The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, December 02, 1854, Image 3

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MARINE fNTEfcfeWENt^ aow» Hr#**:***#**'* Bwq»ac*” wmgf SAVANNAH, Nor. 29.—AVrit'ed. . . nPJ IJi fif-t fin,l at the Serial \i*«UiWf hitt be ( n-biii" * give^it Ifmrden’h HiJi, ■>■_• Thursday night, . ,puromber "2J. 14J4. when vtttv .manager* pledge LATiSAimivAi- 'wmrsr »■■•*** Knoxville, Ludlow New ftKhh|»r Tder*"]* •heninr'ivrs u< jemo uuitouc th#! will cn- Kla^r, Charleston; *ehr ® *“ l hnuco the rmmiart enil {.leasnwof it-. patroue. par- j York. Cleared, Dutch Y 4 tfeuierlvrire ladle*. The “Fulton Cotilten Rand.** Amsterdam: ship lloulliM ,Ci.apniai., ,Caarlwton. ,, fg ,,, ■ a occasion.'■' fC CHARLESTON, Nov. '1'. -Arrived, toarque G W Flail. Cspenfer, Pravidcme. (R Is) r'hr II <i. j _ ...” Whildon, Kpr*}ig, F*l.ilviolpMa; rchr € A Utegofr. i tliairtw Mur(% Philadelphia; Br sebr Ventrosa. Roberts, . S.ZZF Cleared, Span*ol Tre. Aldus, Oliver, *• * ***>*■ Bareelodn.; brigGulnttre, Thompson, Wert Indies: M I, echr Storm King, Ltmfert. Bailhnon . . afwTi wgors. f J M. Tov. COMMERCIAL. V. W, Bauwu, | C.SnATZ, J. H. Mjcr.VKi.iN. j T. Doox.vw Sffanasora. C. X Hiiittuov, L. J. PAtm.-J. C. Robinson, t £SS~ No postponement oh account of weather. December 1, 1854. 27w3l Atlanta. Dei ember J. Cotton.-Cotlou wassellitfrr yesterday at .’>(317? cents. 1 xchamib, ou New York it tellingut* percent premium. On Charleston ami Savannah I )*-r Bacon VVe quote hog round 1to 11. Hums ”... . on., 1A11) SM.t cUmr WILLIAM LYNN.] [J. T. SNIDER. Iil SN fc SNIDER, Savannah, Georgia, W._ LYNN & CO. , Dalian, Georgia, , GEORGIA FA a ' • l 3 - "t S fc •* • * • * ! Ci^U- **'■ f- Bmt Am lime for Winter Wc«> an4 Uo*>! 1000-yJs. Hotoe-wndc Jeoas, various odor.-. oOOpTS. ; " Wool Srw-tr-. ™ ,’rw — jfeJ 1 500 yds. *• " Tiiu-vvs. 'Bear twit «wN>nvriv >t-:- C! JV1K«. • ! To these special outward •ayfin mid.fin. the mh*jrm.'Ui— 30,000 lbs. Bacon. ineluiiiiijt-cljniy* Haros. Vj60 lbs. best I^iii'LanL io un:-r«'- :.tid nm* for ! h unity nw. * As one firm resides in Tennessee and i • <n«wed in the purAasc of arth-l»-. w< are enabled t» offer them of tor l*~t .piality*— and as low as the lowest. . To the above we can odd a good ecteetiosi «.f*Gr* i iics. friHaX. OrkaB>Balllili ( >ru«sDu N:;vvv*!^: * CTvdit**rf'.i>f tro Fnltou Sheriff’s Sales. , I LI. Ik) sold '■ 'dure the courthouse dour, in the eity of Atlanta,-on the 1st Tuo*d:o iii ^j*T. December Mualml’e Sales. f i !U. lie sold U-forc- the Council Room, in the city tt of Atlanta. <u-1hi fir.-t t!oui!ar in Iteceiober. tl>* following property. : *JRI'3D.,5. 5tK3U>. <1 AiOREKA Aiian . f . . liecalur street. South l»v a lot formerly owned hv S tvte«t on a* the pro|Krty of ThoraM I p„, tr„. f V_ .. . . •. IIcarntL tbsatiuly a hfn in favor of the Mayor A Conn- vv^f, ^-^ vr J 1 v tloso Crawford .» lot, and VJ . fpoinas Hcarm-, for eftv'tax for thcyccr 1854. . West by an animfiroved lot and now occupied by • -■ ..... AAminiatratcra Sale! ... nn ..rde> nin* ConrraftFnii- J X Wdncns owl Airs. Gfrnirfunl: levied on a- the f l*eKalo e-wnty. viil i..- s.,H before 1 property of Moset VT. Formwait. to smisfy a iifa the Court Ilon o .1.- r Deeatnr. tl>o tirsr isruod from the Fulton Inferior * ourt. in favor of Twsd->v io Itccessbev uott. within thob.jptl hours H* -- Brown, vs. Joseph Thompson, administrator i*I tfis fi.l'nviu? pioiM-rty. hewii: of 11. IV. Formwall, dcoeaseti. Ctne uegr* h-sy. A'.-krs.-i!. Id years .-r age; Three nniuy.roved Jots in the eity of Atlanta, Oman. Martha. z:> years -,f a*rc; Aun, a girl II I Nos. 2. 4 and in blo**k Jfo. -A 1. situate on Fomc Ltars oW. All -.-Id f-u- the benefit of the heirs and ! ,{ <T street, containing each half an acre, more or t every ally. . i2j ^ute. Sides Ribs io n{ eta. Sides clear j Forwarding and General Commission 10 to 11 A. Shoulders OJ n 10 cents. X,akd by the bbL l l(g( 12 cte. lenf. Iron, Swedes 54 to 6ic; English 5 hi H eoutt: Nails have advanced to 6 a 0J cte. Conn is selling at SO to £■'»• Corn Mbal, 85 to 90 cents. Pork, Hog round, 0 cents. Beef, By the quarter, 0 5J cents. Sweet Potatoes. 50 to 60 per bushel. Irisu Potatoes, 75 to 100 por busheL Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, (a* $2,20, Liquors.—French Brandy, $2^0 Io *3.60 jier „n,'n : Domestic 50 to 75c. Peach do. 60 a 75 cents. Whiskey 45 u 50 cents. Gin jO to 60. Hum 45 to 60 cents. Wheat. Good will bring te $1,40 per bushel readily. Flour.—City Mill from $4 to 4{ per hundred. Butter, Country, 15 to 20 cte. Goshen, 35 cts. per pound. Tenn. Butter, 15 a 28 by the Keg.; Fair N. 0. Sugar, by hhd. 54. Prime “ “ ”9* Choice “ “ “ „„ ,• Syrup, N 0. by bbl. to 33 cts. gal. Extra IVhiskey “ 45 “ “ Star Candles per box 28 “ lb. No. 1 Rio Coffee by sack 124 to 134 “ “ Gussv Bagoino 16 to 18 cts. ’ Rope 12 to 13 cents. CntcuKXB, 15 to 20 cents. Egos, 15 to 20 cents. Fodder. 75 to 100 por hundred. Peas, $1.00 to $1.10 Feathers.—40 to 45. t ashler.—Sperm 37 o 45c. Tallow 20 22ets Cincinnati, Nov. 25.—Sales of hogs at an av erage of $4. Prices are tending upwards. Ex change rates arc drooping. New York 1@14 ]>rc miutn. The money market is quiet. Tho river is rising with four feet in the ehnnuol Tho landings aro crowded with boats receiving freight. There is no scarcity of water in the river. ATGUSTA, Nov. 29.—Cotton.—during ihu past week wo have hud a steady demand for oottou and sales freely made at the current rates as quo ted in our last weekly. Tho Baltic’s advices which came to baud on Mon-lay night are of such tenor as to induce a less active estate of feeling oinuitg the operators mid tiio market closed dull. Inferior aud Ordinary, Oi 7 Luw to Stricd Middling. “j (O) 8 Good Middliug, hi (a, — .Middling Fair, 84 (a) — Exchange.—We havo no change to notice in rates. Our Imuks continue to draw ou New York and other Northern cities ut 4 per cent, premium. Freights.—Our river is still low but mivigablc for light draft steamers. We quote to iSavauiinb oil cents per bale; to Charleston |-er Railroad $1. AUGUSTA, Nov. 29, P. M.—Cotton.—The market continues quiet and prices unsettled, with rather a downward tendency. The transaction, to-day havo been limited. CHARLESTON, Nov. 28.—Cotton.—There was quite an active doninnd for cotton to-day, the sales having reached upwards of 2,550 bales. The de mand was freely met by sellers, at about the range of priors prevailing on the previous day. The transactions comprise 8 bales at 7; 50 at 74; 96 at 71 ; (1 at 7g ; 101 at 7*; 224 at 7j ; 46 at 78; 188 at Sj 106 at 88; 182 at8]; 29 at 82; 330 at 84; 116 at 8 j ; 118 at 8J : til at 9; 231 at 94; and 78 bales at 9|. Savannah Nov, 29. COTTON-—Tlte tuurdel yesterday continued ac tive and tho sales reached 1,465 links. There was uo change in prices from the previous days, and holders continue willing sellers at present rates. The following are the sales: 8 bales at 6, 12 at 64; 22 at (>4, 15 at 7, 69 at 7{, 25 at 74, 79 at 74, 165 at 72, 311 at 8, 140 at SJ, 53 at 82, 22 at 8 7-10, I0H at 8{, 163 at Sg, 70 at Sj, 98. at 9. and 17 at 94, cents. I Merchants. I ^S&“ Liberal ndraftee* on all OMudgntaeuts of j Product. . soaagm. i New Candy Manufactory j —AND— mm.iajEjR’S'? OPPOSITE THE INTELLIGENCES OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA. T HE subscriber would inform the citizens of At lanta aud vicinity that lie has constantly on baud, at his Confectionery and Baking cetablish- inent, all kinds of Coufectious, Pastries, Fruits, &c a goo*!' supply oJ Carpenter'.- X- description, Nails, and. Hardware generally ! Fa enter" r supplies. Bagsiag. R- 1 )*, Iron. Ac.: Clover !?eed. Blue Gm—*. Tin*--thy and' j Herd Gm-“ or Red Top Seed. For Pulnting—Best No. 1 and pure White L'-u 1, Linseed Oil, Lamp Black. Litharge-—a ! so a po tent Drier, superior to Litharge, lately ra use— Varnishes of ail kinds. Brusbtr*. Pan-t indis, .’sc. . For the Mining interest, we keep Blasting Powder, • Terms mat Arthur Ia:i:cl.. decenred. ' n-Fjointu-; lots of D. MeSheffrev' and Ison*- known on -iav ->f sale, Uei. 5, 1854. Mayor; levied oWa* the proj*erly of William ,J. .8 Alt All ANN LEITOH. Adm’r. ; -f ;| iiu. to satisfy e iifa issue-i tVom Fulton Inferior . j Court, in favor of Isaac Scott, vs. William ! * ..... j GEORGIA Fiji ton f--nt nf>r. TT" r HEREAS*V*]»n II JohiHcD auti '.Vtn. U Fury.tsnn < v applies lo fit* IVjrJettt-rs uf adminfr-tration tT»: tbe ♦*-tat<r uf Allen I.. -»a. «t?d eunntv. <U- 'iiea« nr*; to a<lir.orlsb all an-i siuaa- lar tbpkin-lvffri of sai-1 lobf :*nfl a T my on ; -r bof- vt» tit** Gr*t ifrm**r»y *n (»e- tnber next. t-.> -*hn»- if my ther hare - whj* raid loiter- -lioul*: Yn*T be granted. tm.iortny band at Al-o, a cily'l'yt lvinc t»u IVn^Htree street, lerfed ou hv virtue a i t lii.* f.»r oiu lax. on land lot .No. 56. the j»r»»!ierty<tf W. Msjh-p.* Also, a cilv'l«jf IvinV !n frofii **f II. J. i^eeple’e, on land lot No. ^1. AIm*, :* cil)- 1h! lytnff **n U » Mr. Ham mond n«»w lives. .Us*., i city l »: --a Whiieh.iU direct and branch, lot on land lot No. 77. as tit** »property of A. M. Watte. AIho. a city lot on Wheat street on land lot No. 51. cltj lot No. 57. Also, a cit/ lor V1 » Jaad lot No. 5i. levied on as tl»e property* of (leor^e U.JYaser. Also, a city lot No. H7. on land lot No. 7?s whereon the defendant now lives—W. Whitaker. Alw. n citr lot, number not known, whereon the de* «T. Alactft, property pointed out hr th. t „ ^ i fonflact now live-—D. H. Silver. A half interest in : i ... I ; ALq.a ciiy lot No. l,Un-i'l*g No. 77. wherecn th* Octagon or eight-sided steel l’-r Drills. Hemmers, «<Hev this 28th August 1W4. JCP. n. "3!E.\P.'<trd* Sate tv fuse. Ac.; Oil nud buruiii^' Fluid <-f the best jeseriptiou kept constantly <»n hxuid. In short, it will be our aim to keep jji nsrful ar ticles that raav be ef.’ded for. JOHN R. WALLACE. > At ,. iut . 0. H. WALLACE. / At "‘‘ ,ln ’ W ' J. W. WALLACE, Sbelbyvillu Tonu. Atlanta, Oct. 27. 