The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, November 25, 1854, Image 2

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* SATURDAY, NOV. 25. This ia the "* •fiprtby Ike Gov ernor, an * day °f thanksgiving, hnmUation ud prayer. Ia order (bat (be workmen la (hie ofioe may hare an opportunity of ob serving the oooaooin there will be no paper to-morrow. Tan Sotmnunr Mail,—The Umam an nounces that an arrangement, to last until the 1st of January, has been effected with the Sooth Carolina Railroad for the transporta tion of die mails. In the meantime, it is to be hoped that Congressional interposition may effect a permanent and general system of compensation. Iff* The last number of die Cincinnati Bank Mirror, recently published by John L. Dye, but now by Messrs. Psddoch A Mans field, publishes a list of Banks which hare lately failed, in which we notice the name of the Atlanta Bank. In this case “the wish ia father to the thought” For the ben efit of our distant readers, we will state that the Atlanta Bank is ss firm as ever, and as likely to weather the present money panic unharmed, as any other Banking institution in Georgia. There are, no doubt many in tho West, as well as in this State, who would be vastly pleased to see the Atlanta Bank suspending payment, bnt we suspect their anxiety will be obliged to go ungrati fied. If any of our friends are overstocked with Atlanta money we would not object to redeeming a few thousands with newspapers. Colt’s Revolvkrs.—The English papers state that the number of the repeating pis tols, or revolvers, manufactured by Mr. Colt during the last two years, amounts to two hundred thousand. The Viceroy of Egypt has lately ordered five thousand of them for the equipment of his cavalry; and the Brit ish Board of Ordinance dispatched, some time ago, ten thousand to the Baltic fleet. Grand European Railroad.—A move ment has been made in France to negotiate with Austria respecting a railroad to extend from the Prussian frontier across Austria to Temoswar in Transylvania, with a view to its completion to Constantinople. It is said that the house of A. Belmont & Co., bankers, of New York, have commenc ed a chancery suit against the New Haven Railroad Company for the recovery of $65,- 000 damages, sustained on stock hypothecat ed with them. Several other suits are also understood to have been commenced against the road. Another Indian massacre had taken place on the 5th nit., about 200 miles above Fort Kearney, of California emigrants. A des perate fight occurred, in which out of their party of eight, three were killed, and one wonnded, all of New York. Annual Conference. The Georgia annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, will hold its next session in this eity, commenc ing on the 16th of December, We are re quested to state that Ministers, itinerant and local, will be met in the saloon of the Passenger Depot, or at their hotels if they arrive in the night, and directed to their places of sojourn daring the Conference.— The body will meet at the City Hall. The Soldiers of 1812.—The soldiers of 1812, held a meeting in Washington, on Tuesday, and responded to the call for a National Convention, to be held in that city on the 8th of January, by appointing a committee of thirty two, to make the neces sary arrangements. Railroad to Let.—The railroad between Springfield and Delaware, Ohio, having failed to pay expenses, the trains have been withdrawn, and the road is now lying idle. [By Telegraph to the Nashville Banner.] Few York, Nov. 21.—Ohio Flour $8 to $8 91. Corn 90jc. Pork firm. Lard dull. Money light. A dispatch to the Herald from Washing ton says that the Cabinet will be reconstruct ed in January. Campbell and Guthrie will go out. Breckenbriage will be Attorney General. Cushing, Secretary of State, anti Dobyn Secretary of Treasury, and Maron Secretary of Navy. There will also be made an entire change in the Foreign ap pointments, Marcy going to England. New Orleans, Noa. 21.—Placide’s Vari eties Theatre on Gravier street, caught fire at 3 o’clock this morning, among the scene- ro near the stage and was entirely destroy ed, also the wardrobe. It is believed that there is no insurance on the building, but $3,090 on the wardrobe. The Ravels hod just commenced an engagement and their loss is heavy. Placide was sleeping in the building and narrowly escaped with his life, from the third story window. Cincinnati, Nov. 21.—The river has ris en three inches. Flour $765 a 7 75. Whis ky 33c. No sales in provisions. Pittsburgh. Nov. 51.—River unchanged. [Correspondence of the New York Express.] Cincinnati, Nov. 15.—* * * * An immense number of Americans, and from every State in the Union, are in session here, in National Council, and will bo for some days, to deliberate upon matters of po litical interest to them as American citizens and to the country at large. The strangers in town who seem to be members of it, arc among the best, men of the country, and cre ate a strong impression in their favor from their general intelligence, order, sobriety, and unexceptionable demeanor. It is said that one of the objects of this meeting is the nomination of a candidate for the Presiden cy in 1855. I do not believe any such nom ination will lie mode this year, or that it is contemplated by any large number of Dele gates to make one at this time. New York New England, the South, North, and West are all represented here by men of national sentiment and character. * It looks to us as if Providence had interposed to raise up a body of pure and true men to give a wise and patriotic direction to the Government. S. & Y. war The Japanese are a nation of Athe ists, denying the existence of a God, and selecting as an object of worship either the Spiritual Emperor of Meaco, or any other Japanese. Formerly their religion was similar to that of China, but the belief in a Supreme Being had latterly been entirely discarded. The New York papers state that about one hundred hogs died on the Erie Railroad train, from suffocation on Thursday, they were purchased by dealers near New- burg at a dollar a head and dressed the New York market. The Battle of the Alma compared with Battles in Mexico.—It is stated that the Russians at the Alma numbered over 50,000 men, with a powerful train of artillery, and that the force of the allies was about the same; after an engagement which is classed as desperate, the Czar’s troops were driven at all points by the bayonet, the victors los ing about 2,500 men. Now, if this state ment be true, the Russians made but a fee ble resistance—the small loss of the allies proves this. The Mexicanswould have held out more stubbornly. In proof, it may be stated thatatCherubusco they inflicted a loss of one thousand upon the eight thousand Americans enraged; and at the Moliuo del Rey, where Worth had but a little over three thousand troops in all, he lost nearly nine hundred men in less than an hour.— At the same rates, the allies under St. Ar- naud and Raglan, in their battle upon the Alma, should have lost something like fifteen thousand men provided they had fifty thowand engaged.— G. W. Kendall. ( Correspondence of the Daily Intelligencer.