The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, December 02, 1854, Image 1
uSrteTl't l t!.« foHoV!»K r*U* jwr often line* : One insertion, Two “ Tlireo, “ ' Four “ Five “ Ono week, 60 eto. I1N 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 60 Ouo Jnouth, Two * Threa “ F<rar “ Sis " One mr, ti 00 -SreM, which h*»r*ewmy l*eno*i*xiubiti<m..fre tempted■ nTelo^e tfce rirokenin^^aM-rf i 6 «0 10 00 12 00 15 «« 25 M Special contract* will bo mule for yearly *4'"®r- tisoraont* occupying a quarter, half «r whole col umn. _ ' j®* Advertisement* from ttanwout persons must Ihj paid in advance. Legal advertisement* published at the usual rates." Obituary notices exceeding tan lines charg ed as advertisement*. Announcing candidate* for office, $H 00, to bo |»aid in advance. When advertisements are ordered in all the is sues, including Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, 25 per cent, will be added to the above rates. The privilege of yearly advertiwt* is strictly limited to their own immediate and regular bmsi- ness. Professional Cards not exceeding stx lines, $15 per annum. # Advertisements not specified ns to time will be published till ordered out, and charged at regular rates. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly paper only will be charged at former rates. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE!!. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. Tkpm u Two Dollars jiernnuum, invariably icadvance MONDAY, NOVEMBERS. We Ey a typographical error in Thurs day’s paper, the commencement of the Con ference of the M. E. Church, in this city, was announced to take place on the Kkh of December. It will commence on the 13tb. The Columbus Enquirer.—The proprie tors of the above paper have just commenc ed the publication of a tri-weekly edition. We wish them success in their new enter prise. Tue Atlanta Republican.— The last j number of the Atlanta Republican, Dr. Jas. j It. Smith, Editor and Proprietor, appeared j in a new dress throughout. We notice, j also, that Mr. A. G. Ware, heretofore favor- j | JV insurance, ably known as n ready and forcible writer, in connection with the press in different parts of the State, has become connected with the Republican as associate editor. ' Hj* Bm» f *a‘ PauwwuiL'" ‘ * jru P>*o- Out of t-kee? weariness ifii* 'ta&HHfi&ti’iiH' -j ' ■ .* * . * aV/i frl*nitivcn tlvn oTiil'om'n* ‘ - rifl’ f‘I ilifB Iu1i tia’i l*^T 0ii1i >aii lrttn rrrffhe Vow ^Srere fC‘.':u»; i )..'.«•! •’« i.T 'b< VViU im'-t! !; Tiilngt lit 5rw York'. •■'Jfcw Yofiic!' X6V.-21.1851. .[Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.] Washington Nov. 21, 1854. New Organs' N;i>v. '24.— CfHoui-fThe’re has been a largb exportMem'Stfd’tiwlky; ahd The Eastern iVar—The First Views of the f tb^ sales roach 9,000 bales. Middling is ' ■ ~ 1 worth y to 8f cents. Hour ,$5.50v. Corn 90.cejits.. . ..;.. u ...... Mobile,-Xqv: 24.—Cotton, zLuc has lost uothiug. of its. previous excel- ( than bail' a. culliun. of dollar* iu. frying ,ta tiget ieneesipce.tho withdrawal »>f Mx. Graham . Mr- Seymour .pod,, w« *ro-tp tuppoi-e, ALloA In' moat, .uassacnasDits uoanecncvw, R.' iwihjJefe, ... m • from the establishment. Published bv Rich- jXm■ .York,•«» Nicholas Hotel, the -Astor toanfiattimate* - * *, *»*&.* « % pencils of quite a number of the most dietin- , . . . Michigan, iowa, anS Qfiimis. twelvejioWpr-( derfy •she waMt£» over hte jKlhrtih gmshed American artists were eftj^aged for a ful States, representing the Xorthi the East, j ce*’him : With her gen fie i&W * an^feW jKTrtis long time in its execution, and since it’ lias and the West, have deliberty ^rruyed ft#m- ? tratTons! * Yon might'as 1 been opened for,public exhibition it has ex- *felves m Iine'oF battle"against the South.— ! ce^-fvdiB the fbrdst-tree,%t a- ot* cited tbs admiration of all pie who have visited it The instructive and entertaining in a high de gree and the moral effect 'cf Its cannot fail of being exceedingly li Groceries. Thesttcntion of readers Is in j v ; liiory of Clark, a still more’ dangerous Ab-'^'to he?--how quickly the unsleeping' I niUmd fri rint ftTi'i nvq hundred dollars oacli to j carry out and put in rum votes. Mr. Burroughs, cf her heartfdetects it! And yet whisper her suspicions'even to : vited to the advertisement of Messrs. Seago& j olitionist in New York: and even before the j Abbott, to be found in another column.—X full details of this latter disaster have- v They are among our heaviest tle&lei groceries, provisions and all kinds try produce. Persons ordering supplies J Thus the three great Commonwealths j suspicion of-n>fidewryTV!>rw*dehWw^ from this market would do well to give them ! of the North, boasting the.highest degtoe of 1 slight her, ljet*<imeB, through any thingwhich a trial. 1 intelligence, reffnement ; and wealth, have ! she observes, cruel reality—and if. further, ’ 1—T • .> i h'-ied their Executive Chairs with men hav- | it ehanc-es that he who won her love, bath JSPWo would direct the attention o frf*f n(i ." other uis 9®, The London Quarterly Review for i 1,10 Irving - House, when- »pi>lied to fov a nubscrip- 'tfe'ptm 1 Oetobei-hascomo t6 hand': ThefhlloVnh» is ' tion ’ brepwrted to bare said, “In thiseoustoy the '■ its contents: The London C\sarinwsarfet; S t n,9 3 ori ^ will, if tkov can, Uvo without ntm. I T> ,i ti-» t> o . . , . “■ will trv to do »-o, 3n>i therefore the Irvfcg Htfueo Lhurch Hells The Present State of Avehi-.i - V . u.! 1 . . r 1 i - • u tv. •» »• " 1 will not- subrorfbe. It is also said that a fund o: Uoltismuh; ine Eclirwe ( ee^ral minions of doRars ir to be raised by the House oi commons and. Law * same interest to prevent nny prohibitory law from Samuel Foote. The Aiaeri- j being carried Into effect. This course, however. nrolmVHrr- ?T7*tfpn<-f of i*?fHr»Te matter, as a people per annual. Blackwood and of the four British Reviews, §5 per i of Mr. C’lias. ither claim to the portion, -.ave the | betrayed and finally spurned her—oh, where ‘ • *- * , ' f tlieir fanaticism against the S uiii- : is there in the wide world a more' desolate, 1 '' ", . ^ 1 ee ^ > lias recently opened a Gun and ern portion of the Union, and as we contin- 1 heart-broken creature than that confiding ; lh ® 4t “- ol March, aau as a majority of | a iwohtbitoi establishment iu Atlanta. Mr. j «e the examination a stm more appalling I girl. Is it strange, one may ask, that in the , the members have had their successors oho- ^ her ,il1 readers to the advertisement Heine, who Locksmith U. has the reputation of being an unusually skillful artizan. state iff things reveals itself to view. In the next Congress of the United States, i terrible phrenzy or whirl of feeling which ensues, reason should lose its balance and Fire it* Marietta. understand that a lire broke oat * : in tnc next congress ot tne mitea states, ensue*, reason snenia lose us • to ranee ana . mg the necessity of laboring for .