1854. 2SdAw2m Notice! of on accommodating SPECIAL NOTICES. y&ff Clerks office of t lie Superior Court Re moved to City Hull. Office hours from 9 to 12 o’clock u. in. and from 2 to 4 o’clock p. ui. B. F. BOMAR, Clerk. Atlanta, November 14, 1854. [dim. A Warning. _ ^ lbdqy not; harbor not in .your mind that Hen |*y*<aS* u*ue<* of fools’ phillosopliy, that a disease will set curod uf itself or that you cau cure il with certain medicines for n few dollars. Beware how you tamper w ith your general welfare. Ye wild and viciouH youths, why will you persist in dofiug with the filthy nauseating compounds daily profited, thereby impairing your apnetitennd digestion, and destroying you mentally as well as pbycally. when vnu can be cured with n few doses ol ]»leasan*t medi- Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will yc suf fer and repine, and drag out a miserable existence, unfitted for the enjoyment aud even ordinary pursuits ot life. You who sire thus annoyed and wish to be re- restored lo health and vigor by a treatment nt once pleasant and effectual, should consult J»r. MORRIS. His success in chronic diseases has been greater than \hat of any other physician of his day. Many wlu have been for years afflicted with disease or conse-* .(lienees resulting from excess, have been restored to^ health and vigor under his ally rescientific treatment Should a personal interview he objectionable, state your disease in wiiting—enclose five dollars—add res: |»r. W. MORRIS, through the Rostoffice, Nashville, renn.. a package and of medicines, securely put up. ,% ill be sent privately and with despatch, fullof direc tions therewith, and no questions asked. Persons living at a distance, and afflicted with Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter, Cancers, Piles. Fistula in Ano, (travel Strictures, elects, or any disease what ever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be cured at home by consulting l>r. MORRIS, bv letter post paid, enclosing a fee. Medicines pleasant and safe, can be sent per mail to any part of the United Slates. particular attention given to the treatment of female complaints. Indies who may be afflicted with Irregu lar eops. Flour Albus. or Whites, Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, would do well to lay aside all false lelicacy, and promptly consult the Doctor. UTken Wakraxtku. office over Mutual Protcciton Insurance Office, Ue- ’arstreet. near PostofUce. Room No. 14. upstair-. Nashville, Tenn. May 25th, 1854. 25—ly. C'alliouu Pills. Tills Extra Superior Family Medicine is now about being offered to the public, wo would direct the special attention of our friends and acquaintances everywhere to these Pills, not fearing in the lea-d. that they will meet tho public approbation more fully than any ever yet offered to the people. For further particulars see advertisement in to-day's paper. Look at tho certifi cate*. thov are from a high source. duly 27, 1854. (#—ly.) Ko Excuse lor Ill-liealtli. fj. ■*—An emaciated frame, .-.nllmr complexion, an dgreat -lability. tbercMilt or neglect to ill treatment, wheu efficient Metical n-ivi-e can be -Maine-i privjitely ami promptly. Iai-iies who may bo atlliote-t -villi Iire^ularitiea* bit**-, l'i-tula-in Ano. t.ravel, Scrofula, Ulcer-., Itheu- liiatiMU. ,vc.. -lioulti not allo,v fal.e Jelicaey to proveut 'lil'ir making iiumciliate application to Dr. MORRIS, -rlio.<e .kill in tlif treatment of all clirouie .ml telltale complaint-, i- too well known to be ques tioned. Tlie Doctor assure- ail those who consult him by let ter the most honorable secrecy, prompt attention, plensHUt. safe anil efficient medicines; and to tho purtics, at hhnrl notice, and terra*. Imported trines au«l i-ratulies of ail descriptions for medical purposes,kept aitrayr on hand. Also, genuine Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing To bacco—together trith a large assortment of Toys, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. Having recently returned from the North, where he laid in a flue stock of Fancy Articles ami eve ry thing necessary for carrying on his candy man- ufactory, he would inform county dealers that he is prepared to furni-h candies at wholesale at 17 cents per pound. Orders accoinpauiid with the en.-h or good city references promptly attended to. It. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. 39th 1*4. [d&w-ly. Aiotice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL per.-ous indebted to tho estate ol" (,'orne- lins M. Counully, late of Fullou County de ceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said Estate will present them properly, authenticated within the time prescribed bv law. THOMAS XV. CONNALLY, Adm’r. Atlanta, November 25 1854. Administrator's Sale. WILL he sold at the late residence of Cornelius 31. Connolly, deceased, near Atlanta, Fulton c >., Ga., ou Tuesday, the 19th <>f December uext, the whole of the personal property of said deceased, consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tool.-, A-’., t’orn. Fodder. Horses, Mule, Cattle, Hogs, Ac.: and at the same time and place the Plantation, Ac., w ill be rented, aud the ne groes hire-1 lor the ensuing y ear. By order of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Terms mode known on the -lav <>! .-ale. Nov. 25, 1854. X. W. CONNALLY, A-Im’r. GUN & LOCKSMITJfi BUSINESS. T HE undersigned respectfully inform-llie citi- wmi- iif Atlanta and vicinity, that lie ba-- now established himself in this eity, and opened a -hop two doors above tho post office, in H AD, bull n.. where lie is prepared to make RIFLES X til SS, to order,and warrum- then-lobe <«i superior work manship and quality- Gnus, Rifles and Pistol* will ire repaired in the bc.-t possible manner, and at reasonable charges. Also, Locks put in order und Keys furnished—together with everything that comes within his line of business. Nov 27. ’54 diAvlm CHA.S. HEINZ. A'oticc. He is also prepared lo furui-b every description t fTMIK subscriber will offer for sale ou the fir-t plain and ornamental Cake*, for wed Jin c- or j J. Tnc«lnv in December, next, at Decatur. I»e- Kalb co., ‘the Household aud Kitchen Fnrnituro of the Globe Hotel, consisting of Mailre-=e=, Bed ding, and Beadsteads, ;iii as good as new, w ith a variety of other thimof In that line of bnsiuv-s. GEORGIA, DeKulb county. . T > ALL WIIMJJ IT M.-.V CONCERN: vyHLKKA>:. <\'aiker .m-1 J. ii. McAlister. ’ * Ailin'rs. the estate >i (tholston -luceasetl, fn»r, lf-tters c«f Dismission from tlie A'Uniuistiation of said estate. Iherefove the kiadfdl an*! rretlitof^ of 5r»i(l are hereto cited and affmoniiihe*! l-» file their objections, if any they have, Au D»y ofiicv in term-* of tin* law. otherwise letters of ffi.-Ni&is&ion will be granted the appkicams at the Jami j’Tx* Term next, of the Court i.t Unifn&rr for '•.'♦iff conn- tv. (,’iven naffer mv liauff at office. J one tSth. 1S5 4. * AI ATX. J 1 ) HNSOX, oru i na r v. .... i . .. * a V, re " . 0l . u: ' or • defendant now lives—R. Clayton. lf **' Wltil :r saw-mill and fill other improvement* i A city lot. Dumber not knoyrn, known ** Kil^nCJro- thereoo. it bein«r a part of land lot Ko. 144. in { eery, claimed by James Kile. the 17ih district of originally Henry, now Fulton ■ A c j fr J ot No. 76, whereon A. H. Rhoties now live a. county, adjoining the lands of Huger, Jones and j >K ^ 2 7*« ou «- lan ? ona* Elliott; levied on an the property of A. H. Parks, W on anu now in possession of XX. Laydau, to satisfy a : Mitebe’ 1strcet. fifa issued front Fulton Inferior Court, m favor of 1 A city tef on Hunter unit Prior streets, where the ! Thos. G. XT'. Onusell, vs. A. H. Parks. I bvery stable is, the property of XV.H. Dickson.. A negro man named Ephraim, about, tiliv or - - number not known: Mid lot fronts the fifty-five years old, black, complexion; levied on f ^n^Mcmree tow live*—JatneH Langaton. tern Railroad, the proper GEORGIA,.Fulton County. tr HERKA8 John Linch bat this day applied tomefor I t letter* of ailiaitaistralicn on the estate of John K. Corrigan late of saideonntr deeesed,—-Tbeee ore than- fore to rite endedimmtih oil and singnlar the kinder*-) ' and crwlitoi* of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause if any they have, why nid letters should not be gran ted the applicant. . Given under my hand su-1 seal, at office this loth day of November 1S64. JOtS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. Administrator’s Salt. \\JILL lie sold, by order of the Court of Ordi- II nary of Fnlton county, on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door, is Atlanta. Fnlton county, within tho legal hours of sale—one Gold Watch, one lot of Gold Miniature frames, one 8ilver Cream Fot, one sett And-irons, one Flute, a lot of Books, and various other arti cles too tedtotra to mention. Sold as the property of Adelai<l XTaltbaU decease, for the benefit of tho creditors of said deceased. B. F. BOMAR, Atlanta, October 14th, 1854. Adn’r.. GEORGIA Ft Ron County. llic! CALHOUN PILLS! T HE Subscriber, after many years urgent solicita tion, by gentlemen ef the highest order of talenls and literary standing In our country, has consented to offer to the fabUonn Fills, which nave been proaonn eed by all who hare had sufficient experience with ' them, as one of the happiest combinations of Medicine ever yet offered to the Public, on either Continent, as a OeMnl FmIIi Medicine. He feels no fears that the experience of those who have yet to testthem, will be strictly in acordcance with the testimonials of those digtingnished gentle men whose names are annexed, with thousands of others who would freely testify, if deemed necessary. The CALHOUN VILLs will be found eminently supe rior to all other family preparations, in the removal of that great catalogue of diseases arising from Derangement of dm Digestive Apparatus, such os Fevers ofall types, Bowel Affection* of all kinds, every character of Hcad-acbe, Rheumatic