The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, November 04, 1854, Image 1
'■*^ '1 •gmsr-zi ..e :'0? r f.L0fi'mr ■■'■ i BY W. B. RUGGLES. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1854. VOL. VI. NO. 23. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. —Two DolUra par annum, invariably in advance. MONDAY. OCTOBER 30. The Savannah Republican of the 25th inat. says: On and after Sunday next, as will be seen by a notice in another column, the night and passenger trains on the Cen tral Railroad will leave Savannah at 7J o’clock, P. M., and Macon at 6 o’clock, P. M.; arriving at Savannah at 3 o’clock, A. M., and at Macon at 4 o’clock 50 minutes, A. M. Railroad Meeting. » At a meeting of a portion of the stock holders of the Georgia and Alabama Rail road at Rome, Ga., on the 29th inst., W. S. Cothran, Alfred Shorter, John II. Lumpkin, A. M. Sloan, A. T. Hardin, Armistead Richardson and M. H. Haynie ware elected directors. Col. Cothran was subsequently- chosen President of the Board. It is generally believed that this road will now be constructed. We are in receipt of a neatly print ed copy of a catalogue of the Trustees, Faculty, Ac., of Pierce Female College, Flat Shoals, Merriwether county. Georgia, for the scholastic year, 1855. The exercis es of the institution will commence on the first Wednesday in January. In notioing the card of Mr. Moses, which will ba found in our columns, the Savannah News remarks: We would direci the attention of our city and up-country mer chants to the card in another column, oi Mr. Esra I. Moses. Mr. Moses commences the Commission and Forwarding business, under auspices the most favorable to its suc cessful prosecution. The respectable name to which he refers, an intimate acquaintance with the trade in its general details, and a character for thorough business habits in duces us to welcome Mr. M. to Savannah, and to regard him as a valuable addition to cur business community. Death or Mrs. R. W. Habersham.—We notice among the deaths, in Beaufort, So, Ca., on the 21st inst., that of Mrs. Sarah E., widow of the late Hon. It. W. Haber sham of Georgia. Up to the 23d inst., eleven deaths had oc ourred in Beaufort from fevers, nine oi which were yellow fever. Turtle Soup.—After all the talk about the treadmill sort of life editors are usually supposed to lead, even they sometimes find little iteme of the good things of the earth turning up in their paths. So we reflected yesterday as on entering our sanctum we discovered on our round table a server ol ample demensions over laid with a snowy napkin, under which was a goodly quantity of turtle soup, oysters and other fixings of n kind to rejoice the heart of the dantics; epicure. After pondering a few minute over the important quero: Where did it come from ? we concluded there was bu: one place for it to hail from and that is the Magnolia Restaurant, on Alabama street, for we have understood that they are in the habit of keeping just such articles at ail hours, done up in the brownest kind ol style. The proprietors will accept oui “regards” for the "treat.” The Weather.—The clerk of the weath er lias made sundry generous endeavors, within the last few days, to furnish us with rain, but with very little avail so far. The indications are good for some copious showers before many days. I®* We publish in another part of to day’s paper, an editorial article from the Augusta Constitutionalist of a late date, on the state of parties at the North, which contains so much of plain, practical truth, and well considered suggestions, that wc hope it may receive an attentive and earnest perusal from all readers who feel any interest in the political complications of the day. Business Notices. H. W. Coxart A Son have just received a large and elegant assortment of all kinds of plain and fancy goods, which they say they are determined to 6ell at the lowest imaginable prices. We have always found them ready to come up square to their prom ises, and purchasers will find them so when they call. •A.Those who stand in need of having their buildings and property insured, (and we should judge there are many such in Atlanta) can be accommodated by calling on Wm. Markham, on Alabama street.— See his advertisement in another column. SSUThe ladies will see, by reference to her card in onr advertising columns that Mrs. M. W. Harris is offering to the public a new and beautiful stock of Millinery, and is prepared to make ladies, dresses in the latest styles. A Bridge over the Mississippi.—The sub ject of abridge over this river at St. Louis is discussed in the newspapers. It is suggested that the bridge ought to have au elevation • of ninety feet. It would cost a million and half of dollars, an amount deemed 'insignifi cant compared with its advantages. •®* The report that England and France had made a formal demand on onr Govern ment for explanations relative to the acqui sition of Russian possesions in America, turns oat to be a mere on dit. Frederick Douglass is delivering political speeches in Illinois. He spoke at Aurora on Thursday, 19th, in reply to Stephen A. Douglass, who was advertised to speak at that place on that day. We are pleased to perceive that W. T. Thompson, Esq., has entirely recovered from his late attack of yellow fever, and is again at his pu6t as editor of the Savannah News. Charleston.—There was but one death by yellow fever in Charleston on Thursday last 26th lost. 9®* One of the Know-Nothing Councils, in New York has adopted the following res olution : Resolved, That no person should be al- 1 lowed to vote in any town, county,^state, or national election until he has lived i n the United States for twenty one years, ana con read and write. Mr A new post office has lately been es tablished in Stewart county, Georgia, call ed Union, W. A. Helms, P. M. Z. The workmen on the Washington Monu ment, in Washington City, commenced an other round on the 23d inst., which will ele vate it 168 feet from the ground. It is ex pected to complete 172 feet before the winter ■vpaasloa oommenoes. Tk* Capital. Almost every day we see some new evi dence of the increasing inclination on the part of the people, so far as the press is any indication, to have the Seat of Government removed from Milledgeville and located at Atlanta. The sentiment in favor of removal will continue to increase and the cause gain friends, from this time forward, to the peri od when the people will be called on to de cide the question at the polls; for the rea sons in favor of the movement are such as to bear the test of scrutiny, and cannot fail to carry conviction to the mind of every candid, unprejudiced man, who takes the trouble to investigate the question in its va rious bearings. We have heretofore ex pressed the opinion that the people above Atlanta are almost unanimously in favor of the removal of the capital to this city, and we have counted, not without reason, upon the support of many below this point, espe cially along the lines of railroad leading from