} Thing* In Riw York. New York, Nov. 17, 1854. Nnw York would go into a state of collapse, if its nervous system were not stirred up by at least one “excitement ” n week. During the present wsek we have had at loast half a dozen, and the production and consumption of •* extree ” Her ald*, Tribune.! and “Tituses,” have heon immense. In the first place, the oscillation of the election returns have kopt the politicians 411 a continual tremor. The author of tho “Politique Positive.” would h::ve doubted the existence of positive pol itics could he have witnessed the discrepancies in the returns which have puzzled the partizau pub lic for the last five or six days. Fa.sebood. dur ing that time, has kept the wires in a quiver, and now that official truth is coming to hand we arc compelled to admit that the opborism •• figures won’t lie ” is cot to l>e relied on when they arc propelled by electricity. The very latest returns elect Clark Governor, and literally throw cold mi ter on the hopes of the Soywourites, n«rt merely damping their spirits but. drowning them out al together. The Tribune, which seldom overshoots the mark in figuring out election results, elects (lie Whig or Maine law candidate by n plurality of thirty at least. Nearly ail the returns upon which this plurality is based are official, hot until the entire vote has been officially canvassed there can be no absolute certainty. The Know-Nothings here are much excited about certain frauds alleged to have Wen commit ted by the Fernando Wood parly: but as the board of canvassers have decided that they cannot go behind the inspectors’ returns, he will t>e the next Mayor of New York, beyond all doubt and ques tion. Possibly he may prove a better chief mag istrate than his antecedents would warrant us in expecting. The deaths of Messrs. Harrison und Smith, of Williamsburg, in consequence of injuries received at the hands of some infuriated Irishmen, on tLe 7th insL, has occasioned something more than ex citement in that place, viz: a strong determina tion on the part of the Native Americans to avenge their murder at the first convenient op portunity. It is t-o be feared that the ill-ldood ex isting between the “ order ” and tho Irish will lead to sanguinary scenes ere long. 1 fervently hope that no rash violence, on the part of the lat ter, will invite a collision, for the perfect organi zation and oneness of purpose of the Know-Noth ings would, in such a case, render the retaliation terrible. Flushed with their recent victory in Massachusetts and Delaware, they are by no means disposed to patience and forbeamco. The suicide of Mr. Willinm North, the poet and journalist, has occasioned some sensation in litera ry circles. Ho was an Englishman of aristocratic birth, eccentric in his habits and extreme in pol ities, (being a red republican of the reddest stripe,) and as proud, personally, ns lie was Democratic, theoretically. In a conversation I had with him some weeks ago, he related to me many domestic troubles (connected with the alleged unkindness of a step-mother, und tho consequent estrangement of his father,} which, combined with poverty and disappointment, probably goaded his sensitive na ture to the verge of insanity. Yet he committed the act of self-murder with great deliberation.— On Monday night he I wide his friends farewell, being, he said, about to start on a long journey, never to return. On Tuesday morning lie swal lowed enough prussic acid to kill an elepiiam corked the no doubt, die a twelve and that it was the remains of his fortune, after ten years of literary labor. Poor fellow ! bow many there aro engaged in sirniku' pursuits whose expe rience have been as bitter as his own. The loss of tho ship New Era, from Bremen, with nearly 400 emigrants on board, between Deal and Long Branch on Jersey shore, lias created a profound sensation in this eity. It is melancholy tighten the money market here. 'Forced sales of Ohio State stocks have brought down the prices of these hitherto lavoritc securities. Railroad stocks of all kinds seem to be going down by the run.— First class mercantile paper is taken at 124 per cent.; but heavy safes of stocks absorb large amounts of money which would otherwise be em ployed for discount purposes. Annexation of the Sandwich Islands.— It lias been well understood that the only obstacle, for some time mst. in the wav of tho annexation of the Sandwich Islands to the United States, war the reliance pf-Prince Alexander a son of the present king, and his party, in the protection ’ of the British Government. By late advices we learn that the English consul at Honolulu has notified the king that his government withdraws its protection, and will in no event interfere with the affairs of the Island. This an nouncement, it is said, has wrought a great change in the views of the English, German and other residents, who, like the Prince had opposed annexation. Many of them, we are assured, immediately became as streduously in favor as they had been previously opposed to the treaty: and they row frankly declare that if they cannot count upon the protec tion of the lion of England, they are ready to place themselves under the wings of the American eagle. Thus matters stood as late us the middle of September. The only point of difference remaining between our agent and Hawaiian government, appears to be in regard to the time and manner of admission. That gov ernment desires to hat e practical annexa tion deferred a year or eighteen months, so that, in the meantime, a republican form of government may be adopted, so that at the end of that period the islands may come to a full fledged State. But Mr. Gregg, acting uuder instructions probably, desires annex ation to be immediate, as a Territory—after which a State Convention may be formed by the people. He urges this mode of an nexation on the ground that if the other course should be attempted, designing men might prevent the adoption of a constitu tion embodying the principles of republi canism, as understood in this country. This, however, is quite improbable. The people of the islands, and partienly those who con duct the government, would take care that no such apprehended result would follow.— But, after all, this is a point of but little im portance, and should not, and will not, prob ably, be allowed to interfere with the only real question pending—the annexation, in some form, of the Islands to the U. States. The Minister of Finance, Mr. Allen, who was a Boston lawyer: the Minister of For eign Relations, Mr. Wyllie. a Scotchman and formerly a merchant at Mazatlan: and the Minister of Public Instruction, Mr. Armstrong formerly a clergyman from Pennsylvania, all concur with the King in their desire to have the Island annexed as a State, principally to avoid the agitation of the question of slavery which they appre hend may come up if they have to pass through the Territorial crucible. It is pos sible that the motives of those entertaining those conflicting views are not altogether disinterested. Indeed, it is supposed that Mr. Gregg would be well pleased with the appointment of Governor during the terri torial interim; while one or the other of the j 5— details BY THE ASIA. ! when it.turned the city. Independently of.j The Crimea.—We resign in despair the , the irnlf moon formed by the towers, the ; attempt to reconcile the conflicting and coiw] french army wiH haveto siloncd the forts-: fnveri nwivpil from the Crimea ! on the sea side. They, however, also pro- ; — -* t- —„ during the last two or three days The one : tect the *> uth . and it -will *be necessary- to I triumphant treason at the North. Week a£- aimug the last two or tnree uays. ine one j „ fi v ter week, we have been compelled to chron- iiXHhf&L,“ofSSI tSSSJ Sba.—A letter from tWfctfj id. the victah. of b,pocri£«er* lulled the siege ot hebas pol p ■■"H- contains two strong places* and faction over the country, until the theme From the Macoa Telegraph. Trtampfc*er Treason. Out of sheer weariness and disgust, wtt fused ‘ account received from this Crimea j!» **'*«de. They, however, also pro- j me tempted to close the riokemng rgsord qf without interruption, though, according to : End* 0 ^ an b - - . same accounts; "not without vexatious moles- j Jfhioh would bo of vaiueto the allies, namely, tation of the besiegers as occasion offers, ! Swraborg, which would render them mas- Theuninterruated progress of the siege is, ! Fmland-and GVonatodt which we repeat it, the one important point-tlie | TY oul f- ope P 1 ^? road to St " P °* rab " r £’- waste of life, provision, ammunition, and ! a6 , usa ’ as 11 is 7 lthout defences in the fortress goes on steadily.- ! *"7 *tragetieal line, and for several years The taper bums, and mult sooner or later j P»fb has ceased,robe a naval stotion.- bum down to the socket. The story of Li- I the capture of Swea- a. i a. a..,,/* .xxoof.xi «.t* bore, by the maratiwe force of the allies with prandi s at least temporarily successful at- , ' ^rativc land force of 30,000 to 40,000 tack umm the right ot the Allies on the ; 1 , .. , . . . "*« £*•.