I'ains, Tains in the Chest, and so on. If taken and persisted In, ac cording to directions, in the initial stages of disease, and particularly daring a decided-predisposition to die ease, they will, like a charm, dissipate without discom fort, thousands of cases that might, and 1 do not doubt would, terminate In denth. The subscriber speaks con X\7 HERBAS Joshua Gilbert applies to me for letters I ln ®»th. rae subscriber speaks con >V ot administration on the estate of Httabeth D. I fi&mtly, as he is enabled to do from thirty-two years experience In the Medical Profession, and many year- experience with his Fills, which have, during tbe time, undergone many alterations, with tho view and hope variety of other things in Terms made known on day of sale. E. N. CALHOUN. Wi- N. B. Pcr=o:i- iud-Uted t- the Subscriber will please call find settle. E. N. ('. Decatur, November 15th. 1854. ;i5-ilw. Notice to CoutractoTs. Office of Ala. A Fla. Ii. R. Co. of Ala.. - M .ntgomerr, Aim, Nov. 9i 183-1. j QEALED Prodneais for the Gradaatioit.Mas.jE- O ry r.u-1 Bii-lgins of sixty-seven (67) miles of the Alabama & Florida Railroad of Alabama, ex- tcndiii!i from Montgomery to tlio junction of .So- pnlgah and Porsimon creoks in Conecuh county. tviU I-c rci civod at the Office of tlte Company un til the first Monday in December ne xt. Plans, specifications and profile-, will l-o ready for inspection on end after the 15th iust. The work ou the first 25 miles is light, and the time allowed for the completion c-ntrac-t- oa this portion of tho line wiii be 12 month;, -tn the remainder of the line two years will be given. The payments offered are two-thirds in ea.-h tnt-1 •nc-thir-1 in tho capital stock of the Company. The provision crop along the lino has been abundant, the country it perfectly h- work of such, inviting ciuusttsr both in profile and inntcriit is rarely offered. SAMUEL G. JONES. Chief Engineer. November 19, 1854. IQriwtdl $40,000 worth of HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE, IX THE CITY OF ATLANTA. J will Kell at Public Auction, on the First Toes GEORGIA. DeKttlb Cmmty. r jf*0 all o-Iu-m ii may concern: V.'Ucrua- Kdmon.1 J. 1 Railey A hulaUtrotor u:i tin* Estate of John M. Corley, deceased, applici f*»r letters of i;kuaNsion from said Affaiinimiration, therefore the kindred nnff creditor- of »aid «lec»*ascd. iir** hereby cite*! nod ad monished to file :!t”ir objections if any they ha"«* iu my oifice iu terras ot Ihx. otherwise lf»t?«-r* of Ui : mission will be granted tho applicant at the I?ee« ui her Term next,'of the Court of Ordinary for said Coun ty. Given un*h*r m.» haul oiBcialv m office, this 8<J .hipe, 1^54 ALKX. JOHXPoV. Ord\v. GEORGIA. DcKalb County \ V H£RKAS James J. Ifiamond applies to me for iet ’ ^ t»rs of administration on the estate of Jamc.« Iffa- monff. late of saiff county, deceased; these arc therefore to cite andtulmcn*<h all and singular the kindred aud creditor ^ ••! *1 lecea, •_ twh^jiuff appear s»t rar x flicc-. aul file I heir object lofts, itauy iliov have, a hv lotfex-- : bottld not Tr* rr.:ni>*d the appii 'an! r.t the October term of the of oHinarx' f r i * r .»iaty < Iven under my hand a t offi-rr. Aug.. 22dl*W. ALEX. «tu*v. John L. Bellinger, v*. John XYilliamson, and now proceeding at the instauee of Lemuel Dean, n-- aignee. One lut in the city of Atlanta, number not known, situate on Calhoun street, containing 2§ aviej, uioic or less: levied on as tho property of R. I*. Ray, to satisfy a fifa issued from a Justice’s Court, 1026th District. G. .X|„ in favor of John H. Jenkins, vs. R. P. Ray—levy made and re- I turned to me by J. B. Buchanan,'Constable, j One lot in tho city of Atlauta, number not ; I known, situate on Ne!=ou street, and fronting six- j ty fee! on the same, adjoining Sloan Hackett’s : j lot; levied on as the property of XL U. Barnes, • ; to satisfy a fifa issued front u Justice’s Court, '■ 1026th District. G. XL, in favor of Softyo. Abbott A eity lot fronting Teftciitree street, the property of James F. XX'aikcr. • A city lot fronting 1’eachtree street, where Felis Sowers now lives. A city lot fronting on the Macon A Western Railroad, where Jesse Titunnuis now lives. A city lot, number not known, fronting on Alabama street, whereon L. L. Ledbetter now lives. A city lot. No. 17, on land lot No 77, fronting Ala bama street. the property of Henry Carlton. A city lot. No. 91. fronting on Houston "treat, where* on John J. L-oe now lives. A city lot. No. 121. fronting Collins street, wliereon Willis Carlisle uow lives. Gilbert, late of safd eouutr. deceased. These are there fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be sod appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to enow cause, if any they hare, why letters of administration should B °t he grouted. Given under my hand at office, this 5th day of August, 1854. JOS. H. MEAD. Ord’y. DeKalb December Sale*. ! of making them a Safe art Reliable Fartly Medicine. I They are strictly Anti-Billions and Anti-Dyspeptic. The Public are referred to the testimonials of thelr I Honsors Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Judge of tho Supreme Court of Georgia; Fx-Judge John J Dccitcs, Ga. E. N. CALHOUN, M. P. f. 1.1 KSi Sf^’JTISa^i^SJi^SK! _5 * . ™ Decatur, DeKulb county, on the first I H. Pope, or Leo county, and C. Low, of Augusts, Ga Tuesday In December next, within tbe legal hours ~~ " ~ of sale, tbe following property, to-wit: One town lot in the town of Stone Mountain, number not known, with a good two-story- house thereon, and lying immediately in front of the 8. R. R. Depot, bounded on the Noith by J. A. Browning, and on the Sonth by W. B. ff. Dent, containing J acre, more or less; levied on as the i property of A. G. Holmes, to satisfy a fifa issued from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of K. JYt. Cleveland and N. L. Hutchens, vs. John Holmes TESTIMONIALS. Athsss, September 23, 1853. fhUft Sir:—I received several days since, your favor, asking my opinion of tbe Medical merits of the Calhoun Pills. Allow me to premise, that for the last ten years I have been tortured In body and mind, by the Demon Indigestion. I was endowed by nature with an admir able constitution, and my formidable malady lias been superinduced by a costive habit, brought on by too ch.-o confinement and want of regular exercise. Never hav ing sufficient leisure to starve out disease. CTen if it be ®- J- Veal, en- | possible to do so, which I very much doubt, 1 have run ' allevia- A city lot. number not known, land lot No. 85, as !he property of E. D. Crawford. A city lot, No. f. on land iot No. 77. whereon B. T- L imb keeps store. with a comfortable dwelling thereon, iu the Town of I Stone Mountain, No. not known, containing one-fourth acre more or less, and lying on the main street, front ing the Georgia Railroad, all levied upon as the proper. i J Co., vs. .XI. R. Barnes—property pointed ont j "f 'lv’vdith Drown. j by plaintiff; levy made and returned to mo by J. i R. Cain, Constable. ‘ j One house and lot in the city of Atlanta, situ- property ef £. L.'V>.'Crowell i r.te on Nelson street, ou the Fonth-XVeat side of A city lot. No. 70, land lot N ; Xlacou J XYestern Railroad, containing half acre. 1 Crockett. ! more or Ics*. adjoinins lots of Edison and Rosser, i and now occupied hv the defendant; levied on a- | the property of .vlicajah Borne- 1 , to satisfy fire : fifiis issued from a Justice's Court, U>20tli District, G. XL, iu favor of XX'. XV". Roaric. vs. Micajah VEOHGIA. FnCoo Connio. ! Bsrnes—property pointed out by plaintiff: levy * X'iHiBnAfixriniamxViniia- tfiii du. appltel ;.. me i wa ‘ le ^d returned to mo by J. II. Buchanan, , i tor letter, of a-luiinjs.ratjon eu ;ne : -s. e of i Constable. Jain. < Rt-t-*c late ef >. S M county, deceased: these arc- One house and lot in the city of Atlanta, uura- therefi-re- to cite and admonish oli aud siomthir ihu ( ber not known, coutaiuiiiw half acre, more or less, kindred aud creditors ot sat ! deceasc-i to be anti appear n ,, n . , *7 vL , > at mv office within 15..- ton • ..rc-:P. ,f hr Law. .- u -t 1 a ! ."’.ning^^L. R. Brae » lot on the West, and now .. , ..... - t-howcuufie, if aits liy huv- vrhv tetorseliotiH not be I occup^tl by the defendant; levied ou ns tho prop- -'ei ' ;" 1 -', -_ a _ ‘ IU , ■ granted said ajq.licant. Give.: u.-i-h-riuy ban t at oil'i Cily of J. M. Lester, to satisfy two fifa- 1 is-nod nth .lay of September. 1-154. i from a Justice's Court, 1026th District, G. M., in Peters's. , ... , , . , and an- ny other Patent Pills Rml Dyspepsia Drugs, which have come within my reach, and contrary to tlie cotumonte expressed opinion, I mus< bear my humble testimony iii , ....., - ... ... ... —■ —- ——uj.ud as ioe proper* i favor of the virtue of each and ail of these Nostrums. Meredith Brovn^’ 1 ^ S P- th e property | ty of George XT. T. Goldsmith, to satisfy one fl. fa. is- I I am by o Box ol Pills, as by a Book which is not of Jcred th Brown. sued frompoKalbSujgerior Court, in favor of_A.C. PuL |a vicious tendency. 1 never bought either, which I " " " " ~ did not think fully worth the money which it cost. It is only necessary to add, whioh I do most cheerfu lly—not only through kindness to you. but to the pub lie also, especially that portion of it who know, by sac experience, what is meant by the X’ulture-like gnawing at the pit of tbe stomach, bitter taste in the mouth, flatulence, a-entity, distension of the stomach, consti pa ted bowels, cold feet and acute pain in the head, hack and Ticinity of the heart—to all such, I can cor dially recommeuil the Calhoun Pills. The efficacy of lowing property, belonging to Joseph Thompson and I F* B,e 4ical Agent, I tested for the first time, du the estate of Moses W. Formwalt, dec’d., to wit: The I tmK l Pcent sojourn with you, and have used it fre ; A city lot. No. 4-3 fronting Decatur and Collins j Ham, r*. George XT. T. Goldsmith and B. E. Teal, aecu- • 3-ree.a, whereon Iw. D Alv.gny now lives. j rlty. 1‘roperty pointed ont bv Defendants ,- d°i 1 °i" s - c ,V l * ir x - on lan,! *"* No - 77, th* j j. w. goldsmith 6, the property of j A citr lot on McT>on*»uirh street, trhere^n f5. B. Hay- ! pjod now lire>. Nov. S, 1854. GOLDSMITH, J). Sh’ff DcKa?b County• A city lot, number not known, fronting on Marietta j street, property of Hi-rm Province, whereon bo now lives. A city lot on Peontur street, known as the Formwalt p'nce. the property of Thomas Asbury. A city lot oa l*oachtre® afreet’ the property of George J?chrenberger. A city Jot on Pecafur itrert, the property of W. H. liarril. A city lot. fronting on Marietlaaud !