“Bun-• [ it is computed that witli the inconsiderable > the poor girl, in utter despair, should look ' >• . r :ij i „ A ,, ■ dri:1 ^ ; exception of twenty men, the entire North- f to death—to the-grave and to the -heaven *' y '. ’ , . * 1 that majority hi i ern delegation iu the Lower House will eon- 1 bevond—as alone offering any hope of re- “ U1 ' • l!ll0u | lr °t legitimate jusiness, de- andihivi and motiop- olier, and unshackled by the bonds of party, as ■ pretty nearly cvcryhudy uow U, they will hardly j ponait drinkc or gold to dictato or persuade a ina- -ri o , o . . jority to what may suit the selfish purposes oi' a Luc .oG0*-»u(i oG?&ioii ot mo tbiitiV-third r ■» . ' . ; _ v sunu leB - WU03t . money moy be invested m hops and ; Congress will assembled at Washington on , beer barrels, still- worms aud logwood. It is ovi- . Monday next, the 4th of Deceniber As the - dent that the pnblje opinion of yew York is months, closing i AgmuaBthe traffic and a large majority in favor of ohibitory Jrw, and if the majority are to rule lings it is but fair that they should rale en during the recent election^ thus obviat- ! in this * ^ hcst tbia S which champagne im- tb« r.nMo.Ih- v i. • r’ ,, - portors. wiio makc their own iuiee. can do is to un necessitj ol laboring ror iRbO-.-i dridh^p whaVtHey Tm4 0 v<H band’and wait till the get" 'Ii-y. The people have been ridden en patiently for several yesra, and have Wadsworth’s Tin Shop, in Marrietta, about f *wt of Frecsoilor* and Fusion Whigs, and j learn from present suffering. „ , . , s t u d tor the first time in the history of tfie flbv-N ‘ No one need to be fold that the instances 6 o clock on a ur a\ mo j g, - » ernmenr, the National Legislature will be j are not few in- which tha love of a beautiful surprised to ^ee a stormv c e«ion c inside’-- mnil, becoming restive, they have seized the bit in the destruction of the block of buildings I j-—i i-j •-- •- w __x j? *. * " - >- manded by the interests ot the country, will i worked admirably in single, double ar.d tandem be transacted. We shall not, however, be ’ harness, for 'the ''enefiL of political demagogues, divided into parties strictly sectional and I girlis sought and w u n. for a time returned, ; | Ti;r t jj e eharaeter of rocent elections i n i between iheir teeth, kicked off the harness, and in which it was situated, including five j geographical. In this conflect, the South f and finally spumed. They, who thus treat ” - * 1 * 1 —. stores and the Marietta Adcocale office.— ’ must be immensely outnumbered In the stores and the Marietta AdeocaU otttce.— | *nu« oc immensely outnumnerea m me n confiding woman are bitdcs—brutes ‘r.” ! rale of Litehcn vr wtdor cabinets. 1 he printin„ a •* , ’. I SL.nnt/’ n - nr nr!„int . m -- r -. i.. o. ■ f..r u i in bftnjip t., iiml h ^;L^ tra 'IW atedM? ito 1 frien^orLkowbS 7 f Tbi < ***“**«- “P0“ lh0 “ c pohdeiam many of the Northern States, “in which the ! aro u °7 raB S«S -ver the country, free from the They' cro not i dependent, upon those politicians for oats, and , , . _ , , Senate, as at present constituted, may for a ! to honor, to-feeling arid to virtue: They ; ated and its friends overslaughed. These ... , Advoca Office, w ui ‘ > 1 i time restore the equilibrium, the day rap'd- j never could appreciate the untold wealth of •' elections will trv the nerves of many of the ! , a ' ins ecn pretty t croagUy sa ted during the * -^* ie l° ss ^‘ e . J ly approaches when that- body also will be l a woman’s heart, nor be able to say—(if we i Northern members who crave ihoir * !evv ® aEt vears tbev wl L Lardlv bo bv ,hj ” The 1 may coin a verse)— ” Oh, wbat is woman in this world But a sweet angel from on high, Who.with her glorious pinion iurled, Hovers around, us, ever uigb. Her tones celestial are the voice, Which Uoil to erring mull hath given, To warn and gaMe, ar.d make bis choice The bliss of iior own home—in Ileaven. Such were some of our thoughts as we . . > Th0 rv p.‘iI^jof the week aro 13,000 bales. Middlings} cts. New York; Not.''24.—Cotton.—The mar ket is dull and declining. MiddHng Orleans to 9} cents. Flour » unohanged, Ohio 98.. Libel Suit. In the ,caso of Fry vs. Bennett, for libel, Allies—Disappointment in their Exuda tions—Siege of Sebastopol—The War of Doubtful'Result—Its Effects Upon Com merce— The Withdrawal of the French Or- d'-r Against Mr. Soule—The President's Message, dw. The views of the allied powers, os repre sented by intelligent exponents of their pol- ! 87} to §9.374. icy, a few weeks ago, wove, that they would I force the Czar, during the present campaign ! ^ ^ to a peace on their _ own terms: that they j a new trial has been' refused. Bennett must would hold tlio Crimea permanently as nr | now'pat the S10.000"darifa"«.:-" - security against Russian ag-gressiun : that i * tater from California. they wmild thus command the Black Sea, i u a . rp, ^ - .. and would open it to the commerce of the t 1ork ’ * Nov ‘ 2o ;- fh ® ^^ hl P world including that of the United States; J-"’*“ ^ ed . ™ fb California whereas, it has been, while under Russian f„d ‘baS i.J - - - and a halt m gold. She brings no news, of importance. Bfeamboat Collision. As'the steamer Canada was coming into ; Boston harbor la3t evening, she came in col- power, a sort of “Russian Lake.” This was a very flattering prospect and one that failed j with-the glories of the iudecisivo battle of. | the Alma. Now. it is admitted that even the success of of the siege of Sebastopol will not bring - lr Sl ?, u steAmer Ocean; bound to peace, and will, in fact, bo only the coin* I b j ! ihe latter had her stove upset mencoment of the war ; and it may be well i ? u<a br0 ’ an( ^ the boiler exploded, kill- added that the war is of doubtful result. I f v ““ """ We are now looking, not so much to the j progress of the siege of Sevastopol as to the j great battle which must soon be fought be- J tween the besiegers and the powerful army j advancing upon them under Prince Men- , sebikoif. Russia has at least six hundred j thousand men under arms, and is evidently ; prepared for every emergency. The allies : are redoubling their efforts in preparation for the prosecution of the war, not only in the Crimea, but, next year, in the Bailie. The immense amount of capital and of re sources that will thus be deviated from com merce and the ordinary industrial pursuits ing three portions. Eighty passengers were rescued. Tito Knotv*5'othlnge. The Know-Nothing Convention at Cincin nati, has adjourned, after adopting a new Ritual and made important/ a(terations r in the constitution. The Presidential question is not considered. - Byron alias McDonald, who claimed to ! be a natural son of Lord Byron, and who j was recently convicted of throwing the ; cars off the track of the 31iohigau Southern and Northern Indiana Rail Road, with the intention of robbing the mail, and who was tircly consumed. variously estimated at from §25,000 to §35,- 1 surrendered to fanaticism and faction. 