Atlanta, and we are glad to learn that South-west of us, in the direction of Troup, the friends of removal are largely in the majority. The Lagrange Reporter, of Friday last, commenting on this matter, gives the follow ing flattering account of the feeling ia that part of the State: “We think we speak the sentiments of nineteen-twentieths of the inhabitants of this section of the State, when we declare ourself in favor of its removal to Atlanta. As for putting the Capitol in the centre of the State because it is the centre, there’s more gas than reason in it. We say, place it at the point most accessible from all parts of the country; and we are sure that no one will dispute that Atlanta is that point. Again, some of our politicians are en deavoring to frighten the “dear people” with cries of “too much expense.” We reply to this, that the old rookery known as the State House by courtesy, certainly cannot last much longer, and therefore the expense must come, sooner or later. Besides, a mag nificent edifice might almost litterahy be iewn out of the Stone Mountain and trans ported only sixteen miles, at a good deal less expense than the cost of the present Capitol” A Massachusetts Giant.—A young far mer of Littleton, Mass., who visits Boston very often to sell produce, has attracted great notice in ths ’ - ’ey by his giant size, lie weighs 280 p< « ,s, is six feet eleven itches high, is only twenty-one years old, vud is growing yet. The Dry Goods Trade.—The N. Y. Her- dd says, there has been active business do ing the past week at the principal dry goods auction rooms. Though not on a very heavy scale compared to those made earlier in the season, they have been well ittended by animated companies. Prices nave been well sustained, and in many 'ases goods have been at a decided improve- nent in prices, especially in woolens and >ther seasonable and desirable goods. Payment or Postage.—Nine months ago, ifty-two per centum of the letters sent in the U. S. mails were at that time pre-pald. A recent investigation shows that at this ime quite sixty per centum of the letters so sent are pre-paid. Cotton in West Point.—The West Point Beacon of Thursday says that sales of cotton n that place for the last four or five days have been quite brisk some five hundred hales having changed hands at from 7 to 8J •ents, per pound. I®-We sec by the Macon Citizen of Sat urday that the editor of that paper, Dr. L. F. W. Andrews, has been arrested on a suit for libel, damages laid at $5,000. The mat ter charged as libbelous was contained the Citizen's report of the arrest of one Jer ry Faley on the charge of being concerned in the late depredations committed in Ma con. The Citizen promised to do justice to the subject in its next issue. Escaped from Jail.—Daniel Whright, confined in Muscogee jail for killing Deputy Marshal Robinson some months ago, escaped from jail on Tuesday night last and let out a negro man at the same time. It is suppos ed that some person permitted access to the jail furnished him implements with which to make his escape. Montgomery.—The Montgomery Journal of Friday the 27 th inst, say: After close and strict inquiry we can hear of bu two or three deaths from all causes since or last is sue, 25th. We are happy to report a great change for the better in the health of our city. Not more than three or four new cases have been reported within the last 48 hours, and but one death within the last 24 hours. The Chambers, Ala., Tribune of Fri day eomc3 to us dressed in mourning for the death of Col. Matthew Phillips, who died in Lafayette, Chambers county, Ala., on Sat urday the 21st inst. Col. Phillips was born in Amherst county, Va., in 1796, and came •vith his parents to Wilkes, in this State, .vbere he entered into the practice of the aw. From thence to Jasper, which county ae frequently represented in the Legislature. In 1832 he moved to Lafayette, Ala., where ie continued to reside until his death. Medical College Augusta. We are requested by the Faculty of the Medical College of Ge >rgia, says the Chron. ft Sentinel, to announce that as a measure f prudence, and to allow the community to become again settled and boarding-houses fully ready for the Students, the Lectures will not be commenced until the 2nd Mon day, the 13th of November. Will the papers in the South and West please notice this postponement. The New York Herald understands from very excellent authority that the government ol the United States at Washington, and the cabinet of Ilis Imperial Highness, Santa Anna, have already laid the basis of a new treaty, which is at the present moment ip process of negotiation. This treaty will, it is said, be entirely of a commercial nature. t&’A. writer in the New York Post says, che idea that a ship, sinking at sea, create- a whirlpool, is “nautical nonsense,” and had not this delusion prevailed at the time the Arctic sunk, tiie boats would have re mained near the raft, and many more per sons would have been saved. I® 1 The last number of the Revue des Jlcux Mondes contains an article on Thack- er y»byM. Forgues. In the course of it, he mentions the novelist’s synical exclama tion, when he found “Esmond” eclipsed by the simultaneous publication of “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” “ I forgot to put a nigger in my novel.” [Correspondence of the Dzil.v Intelligencer.} Hatters taA Thlsgi la New Yark. New York, Oct. 20th, 1854. The excitement caused by the unlooked-for re appearance of Capt. Lcce has already subsided, and our restless city is on the qni rice for the Liv erpool steamer of the 4th, and the stirring tales from the Crimea which she is expected to bring. The near approach of election day, (Tuesday, the 7th of November,) keeps the politicians in a ferment, and the multiplicity of candidates, fac tions, and political axe-grinders engaged in the struggle, renders the municipal canvass a most amusing game at cross purposes to a disinterested spectator of the melee. John S. Oenin has declined the nomination of the Independents, in a neat, sensible letter, so that there are now only fire aspirants to the May oralty in the field. For most of the other local offices there ore from three to five candidates.