The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, November 04, 1854, Image 2

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THURSDAY, NOT. 2. IvroiiiKT Statk Election*.—Oa Ta»s- Jay next, tbe 7th iiwfc, •lections take place in New York, New Jersey, IUinoie, Michi gan end Wisconsin, at which fifty-four members of Congress in the aggregate are to be elected. In New York and Michigan State officers are to be elected; in Illinois a State treasurer and county officers, and Legislators in all the States except Illinois. The Massachusetts annual election for eleven fllr J*ha VrtaUte. The subjoined Recount of the discovery of the remains of Sir John Franklin and his comrades is extracted from the letterof Dr. Rea to Sir George Simpson, published in the Montreal Herald of Oct. 21st: i On the 31st of March my spring journey commenced, bat in consequence of the gales of wind, deep and soft snow, and foggy weather, we made but very little progress. We did not enter Pelly Bay until the 17th. At this place we met with 'Esquimaux, one of whom, on being asked if he ever saw white people, replied in the negative, but members of Congress takes place on the 13th. In Minnesota a Legislature is to be | said that a large party (at least 40 persons) chosen some time during the present month, i had perished from want of food, some 10 We ma? look out for interesting and im- ! or 12 days' journey to the westward. The We may look out for interesting and im- , - „ . , . portant political developments before the I sub . stanc ® of the , “^rmation. obtained at F ^ 1 i various times and from various sources, was as follows: month is ended. The Atlanta Bank. I , J* s P rin 8 / 0U F. wint#ra P”*' ("P rin S We have noticed in some of our Georgia j iSSO.J a party of white men amounUng to . ; about forty, were seen traveling southward Change* an art tore headed ‘‘Atlanta Bank j or6r the and dragging £ boat with an attack, of courso on that Institution— ; them, by some Esquimax, who were killing extracted from a Western paper, narrating j seals on the north shore of King William's how a Western bankor travelled oil the wav ; Lwd which is a large island named Kei- . , . , . . , , • ik-tak bv the Esquimaux. None of the to Atlanta, with sixty tacusand dollars in : p aTt y co -ji d S p 8i k the native language in- Atianta Bank bills for the purpose of de~ telligibly, but, by signs, the natives were mending the specie for the same. Reading ; made to*understand that their ships or ship B Y TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM ITTROFS. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER PACIFIC. thus far one would naturally think, from the- temper of the article, that an account of an inability ro pay was about to follow.— But funnily enough, the article goes on to , cept one officer, (chief,) looked thin ; they state that the cashier looked aghast, but neverthele , ’ , < counted out the sixty thousand : P dollarin specie, sc ilia* the anxious banker 11 was on ilia way home with his treasure tlie New York. Oct. 30.—The stcame’* Pac’fic has arrived with Liverpool dates to the 18th. Liverpool, Oct. 17.—Cotton steady, and in some instances a slight advance has been made. Sales of two days, 32,000. B ead- atuffs—Market excited—Flour advanced three shillings. Wheat since Friday 5J to nine pence, and corn one shilling. Provi sions unchanged. Consols 94J@93. The weather is bleak. No News from the seat of war. such as we have, is conflicting but authentic. Up _ to the 9th of October nothing had been Land, which is a^large island named Kei- ’ done. The allid number 99.009. and occupy a strong position south of Sebastopol, and have all their besieging apparatus landed. Meusohikoff stills holds the field north of Sebastopol, with 30,000 men, and 20.000 more cxpec‘ed. 10.000 additional French are to be ship- had been crushed by ’ice, and that the “whites*'’ were now going to where they expected to find deer to shoot. From the appearance of the men. all of whom, ex- rovisions, ana they purchased a small seal ; rom the natives. At a Later date, the same season, but previous to the disruption of the ice, the next mor ning. The only possible peg the bodies of about thirty white persons were were then supposed to be getting short of j P°^ * ot - lC u The Baltic fleet will return home with- | out further operations. Russia is amassing forces on the Austrian frontier. Western editor could find to hang a growl ; discovered on the continent, and five on an upon, was that the greater cart of the day i island near it, about a long day’s journey was consumed in counting out the specie. | ^ thirty-five or forty miles) to the north- . , . .. . . . ! ' won oi a targe stream, which can be no and even this little peg is an invention <*,f ; ot j ier t p an Back’s Great Fish River, (named the chagrined editor, who would have much ' It is surmisse l that France and England are at present discussing the exped'eney of establishing the Independent Kingdom of Poland. Lord Raglan’s despatches say it isexpee* by the Esquimaux, Out-koo-hi-ca-lik,} as its | better satisfied if the demand had not bean rle-criprion and that of the low in the neigh- j ed that the fi e on Sebastopol will be opened met at. all. We can add another item to ! bortuod of Point Ogle and Montreal Island ■ i n a few days, agree exactly with that of Sir George Back, j p arrin8 & Wright, and five other fi; ; Some ot the bodies had been buried, (prub- , ^ r . . n , , . ,, * , * ablv those of the first victims of famine,) j mvc faled lu , DubIln - but tboH S ht to bc tent or tents, others under j v temporary. the aniclo in question. The next clay after the Western banker left, another lot of bills amounting to $17,000, was presented at the g^'g were in counter of the bank and the specie counted a boat that oat for the same, but whether the cashier looked aghast or net we Lave not yet ascer tained. Th« Vellow Fever Disappearing. It affords us sincere pleasure to notice by ear Savannah &. Augusta exchanges that the epidemic which ha3 prevailed so violently in those cities for some time pact may now be considered almost at an end. By extracts in another a *lu:n it will be ob served that there wa° no death by y ellow fever in Augusta, on Tuesday, and none in Savannah for tho three days ending on Mon day evening, tho 30th inst.. while the state of the weat her in both places indicated that but & few fore the vi would pi epidemic. The gradual abatement, of rhe fever for several days past has induced many of the absentees to return and our af- flected cities are again rapidly begining to as'uuuu their wonted appearance of business and industry. In Charleston, also, we nre glad to see that the disease is rapidly aba ting and wili, probably in 'he course of a few days, have entirely disappeared. had been turned over to j form a shelter, and several lay scattered \ about in different directions. Of thoi-e found on the island, one was supposed to j have been an officer, as he had a telescope j strapped over his shoulder and his doub.e- j barrelled gun lay underneath him. From the mutilated state of many of the ; corpses, and the contents of the kettles it is evident that our miserable countrymen had beeu driven to the last resource*—can nibalism—a* a means of prolonging life. There appears to have been an abundant stock of ammunition, as the powder was emptied in a heap on the ground by the na tives, out of the keg* or cases containing it, Hire of The Missouri Dunocrat (Benton’s organ) attribute? the rire and spread of Know- Xothingism to the sins of the adm’nistra- tion of General Pc.xe: the ch ef of which sins, aceoidlng to the Democrat, is his pro scription of Benton and Houston. If this be the fact, it strikes us ns somewhat sin gular that one of the first and m i*t decisive victories gaineJ by the se'tct order was the defeat of Benton him e’.f. The Know- Nothings in St. Louis retorted to a strange method of avenging the wrongs which the administration had iufiic ed upon Benton when they united with the Whigs and the friends of Gene al P e.