*** "p— «*<» * works have been advance to within 2UG yards of the exterior defenced of the town , that guns are already pointed against the gates of the city: that the city had been for several days before the 25th on lire; that be sides the destruction of Forts Quarantine and Alexandria, the upper works at least of Fort Constantine had been silenced, thus throwing the outer harbor more open for a naval attack; and we may add as a conse quence, the sinking of two Russian men of war in the Southern or inner harbor by the tire of the allied fleets. This last piece of intellingence, indeed if it may be relied on, is decisive, for if the fleet could penetrate so far as to bring its guns to bear upon the in ner liarbor, there is nothing to prevent it irom reducing the city to a heap of ruins in the course of a few hours. The alleged cap ture of Lord Dankellin (the eldest son of the Marquis of Cianricade,) said to have been made prisoner on the night of the 25th, is said to be contradicted upon the authority or six miles distance from Helsingfor, which can also be taken. It is very little fortified, and situated as it-is, at the distance of half a mile from Sweaborg, completely commands this for tress. Once taken, Finland does not per mit a hostile avnij’ to keep the field. The capture of the Aland Islands is stated to have been merely with the intention of oc cupying the atteution of the Russians while preparations were being made for tho attack on the Crimea. It was believed at St. Pe tersburg that Sweaborg and Cronstadt were to be attacked before the close of the cam paign, while any attack on Seiiostopol was regarded as impossible. It was that convic tion which occasioned the counter orders for the despatch of the troops that Prince Mens- ehikoff demanded so far baek as June last. Toward the end of November, by which time the Gulf of Finland will be frozen over, the fleet will leave for England.— Having got through the Great Belt, eaeh ship will make the best course for the Brit of despatches received bv the Government j ish F shotes ‘irrespective of stations or keep- Communications from Odessa to thei Greek ! ; in -company with the commander-iii- firms continue to ascert that the English had , c j,T e f really met with the severe losses reported in I , . ,, the Russian bulletin. They say that, on the | . &har P {r . ost * have , ™ samd i the 25th of October, General Liprandi attacked ! 18 extremely fine, and the squadron healthy, the allied camp at Balaklava, stormed four | RussiA.-Tl.ere is a talk of a note from redoubts and took eleven guns. ! £ ouat Nesselrode to Prussia, stating that The English cavalry were totally beaten, I B .“f ia “ Prepared for, and and lost 500 men. It is certain 'that the ! under al circumstances, maintain her Russians have received considerable rein- \ traditional policy in the East, Even it Se ttlement, although, perhaps, not so many ^as.opol should tall and the Crimea be lost, a« the number report^, 30 tX)0 men. i R, : ss ‘ a ™ 11 “ at relinquish any rights hitli- A still stronger corps was expected from ’ ert ° acc l ulrod b 7 treat 7- Perekop. In the recent attack upon the ! Russia, Count Nesselrode says, is the forts at the mouth of Sebastopol harbor, the i mightiest power in the East, and in spite of vessels of the Allies were much damaged, j any disaster which may befall her, she A report was circulated in Constantino- 1 continue to be. Although Russia has pie that Lord Raglan has exnressed his opin- j not yet brought her principal military pow- lon in favor of a prolonged bombardment in ! cr in the field, the V? estem powers have had preference to an immediate assault. Having j no cause to triumph. accomplished the prodigious labor of con- ; — ~ _ , veving the heavy guns and ammunition, ! CDattanooga Pork Enterprise, and opening a successful fire on Sebastopol, ! 0n Yesterday morning we had the pleas- the reduction of the place is considered on- ; u J e witnessing the opening operations lv a question of time, and the operations : of thls establishment, and the occasion was arc carried on with comparatively small j unimportant one, as a croiyd of some loss to tiie allied forces. An assault, on the | 200 persons assembled might bespeak.— contrary, through it might lead to more ra- j Mr - English, tae foreman, has but recently pul sueess, wouTd cost a great number of J returned from Cincinnati with five expe- lives, and materially weaken the besieging i rienced workmen, and with the addition of armies * j s°me 20 or 30 found here and there, the So heavy had been the fire of the beaieg-| f arce complete for doing execution, and iug batteries, and so terrible was the loss of j the case and skill with which those Cincin- — - - ' —- • i nati men do their work, show them fully eu- upon the ga they are not all improbable. : moff had been killed by the fragments of a But to whatever destails the personal as- j shell. piratiens of those who have a voice iu the preliminary adjustment of this question may mclinc them, annexation is deemed a “fixed fact.” Tliis has been determined upon by the people, and they will accomplish their wish, “peaceably if they can, forcibly if to reflect that of the 251 persons lost, the majority j they must,” unless some other power than might have been saved had tbo-wrecking station near the epot been properly provided with appa ratus, or had the steuin-tugs dispatched to the wreck l»y tho underwriters to save property been furnished with lifc-bonls. But the mortar for throwing life-lines was rendered useless, alter the fifth discharge, for want of bull, the crew of the ■hip deserted, the captain followed the crew in the only remaining bout of the -hip, the surf boats from the shore eould not live in the storm, the steamers brought no aid, and there, within 200 yards of the dry bcueh, in sight of smoking cbim- nies und inviting homes, 250 men, women snd children perished. The ship struck on .Monday morning during a fog, and it was not until Tues day that the gale moderated sufficiently to permit the surf-boats to reach the wreck. About 100 per sons wore saved, (all Germans,) three or four of whom have since died of exhaustion. The New Era was built at liuth, Maine, and this was the first voyage. She was laden with liardwarc, dry goods and chalk, consigned to Duncan & Co., of this city, and was insured in various offices, chiefly in Bostoq, to the amount of $80,000 or $00,000. It is said the insurance covers the value of ship and cargo; hut what shall compensate for this awful destruction of life? Captain Henry, the commander of the vessel, has published a state ment intended, I suppose, to be exculpatory, but which convicts him of negligence and shows that he left the ship much too early for his own repu tation. Behechan, the monster now under sentence of death at Rivcrhead, L. I., for the murdei of the Wickam family, made an attempt to escape, u few nights ugn, by setting fire to the jail. His plans were frustrated by a timely disco, ery, and he is so thoroughly secured that it will be impossible for him to play the same trick a second time. Ilis exccutiou will take place on the 15th of next month. Pcverclly. indicted for attempting to burn bis own warehouse, has been found guilty. The pen alty is five years’ imprisonment. Of entree his counsel have prepared a bill of exceptions, and sentence has consequently been deferred. The sale of the late Bishop Wainwright’s valu able library, consisting of about 10,000 volumes, will commence the 22d inst., which, hy-the-by. is the dny appointed for the consecration of bis suc cessor, Bishop Potter. A free church is to he erected here as a tribute to the memory of the late Bishop, who expressed, somo time previous to bis death, a strong desire to see such an edifice built. A number of the ladies belonging to the Episcopal Church have started a subscription to defray tho expense of the structure. The site is to be up town, near the corner of 4 th street and 8th avenue, I believe. The funeral of the venerable Mrs. Alexander Hamilton, which took place from Trinity Church on Saturday last, was almost