— Never before in this city was there such a rush oi laborers to the public vineyard. Wilson G. Hunt, one of our most honored merchants, is the standard-bearer of the Reform Party, but I fear ha cannot be elected Mayor. Party organizations and discipline backed up by bad run and big promises, are more than - a match for the loosely combined elements of Reform. The vital strug gle for the .Viayorality will be between Fernando Wood, nominated by both the Hards and Softs of the Democracy, (but since repudiated by the Hards,) and J. J. Herrick, Whig. Barker, the Know-Nothing candidate, is said to have many enemies in the ranks of bis own party, and al though nominated by the Temperance men, can scarcely be successful. The criminal record of the enrrent week bids fair to rival that of the preceding. On Wednesday last, John Slaven, shoemaker, stabbed his wife with a shoe-knife in five places—a man named Archibald Irvine died from effects of wounds, in flicted on the previous night by a youth named Darron—William Eberle was committed for trial on a charge of murdering John Silfroy with a pistol, in Ninth Avenue, on Friday night—John Corcoran was convicted of manslaughter in the fourth degree—and a policeman was araigned on charge of manslaughter in causing the death of a prisoner by violence. Rather a formidable catalogue for one day, but there is more to add. On Tuesday, John Smith, a boy of seventeen, was placed at th9 bar on a charge of murder, and convicted of man slaughter in the second degree; and yesterday, Patrick McMahon, a laborer, was put on trial for the murder of his wife; and John B. King, a mere lad in appearunce, arraigned for homicide. The weapon used in all the cases I have mentioned, save three, was the dastard's—a knife. The im mediate cause in each was rum. Auother of those little episodes in the history of banking, mildly termed “defalcations,’’ was brought to light in this city, a few days ago, and yesterday furnished a new topic for the gossips in Wall Street. The first toller of the Ocean Bank, one Mc-Guckin, is the unfortunate “ victim of cir cumstances.’’ The thing occurred in the simplest way in the world. Mr. McGuckin merely certified checks in an irregular way, on his own book, and finally the Bank was minus $100,000 by the op eration. Its capital, however, is a million of dol lars, so “what’s the odds?” After Schuyler's gigantic fraud, a swindle of a cool hundred thou sand seems almost like an act of exemplary for bearance, and we only say, after drawing a long breath, “a mere trifle; it might have been worse.” It is understood that the tellers' securities are good for $50,000. There is also a screw loose in the Knickerbocker Bank. One of the directors is said to owe the institution $150,000! The Bank is in a bad condition and a heavy loss will fall somewhere—on the depositors probably. The Empire Bank has been tried by a pretty persever ing run, but stood the test and is in as good order as ever. There have been some failure among the Kentucky and Indiana Banks, and everybody looks shy at Western money. The Walker divorce case, which afforded such delightful food for prurient imaginations during its progre.-s, has been settled by a decree of the referee. Mrs. Walker obtains a divorce, with leave to marry again, and has the custody of the children, he being permitted to visit them once a week. The public verdict on the decree ia “serv ed him right.” Three able legnl opinions, in favor of the as sumption of the Schuyler scrip by the N. Y. and X. H. Railroad, were published here yesterday, and another appears in the Tribune of to-day. They emanate from C. P. Kirkland, Charles O'Conner, Oreene C. Bronson and Mr. Lord, of whom the three former have been retained by the members of the Stock Exchange. The proposed evasion of New Haven Directors does not find favor in finan cial circles here. That beautiful bumbug, the Crystal Palace, is about to collapse. It is advertised to close on the 1st proximo. What disposition will be made of the building I do not know. Some of the articles on exhibition will probably be sold at auction and the remainder shipped to places whence they came, the association paying the expenses of trans- (From the Augusta t .oustitutionalist.] The bate Nerlhtra Eltctleas. The shouts of triumph that have lately rent the air over the victories obtained in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, by the combined forces of Whigs, Ft ee-Soilers, Ab olitionists and Anti-Nebraska Democrats, must Lave janed most discordantly upon the ears of e\ ery true Southern man. They must arouse among them sentiments of alarm and indignation peculiar to this sec tion, and apqrt irinp those feelings held in common wit&thntjMpAJe bond of Northern Democrats who have bieasted this booming tide of fanaticism, and been borne down by it. The latter have gallantly struggled for their political principles, derived from the Fathers of the Republic, which signally triumphed in the election of Mr. Jefferson to office, fifty-four years ago, and which have, alinon uninterruptedly, since shaped the destinies and controlled the'legislation of the Government. In those principles of State Rights and strict construction, the South has found her true safe-guards in the Union. She has always been at heart Democratic, in oppo sition to Federalism and Centralization.— She has found her true friends and allies in the ranks of the Democratic Party of the North ; for that party held with her a com munity of sentiment upon the cardinal principles of our government, the rules ol constitutional construction and the legisla tive measures called for by those principles and rules. Outside of the ranks of that party, the South has had no organized friends at the North. Every other North ern party has been uniformly hostile to her. and from the very nature of things must continue to be. When under the influence of selfish intei ests and sectional excitement a portion of the Northern Democrats have been decoyed from their own time-honored standaid to the ranks of the enemy, or have yielded to the temptation, while still pos sessing Democratic principles, of voting on special questions with Federalists and I Soileis, by which means the Federal arm was made s rung enough to injure and op press tl.e South; she has felt hersell driven to the wall and forced to rely on herself alone for protection. Nevei did she dream that there was hope safety, of succor and of justice in any otbe Northern political organization when the Northern Democracy tailed her, So must she feel now. Every sentimen of patriotism—every motive of self-interest must prompt Northern men to deplore the defeat of the Administration party—the true Democratic party of the North—sand to desire the speedy return of that re-action iL public sentiment which will teplacethemii power. That i e-action, sooner or later, must and will come. It is not the firs time that that great constitutional party has been clov en down while gallantly strug gling for their principles, and politically defending measures having the almost unan imous approbation of the South. It is no< the first time t hat the Xationaldemocr&cy have been defea - ed in various State elections, when they stood shoulder to shoulder with the South in resisting and rejecting abolitim petitions and designs, Wilinot Provisos, Na tional Banks, Protective Tariffs, River and Harbor Bills, and other wasteful and un constitutional appropriations of public mon ey. It is not the first time that great parry has been assailed in every Congressiuna District throughout the North, and in to. many instances successfully, with furiou vindictiveness and rage, for its advocacy oi the admission of Slave States into the Un ion. Too often have patriotic Democrats, who had voted faithfully with their North eat brothers in