000, of which about §11,1)00 was covered ! State Legislature recently elected at the ! North aro, without a solitary exception, 1 pledged to the Anti slavery interest, and a few past years they will hardly bo caught by that , _ support i bait. It is predicted, thcD, that the liquor comb: to the bill, while thov will undoubtedly en- nation, uiih its reported five millions fund, wil courage and embolden the Free Soil and 1 fail- It may be true that every vote has its price, j Got e; nine Abolition element in fhnwrre^s-nnri rhn nn. I but that price is too evoai. for even this immense ' Soule, 1„ i The Fine Arts at a Low Ebb.—The sec ond sale of Parisian marble statutes &e., which took place at the New York Crystal i speedy and powerful addition to that element ' in the United States Senate is inevitable. In Abolition element in Congress-und the op- • Eut that price is too great for even this immense i ponents of the Nebraska bill generally, to'! fnDfl t0 tju . T - 0ut °f ^-nr hundred and seventy ing effect upon the business interests of the U. States, diminishing the foreign demand ! for-our exports and securities, throwing cur j shippingout of employment and retarding the , completion of improvements which require tlio aid of foreign capital. liiinX! ' Govarnment of tbo order nUl&g .0 Mr.! Nap ‘“ h “ “ d unknown whether any apology was offered for the order. It is to that he and Napier, his companion in crime, robbed tlio mail on tbo Michigan Southern ; Rail Road at the time of tho collision with j the Michigan Central Road, somofif.een i months since, at tho intersecting point of i the two roads, lie stated thai, in order to fled to England. summing up the laic victories of the North- i „ , „ . , ern Whigs and Abolitionist, we have, then, \ on Friday, was another failure.- , ^ Rtart ^ n2 rcc „ rd Governors elected in „ , it, _,. . .,, - . ... ,. . . . , * , be inferred, however, that some explana ficrcor und iuor6 deieriumcd Jissuults upon toi^s it is of t hd highest interest to four , «*«/, *!»«. —i the Constitutional rights of the Southern i ■ hundred thousand’that rum should bo prohibited. Taking all these thiDgs ictu consideration ihe ccn- .- e , r* • r .j ■ /.uiii;, uu u/oc imu-.- iciu a.usmtruiii'u uic scii- T <5 r,ncL« C’i-i riVATnn The 'Yovem 1 \r ■ , " . - , , , j ■““» ‘™>u »w<.“ ■“ —-™ - — - ——— -* -— ——^ ° 11 nlon - u 13 emergency j cra j npinioii must be coincided with, that we must Tub Sol the rn Cultivator. Ihe Not em* Various superb works of art were knocked . Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts I met with a little poem m one of the eity , «'# hope to «e tho entire Southern dologa- • give' up Sherry, Old Bourbon and Otard to please ■ rne oimeuttv will remain unsettled aro win her unniber of this ably conducted and ex- - (jown at less than one-fourth their actual — Sta’c Officers and the General Assemblies I papers yesterday, to which some one had tion m Congress standing firmly together as ! the majority. This can be done more easily, os , nrobablv be* re-onened bv a demand on the loiimnl hn« l.BAn re««,v- -- *----• * of twelve great Cnminonwcaiths-onc bun- : appendetl our own name, as author of it. It * a unit on all questions affecting tho interest | there aro Inn enough vices to fail back upon from i parr of iheUniteS State^Government for an iliDii o nil hronfr. .'V ninmlmfe in tr.h i IfiiikA I \Yfl.4 I'l'll iSnPri UDOTIVID tll§l f. O:* T/llnPr *»•!?- t . n ri. .* mi . . . ■ . . . . .. _ • 1 . .... .. . ccllcnt agricultural journal has been rcceit- ( value. Times have changed—tnonev is too cd. Considering the amount and quality of ( pcarce to j jC expendetl for luxuries* Had the matter published every month, the Cut- j the?c salcs been , ieM ono Rg0> thc ti.cator is one of the most valuable ngricul- ■ tural monthlies in the country, North or South. j petition nrnong bidders would have bee. | great that articles would have brought dnu- | ble and treble their value. The admittance | to the Palace, on thc occasion of these sales i has been reduced to a shilling and the at ; tendance, therefore, is about ns great as it 1 has been for months past. It will require till about March to remove all thc goods. .. „ died and twentr-six members in the House I was published anonvm .usly, or lather e ll- ■ n f /p„ Smith Tlw Xa • • • llaa ' Of Representatives, and in all probability ! tonally, Rome three'years since, and we had ; present admimstrauon com- ! twenty champions in the Senate of thc Uni-1 quite forgotten the waif, though upon it. , ‘ 1C ® C Kt . ‘ " l “f North, on the al ii so ' ted States. 1 ^floating bank again, the incident which sug- tar oi tho Constitution, in its adhernec to Such are some of the triumphs of treason I gosted it comes vividly before u; A young the priceiplc of justice to th fi, and it is with pride that wc and beautiful gil l from \ ermont, Geueral Jail Delivery. On Wednesday night last the DcKalb county jail, at Decatur, was broken open and ten prisoners confined therein made their escape. Among those who escaped were John R. 11 urn pli lies, who was confined , for trial for killing Elisha Tiller and young ! and then thc question is to be decided, what and also Asa Humphries and Win. ! will be done with the building? of the North, remember that neither the pm Administration which wo shall uot roi>o bo purged. A Revolution explanation. The discussion of an abstract is not likely, then, siuco those who cauuot drink j question between tho two Governments will still have tho alternative of swearing, and though i however, lead to no difficulties, though ^ , , . | their curses cannot bo loud ones, owing to a slot- i neither France nor " i_ou. au it i n that case mado and provided, they may be i er will ever yield the Pork.