immediately followed by that of probably the oldest person in the United States—Mrs. Surah W. Karas, of this city, who died au the game day as Mrs. Hamilton : aged 117 years and 3 months. She was born in this country in 1737, when George Washington was five years old. The old lady retained the full possession of her faculties up to the day of her decease. It is a “ fixed fact ” that we arc to have a new City Hall, additional to the old one, connected with it and in the samo stylo of architecture which I take to be a Dutch modification of the Grecian. The refusal of the Freuch Government to permit Mr. Soule to pass through Franco to Madrid has been rescinded, and he has been invited to pass through France. This has been brought about by the intercession of our Minister at Paris, iMr. .Ma son. All fears of war in that quarter arc at an end. The auctions of the Crystal Palace go on brisk ly, end notwithstanding the hard times, the stat ues, porcelain, furniture and watches, which have been the principal articles sold thus far, have al most uniformly brought a fair advance on invoice prices. A prize shirt sold (to the rich Mr. Lennox, it is said,) for $125—awful tight times these, arc they not? The colossal mirrors and more magnif icent pieces of furniture seem to Imj less valuable than the lesser articles, as no bids could be obtain ed on them. The steamship Asia arrived yesterday from Liverpool with “ three days later." The news from the scat of war seems to be, in substance, identical with the last previous steamer tho same dish, re-hashed In several styles by Eu-disb, French, Greek, Austrinn and ltusssan cooks. The sum of it is that the allied armies arc having a lively time beforo Sevastopol, and getting just as good as they bring, if not more so. Tho Paris correspondent of the Loudon Timm says that tho French Government has iu its possession positive evidence of the participation of Mr. Sonic in some vast plan for revolutionizing Europe.— Gammon! The Liverpool Cotton Market wag steady, with a very slight advance; breadstuff's o little lower, with u buoyant market, and money easier. Consols, 94$. The bank difficulties at the West contribute to i the Hawaiian government should interpose to prevent what is so ardently desired. But no one supposes that it will be necessary to resori to force: for the chiefs know very well that if annexation should be preceded by a revolution, they would lose not only their promised rich annuities, but their vast landed possessions, now worthless, but which, in the event of annexation would be come to them mines of wealth. Just previous to our last advices, the Bri tish Conscl had procured an audience with the King, and a messenger was forthwith dispatched for Prince Alexander, by his or der, for the immediate return of the Prince, and every one in the secrets of the govern ment was confident that the treaty would be signed in a very few days after his return ; because, when he left on his journey, the policy of the English government now de veloped, had not transpired; and as he de pended upon the assistance of that govern ment to avert annexation to the United States, he will, it is believed, on seeing the futility of that hope, no longer combat “des tiny.” Our readers may, therefore, very soon expect to be called upon to hail the ac cession of this Island State to the American Republican. Russia Hard to Wlilp— (He English Rousing Tliciusclves. The London Times seems to have at last come to the conclusion that Russia is a more formidable opponent than at first supposed. One entire season has passed over, and no impression has been made upon the enemy. Fleets greater than England ever assembled in hostile array before an adversary, have been able to aecomplish any decided act which brings England nearer to her object to put a stop to the territorial progress of Russia. In the Crimea she hits been the most successful in her operations, but even there has Private letters from Sebastopol announce that on the 23rd of October the operations of the French engineer were carried to within 300 metres of the point of attack. Five thousand French troops from the Pi raeus have passed through the Basphorus for the Crimea. All the reinforcements about to be sent out will increase the French army in the East to at last 75,000 men. It is believed that the position of the Russians at Sebastopol was desperate, that many of the works u ere destroyed, the town nearly demolished, the streets covered with the dead and wounded, and the air so pestilential that it will be dangerous for the allied armies to occupy it. This corres ponds to a certain extent with the follow ing private telegraphic despatch from Var na, dated the 26th: “The lire has continued uninterruptedly to the 25th with great energy. The losses of the Russians are enormous, and the dead bodies are so numerous in Sebastopol that pestilential odors arose within its walls and it was impossible to bury the dead.— The beseigers have made great progress, having come so close to the town as to be able to direct their guns against the gates themselves.” From an editorial in the Paris Pays, we gather that the French, after fighting, had taken possession of the cemetry, which commands on the South the Quarantine Bay. This would bring the French ap proaches quite close to the barracks of Se bastopol. Perhaps it may prove to be this position that the Russians have retaken. It is foreseen that one or more pitched battles must be fought in the Crimea, and therefore the allied commanders have deter mined to reduce Sebastopol, if possible by bombardment, and thus economise the lives of their troops. Additional accounts to the 25tii state that some English Engineers employed at Sebas topol had made their escape, reported the town filled with dead left unhurried, and that provisions wore becoming very scarce. The St. Petersburg Journal contains two j reports from Prince Menscliikoff to the Em peror Nicholas, givining details of the opc- aecomplisheil nothing decisive, , - . , . while her army is melting with alarmingrar- i uations before Sebastopol on the 11 th aad idity. Of the 30,000 men- who left England I i ) 1 8t, ! I '_. I lh ® first assertsthat at nightfall on for the seat of war on the Black Sea, she has lost by cholera, by war, and other casu alties. 14,000 men, according to the calcula tion of the Liverpool Norfhern Times. Her army has recently a roinfot cement of 1,200 marines, and perhaps 2,000 troops of all arms, and with the 4,000 men which are going out, the British force may be increas ed to 23,000 or 25,000. The inadequacy of this force to retain the possession of any conquest made in the East against any of the powerful countries of Europe begins to press itself painfully upon the English mind, and hence we see the journals begin ning to rouse the nation to new efforts to sustain the honor of arms involving a vast expenditure of treasure. The Times says : “ We require ar. allied army of 200,000 men in the East, and it is vain longer to denj’ the fact, or endeavor to give a more favorable coloring to the position we are re ally in. France can supply her contingent, and England must finti her moiety. We were in hopes that diplomacy, backed by a formidable warlike demonstration on the part of the two greatest military and naval powers of Europe, would have brought the Czar to some equitable terms. This vision has now passed away, and the idea of play ing at war any longer must he totally ex ploded. “The troops stationed in our colonics must be brought home, and the defence of our distant possessions left to the royalty and patriotism of our colonists. Recruits must be obtained, and no means of offence or defence left longer to take care of them selves. All that is now being done is well enough as far as it goes. But the Ottoman dominions have still to be protected, and the blood of civilization has to be avenged. We can no more think of retiring from the field while these duties remain to be per formed and crowned with -victory, than we could think of abandoning our homes and hearths to a Russian invader. Experience has already shown us what the nature of the present contest really is, and to neglect another day to prepare for what Las to fol low, would be highly criminal. One hun dred thousand British troops, and the same number of French must, cottia qui eoule be sent to the East without delay. With the fall of Sebastopol, our present intense anxi ety may cease, but with that event the war must be considered as only just commenc ing-” Novel Mail Matter.