Congress for Southeri, measures, distasteful to Northern sentiment, but which constitutional right and strict justice demanded at their hands, been de feated for te-eieciion. and men, reeking with pestiferous abolitionism, sent to oecupy their piaces. The history of the Texas an nexatiun question and of the Fugitive Slave Law are still as fresh in the recollection a the occurrences of yesteiday. The fact b not forgotten that to the aid of the Northern Democrats, exclusively, is the South indebt ed for her success in the passage of those great measures. For the passage of the Ne braska and Kansas Bills, at the last session of Cong ess, is the South again indebted tc Northern Democrats alone—bills which re ceived the almost unanimous support of the entire Southern delegations in both Houses. They were bills which were emphatic repn diations of the Wilmot Proviso, whicl sought to affix the stamp of degration on the South, and asserted a principle on the other hand by which the stigma of inferior ity of rights fastened on her bv the Mis souri Compromise, was removed. For their participation in the passage oi those bills, Northern Democrats have, in the recent elections, been made to feel the fuh weight of the storm of sectional excitemen. which the Slavery question has aroused tc overwhelm the fiends of the South. Again portation. I believe that the Palace, under the the opprobious terms, “dough face,” subset energetic management of Mr. John II. White, | viency tc slave holde “truckling to the who succeeded Barnum as President of the asso- I slave-power,” have been potent words in ciation, has paid its way. It still contains a great : the mouths of demagogues, and honest men number of mechanical inventions, manufacture, i who did their sworn constitutional duty it. and specimens of the fine arts, which are well 1 voting with their Northern members oe worth seeing these bills, and who were without exception Letters have been received here by the friends j J** . „ . .. , „ J , fellow democrats at home, in all cases where of Captain Gibson, (the adventurous gentleman a re _ nomination waa desi red. have been de- that was to have been banged in Netherlands, In- feated> Th „„ m ^ in favoJ . of men dia,) of the most encouraging character. Mr. ■ who have uo op i n i on8i no interests or feel- Belmont is urging the Captain's claim for repara- j ing8 in common with the South—men who tion, (to the tune of $su,00Q to $100,000,) upon j on the question most vital to her, have eve; the government of Holland with zeal, and the i opposed her, and will continue to oppose legislative chambers are in high debate concerning I her to the bitter end. the same. They may “come down’’ without It is true the Northern hordes of demag giving Uncle Sam the trouble to shoot, and they ogues factionists and fanatics, have beet mny not—probably not. Query—will Uncle Sam banded to get her under different names am. shoot under any circumstances? I am well ac- influences. Whig?, Free-Soilers, Abolition- quoin ted with Gibson, who has been ill-used, needs tsts and Anti-Nebt askaists of every colout the money, and would spend it like a prince. I ? nd condlti ? n ’ , haVe b « eome fused ... , „ ’ . , in an unholy league to array the Nortl. ^ ® against the South, and to undo legislation The temperature in this latitude is several de- w hich was acc eeded to inquestiouable con- grees below the “ bracing ” point, and fire and gtitutional claims of the South. From the furs are in great request. I have seen several la- seething cauldron of incongruous politics, dies in Broadway this afternoon in full winter rig. ! elements, in which hostility to the slave By-tbe-by the winter silks are magnificent this power was the one harmonizing ingredient year. They are manufactured with rich velvet has ari.-en a potent and mephitic exhalation. Lemmings woven in, and some of them cost as which threa'ens to poison the whole politi- bigh as $100 and $150 the dress. ; cal atmosphere of the North. Mingling Our merchants complain of “hard times," but t , his are the murk Y vapours springing from the subrerreanean pools of Know Noth ingism; a dark and mysterious organiza tion whose sinister influences have latelv their wives and daughters continue to wear the costliest fabrics that the loom of Europe can pro duce. thrown the political sky into still deepe Thayiag Thlekthpenth i shadow. It is an organization which can “Did you go to Dr. to have him cure hav ® >n sympathy with the Demo- you of lisping?" said a gentlemen in Louis- ® ra # tlc an< * theiefore must be hostile ville to a littlle boy who had been “tongue- 1 to lt ‘ “ contemplates, among its leading tied,” or something of the sort. j P ,l! T <,se8 » warfare upon the political rights, “Yeth, thir,” answered the lad. guarantied by the Constitution, to all For- “What did he do to you’” e gners and all Reman Catholies who are. “He cut a little thring there wath under or “* a . v , ’* CuD ‘® citizens among us. It is ai. my thongue.” organization that cannot long flourish, un- “Did he cure you?” i les8 k b® on the ruins of the Democratic “Ye.h, thir.” i k>ar, y. and tbe prostration of Democratii- “Why, you are lispinir now." > principles. taping n Well I don’t pertbeive ^ lke Know Nothings, uniting at the < * ...... XT. .»• L a 1. _ _ F. _ . * _. i « Am I, thir? D that I lithp, ecthept when I go to thay thickth- North with other factions and fag-ends ol jtenth! I always notithe it.” parties, succeed in making other tests foi Happy lad! “Where ignorance is bliss, °®^' e than those recognized by the Oonsti- ’tis folly to be wise.” tution, and in subverting the principle oi j religious tolerance therein incorporated, French Gcn-boats for the Baltic.—The T bo ? re , ! be t* 6 * 1 victims in the natural or- French government is making great exertions n«a°»nd a ™’ a j[|® r ^ ie ^> m ? n Catho- to construct a number of gunSs for ser- enunZ\ ‘ gn h 01 ?. P.°P ulat ‘ 0 “ « f our vice in the Baltic next S^in^ They are “oreshming markfor the tacarry heavy metal, yet todraw onlyibout gogueism, of facUom of biV^ of wt one fathom of water; and their bows and ci.4. than the Soutb-the isollted.rovifed bulwarks are to be cased with,ronphues of permuted and unfriended Wh?