*e>icbtree dfrecto, the property of Thomas-Kile. A city lot fronting on Hunter atreet, the property ef B. T. Lamb. J A city lot. fronting un tYalton afreet, the property of <».Ar. Thomason. A citv lot. fronting on Peachtree street, the property Administrator's Sale. YV 1L L be sold at public ont cry oa the tirst Tucson. In ' December next, within the legal hours of rale, before the Court House door, in tlie citv of Atlanta, the fol- ill soil at Public Auction, ou the iirstXma- GEORGIA. OeKulb Count//. ty iu January uext, FORTY-FOUR X ACANT j i VHEREAS Jam - T.-tuo . Executor •_•! THIRTEEN IMPROVED ^ CITY LOTS. • »♦ oi-i’i:.ucte t.riffiu. applte, tome for let A LL porsonri indebted to the estate ol Jtinies Kee>e, late deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands ugaiu^t said estate will preaent them duly authenticated in term-* of the law. ’ WlLUAN WALL, November 20 th, 1554. Administrator. Medical. DR. JAMES ». SMITH H AVING permanently luuntcdinlliisrity, offers his Professional services to tlie citizens of Atlanta. Au experience of more ___ than 29 years in the praetico of PHYSIC, in Geor gia (18 years of which were spent in Washington county) iR the only guarantee offered of hi* skill and experience ns n Physician. XYheu not professionally cngngcd. he may. at all times, be found at tlie Atlontu Republican Office. >r at his residence on Prior street, one door South of Mitchell street. References. duy aud situated in different part- of the City <■!' Atlanta. Many of these Lots are desirable a. sites for Dwellings, and some of them are good Rn.iite-- stands. Tlie sale to commence at 9 o'clock, a. m. in front of the new Brick Store, under the Odd-Fel lows’ Hall, ou Peachtree street. Terms: One-fourth, cash, the balance payable j July 11th. 1854 in one and two years, with intcrc c f. : ffS- Those wishing to inspect this propc ... . t «>r tuur portion of it, prior to the day of sale, will ' 'T'O '‘■“■J eon-awn: wherea* O s .-.err.-, , 1 , ... r A applies lor letters of aiimimstratiun ou the Lstatroi be directed JO it by applying to me at tlie store of j J,. ue k U su-tl. late of -aidcouatv. deceased: these an- ihe t-t.:te ter? of tilt ini^vioi] from lii- ?;iid Adtuiui-traticn. ITjc-c :ir< l here fort* to cite :mu ;i*Uuoniiih all aud . iogular th». kindred and crctiitor of mi id debased. to mid ♦ :.rat my Office witlpir the time prescribed by lav.*, am] .how cause, if any they have, why letters ol' admin if.!ration sh«mh\ nut be granlcff tin- s:.M applicant al the February fenu n \*«. of the Uourl of Onlinary ol iff Ce»'int v. <»h*i n ’iinit-r inv hand r.t office. VI K>:. JOHNSuy, (tr.Uv. front a Justice’s Court. 722d District, 11. XI., j n ! favor of Willis Carlisle and others, vs. Thomas J. Stevens—levy made and returned lo me hv Rich ard Rea, Constable. Lot of land No. 133, iu the 17th District of or- rigiuaily Henry now Fultou county : levied on bv greater part of 14th District of, containing originally . all lying in the city of Atlanta. This property wffi be «oId in lot* of from one to five acre* A plat of the lot can be had upon application to the undersigned. which aud the stomach is too intimate to req'nlre cur I meat. Sincerely glad to learn that yon are making arrangr- Sold by virtue of an order of tho Court Vf'ordinarv of I men J s ,0 f* T ® too re extended dissemination to yourl’ill- I mu truly your friend and obedient servant. DeKalb County, to make partition and ior'th.- benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. -e bacoutinued from day t* day, if necessary, tw. ' T0SEPH TH6l,m)N ' Adm’r. Fulton Postponed Sales. J08. HF.NRX' LUMPKIN. Dk. K. N. Cauiorx, i Decatur, Georgia. > Con.viuo.v, October 13, 1853. Dr. E. N. CaLHoex—Dear Sir I am gratified to learn that it is your purpose to disseminate tlie improved Cal W^L BE SOLD before the court houeo door ^Wrre P »7t^K^a^. . mtno city of Atlanta, Fulton county, on I have occasionally, when sojourning at your house, the first Tuesday iu December next, within the * ‘ Marshal’s Sales for January. r T L« .-,1.1 r. L If 1 :*T. ’ ILL be sold ou tho first Monday in’January *'» next, before tho City Hall door. One city iot, containing one half aero, more or less, fronting on XX'hitehall and Mitchell street; sundry fifas issued from a Justice’s Court, 1026th • 1® sn ***fy ®. fi ^ a in favor of tho Mayor and | GEORGIA, DeKalb Co,inly. Parr & McKenzie. L. J. Atlanta. November 15th 1854. PARR. [dtds. | therefore to cite .raid admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased to be and appear Di.-lrict, G. .XL. in favor of Jackson Dowi*. vs. Joint Enniuger—sold at the risk of II. A. X’augbu, ho being the purchaser of the same at Sheriff’-* sale on the 1st Tuesday in October last, und hav ing failed to comply with the terms of said sale. A house aud iot in the city of Atlanta, number not known, containing half aero, more or less, be ing part of liuul lot No. So, of originally Henry non Fulton county, bounded North by NcwXVliite- hall street, South by Jasper S. Smith’s lot. East by Stephen Bowen’s lot, and West bv Chanter Council of the city of Atlanta, for city tax in the year 1854, vs. XV. XV. Roark. A city lot, containing one half acre more or less, fronting on Houston street; levied on to sat isfy a tax fifa iu favor of the Mayor and Council of tho city of Atlanta vs. L. J. Parr. A city lot, containing one-fourth of an acre more or less, fronting the Georgia Railroad ; sold to satisfy a Ufa in favor of the Mayor and Coun cil of tbe city of Atlanta, for city tax, vs. Thomas Reid. legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit. A nogro woman, by the name of Violet, about thirty-five years of ago, of dark color, the property of Caldwell & Griffin, and ono hundred acres of land, more or less, lying on the waters of TTtoy Crock, in the fourteenth district of originally Henry now Fulton county, adjoining the land of Joel Herring And Timothy Chambles, the property of Thomas Griffin, all levied on to satisfy a Ufa is* sued from DeKalb Superior Conrt, in favor of ,T. S. <fc L. Bowie vs. Loroy Griffin and E. M. Griffin, principals, aud JamcB Caldwell and Thomas Grif fin as securities, property pointed out by Caldwell A Griffin. T. J. PER KERSON, D. Sh’ff, October 5th, 1854. HOTELS, &C. dreU an-I creditors of *-ai«i ilecva sc J to be and appear j Humphries’ Br ”lot • levied" ou aatiteni- wvorriTnt' 1 A city lot containing one half acre more or less, f Georgia House. "te tbe b f Ate :,? ' 1 Thomas Hearuo' and now » being a part of land lot No. 51; sold to satisfy a j H 'HE above HouseTs situated in the most pleasant ..»«.,*»«ite te„.A, ww...* ”, tl‘. “»{".a™ •*g. «?;«C««nofk, | Iff*“* Justice’s Court. 102Cth District, G. XL. XV. W. ! c,t >' Atlanta, vs. H. A. Wugbn A city lot, whereon H. T. Peeples now lives; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council <>f the city of Atlanta, vs. Simpson and Harris, agents for Hansford & Bro. A eity lot, containing one half aero more or less, fronting on Peachtree street; levied ou to* atisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Conn- j XVin. Markham, Esq.. Rev. J. P. Duncan, I L. P. Grant, Esq.. A. G. XVare, of Atlanta. I Atlauta, Nov. 22. 1851. iho follow strictly hi* -peedj relief and perm: Nashville. Tenn. directions, la ix-lit cure DK. W May 251854. .vill guarantee havocs reason.* IL MORRIS. SS—ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S’eKalb Shrriff Snles. IITILL bo sold before ilu? Courthouse u<K»r iu the 1 T town of Decatur, PrXalbcouatj’, on the Ont Tue*>- ff;«v iu Jauuary next, the following i*rojjorty to wit: Oue lot of laud. Nr*. 254, in ihe eighteenth District of originally Henry now IK-Kulh county, affjoiuiug lanff^ of Win. Ncsbit and others. Also 1 negro bo v by ihcuHim- of Titus. »>f ciarL coojplcxiou, and some li yearn of age. levied u|m>u us tho jirojxariy of Hen«ou C. Harris-. tt> satisfy !l. in. ih»uedfrom DeKalb Su|H>rior C<»urt, iu favor of Isaiah Parker, is Henson U. ilarriss. maker, * ml Henrv Wells endor>er. i’rojK-rtv (riiinUni out bv PlaiutiU. * .1. V\. GOLDSMITH. D. S. * Xov. 29, 1854. 6W JOS. H. SWIFT.J [I- il. BBVAXT. SWIFT & BRYANT, Gen'l Auction & Commission Merchants, Foot of White-Hall street. ATLANTA, GEOlUilA. References t " uiTxtY & Hr.vr, Atlanta, <icort:ia. •L R- "'aluact 4: Bua*. •• V. L. 'Vkiubt, Es.,., Eh. Swift, te.p. tavanuah Darts, ho Lb k Faxxist, Ausu.-ta Gu NlLTLK, Hc.NhKix A Cu.. Charles tun, S. C. Nliuoi X I’eacocs, Nashville. Tennessoe. XV. H. I’tTTB*. New Orleau-. [leceuibcr 1, 1654. &7dwlv | Dr. XX 7 m. P. Haynee, E. C. Williamson, Gen. T. J. XVarthon, of Sitndcrsville. vlv. PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATIES ON THE Physiological View of Marriage. itV M. B. LA CROIX, M. D., Albany, N. Y. :f)0 l’age-4 sunt l*ffO Fine Plain an<l ('olnreff Lithographs jin<l Plate*. /2i*~Price only Twenty-five Cents."3*i. |^<ent free of lio-t.ige to all i-nrU of tho Uuiou.