—The Springfield Republican says that two large bags of hick ory nuts and one of chestnuts were forward ed by mail to the Postmaster General a lew days since. Sim* Great Republic.—The celebrated clipper ship Great Republic, having been rebuilt with the reduction of one of her decks, is now loading at New York for San Francisco. She has the Frfrbes rig, with all the modifications and improvements. tho 17th, the first day of the bombardment, the English had only two guns able to re turn the Russian fire, while the Russians had a few dismounted. At noon on the same day, 14 vessels of the allied fleet attacked Sebastopol by sea, di recting their fire against Fort Constantine and battery No. 10. The shortness of the time and the smoke rendered it impossible for Prince Monschi- koif to furnish complete details of the loss on cither side: but the Russian cause had sustained a severe loss in the death of Ad miral Kornileff, whose leg had been carried off by a round shot, and who died on the spot. The second report, dated the 18tli instant, says that though the allied fire was aston ishing by its power and noise, it had not done so much harm its might have been ex pected. The Alexander battery, and battery No. 10, had not suffered much, but tho Coustan- tine battery had beeu greatly injured. On the land side, none of the Russian batteries had suffered except No. 8, in which nearly all the pieces (83 in all) had been dismount ed. The Russiun loss was estimated at 500 killed and wounded, among the latter Ad miral Machinoff, very slightly, the interests of all who have any hogs to be killed. Their proposals for slaughtering, in our estimation, arc immoderately low— for instance, they slaughter, dress, and hang them on the hooks for the entrails, and what greater inducement eould be present ed for driving to his house. And for a half penny on the pound they slaughter, and prepare the pork into hams, sides and in every way for market. These induce ments, we opine, will command the atten tion of all as being worthy of the most favorable consideration of all who have pork to prepare. And by the way that Smoke House of which wc have have here tofore spoken, is treinenduous—in our pre vious statement we said it was the largest in Tennessee, and since then wc learn, through the medium of the gentlemen from Cincinnati, that this smoke house of Messrs. Chun die & McCamy surpasses any thing of the kind there, anil since learning this we have no doubt but that it is the finest and largest of any in the United States. We understand these gentlemen have some 2,000 hogs to slaughter, which will be done as soon as the weather admits. Let it once be known what is the extent of this establishment, and all East Tennessee must look to it as the centre of operations. —Chottanooya Advertiser. A Hard Knock. The Boston Post is a jewel of a paper. The editor says good things with a happy felicity peculiarly his own, and he has a set of correspondents who are not a whit behind himself in the way of perpetrating jokes and encouvaging fun. A late number of tho Post contains a story which is ‘notslow,’ but as there is one wicked word in the recital, it would be forthe over-scrupulous to skip that particular phrase. The Post’s correspondent ‘Tell,’ says that a county Court was sitting a while ago, in , on the banks of the Connecticut. It was not far from this time of year—cold weather any how—and a knot of lawyers had collected around the old Franklin, in the bar room. The fire blazed, and mugs of flip were passing away without a groan, when in came a rough, graunt looking ‘babe of the woods,’ knapsack on shoulders, and staff in hand. lie looked cold and half per ambulated the circle which hemmed in the fire, as with a wall of brass, looking for a chance to warm his shins. Nobody moved, however, and unable to sit down for want of a chair, he did the next thing—leaned against the Avail, and listened to a legal dis cussion that w^s going on, as if he \A tis the judge to decide the matter. Soon he attract ed the attention of the company, and a young sprig spoke to him. ‘You look like a traveller." ‘Wall, I suppose I am—I come from Wis consin a foot at any rate. ‘From Wisconsin? That’s a distance to go on one pair of legs. I say, did you ever pass through h—11 on your travels V ‘Yes, sir,’ he answered—a kind of tricked look stealing over his ugly physiognomy— ‘I’ve been through the outskirts.’ ‘Well what are the manners and customs there ? some of us would like to know.’ ‘Oh,’ said the pilgrim deliberately—half grows irksome oat of very repitition. What boots it to multiply words? Maine, Ver mont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, N. York, New -Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan. Iowa, and Illinois, twelve power ful States, representing the North, the East, and the West, have deiiberty arrayed them selves in 'Ifne of battle against the South.— There is the simple fact. If it is not enough to aAvaken us from our duU lethargy, in Aain the most eloquent comments of the Press. Scarcely did we have time to an nounce the triumph of Pollock, the Know- Nothing and Abolitionist, in Pennsylvania, before we were called upon to record the victory of Clark, a still more dangerous Ab olitionist in New York; and even before the full details of this latter disaster have reached us, we must proclaim the election of another Know-Nothing and notorious Frce-soilor, Henry .Gardner, in Massachu setts. Thus the tliree great Commonwealths of the North, boasting the highest degree of intelligence, refinement, and wealth, have filled their Executive Chairs with men hav ing no other claim to the position, save the excess of their fanaticism against the South ern portion of the Union, and m we contin ue the examination a still more appalling state of things reveals itself to view. In the next Congress of the United States, it is computed that with the inconsiderable exception of twenty men, the entire North ern delegation in the Lower House will con sist of Freesoilers and Fusion Whigs, and for the first time in the history of the Gov ernment, the National Legislature will be divided into parties strictly sectional and geographical. In this conflect, the South must be immensely outnumbered in the House of Representatives, and though the Senate, as at present constituted, may for a time restore the equilibrium, the day rapid- ly approacnes when that body also will b< surrendered to fanaticism and faction. The State Legislature recently elected at the North are, without a solitary exception, pledged to the Anti-slavery interest, and a speedy and powerful addition to that element in the United States Senate is inevitable. In summing up the late victories of the North ern Whigs and Abolitionist, we have, then, this startling record Governors elected in Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts —State Olficers and the General Assemblies of twelve great Commonwealths—one hun dred and twenty-six members in the House of Representatives, and in all probability tw enty champions in the Senate of the Uni ted States. Such aro some of the triumphs of treason of the North, and it is with pride that Ave remember that neither the Administration nor the Democratic party has part or parcel in the victory. 