-the considerable thickness. Some experiments South, ..gainst whom foreign government were lately tried at Vincennes, upon the de- and poienVates plot and a^deiSeTS *? uId forei «" pulpits and presses fulminate thrir offer to shot. The result was, that it re- slanderous denunciations ? Let thedemo- quired seventeen cannon balls to strike the C ratic party of the No th he strickeJ K, “<• .h«. i»ii against her, and she is assailed by measures of unjust legislation? Where else has such help, sympathy, and justice come from, hitherto, but fr >m Northern Democrats ? In a numerical inferiority in the Federal Councils, the Slave Stales must look to par ty alliances oat of their limits, if they hope to carry measures essential to their interest, or defend themselves successfully against measures destructive of their rights as mem bers of the confederacy. Such alliances they can honorably continue and preserve with the Northern democrats who belong to the same school of federal politics, and have continued true to their principles. It would be dishonorable to break with those who have been true to us. Southern demo crats will never turn their backs on their Northern fellow democrats who have, “faithful among the feithless,” been so true to us. When that alliance is dissolved, then there will be an end of all National parties. In their place comes sectional parties a warfare of sections,—then, disunion. It is vain for Southern men, opposed to the Democratic party, to talk of a great National Republican party, to be formed out of existing parties. They are the minority in the South, and cannot break down the Democratic party at the South. They have no principles to offer for adoption, in oppo sition to democratic principles, which can carry the popnlnf^Yaice. They have no measures to propose in opposition to demo cratic measures. Beyond the limits of the South, there is no material out of which to form a party fit for Southern men to unite with, outside the ranks of the Democratic party—no, not enough to carry a single Congressional District at the North. Great divisions and quarrels among democrats, bare arrayed one branch of the party in New York, in opposition to Gen. Fierce’s Administiation. But that opposition fur nishes no nucleus upon which to form a new party which can claim any strength at the South. The grounds of opposition to Gen. Pierce have nothing in them national in character, or worthy of Southern sympathy. Nor are they of such a character as will Dermit the reunion of the democracy of New York, at the very next national contest. The Presidential election of 1856 will find the Democracy of New York again a unit, and rallied upon its old principles. Of those principles, Gen. Pierce was a true exponent in 1852, and he has been true to them in his entire official course as President. The South certainly has no cause to complain of him. No measure of his Administration has met with a dissent at the South, worthy to be dignified with the name of an organ- TUESDAY. OCT. 31. The Weather.—On Saturday evening we commenced having a slight sprinkling of rain which continued during Sunday and on Sunday night increased to a very re spectable shower. The dust of a few days ago has consequently been supplanted by a pretty thick coating of mud. Tits Stats Bud. In another column will be seen an extract from the recent report of the Superintendent of the State Road, showing the earnings and expenditures of the Road during the year ending on the 30th of September, 1854. It will be observed that the gross eearnings have amounted to $591,154 78, while the expenses for working and maintaining the Road are stated at $253,031 78, showing a profit of $338,123. This result, so far as it is an indication of the increasing business of the Road, and its capacity, under proper management, to re alize a considerable profit to the State, when the work of construction shall be completed and its debts paid off, must be a source of gratification to every citizen of Georgia.— But so far as regards the nett profits of the past year, arising partly from decreased ex penditures, and the payment of a trifling 6um from its earning into the State treasu ry, we regard it as altogether illusory in its character. Our readers need not be reminded that we have, since the question of a disposal of the Road was first mooted, uniformly and zealously advocated the policy of retaining the Road in the possession of the State, on ! which results in their agreeing, jointly, to the ground that, with the heavy increase of \ f° rm a stock company, with Mr. I. as pres- business in prospect on the completion of | i deat *. ^ ie y purchase the land by paying [Correspondence of the Daily Intelligencer.] New York, Oct. 26, 1854. The “tight times” have brought to light many operations of the stockjobbers. There is more gambling in Wall Street than in ali other parts of the city together. It is not with cards or dice.; nevertheless, it is gambling of the worst kind with stocks for money. There is a large class who devote themselves to buying and selling worthless stocks at fictitious prices by false represen tations. By a combined effort they make stocks rise to-day, and sell out—easting sus picion against them to-morrow, depreciate their nominal value, buy in again—making their money out of uninitiated and green ones. There are various kinds of stocks that may be denominated Fancy, and for each I hare a rod in pickle, but I will at this time only expose that class of Mining Stocks known as Coal Stocks. Mr. Jacob Barback is not worth a dollar, ; and has for a long time been living on the . any friend of the UnioE to point - to » sin g le interest of what he owes ; feeling he must i instance by which the South originated a raise the wind, lie luckily hears of some measure that threatened the integrity of the coal lands for sale in Pennsylvania, bor- ' £, nion - or , did injustice to any of its citizeiis. a Vi... a nA a i, c c ■ i i-i The South has not only done all that it rows a hundred dollars of a friend, which j could do to add t0 oup * ational honor and he promises to return next week, goes to the ; greatness, but has studiously abstained from owner, and gets a refusal for thirty days of j every thing calculated to disturb the domes- 6,000 acres at five dollars per acre. He j tic harmony. Nay more, when the South "r, “ f “»? rvr. “; 53 AS the Hon. Caleb Ironhull to join w ith him, j the most wanton acts of injustice from the stating in glowing colors the prospect. He ; North, it has displayed a forbearance and a pictures the immense fortune both can ! patience, which the people of the South make, and finally induces Mr. Ironhull to i on V can display^ These are some of the go with him and “view the promised land,” Howell Cobb on tbe Slave Trade. ^ The following letter from the ex-Governor of Georgia, was originally published in Mitchell’s Citizen. Retreat, Ga., Sept. 21,1854. To the Editor of the New York Evangelist: Sir,—In your issue of the 13th ultimo, which I did not see until a few days ago, there occur some editorial remarks, founded on an extract from the Daily Times, relat ing to the brig Grey Eagle, Capt. Donald, to which I propose a brief reply. I feel in vited to this course from your Baying, “We should be glad to ask our Southern friend* what they think of the possibility of such an event ?”