The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, November 25, 1854, Image 1

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• .'i g • ■ *gi»n. SiEJ —ki -■ t,ri. j lifo. ^
THE ATLANTA INTELLIGENCER Trratn * en ' ° r Mr - Sonl «- b > «*»* Pn*A
Dally, Trl-W«ekl> »nd Weekly.
W. B. BUGGLES, Editor and Proprietor.
Girls Sentenced foe Stealing.—
„ , ,, . Two girls, who were arrested in 3Iaiiches-
I he petty spite of the krone 11 Emperor. j,• • ,
n,.,rk. the Wna*. .1 ter, Hampshire?.a short «mc since,
TERMS OP srBscniPTiox
Dally Intelligencer per annum, in advance.
Tri-Weekly, “ •"
Weekly, “ “
remarks-the- AaguM* Or,mtnttfma1iff; in'IT V L
refusing the admission of Mr. Soule into ! <rrPe s J ea m & weie ^sentenced on J fag haudstwtely, while a large number of'j thqtymlooked for affair. They begin, for
The Mineral W enlt!) of Fnimln. | the Duchess of Alba. who. as you know, is f no-county in the State so rich in j the sister of the Empress Eugenie Mout-ijo. *
minerals as Tannin. The White Path Gold | However that may be, the English are
Mines are in active operation, and are yield- j very much fiifraid of tire consequences of-
A Hank Failure.
We notice in the New York Hc.rahl of the
France, exhibits a poor and conte
it. It must have arisen either from resent-
mtihle »£ Tue ®^ wee ^ t0 four Years’ hard labor in j persons are testing for Copper in various ]_ fgjr first time, to think of the grave°diifioul- 15fh A ilom Chicago, statin
c ' j the State Prison, Their bravado gave wav j portions of the county, with fair jirospt
of success.
meet at his Ambassador, Mr. Turgot, being i , , tears f e< 1 *' * U,H ’ an ; one company ill Fannin or in this State, >had a leader on the matter.
Advertising in the Diiily Intelligencer will he shot in the leg. and the Due D’Alba, broth-' " ree have succeeded in vaising Copper. The
iifcrtcd tit the following rales per square el' tea , er-in-law to the Empress, being humiliated,or j
; line
One insertl
Three. “
Four “
One week.
. pects tties Which suclT a n“k¥en to rurally may | t,Klt *® Cit - V Banfe » (,f .*»* suspended
Up to this time, however, but pleach them into. The Times, of yesterday, i on tfi%I4tb. It may be of some interest to
our readers iu tliis section, to state that Mr.
city Bank
inter for the
00 ctt.
$1 00
1 25
1 50
1 75
2 00
One tin
i .1.1111,1 .ii mi- I....-,yuau ,v leaner on uwmiiuer. oui re.iuers ill tills section, to State till
succeeded in vaising Copper. The A* to the exiles, their sentiments may be-j C . B. Gurtiss, tile Cashier of the citv
ot which we speak are located in the p easily guessed. They protest loudly against i ~ . , • . ‘.
district, about utie and a half miles • any possible insinuaHon that France should j ....* r ’^’' 1 , m T ' ,r ~ ia a<!t " ln 01
One y
Special emit reft.' will Ik- lnadc for yearly adver
tisements occupying a quarter, linlf »r whole eol-
| limn.
Advertisement* from transient ) .orsons
E must be pni.l in nilvunec.
Iicgai advertisements published ut tlio nsnsl
Mte-. Obitunrynotices exceeding ten liner ehnrg-
).l ns ndverfisements. Announcing candidates fer
(office, $5 00, to be pni-l in advance.
When udvortUoments ere ordered in nil the is-
n , i.icluiling Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly,
[25 per cent, will lie added to the above rater.
The privilege of yearly advertisers is strictly
Hogs are more plentiful and some-
«0 it springs from fear of the consequences of his what cheaper, in some parts of the West. p;« rce vnie. and are owned bv Messrs, j ever WcfroVraSTan insult against Ameri-! ?«»«*«*» of Raying a Bank charter to ope-
10 on owa treacl,er . v to ti,e principles which placed I «»»• the^scanuty of gram had led dealers Smith & Summerour. They have already j C a. Ledru Rollin is to give” utterance to j rate upon in the West. He succeeded iu
l2 oo hini in power. A few years ago, the present j *" anticipate. Several thousand corn fed raised over twenty tom of ore, and are pre- 1 these protesting sentiments, and will address I buying un the stock of the Bank ofMil-
n» no Emperor was a profligate, a na/c. and an ad- hogs are said to liave been lately offered to paring to increase their force. When in a letter to the people of the United States, j t-j J-ii if
25 «0 « venturnr lmnkrnnt alike V,'. .d,..,-., i ! the uackers of Mavsville Kv a* three dol- fuH 0 P eratl on, they wdl employ from 250 to i wishing them not to forget that the success- ' ‘ ~. ' ' , ' mistaken, a ld rt e
’ ‘ I ' '■ , , j i , ’, i ii hands, and will-probably ship more ore ful adventurer-and his Decemhrist.minions i l ,oruon of tne stock of the Merchants Bank
credit. Ills solo fortune was a name honor-j m** P ,m eU ’ nnd the sales were dull than anv other company now mining. 1 do not constitute the French people, which of Macon, is also held by Bradley. Gurtiss
e<l by the deeds of his great uncle, and dear I ov ^ n that price.
to the hearts of the French people, and the j A N^ulTBov.—/fo.7cvoJ qf a Passenye*
inherited gifts of talents, energy and indom- j Train from Certain JMit ruction.—The Bul-
itable will. Within these, aided by unscru- ! timure American says : ”We mentioned a
pulous demagogueism and intritrue. and lav- I siu , ue *}*« V ur »ing -of the I'unnel
: . , Bndge-on the Baltimore and Susouehanna
is!, professions of devotion to popular rights, I Railroad, about tire miles South of York,
he attained his present lofty, hut precarious
position. Now. the spectacle of a French
imileil to their own iminodiiitc and regular lmsi- refugee from Bourbon despotism, in early
manhood forced by his bold avowals of Re
morning and the structure was totally en
veloped in flames before it was
Professional Cards not exceeding six lines, $15
iju-r annum. publican sentiments and hopes to fly from
Advertisements not specified us to time will he Paris, returning to Paris, as the honored
mblisbcd till ordered out, mid charged at regular 1 , , , . ...