3Iyron H. Clarke is a Whig Governor Pollock is a Whig. Henry Gard ner is a Know-Knothing. Henry Raymond is a Whig. The State Legislatures are Whig. The Senators to be elected will be Whigs. And, in short, wherever we look find that the success of faction is identical with the defeat of Democracy. Thetriumph of treason is incompatible with the triumph of that party. Where the one flourishes, the other must inevitably languish. What the next five years may bring forth avLo can tell ? When we contemplate the present condition of things, ayc confess that Ave see little upon which to base a hope. When Ave see the South torn by contending factions, and Avasting its precious strenth in senseless quarrels over names, while the North becomes more united every day— when Ave contemplate the black ingratitude of a portion of our own people Avlioconstant- ly defame au Administration and a President Avho have sacrificed themselves for us—Avhen above all, Ave see the most factious hypo crites of tho North climbing into power up on the ruins of the Democratic party, Ave see little reason to expect better things iu the future. Thus much is clear—that our only chance for future equality in the Union, is a cordial, efficient and unanimous support to the Demo crats of tho North, who are still struggling so gallantly, though Avithout avail, against their Whig and Abolition foes. Unless something is done to cheer and animate them, they must soon give up the fight, and when they give tip, all is lost. Without the support- of a feAV Northern States the South is powerless ; and unless that support is received and we our selves are unanimous, the election of an Abo lition President in 1856 is inevitable. But if the South is unanimous, what guarantee have Ave that a single Northern State will support us ? When Pennsylvania deserted, we still had Illinois and Indiana to look to— but now that they havefollowed, whither shall Ave turn ? Nevertheless, let us still hope.— Let us trust that some few of our ancient allies may break the chains which this foul enchantress of Abolition has put upon them, and, again falling into ranks, assist the South and the Democracy in fighting the battle for the Constitution in 185C. Then, if the battle be unsuccessful, the Democracy could still point to their history Avith pride. It would be said of them that thoy had carried their country to an unex ampled pitch of prosperity—that they had vindicated her honor in one war Avitli Great Britain and another with Mexico—that they had extended her frontiers from the Alle- ghanies to the Rio Grande, and from the Rio Grande to the Pacific—that they had eAer been found fighting for civil and re ligious liberty—and, that finally they fell, if fall thcj 7 must, Avhile defending the Con stitution from the rage of zealots and tho stabs of traitors. After achieving such a destiny, any party may almost be content to die. LAYER FBOII EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE sti:am PROCEEDINgrof COUNCtr XT " " ' City Clerks Office ) Atlanta, Nov. H, 1854 | SHIP Couucil tact—Present Hon. Win, CANADIAN. Aldermen—.-Thompson, ,Farrar, Podk. 11 Whitaker, Simpson, Swift; the minutes’of the U’ meeting were read arid confirmed. 0 la, l meeting were read arid confirmed. The petition of Citizens relative to the slau-.i _ r, ,. ~ ing carried on iu the lot on the corner of IT„». The steamer. Canadian, one of the Port- , j.oyq streets ivas received. er 4 land line of screw-steamers. has arrived at 1 The following" Resolution was offered h v Portland, Maine, with Liverpool dates to the ; Thompson, seconded by Aid. Whitaker, and i- 7th inst. some discussion, was laid on the table; vi z . altr We haA'e received no reports of the mar- Resolved. That the resolution passed on th« , ‘ | 11th, instant authorizing the sale of the ] 0 t o—i. ^ «fi t. 94*. !asrsfif iriXffiiftsraar The War. tion passed on thol3thof October 1854andrcs°' Tho English accounts say that the Kns-, ded on 11th instant authorizing the survey ?ni sians have been repulsed at Balaklava with i sale, at public outcry, of the said Hospital L a loss of 1,000 men. I horeb y ■"e-enaeted and the same is hereby J The attack on-Sebastopol from sea had not; ° Those voting for the motion to lay the .a been renewed. j resolution on the table were, Aid. Farrar a The bombardment was vigorously prose-! Simpson, Peek—against it Aid. Thompson Vfft euted. Fort Constantino, at the Quarantine, j ker Hulsey, had been demolished, together with the j Southern tower—the tower on fire in three j places. Private despatches say Sebastopol was car- Nevertheless let us still hope. Let ; make one more fight for the Union in 1 ; —for in our judgment, the Union Avill be the stake at issue. ried on the 3d inst., by assault. Other ac counts say Sebastopol is a mass of ruins.— That the French Chasseurs kill all Artillery men that show themselves. A shower of balls was poured forth all night, leaving the Russians no time to re ■ pair the disaster. The Russian ships sought shelter by the side the quays, but the Allies were about to pour red not shot into them. The capture of Lord Dunklin, by the Russians, is confirmed. Large French and English reinforcements are going out. Iron cylinders had been sent to blow up the ships sunk at the mouth of harbor. One hundred and twenty gun-boats and forty floating batteries were ordered to the Baltic. Mr. Soule was permitted to pass through France. SECOND DESPATCH. The only market report brought by the Canadiaa, is that cotton Avas steady and pri ces unchanged. Breadstufls slightly advanced. New Orleans Market. Tuesday, Nov. 21.— Cotton.—Sales of the last two days 13,000 bales. Middling 8jc. Flour 88.50. New York Market. Wednesday, Nov. 22.—Cotton is unsettled to-day. Middling Orleans 9| to 9}. Ohio Flour S9—it was held higher at the close. Extract from a letter to the New York Times, written at Paris : “ Now 1 do not exaggerate—I do not strain the facts when I say that in the en tire British press we have not a friend—not one that may be considerate as an American Advocate. And Avhy ? For the plain rea son that the public sentiment of Great Brit ain is against us. They flatter us for our trade; they may be shy of a quarrel with us at present, but if the press he any indication of public feeling, then the people of the three kingdoms, at heart, dis like, fear, hate us. They dislike our man ners : the}' fear our example; and they hate our policy. Such is our relation to ono of the two poAvers which now hold the sceptre of the world.” The promoters of the riot at Boston, upon the occasion of the rendition of Anthony Burns, the fugitive, are not, it seems, to be allowed to escape without an investigation into their share of the transaction. Bills of indictment have been found against several of the parties, and their trial will probably commence to-day in the Circuit Court at Boston. They are supposed to be those in- flamatory speeches in Faneuil Hall on the night of the riot stimulated the angry pas sions of the mob to the commission of the gross outrage upon the laws of the country. Important news from San Domingo has come to hand by way of Nassau, N. P. The Guardian, published at Nassau, states that it Avas informed, “on authority entitled to the fullest confidence,” that the cession of the port of Samana, with some adjacent ter ritory, to the United States, Avas formally demanded by the officers of the frigate Co lumbia, backed by a smaller war steamer and a corvette. On the demand being made the British and French Consuls immediate ly despatched special messengers to Port-au- Prince. Wages in Australia.—A Sydney corres pondent states that the rates of wages for merchants noAv range from .83.50 to $-5 a day ; laborers iu toAvn from .82 to S3 : for farm labors and shepherds from S150 to 8250 a year with board. Females obtain from 875 to 8175 a year with board. Tunnel Under the Ohio.—The citizeus of Louisville appear to be in earnest about the Ohio river. They held a public meeting on the subject a feAv days ago, and after speeches from Governor Wright, of Indiana, and Mr. Holman, an engineer, avIio estima ted the cost at 81)200,000, the sum of 81,100 Avas subscribed to the stock, and agents ap pointed to solicit the subscription of the cit izens generally. Mexico.—Santa Anna is said to be again so short of funds that he is making a stren uous effort to negotiate or anticipate the payment of the remaining 83,000,000 of the American indemnity, before the adjust ment of the boundary, upon which it is contingent. The conscription for the pur pose of filling the ranks of the army is be ing actively carried on in the department of Vera Cruz. The people arc very loath to nion in 1856 ! for Santa Anna, and many of the eon- On motion Council was adjourned. H. C. HOLCOMBE c. r c ~ MARINE INTELLIGENCE^ SAVANNAH, Nov- 20.