—the rivival of the African slave trade. Every true friend of the Union moat deeply deplore the circumstances which have resulted in the dilaceration of that fraternal regard which should have contin ued to characterize the American people as one brotherhood, growing out of domestic slavery. But whilst the absence of that feeling is matter of regret, it is no small gratification to us of the South to know that we are blameless. It is impossible for connecting Roads, it must inevitably be come the source of a large revenue to the State. Such we still believe to be the fact, But this revenue cannot properly or reason ably be expected to be realized to the State so as to be turned to the advancement of other interests, foreign to the affairs of the Road, until the repairs, equip ment and geueral construction necessa ry to place the Road on an equal footing with other roads, shall have been completed, and itsdebts liquidated. These necessary pre- zed opposition. The recent defeats of A.d- 1 limmaries have not yet been accomplished, ministration candidates, hare been effected, ! and the Road is no more able to pay a sin- in a great measure, upon the ground that ! gle cent into the treasury now than it was ihe Administration measures have been too under Wadley’s or Yonge’s administrations, Southern m their bearings—too favorable 1 ,• ° ... , , , to the claims of the South* How then, can « ce P t b ? ne S lect,D g expenditures absolute- to the claims of the South. How then, can patriotic Southern men, whigs or democrats, reel otherwise than indignant at the rejoic- ly necessary to maintain the Roadinaproper condition to do the business which is thrown ngs of the factions, which have borne down ; upon it—to prevent it from going into di- he Administration candidates in the North? i lapidation> and to hav0 it at the e * d of the Over each candidate thus prostrated and triumphed over, the South has lost a friend and the Constitution a defender. But the reaction will come, and justice will be done our Northern friends. The discordant factions now in the ascendant in present Superintendent’s term of office in as good condition as when it came under his control. Why, then, has this sum of $50,000 been paid into the State treasury Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana, will quar- Unles , 8 “ ** People knowing the . el with themselves over the spoils. The tka t the money has been paid people will recover from the delusions of heir possions, and awake to their sense of American citizens. “The second sober hnught” will be on the side of the Consti ution, and of obedience to its behests.— 1 he Democratic Parry, with its glorious old banner, unfurled, with the Constitution, in, and with little or no scrutiny on their part into the financial affairs of the Road, shall be made to think that while previous administrations, admitted to be eminently efficient, were unable to make the Road pay anything to the State over and above its he rights of the States, and the equality of j own expenses, the present Superintendent, he States, emblazoned on all its folds, will *». ■’ • ,• igain tead to victor” T “that toaairTt. i hr ‘ “"" “If"" ,k ^ “ “ s South will rally, as it did in 1852, and ! has been ab,e to make the Road at 11118 ear ‘ .vhenever the time comes to deliver her j da y commence paying a revenue into the iward on the Administration of Gen. Pierce State treasury ? Asa public journalist we ‘Well done, good and faithful .t will be, servant, Tb« Cattra Crop. A “Merchant” has furnished the Mobile Register the following remarks of i “oDe of closest observers of the crops of the coun- ry”: “The opinions which I have several times expressed to you in respect to the forthcom ing cotton crop of Alabama, are still unchan ged. I understand there are a few very good crops on the Black Warrior, ten or fifteen miles from this place, but it is gener ally conceded that the crop on the low lands will not exceed two-thirds that of 18- 52 or ’53. On the sandy uplands I am sure twill not turn off above one half. “The crops on the black, or lime lands, as they are famil&rly called, are said to be more unequal than usual. Some, very good, others very indifferent—the average falling quite below the crops of 1852 and 1853. “ A friend of mine, of reliable judgement now planting in Marengo, has just returned from North Alabama, where he is well ac- (uainted, reports the cotton crop in the Ten nessee valey to be about two-thirds of last year, and says th ecorn crop is in proportion short. In middle Alabama, the forward corn has yielded a fair average, while that plant ed late has produced but little. “I do not remember ever tc have seen as many hogs in Alabama as at this time. The most ofthem will be slaughtered, though perhaps, the scarcity of corn will prevent them from being fattened as we!l as they should be. Is it impossible that the incoming cro p of the United States can exceed twenty-five Hundred thousand bales ? The loss from the torms and heavy rains has been very great, yet it is impossible to estimate this with any iegree of exactness. “The cotton would be leas affected by a frost at this time than any previous year I remember to have observed. In 1851, tbe drought was partial, while contiguous dis tricts and even plantations were visited by plentiful showers. In 1839, the spring and summer were unusually favorable—neither too wet nor too dry, and all tbe crops were unsuolly advanced and promising when the showers ceased about the middle of August. The remainder of the summer not being unusually warm and the nights and days approximating equally in duration, the evaporation of the day did not so greatly exceed what was returned in the night.— But the drought of this year was so serious in the spring as to cause the crops to be about three weeks more backward than us ual. It again commenced about the 10th f July, and the summer has been about the warmest I have ever felt throughout the U. States, and the drought extending almost over the entire area of our country. If an average crop is made this year you •nay set it down that cotton is proof against beat and dry weather, rather courting both.” I Batel During Thursday night last the rain com menced and continued, falling, moderately, until ten o’clock yesterday morning. We nave, therefore, had a most delightfril and refreshing rain, with a prospect, as we write f a renewal of it, as the clouds have not dispersed. Should this be followed by a .good frost, we may calculate with certainly upon the immediate extermination of the fever.—Chronicle eft Sentinel QSithinst. Rachel Coming to America.—A paris correspondent says, that he ia authorised by Madame Rachel herself, to state that her -agent will shortly sail for New York, to make arrangements for her appearance there this winter m the great characters which have placed her at the head of living tragic actresses. A* she plays entirely in French she intends to take a complete com pany from Peris with her. The wit inspected at Syracuse, N. Y. this year exceed*, by 250,000 bushels, that of 1853. feel bound to protest against any such sys tem of indirection in the management of the people’s property—the State Road.