—Wo notice largo lots of hogs pas- > -y- —u—- j sing almost daily through this city, intend- . C10n 7 as “ ade 5 perhaps that tho order j C tl for Southovn markets. The present idea | was founded on erroucous information, t j 8 that pork will he scarce and hie-h, and ! and that no ofience « intended by it to j ,, V e think the idea pretty correct: at least in this section of country, for it appears that our pork will all go below. Messrs. C. B. Wellborn, Underwood, and others, aro now butchering some four or five hun dred in this place, which they intend to bacon. Several persons in the neighbor hood of Dalton, refuso to sell pork now, the U. States. If this bo not tho case, then the difficulty will remain unsettled, and will Lowell, hud been cast ^°T ^7*’ ^ “T Z | don whether 3 nor the Democratic party has part or parcel I one who had plighted her hi^trotb and dcfen-V’^ ” P aDd ' wWcL th ° indlTi<Iual mcmbers of socic, 7 ic ‘ i 1 ^ t ?: i. - : in the victory. Mvron il. Clarke is a Whig ! promise! to make her his wedded wife. She any other European pow- j preferring to bacon it, and wait for higher le right of solf-preserva-1 prices. Priees aro rantrinc: from fi to 7 and Governor Pollock is a Whig. Henrv Gard- pronm re it as ' dulge, which, it is hoped, will keep the innate so nor is a Know-Knuthing. Henrv- Raymond i entered her soul and there was no peace for Whig. The State Legislatures are i her. Walking out one evening with her he best could, but ihe sting bad An Important Decision. The Chicago ! em P ,oieil as wi!1 proven; any sudden outburst or Congress will meet in two weeks from to ^ day. The message is probably already in j atralf ovciits an advanced state. It will he looked for nativo or j 8 cts. nett. We think in all conscience, I that it is high enough. If it gets much ! higher, it will bo scarce with us next year Dalton Times. Uig. 1 tic ouue LiecisiiruR’S ure uui. »• uiaitig, uui uuc OICUHIK wail ua i, . ,, _ T . , Tiie Senators to be elected will be I companions, she appeared as cheerful and ' .’" en - >een made in the L nited papers mention n highly important decison | w! I "1‘ h interest, and as soon as in type \ The Boot on The Other Leg-—The AJm- Kune, and also Asa Hump Robinson, charged with participating iu the murder of tlio latter. Dennis Haynes, who wa.; convicted of murdering Griggs, and sentenced to death by the Superior Court :u its session lust month, also escaped. \ ariotis iinplimcnts wore found in the jail, which m c:o supposed to lmvo been handed in by friends of the prisoners from thc out side. Pievious to the time of the escape, the wires of the Macon & Western Telegraph were cut down ill several places, as is sup pose I. by those interested in securing the escape of the prisoners. Four prisoners, we understand, voluntarily remained in the jail after the others had escaped. N-> clue lias yet been discovered likely to lead to tlieir apprehension. Tunnel Under the Ohio.—The citizens of Louisville appear to be in earnest about "'fi'g- AYuigs. And, in short, u hei ever wc look happy ns ever, but she had no sooner parted find that the success of faction is identical 1 from iLern, than iu the delirium of her ex- fis$“A AVashington letter writer state* | that a special messenger of the Treasury Department, who had been despaicited to • New York to investigate the proceedings of ' a high government nfficer, has reported a 1 defalcation of one hundred and twenty 1 seven thousand dollars. It is anticipated | that only a short time will elapse ere some very extraordinary and starling transactions among certain New York officials will be ; developed. Bank Failure nt Ballon. We understand that Mr. J.-im Glenn, of this city. Agent of the Georgia Railroad I Company, on Friday last, picscuted fifteen hundred dollars of the bills of the Cherokee j Insurance Bank, at Dalton, at The counter, [of the Bunk, for redemption, but was met , with the information that there was no funds I on hand to redeem tlio notes. The Bank the Ohio river. They held a public meeting : has but very recently commenced operations on the subject a few days ago, and afier ! and we presume the amount of circulation i with the defeatoi Democracy. The triumph of tioason is incompatible with the triumph 1 of that party. Where tho one flourishes, the other must inevitably languish. ■ What the next five years may bring forth ; who cau tell ? When we contemplate the i pi e.-ent condition of things, vve confess that ■ we -e,c little upon which to base a hope, t When vve see the South torn Ly*c intending ! factions, and wasting its precious strenth in i -en-oless quarrels over names, while tho ! | North becomes more united every when we cot:template «Lc black ingratitude i of a portion of our own people who constant- * ly defame an Administration and a President 1 who have sacrificed themselves for us—when above all, we see the most factious hypo- i criies of the North climbing into power up- ' on thc ruins of the Democratic party, vvesee little reason i<> expect 1 letter things in the [ future. Thus much is clear—that our only chance 1 for future equality in tho Union, is a cordial, ' efficient and unanimous support tothe Demo- ; crats of the N a-th. who are st-iH struggling so : cited feelings, which during evening had been successfully controlled, she ran to the river's bank and was uikea a -corpse from the water in the morning. In her chamber was found a note requesting that her remains might be delivered to her pa- . rents, ar.d closing vv ith these words, in re- lereuce to her melancholy purpose:—Tell thru} I am no marc."' TELL THEM I AM NO MORE. Txril ifccia I am no more ! 1 — 1 Tv H Mv ra this poor heort of mino vrvn fcrvafcing-, l hut :a jm area rain *7 hour* and iu my waking cents per day on lager beer, which, in a lar_ . . , family, trill amount to a nico little sum to invest states lrunt omt foT Illiuois, by Judge J hiteresLnayable to ^heir heirp after /r lixVb fitful Durmmond. .Judge McLeori coinciding in J f eve i ' is over. will probably be published by the shrewd litionists who crowed so lustily over the | press out of AVashington city in advauce of I imaginary defeat of Judge Douglas and his 1 its communication to Congress. This mod- j friends at the late election in Illinois, must ern mode of promulgating public documents j feel terribly chap-fallen, now that the slow- .1 _ J ■ , ‘ I O *“C ; j r vuuu'Aauuu, ilUVV LXiitL LilU t.lU\A ' rne opinion aclivered by Judge D. Thc case f The Hutorieal Society of Now York held its j is preferable to ono which formerly prevail- ! coaches bring reliable news which show,- was between Joseph Mitchell, free uogro. i annual aaff scmi-ccritenial anniversary un jester-’i ed, and which was used far the purpose of ! trie unreliableuess of tell-1 ie-grnphfc di Plaintiff, and Charles II. Lamar Defendvn | day at Xiolo's Opera House, aud partook of a [ giving an advantage to individual specula- pactches. The following are said to be the ' ' ’ ’ ' ” ’ Ion- [ Congress men elected fremt Illinois: The Fair at Augusta—.Health of our Elihu B. AVashb’irn, Fnsionist, re-eloc- City. i tcc *' We hope to see a largo attendance from 1 n 2 ' J ^ raes 11 ' vr ‘ ,0 ‘ 1 ™R and-Nebrackn everv part of Georgia,*and from the adjoin- ! Democrat. ■ • “ — V-MUU ivo x*. XiJiUUU, L'UloUUUB', j - - l — • ~ . Tho plea filed by tho defendat, alle»ed the ! “ uppftr “ Wi0 ****** ot tbo Atitor H ‘ ,ua6 where | tora in atock ' s ' ■.. .. , v , ~ — : tbe yood of the country, past, present and future j ,un l to je a lee negio and pot a citizen, I ra ,loobedafterliyeoverultminentspeakers,phiio^- That clomTs And sorrow. Mv brui li the . r t)i;iq 'iev heart it. its c. wtcping. •teerins. opbors and statesmen. Tbe toasts to the Presi- ! dent of the Fuitedr Slates, the Governor of Nevr i York, the Mayor anti common council of the city. Tell them i am a« mo. .! My dyiug w'/ rr ( t k rotily iu tht-ir <-i iiiil liicin not lu thist one prey let Heart-brofeca before— Unit to the golden realms its l/nght wa Mr spirit slmll tin I ro-t wltere .,‘saphs Their sweet-tuned iargs beudo'c.. speeches from Governor AVright, of Indiana, and Air. Holman, an engineer, who estima ted thc cost at §1,200,000, thc sum of §1,100 was subscribed to tho stock, and agents ai>- nointed to solicit the subscription of tlie cit izens generally. Mexico.