-ce to bring ab >ut the and a quantity if ball and shot wa3 found j overthrow of the arch apostate from th bc-Ow nigh water mark, naviug been left on i Democratic party. For our own part, we rbe tee close to the beach. There must!. . 1 * . . .. • —j up. as i saw pie tides with the Esquimaux, and together with some silver spoons and forks, pur chased as many as I could obtain. A ! list of the most important of these I en close, with a rough pen-and-ink sketch of and the blow which, wo are told, they ae aiming at Seward, to our eye enter a multi tude of sins. Still we reg. et their exis.em e. 1 | and believing that no better party can be formed than the Democratic party, advise le close, with a rough pen-and-mx siietcn ot | our fr ; cntU for lbe pre C nt at (east", to have the events and inmala on the forks and j noth ; l0 d , with anv other. For. though cr.nnua Tbs themselves shall be ; are b f)bH d to tl ,; e Know-Nothings for spoons. The articles themselves shall be handed over to the Secretary of the Hon II, B., &c., on my arrival in London, I beating Benton, it would have g ven us infi nitely more pleasure to have had the same A *one of the Lxquimaux with^whnm I j « erv f cc performed by tho Democratic party. nvArcoo non loon HOT him ! . * 4 Change of Schedule. A new Schedule on the Atlanta & La grange and the Georgia Railroads went into j those who had been there, and those who conversed had seen the “whites,” nor had they ever been at the place where the dead were found, but had their information from —Sar. Georgian. operation vetterdv. The mi' i tra : n on tho I Atlanta k Lagrange Road now arrives in had seen tho party when alive. From the head of Pelly Bay—which is a | bay, 9pito of Sir H. Beaufort’s opinion to this city at 1 o’clock P. M. and the Mail j tbc contrary—I crossed CO miles of land in train for Augusts leaves at lj o’clock P. M. ! a westerly direction, traced the west shore The Augusta train arrives at 4 A. M. and I from Castor and Pollux River to Cape Por- ® 1 ter nt Sir James Rosa, and I could have got within 30 or 40 mile? of Belot Strait, but I 44 o’clock the Lagrange train leaves at A. M„ a? heretofore. The Griffiv Election-.—The American Union, published at Griffin, attribute * the recent defeat of the regular Whig and Dem ocrat candidates andthe election of a third person who had not been considered a can didate in the mayors election in that place, to the action of the temperauco party and not to the Know Nothings. The temper ance men mu-r have conducted their pre- lemenary operations with a good deal of se ct ecv and •*b r cwdr.o*a to have effected so striking a result. A new faction has sprung up among tho democrats of Minnesota, founded upon matters of railroad policy,and styling them selves the “Anti Fraud" party. They de nounce the passago of the Nebraska Bill, go for free homes of one hundred and sixty acve.s to actual settlers, s liberal system of education for the people, and advocate the annetment of a prohibitory liquor law. Excitement at a Political Meeting.— Gen. Cass delivered a political speech to l,f,00 persons at Chicago on the fiOth irwt. He wai listened to with great attention,but alter he sat down, some one callol for three groan * for Judge Douglass, who was also on the stand. The call wa ; hissed down, but ; cheers were given for Ohio. Pennsylvania, and Indiana. The Chicago IVilntne says : At this juncture considerable confusion j prevailed when sonic 'me called for a ■-•peech | from Frederick Douglass, (black man) who j was in the room. It was caught up and responded io, apparently, by five hundred persons. The effect was as exeitiug as if a bomb-shell had been thrown into tuc room Col. Rnowhook rushed upon the ‘-cand and blandished his fist ft’, the crowd, while Col. Hamilton declared in the most emphat ic manner, t.lia if Douglass came in the stand, lie would have him rent to the watch house. $ucli an uproar as followed we have seldom witnessed. It seemed ns if pande monium had broken loose, acid tho threat* of the Nebraskaites only made the matte- worse. Federiok Douglass had the good sense to retire, during the confusion, but the crowd did not know it. The meeting was dispersed by some ore turning off the gns. We learn that .Jacob Mercer, who was recently tried in Stewart county for the murder of Green B. Lee, has been convict ed of the offence and sentenced by J ud ge Cr * w- fORD to be hung on the 20 th day of Decem ber next. The case received the most pa tient investigation, having occupied the Court four days. |@r Mr Finney, a dent isf, late of Alex andria, Egypt, is reported to have found a atnffed tooth in a mummy, and several teeth ia other mummies which bore marke? of filling. If true, this is certainly one of the most remarkble facts which modern perse verance has yet brought to light concerning the arts of the ancients. The New York correspondent of the Char, loston Courier says: “Philander Doesticks” whose real name is Thompson, is in business in that city. He has a brother, who is a practical printer, in the office of the Detroit Advertiser. His communications will soon be published in a volume, and, and will throw in the Shad, “Mrs.* Partington,” or any of the other numerous tribe of “Alia ses.” TAe Fever—I:* Disappearance. It will be teen by ie.c.e,i«.e to the .ei-ons of the Board of lle.ibh. that the e have been NO DEATHS ET TELL .W FFVER FOR THE PAST three dats. It aff.uds us the most livelj satisfaction to be enabled to make an an nouncement which we know will be so grati fying to our abteut friend«, indenting, a i most astu.ed.y does, the d sappeaiance <>: the epidemic with which our city, in com mon with most of the cit e* ancf towns ot the South ha* been so w>: e’y afflic ed. Tha this dbe.i. e ha? cei e.i to east he e in tl e epidemic form, the e can be no djubr, and theoccurienie of a frost must Boon give cer tain ‘ecuriiy against e-.en spoiadic atiacks. For our pari, we do not tlrnk the e is n pie ent any danger incur!ed by acclimated . citizens in leturmng to the city, though while level coast, where tiie compass was of utile j tbe vvealLer is, a? at p;e cut, damp, cloudy, or no use. was perplexing in the extreme. , Rljd warm—;» a ttnusithe =ta c from ? thought it useie? a proceeding any further, as I could not complete the wliole. Never in my former Arctic journeys had I met with such an accumulation of obsta cle*. Fogs, storms, rough ice, and deep snow wo had to fight against. On one oc casion wc were four and a half days unable to got a glimpse at the sun, or even to make out his position in the heavens. This, on a The weather was much finer on our re turn journey than when outwards bound, and our load? being lighter, our day’s marches were nearly double the distance, and we arrived at Repulse Bay on the 26th May. without accident, except in one in stance, in which one of the party lost a toe from a frost bite. The commencement of Spring was very fine, but June and July were colder. We were unable to get out of the bay until the 6th of August. Our progress along the coast as far as Capo Fullerton was much impeded by ice; but. o:t getting to the southward of the Cape we had dear water, and saw no ice after ward*. The conduct of the men, I am happy to me.- to winter temre a.u e—a change which a few hours may bring ab mr—wc a. e in- dispo*ed totakebe lesponsibilityof advising ab.