—Arrived, U. sTm^i steamship Florida, New York: Ship Southpu!! from New York. Cleared, steamship Knovvili' Ludlow, New York. ‘ c ’ CHARLESTON, Nov. IS.—Arrived, 0. L. ahii Camden, Gadd, New York; ship Chace. Wh;> Noav York. C| Cleared, U S Mail steamship James Ad-er Tu ner, New York: Ship New York, Edwards, IIa Vr l" Barque Harriet, Frances Heed. Havre; Al’ I N W Smith, Hobart, New York; H L sebr Mari Pickup, Shoe, Philadelphia: Br schr Liverpool Harbor Island, (Bab.) COMMERCIAL. scripts have to be tied together until prop erly placed iu the barracks. A Gold Vein taht is a Vein.—From a private souoee we learn that the celebrated Strickland vein in Forsyth count}', hasrec- Atlanta, November 23. Cotton.—Cotton was dull yesterday nr Gifts cents extremes. Exchange, on New York is selling at J percent premium. On Charleston aud Savannah i per cent. r Bacon.—We quote hog round to 11 U*. u um< 12to 121 cents. Sides Bibs 11 lit cts. Sides clear 11 to 111. Shoulders DV a 10 cents. Lard by the bbL 121 cts. leaf. Iron, Swedes 51 to 6.[c; English 5 to 5j cents • Nails have advanced to 6 a 61 cts. Corn is selling at 80 to 85. Corn Meal, 85 to 100 cents. Pork, Hog round, 6 cents. Beef, By the quarter, 6 51 cents. Sweet Potatoes, 50 to 75 per bushel. Irish Potatoes, 75 to 100 per bushel. Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, @ $2,20, Liquors.—French Brandy, $2,50 to $3,00 per gallon: Domestic 50 to 75e. Peaeh do. 60 a 73 cents. Whiskey 45 a 50 cents. Gin 50 to 60 Rum 45 to GO cents. Wheat.—Good will bring to $1,40 per bushel readily. Flour.—City Mill from $4 to 41 per hundred. Butter, Country, 20 to 25 cts. Goshen, 3a cts. per pound. Tcnn. Butter, 18 a 20 by the Kee.“ Fair N. 0. Sugar, by hhd. ’ 54. '* Prime “ “ “ Cj. Choice •• “ “ 8-. Syrup, N O. by bbl. 30 to 33 ct>. gal. Extra Whiskey “ 45 “ “ Star Candles per box 28 “ lb. No. 1 Rio Coffee by sack 121 to 13} “ « - Gunny Bagging 16 to 18 cts. Bore 12 to 13 cents. Chickens, 15 to 20 cents. Eggs, 15 to 20 conts. Fodder, 75 to 100 per hundred. Peas, $1,00 to $1.10 Feathers.—10 to 45. Candles.—Sperm 37 o 45c. Tallow 20 22cta Augusta, Nov. 22.—Cotton.—During the past week we have had a fair demand for cotton, and the sales reach about 2,000 bales. Up to Monday the prices ot last week were freely paid for all ot tered; but on Monday and yesterday, buyers were not willing to give the asking races, and refused to operate unless at one-quarter cent decline from previous prices, which holders had to submit to in order to effect sales. The Receipts are daily on the increase, and nearly all the Cotton coming to hand is with orders to sell on arrival, for what it will bring. The offering stock is now much better than it has been since business has opened, and money is plenty for purchasing cotton, particular ly South Saroliua money. Augusta money is still scarce with our business men, and should it contin ue so, Planters will not suffer, as the South Caro lina Banks arc furnishing the means for buying their crops. If our Banks cannot afford the facil ities required by the wants of our merchants, the time cannot come too soon when they give up their Charters. They have extraordinary privi leges granted them by the Legislature, for the pur pose of enabling them ample opportunity ot sup plying the currency needed for the purchase of produce, and for the general business wants of the community. Bur when banks become brokers merely, or from any eauso, thoir eapritnl is unavail able for the legitimate uses of trade, and foreign capital is brought in to supply the deficiency, such institutions cease to be useful or desirable among us. Corn.—The market is at present but scantily supplied with sack corn, but the demand is con fined mostly to home wants. Sales have been re ported to us this week of lots of sack at DO cents —retailing at stores in small quantities, at $1 @ $1.10—the latter price difficult to obtain. Ear eorn is selling by the wagon load, at 85 (a, 90 cts. —principally at the former price. Wheat.—Little or none coming to market. Good White will bring $1.40 (q; 1.50 per bushel, and Bed $1.25. Flour.—There is a good demand for flour, axd Augusta Canal is selling at $9}; Superfine $10} @ $11 for Extra Family per bbl. Country Fluur is worth 9 @ 10}—some holders asking 11 for ex tra Family. Bacon.—With this article the market is bounti fully supplied with both Tennessee and Western. We quote shoulders at 9; Sides at 9} @ 11, ancl Ilams at 12} @ 13. There are some inferior lot- of eaeh description in market, that can be pur chased at lower prices. AUGUSTA, Nov. 21, P. 31.—Cotton.—Prices aro a shade lower and the market closes without' animation. ... SAVANNAH, Nov. 20, P. M.—Cotton.—The market continues unsettled and prices arc very ir regular. Tho safes amount 379 bales, as follows: 30 at 7 13-16; 4 atS; 91 at 8}; 71 at SJ; 44at9; 4 at 9g; 111 at 9}, and24 bales at 9.} cents. NASHVILLE, Nov. 21, 1854.—The river was falling yesterday with 20 inches water on ibe shoals. The weather was fair and a southerly wind prevailed. Umpire was at the wharf. She is advertised io leave this morning at 10 o’clock for Paducah. Cotton.—There was nothing doing in cotton. Groceries.- -At Norris & Stratton’s auction sale of Groceries, 10 hhds. of Sugar were sold at 4} (a, 5c.; 50 sacks Baltimore Bio Coffee at 12}(S 13c. Java brought 14c; Mocho 17c: New Orleans Molasses 22c: Syrup 26: Double distilled Whiskey (country) 55c @ 75e per gallon; Nails, 4 penny 5}c; 6 penny 5jo: 10 penny 4Je. New York Market, Nov. 20.—Cotton.—The market is dull und declining. Sales to-day 350 bales. Flour is linn and prices steady. During the night tf jhe^ 18th,Jhe Bus- j from Australia v ; a j Indr . ls . 1Ie was a first transportation. sians were busily employed in repairing the j on board the Canada, and damage done to thetr defences. entert^ into familiar conversation with those On tho 19th, the English fire was less ac- on b( . ard on ftl , topie(W) escept pol|Hcf?> IIe looked care worn. He was obliged to leave tivc than on the day before, and the French hardly fired at all. " Prince Menscinkoff at tributes to diversion made without tho walls by General SemLikine, who appeared in the enemy’s rear and thus diverted their atteu tion from Sebastopol. The vessels which had taken part in the bombardment on the 19th, and which Prince Menscliikoff believed to be all French, had gone away in the direction of Cape hhnsetf”^ Chersonese. ' ‘ : The smoke on the 17th, and a thick fog ; Russian Prisoners in England.—Two on the 18th, had rendered it impossible for j hundred and four of the late garrison at A joint stock company has been for med at San Francisco for the attempted recovery of the fifteen millions of dollars cutley been opened by Henry Strickland i * at ar ® said to have been buried upon the Esq., and Dr. Ford, upon what is known as ! £ oc , os Ialan(ls > ln the year 1819, by a pira- the Park’s Lot. Our informant states that! ^ lc ,, c,e ' v . ^° obtained it from a Spanish this discovery is truly tfatterinsr, and bids j S* 1 . on » ^) nc 1 . Acapulco to carry it to fair to outrival any foamer discovery on ! ^ . c . ca P lta ‘ T com P an y 1S said vein. Its dimensions are from 18 inch-! v5o0,000 m shares of It has com es to 15 feet in width, by 85 feet in length, I operation, having purchased the _ _ and yielding on an average 1 gr. of pure | sc ‘hooner Jv/ius Pringle, which was despatch- shutting Lis eyes,'and drawing round tho j metal to the quart of pulverized ore.—Bah- j . an -od of August last, well supplied corner of his mouth till two rows of yellow ' loneya Signal. ' v, “* fiUr ‘ boats, sub-marine armor, experi- tcethandamass of masticated pigtail appear- • enced divers, and all the machinery, and: ed through the slit in his cheek ; “you’ll ! Xew York, Nov. 20.