—Santa Anna is said to be again so short of funds that lie is making a stren uous effort to negotiate or anticipate the payment of the remaining 83,000,000 of the American indemnity, before the adjust- ' it has been able to obtain fur its notes is ' quite limited. The AtheNjEUM.—Mr. J. B. Roberts, tlie ! distinguished tragedian, has been delighting our theatre going people nightly at the Athenaeum during the pa t week. ILs per- ! formance of Richard the Third won him | golden opinions and was of a character to I stamp him an actor of the very highest or- | der of ability on the boards of any theatre j in America, while iu ILimlet, Richelieu, i Sir Giles Overreach and logo, tlie versatility meat of the boundary, upon which it is contingent. The conscription for the pur- j °f talents displayed showed that his exeel- pose of filling the ranks of the array is be- j l® nce * 3 110c confined to any one character, ing actively carried on iu the department [ but extends through the whole field of the of A T era Cruz. The people arc very loath to J ' light for Santa Anna, and many of the con scripts have to bo tied together until prop- Tcli them I am uc more ’. That 1 obey a -voice, ouft- toacT. ccleatiel. Which seems to summon me from scene- terrestial. -Vint biJs me not ueni... ,, , , , . , .. . — . Me mother oit hath lolu me uf a limit, gallantly, thougu Without avail, again 1 *; their ; Hr ? /«' Mis- enamored breezes fanoeu. ' Whig and Abolition foes. Unlessst.melhin^ is dune to cheer and animate them, they must ; soon give up the fight, and when they give ' up, all is lost. Without tho support of a few j ! Northern States the South is powerless; and ‘ unless that support is received and we our- ! iive au< -' v bv Wiss unseen. unspoUen. ; selves are unanimous, the election ot an Abo- 1 lition President in 1956 is inevitable. But ; if the South is unanimous, wliat guarantee ! have we that a single Northern State will ! support us ? 1 wc still had Illinois and Indiana to look to 1 but now they have followed, whither shall wc turn? Nevertheless, le: us still hope.— Let us trust that some few of our ancient allies may break the chains which this fi.ul . enchamrcss of Abolition has put upon them, and, again fallintr into ranks, assist tlie j W here all hearts Unl adore’. Tell them I am nn more ! Ilia! iv.» that land mr ransomed spirit soaring. , Join.-* the bright Suter-lioo*!, with hymns adoring. The infinite and •*urc. That th« weary spirit, crushed and broken. leil tlu-m i am no more r Oh it-li them not to speuL of me unkindly— But to forgive me. if I rush tco blindly To the far. unseen shore*. Toil uiern they would not chide me, if. thex* i of tbo United States, entitled to maintain a suit before the U, S. Circuit Court. This plea was sustained by the Court. This is a very important'decision in many respects. It invalidates the great objection urged against the existing municipal laws in sev eral of pur Southern ports, by which color ed seamen ate excluod, or placed duress du ring the stay of ve>sels in port—that such j regulations aro in violation of the clause in I the Constitution of the united States, which I provides that “citizens of each State shall | sut j cct J tbe progress cf thoraces, was bandied in be enliu jd to all privileges and immunities ofe itizeus in the several States.” The decis ion is also of an important character in its bearing upon thc laws adopted in two or three of the Northwestern States, within a few years past, prohibitintlng the further immigration of free negroes within their limits. ing States, at the approaching State Fair, were unreeponded by proxy or otherwise. Of j which commences on Monday, the 4th of ci-urco neither the common council, the Governor I December. Our hotels and Boarding Houses nor the President *wero ct tho tapper, but one | would t-appose that some one proseut would, in their bebniff have thanked tbo Historical Society for the reinetn'oranee. Maa s higraiimAe to man makes countless millious mourn.” Mr. Bancroft wus thc orator of the day. Ills 3. John C. Norton, Fnsionist. ro-eleetcd. 4. James Knox, do do 5. Avilliain A. Richavd.'on, Democrat re- are in fine order and well kept, and prenav- j Cie ~ ' C m,' , .. . .. ations made in every department of business • A* Thomas L. Hams', Democrat. to make the city attractive to strangers.— The Fair Grounds also wil 1 be in a condition to extend ample accommodations to all ex hibitors and visitors. Convenient arrange ments aro iu readiness to convey persons, at reasonable rates, 25 cents to, and From the Fair Grounds. 7. Jas. C. Allen, Democrat, re-elected. 8. Lyman Trumbull, Democrat. 9. S. S. Marshall, Democrat. j In the Hons the opposition have two ma- | jority ; in tho Senate the Democrats have j seven majority, which secures thoreralection of General Shelds to thc Senate of the United a dignified and Christian manner, but his delivery ! Let hot the public be deceived and deter- ' States *”“ W ashington Star: was far from that of an orator, and though the | red fropi visiting us, by the false reports in matter will pay to study it, tbe audience became * ’ ' ■ ‘ s . , uneasy hi the rending. You have doubtless heard much of tho failures _ [From the Caerokee Georgian, 25th inEt.] circulation at a distance, iu regard' to the ! - The Fire in Marietta, health of our city. It is the impression in i It becomes our painful duty to record one ome quarters, that tho Yellow Fever is still I of tho most destructive conflagrations that- \Vhcn' Pensylvania deserted, ! bjrmui ttxtIiVvv „ yt tUe !t . ng nigilt brou; higher drama. Tho company perforin this week in Augusta. AVhat dues it all mean ? Orders have been recently transmitted to the Charles town, Brooklyn, and Philadelphia Navy Yards, prepare various vessels For -oa ; with all possible despatch. About ouehun- | dred and iiftj* mechanics were at work on place- Are wc to have a brush with ter all ? -oiucbodv, af- cvly placed in the barracks. 