-entces to le urn. If the e should be n lejurreuce of ie\er cam fur the next few days, and the weather becomes -ettled and seasonable. e\en if tl.c.e should be no frost, we think no app:cheasion need bj felt by our citizens in ie urning to tlieir home i and business.—Sar. Xew*. Ill<t. Horror* of me C-iuese War. The Rev. Dr. Parker, the we.I known missionary at Canton, writing from tha - city, under da e of July, of the horrors-ol the Chine e revolution, says: “ On the 0;h of July, F.ebshon, a town 10 or 12 mile* of Canton, west, embracing say, was. generally speaking, good; anti we ! nearly a million of poiple, fell into the had not a single 'case of sickness all the 1 p >wer of the insurgents, and the imjcrial- time of our absence. Being anxious to send this to Red River the first boats, I wrote in haste and l-ts have endeavoie 1 in vain to re-capture it. The smoke by day and fire by night of burning village, have been visib.e from my briefly, but shall have the pleasure of =end-1 terrace. U.i tho 13;h in*t., the first blood ing a*more detailed account by some future ! was shed on tho north of this city, a few opportunity. * I miles distantgif we except that spilt by the 1 With the utmost respect I have the honor j sword of the executioner, the number of de- [Frum. da* A a rust* Chronicle £ Seeg^ia!, |#l] h«siu «r th* City. ■ Tbe weather yesterday was ell that any on* couid dtjir? who did not wish the Yel low FevMiilleJ'off. It was a m wt china ing day, with * temperature and detr sky that an Lallan might have justly envied fur I.alv euuld not surpass the n. But it was not half ejld enough to satisfy our frost craving people. It was a bright d‘iy with a delightful West wind blowing anH the city 1 hike! brighter and the faces more cheeriul (the e were mere face? than have been seen in the streets in a long, long time,) than we have been wont to meet f,.r weeks. Every one was buoyed up with the cheering hope that a good frost would be seen and felt this miming-—and they rejoic ed in that hope. We hope they may nut be disappoint I, but at the time <>f writing, our own doubts are strong. In short, every b <ly felt bettor, and there was a general conviction that the health was improving— the fever abating. We think they a.e right. We heard yesterday that three o. four persons had bee t taken sick—pe-hap- fmc’ei they had Yellow Fever, and the doctors may indulge a like fancy, fur thi? has lately been a ie-y fashionab’e di.-ea*e. But we hope the patients and d ictors are mistaken when they indulge in any such fancy. Seriously, however, we entertain the opin ion that the cases of yellow fever a.e daily becoml ng le ;s, a:id those few very mild.— Absentees should not yet return. Heating of tbe Board of He.-,1th. Council Chamber. | Oct. 31. 3 o’clock. P. M. j The B >ard report no death from YeJow Fever for the last 24 hours. The following resolutions were passed by the Board: “ Rexolred, Thai the Board request the physicians to meet them at the City Hall to-morrow evening at 3 o’clock. “ Resolved, That tho Board reque -t tha* those physicians who cannot a end. Fend their reports in writing, with the localities in which the ea es occur, and their opinion of the progress of the disea e.” David L. Roatit. Semetary Board Health. Tbe Bank Excitement at Cincinnati. The “run” on several of the banking institutions of Cincinnati having pretty much subsided on Friday morning, every thing became qu’et until the af ernoon, when a f.e*h excitement btoke forth, which he Gazette of Sn urday thus reports uuder the head of a “ nan up street “ Yesterday afternoon. P, B. Manchester, the banker, who had failed a day or two ■>i»ce, was met by a parry of persons on 3d stiee\ and a*ked to pay them their claims, me gentleman, named Clark, who deposit ed $400 in the People’s Bank on Monday ast, asked him to pay him his amount.— Mr. M. promised to pay it, but gave no aa - isfaction as to the time when this and the >ther claims should be paid. The crowd then commenced huzzaing and crying ont. * kill him.’ 1 kill him,’ ‘he ia a swindler,’ • take him.’ and similar exptessions. Man- started up Main stieet on a swift run. and wa* pursued to the corner of 4th, whe e he dodged into Wentworth’s hou-e ittd gave his pursuers the slip. Had they caught him. there is no telling what would have happened.” John a. Dye. of Dye’s Counterfeit De- ector, wa* also assaulted in his office, but made his e cajto. Dye is charged with aid ing in e.eanug the panic. A “ Fa3T ” Marriage.—A marriage was ceiebra ed “ on boa d ” the care of the Wes e.-n and Rome (N. Y.) Railroad on the 18th ult. Elder Judd, one of the pas; en ters, ac ed as interp, e er. The bridegroom was Johannes Schedel. and the bride. Mias Magdalena Blau, both of Germany. The past-e.ige-s made up a puree, was >! e e.ued to the happy couple. This is de- idediy the fastest marriage we ha\e heaid »f. THE ATLANTA ItfTELMG&gCER. Q»Ur» FT—My mm* Weekly- W.I.*TO«M, SiitaraadFreprietar. meiovivBKtiraei. OsBy Tenillgsepf pee ■■■—, la limn, $e »0 IV-Weekly, « 4 00 W*eWy. “ 100 Batnrihy, Hjreabsr A, 1951 Graham’s Magazine.—This favorito A- taeriean M mthly for Nneenher is already in onr table, filled with a choice selection of original matte-, and embellished with a number of elegant and spirited engrgrav- rings. The capture of Maj. And e is a most beautiful and life-like engraving. We hare ling regarded thin Magazine as s’and- ing at the held of American periodica! publications, both in regard to the quantity and quality of its original contributions and the beauty of its illustrations. We are glad to see that it has lost nothing of its original worth since the withdrawal of M \ Gro. R. Graham from its editorial control. Published by Richrad n. Lee, Philadelphia, at 33 per annum. MrTtV. H. Crisp. As will be seen by his card in anothe- column, Mr. W. II. Crisp, with his corps of theatrical pe.fermers. design paying our city another visit on the 9th of the pre ent month, when ho will open to the public the new theatre on Decatur stree\ which has recently teen built by onr enterprising townsman. Mr. J. E. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Crisp havo long been favorite; with the theatre-going citizens of Atlanta, and the announcement of their 1 e-appear ance among us, on the boards of our new thea'ro, will be sufficient, we doubt not, to give them a succeision of crowded houses. Piano Tuning.—We would invite atten tion to the card of M.\ C. F. Barth in our advertising columns. Mr. Barth has loca ted permanently in this city and will be found a gentlemanly and skillful artists. Those having pianos to tune or repair can not do better than to give him their orders. Combinations against High Prices.—The N. Y. Journal of Commerce says that priva'e families are clubbing toge her in that city in numerous instances to supply themselves with potatoes, that they may avoid being fleeced by middle men and speculators. Potatoes that can be bought in Massachu- se'ta for 25 or 40 cents per bu?hei, Fell in New York fur five time* that sum. Collision.—The cars due ye*tordy mor ning says the Savannah Republican of Wedne*dav did not arrive, owing to a colli sion of trains that occuied. five mi’e* below Macon on Monday night. Thirteen cars we e conside. ably damaged, but no person was injured. The Telegraph wii es we: e dis connected by this occu enee. in three d f- fe.eni place-*, but have been lepai.eJ and the connection conip'e e. Ax U.nhealtuv uitv.—ii.e L'quor agent fur Norwich. Conn., reports that during the months of August and September he sold, as medicine, one hundred and seventy seven gallons of brandy, one hund.ed and twelve N. E. rnm, thirty eight of gin, and thirry nnc of 3. C. rum, be rides a large quantity of wine. Can’t the Howard Association oi New Orleans, or the Young Men’s benevo lent association of Savannah, spa e them n few physicians and nurses ? Evidently their “suffe ingsis intolerable.” Riot in Charleston.