«^n UilKAPl^r LOOK KYIX. J UH- l.l^HKlh ami containing nearly •louble the quantity of reading matter in t hat of the Fifty cents or Dollar Publica tions. It treat-s on the i HYSIOLOUY OF MARRIAOK, and the secret infirmities and disorders of youth and maturity, resulting from excesses which destroy the physical and menial powers, all diseases arising froui indis ret ion. witli plnin and Mm pie rule-, by which all per sons can cure themselves without mercury, with the author’s observations on marriage, its duties; and dis qualifications. and their remedies; with colored liiho- trraphs. illustrating the anatomy and physiology, and liseases of the reproductive organs of both sexes, their structures, uses and functions. It contains many im portant hints vxx those contemplating matrimony, which will overcome objections against marriage:— none, however, should take this important step with out tirst consulting its page-'. It ti\nu of r.Ii diseases of females, whether married or single. Hints io those ho desire no nmre children. Strangers who require medical aid, before consulting any doctor, ought to know whether llieir cases are properly understood by tliose whom they employ, and Uni< guard against the imposition of quackery. -<• prevalent iu populous cities. Hence the advantage of ft popular knowledge of ones- self, such ris is given iu thi: work. If medical authorism be tin test of talent, and en lightenment be sought from book*, let common sense discriminate between truthful simplicity nnd outrage- s speciousness and lH*niba»st. l>r. !.h Uroix is a legal- qualified physician, and fo: the last twenty years has been daily consulted upoll the different ui5*ease-* up on which his book treat*, personally well as ;»v let tr. Any person sending twenty live cents iu a letter, jst paid, will receive «»no c«*]»y by mall, free of post- ^i*. or five conies for Sl.Od. Address lff». M B. LA CKOTX. No. fil Mniden I-mte. |» O. Box 579. Albany. X- Y. H®*Mi*«liciue sent to any part «.t tlie Union accord ng to directions, safely paek» d nnff carefully secured from all observation. •^•Office open daily from *.» A. M.. tov 1*. M. <»n sun dev fromS until o 1*. M. 4^**O0icp Removed fnun X. 5»> B«*.iv».r . t.. t«* Xo. 31 Malden Lane, Albany. \. Y. ^ U\*wly Homestead Laxv of Force ! r llE uudersignedoffers for sale 500 acres of Lrnd on the east bank of the Little TllUponw river—five miles from Weedowcli, in Randolph County, Alabama, containing about 150 aerca of bottom laud, 50 acres cleared and the balance well timbered. The place con tains sufficient water power fur any kin i ol* Machinery, and a number of fine spring* 4 , and is situated in the healthiest section of Alabama. For terms apply to ihe .subscriber at Rockdale. Alabama, i.r to James McCain, on the premises. FRANCIS M. PM1R\.VL\N’. Oct 24 trdm C. Fa BARTH, Piano Forte Repairer and Toner, AY 7ILI, attend to any calls in his » \ line of business, such ns rej;- ulatin-j of action, covering of bum iiu-rs, (felted or buffed,) laying of new tbe octave, whole or single, Ac.' Satisfaction given in ever*' instance or o', charge. Ail work warranted. Tuning toy ttoe Year done at Rrdiieetl Prices. Orders anywhere from the country, addressed to (•. F. Barth, At/onto, tin., will meet with prompt attention. Come Kvci ylMMltf, f my —3ft ripl) tlio florae ilead Aign. that xvuiit.. good ; home-made Saddles, nr Bridles. Saddle- bag-. Trank*. Valises. Harnres. O.tters and , GE0 RGIA, DeKulb county. XVliii». a great variety, together with all article, 10,0 , . • . Henry it. I-atiiuer. ally kept in an establishment of 1hi« kind; all **i winch j \\ , Vi on s t arc offered at the lowest living prices, for cadi, by the * n aU undersimed. M11.LF.R ANI'RKWS. y^jRc],airing of nil kinds done with quick despatch. Atlanta. Nov. 1 1834—sltculy. sho ! trutien should uul be granted .-aid applicant : under mv hand ofhctallv at office. ; Sept 1854. * ALKX. JOHXSOX. Urdy. j GEORGIA. Fulton Covnty~ U 'HEREAS Thomas XV. Conualiy applies to me for tet ter- of administratiou on the Estate of Corneliu.- M. Connaliv, late ef said county, decease:!: These are ! therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the j kindred 1 ud creditors of said decca-i 1 to b- and njijicar 1 at my Office within the time prescribed by lay . to siinw* ■ cau-e, if any tltey have, why si id letters sliouVi not ha i erauted. 1 Given under my hand at olilee. thi 12th nay of Au- | cost is.-,4. .108. ii. MEAD, Ordinary. FULTON MORTGAGE SALE. \1 ’ ILL be on'the first Tuesday in December VV next, iwfore tbe Court House door in thecity of Atlanta, within the legal hours ->f sale, the f-d- iotving property, t- wit:. Jordan, » negro man: Howard, u boy; Jest--, a man: Tom, a man: Anderson, :i Juan, and Jack, a man—aii levied on as the property of C. L. Wright, to satisfy a 1:1 >rtgngt- ti. fiu, ls.-ue-l from Fniton Inferior court, in lawr of David Meri wether and Charles I\ Newton, v.-. V. 1,. XVriglit. Property pointe-i out in said raortgape 3.fa. Oct. 5. 1851. T. .T. PERKKRSON, Depnty Sheriff. Roark vs. Thomas Hearnc—property pointed out by plaintiff: levy made und returned to me by XV. One house and lot in the city of AtluntR. number . A. Belt.'Constable. not known, containing one-eighth ot an acre, more or less-, fronting on the cast sido of tha XVestem and Atlantic Railroad square, bounded •. _ _ . north by T. C. H. Wilson’s lot. south bv Gilbert mX ? . t . Ue 1 l ' lty 0 4 Uanta - vs - Mtu^nwt E. Lane. 4 Wil on's Office and west bv Railroad square; , A ,? lty ^urth acre more or lew. levied on as the property of John Kile to satisfy j £ 0 " t ' n i°» 1JC * Western Ratlroml; sold : a fi fa issued from Fulton Inferior Court: L. J. , sattafy a tax Ufa in tavor of the Mayor and Parr versus M. D. Womack, Principal, and John : °TS U °, f he e, - r .°. f AtlaiU “^ 8 ’ Jo *°I ,h Ra ?' Kilo Security 1 * A city lot, containing ouo half acre more orless, ‘ A house and lot In the eity of Atlanta, number “ Calhou " und Baker streets: sold to not known,, situate on the corner of Calhoun and i ° f 31 ay or and Coun- - - - - cil ol the etty of Atlanta, vs. Asa Fowler. Jackson Streets, within three minutes walk of the principal stores, Medical College, Post Office, and Geor gia Railroad Depot. The table will, atall time*, be sup plied with tho best the Market affords, and every atten tion given to mnke the patrons of the Houso eomtort- ablc. Beard by tlie month or week at moderate terras. Merchants, Planters, and others visting the city will And the above House comfortable and convenient to business, N. B.—Terras per ilav 31.00. M. A. ML'STIN, Augusta. Ang. 23,1834. (13-2m) Proprietor. PLANTERS* HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. tl'HI.S splendid new H0L8E, situated ou Broad street, * immediately in front of the .site ol' the old Plant er's Hotel, which has been furnished throughout with new Furniture, Bedding, ic., is now open for the re ception of customers. It will be the endeavor of the proprietor, to givesatisfaetion to those who may favor ira with their custom. .1. M. 81.MP80N, Nov 1, 1881[2d—ly j Proprietor, NEW BONNETS, CLOAKS, Dross Sii I lk 9, cftc., cfco. for let! ere <>: m-m'-tem j from said Gusrdiausuip. these are, therefore, to rite ! and admonish all persons concerned, to tie and ap- l pear at my office within ihe time prescribed by la I to show cause, if any they have, why said lelt j should not be granted at tlte July Term next of th : court. Given under mv liandat office. Mnv lot It 18 ALEX. JOHNSON. Old' bv Grant nnd Terry’s lot; levied on as the proper ty of Dv. Harrison Westmoreland, to satisfy two fifes issued from Fulton Inferior Court, iu favor of XVm. K. Kitchen, one against Harris-«n XX'c.-t- mnrcland and tlie other against H. A XV. F. XXVst- morotand. .TO 8. ,<5 \jITH. Nov.2,1854. ,s7, rriff. Fulton Postponed Sale. r ILI. bv .’1*1 before tin* Court House door, iu lfit* citv -*l Atlanta, on the first Tuesday iu Pe* cumber uext, .t ith in the legal hours of ^aio'tho fol loxriuef property, to nit VV Mayor and Council of the eity of Atlanta, John XI. Davis. A city lot, containing one half acre more or less, : fronting on Dccatnr street; sold to satisfy a fifa j in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of ! Atlanta for city tax, vs. Stephen Bigger?. A city lot. No. 112, laud lot number 51, con- , taining one half acre more or less, lying on Cal- : I boun street t sold to satisfy a tax fife' in favor of tho Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, | i owner not known. j A city lot, No. 127, on land lot No. 51, owner t cot known; sold to satisfy a tax fifa. in favor of ere The entire stock of Dry.G'ooda and Groceries, consist : tbe Mayor nnd Council of the city of Atlanta. ' Nov. 7, hi- I ingot Calicoes. Hats. Caps.Hardware. Medicine, Tobne- A city lot, No. 9. land lot No. 53, lying on Col- j M - WfK, - tt “ re .'. Crotkei '-' - various other ar- I Hn ., stree t or alley ; sold to satisfy a ms fifa in { MARSHALL HOUSE, Savannah, Georgia, CORDON FARGO, Proprietor, (laie or tbk c. h. hotel, acousta. oxokoia ) Savannah, November 3d, 1853. 22 Wly GRENVILLE & CO., General Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, OF.ORGIA, 1\ T 1LL attend promptly to any business entrnsted It to them. They also keep on office at Chattanoo ga, Tennessee, and will make purchase* for orders of produce at that point. Cbakub e. gexsviiui. | WitmnF. Kampui, Savannah. Chattanooga. 1654. dJcwSm MRS. J. M. BORING, take* great i>:eas- ure in aauounviug to her frioml? aud }*at- j w-c rous, that her stock of Fuii aud XVintcr • \ \ Goo-ls is now complete. P!ca a e call und examine her goiwN. all who arc in need ot the latest fash ions, as she ha- this day received a lot'of jnst such articles. Her goods need no great noi-e aboni them—come and see them, and judge for yenr selves. Atlanta, November 8, i >5 i. dw3m EH LAWSHE H.\S always t*n hnufi a line >tc>ck oi CLOCKS) WATCHES AND JB WELFTF, ad is prepared to have watch-work of every ee-cnp ou done up in nasi, hate style and warranted. \ilat. nta. 8»*p25th. IS"'-, t-—duly jl ye A am A FEW BEEBE'S. isL to buy yonr 11 ;TS chcup, ami call at tht reiibf-cribors tvlicro you ci ff nell solocteff «tock to select irom 11. \Y. 4X)7^VRT «: W fl. Branmuller* (Lot. I<•/' .Vi-ji'c in tire Synodical Ugo „f Georgia.. XVill take about six mere scholars, it early up- plication- are made. 31f». Biaumuller, Is also ready for the reception of scholars in ihe different branches of Ornamental work. Sg,. Orders iu I’aneg Unir-lirai/lin-/, are re spectfully solicited. For particulars and term.