11 appears that the report of an anti-ad ministration majority in Illinois wasprema- turc. The new delegation will give four votes in support of the Nebraska bill, and five against it. The old delegation gave three votes in favor, and five against it, one member not voting. The old delegation comprised four AVliigs, thc now but three. Mobile Fruit.—Since the entire of our orange trees were cut down by frost, says the Register, this is wo believe, about the first season when there lias appeared any promise of fruit. A few trees bore slightly last year, but the crop now bids fair to rival any of tlio past. A duel between two Philadelphians, abuut an insult to a female, took place near Bur-1 adelphia Gas AYorks has been so successful lington, N. J., on Saturday. At the first | as to justify them in erecting a number of lire ono of the parties was wounded in thc ! beds, which in a few weeks will be in lull .i • i | ,i • ,| , r , | operation. In making the experiments, thigh and the other in the left arin, where- iE«- . , c , n , h ... I uineient kinds of wood were euiploved, with upon the seconds interfered and stopped j different results, the production oi' gas va- furtlicr proceedings. i rying from fourteen thousand to nineteen — ; thousand cubic l'cet from one coid of wood. ffriy* Ate see that the publishers of the i The gas when consumed in suitable burners. Memphis daily papers have, in consequence I has an illumiiintin South and thc Democracy iu fighting the battle for the Constitution in 1S56. Then, if the battle be unsuccessful, tbe Democracy could still point to their history with pride. It would be said of them that tl'.ey had carried their country to an unex ampled pitch of prosperity—that they had vindicated her li nor in cue war with Great Britain ar.d another with Mexico—that they Lad extended her frontiers from the Allo- ghanies to thc Rio Grande, and fiom the Rio Grande to the Pa vatic—that they had ever the frigate Congress, in tho Brooklyn Nn Yard, last Saturday, and an additional num- , been found fighting for civil ami religion.- lib ber of men had been placed on the Sabine. en -’ aau }; tl-at finally tuey toll, it fall they Experiments in Making Gas.— A series of experiments have recently been made at tlie Philadelphia Gas Works, to fe-t the ini- practiv ability of an improved resort for manufacturing gas from wood, and the qualities of wood gas compared with the ordinary coal gas, the result of which is thus stated in the Ledger: “The result of the experiments at the Phil must, while defending the Constitution from the rage of zealots and the stabs of traitors. After achieving such a destiny, any party ma\ almost be content to die. Nevertheless let us still hope. Let u» make one more fight for die Union in 1856 —for iu our judgment, ihe Union will be the stake at issue. A'lcissm'DE- cf Fortune.—A writer in the London Economist, sums up a very able article on Napoleon III. as follows: 1 “The same man who landed at Boulogne in 1840, with a. single steamer and a i’cw • friends, on a desperate and abortive expe- I ditioii, revisits it in 1854. to review a vast i army and receive the homage of coutle.-s ' spectators. The same man who, six years ago lived in obscurity in L union, scarcely ! able to pay h's tailor’s, and quite unable 1 to pay his horse dealer’s bill—whom many 1 looked upon as stupid, and whom r.oi e power fully equal tv : ! c”kcd upon as wise, of whom few au-ured i * j* well, and wlicm few would trnst much, we have just seen receiving the visits and coiu- I pli men ts of the consort of our Queen, en- tertnining three royal guests at his table, ne of them thc son-in-law of theverv utoa- The "Hof this 5*o§om boro. Tell ilium I mu no more ! That one 1 loved; are, loved him truly, only. And yet was all uuluici that, m»! nn t lonely, 1 \vc| i my trouble--* o'er. L : .*e h i - go ciianii-. Avirli all U* summer hues. And ItVc a stricken fto'ver. untouched by d<*'.ve, i drooped to rib® nu more. Tell them I am no nit re ! Thai io ihe last I iiiuu^ht of Them and prayed That turnc 1 to dost, tins poor frame urght be tai l Near the old furm house dvor. Tell them I dreaiued my mother'^ lip.? of Jew. lli 0 hi bless me ns of y«*re. Tell them 1 am no uioie ! ihat I am goio^ to the land Dythn. ■fc'hos*? anjels Lur.t before my dying' vibion. At though uod*a love they bore, i hear tb_*r proiUiSe, y Ono ■uaio lhxs Lath striven. >‘hall be received, and all. all. at.i for^Ircn”—. Tell miem T yo more ! If chanced that the -e lines were traiijniit- ted by some cue to ihe homestead of this young girl—a pleasant farmer: u^e among the (Been Mountain-—and tome time after a loiter was received frame cue of her sisters, ■ in which this passage occurs^. “ AA r c have | placed a, marble slab at the head of her grave, in tho enclosure, within sight of our • door. Beneath her name and age is this in- : sciiption, only:—‘Heart-Broken.’ How often have I wet the flowers planted there, with my tears! ”—Boston Chronicle. Darien Bank Commission.—The Commis sion appointed by the last Legislature of Georgia to settle the claims of the creditors . of the Bank of Darien, against the State of t Georgia, met again at the Senate Chamber in this eity, on AYednesduy last, to make un their final judgments in the cases before them. At the previous session of this bodv in 1 Prospect for a Railroad.—AA’o under stand, say’s the Chambers Tribune of the 24th inst., that there is some feeling among our citizens, in regard to the construction of a railroad from this placl to AVcst Point, and that a prospect for getting a connection with that place, and thereby with the great j ton and iiog line of travel from north to south, is very flattering:. Mr. John P. King, President in the AVeet, but unfortunately you have not heard pro vailing among us. We were shown a let- has ever occurred in ibis' city. About 4 the whole, and you may not feel disposed to credit ' ter yesterday, from Ponfiold, dated 23d inst., i o'clock this morning a fire was discovered what I am about to detail in reference to failures ! stating that."it was reported there that there j in the Stove and Tin AVare Store -of Mr. in this city. It is summed up in a few words— 1 were twenty new cases of Yellow Fever in , AV. L. Wadsworth, which soap communicat- The merchants hero who ore in debt must fail.