—On Sunday af e~- noon. says the Charleston Standard, a in >s*t disgraceful riot, in which ab >ut fifty per sons wer concerned, oocured in Elliott thongh Mull is struggling hard to be j ftreet. The melee was origina ed by a Span- <*.e.i ed. He is stretching his arm over j iavd, who struck one of the uuf n-tuna'e fe- Behring’s Straits, towards the head of Miss j males who abound in this neighborhood. It is suspected, says Mr. Spiffle*, tha: the Czar in ends to uiakn a collection if fneign beauties from fa.- distant regions. Al eady he i? in pos»e*siun of Be*s Arabia, tnd holds Mull Davia by the skirt as guar- i issippi and Miss Souri. while the other is fair Poly Nesia. At the lan be no d. ubt of his in- eatmn to take Mary Mortum under his jointing to tne fair Polv Nesia. At the , j-i * _ i * , i . n i * • da <e\eral Spaniards, m whore cumpanv vRiue tune the. e can be no d.-ubt ot his in- 1 1 Some of her “gallants” in*erfo ed, a* als. d several Spaniards, in whore company the originator wa*. in a few minu e* the iroto.-tion. The Emperor is, in fact, a gener-j riot assumed a most rerious shape. B iuk- il lover, and ia arae.itiy attached to Pully ; bats, st ine*. an l other ni'nile; wj-o flying .iaiuy. IV hat saye the Empress to all this? I | n every direction, threatoning de*truction The Trim.Atlantic Telegraph. not only to the riotc-s. hut also to the sur- The Late Mar hal St. Arnaud.—It ap- j pears that Gen. Sr. Arnaud. previous to his ! death, issuer! a fa ewell address to his troops. 1 in which he say9: “ Overcome bv crue’ • direate with which he ha? 30 long struggled. | he is obliged to refign his command.” lie ; pays the highest compliment to his succes sor Gen. Canrobe-r. j to be veur obedient servant. j capitations daily ate.aging 50 or 60, and John Rea. i for the laar ten years 50,000! To-day there —— • has been a secuiid battle in this vicinity— The Wilmington North Carolina i *38 insurgents taken prisoners, and oue hun- Jcmnal, in consideration of the difficulties be; ween tlie South Carolina Railroad and the Post Office Department in regard to the j KiTi^d died slain. Day before yesterday the insurgents ! were victorious and 300 imperialists we.e It is said some of the captives to- ranspor ration of the mails, urges the speedy j day wera brought in on poles, their hands construction of the Railroad to run from the ’ ana fee. be ng tied like pigs : others we e Western terminus of tlie Wilmington and ; brought in ou the points of sharp bamboos: Manchester Road o Hamburg, opposite i ha ' e their ears cut off; others a e Augusta, for which a charter was sometime ! ham-wrung. The panic in the city, as the . ^ o ^ , . i ga we.e eluiea durinz the nkirmishes «mco grainel by tue South Carolina Legu- j and tbe flight of women and children, it is fQrWe learn from a card in the Wash ington (Wilkes co,) Republican, that the misunderstanding which led to a corres pondence between the if° n< Robert Toombs nod Alexander Pope, Esq., has bcf a adjust ed “ in a manner, both honorable and sal 4 .' 1 ' factory to the parties.” Mr. Campbell, the Post Master General, hM returned to Washington, after an ab sence of aome weeks, aad resumed the duties jfUaeA* lature. This proposed Road will shorten the routo very ma'erially and at the same time place the transportation of the great Southern mail beyond the reach of the whims and caprices of the South Carolina Railroad Company. We are in receipt of the prospectus of “The Weekly Joker” alias'' Joker (t Know Xoihing,” to be published at Greensboro, Ga., in January next, should500 subscriber! bo obtained by the 20th of December, Fire.-*-A fire broke out about three o’ clock this morning in the workshop of Mr. F. P. Seignous, in the rear of his residence facing on Meeting st., and adjacent to the Pavillion Hotel, soon extending to the car riage factory of Mr. L. Chapin, which, as we write, is*in flames, as also the dwelling of Mr. Seignous. The firemen are working gallantly, and there are some hopes of saving the Hotel, A large portion of the stock of Mr. Chapin, especially that in the upper portion of the building, has been destroyed. 4.30, A. M.—The kitchen attached to the Hotel is now on fire, and fears are enter tained that the flames will communicate with the main building. 4.45, A. M.—As we go to press the kitch en attached to the Hotel is enveloped in flames. The firemen are working nobly, and we trust that the fire will be confined to its present locality. 5, A. M.—The carriage factory of the Me?sr8. Gilbert, to the West, on Wentworth street, is in flames.—Charleston Courier. difficult to portray : and from hour to hour we know not wiiat may become the condi tion of foreigners. But most fortunately a pre ent there is a naval force—British and American—able to protect us against any mob. Alas ! for China.” A Wife Killed bv her Husband.— We understand that a men by the name 1 of Bii d, about two mire* from this city, shot his own wife on last Friday night. At tire tin.© we a e writing, the unf >r- tuna e woman still lives but her w.>und is conside.ed mortal. Fowler was aneued, and is now c mimed in the county Jail.— Macon Telegraph. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. Citv Hall, Atlanta, Oct. 13ih 1854. Council met—Present lion. W. M. Butt il. yor. u Toe New Fora Cost s,a es mat ure pro- j rounding property. The M ayor turned out gre*s ot a uaus-A.lautic leregrapn here nas j at the head of a posse of guardmen. and .jeon in.eriupted by the discovery that it y-jth much d'fficul y succeeded in quelling was miiMjasiii.e to construct a bauery that i , , * . , would erve a line of more than five or six ! the disturbance and capturing twenty-eight ,iu.Hired mile* iu le.igtn. Toe Post is not j °‘ t h® parties engage!. aUvx.-.ed of wiiat tire piecise d.fliculty was, out it was of an insuriuuun.abre characre., and Leave tire negotiations eure.ed into by .»lr. boa direr, tue agent of the Company, with tbe respective governments for a ngui iu lay* wire* trom u.e coast of Norway, by way of the Faroe Islands and nre.ami, to .be coast ot Labrador, by which they* escape .ire necessity of using any cable of more tumi tiivenumlerdmiles unin.errup.ed .eugth. fins wnl increare the aggrega e .engiii of the cab.o and the cost oi construc ting it but tire company will not be discour aged by mat circumstance from prosecuting an en.e.prire, the importance of vvbicb, in its cou.-equences, cannot be exaggera.ed. The Press Repudiated bt the Catholic Clergy.—iue New Xoi-aJiirror say s: T..e la.e Homan Carbolic Counc.i in this city came io tire conclusion tbai tne aon be.veeu tbe cnuicb and tneir ►e.i-con- stuuied oracles should be publicly seve.ed, and mat wneu au organ was tube recogniz ed, it. siiou.d be placed iti charge of cc-mpe- .ent theologian.-,, and confined Witb.n su .c* limits ot theology, bucu as me Free man's Journal, the Celt, me Boston Pilot, .ire Irish Ame. lean, and lirownson’s He crew vv.a, under this decision, be »ecuia.ixed.” [ orfti/indwM of tbe D illy Iotslligsuesr.J ThUfi lm Inr T«rk. Nnr Yorr, Oat. 28.1854. In the m’dst of »ti rex jiting n ilitical e*n- vas«, this city has been s*»—lel by the in- niuncement of the sud len and aim» t stm il- taueiu-* decease of several of our pr imising me-ahants.. ppofevsional mer, ind othe * ro* ; dents* br % d : «»ev>e resembline ch »’e a. As *n each ins*ance the attack occnrre 1 im- mepa ely af e* the pa-ty had na’take i of a lunch or suuoer of oys‘e* a , and the sym > tom? were alike in ail ca e=, it is the uni versal belief tha* some piisonou? prope rty in these shell fish was the cau^e of the maladv. Th<« suwmsition is confirmed hy *nf mnarion from Baltimore, whe e the oys- *e-s and c>ab« of the CHe*apetke seem to have ur.idu**6.1 similar eTeuts. Am mg the citizens who have fal’en vict>m* to this strange d’svvde’ are Elwin William*, arr e-n’nent s*aristic‘an and forc’hle ne vs paper wri'e*; -Time* Fo*te’, Jr.. E*q., a wealthy shinning me-chan*. forme ly principle pro- 1-re‘ov of the old “ Dram vie Line ” of New York and L've-niol paeke: ships. 