— This thing of cutting down the necessary outlays of the Road and paying a little sum of money into the treasury and making a great noise about it, has too much the ap pearance of a shrewdly concocted feat of legerdemain to stand the test of an open, earnest, intelligent investigation by the people. After tbe heavy appropriation, amounting to nearly three-quarters of a million of dol lars, appropriated by the Legislature for the benefit of the State Road, and after the dis bursements from this sum, directed by the hands of Mr. Wadley and his successor, Mr, Yonge, it is easy to conceive that the Road might be continued in tolerable running order with slight outlays for permanent re pairs, for at least the term of one succeeding Superintendent, but it is quite as easy to conceive that, in such case, a vastly increased expenditure mightbeimperatively demanded to keep the road in operation upon the in coming of the next administration. Mr. Cooper’s report would have been much more satisfactory had it been more explicit in some important respects. It would have thrown more light on the con dition of the affairs of the Road if he had made an exhibit of the general indebtedness of the Road, detailing the more important items—stating whether or not any consider able amount of new debts have been lately created—what has been done with the old debt of $95,000 due the Georgia Railroad, what amount of it has been paid and in what manner—whether in cash or in bonds, and what amount of new bonds have been issued since the commencement of his ad ministration. We have already extended this article farther than we intended and must Jdefer any additional reflections on the subject to a future day. We shall, however, recur to it shortly, as there are a number of other interesting items which we wish to bring before the people. 1^.John Van Buten returned to the United States in the steamer Baltic. It is the general opinion that he came back for the purpose of having a finger in the No vember election. An a;r line railroad from Memphis to Louisville continues to be discussed. The enterprise is of vast importance to those cities, and to New Orleans. Another Editor Arrested.—We learn from the New York Min or, that A. S. Wil- lengton Esq., the venerable proprietor of the Charleston Courier, was arrested in New York a few days since for libel, at the in stance of Rufus W. Griswold. The alleged libel was contained in a letter from New York touching Mr. G’s domestic affairs. Squadron tor Greytown.—The steamer Princeton will convey Mr. Charge Wheeler and Mr. ex-Consui Fabens to Pensacola, where, it is said, they will transfer them selves to the frigate Columbia, which will be there for the purpose. Tbeforcefor the harbor of San Juan will consist of the Columbia, the razee Independence, which is to pnt in there on her way to ,the Pacific, and the Princeton. Fanny Fern is writing a domestic «i», which she calls Ruth Hall. It will be issued by Mason A Co., New York. ■ The froth wad songster* are tht cottager's music sad Imw tti pear man’s poesy. sacrifices which the South has heretofore $5,000 down, which is paid in stocks, if possible, and give their notes for the Bal ance, payable in one, two and three years. | commanded by a northern captain and nav igated by a northern crew. Ti made, and is still making, for the sake of peace and the Union. I trust that this for bearance is not to be put to stronger tests, for they might produce practical secession. The brig Grey Eagle, so far as my infor mation goes (I get it from yours, and other newspapers,) was owned at the North, was They then form a company and issue stock to the amount of one million and fve hun dred thousand dollars! which purports to be “ the capital!” Mr. Barback receives from the President, Mr. Ironhull, five hun dred thousand dollars in stock for finding the land, and the President takes an equal amount for making the purchase, and ap points Mr. B.’s son Secretary and Transfer Agent. The remaining five hundred thou sand is set apart for the expenses—paying for the land and building a railroad to the mine. Now they devote themselves to tell ing of the wonderful mine to all they come across. They “ would not sell their stock for less than par ”—not they. “ It will b8 worth more.” If they consent to do it, “ they do it as a friend," and they caution “ not to say anything about it.” “ Cannot fail to make $1,000 per day nett profit when they get a going, and more, too.” It will not cost 50 cents per ton—freight and all only $2. Coal at $7—§5 profit on each ton —immense profits—the royal road to a for tune. Mr. Barback induces Mr. Bitewell to sell his house for the stock and make him a di rector, and by exchanges of stocks equally valuable get a Board of Directors, who publish a pamphlet, describing the land and the coal, together with a report from the celebrated Prof. Hum, who says there is an inexhaustible supply of the best qual ity, and that it will cost next to nothing to mine it, and that there is not such another mine in the whole country—a fortune to the owners—hisfeeS500. Upon these represen ta- tions they borrow, giving their notes for a year or more to run, offering a bonus as an in ducement. They get all the money they can—exchange it for all the property possi ble—refuse to sell their stock, except at a high price, unless in an underhanded way —get some fat geese plucked. They try other games as long as possible, then they issue six hundred thousand dollars in bonds, which take the precedence to the stock, sell all possible the same way. They try to ef fect a loan in Europe in which they fail— the railroad is never built—the mine not opened—their notes not met—their stock forfeited and worthless, and those who lent their money taken in and done for. The originators pocket the cash, and the affair ends by the whole concern failing. If lend ers object to being fleeced they sue them for usury in accepting of their generous offer of a few shares of their valuable stock, which they do in hopes of making them forfeit the principal, and whether they suc ceed or not they keep no property in their possession and all is lost. That’s “ a regular Sevastopol ” is now the phrase used instead of hoax, humbug and the like. The news of taking Sevasto pol was the greatest hoax of the age, even greater than Richard Adams Locke’s moon hoax, which set all the world and his wife agog in 1830. But it may turn out to be the truth by the time of the arrival of the next 6teamer. Further details are published respecting the finding of the remains of Sir John Franklin and his party. It is supposed that they died of starvation near Great Fish River, and that they were at last driv en to the last resort of starving men—can nibalism. During the last two days nine thousand three hundred and forty-four emigrants have arrived at this port. Money Matters.—Money still continues tight.” The Banks do but little paper, and what they do must be first-class names. There have been less deposits made during the last weok than in previous weeks. The is occasioned by drafts of western bankers upon their balances held in this city. There is also a continued decline specie. Politicians are busy “ in laying pipe’” for the election, which is but two weeks off. The liquor dealers held a meeting last even ing and agreed to support Seymour in con sideration to his decided stand taken in op position to the Maine Law, and his veto of it. It needs no prophet to determine who will be the next Governor, but we will wait for the returns. *** W. C. Bemax, Indicted for Mail Robbe ry.