— ' Augusta, and several deaths of that disease j ed to the Cherokee Hall; on one side, and Ohio, Indiana and Illinois cannot pay, because i—that a number of medical students had ! the store known as the “ Patiilo Building,” thoiO States have neither money nor produce to I left the city, and the class attending the lec- pay with ; therefore, tho merchants hero cannot | turCs was about breaking up. Nothing can | and wiii no: pay the foreign merchant. The banks : 11101 e 1111 ’j, 110 • The fever has wholly ceas- 1 in the city have curtailed their discounts twelve cd as , an epidemic, not a single case has oc- | million, and they must curtail >ml more, if they i curred among those who have net been ex- , (the storo below being occupied,) on tho other. The flames soon communicated to the corner building, and the whole were entirely consumed. Tho entire loss is about 530,000, of which uamou) tniu tuv i vunun nui uiuxvj ** mu* . , , « • « • _ _ > • would keep any specie in their vaults. The-cot- i P® 6 ®J to . tQ / r0St ’ and IS ra 0t 1 0n 7 , a E,” lt,on , c . overed insurance . * . . . . slurhtest dancer ot norsons takinc the dis- t’nl GWor’* Iasc ib uArtTr bna^t- auwSl-o i wili not sav^ d kept the pot buiiin for eoveral years, but, | as it could be at midwinter. There may be j books and papers. say 312.- besides all his No insurance. of the LaGrnnce and Atlanta Railroad, it ! aJaf i m 01 ' 0 than all our gold departs en route for I a few cases lingering with us, where persons ! is said, has proposed to take half the stock j tbo Block Sea and tho French capital. Our wo- | were exposed during the summer, or return- | saved, also of Air. Ruede, jeweller, in said road, provided the citizen place and vicinity will take All that now remains to get a railroad to . this place, is foir our citizens to take some * step in thc matter. The goods of Mills & Hoeth were all Messrs. the with entire impunity. Doe sticks an Inventor.—Doesticks, the unique, amusing contributor to tho Detroit j Advertiser, has invented a medicine. It is ; called ‘Doesticks’ Patent, Sell-Acting, i coast of Normandy, and I really believe if the ster carpets, our tables with Bohemian ware and ! Birmingham cutlery, our shoulders with Russian furs, our heads with French hats, and our feet i with Brazilian calf, whilst our hands incased in 1 SlU en 8 aVS monkey skins from Africa. Yea, more, tho very stoics which I now see, whilst I now write, going tho walls of the Nassau Bank aro from tho ! burnt—lose, several thousand dollars, i No The report about the Medical College is j insurance, equally false. AYo are informed that no | The Cherokee Advocate offico is entirely loft. On thc contrary, the • consumed,' with, a portion of its books—loss class is daily increasing. In order to show how little cause for alarm exists, we state that the Board of Health SI,500. The law offices of Edge & Phillips and N. E. Benton, with books and papers, in discontinued its daily reports and meetings i the-second story of tho “Beaton Building.’ Four-Horse-Power Balsam.” He says it is j “designed to cure all diseases of the mind, ! body, or estate, to give strength to tho weak , money to the poor, boots to the barefoot, do- I coney to blackguards, and common sense to j airs were uot free to all wc should import them merely for the love of paying eom-t to Europe and duty to thc Custom House. As it is we have for eign ones enough to ruin an ordinary people. AVc shall sco what will become of ur. Yesterday morning, about seven o’clock, Jud- on the 6th inst., at which time it reported one death from Yellow Fever for the 24 \ hours preceeding. There were, however, at | the date several cases under treatment. We ! have ascertained from the Sexton, that there are consumed. Tbedoss of Drs. Allen, Dentists, of Mr. Lafon, Artist, whose offices were in Cherokee Hall, is small. The Masonic Hall, and the saloon of “ Cato tlio Tonsor,” in the same has been in all since then, only nine inter-1 building, are destroyed. ments from that disease. Most of these were the Know-Nothings: It acts physically, 1 son Hotel, on Broadway, near Wall street, took old cases, and all of them cases in which morally, mentally, psychologically physio-1 fire anf A burned entirely up and <lou:n, leaving not, the disease was contracted before frost.— logically and geologically, and it is intend even a remnant of an old bedstead to tbo insurance offices, who had taken risks, amounting to tweuty- to hie kind! A man may sit in an obscure alley, j- offoring pearls at two cents a piece, and yot i find no Purchaser; but, if the same man . were known to have pearls for sale at rea- j months before, is put down as a lucky man. I have received reliable information in refers”co to tho crops in Ohio which may be interesting to our readers. It is ibis: The potato crop has been bad throughout tho biato. Tho wheat crop, North of a lino running through Piqua Columbus and Steubouvilie, has failed producing sufficient for Augusta Constitutionalist, 26th inst. The Savannah Georgian is oat in fa vor of tho adoption at the South of a cus tom which is growing up in 6ome sections, and which we are inclined to think well of —viz: to chargo candidates for office, or their friends, for such matter as they may wish to have published for thoir benefit. We do not mean that editors should write for The loss of tho Benton estate and of tho Patiilo building, about §5,000 each. The Fletcher House, and thc old stand of Messrs. Northcuu, now occupied by Air. Robert Baber, wore in most imnimlnent danger, and the latter was saved only by the most extraordinary effort; It is not known how the fire originated. The blow is a most disastrous one to our city, and falls upon many of our best citi zens. The New Haven Railroad Bonds.—Iu pay—for no one abovo the level of a pick- ' regard to tho ‘repudiating portion of the pocket could be thus^ bought up—but that j^fw Haven Railroad Company, the N. Y. „ „ . , , „ , t they should bo paid for printing in their pa- Tlio crops south of that fine has 1 „..„ u ... thi\t obtained from an equal qunuiity of coal gas, and produced nt a reduced cost.” USt' A regular crusade is being made against the Cleveland liquor dealers, eighty- 1 on V*' f tfic sr.n-m-law of tne very mon- .. ex i • * aren whom ho had nu ccodcd. and admit tea uicot wnom nine arrested in one day. bevond all denial into the social circle of fennd foi‘ e{nimnn*« nrin dml into-o-ts -lnrl , * ' , . - ~ i The “ Carson League ” have an abundance < royal personage*. Nor is this change in , ^ Tim liaWHfv of the Sfiue ' Tf & 7*™ “TT f ! - - - * - - no* rer- . wim.c iiamitry oi tne ornte, j of tbe country. Severl voting ladie3 have i .Jr amounts io over one hundred and ninety • - v . , r .. 2 *•>- , - : of the great advance in the price of paper, and thc scarcity of both the article and the material of which it is made, reduced their paper to about half tlieir former sizes. Polly Pea blossom s Weodin»:.