'enS-vins the “Sheridan,” the “ Ga*- rick.” the “ Riscins.” and the “S J>1 >n?,”) and he“e' known in the fashionable world a? “ C >nn r Fo*'e-,” the marical dUlettante ; John II. Cornell, Esq.. ca*h:er of the Mo- ohan’c*’ Banking A?socia*ion, a misteui- mahle man : Robe*t Smith. Esq., forme ly Vlde**mvn of the 5.h wa d. and Mionis II. David ion, a respectable member of the Ne w Y irk ba*\ There have al*;> been two de itns in 0*ange county, in of eating ovsre-s, and many persons in this city, Brooklyn. Williamdiurgh and II ib jken have suffered severely from cramps, and chole*a mirbu* superinduced by the same enu e. All the partre* whose name* I have mentioned were alive and well six days ago. Mist of them we e e!de*ly men. rlie.rage* ranging from fifty to six y. M *. Cornell. I think, was in his fifty-sixth year, and Mr. Foster about the same age. Something akin to a panic has, as you may have suppose l, bee r ciea ed by this sad visitation. Oysters are proscribed, and the lavge and profitable city trade in the e article* is literally brought to a stand still. No nt ire fries, or stew.*, or broils, or doze.i raw. The oys e.* stand* are de er'.e l: the sacrificial knives a e ge.ting rusty ; the bi valve* a e rermif‘e.1 to ie*t in their bed*. [ I undisturbed, and thousands upon thousand* j »f the salacious delicac e* that last weex . , . , would ham re‘aile.1 at two d »llars a huu- : ° 11 *’ 1 ’ a ‘' J * l e 1 are absolutely rotting on the hand* ot their purchare’s. I understand that Mr. Chilton, the analytical chemist, who is suo- no-e 1 to know evervthing, from the can Aldvrmeii—Gleuu, Swift, Puck, S.mpsou, Alexau dvr, Hulsey. The nrmutua oi ia^t meeting were . t‘*ot, so rapidly was i drawn down, read and couiirmed, _ A Report ,r >m O. H >uston City Tr. was reede- j objects were turown up. '1 ins stnp bad Ie Doss a Sinking Ship Create a Whirl pool.—Among u.e docussiuua wincn nare grown out of me loss ot tne siea.usbip Arc- *ic is oi.e as to wbe'.ue** a oinxiug snip c.c- a wniripoul. Tire ioituvvmg communi cation, addre.*red to the editor ot me FomanU Adoetiser, hcems to us to convey tne true iLeury: “i'ne tuea that a sinking ship causes a whirlpool is not without reason or Witfiou. exampre, Oi’ Courte d a ship fills eniiieiy wtifi wa er there will be uu vacum tor t e outside to rush into, and con. equemly no commotion, if on the oiner nad n g..e down wniie there is yet a body of an* ire- neat h its decks, a body of water just eqna. to tbe bulk ot a.r mu.*t be d.awn in. luu must have read of me smiting of tue ‘Roy al George,’ snip of tbe line, off me coast oi ivngland. In mis ca e, men, pieces of tirn- be., and all ob.euts were quickly dawn in. thre man who was saved say a : ‘it teemed as if 1 bad 100 pounds on each Wirere i tbe regained its balance, there lign Proof. Draper in the courte of a disser tation upon tie “Nature and rolat'im of Water”—its various changes and modifica tion?—observes: ’’The tears that ym shed in the depths of grief, to-day, maybe squirted to-morrow through a hosepipe to clean the streets, or whistled away inrough the squeak of a loco motive, X9 s« me diltatory cow off the track !” red and referred to Uie F.nance Committee. The finance comunttv-e Reported bills to the amount uf $318,25 cents was ordered to be paid. Retolced, That the City Surveyor be inairucted, ports open below tbe tecond deck—.ire spare ire.weeu tLe first and reread decks were fill ed w..h a.r when me ship went down, llitc wh ch a mass of equal iu bulk to the William Richirds, one of the . Xlor,n0n Faints, lately deceased in Utah, leaves twenty widows, MBMiiipitd by hie dee$h» under tbe of the M^.yor, to survey tbe ; space between decks lu^Led. Thus it i? Hospital Lot in such portions as they may think i mat both siues ot me argument are coriect. fit tor gale and that the .-aine be sold at public • Xue maunei* of sinking, whether empty oi ma l C 7-d a or 8 " Ch *“* * l d SUtb U ’ rn ‘* " ConIlcil | full, will de ermine wt.emer or not mere it Retolced, That t’ie uss of the City Hill be ten- ' be a willllpO ■!. . dered to tbe Georgia Conferrance of the Methodist Episcopal Church Sijuth, for their meeting on tbe 18th December rnittM be author: On mot.on Council was t.djourucd. H. C. Holcombe, c. c. c. O'-tober 20tb, 1854. Counrilmct—Present Hon. W. M. Butt, Vlay<r. Aldermen—Wh tiker, bi.upson, Peik, Thompson, Farrar, Glenn, Swot. Tlie minuus of last moot ing were read and couth mod. Alderman Simpson asked leave of absouce, wnich wus giauted. The Resignation of James E. Cr.ui night watch was received and VIr. Ishaui Da.ton E.ected to the vacancy thereby occurring. Ou motion the rule regulating Financial reperis was suspended and bi. s to the amount of $62,BU cents were reported and t > be paid. On option Council wasadjui.rutd. H. 1. Holcombe, c. c. c. Tbe Liiguoa ^uufituacH a e specula* □ OGUui, ior tneir meeting on me j upon tLe nouiewliat tfinguiar tact tiia next, and thtt tbe Budding Com- , tll * to/ukls of the two royal Couples it. s.d t<> tender the s:mc. ! , .. . . J : France aud England, now uni ed in s« ! do. e au alliance, form the Wotd Neva, j tlie river ou wruch St. Petersburg stand . Tire nauies, it will he lemeuiLe ed, are Na pu.eou Lugeure, V ctoiia, and Aibe.t. Sweet Potato Puddinu.—Boil one pound of swee. po a ves very render, and pre*.- them whi.e hot through a grater the tii.e tire be.ter. To this add ha.f a dozen eggs, weil bea en, thiee quar .e.Hi.f a pound of hi.t suga., do. of buire.-, souiegra ed uutu.e r and lemon rind, and a glass of old btandy. ; put a paste in the dish, aud wLeu the j ud- ding is dv-ne, sprinkle the top with wbiie *u- are the ha dest misfortunes g»". finely pulverized. This is a dish fit tc *w ” -teiiUneb/pwritn. • 1 ‘ ‘ “ luohweauo^ ~ ' ' The New York Express of Saturday afternoon says: “A great explosion took place at Earle’s Hotel about 2 o’clock this afternoon—and two persons are said to be killed. Our reporters will soon bring in particulars. The Hotel wa* pretty full of pe iple when the explosion took place—and, of course, the alarm was frightful. A pas senger’s trunk, with a considerable amount of powder, ignited, and was the cause ol the explosion.” Heath of Montgomery.—i\.e Muntgom- Journal of Wedue day, says: “Oa Saturday night and Sunday morn ing last we wee visited by aief.eihing rain, since which time the weather has been delightful—though not cold enough fi>r frost. We have fur the past few days heard of some three or four new ca-e* of fever, but the tendency of its career is “down ward.” to u*e a mercantile phra*e)—as the cases generally yie.d very readily to prop er remedies.” Accident to the Isabel.—We learn from the Charleston Mercury of Wedne day, that the S earner Isabel from Charleston bound fur Havana broke her shaft on he. ontwa.d trip on tl.e2lat ult. off Ca; e Flor ida, and succeeded in gerting into the port of Key West, withouta*sistance. Iler pas sengers and malls we e immedia ely for warded to Havana, and the steuuer Dari left with the mails for Key West and Char leston on the 25th. Health Savannah—OJlclal Report. ’Iue dat, Oc«. 30, 0 f. M. Laurel Groae Cemetery.—LI i zabe. h Hal ford. 36} yea-s, mammas, Rhode Island. Blacks and Coloied.—Charles 1 tear and 9 months, whooping cough; Aibe.t*. 1 yea. 6 months, dropsy. Catholic Cem t ry.