- eall at tlie Music Store. XX'hitc-Hall street, sign of the Gohlen Piano. Atlauta. November 14. 1854. 42<Uf At Public Outcry. "ILL Ik: sold before ihe Council-Room dour, on XVhite Ilall street, on the first Tuesday in December next, at 2 o'clock, n valuable citv lot on Xlrrlotta street, on which is a licat and com fortable aud well furnished dwelling, good well of water., in. Also at the same time nnd place 3 beautiful unimproved Lots, situated oil the same ■ street. Persons wanting to purchase, will be shown the property at auv time. S. J. SHACKELFORD. 1Matter. Atlauta, November 13. 1851. 12lds SEW STOCK. DRUGS. Medicine*. Perfumery. Chemicals.. Oils, Putts. Glass Ware ke.. Sc., at the sign of ihe M..m moth Mortar, under Council Hall. An extensive assortment of Drugs, medicines, perfumery, chemicals, glassware, iu my line. oils, putty, snaps, combs, brushes, Are.. A., suitable forcity and country trade, ha- just bt-en' reeeiv(sl from the T XVO mad C LOTHING—A fine assortment just received l,y PARR J MeKENZIE. November 23, 1S54. SIdlw Atla-nta' Cash. Store ! ■WM. HERRING & CO. "1 \tk aro tiotv i*cceivin^ an Iramun-c Stu;.ul Fall \ t ,nnd Winter Clothing, for m*n a»id boys wear, ot : he taatiest ®rn\ latent Nt vie. Alan, au .a ■wort' mvu of gentlemen*’ FURNISHING r:Ot»n?. wliicli xx ill -ell at tlie l**he<i :*«:#». f-jrcrsti. \\V liH\e <m Isuuff no assuv-tusenl r.f IR*Y which xv« xrill -ell tnui, r the market price, na xvc .are ileterminetl to clftfv out that ffeparlraeut of oar trade. Wi* xrill be ]>!••:’-M 1«»-hoxr aiiyqcrsouclviu? ti 5 a caU vrliat we will th*. September ’-bth. ISM. (I-dvlv.] \V. I {UK RIM.. W. J. MASfKltS. \Y. >. HLKRLNU tilMiori front. No. f‘L ’Whitehall Str**«M.. Aoticc-, mouthe after date appUcaliuu will be leto the Honorable the Court of Ordiuory , of DeKalb County, for leave to soil the laud aud I ru-groe- belonging to the estate Jane Russel, j bite of said countv. deceased. Nov. 13, 1S.V1. OREPIAH ri. M0RRISS. Aministrator. NEW GOODS, AXeu dfc Boys Clotla.': lift, i Clothes .New aud Fresh. C’assimeres. i Tho Richest ever brought t-- titis Vrstiups. Cotiic toon, or they will all be sold. Glores-—Extra Fine Neel* FixiFify* the xery latcM- <f;b— miff rirli«-t maU^riul-- Also, Titilor’u iiimujiiiLff—Xapes. Crajum-. unit ion • thin'.'kept in si Merchant Tail or ini' (^t:tbli>binent. c\u be bought from the subscriber. , Atlanta. Nov-- xMewJf UAVI.S LAWS HR Fulton Mortgage Sale. X TILL be -old before the <-->urthouse door in the city of Atlanta. Fulton county, on the 1st Tuesday ill January next, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing properly, to-wit : Oue set of baud tuols for nutmilutturing tin ware, together with all the luaehine* and other tools necessary for said muuufnetttring business, in the °f the defendant, in rhe eity of Atlanta, and one stove pipe—all new and com plete; levied on ns the property of James XV. Points, to satisfy a mortgage life issued from Ful tou Inferior Court, in favor of Nathaniel E. Gard ner, vs. Jam. - \\. Point- - —property pointed out in said fifa. Thirteen cooking stoves, eleven porter and box stoves and a quantity of Japan and planish and common tiu-warc. together with a variety of oili er articles of merchandise too tedious to mention: all levied ou at the property of .Tames \P. points, to satisfy two mortgage fife- issued from Fulton Inferior Court, in favor of Hancock & Co. and J. N. Morrow. Vs. James XV. Points—property pointed out in said litas. Nov. 3d. I85L T. J. PERKKRSON, It. Sh’tf. .STATE OF GEORGIA, • FULTON COUNTY. ; Ut UEREAS. Xiioiua- Mo .re applies to me for X » letter- of adui’ni-tr-ition ou the e-fate of Henry F. Jeffries, fete of .-slid comity, der'-l— Those arc therefore to cite and huraiisli -ii and .-iugnlnr the kindred and creditor- of -a!.! iU-c’J, to l.>e and appear at my oilb.-e within the time nrc scribed by law to -ho-.v cause, if any they bat e, why snid letter* 1 not be granted the j.pjdi- eont. Given uuder my hand and >cai, this 3d dat of Nov. 1854. JOS. II. MEAD, Ordinary. tides, such as generally compose a Prv Goods.-stock, sll levied on as property of T. G. IV. Cru-seii t.> satisfy .sundry Iifa* issued from Fulton butierior Court: one ill favor uf A. C. Schafer, oue in favor of Belcher & Holl- insgsworth. one iu favor of 8, and one in favor of XViley Banks It Co., all against Crussell & Fwif:. Sate to continue frmn -inv today un til all is sold. Hie east half of land lot number ninetv-two. (Pk) in the seventeenth (17tli) district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, levied on a* the property of John Dora, to -ali-fy a fifa issued Fuftonsillparipf Court, EZRA 1. MOSES, favor of tho Mayor and Conneil of the citv of I C0MMI88I0N ft FORWARDING MERCHANT, Atlauta, owner not known, A city lot, Xo. 107, land lot No. 51, lying on l Farrar i? Brother*. Calhoun and Baker street*, owner not known;: 1 sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and ! Council of the eity of Atlanta. A eity lot. No. 2, land lot- No. 77, owner not known ; sold to satisfy a tax fife in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta. ,s Security, property pointed out bv John Nov «, 1«54 JO. F. SMITH. Sheriff Administiator's Sale. Georyia, Cobb County- \ GREEABLX to an order <>f the Court of Or- - A dinary of DeKalb county, passed on the 2d ot October instant, will be sold before tlte court house door in tho citv of Marietta, on the first Tue. * * ~ ' ' sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of tbe Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, owner not j known. Savannah, Gu. 1$ ' r HJ. pay -strict attention to all business entrusted V V to hi* care. —: HfTtKEM-KS Messru. L. Trapman & Co.. “ WardlawVValkeraud Burnside, yCharleaten " Jaraea Adger & Co., “ nail At Jiosea, ** Catlin, Levitt. Sr Co., Furvic. Gladden & Co., New Orleans. A. A. Solomon* & Co., Savannah. Hall ft Moses. Columbus. Savannah, October-24tb, 1864. 28—dw‘Jm them when indisposed, and having found them no mild, yet so efficociousln case* of derangement of the digestive organs, I most cheerfully commend them and their use to the public, and especially to geutlemcn having largefani- iiios, as a most excellent preventive of fixed and permn nent disease arising from indigestion. Truly yours, ftc.. JOHN J. FLOYD. LaGkangS, October 22, 186k. DR. E. N. Calhoun—-Dear Sir: i am gratified to learn thatyou have come to the conclusion to create Agencies for the Calhoun Pills tn different parts of the country— is it no less ru act of justice to yourself than to tin- world at large. Since tho year 1848, 1 have bean iu the habit of using your Pills individually, and uh a Famillv Medicine. Observation and experience prove it an invul uable specific for nearly all irregualritie of tlie Digestive Apparatus, performing its office u-itli little or no pain o: nausea ; it leaves the patient with a good appetite, in creased strength and greatly improved and elevated spir its— properly used, it will cure Dyspepsia and expel all of its gloomy concomitants. In Chills and Fevers, and even Bilious Fevers, I havo found it equally efficient. Trusting that yuu may find the world us ready to coni pensate you as to benefit itself, the result of your skill and labar. I am sincerely vonr friend, ftc.. EDXV. YOUNG HILL. STAKKV iu>, Lee County, October 26. 1863. Do. E. N. Calhovx—Dear Sir. While at Decatur, I had as T consider, a fair opportunity of testing tlie Cal houn J*ills, prepared by yourself,' and I am so much plesed with tlicir action upuuthe Liver, and as a means of breaking up Bilious predisposition, that I hope ns yon are now preparing to offer them to the public, that yon will create an Agency at Starkville. that may be ena bled at anytime to procure them. 1 expect to use them with wlute and black in all cases threatening attacks of a Biilous character. I would be gratified, not only on your own account, but also for the benefit of the public at large, that you would place them iu the reneli of every person, for I feel confident that there has not vet been offered to the pubiicany preparation of Jledicinethat will compete with your I’ills ns a general Family Medicine, or a traveling companion. Very sincerely your friend, ftc., JOHM H. 1'UI‘K. Avupsta. October 2P. 1863. Dk. E. X. CalUuL.n—Dear Sir This is to certify that before I had the pleasure of meeting you, I was frequent ly attacked by some Bilious derang^ferat producing pro* tration, loss of appetite, Nausea sHlgHead-acbe. From tho use ofyour (Calhoun) Fills, adnnnistercd according to your instructions, I was immediately and permanent ly relieved. It affords me much gratification to ac knowledge the advantage T derived from your judicious treatment. 1 remain with high esteem, vour obedient servant CHRISTOPHER 1.0XV. ’ Fur sale by J. M. Rantin', & J. Nokcbobs, Agt. in At lanta. July 27, 1854. 0—ly. VNew York. 5oId_iui the property of Senley Levereii, late 'of DeKalb, Jecoasod, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors r, f snid deceased. Terras ou dav of tale. SIMEON SMITH, Atlin’r. Oct. 6, 1854. XT" ILL be -old under an order of the Ordinary of Mor &Ts SRsrsvJS; a ’&«'*• couutv. ft lot of land 7^. in ih.-' ffistrict of* snid c Couucu of the city of Atlanta. cmmty. to the Estate of George Birt. dc* Kamsy, fur hi^ city tax in 1854. ca®>ied. Tho said lot of land U entirely in woods.