—\A r e are indebted to the politeness of the compi ler, T. A. Burke, Esq., editor of tho Cass ville Standard, for a handsome volume ol about two bundled pages, with tlie above title, containing many humorous and mirth exciting titles, by lion. J. B. Lamar, lion. R. M. Charlton, and the authors of “ Miyor Jones Courtship, Suc.ik.i of Squatter ; cer tain actress performing at the theatre J the unmeasured- abuse •which' was showered L.fe, d‘c. The scenes of nian^ ot the sto-1 when a bystander espoused her cause ries are laid iu Georgia and the adjoiuing * * * ’ ’ 1 **■ - States, and arc generally of a very amusing ami laughable character. Planters’ Bank, was gonerally overruled and the evidence in the various cases admit ted. 5o during last week the Commission were engaged in investigating the liability of the Siate in each case. The award give= to each Bill holder the whole amount of his claim without interest. In all the judgment cases, tho Commission j found for i pers such matter as candidates or their The corn crop aas i friends may furnish for that purpose. In rion, woner in=t aa tho ; this matter, some of the New York papers ! advertised for certain candidates for mayor, of money with which to carry on the prase- his singular fortunes the only one. notions, and the liquor men are well backed * “ " up in the fight. A gentleman expressed himself very tice’.y in Syracuse thc other eveniu than utuak thc corn region, proper ja=t aa tho it is with a manfacturer. His wares may i wheat line been bad in the wheat region. There be ever so good, his prices ever so reason a- never was a more abundant crop of acorns and j while editorially they opposed thoir election! . ble, but unless he employs proper mean- of 1 nuts .- °nd these alono will, with a little aid, fatten j This was all perfectly right, and a fair bus- tbe present crop of hogs and keep over those for j iness transaction. The popular idea con- next year. Tho people aro- economizing very j corning the “ freedom of the prees” seems to much, ami there is decidedly a hope that, though j have degenerated into tbo notion that editors BPA-Female whvsiciane are becoming al- 1 merchants'may breast, some of our AVcstern farm- I arc bound to admit free all kinds of matter „ * * , . . i ors will not. *** i offored for publication, then take their pa- pers Jrce of cost, ana finally jredg abuse making them known to tho public, he can- j not expect ppreciation. hops thc greatest. We can imagine him ! snulling with even a more grim satisfaction nc he contrasts the language of the English | pie'-,- regarding him in 1852 and row. sit ting with the Times or the Exominei i December. 1851, or of August, 1854, before j to wbat he styled tiie heart toss folly ol a . him! and marvelling at the metamorphosis. thousand dollars. It is likely ‘that atSupS ' ^ th ? “ it!als / u : f be in some parts of Texas quite a war de- j ■ will be entered nn to thc Superior Court of B Pennsylvania and New England. ^ ^ tbe lelegraph . The lino has * 'erm bv the Numbers pf them ha-reentered the New [, , , P Vandalism in Texas.—rThcre appears to i them for daring to think for themselves ! In deeordanco with this notion—which, Times says: “ Mr. Belmont, Mr. Vanderbilt and other influential parties have determined not to be victimized by the company, and will pursue ho legal rornedy to tne utmost relief afforded by the laws .of New York—not ’’ Connecticut. . In casethoy obtain judgment, * : they will seize upon tho property of the company. AU the directors of the compa ny have resigned, and others have been chosen in their places. The acting presi dent only remains by request until some one can be found to take his place.” with tegaid M: D; attached’t 0 thoir _ however, we maintain is popular fallacy— ai . UCilI tuo 1on . we have for 6evoral years Deen conductor of su : sm‘e. in accorisance with tho reqmramcat p York Colleges,'and in the^Ohio Electie Me<D [ for twoand a half miles, the i a „erg free pres,m 6eorgia-<oo \dl fired’ It <*' t,!e ilc: this Commission, and, ica l College there are no Mew than fifteen ' wn ' e ^ U P and P laccd m ^ road ’ and ;^J“ and = the rerult of °? r cs P en ' female students. Baldwin eoumv at the next term bv ; we presume thesb cases will not he finally -eftlet! until the judgments be either affirm- ed or reversed by the Supreme Court. " The Commission turned over their IV Youthful Tea Party,—A nice tittle , sev.eral hundred feet carried entirely off. Show us ■ experience has beeD, that in many cases these very persons for whom we have done the most.* have al- lady’s Scoville, tlie alisconding Clerk in the Agency of the Marine Bank at Macon has been arrested in Louisville, Kentucky. It will be remembered that he. decamped from Macon sonic weeks ago, taking with him 810.000 belonging to the agency of the Ma- Bank. 8®u The times are getting so hard that people can hardly pay attention 1 Denin, whose difficulty wftTShSiS ! -gyration <>f draw ib Mr. A\ Oixlward, has beeu widely published, ' 1 that city within a few yeais. cause distres and whose estrangement from nim came * bonnet and we ways been the first to desert us when wo i needed friends! Finding that this “freedom” : A~.u a—j n • favor of the Watchman. Reporter states that and Tenfisseo river, is so far pass over it now. over with a paradise of clover, three story ostrich feathers, wax hollyhocks, and jum- om the . banks,. and. therebv , fit the interests, has | ff^^A portion of the marble for.the con* v • \ -. ~ A nwn t i,.A ** F«*“ »«■ , • -T instructed.-me buperiiitendant ot the road to | , ‘ „ i i • . per berries, put it square down that sue . , , T p a„ -v, . very near being tlTc cause of the death of ! An »ron-theatre, ninety.feet by forty, to mako no conhact iyilh the Express except te ^I’ lated monument to Pulaski, together . ^ m ' alway8 rdmain single, and will novCr i R- Cunningham, civil engineer. " •— x ‘- J *- *— *— v " : — v " :u - - ■* - * ’' • - • ’ ’* * Wf. ik, : with a corps cd workmen engaged to erect her fbrtietb- birth dav. Bonnets nro a 1 The estimated cost, of the improvement-is The City Council of Columbus, Ga., has a plan for the repair of tbo wharves, sub- &n actor named Bingham, on the Isthmus some months ago. be transported to Australia, is being biiilt upon the condition that it shall' not 'act as in Manchester, England. > the agent of tbe brokers. corps of workmen engaged it, arrived in Savanuah on Monday. see lier fortieth- birth day. true index of women. I §7,100. Masons Must Not Fight.—According to thc Masonic Register, the following resolu- j tion has passed the Grand Lodge of Califor nia:— Resolved, That the practice of duelling is repugnant to the principles of Freemasonry, and in all cases where the brethren resort to this mode sof settling their disputes, it be comes the duty of the lodges of which they are members, or under .whose jurisdiction they may be, forthwith to expel thorn from all the rights or privileges of Masonry, sub ject to fhe eonfirnation'of the Grand Lodge, and no brother who may falT in a duel shall be hurried with maseme honors. R: solved, That it is tho opinion of this Grand Lodge, ihat the uso of Masonic em blems upon sign boards is unmasonie, and In open violation of ihe spirit of Freema sonry. Sixty thousand bushels of corn haRkbeen ongaged in New York for Havre.