable to my fellow man? So, if you consider this worthy of a place in any of your ncwspaT per*, yon are at liberty to make use of it. Yours, truly; ' ALVAH KEMBA1X. CURE FITS 1 READ 1! READ! 11 More than Gout to the .Sick.—From one of the most respectable Druggists in South Carolina: . ’ Charleston, S. C., Sept. 21,1853. Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbray:—The sale of your® 1 -. Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is increasing every day, / and every bottle sold recommends this valuable medicine to the afflicted. Several of our planters have tried it in different cases with astonishing success; and are get ting it by half dozens. It has been found to be the 'greatest remedy for rheumatic affections; and a won derful cure has been performed on a negro suffering by Fits. I will furnish you with a number of certifi cates if you wish them. Please send me, scon as possible a supply of the Tincture. 1 cm, gentlemen, yours, W. G. TKOTT. Hundreds in this city will hear same testimony. Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is purely . Vegetable, ard warranted free Irorn aU mineral substance This Tincture, by its mild, pleasant, and safe action on thb stomach, liver kidneys, lungs, and the nervcju* system, cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Disease of the Urina ry Organs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchial/Affections, Consumption, Scrofula, King’s Evil, Wore#. Rheuma tism, Gout, Neuralgia, St. Vitus’ Douce,jFits, Ner vous Affections generally, Fistula. Piles, Bowel Com plaints, with aU dhiehscs arising from impure- bleed.— \s » remedy, for tHe various derangements oLtlie Fe- ’ male System, it sMms'to have no superior,, f Tlie Female System has. in Doctor Hampton’s Vege table Tincture, a Cure for Its numerous aud .toi-ana^ment*. Hundreds . who have * ' /spirited, and on the vergoof a . , have been restored by its use to b"l< 'which we are abundantly able to-prove-by of living witnessee. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DEBILT Extract,from James Harris, Eso.'s Lei ,!«k’ t-’l »— * - - 4 s,.al 1.3-*. _« , UOUt Iria, Virginia:—After sifoking himself he says: ‘Mrs. H. ha.- J udrapluint and. with mabitiljr, -„tn 'rein weakness, thronfflrfier whole 1 eys joys better health Utah for thirty yearts, tlio cie of Hampton’s Vqgetai Wholesale and Retail agvut Attonta, ?Ga. > -Marietta, Vineyard k Jones, FnfmeMo " *Cp, r ^wn4«^G