. i(I representalivc of the freest nation in the
Advertisements inserted in the Weekly paper world, is a reproach and a mortification to j by the residents in the vicinity. At about i
nly will be charged at former rutes. t j lc } lf .t,- avP1 . 0 f liberties and hones of : ^ o’clock the frame work of the bridge fell
, 1 ) through, and among lire spectators, some
WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER the French l ’ eoplc * . I twenty in immloer. was a little hoy about
W 111 fo 1Y L 1 111 1 CiDLlillfoll UihD . The conduct of the I-rend i Emperor m j twelve years of age, named Eli Kheem, who
tliis affair may afford him a transient grati- ; remembering that the expres- passenger
fication: or at best free him from the eviden- train wits then about due from York, star-
than any other company now mining. ' do not constitute the French people, which j of Macon, is also held by
In Mr. Shrift, the superintendent and are most fraternally attached to their repub- it < !<>., of the Ohicn-'-o Bank
2>art proprietor of rhe mines, we recognized ' li c an brothers beyond the waters. ; " . "
an old acquaintance from Middle Georgia. Mr. Soule is still here, but will »-o soon. 1 i * !,B Bowik Kxirr. Law in South Cak-
and we fflii state, in connection with this think. He is waiting onlv for news from i oi.ixa.—The Greenville Patriot publishes
matter, an interesting foot—he was the first f Paris. He will do well to' lie in Madrid at thc-skeletou of a hill which will he’submit-
manto leaveGeorgia.for Galifinmia ,n search die opening of the Cortes. The aftairs of, tert to tl ,e S. ( . Legislature to suppress
of gold, and he will be tiie first man inf Snaan look, it is true, not very bright, but t>, • T - - . , ' , p ,. . ,
and siaee feam that the conflagration came - Ge,>r ^ a eu(»per t«. market He is just-Aecause they look gloomy, a change , T V. Ptuithptbte.and
verv near bein»- followed bv one of the mosr **“ ® ne fS® t *c and thorough-going fell..w. and may come at- anv moment A revolution is f oti:e, ‘ weapons, i ne bill prohibits
- ” - * ‘ \ye •congmtnlate onr Fannin county friends .fiardlv to be expected, but the court and . tlie sale of such weapons under a penalty
oil his accession to their number. . & cabinet intrigues may effect just as radical of $1000, ami imprisonment for twelve
These mines are about sixty nrileiyjjgant LcWpges. Tllfffttl tfrtmtvprobayiky-.amfr-^^ffnp,:; u als
which nassfal about half-iviut 7 In rbf> ' rom Dalton, and about the same dsanffice the caRRSet will break up as soon as the con- t
° “f from Cartersvine. The ore will he trans- stiuent assembly shall prove less obedient;^*
1. ' , ported in wagons to one orthe bthe of these than expected. lu g with a weapon concealed or
C rr i l^c-es. and thence shipped either to Charles- Tho foilowiB
ton or Savannah. The company prefer
terrible disasters that has lately occored in
railroad travel. It is supposed that the
bridge took fire from the freight trains,
i following letter, dated Paris, Oct 30,
iso provides-that "if any per-
shall kill any one bv stabbing or shbot-
Iionilpnci'of th<-Pally IntrtltgeaWi-.] 1 - * life \ha '
Tilings in New York. - UrrmHk whicK sV ' '
Nv:w York; Nov. 14. 1S54;> •'fc|| Rs fc e » im-Wi*** a • '
I lie oiecti'iii lm.s been pus* lnoic tlisn :i wook, v,-iil C r sale than- any work over
an-1 yet more is as nmcli doubt about the Govcr, Country. Hi™ EsuT thh priHIegS of tookifig '
nor elect a.- on the evening of im 'Cues,lay. whilst - b(j6k.^ fbhfid ftn?
then- is a strong ile.ornnnation to eo.Uest the h.s ^ ^
augnnuton of l-emando AVouil as Mayor, not- , afteHi^for
witlistandnig lus apparent iiltu-ality ot 'sever-.!., ...
ul hundred: frauds exist without doubt, and -if *•- odd- tk^utd
sufficient number eaa be disonvered to getr him : ^ f** A *">*'-
aside it will be done. To do this
greiU satisfaction to a large- majority of .tile peo
ple, for, however pure he may be. the community,
are terribly ineretlulous tuid would, be most, happy
to have some other man to rule uyer lliaiu, *Uil
were tho election to take, phu-f over again io-iucnv.
row. Barker y. ouUl lie elected l>y lUoi-ta iiii-. i .
give the above as tlie opinion prevalent her-.: with*-
out taking myself any interest iu ihe.maUiir, .suhi-,
i;ieni to bias t.hat opinion uae way or the o'liei. . n 9 oniT ’."hud" .T r.. • ' - - ,,, -
- .-il/.UOU lopios, .iie.louyronia lai-ts would be per- .-
1 lie temperance movement, the anu-aliiv.cry sen- . F M “ 1 -,U-
, - fi-jtlr s:v\»f-.ttii«r:—-it.s y‘is niey-appearcmunarative-
•timeut. tnc woman's rights mania as independent, lv aVMtih«fi PhofeTtl^TO Wife'cBlifinue for' '
liow blink*- r.-tfcly e^ert-rTii fialf-dtizch each." Ureter
this work fo hnnili-eds arid ift-^htitidmTs:' Trnik--
1 Hiug-ngpnts-seldom otdl for less than 100 eopidsl-. •
-Hijdi* Wgh ns -iiUtie. - .TferuE not for
■flic. ox,ii;;.qrdii>:iLy. .stile-of.yUncle Tom's Calm;,"
w J 1 i.-“ilhs'^tiiud, reached, a total,sale of
issues have, been oi erriilileu by.this ;,Aumrienai
question in rhe main, though they each-have .,
cropped our.- 5u • certain localities in pretty-abim-
dant fields. The individual discovered in the
fenee, instead of turning out to be 11 uc-grp. liaa- p,
proved to be an Irishman, and the groat anxiety
now felt is nor to ran negrous into Cauaila; where
j flip seasons are.tfto iwdloiaenwfor tUi ichappiu -a. •
Bfifinud' for'
-tio-. rioxt. two--moTtlhs' -in 4hbc*F!j>.a>t. tiitib, ws the "
puldirher ‘confidently.,-am ioipivteB; . .th Suebfvy right - -'
"G’lis autobiography, fof .the Uuitetl Statesriilnoei,-- "
*fl net Barnum ovcj- $2ftO.OW>:—Wtir Tort; Ex*.
p.v ... : ^ ■-
. ,—rrs —-- ;>.?! llStfi ssk«J*
IFrom too Utica Gazette, Nov. 13,].,
Bow AihoiigGrfmau Cntliollcs at ITtlca.
, , i • , ,. •. 1 „ ■ ,, Tkb" cbttgfcgh'ftim of the Gci-niftii Crttholic'
bout | gn e them, when e.iugut. a-jury trml.-'Whou fho ■f'hfirelrh^We.^UtrC-Y' a^iliu 5.i«ma!feed R-
pei-son. such person or persons shall ji^y - c 'vom.k. find the facts n,they..:uv. a.ti®.'te;.^fi yo8Wrd .^^ne--of
rrm.isiiEn kvkkv
I Terms.—Two Dollars j»i*rai
mini. invariaMy in advftnc
ces which Mr. Stmle's
appearance miellt I ^*?*» of .¥* to leaver
' 1 , , . I to stop the train, wlueh he knew must be
have called forth 01 popular admiration of „i ose at jiajI(1 . As tioon aH he reac ] ie d t he
Tin- state Roml—Ftmrj- FinuncirrinR- the political principles which are typified in ! curve, about two humlretl yards from the
If the veil which hides (lie fiscal opera- our Minister's career aud present position, t bridge, he observed the train coniiun
of the Suite Road were torn asunder,
But it will not tend to make despotism more j speed, and fearing tuat he would be un- p; ( .