—-The exceptions in | lm P lctuente necessary to a thorough search, j find them much the same as in this region, 1 Doctor Graham’s came un for anrnment in . . . , i - , *, * - tlie lnivvers sit nearest the tire * ” ' tu c - n G 1° ar g umenl: 4 n I It appears that the report of an antl-ad- . get cured of Itsplt or that you can cure it wn« ceruiu, tne lawyers sit neaiest tnenre. , the Superior Court on Saturday, and the; . . ‘ . . . r T ... . | medicines for u few dollars. Beware how von tamper vr „ 0,7.-I, o’ncrrv a mono- thT^> | Court, after an elaborate investigation, j Jniul& tratltm majority m Illinois wasprema- j wtth your general welfare. Mb. Smith Obrien.—Among the passen- td it f on the exceptions i turc. The new delegation will give f our | \ e "‘bi.«ud vicious youths, why will you per.-htm gers between Malta and Gabraltar by the ! ® . , , . ~ ceptiou. , I B ® dosing wi.h the filthy nauseating compounds daily Canada, which has just arrived home' with f et , uruab ! e hc acxt f c l aa F ter terai ’ Th .° ! votcs m Rll Pl )0rt of the -^braska bill, and j the India mail, was Mr. Smith O’Brien, re-! of the Court of Oyer and Termi- , fi ve against it. The old delegation gave i you efu o 1 ner is therefore suspended, and no further ] , • .. , „ . . . ° linear action will be had until the point in error " S a '° ' 1 1 ' o against It, one j Ye rakesof every age and condition, whv will yesnl shall have been disnosed of i member not voting. The old delegation : 10r »« <1 repine, and drag out a miserable existence. ,,,, . v ... , .. -jo un • i , , unfitted for the enjoyment and even ordinary pursuits ihe steamer North Star sailed to-day lor , comprised four Whigs, the new but three, ot life. You who are thus annoyed ami wish to here Asptliwall, with the Pacific mails and a 1 restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once large number of passengers for California, j Mobile Fruit.-SIuco the entire of our | d“ 8 ^ragreSuu the Canada at Gibraltar, as he is prohibited, j ^ ^ her hcre tcwia * 18 C ° W ’ and ^ tr< f ? ut do ™. b ? fr ? st ’ sa f ; ' teri by the terms of his pardon, from visiting the j T . p/ . , . , . ; tne Jxeyister, this is wc believe, about the | quences resulting from excess, have been restored to United Kingdom. It is believed that he nro-! lt _i estimated that the loss conse- , first <. Reas(M1 w i 14 , n there hn« s nnMm ) «nv i health and vigor under his _miy reseientific treatment turned from He arrived Ti * 1 j-.|* 1 i] l J It lb HGn LblllUilltU LiutI U1C lOco CODcC” ; <» ■ i i ,« < . nosed visitinw =ome part ol He C i 9 uent the destruction, by fire, of Jud- tirst " dien ^ htlS 81>peared ! peaSd sad on KJ tL steamerf and, I «on’s Hotel, with its contents, will not be j P~mi«e ot fruit. A few trees bore slightly | Should a personal interview he objectionable, stale your disease in writing—enclose five dollars—address l)r. W. MORRIS, through the Postoffice, Xu divilH . peareasan on leaving tne steamer; and,! „ ul i c \\ V V , . L . °. % | Dr. w. mokkip, through the Postoffice, yasimw. : h « While wishing them good by to those who j the l0SS ° f tUe b0ardcvf; ’ 1 last - VOar ’ but the m, P nOW hl ds fair to rival ■ Tenn a package and of medicines, securely put up. “j* 1 were bound for England, be remarked that.! ' , . . . i any of the past. : Hons tfierew^^h'^udno^uVs^o'nsasked.’ f " * ' : he scarcely knew what countryman to call! e c 111 an - ftn . c almost miraculous | • — — Demons living at a distance, and afflicted Prince Menschikoff to state the enemies’ loss, but he says it would sem that one ship- The men tire Finlanders, but- the officers, al- of the lino hau been seriously damaged, and two steamers had been set on fire by red hot shot. The portion of the city thus attacked by the allied army contains the liarraeks and the prison situated at its highest point. To the east is tho harbor, and beyond it the quarter inhabited by the seamen, against which the English attack is particularly directed. To the west are a cemetery and a lazaretto, opposite the French line of attack. The three towers are in advance of those positions, and it is on them the fire of our batteries must first be brought to bear. The line of circumvillation forms a sort of semi circle, the left of which rests on the bay of Ohersonesus. The right extends to the river Tehcrnaya, in advance of the road, by which the army marched upon Balaklava Aland aro confined at Lewes, England.— though Russian born, are descendants of escapes. Some jumped out of the windows, j others were taken out, &e. The walls fell with a terrible crash, and for a time it was A duel between two Philadelphians, about j SuSssrtf I an insult to a female, took place near Bur- i ever of au aggravated or malignant character, caab* . ... i a. . xr x c. , . . j cured at home by consulting Dr. MORRIS, bv letter pa" B rehendcd that several firemen and others , * m gton, A. J„ on Saturday. At the first paid, enclosing a fee. ' ( beeu buried beneath them, but so far as | tire one of the parties was wounded in the j * known, no lives wore lost. Several boarders lost their trunks, en- Medlcines pleasant and safe, can be sent per m*n to any part of the United States. Particular attention given to the treatment of few*** complaints. Ladies who may he afflicted With Irregc French and German families. The officers j tire wardrobes, and other valuable property, are permitted out on parole. A large i besides money, shed lias been fitted up for the men to make thigh and the other in the left arm, where- , J « , « . , vwiuj-tuimn. A.CUI1CA nuv Hlil > UC UIUICU’U Will* UpOtt the seconds interfered and Stopped { iar Hour Albns, or Whites, Froltymis t leri.or further proceedings. ! r?.V in K of tUc . Womb, would do well to lay aside aUftJf up toys in for sale to the public ; and here, it is said, may be seen a considerable num ber of them seated on tho ground cutting out a single piece of wood with a knife, chains, representations of crowns of thorns, and puzzles. Most of all the men speak three languages—Turkish, Swedish and Russ. Tho London Times says: “ If a comparison were made . betweeu the prisoners now in this gaol and one of our regiments, we almost fear the * northern barbarians! would carry off the palm. The majority .of them are not only able to read, but can write tolerably well, particularly the sergeants and other subordinate officers.” Messrs. Selden, Withers & Co., the delicacy, and promptly consult the Doctor. — | Warranted. Wc see that the publishers of the ! , °® ce ovcr Mutual I*w>teciton Insurance Oflior. o * * dnratreetj near Postoffice. Room No. 14. up stairs. Nashville, Tenn. May 25th, 1S54. 25—ly- baukers of Washington city, eontinuo to re- Memphis daily papers have, in consequence deem their notes as fast as they are present-: ,>f the great ndvauec in the price of paper, i Callionii Pills. ed, and there appears to be no probability , j ■, ... ... THIS Extra Superior Family Mmuoink is now about of their failure * ano the scarcity ot both tho article and the j being offered to tho public, wo would direct the specto* — ; mftterial ° fwhio, ‘ u »r d *’ reduced their 1 Philadelphia, Nov. 20. ( paper to about half their former sizes. Explosion of Gunpowder.—Iuthodryiug. r house of the powder mill of Johnson, in j Vandalism in Texas.—There appears to Marlboro town: ” ’ ... ~ nship, Montgomery county, | be in some parts of Texas quite a war de- Pa., this morning an explosion of two tons j clared again8t ^ telegraph. Tho line has (if gunpowder took place, entirely destroy- | , ^ A s u une ing the building ana killing Henry Whist- 1 ^°J* n down for two and a half iniles, the ler and Josiah, his son. Tne cause of the j wurc coiled up and placed in the road, and accident is not known, 1 several hundred feet carried entirely off. meet the public approbution more fully than nn. v ere J yet offered to the people. For further particular* sw advertisement in to-day’s paper. Look at the certifi cates, tiiev are from a high source. July 27,TS54. (t>—U-). C LOTHING^-A fine assortment just received by PARK A McKENZIF- November 23, 1854. .Linseed Oil, at last! J UST Received one Hha of Fine Linseed oh* come quick if you want. W. IV. ROARK-