—. A houso anil lot now occupied by the defendant, : ... Steam Saw Mill for Sale. A city lot, containing one half acre more or ! f TOGETHER with 400acreB well timbered pine land, less, fronting Ivy street: sold to satisfy a tax fifa i A ODe mile ea3t Haralson, Coweta county, Geor- in favor of the Mayor and Conneil of thecity of Th «JSj l i5f 8 i“»H>eonput in operation and i» Atlniln vs .Tohn It \1.wo ^ cutting 2000 feet per day; Slabs and saw dust furnishes u *’r }^i r , . - • , . V- sufficient fuel and a reidy sale can be had for all the .VI, ot kho interest r-i defendant ip ctly lot No. lumber sawed at the Mill at *1 per hundred feet .. =- r- m 0 inch stroke, 2 eylender boil- drive a 4 feet circular Saw, or n might be attaohed. either of Living 40 miles from tho above Mill, and having a* much business as I can attend to, I will sell the Mill and land for the very low sum of 94000. 91600 cash, reasonable time on the balance. With proper man* agement the Mill will make the money I ask for it in twelve mouths. E. CARLTON, July 1st, 1854 [6—3mj LaGrange, Georgia. Auction & Comission Business! 8. J. SHACKLEFORD I Richardson. A city lot, No. S, land lot No. 53, lying on Jones ] street; sold to satisfy a tax fifa iu favor of the Xlayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, vs. A. U. Willis. A city lot. No. 3, aud land lot No. 77, contain ing one half acre more or less, fronting on For- i.ut*; non w ith ih.» Will t*n. Morgan count'. September 12th. 1844. HUGH .1. (Kill.BY, Adm’r. situate on the corner of Hunter anti Loyd streets, ° x ’” 1 of( ’- I - rer ’'- de- number not known, supposed to contain half acre, more or less; levied on to satisfy a fifa for fine imposed, issued from the Mayor’s" Court, city of Atlanta, Mayor and Council vs. Michael MeCtil- lough. A house and lot in the city ol' Atlanta, situate GEORGIA. DeKalb Vo \ v-IiKREAs Erekiel Rot •nit;/. druintstrate-r trouu tue Estate of UubrgeW Et-g.v.. k-ci-.i-.-ti applies to me for hitters uf disiaissiou iVum'his -uid Administra- t'.ou. These arc therefore to cite and admonish ail-ioid singular ihe kindred and creditors of .aid decearcd. to fils their objections iu my office, if any they have, in in terms cf law. why the -aid applicant should uot be dfemiSAed from hi* raid adiuinistratieu at the Feb- i ruary term next, of the to..rt oi Ordinary of *.»'•! county. Given under mv hand at cfiiec. July 4th. 1864. AI.F5C. JOHNFCN. ord'y. Adminibtrator^* Salt*. \ iJRUVATtT.Y i,. ..f.l.ra* u. GEORGIA, Fulton County. \Y T HERE.VS Daniel Johnson applies lor le tters of ad * > ministration on the Estate of I>. C. Cheshire, tie- . late of Li wrens District. j>. C. Those are there anff creditors of raiff docased. lo he and appear at mv on or before the first Moiiffav in t?epteuiber next, to .-hu’-v cause, it* any exists, why sahTIetterc «xff- ration should net be granted August_2d,JlS54._ _ JQ$. H. MEAD. Ord’y GEORGIA, DeKalb County, f 7 ’"Wo ihonths after date application will be made to the ( ourt of Ordinary of said county for leave to — ft estate and cogroes, belonging to tlie estate on-raclMiUer, late uf said county, deceased. 3*pt. f»th. 1854 GIDEON MORRIS. Adm’r. GEORGIA. Eulion County. f\ 11ERE.VS. John i.. Harris applied io me for letters < f ftd’.ninistrntiou ou tht* C‘-;tafcof William Farm- 4 - —re there- uu tho corner of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, i"? r , ."S u ^ r _ ,, i c ! containing half acre, more or less; levied on to satisfy a fife issued from tho Mayor’s Court, May or and Council vs. W. XT. Roark. B. N. XVILL1F0RD, City Marehal. Fultou December Sales. VA’ILE be sold, on the tirst Tuesday in December ' * next, before 'he Courthouse door in tho city of Atlanta, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, vii: A house and lot in the South-western part of the city of Atlanta. containingJlnc acre, more or less, en closed with rough pailings, with a small framed dwell- iug-housc thereon, now occupied by Calvin Gwens aa his residence—levied on a* the property of the .aid Calvin Owens, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from DeKalb tv-one, in the tteutecnfh District, and first section, of originally Cherokee, now Forsyth eountv. con- tniiiing forty acres more or less, "and sold' as tlie property of Thomas llayues deceased, for the ben efit of tin* creditors of said deceased. Terms.—Hix months credit, notes und approved soenritv. REUBEN H.VYNKS. A'lm’r. Novcmiier 10. 185!. Given under my hand and s«ii. at office, this 17th day m Oct.. 1864. JOF. II. MEAD.Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. \ GItEEABLY to an order A Court of Ordinary of Fulton sold on the first Tuesday iu .January, 1855, tore ihe Court House door in the Town of Dnhlo negu. Lumpkin county. Lot of Laud number six Dedicated to Isis Pupils and Friends iu Atlanta, Ga. L K KENDEZX Ol'S (Redovra ? -ntinien!.-ile,) composed by H. Braumul er. just received aud for sale at the Mueic Store on XX’hite-Hall ?t. Fresh Arrivals! At Seago eft? A-lraL>c>tt T s Commodious, Fire-proof Wai’e-honse, ATLANTA, GA. B Y vi of 1 Admitustratur’s Sale. rirtoe of au older uf the C'.uirt of Ordinary the County of DeKalb. will he sold op the First Tuesday in January next, at Decatur in said County between the legal hours of sale. One lot of Land No. three Hundred and nineteen, (319) in the lfeli District. Original Henry now DeKalb County containing, two Hundred two and it half acres more or !*>-: also the following negroes, viz : Gitl a man about 31 years old laid Adeline, a tvo- Kile a* a grocery, in the Eastern part of tee city of At. ! lanta. fronting on the South side of Peters’ street where said street orosses the Macon & Western Kail- , road, containing one-fourth of nn acre, more or less uf the Honor,.hi.. • femed on as the property of William ft Thomas Kille. lrr . il to " ati3, >' a H ‘ fa ' itsueil Item DeKalb Superior Court 111 county, will he > in favor of Edmund XV. Holland, vs. William Kile prin- eipnl, and Thomas Kile security. Abu. Thp entire stock of drugs and tuedieines, paints, jar- -ratties, phials, show-cases and contenta, nnd va rious other articles, such as usually comiiosc a stock of A quantity ol Shanghai fowls of various ages and sizes, supposed to be 200 in all, iu the posses- A’egroes to Hire. Will be hired to the highest bidders, before the ‘ heretofore City Hall iu tho city of Atlanta, ou the first day of January next, (New Year's Day,) lur the term uf twelve mouths, all the uegrues belonging to the Estate of Allen E. Johnson, deceased, consisting of boys, girls, ineu aud women. Some of the boys and men has some experience iu Hotels. One man rnence known North, on favorable term*, which will enable the sub- j 30,UU0 pound- prime Tennessee Burvu Sides. J ■- lO.Oim *• *' . •• Shoulders. 1,009 “ choice -- Hums. Prime-Leaf Lard in bbl? ft tin can*. Live Geese Feathers. seriber to sell at very reasonable rate*, and lower tlmu -Vs 1 am determined lo build up a respectable business { q’nno on to the encouragement r’JJJJ,. .licit the continued aud | °jtU9 approv security. REUBEN HAY'XES. Adm’r. November 10, 1S5-4. Yutieu < ,1 • s ‘ ou G*c doleudaut; levied on as the property iNotlCe to Dehtors & Creditor*. . of XYm. IL Thurman, to satisfy a fife issued from \ LL persons indebted tn the estate Jane Russell j HeKalb Superior Court, in favor ef John W. oo- i county of DeKalb, deceased are re- i Evans, vs. Wm. H. Thurman—property pointed man about 22 years old aud both negroes bein'- of T uir . fc ^ luak< - immediate payment, aud those : ou t hj plaintiff. ... _ The house and lot occupied hy the defendant as good quality nil s»ld ns the property of Isarel i,av ‘“S demand* against said deceased wRl pres -Miller, Deceased for the Benefit of the heir* of ent them, within the time prescribed by law, prop In tbe above line, in proportion t extended. I respectfull> solid increasing patronage of my friends, and the public in general, and nlso that of my professional brethren !□ Atlautn »*.ud the burrounffiug countiv'. I’hytjiciaus are nsnured that they can rely upou the Perms oa day of sale. G. .MOBBbSi AtlmitustrsiJ vemher t5, 185*1. ci ty authenticated. OBEDLUI S. MORRIgS. November 13, 1851. Administrator. 100 Sacks Extra-Family ft Superfine Flour. 30 Ilbds Prime ft Fair Orleans Sugar. 50 Sacks “ “ " Rk> Coffee. Oil KV.1 a L,.1f I.Klu- \r_,.L,.*^i Notice to Debtors aud Creditors. A EL persons indebted to the Estate of Allen JL Johnson. la!o of Fulton countv. deceased, arc his residence in the city of Atlanta, fronting on the South side of Peters street, bounded on tho East by tho lot- occupied by J. E. Odeua’s family, — i and on tho West by Mrs. Bedford's lot, contain ing one-fourth of an aero, more or less; levied on as the property of Reuben Clayton, to satisfy a Administrator’s Sale. 0 -' Thursday, the 9th day of November next, will ! be sold at tlie Johnson House, tbe lato residence of I . .. .- Alien t. Johnson, deceased, all tbe jarishable propert v fitu lssuetl from DeKalb Inferior Court, m favor of Maid deceased, contistiog in part id one horse and : ot U. J. Thweat, vs. Reuben Clayton, and H. te’.i’fi . one yoke of oxen and waggons, one steam hoifer 1 Pettis, security, aud ono issued by the Tax-Col- ■;*. eah-es. and year .lector of Fultou county, vs. Reuben Clayton jue piano torte. logeth f or hi = State and county tax toy the yew 1853. .kitchen furniture, and i . o <=, T T pr-i, smortv nnu ary to mention Sale to o«o\. ou, ioOd. 1. J. FLKKERSON, i>. Sh’jt. 1 Al \ BBLS Tenn.