, . ,, ... . . • | able to stop them unless by the use ot extra-
and all the details of the present Supenn- : popular in France, or propitiate American | ord^y^^rt^n^le'little^^ToCk , Lilu f are mi § ht hv HeuUred ’f
■ tendent s system of management l.ud open sent i mont towards the policy which animates j his position 011 the track and running to- 1 a ' u l
I .1 , I ... . 1.. -t.„ I he mines 01 Messrs, .'smith A Sun
to secure it, and we respect fully call their at
tention to the matter. If other mines in
Fannin and Gilmer prove as valuable and
reductive as there is every rea-nn to be-
ieve there will, the entire business of trans-
be secured by these
[to the scrutiny ol the public, a state of af- Freneh counseln and employ its arms
fairs would bo brought to light which would
I be rather astonishing to plain, credulous,
Istraight forward kind of people, while it
I would he somewhat amusing and instructive,
(though not, in our opinion, very creditable
■ to Mr. Cooper’s reputation as a wise and
economical Superintendent. The people
i would then be able t>> see the particulars of
s the plan by which Mr. Cooper withdrew
: $50,Hill) frnin the necessary expenditures <if
! the Bund to pay into the State Treasury.—
1 They would then lie able to see the extent
<>f works projected and partly completed by
former Superintendents which lia\e been
abandoned—new work, essential to tho in-
- terest of tho Road, neglected—what amount
lol claims for damage are pending against
l the Road, which will yet have to be paid—
what amount ol coupon bonds
issued under his administration
running up a heavy expense to the Road for
interest—what amount of debts which
J should have boon paid in cash were paid in
bonds—what amount of accounts against
the Road which should have boon paid on
present:.lion with the money in the hands
of die Treasurer of tho Hoad, have been
pt.'.\«'d off with promissory notes, in order
that the $50,000 mi hand could be turned
into tin- State Treasury and the two or three
organ grinders of the S-- >< ’intendent in
Georgia, could join in one g- n't orchestral
grind over so ustouishin feat. These
tilings the people would have an opportuni
ty of fully understanding ami ol placing tlie
Responsibility where it pvopeilv belongs.
If a private individual were to commence
curtailing his expenses to a point far below
tin- actual necessaries of life—if lie should
allow bis possessions to sink into dilapida
tion through his neglect to provide necessa
ry repairs, and collecting together a sum
of money, should lock it up snugly in
a drawer of bis secretary, leaving out
standing notes, oast due, to go unpaid
and drawing interest, and if. when a bill
for work should lie presented he should
decline to pay out his money, but give his
note and submit to a shave on his own pa
per. so that tlie creditor should realize tlie
amount of cash due. him. through a money
shaver, and then if this .-private individual
should take particular pains to let it ho
known that though he b-t his debts go un
paid he still had a c-onsiderableaniount of dol
lar- and cents locked up and remaining idle
in his drawer, people cognizant of the fact
• would hardly give him credit lbr beingoith-
for a skillful financier or an economical bus
iness man. If, instead of being a private
(individual managing his own private prop
erty, it should be a public man thus linan-
[cicring with the property and funds of the
people, the sliabbiness «( the system would
•he even more censurable,
t As an illustration of the miserable shift-
ings ami twistings to which Mr. Cminer was
pnreed ro resort, in carrying out his grand
financiering scheme of drawing off $50,0QC
from the business of the State Road to pay
wards the approaching train with his hands
„ _ ■ , , i raised, caught the attention of the engineer, i- , , , ,, - , , .
Monsieur Ton son Again. wh „ ilulue dlately reversed Ids engine and ^scovered-and are probably, m depth and
The Fakir of Siv a, alias, Haskell, whom ; stop|ied with in four hundred yards of im- ™ U1 Y ? ,n ’ 8U P^ 1,,r t m
ememher, as a | pending destruction, the piers being some Town uuue6 ' Thev viel<l the Black ° x,de
to London, to see Mr. Soule and gather th
probable causes of his exclusion. Upon his
return on Saturday, Mr. Mason sent a let
ter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, de
manding immediate explanation. At this
moment of writing, (4 o’clock, P. 31..) no
answer has been received. 1 may add that
.it is not expected that the reply will be
Summer- satisfactory, and if it is not. 3Ir. Mason will
passports and at mice ituh the
our ci iz.ens will probably
sleight-of-hand performer, and quondam 1 twenty feet from the rocky lied below, and e 1 ^ 11 bmlion-ite ol t.qpper, som° qf
onc-liorse Georgia Opera ‘ t-ntne sixty feet wide. Had the boy*
. , ; not placed himself on the track, he would
was wont to call Ins motley , doubtles6 failed ; n his nollle ctturt , H ,
leader of
Show,” as In
corps, lias hecii playing his dog tricks with I the engineers are so often cheated bv nris-
the people of New Orleans, as w ill be seen i chievous boys on the route that they seldom
by the following from the True Della :
*• The renowned Fakir of Siva, who had
established himself at Odd Fellow’s Ilall,
and was about to astonish the world by Iris
grand " Presentation Festivals,” absquatu
lated 011 Saturday night last, leaving the
Fourth Estate,” his landlady, and sundry
others in the lurch. The Fakir, before his
flight, left behind him a number of letters,
addressed to his indulgent victims, thanking
them for their generous hospitality, and
uive been complimenting them on belonging to that
which are patriotic section of the great Democratic
party, denominated the Softs."
A Max Killed ox tuf. Railroad.—We
learn that a man, named Martin was run
; pay attention to them. Even when he stop
ped he thought that lie had been cheated by
a youngster with more daring than hisasso-
1 ciates, and was surpsised to see the little
flaxenheaded fellow- stand his ground, and
; endeavoring to recover iris lost breath to
answer his question as to the cause of iris
! interruption. We learn that the passengers
when they ascertained the cause of the stop
page of the train, and viewed the precipice
over which they were near being daslied,
liberally rewarded the bov for his,presence
of mind and daring, and that the - Board of
| Directors, at their meeting yesterday, ap-
1 preprinted $1UG, as an additional recom
pense. Eli Rheem, a buy but twelve years
of age, was the only one of twenty persons
. , . present, most of them men, who had fore-
over aud killed by the down freight train , { housht huflic i enl fur lbat occasion.”
on tlie State Road, vesterday. about four
.. .... j- -at’• x • 7 From th* North Georgia Tunes. 14th in<t.
nulos tills SKie Marietta. It is supposed Tlit* State Road—OurselveK.
that he was under tlie "influence of liquor at The last Examiner contains an article in
the time. defence of Mr. Cooper’s Administration, and
— ; labors very hard to place ‘it in a favorable
V clever conceit has entered the head light before the citizens of Cherokee Georgia,
of the Examiner. Its vivid imagination ! M e wish of the writer of the article could
have succeeded, but alas, notwithstanding
his great nerve, his hand is too weak, and
....... ... , too unskilful, to play the 'blufl' game' as he
tlie sinnle it it wih acknowledge ltselt 1 "e • evidently attempts to do. The whole arti-
youthfiil offspwng tugping away at the I cle is characterized by its evasiveness, rime
udder. ' is no point about it. if we have been wrong
. ,, ' " ! in our opinions w hy do vou not set us right
A IlEAvi JlnLEUATiON.- /(wo.v I'H.knnj , witL fuct ^ Facts'iu-e what we want. And
v]>.—IVe learn front the 3Y estern Tican that j notwithstanding "the latter part of the
at the recent term of the District Court at | charge by the Dalton Timet endorsed by the !