—Samoa McBride, £1 years, yellow fever, Ire and. Total inre,meats, 3—ye.low fever, 1. Worcester has in preparation a new and abridged English dictionary, which will l>e published in the course of the pie*- ent y ear, or as soon af erwa.ds as it cau be completed. It is to Le imperial quarto in size, and will contain npwa.ds of ren thou sand wo. da not in any other d ctionary. Mr. Oliver, the great British ship owner whore fa lure at L.verpooi we noticed a tew ! d.caiueui days since, owned, it is said, upwa.ds oi ] million of ship pro|eny. lire stop- ,.a & e is regaided as cne ot tne re re eat ca- .auntre.* tnat baa sustained this * ear. aud throws out ot employ a numerous ciaas of dei undents, but a lew months *mce the bankere, nre. chants and ship own ers of Great Briiian, tire British Provinces and the Uni ed fi.t es, pie euied Mr. Oliver with a re.rice of pta e valued at more than sli.600, aa a *4' ti.e.r apprecia tion of ins energy aud the conie ed by him op ure shipping uirerest of ure weeWi - >f the m'lk in the cocoa-nut to the ingred - j S u,l * s _ 0 Ca l u --'“ e " “ 11 ‘‘ “*l ents of Peare’s candy, has been n*ked to ' , ’ oU " e ‘ ’ la A ' c uu ’ * J ' " " examree into the “ phenomenal condition ” >f the “ shrewsberrys ” and “East Rivers” and reiort the The oyster venders ro deeply inte e*ted in a speedy solution if the problem, and I have no doubt tha the question, “a e the oysters of 1354 poisonous?” will lead to a* controver y a "that on the great saltpetie ilifliculty. As the 7th of November approaches the complexitle* of the political canra * bre a;° more iatrica e aud puzzling. Even the Re form party a e not too immacula o to dabb e inthe trickery of e'ecrioneering. Schell, the “ hard ” cand da e fir Mayor, ha* been in duced to withd aw in flavor of Wilson G. Hunt, the standard bei e * of the Reform ers, who is now the nominee of the three organizations. The Knovv-N nhing* a e di vided on the Mayoralty, and J. J. lie rick, the Whig cand d r e. ex'pects to ge* the vote ■f half tlie members of the older of this ciry. The Germans support Fernando Wood as the repre entarive of the liquor in- e e*t. arid he has played his ca d* so adroit ly in both sections of the Fern c a ic party hat his e’ection would notsurpri-eme.altho’ I think He Tick’s chances a e bet er tlia., •its. John II. White, the 1* e of the rys*al Pala-. e Association, is ti.e Whig rand date for Ree irder, and a* l.e will un- l .ub edly receive the whole Know-Nothing vote, his success is ne.a -ly certain. T..e c is not a municipal offi e in > he g'f, of the ; e - vie to which the e a.emit at iei*t four a*p - ants. In such a crossfi e of factious, and vith such a varie v of special in c e ts in volve! in the con e;t it is difficult to fra ne i sc heme of probabilitie* worthy of a;i\ confidence. In the care of Aide-man Ba-r versus lle:r*y E be.i the jury 1. M . Erlie.1, a* the foreman of a ia e grand jury, issifced in pie eating Mr. Barr a* guilty i,l c irruption and malfe.araace,'the ilderman sued for damage*. It is undo - *to id that nine of the ju'*y vve**e in favor oi i v*e*d;ct for the plaintiff f.r 6) cents. Several vessels from Europe have recently irrive 1 at qua a.iri,.e with chole a on b i.ard. The “E. P. Stringer,” from Iltvie. los wenty-three of he* pa*.‘enge*s and c evv m the voyage from Havre, and t! e "S.arl, Carolinian” fifiy on he.* way from Rot e - lam. B ith ve*?els a rived on Wedne day. Tl e “duel in high life” that wa* to have contn off in Canada, but didn’t, has led to the publication of ?eve al stupid le fees, in which only the heads and ta Is of the par- o*’ name* ae g.vea, and it is cleiriy hown that neither of them had any brain- worth the trouble of blowing out. Another stabbing case occurred in this e : ty on Wedne-doy. A S mtherner putting up at the New York II utel had a u sput: with a hark-diriver about his fare, and be coming exasperated at what he considered die exhorhitance of the charge, stabhod the driver in the face with a knife, wounding him, it is said, dangerously. A warrant was issued for tl e arrest of the of fender but I have not hei d of his capture. Barnum is about to .‘ell out his stock in trade, or at least a porti .n of it. lie offers for sale two giraffes, e even e'ephants. and an extensive general assottuieat of “ var mints.” Ilis Autobiography is out of the marker, having been purchased bv Jan:e Redfield for $75,000. So much for B rr- nurn’s book and Barnum’s Leasts! The firmer can hardly fail to prove valuable t. all who have a ta*.e fur playing upon hu man gullibility, and a e in search of valua ble receipts for the manufac.ure of gam mon. The sale to Redfield has all the appearance of a collusion with Barnum, f-.r the «ake ol advertising the biok. Af er ti e reported disag*. eemen% Redfield continued the work .ts if nothing had happened. The trial of Nicholas Beehan, at Rlve> head, L. 1., for the murder of the Wlckam fam ly. has tormina ei in his conviction.— A lame attempt was mode to ret un au alibi, but it failed ut e ly. The hardened e,mud o', on he ng lemeiu ed by the court, exclaimed, "Thank you Judge. I’ll he dead in a week, and leave you my hair foi a wig.” If death was e* er rigli e u-dy in ti iced, through the instrumental.y of tLe law, it will Le in his ca e. Business continue* in a depressed cond'- tion. Sje.ulators in fancy stocks—and as wm the J om of th c*a wffu weat vluwn in the noble steamer, it eras tne eiful as com pare! with tha* of the helpless adventurers perishel of s arvadon in the region ol perpetu tl ice. # * # P. S.—Tae “ Ge >rge Law ” arrive 1 at 1 o’clock tbis P. M. from A*pinwall, fiaviug pa h»a d 31,032.644 an 1 503 pi* enge s.— A can jin V of ern grants, b for Cal.- forma, nil been murde ed by tire Ind.a.i . 6)0 heal of ca.tle ca r.el off. 25 Ameri cans bad perished fn' wa rt of wa er. SziUnj and In eras ing He all.—Th* Grta. Bs..le of Alma. We re e.veJ lait n g it Lu.d.>n papers of the lire, brought by .he t> eim*hip Wash ing.ou a, Ne v If or a. de a.Is in . ega d to tue g ea. ba ire f-ught on tne Crimea a the river Alma, leern to o.cupy a.m ist ex clusively pub.iu a..e.t:iun in r,ugi.v,.d. ’iT.e L »mi .u T’m.e i of ihe 10 h insi., devo e four ecu c>iuiuns to d.d'e ol the e.iga 0 e.neai. We c.mdeu e from the e source* toe full de.a.ts given Le.uvv, vvhi^h a.e of ab* inre.e.t. t Frum the L induu Tim^s “O va <”um8pond.n;.”] T-i* EnglLh Acconu.. Ths Position ui* tue hujsians.—At the top of the ridge.*, b«.w*ee.i ure gun.e , i..e Russians had ere;.ed eariirwur^. Da. er.e , on ituned vvna bulb, and 24.D. b.a<8 guuc, supported by numerous he-d p.e es a..u bowiizers. T’ue e gnus e.iUiiuiea ii.e top.- of t e ravines ja.a.ret to *u.em, or avvep. tire.a to the iia e, w.i..e u.e wau.e of roe I * up wuicli an e.remy, uuao.e to sia.m tirediert fi.e of the u.i .er.e-, w^,uid ire fo.ced tu a*re..d, we.e tii.ed vv.tu ma w skirmishers a med vvnn au exce..ent tvv.l- gruove rite, ihrovving :i la ge s.a.U c-n.c.e Dali with at 7UD and odd ya ds, a> t-e French learnt to their c^st. T..e principa. ba:,e y consis ed of an eanhvvoiX oi u.e form of two side, .,t a triaug.e, vvna the a t .ex pointed towa.d* the O-.the, aud t..e e iveriug Dutu s-do of u.e .-..ream, r .i- with of u.e nver heioW it, at the dista.KC >.i l.UJG veird.*, vv*a..e, with a fair e e.a ion, u.eo2 pouude.*. m.e.> a* we sa.v \e y of ea, heyoi.U u.e u..u. ei «.i ihe v.iiage io u.s.aate ot l,4UU auu l,ODdya.d*. Tuis was cuusu ucred on u.e brow of a hill about .uu rive , ! but the rote Lea.i.d i. tor auu.he. 6U ,ee. before it d.pj.ed away lovva.di ure road. Tue a* eat cf this hill wa* eaiiiadcd by b.itie.rei ol ear.nwo.x .... on i. e *ef., aud .here Dat t* e> were equally capaD.e or c.,v- t-.e village, u.e »..eui, a..d sloje vvh.c.1 ted up u.e iml to tue.r position. A.. .he first ha e y v.e o lo »2 p^uuder D.a-o toiu wee some j 25 guu* in ali. It was i-aid tie i.uos a ■ j aad UU gun* ou ttre hills a..d 40.UUJ ure.. ] j ( id baaa.h.n* of infantry, l,Uv)d strong, i j erca of tue 16 h, 31-s, a..u Ltd. trod l.o | regime it-.) We we e oppoted principally '■ to 16.u and 32d -eg mea.s, i. v 1 .he nuaiber of dead in irout ..1 u*. 