*aee Corn Whisky for sole at 46 cl* lv/U Uf W. W. ROARK “athate, Bapt. 14, l«M. B. F. BOMAR, Adas’r. SEAGO ft ABBOTT, Groceries ft Commission Merchants, Atlanta Gs. Nor. 27,1854. Jdiwly. To Rent. g rooimrover tliu ifore oectipied by H.flV. Bullard- Apply to Nov.'2- ’"-XT. W. ROARK. arc sold- Terms I ’ _ Dct 18th, 1654. W. Herring & Co., vnariW- \ Adnrir* K ^ El ’ ia connection with their large Stock of Cloth- v n , . ■ iLKGts^o.N, J ' *>ing a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the A V> . wishing to purchase the Steam latest stvles, also. Boot* and Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Boder can find it lying near the Georgia Railroad Depot l Bags and'Valises. ‘ • A—Uf ! Workshop, and examine it fer themeefre*. Atlanta, Sspt. 28,1|34. ■ ' H AS taken the large and commodious House ou Alabama strecct, couth of, and contiguous to, the Common Passenger Depot, where he i* prepared to re ceive Consignments of all kinds of MERCHANDISE aud PRODUCE, Bacon, l.ard, tc.. &c. He will, also, give strict attention to the Sale of NEGROES, RELVL ESTATE, HORSES, ftc.. and any and every thing, which may be desired to be sold at Arc- tio.v or Privately, oa Commission. iSP All Consignments will be disposed ol agreeably to structions, and funds promptly remitted. f5I-ly.] The most extraordinary discovery in the World is the (treat Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast. H. G. FARRELL’S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. The beautiful and fertile region skirting the desert of Arabia, abounds with rare plants and odorous woods, whence are procured those aromatic gums and balsams of which this Liniment is composed, and by whose stimulating, unctuous and penetrating prop erties it is, w'Uen applied, diffused through the whole nervous system, allaying the most intense pain in n few minutes. Try it, when you will be convinced that uo preparation possesses in so high a degree, its per fect anodyne qualities. Its action is prompt and ef fective. It penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords, restoring uso to limbs paralysed for year6, and where the flesh has wasted away, leaving nothing bat skin and bone, excites a healthy action, causing new flesh to grow cut and fill up the shrivell ed parts. It restores synovial fluid or joint water, and this is the reason why it has been so successful in diseases of the joints. In affections of the Spine, liv er, Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands be fore any other ever produced. For ague cake or en largement of the spleen, it is a specific For any in ternal inflamation, you will find it gives great relief. It lias no equal in the world for Rheumatism—also, cramps, swelling, numbness, weak joints. Spine and Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains, burns, sore throat, bites of insects and reptiles, salt rheum, warts, corns, mange, and indeed nearly all diseases which require on external application, and many others, are greatly benefited by it. It is used externally with great sue. cess in goitre, or swelled neck, Scrofula or King’s Eril, liver Complaint, nervous diseases, &c. For Horses or Cattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure any case of Sweeney in existence ; al so, Spavin, Splint, Ringbone, Big-head,Fistula, Farcv. roll Evil, Windgalls, Strains, Bruises, ftc. Look ont for Connterfoita! The public are cautioned against another counter feit, which has lately made Us appearance, called W. B- Farrell’s Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, because his having the name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will per haps only discover their error when the spurious mix ture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is manufactured only by H G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois, to whom- ali applications for Agencies mast be addressed. Be sure you gat it with the letters H. G. before Farrell’s thus—H. G. FARRELL’S—and bis signature on the wrapper, all others are counterfeits. Sold hy A. Alex ander, and J. M. Rantin, Wholesale and Retail agents, Atlanta; Hanes, Lascter & Co., Jonesboro’; Hutchison ft Headden, Palmetto; Camp ft Christian, Fairburn; , XVm. A. Powell, Decatur—and by regularly authorized ! agents throughout tbe United Slates. 4®* Price Si and SO cents, ^nd SI per bottle, j AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and ham let in the United-States, in whichpne is not already es tablished. Address H. G. Farrell as above, accompa- ! nied with good reference aa to character, responsiblli- ! ty, ftc. Atlanta, Nov. 11. 1864. 24—4w. D yspepsia, rheumatism, scriJe li_v, coli.ii ASTHMA. CONSUMPTION, I.IVKR COMPLAINT, ire tiiuth in miiibtt : are vor sicitf skw.uir of miita TIONS I Ask tor Hampton'.* Vegetable Tincture, tlie mum cures made by this pieawmt and safe remedy inav in finite counterfeiting. A Medicine must have merit and great merit too. to stand the test of public opinion. No ni t of puffin- •an gaivanize a worthless article, so ns to keep it up u* * good medicine if it be not really so. A good medicine will live, become popular, ami ex tend its sales year after year, in spite of opposition. The people will readily find out virtues, and the fame oi them passes from mouth to mouth with more rapiditv than newspapers can spread it. A living witness testi fying to the cure a medicine bn* made for him is <>l far more eervice than any newspaper advertising. In proof of what we *ny above, n reier you to llnmii ton’s Vegetable Tincture, and its effects. " The XVife of T \Y. Yeakie, Groeer, 7« Pearl »uuf. cured of Rheumatism of 8 yenr* standing; other reme dies failed. Wm. M. Oldham, (late of the Custom House.) dwcl ling 120 Finest., of Dyspepsia, great debility, pennant lr eured. W. A. Schaefler, Esq., one of tlie oldest Magistrate* and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great weakness and restored to robust health. Jarrct Plummer, 163 E. Baltimore st. suffered intense ly six years with hip disease and mercurial rbumatism: cured after all other remedies failed. Space will not permit to name hundreds ol others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thos. Canot, Robert Gault. James Symth. cured of rheumatism. John Pervaii. A. Grffin. John Luke, Rer. V. Eskrige, U. S. Navy, aud thousands of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Cough, Liver Complaints, Broncliits, St. Vitus’ Dance, ftc. Wc refer to our own citizens. Call on them. Dr. Hampton, the author of this great Hampton's Vegetable Tincture, is in his 80th year, in good health, so that it will be seen it is not an article got up to ini ' ose on the public. GREAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM BY HAMPTON'S X’EGETABLE TINCTURE. Chester District, S. C., January 3d, 1853. Messrs. .Mortimer ft .Mowbray—Gentlemen: For the last five years 1 have been a severe sufferer from Rheu matism, till, soeiugyour recommendation of--Harap ton’s Vegetable Tiucture,'' I procured o bottle, aud the first dose has ro much relieved me that I cunsider it as justice to give to tho suffering world the result r.t tlie application. Mine was Acute Rheumatism in the back—so bad . that I was confined to my bed for the last six month-. ] The first bottle acted like a charm, the second restored strength to my poor afiiicted back, und I am now as well and feci as youBg as when i was sixteen. I am I now 74 years of age. I consider your Tincture the greatest discover- of the ! age and poor suffering humanity ought to erect a jnouu i rnent to Dr. Hampton, who has saved thousands from pain. And you, gentlemen, have acted the part of pub lie benefactors in disseminating the benefits which have resulted from your invaluable remedy. I am a plain cotton planter, and have never written tor literary fame; but when my fellow beings are ailiict ed shall I hesitate, or through modesty, withhold any information valuable to my fellow manf So, if you consider this worthy of a place in any of your newspa pers, you are at liberty to make use of it. Yours, trulv. ALVAH KEMBAI.L. ’ CURE FITS! READ!! READ.’!! More than Gold to the Sick—From one of the most respectable Druggists in South Carolina: Charleston, S. C., Sept. 21,1853. Messrs. Mortimer ft Mowbray:—The saio of youi Hampton’s Vegetatolo Tincture is increasing every dav. and every bottle sold recommends this valuable mediciiie to the afflicted. Several of our planters have tried it in different cases with astonishing success; and are get ting it by half dozens. It has been found to be the greatest remedy for rheumatic affections; and a won aerful cure has been performed ou a negro suffering by Fits. I will furnish you with a number of cortitT- cates if you wish them. Please send me, soon n- possible a supply of the Tincture. I am, gentlemen, yours, W. a. TKOTT. Hundreds in this city will bear same testimony. Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is purely Vegetable, awl warranted free trom all miueral substance. Thi* Tincture, by its mild, pleasant, and safe action on the stomach, liver kidneys, lungs, and tho nervous system, cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Disease of thcUrina ry Organs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchial Affections. Consumption, Scrofula, King’s Evil, Worms. Rheuma tism, Gout, Neuralgia, St. Vitus' Dance, Fits, Ner vous Affections generally, Fistula, Piles, Bowel Com plaints, with all diseases arising from impure blood. As a remedy for the various derangements of the » male System* it seems to have ao superior. The Female System has, in Doctor Hampton’s Vege table Tincture, » Cure for its numerous and complicated derangements. Hundreds who have been debilitated and dispirited, and on the vergq of a premature grave have been restored by its use to blooming health' which wo. are abundantly able to prove by such a ho4 of living witnesses. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DEBILITY. . from James Harris, Esq.’s Letter, Alexan- aria, Virginia:—After speaking of wonderful cures on himself he says: ‘Mrs.’H. has been suffering with the complaint and with inability, constantly complaining from weakness, through her whole system. She now enjoys better health than for thirty years, being er tire] v restored by the use of Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture >’ Call and get a Pamphlet gratis of A. Alexander, Wholesale and Retail agent Atlanta, Ga.; Wm. Root Marietta, Vineyard ft Jones. Palmetto; Hardier Rider ft Co.. Augusta, Georgia. - 1 [March 23,1854 4^^. SUGAR. A Ii 4 B P E ”«PPly of Sugar always on hand and XV sale by w. W. ROARK.