San Antonio, in that State, thirteen yeuUtmtn- j Lttdliytncer, is .too ccdituUnu to deserve
wore assigned places in tlie Penitentiary. much notice, yet the fact then stated, is
' j not refuted,even admitting that'"tnousands”
Montgomery -Mail.—'We have received | 'mvc been paid for the killing uf stock “ in
f the Daily Mont^onm, 1 tlie ,ast ^ ")^ths,” for there is a large ,
* . .* i amount oi this &>re tax yet unsettled.—
neat in its yy 0 caru Uu t Jjow our
our arc among the. richest that have been take his
1 country.
This— s the present state of the ease.—
Some weeks ago the Minister of Foreign
Affairs intimated to Mr. Masen. informally-,
: that he should be gratified if he ^3Ir. 31.)
would privately prevent Mr. Soule from
• coming to France. Mr. Mason did not uai-
imilly accede to tiie request. Last Thurs
day, being at the Ministry upon other busi
ness, and yet ignorant of the stopjaige of
Interesting Details—-Action of 3Ir. Soule, lie asked 31. Prouyn de L’lluys
the xi. s. Ministers. why he had desired that 3Ir. $. be advised
to avoid France. The Minister replied that
New York Timer contains several ! they laid proof of Iris having expressed hos-
is thought to be worth at ieast 80
per cent., and a very superior article of Bell
Metal, in great abundance, worth about 36
per cent.—Casscille Standard.
High) n
letters from London and Paris, giving the ! tilitv to tho present government of France;
particulars of the expulsion of Mr. .Soule, | On returning home he lieard of the forcible
the American Minister to Spain, front j interdict placed upon 3L-. Soule’s move-
France, and the subsequent action of the merits.
American Ministers in London and Paris, t It is considered at the Embassy that this.
A letter, dated London. October 27th, gives ' position, if Hot receded from, must lead to a
the annexed account of the “expulsion:” 4rupture, and,mrumor circulated day before
Mr. Soule, having spent two days in Lonif yesterday tliatMr. Mason had already de-
don, set out last Tuesday for Madrid, visspuiauded his passports. I may add that the
France. <>n his arrival at Calais, he was^ opinion of our minister and of Americans
a-keri to show his passports, and, having') generally, is-—as 1 mentioned dfl my own
Several cases uf homicide have occiTrved
recently in South Carolina.
It often happens, says the Washing
ton Star, that a letter intended for Califor- j
nia is mailed in the Atlantic States with a I
single three cent stamp placed thereupon. •
The Postoffice Department has decided that, i
inasmuch as this-prepayment iloes not sat- i
isfy a single full rate of postage, it can oulv t
he regarded as a deduction of three cents ! °
from the original unpaid rate, leaving seven
cents tube collected at the office of deliverv.
Newspaper Sale.—Tlie Boston Pouri'i'
lias a report that F. Gleason, the publisher
and proprietor of the Floy of onr Colon and
Gleason's ’Pictorial, papers of immense cir
culation. has sold Iris entire establishment-,
good will, and so forth, to M. 31. Ballon,
Esq., for the sum Of two hundred thousand
T ■
ft ceeins-tiVbare grown
pc,-of the oid matter—--the former troubles •’
vies we -have made.
rathyv, fact, L proved liy :iai roUu-nj y.ovsive.d .v.^s
X.v -.u-liu-cti-. ivbcri- i be tilnn v-oi-ouiiuiuiis -Ooul.- .....
j Oi bave been carried out, Ijinvovers injudicioun uie. 1 bbai.-cintrcJi. it is known to onr readers
! uomiuaiiutiii may have Jjeeo. Wo ,«:v. Ui--n t-bu. -.jt*? 1 '' * l hip.-,:itjpn .hm». been . for some months
! A<biii.ii.-u-ajion desewed by ti,o eati’iy N'-.iii, rojd fading. xsuiuiciim»g a.flag or banner. ‘
1 the .-atuo desuuv await.- it. m duubu , •> - tt'-'t undertR:iAs'l*ftait the suit was decided
South where the America u ,-i.irit U qidwc - RViOst,. Jugt-iis
, , ii , Aviv’UL ^uiu.iiisx. Mlitrcntivi unil lurtlicv- «
uieui a.- elsewhere, and warn- l.e ha.a.l 1,^. t;K ,. P ;
•n>-su u|-o,i uii . f-isjuu"a. -fv, -m'‘Friday; was ;over =ft(nr '-
Marine aceidents are l» t-.-iniii:.- so tii.-o- siii iiess. Un ihnr.’t&Maritian- kr>»i «lu>
c:u-- ;
ay Weei; .;oiiie nev. Iior
rusai. i ho Arotie saf Uown i
of live-. Tho stetmer .feiv.— -!
fttiaa to til! the reientiesj liiaw
boci-:iu. aim yesterday the New Era st-rni
! Uon-i-iiraneii aluie-t witiiin i-iionnii's ki-iiih
j Battery, By this ”mel«m--hoh event, tin
two huuilrad German eiaicnuii.-- ieu.-’lo?
j live-i iHough bv t!u> buesi aei-ounts tlefinit
! million loot not reaehed us ol oil tho y.ort-
lias metam
milch cow.
-eu tiie
ci mfoss
Shite llnad into a
to a recognition of |
the next steamer, and that be would not bed ed.
allowed, in the meanwhile, to go anywhere - : 3Ye cau hardly suppose the measure of ex-
out <rf Calais, being, in fact, placed under-! elusion to have been ordered iu a moment of
surveilliancc. pot or in a sudden tit of power. Louis Na-
“ There must be a mistake, sir,” said onr
31inister : " do you know who I am ?”
" i’here i> not tlie slightest mistake, sir;”
wns the reply: "you are Mr. Soule, the
Ambassador of the I nited States of Ameri
ca at the (Niurt of Spain, and 1 have orders
not to let you pass."
" Where arc your orders, sir?” asked 3Ir.
Si mle.
fliis is no business of yours, sir: these to the Independence Beige, and the number
orders are for me. and i am anting upon ! containing the letter w;i- freelv admitted
tPst' A railroad convention was held at i
Marion, Ala., on the 30rh nit., the object- of i
which was to devise ways and means to car- i
ry- the Mariou and Alabama River Railroad
to \\ bite s Bluff mi the Alabama River.
From the Common**altii 'we learn that the
delegates from Dallas subscribed fifty thou
sand dollars, and were ready to subscribe
fifty thousand more. The Common-
wealth considers«the extension as a fixed
,equum tii it. sui oess. Un i hat •-< >aci&ie)L.’taey. horn the.
r is i-hiMiiicii'ii bituuer aLuui wl ica iliO-tiotMiti^iiioii has been :
rii its r fc, ni;u'oiiii 0 pust, tiie L.pp^o_.qf the,priest;, ,
whose iridignal'.'n was unmeasiu'Ctl.