1 ..a.e ! not been ab e o a-eer.ain by* vvuom i;re_. we e comma..ded, but the « is a eport tha. .Mea-ca.kolf e.mima..ueJ roe i my in ch ei, that ure reft wa* Gori.-chak .tr a .e.a.ive of ure diplomat.s., aud tha. the right wa* uuder Hauiaou, ttre | Govern >r of The Plan o? Operation-.—Our plan oi o; e ations was tha. u.e Preach sltou.U e- .ahlish them: eho-unde.* tl e ti e .4 u.e gun on the l e g.itsoii the extie.ue . t u.e e.remy V le»t. W.rea tiia. a.uacx wa* sufiR-really ae- veloped, me. vvnh t-u,ce*s, u.e b.ui.-u. a my war to tl.e*ngiu aud ;a t of tire of tlie Russian position, and the day wa* gained. Wi.ea we wee abut th et m .e.. fr. ui tl e viha^e, the leaeu s eiu.e . ran m a* close a* they e,.u.d to u.e Dtuff shore a tue S..uiu of the Anna, and p.e ently we saw them sr.elhng ii.e he gii n sp.e..d.d style, the ■ bursting .i.e e emy’s squa e- a..d bi. e re , am tin lily d.iving Uiern fr. m li.eir p.isuiou oi ..e r.gii , vvr.ii u 3,000 ya d* of tl e ea. f encu p:ac. ee c uni.ented abut naltpa*i l- o’cl.-ck, and la ed tor ah ut a .rom* a. d a ha.f. \\eo-u.dree the shell falling ■ ti.e baner e • >.f ti.e e eat'*, a n oursting right into i real: aud ii ea ti.i o.ack maste-ins de tl e winks lm he int attie s) e k.-. wh cli i e v nb ut in a'l d re, ions, a d when t! c sun I e c ei eJ awn ire e we e some to be reen st e e l ..ver tla ground. The Russ.aas ansvvo e l the ship troili tl.ele gins, but with u e re t. The French fic.v.E the llEtoitT*.— At 1 .'clock v.e -aw t. e F e .ch colum.i* sttnu gling up H e hills, c a e ed by a ci. ud. f ski ai.s. e.s. vvh.i o he teea.ed m i.-t deidlv Once, at sight ii a th ei eaing ma-s ut Ru aa infa l.ry, in a c nima. «b ae theai, who fire.! i.ap d vol.ey* amnn; U.em, ttre F.e .ch paused, but it wa* mil; .u eot ilte.r sk rmisl.e s, for a* soon a ,1 ev n.ed, tl oy* ran up tl e hill at pa dechurye, at.d at cine broke tire Rt*s'.a:i-. who 1 ed in *, with loss, up ti.e hill VVec.iu.d «ee nie,i dropping on both side.-, md .ho vv..utaled rolling down the s eep. The English ake Eng vged.—L it d Raglat wa.ted pa eatly for tire de «,f tla French attack. At !eag h an a'd-.'] came to him and iepm.ed tie French hat crusted tl e Alma, but they had e*ta!. iishe.l them eive* si. flic e.uly to justify us ii in attack. infantiy ve e the etaie ot- dered to 1 e down, and ure army tb’- a shot- aute was qu. e passive, only that cur artii'e ry poured forth an un.erasing fire • f shell, rocke.s a..d round shot, which plougl eu through, the Russians, and enured then g e.u loss, ’i’hev d d not waver, hovveve . md :epl ed to cur a.til!e *y manfully, the. s. iot falling among our men as they lay, ant carrying off .egs aud a:ms at eve y round L.:J Raglan a. la*t ireci.ue tret y of this in activity—oi.-* spirit w.a* up—i.e looked arounu. and saw urea on whom he knew i t m ; gin sta^e tire lion. rand fa e of G.e ir Bri- „iui by his side, and. a l.ttle ii a millua.y point t.f v.o.v ti.e crisis of autim t. e gave orders fur our whole lineto advance Up rure these ic rrel masse-*, and passing through a te v. iul siiower of round, ca e sho ind sheil. da*hed into the Alma, and “ ed” through its wa e s, whic we e ti.e.aiiy torn into foam by ti.e deadly ua 1. At the other side * f the river we. e a number of vn.eya d*, and to our surprise hey we e ucca[i o 1 by Rj*siaa riflemen. 1'm'ee of ti.e s afi vve e he e shot d -wn, bu e l by Lotd iu } e.son, the re*t a I .anted ing on the men. Ai.d now came li e .u.nil.g point <f ti e ba t.e, ii wnien Lo.d RagianLy his saga iiy and mil- r.a y skill, pn bably !o tl e victo/j* a i bacritue than w*. uld Lave l ee. .>tLe.wuG ti e ca e. He dashed over tin bridge, followed by his s aif. From tl.« .oad * it, under the guns, It *awU.e*tae ft. eac.ion. The B.itishlii e ho had o:tle ed to ad . am e. wa* gling through the river and up tire j.oig.u m tiia*. c *, firm indeed but m. wed d jwii b; .he mu.fieri us ti e >.f Ire ba e ik ai d L- though they we * in Ilyde-p**. s«hh ly » tornado of found and ! ' through from th# torrible ^“^1 roar of musketir from behind thtneal* .* front ranks by d««s. Itw*s,&'^> we were yust ab’e to contend again.* ^ Russians, favored as they were bv * position. At this ve y time an fij? 1 mass of Russ<an itifantrv we e ‘••en down t wa-d* the bat Vy. ThevZh"? It was the crisis of the d iy. Sha : p o e) ' lar, and solid, thev looked as if thev ^ cnt out of the sol'd, rock. It wa* fk. * al doubt.that if our infanlrv/ha'.?‘ n 1 and th nr.e 1 as they we e, got into the J, 61 ey tl ey would have to encoun e- fo-rntdab’e fi e, whichrtfcey we e but fi! cula e 1 to beir. c * - ‘ L ud Raglan saw the difficult'#* 0 f n, s.tuation. He aske 1 if it would be nti s .,;t ;0 0 get a couple of guns to bear un *t ' e iei,, y w *V Y eV’andana' til.e-y r 'ffi*er. wto*e name I d. m >t n ’ know, brought up two guns to fi e on ‘j w Russian square*. Ti.e first shot but the r.ecr. and the nex‘, and the ns ’ cut through the ranks ro cleanlv and ** keenly, that a clear lane c.mld U , /° 1 m iinent through the *qua e. Af e • a ■ f rounds the square became broken WUo ""I U L ® nd J:; 1 -, br,, . kp - and fed over the .f tLe hill leaving le.und it six or <«, listinct line* of dead, lying a* cl.i*o as •ib’e to ea*h othe*. marking the pas,, .f ’he fatal me*re.,gers. This act re i(n ^ •ur inftirttry of a deadly tncuhu*, and tl conti. ued their magnificent and f ea /) prog e *s up the hill. The Duko encnm a “ his men by-voice and example, and pn,« him elf worthy of his proud command *•! -f the R .yal race from winch lie cJ, ‘Highlanders,” said Sir C. Campl.e’l H Ley came to the cha-ge. “Don’t pull a { r :„ ge.* till vou’ie within a ya,d <!f the Rifl” sians!” * ‘ us * They change 1, and well they oheved rl.c.r ch eftam u wish; S.r Colin* had his hor.-e shot under him, but his men took t't battery at a bound. Ti.e Russian* vushei .ut, left multitude- of doul behind them fire French tun.od the guns on ti.e hill aga'nst the flying mas o--, which the cava!, y in vain tried to cove *. A few fa'm struggle* from ti.e -c:ute ed infantry, a Vet ound* of camion and musketry, 'and i! e e. remy fled to tha south-eist, leaving th ^ generals, th ee guns, 7u0 prisoned. ai .] LOOf w.-unded Lehind them. The battle ■ f tlre_ Alma wa* won. It is won with, lass >,f nearly 3,000 killed and w„unded < a ur side. Tire list will apjear in a fe-r lays. Tire Russian te teat was cove«J oy their cavalry, but if v e Lnd an ndeqt* t f. .r.e we c ,u.Q have captured rnauv gum and multitude* of prisoners. [From the Augusta < bron. & Sent. Uov. ji of the Ci.y. Teuetday are Ffiysiciaus me. ti e Board lien.h a - teque. ed, at.d we;u,te| o re.un, -epoi.ed,) cue new* ca e u ve.. ,oW ie er, a.- having occurred wulnn \t. e -a*t h4 iiou.s; aud vve Le. c.e, they all c n- cur m the opuirou tha. u.e d.. ea e'.ad Lee.) g. adoally U.unmshmg f.,r the ja-i v.eo.,.— A nui,uuiy ol .Le.u, u not afi, he were., a.e t t*.e op.niou roa. it i* not jet posiuve.v a.e tot* uu e.,.eej to . e urn, they vveoj .toL adriie ure.r ie urn vet. Tu« wca...crcuiii.i.ue delightful, (’eve*- lay "'a* a charm.ngau day,) u-i,n a ^reosaui D ec^e trom ti.e vve*, t, er i o ueg. in roe tmade, whicu is tega uetl a ,.e. too wa ui, lre..,e the a.-e.t. icat -re fit ea e may imt i.e t.a..v c.