—Among the deaths reported some time since as having occurred of yellow fever in this city, was that of W. C. Behan. The deceased was under indictment for mail robbery, alleged to have been perpetrated in Augusta. We refer to the matter now for the purpose of saving the witnesses summoned to testify in the case from the trouble of attending the next term of the United States Court, at which the trial was to have taken place, and for the additional purpose of saving the government the ex- mse of their coming. The Augusta and Montgomery papers are requested to call their attention to the fact that their pres ence will not bo required. Our cotempora ries, however, are advised to make no charge for the notice, as Uncle Sam is too poor to pay for an advertisement. We have rende red him this service gratuitously, and they most expect to be compensated at the same tale.—Savannah Georgian. his brig went to Africa, and, from some barracoon on the coast, procured a cargo of six hundred slaves, it is said, and landed them on the island of Cuba. What do you see in all this, sir, calculated to excite your fears, or to justify your surmises, that the South is about to revive the African slave trade?— Southern men had no interest in this brig, or her cargo, that I know of. Pardon fee when I say, it seems to me, that we of the South might ask with muoh more propriety, whether Northern men ever intend to relii*- quish this traffic f The history of the African slave trade shows, that before it was prohibited by law, the South participated in it, so far as the importation was concerned, to a very limi ted extent, and since its prohibition, not at all, that I know of. The vessels engaged in the trade, were principally, if not altogeth er, owned by northern men (softly—-New England men.) Northern men brought the slaves to the South, and sold thorn. How these slaves were procured—how they suffe red in the middle and all other passages, &o. &e., we of the South only know what history relates. Whatever these sufferings may have been, they form the amount of northern responsibility in the case. How the slaves have been treated since they have become ours, forms the amount of our re sponsibility—a responsibility which we are, by no means, inclined to exchange for yours, were such a thing possible, and which we are not disposed to deny or avoid. Your inquiry is directed principally 5 to the African slave trade, although you dis cuss at some length, and in the usual way, another subject—domestic slavery. Youfte- si o to know what Southern sentiment niay be, as to the revival of this trade—I wiil give that sentiment as I understand it, and 1 think I understand it well—the South is now as it has ever been sincethe trade became unlawful, UTTERLY OPPOSED TO ITS REVIVAL. No doubt, Sir, it would afford you much pleasure if the facts would permit you to say as much for the North. Excuse me, Sir, it seems surprising that you should entertain a doubt, with regard to Southern sentiment on this subject. With a coast extending from Maryland to Texas, every facility abundant and at hand, what is there now, or has there been heretofore, to prevent the South carrying on this trade, had it been so disposed? And if disinclined to the direct trade with Africa, what is there now, or has there been heretofore, to prevent an indirect trade by the way of Cuba? On this subject, with regard to my native State (Georgia,) I can be very explicit— positive. You will perceive that the power of prohibiting the African slave trade, is in the Federal Constitution but an implied power—powers of this kind remain dormant until they are put into exerci e by legisla tion. Congress passed an act in 1807, pro hibiting this trade after the first day, of January, 1808. Ten years before this pe riod, that is in 1798, Georgia included* in her Constitution this article: “There shall bo no importation of slaves into this State, from Africa, or any foreign place, after the first day of October next.” For the purpose of carrying fully into effect the provisions of her Constitution and tiie act of Congress of 1807, Georgia passed several acts. In one of these acts, passed in 1817, thirty- seven years ago, only one year after the organization of the Colonization Society, provision was made for turning over to said Society any African slaves which might be introduced into the State. There occurs in the last mentioned act this remarkable clause: “his Excellency, the Governor, is authorized and requested to aid in promoting the be nevolent views of said society, in such man ner as he may deem expedient.” So stands, this day, the Constitution and law of Georgia. I regret that I am not prepared to make an investigation of this subject, as respects -the other Southern States; but apprehend that an examination will show as efficient legis lation, on the part of each of them, as that of Georgia; for a common purpose would necessarily suggest common action. There are but two places, on our side of the Atlantic, where tins trade is carried on, to wit: Brizil and Cuba. Brazil being \ re mote, at present, from the United StatiS, I shall here say no more that relates to uat government. The trade goes on with Cuba, and is likely to go on, aslong as things con- — in their present position. Now, Sir, I ’ and I trust you will believe me to be smcfflWglsee no remedy for this objection able traBe (nor for the Africanization of Cuba) but the bringing of that Island into the American Union. This, I trust will be at no distant day. This event wiU not only put an end to those ceaseless annoyances, experienced by commercial men, but tbe people of the island will be blessed with liberty of conscience and all the benefits of freemen. May we of the South count on your co-operation in this greatandgood work? I have confined my self, you perceive, to the discussion of the revival of ine African slave trade, although your editorial whuld justify me in alluding to the subject of do mestic slavery. You will not understand me, because 1 have not discussed the latter subject, to be averse to its discussion; but really sir, it appears to me to be not fenly ..nnoi pssarv but a work of — unnecessary, out a work ef supererogation to discuss tiie propriety of an institution, which the laws, the Constitutions, both State and Federal, and the Bible, authorise 'and regulate. I am, very respectfully, Ac., Howell Coap. Trial of the Gunters.—This trial came off at Newbuty C. H. last annk Against Edward Gunter no bill was found. Dr. Gunter was acquitted. The trial, -how ever, had reference only to the killiatf of Capt. Jesse Scurry. Dr. Gunter’s. nssnnd trial,-for the killing of Capt. f vant, is to take place at Newbarry v. u. ia about three’ —