. • '< c.-ierday iiiornjug, he appeared before ’
hi8 coagrogtiUon idjoiu j^cjymjri for the
lno.-nuig oxC'v -os t-> litsguu andlold the as-
oembljMKi tb-v Mictc Wore Ihieves'and liars
in f-rt btsi-c, and that he -could Hot coiisci-
eiitioMsiy proceed with the services until
tbc-y- left.,. , . -
He then withdrew^ iviicrcajion there be-
'gan a genoral—iight,—the -priest’s- friends
Starting to f usand eftst -.h!^ the' offending
” 1 'lifciriio's of $t. Joseph, and tholatter riatu-
Tlic steamship St. Louis, which arrived j
at New York from Havre on Saturday even- i
. poleon is believed to be unusually free from i ®^=’" wa> ' I ' fno,a ' days-bolrind time, in eon- j
j such bursts of irreflection. 3Yc must sup- "cquence of having experienced heavy'
; pose, the’u that- the step was taken in cunart ’ weather. Among her passengers were 3fr. I
| with Enyland. in .some undcvtrndiny with Rcnnett. the editor of the Herald, and 3Ions..j
| Spain, and in the certamity that it would be Pe Landre, the French Consul at the Belize I
' taper nil! if pleasing io Amt ft n. It was said ,
i at the Bourse that England was seeking to -Y Survey of Cuoxstawt.i—The British
1 draw France into a war with the United surveying steamer Lightning has returned to
States. This was developed iu a Paris letter England from the Baltic. A.Lombm paper
mi it-
t»i’ tlto
LuIm- i-
ot flu-
It sccni" that tii \usst*l wiis uiakiuir ior New York,
liariior, in a uei»."c loir, when siu* struck., and
c«»»u>e has been rolliug and lintnndu r upon >1
shore since y cstui-doj- moriiiug. usenrinfmed I'.V. rajlly defending fteuiselveSj and, as nearly'
breakers s-r obstinate and fiita-t that wlami Rif possible, put tjng ill,for, plow,. • Not
abb- io live an instiirii near the vessel, mne'i ic« ' billy the men rritiuled each .other, but some
to reach the -Imre, through a b filing surf, fh.-it r oi-thewnfncil’inifeibcff'thc lipirit of the scene
jfircaks constantly, with a voice like tijio'D “''vent in,” too.
tlii- whole line of con-t. The shore yeslcribiv 1 Ris said that one female attempted to
was-lined with tislvermi’B ami boats, v.-hi-’-rrhpii' 1 vt-tio - 1 ) 11 : 1 - 1 ) V'i.b a pair pit scissors, tailing
tin- log lifted, eoul.l plainly see ihe ves«--i cod ' V'^.aIucU tm^dauied a. from a yio-.
sometime- hear the wail of', he imfifrt annto vies .b'hffr-pr.carilod'fifot bpSi.r!! Vital p.arbof'an
a >...•» > --- - i.^-xottod <4ei'TUtin ?-iiefsoh. Fnfolly brickbat's
gild stones jmb a lriivedospeiiite appearance
upi-n the matter.'
Tho-combatants- were parted at last,' liow-
( every -y.iue oi t-hom the., worse, by a blifok
, W3fe* 11 swollen proboccis^pu enlarged chuck,
Of an.aching jav. f >r,i\e hmriiiiig’s .visit to
SiHir.-jripb ' The p'dlic'e took
! char;-:e of severtfh 'abd-furnisbed fiieni ifitb
1'qiia-rtors. at tlie watcJi-houf-e, '
Ansel Ilofhier, John 31. Hess, . Joint
- Sihneuler and Mrs. D. Durk, were brought
| up before Justice .hint's thi- rimming,• and
. j S'rio bail Jin: .thejr anpearaneo at. the. next
1 term of the Recorder's f’ouri.
Vivr- - ;•)- • The excitement among out; German' pijpi.L-
. whoin-
■iisf al-
Sfronr 1
tiui- on lioard and jvt were nmiWo- t
flic Blightest n-sistamee. except l-> thoc
the iniiier-toiv pennitteil the bre.-ikere to
most lifeless upon tho >;mils at their feel,
arms, stout hearts-, and were av fafifo a-
gossamor in :> whirlwhind. No -loner were ‘he
boats luniK-licd than they were enpsjji'fl,' 'ninl’ Uia
jUm-oie inmate.-- threatened th«.-aisefve-> Villi ,ji-.
struetion. Stcnm-tug boats from the oiip-'r vav
mi'.-ed iu ii-areh of tin- Vessel, ail'd,'though they
fonuil her, were nimble .-iffonl any relief, v.jmi-
e\er, owing' .in entire want of life-boat- mi
board, an impos.-ilnlily of iippreuch wiftiu aidi
distance without eollision aiid dcstrn’ -ii
last aeOonnts one bv mu of the siiffi
the first number of the Daiiy Monfyom
Mail. It is a daily of good
typographical appearance, and conducted
with decided ability, of which the name of
its principal editor, J. J. Hooper, is a suffi
cient guaranty. L speaks well for the en
terprise of our sister city, and for the liber
ality of its business men, that with a popu
lation but little greater than that of Atlan
ta, it is sustaining three daily papers.
ipuuous may ne re
garded by the sapient writer iu tlie Examin
er\ or by Major Cooper himself, we know
one thing, the people of Cherokee, almost to
a man will bear us out in "it that wo have
said. But we want to say mure, and when
we want to do a thing, we will. (when, we
think it is the truth) if it were to make the
Railroad administration crack like a cane
brake on fire.
3Ye have stated that we thought it bad
policy in Mr. Cooper to pay money in to the
State Treasury before putting the Road out
of debt. And now let us sift out the matter
and see. We are told by 31r. C
that tho Road is not in debt,
wo ask. Why, don't the State read owe
the Georgia lload about SilO.OOU ? Yes, but
that is nothing—we have four years to pay
Olr City.—For several day's past our it in, say they. Well, this wuujd do, if the
city, in addition to it- usual busv appear- i load was not able to pay' it now. But-see
anc-e at this time ol‘ rear, has been crowded ; here: if 3Ir. Cooper bad paid that $50,‘KM)
towards the debt oi the rosu, it would have
1 .Ii 141 ilnniiwr lire
them.” strid the Commissary.
This happened at Calais. Something
more was said, but of no public concern.—
Mr. Soule left by the next steamer, and
reached London late in the evening day be
fore yesterday. The - new- being made
known in American circles, the greatest ex
citement prevailed, and, as may be imagin
ed, measures^ of all sort- were suggested ; this government might have sought to take
amidst great indignation. the lead in a movement tending to result in
The writer geos <m to say this was not , tlie return to the United States of a maiCre-
intended as an insult to 3Ir. Soule, tire man, \ pudiated in Europe, and strongly opposed
in America—in tho idea that the respectable
this morning into the country. It i- note
worthy, however, that the Prcsse alone of
all the Paris papers lias alluded to the occur
rence, and then expressed doubt. Tliis
would look as though they had received no
tice to kc -p silent.