-ecLed, aud vvur mu he i.ti naveutid a g„ul ..uot. H he.i will cCuur, amt.e wi.l re erui.ue. •Vee.lng of the v-oard of Health. CVf.vC.L LUAilkkR, I NuV. loi, CiuCk, F. iU. j The B a.d report oi.e from \e.uw r e er ior u.e .a24 fi^ura. U a.ittce, (c.uo.ed;a 0 ei 23 }ears, proj e.ty t Ji M. O uu. ii. iu.p.u. i. e ie^iuticii8 we e paored hy he ti * d:, That tl e B..a:d, af er learning ue report d ja y- c au» a..U ti.e i t pm- -u-, adv ire no. e.. co.i to ,ema u , ut t roe ci.y uiiiti turiuOr notice i.u.u me, That the B. a:d request tl.e p.iys c an* ci u.e city to meet t.-e.n aga u oa.u.d.ij irex, at o o c. ca, f. fil. h»A a ,v luJAill, Lec.e a y mu U iiea.,h. The Isabel.—We Lave kept cur fem oa k from u.e p.e** uru.r the ia e*t js.ssil. e ,uue.i,— t o—,:i the note tuai v\u auU.d i.are Lt-en .tore iu anhcu..ce U.e tee irnvai oi ure L. fi. mail s.eamahip i aLe, Jap.a.u i'mre, at tfi.s port, out reg.e. u a o that wo uare i.e t a notliu.g i.f .e u.e isacei wa.- d^e i.e.e early -.n a.nmiig, a* ti.e wa* to hare .eu ,.o Lo.u insiain. fijue may, huvve.e., i.a*e cea unavo.daDiy do amt-fi ure o. i. e 0. c.ime , G ive uu Dud.ey, Capta.n Crowe:, e.t in i eircu of a- m.e tuu aortung, ai.d wul proceed to fiav atuiaa, .u.m wi.ehce, if she d e> not Lear l.ctu ,.e, ■ire will sre-e. for Key H e*t, ccw loiiaily, in order not to rain* her. It--inns, v.e Is. ere, is de aiteJ n Baltimore in c..n eque.ree ut sicki.e ».u as tarn ly. Capt. Tui.e,, is au ex{e/re..«ed navigator, and acquaineJ run ti.e Fior.da crest, having pm.eJ iu J.ipt. Rollins’ ch ef ciheer ior a cuiisitre.ut.e , ened, ai.d in his ab e.-re l.eqcently c ut- aianded ihe ship. e the e.u.e ree. c.-us- lent mat :f a«y accident has occurred, it * nothing mure . errous than some de.aup- of tire machme.y.—Ch. Cuvr. m.i ’ast. Sir John f. a.mi. us lxj eduiuii, it will oe leaiemLe.ed, c..U8is.ed ut nvo ships, ti e ri ebtts and ti.e Terror. The Faiiadetpti > Inquirer is cf opinion tha: leaia.ns oi a.i iiojre ty found thusiar Loionged toiLec.etr f u.e E.ebu ; Sir John Fiaimiiu. aLU tu:i; .lot au attic.e lereiiging to any memcer uf 1. e ciew of the Te.ror. Capta.n Cixz e.,ha* .e Lce.i discovered. It is probab.e, ttre e- cote, it says, that the two sIupb tepara eil.ur hat either u.e e.e.v of tire Te.ror are it J dive, orje ished in the rea north cl'uu* imtineat. It should ars-- Le uD. e.ved tJ.»: he Ind ans, in ti.e.r a.Cuunt speak i.t u ship, aud cf not ships, in coin ectiou with he voyagers who we e reen by ureai. Tte ioj e oi a hing.o--urvivor is ot Oou.te f.t-u:, mi ie. ui c.rertsh it to ike last. this include* but too many of our me chant- j grap e, round shut, shed, cani.-ior, can sbi. —ate decidedly in a “ tight place,” and j aud musketiy, from si me ..f the guns of the the stringency of the money market is iu- crea ed by the non-arrival of the Cal f t - nia mails with tic usual temi-mouthly tc mittaiues of tie “ pew e .” All things conside ed, howerer, we a e not half s badly off as the croake s p;e<licted we siiou.d be, and although the November pay- : stieaai on ti.e .igln. T. c 7 h Fusi.eors, !e.. meats may b.eak a lew weak back-, the ; hy Cob i.e!. \c.a. wo e aveepi d»wn by til en.iat bat e.y, at.d from an iinn.e.ue auo ! compact mass'oi Russian infantry. Ti o.i cvimmet.ced oi.e of t. e mret blood; ' ai.d de e nut ei ft. ugg e* in ti e annals ... i war. 'lire fid D.visio... .ed by Sir D. Evan in ti.e m -si darling mam c . c o- e l u.< ! me. cant he community will weather tie storm much Let er tnan was auticipa ed some mouths ago. Tee ch&rac er of the news by the N'aga- ra tndire es that the snuggle i-e.weeu the Wes.ern powers and Ru-sia will be a long and de pera e one. it teems sonre vlia doubtful whether Sebastopol can be take., oeiuie the appruach of Me.i.-chikoff, with a tbue to risk another bau.e. He appears to have made a mas erly re.iea | trom the Alma, aud a lew moie such costly ! v.ctor.e* as tnai of the hOih uf Fep.eml e might place the victors iu an awkward p.e- Nothing has yet leen hea d of the miss ing boa s of ti.e Arctic, oi.e of which is suppo: ed to hav e Lad w. u.e.i. n b. a d. In deed, Rathboi.e sta e* positive y that the e we e turn ten to iii ee.i lema.e.* iu it, ami Mr. Baalhaui reports that it was amply suppi.ed with provision and water. The e is erery tea-on to lioje that ibis a- trac ed the attemiou of sonre v.u wa.d , e.*. Ti.e 55fii,, and ‘.lu ll, led bv Ur’-gad er I’e u.ela her wh.. wa* in the Uiick efi of ti e figii', c.eo ing un his me*, agan and aga n, we ect.eoh.el .ndeo-1, hut i.e.e d evv Lacs in the.r onwa d prog o**, wliicl. wa* qi-atkod by a fie *, o roll > f M.n eiuu*ke try ; ai.d Brighd e. Adam-, with ti e 41 -t. 47ill, and 49ih, bravely charged up u c hill, ami a ded tLore in u’o S.r Georgv Brown, eouspn u us oli a gray lure, r, dc tu front of his L.glit D.visn.n, urging then, with voce and geru.e. biilitit, te.l*vv* . tl.ev wc e avuithy of (-rich a ga.iant cli ei. Tire 7.h, dim ni-i.ed hy oi.e-i.a.i, fed back to re-foim tl.eircolumns lost for tie tine ilehfid, with e ght offi ers vie id a..d i' u av,.ui.dt’d,we.e tu-li ng o tl o front, a d- ed by u e l'J.ti. 33d. 77.h, a,.d 8Kth. Down weal Sir Ge Ige in t\ eb ud of du*t in front ot tLe bat e.y. lie was soon up. at.d Gn u ed “:3d. I ni ail light. Bo-u.e 1 ll tins day,” aud led them oi. again, hut in ii.e slmck p., do, ed by ti e tnli, f tl e r ch'ef tl e gallant regiment mi- bound ve- el, and that its precious f o glu ! le.ed terribly while pa al.zod for a lias been saveu, Clote upon tLe ca'astropl.e of tLe Arctic has come iLe news of the fate ut Sir John I'tMjUiyi m# Im kMweii* l$»nb*e Meant.u.e ti.e Gua d*. on ti e tight ,f ti e L ght D.vish n, ai d ti.e Brigade of II gb> vco stotuki.g vie 1 o gins on ii.e lelw Ihear line «• re^udur •« Tae Clove. I wrs mallr ia 1 u oeautiful girl, Aul 1 iMjj.etl my i-assii u.-i requiteu; I livei iu a rnize. a vulajttao^a >vairl, m, 1»: bus —.ml. iu tact, vra# ‘(eit^hted; At the Gj-eui. .aiioiuhle j#nr y, or im»U, I wa-»*»wr her cau t*n at.eatiaui; Xor 'Irt'aui^ i i th«»t any mi'Map c*'t.ll bef&ll, For my pltuel was ui me a ceuaani. I tfllicei! with her. wrlth her, »«aug wi;h hi: llive l THui ner little white beast of a pocdle; And *»f , of » raoonihiu' uight, as ye st.ayed, In Ike l »ve li.xe a soft-heaieU uoiiUle; She Iftane i oa my arm. au-l looked UD'vard. uni sigh»*d. .An l stained so serene and enchanting. Tint I c lie \ her iuv fairy, uiy.iiijtl* my Bride, While my ueart **i.uexilement w iug. It vr.i4 all *.ery w**U fora wh le. bit one night, I think 1 haduruttk tto iuacu 1 «i *or. T t. 1 <• l rather thick, b t 1 iell 1 reity brigl* # » n I inv ho. om was* nil * t a dicker; In h- uihlst c! a ui.l s. the dear gi.l droi ] e*! r.-f gl>ve; I >eize \ it, f»n t “w«Tre I wo. 1' leek it g.. c ire in m i 11 harm. h*R| le* ge ol her love—* fo 1 4* ick j#ut it into u»v j«cl«*t. It had been on her delicate ha nil, h»l>py kid! I to\e l with it, sq..eeied it, and hf» ea it, 1 enfoVlff*! it il«»>e ti* my heart, yea, I did, And again lo pay lij > loudly j reared it : ho -mull aud so tenderly Mil. end *o white, Inlred. 1 was terribly smitten, I examined my relic be.M<> il ega.—light, When 1* ! the thac w«$. n ».i \ni A fictitious Bank, pre ending to have an ige.n y in W hiaui sure , Xew Yoik. g") l ‘P ny Messrs. II .lde.i< o. Lo’-'Cy Le >na d, tt ©*•• o’rook. Alto <1 llvde, and anotl e *, ha*;u t iioe.i eipo ed. Tt.e b ils is-ueJ calls tic f audu eu couce ml e.Me chants’Exchanpe Bank of Ana aista, D. C. T. ey wo c c r- L * • a o 1 S,.uih and west, prir.c pally in tl e c.* teclion of the ouniry, and wee. sigrel F. E, C’ustir, L’a h e , a. d II. I'ewey, 1* ^ ‘ The con oats ot ti o i ffice Ire e "t e c zed bv ii.e pol:< e, and e* b.ouk arte* ed. Warrants a ,e alsoisv-ired for tleu-Le. pa -t’e >. Ti.e ptij e.* of the bank is ot dim 5 utto.-lv wor’I c New You ... Uu . 17 u.—i*e s'eame- Ge >r^e Law arrived at 11 o’cb ck this n ,,,,1 *‘ ing, bringing da o* fnui CaLfutc a jo t 30th i f fiep euibe.-, and about ^X*0tiG,'--bv -a