Among the opinions expressed by Ameri-
, cans upon this affair is one to the effect that
full in;' from the -In-oud-, the ma-l
i into the nngiy waters fceloh, ivlili
long and dreadful night, had he-,
the sacrifice. By Ihi- time the
doubt, jrtmo to plci-c-r irnd .-■ H th
in! the I'-i-
irenl otl
eaVly fuu-i
chccl Miofr
aiiffizcit* in
During the month of September, for
ty additional surgeons left England for tho
seat of war, aud others were prepairing to
go. If the Rus.-iaus continue to “cripple up
tilings” a-they did at the battle oi’ Alma,
more of the same sort will be needed.
with visitors from abroad in attendance, tlie
but an insult to 3Iv. Soule, the minister, and
therefore to tlie United State- Government,
as ail answer to European despotism to the
” Congress of American .Democratic Di
plomatists.'' recently held in the Nether
lands. The writer adds that among the
many persons who hold this opinion i.- 3Ir.
It eve my Johnson, •>{ Baltimore, who wrote
in that spirit a y cry long letter to 3L-. 31a-
son. Wc hero quote what the cori-espon-
UliUUJl i , i i * *
friends deM subsequently says:
Not in debt? Mr ,' ^Ia-n—the news of tae Calais out
rage having reaeaed him—went to the 1 or-
eign Office and wished to see 31. Dreuyn ile
L’lluys tin no shidtiy. He was left waitin',
(tco full hours. Admitted at last,
„ , Saved to the people just
greater part oi them, upon the Races over 1 f ou >>
the Swift Course, near the city. Tiie races
have been of an unusually exciting and in
teresting character, affording a fund of
amusement for the lover.- of such spurt. A
good deal of money, it is said, has been lost
during the races, but it is consoling to know
marked, first of all, upon Iris tardy recep
tion. Some apologies were made, but in a
tone and manner that convinced 3Ir. Mason
that he had been left waiting inn-ponii/.—
classes at home would be too glad to
have so dangerous a representative removed
from office, even bv a process bordering up
on indignity. This is improbable; and mi
le-- the French government can prove an
overtact oh the part of 3Ir. {sonic, it must
appear that exclusion was a measure not
justified by the holding-of-mere opinions— 1
to which every man is entitled—and that a
desire gratuitously to insult ns was the ru
ling motive of ihe cabinet.
1 have never doubted the inclination of
tlii- Emperor to attack us since Iris alliance
it with England. But I did not expect any
evidences of it till after the fall of Sebasto-
says -.
The Lightning accomplished her duties
as a surveying vessel in a highly satisfacto
ry manner: and. having run in close to
Cronstadt, had a good opportunity of. re- j m0 rn'nig were left iieri.-Uediu tKe .let-,.;
coiinoitenng the strength oi that fortress. '
The mouth of the harbor is narrow, and
one ship only could enter at a time, which
she would have to do under the concentrat
ed firing of 1U4 guns, and if she passed
the outer entrance she would rcceite,.be
fore entering the inner harbor, the concert- '*
ti-atcd firing from 280 gun.- on a, double- I'
tier battery erected ut its entrance, and in • -
which 14 slaps of the lino are now lying.—
The walls are of solid granite, 18 feet thick, :
and it would require a considerable land , f
force to aid a powerful fleet-when attempt- i
ing to destroy the fortifications. ,
ml :i part of the cruv,
m of iifitnhiins :>bl in tl
—unit alitongli liicx r<
it-. :i pari of them were
i- tin-
t ni! !i fe
int ion considerable,
i tice Jones’ office, has
i thronged with parties h
i- >rs
1 the p;
of the
l.lhl of
1 trni't
: U"
gol. It may turn out that this rather pre
mature manifestation, will he an unlucky
step.for Louis Xajioleon. lie wants 500
millions of'francs, aud is only waiting for
. into tlie State Treasury, we will cite at this tl 1 * 11 a " eijual amount has been won
time hut a single other example. About
Superintendent wn- scraping
{orri'" (fri-i and Mario, says the New York
Mirror, left that city abruptly, and the
[[ * * rr *' * * ’ musical troupe i- disbanded witli which
Load, lor work.
the people
Could lie not hu\e done this just as well by
paying ofl’ >830,000 of lier debts, and there
by have shown to the people that.-the road
was able to pay hor debts, without asking
an appropriation from the Legislature.— , c . , , , .
Where is tho good sense of keeping money ^tter of 3Ir. Sandor.- to the Irench pepple;
in vour pocket, when vou are in debt, (and iU1 i thl ^ I - v ' C , uba ' . „
have been begging time.) and hv paving it lhe French F,,V01 b r ” Secretary
\crv impertinent tone, "there arc reasons
for that.” Being pre-sod fin- these r.-cson--,
3Ir. Mason was told that there were three
of them:—First, The .treatment of 31. Dil
lon, Consul in California.- Secondly, The
if trouble tvi th America be “added to trouble
with Russia. People would then be very
skittish' in entrusting airj' further supplies
to tliCiiutlior of tiny, ‘JlEmpire^
e’vsf Hi Pair.." ' -
The Coxi.-res-s of AmekIcax Diplomatists
•aid that at Brussels;—The New York
.'Viitiounl Kntnv-Xothiug lonveulioii,
Lhe Now York Herald, of Wednesday,
"71c bate received an interesting dis
patch from Cincinnati—very interesting,
u true. It i- to the effect-that rt National
< invention of Know-Nothings is to be held
in that city at noon to-day, to nominate a
candidate for the Presidency, and that- the
nominee will be either 3Iillard Fillmore, of
New-York, Sam Houston, of Texas, or Ja
cob Broom, of Pennsylvania. One of our
telegraphic dispatches published yesterday-
stated that Sam Houston had lately been
very busily occupied in organizing lodges
or councils throughout Texas ; lie has al
ready received the nomination for tho. Pres
idency from the “Old Guard.” of New- i
Hampshire. 3Iillaru Fillmore, it is stated,
is a member of the Order in Buffalo, and
Daniel Ullmau was his candidate for Gover
nor at the recent election in this State. Ja
cob Broom was the Native candidate for tlie
Presidency in 1852, and received twenty-
five hundred votes. He was elected to Con
gress in October by tho Know-Nothings of
the Fourth District of Pennsylvania. Our
[• oil-;-/.-
turn ft li. I -: > i
iT'.-l in ; ho
_ ho -trit.-k.
Ill the 111"i
from the We.-t r
in -ill the prlvat
tc-niitr, ivhii-h • i---o-
su.ldeuly :i- n i-lagi ik
tnri.eil by fhi: lisheri
yv-fii-.i ago the LVuiocr
States gcnevi.Uy, where diet
eiileil flint the lly.lra hc:iJ
ctiiMreu oT the .dd m-nisti-r
Bunk,) -tniuylcd lung -'uht.
rated or bled to deatb. IV,
the last writing, .'tnU pi-ivm j
deposit to a larije luiiount, je;i-. ij
trusted them iu the-smls. - ’ 8ittvi'
^ "' A "whU
old frieud, I). B. Mimelicstev, fc, no viiero. Ao-
counU from Sturgess & KUis-ioolt gientuy, ivlfljpt
those ..-i' (ioouiiiaii i Co. may take an uutoi'.uiauie
tnru. Jn nearly every eonjincreinl ipv. niu Ohio pri
vate bankers have failed for the time being, and iliis
has occurred, although ill
Tho vicinity of .tnf
this morning been
. ' the r.ffiiir. sppefa-.
, All this trouble D hoca boned by the ex-
, iratagant pa-'.-ioiis and prejudices of the
priest, Justus^ Avii.>M.Li the name ofdo-
lystcy and rcH?jjo'.i. why is he allowed to
1 shay. 1 he-'eY". W-i.y'dcP-- not the bishop re-
tiiOfri him ,' 1 o ' •
His-course, fn-m tho ffiv t, has beeii -tu-li
1 n to ineiti- atn. ng his vm-church members
a reeling ay-tins; him. •, and kindle and- jfi-
i n spirit of opposition' and hatred be-
■I tween two parties unknown before his oom-
i info-
T-itevu wilt b no-peace' till • he departs.—
i !i i long as tie remains there will bo a ronk-
i bug .and a strife, wiiich will ever not only
i sidy the religious progress of that church,
i but operate against religion generally.
>n American
llulll'l 111 -,, la gai.o-q the Ul
t ; K.m -s,: ■ h u :V,o4'.',,
w.wo engaged in lauding iiriy
theeecdnii r " *' '* ' 1 ”
isfi Oiyt rage
Uur Haratia co'.'r.ea’pbudenVc 1 .rings us the
news 'of the 3 eizftvo of ityo Aiuericim< sefioon-
ers . Ix'Barac-.ili,' on tbe , ground that tlipy
tuivipig ilrqi '. In* one of
otsltus .•tated'lhAt' the 1 capfaiji,
.jnfle-; -Vaiyt passengers were
ihrowri ibto p'fisdii: bufiii tho’Qfhcr, inch-'
,. jtt.m i:, made.qnly of ihe arrepi. of twoureoies
r file Luiieus who Ijapgpnqjl t« bo. on bo;mi. r - ’the ..lattgr, -.
Bank of (.'inciumiti, js^iutv ik Europe, h IuL; Jii- j in tlie hope, of escaping, sol lire to the . jail,
' and one'of th'c:'i was shot by tlie sentinel
ut: the post. w. - £
If, as is not improbable, it should turn
but tuiifc tiie grounds of seizure were merely
suppositions, and were suggested only by-
has occurred. a!Umu S U le country appears pro.- *{>* « cioUS bf the iiutliorifr^;
pcreu- and tenr prices are obtaim.-i h'f -ilnufo i". - ' t4 % ' ±iUV W be.attended ratiocyeU pxoLC.
, , fienou- consequences tiiau the seizure of the
orvUiini:' iw iliu riunpc*oi ih'miLucc iidu uoru. i>i, 1 \\r ,, * . ft ■ ■ - * 7 '-1 4
11 1 Bingk, .Warrior, It occurs- at- ucut-icatphase
has dispateli says that John 31. Clayton is out
In tfic Iilorary world olmllongiiigitiie atteiu-ibn
of ,\c« Voikers and all otliers who wish to obuiin
an inluimtu know ledge of lio'V i ho - oilier halo of
lhe world .lives. Derby A have i—ueife the
Now- Boy," and though
acquainted with tiie habits of tl
opeui’s- ut a ci ittcalpha.
ot uur vela-liou - with Spain, when but little-
is wanliijg to'fan the 'flurnu of animosity be-,
tw.ocnfh'c t\v'o,cqnnti-ies,anil to uiTord auim-
lned'uffc.jusujicittiiai for carrying out tliede-
siikieicjoiy j vision' arrived .at at the Ostcml conference
lay, M ithc-ut ii.avipg tlie details of the case full;-
itisfy tli
ty days was
vuuntei 1 by ;
]{ payiii)
awount, ibc
a proimsory note-at six-
given him, which note was dis-
banker in this city, the State
over and above the face of the
discount mi its own paper.
showing a greater amount of assets than
liabilities, will be found in the main cor
rect. Among other concerns rlo'-ed in that
city is that of John S. Dye. publisher of a
counterfeit detector. His property is in the
hands of the Sheriff.
expedition against Mexico that the affair ot 3Ir. Dillon was, in ilie ' dependence of the Captain
—in other words, forfilibusterism—and has worst possible construction, but the mere ; not be-coneedvd. The Congress assembles,
been declared “not guilty” of the charge.— blunder of a court oC justice, and that it ■ more partieulv. fur the purpose of preparing
8®. A \entriloqirist and bone player,
named Slotto. was arrested in Xew-Orleaus
ihe public will, of course, look m vain to
: tin* high flown report of the Superintendent.
If.any information in regard to such pav-
|ticnlars oi his management, although they
lure, as all will admit, of an interesting oliar-
Invter. They will be concealed as studious-
lly as possible l'roin the public eye, and it
|av ill probably bo only when another and a-
Litter Superintendent shall have taken
- charge of the affairs of ihe State Load, that
tin* details of 31r. Cooper’s management, or
rather mismanagement, in all their beauty
of proportion, can be fully exposed.
liow long Mr. Cooper will be tolerated in
hi- system ol mismanagement, time alone
5 can determine. If the interests of the peo
ple ot Georgia, pecuniarily, as stockholders
in the State Road, or the convenience of the
business public, acre consulted, his term in Canton, from Antwerp, which lost twenty,
of live would lie speedily closed. Dissatisfac
tion with his conduct a> Snjierintendent, is
general and v. ido spread. Jt prevails through
out I’pper Georgia, and generally among
the patrons of the Road in Tennessee aud
other neighboring States. It is a fact
beyond question, that Cooper is a dead
weight on Governor Johnson’s Admiiiistra-
lion. and we are by no means alone in the
ojiiuion, if lie is suffered ;>» retain Jiis office
until the end of the ensuing year, his mis- tax shall have been paid"
management of the eff aiv- -t the Start-Road - - -
will sink Gov. Johnson politically faetond Flour is selluig at Tuseunibia Ala
the possibility of redemption. * * gt £11 par barrel.
■“ ‘reset in . ew-t. rleaus mtlrder were prepetiirteil in L.wer f'alifor- ieans have the right to. say \vliat they like, njpiirts.this ns tlie resnltof his Observation. : , dv _ a nuestii
and eonmmted to the work-house, the other nia, has escaped conviction! Notwitlisnd- and tho Government has no control over France is lost in admiration of fits prudent T |, p '//,,,„,
a charge of )*eing a dangerous and ing the virdict of not guilty, it is scarcely their pens aud presses. and practical goverhflie'nt. Revolution in
is u personal luaiter. which could, , Paris is out of the' question. Austria has
suspicious vagrant. During Jus exuinina- ueeessary to say that public opinon regard
ti-.n some excitement was occasioned bv Walkpr as 5t evcr <liJ —« s tl,p D-ue head and
-mil , ■ , . ' front of the filbmtering expediftm rtf hist
strange auu curious noises, annarentlv issa- • . - . , ° n ,1,
, , ,, , . 7 i ! J ‘“ "V winter against -Lower. California,
ing tram the Recorder s chairs, which were I„ tlie course of 3Ir. Walker’s trial, Judge
unaccountable till it was explained that*the Ogier found that Mons. Dillon, the French
prisoner was a ventriloquist. Consul here, could not bo compelled to come ter. As to Cuba,' 3Ir. Mason absolutely, d.
published a proslarery pamphlet of; vi.u-1, ,ho i.ttcntiou irnd remm u o.v .uen-unq,in , 1]1( , u commerce, like the. .maiiv that
mi U the faeult 3 procured trutUtulucss ami eauUor. The. la-at way, li.orei nr, r have-preedded it will be. found, to. -hare no;
suppresesion. fhese are some of the ; u u,.t to deixaui ^..a wliat other ' • 1 ; ^
r nmlpnpp ruAu-xr' al UUle, .except newspaper. mm utui-imut a-ouu^ hwbuai. vuuex-
r pi udence,^ policy, or _ , ; J. - cite ihroughout all parts of the Union.-
Evcn tlie administration will be compelled
.to exhibit whatever small .remains of ldluck
of the Diripiti
than the Humanities?
2d. Whether slavery is not an institution
of God. according to Matured Religion?
" k 77 r hether slavery is not also a positive
tut-ion of Remded Religion ?
remls rheui: this is nil right; IjntiAjioiiSwiits^riiit.t Hnougbout ail parts
lmtliiiu; ol.-'o. nut even ihe liibk-. nn-t t-xeept »s iu f'
but it certainly did qot authorise a step > cy Iteing his .only adherents. Poland has
like that agaipri th# United States Minis- no chances, except* in the suite of monarchic . A despatch from 7Yashin‘>-ton dated 14th
combinations, and Italy is completely tired ! ' ”
into Court to testify for the defendant: but 1 nied—if I am well informed—the risr’ht of of the madness of Miizzinaism So . .f tho
m the circumstances of the case. Ho said, .
however, in effect, that lie knew nothing ; however, the special messenger
l(@?* There arc said to lx 1 about three of the AYalkcr affair more than what he had hanan, before deciding upon that step.
The Exchange Bank of IYashingtox.—
instant, says:
Tho run <m the Exchange Bank in this
continues to-day, but there were anpetfr-
>f an abatement at the close of bank
hours. The paper of the bank is redeemed
promptly, but depositors are not allowed to
remove their deposits, and bill holders arc
id in notes on the Trans-Alleghany Bank
'Trginia—an institution said to belong
in tlio same proportion that wc doiguM.
; ff. D. Orvlii'lui.ujitst paWDhjVl'- Things as ikey
are in Aincririi,” by Wm. Fliaffibersjn'k , c 25
nemi■; ;i very just "and tnithful ilcscfiptiou ot tliis
country, by otic of life editors of Chamber'.- (E(T-
itfiairg} Jourimt. Tlie *\ritofilograpt»y
Biirnum and ILonu-c Grecly arc o;U.’
i’Chcjury in tlie Bevcrcly Arson Cnscretur
vevdirt of girifty.
r k.
thouwaud negroes entitled to vote in New
York city under the provisiou of the State
Constitution, which requires a colored man
to have been three years a citizen and pos
se-sod of freehold estate of the value of
is25tl over and above all debts and incum
brances charged thereon, and upon which .a
learned from.common reported and
to tfive an affidmit to that effect.
i iffered
prepared to ask for his passport Hc^ent, • tio snppbrt frofo any part of Europe, in the ' to the Siine flnm “‘strong doubts are’enter
to Mr. Buc- attempt to pm possession of Cuba. Spam t air.ed as to the capability of the bank tc
will not sell the island, and -there is no feel- .sustain itself under such sudden pressure
BgLAIr. Edwin Forrest, the tragedian,
was the “Know-Nothing” candidate for
Congress in the Seventh New York District.
He is. however among the defeated.
Another London letter, dated theHst ult., . ing of dbmestio sympathy with this country “The run on the Trans-Alleghany, the
sa ' S! which would support us fn seeking to effect j Arlington, tho Old Dominion and the'Kan-
it- conquests hy any other means. awlia banks, aud also the Exchange Bank
ff6§JGen~emfDix,lati uiiiedStates Sen-1 «* & Co., still continues,
ator from New York, is in Florence, Italv, | and each bank is redeem mg its notes with
and will spend the winter there with his ! t,,osc of
family. ! Considerable uneasiness is qt the Na-
Concertizing.-—Ole Bull is goingout-7Vcst vy Department m Washington respecting
tho sloopTof War Albany, which left Aspin-
1 am again assured that a French fleet
will soon be sent to the West Indies. The
person, who is very positive in his infor
mation, writes tne that the jtrineipal -reason
of that quarrel is to bo sought in the wish
— ------ -to have -a pretext for sending a protecting
A pork packing establishment has squadron to the waters of-St, Domingo." the
been erected in Chattanooga, Teuuesse, by quasi annexation of which is to be impeded
Messrs. MeCamy & Candler, with capacity by any means. Another informant is of on a professional tour, assisted by M’im;
for killing thirty thousand hogs the present opinion that the whole affair is but a palace Maretzok, M’me Patti Stmkosch and Stra-
senson. ■ intrigue, concocted and carried out to please 1 kosoh, under the direction of Max Maretzek.
peaceable' means if it be practicable, but by
force if it be necessary,.. .It is impossible
that a.state pj'things ,sq wounding to our
uatiqual jianov, and .so injurious to onr in-
tevcatiq civil be sitffbrefl, to continue -longer.
Hi ; No merely ethical. considerations can hold.
1 gootj agaxqs't-jhc.'5fem political necessities.
I ;l 1 of tfie‘civsp.'• jJesiuos, the “ manifest desti-
• nv"Ti'f Cuba Is to be seen in tlie insanity of
!rmH^ J wiio arc stricken with the mad-
The Louisville Journalpublishes a ' nes^vitTi wlricli iveare told God afflicts those
i ...t.-.i. i * ■ ? i> , , i , . . t-vrJioili }>c wishes to destroy.—JN. JT. Herald.
card Mlucb denies that the exteusjve ivo}\ - J _L
house of Siireve, Steele & Co., of Giiicln-'i A-dispatch from Dunkirk, N. Y., of
nati has tailed. The- firm announce that : ^ ie ’ostanty says :
they “paid and expect to pay all onr liabili- ., ‘' lherc ab ™t fo " r of snow on
tlw ut nmt-nritv » the gi-ound here tins morning, and it is still
ties at matui ltj. fulling. At Forestville it is three inches
m^Anthow, Rums, the returned fogi-, at P*g oh ’ Dvo inchSiMeep, arid at
. , - t, , ■ . , . Cattaraugus the ground is slightly covered;.
tiro slave, of Boston notoriety, has been. — $5 —=—l— v
sold at Richmond to a North Carolina* The Iowa Conference ofthe 3Iethp-
cotton planter. dist Episcopal Church already embraces th®'
i— Kansas and NobfiS^kiV Mission District. ’
agjfoRash, fruitless war, from wonton glo- —-— .a.-;
wall on tho 28tIi,ult*for New York, and has ry waged, is only splendid murder,-—[Tftomji- !. erer^? ^
not since-been heard-fftm. son. ' ''Because it is a bony part'. -