Newspaper Page Text
-emu 1 ,-ju.iw.i ■■- -■ j.
WEI)NliSl>AY T liO^¥. £9.r. •> Hon. -Tnfl^frf Pl. iuU!»■caBWWytfcPTise ! '
ft**L ot the lynow-Nolhmg orL^iziininJ,-ilie >*ve* .
manr have iMjflti <ltre-Jted to Hon. 'John 1
- By lh« ««•*'» o t steams ip f H ‘ jt. Claytoo^ an it* proliahle cak<iitiawiTo*. >'J'. •)*f
rt.M, y? «”*£ .feNWatafr. «&Mtt .,H,h k» w -u -i;- A
timn, we have Liverpool dates to the loilt . • « f .: .;«• /. ' • . : - "
inst., vrith uea> from Iheapa^of war.iu the ”... ....... "«<■•-
I'rhnea to the «5rh of i]<« present-montln- * l ' H ,Uj6 “ty®* *** AVa**»jfg8 C.'oL •ay**,- -
It will be seen
■uir.i «|HiiT »nii»~TlgiTiiinfi ti jpsr -J— — -
ifilidm bitroIe.
«I»e AttHIVAL ©P THK t
MV.' <Jlavfon-ldu su ailed iiiiaanlf t.r ad
(oti.ievKow York Daily Times.
WA.'HfNGTov. Friday. Nov. 24.
Since uij TCturh fr<iin the West, I lyive I
~ ■ taken some pains to ascertain whether or not J
; there is the slightest .foundation for the re- I
eeiitly rorived rtfmors of a contemplated i
Korembor S. 185-!. , :;s ’l v
, , . ; D»\ VP. P. PARKER,
• clmngc in the Cabinet'of President Pierce. I j TiESPECTFFLLY tenders his profefslonsl rer-
• . firllV SiTpp'wed the st< ivies fo that effect to i ^^ Vices to the citizen* of Atlanta and vicinity,
v -• - . , . ,, • TwSieainpr Cftuada has ^rfived at ILtlJ-! ^ - uerP | T ^ ai * Jv .„|^„ na : in the practice of McaWnc and its coRateral
...... rw , , , iKcsiljle :ieOatien«;«T «peedi and by letior. titx4urmi;iinrftc«nnnts iron) Barone to the :
exhibits a mate of things m and about !t|c- ^u biiotv f. disclaim .41 soeii ina.rHnUiOns, ' 11th inst.
bastopol by no inciuis favorable to the yaithe baud'oV »av. oncuuivV-e-.tlfy,'' Mini he . «-, t|,lVKKr©OL MARKET,
of tho allied
the Untie
par§t &-McKenzie,
, . DEALERS ' Ut
Dry Goods, Clothing-, Hats, Shoes,
Will alteaya png.the market price for all kinds of ! ///!
2?itOr»ITCB. ■ ^
Paten-tree Street. Atlanta, Georgia.
v the baseless speculations of par-!” 1 «■* S* ri,< l w * ?* Mwtn-nic and its oojlntenu
• i • i ■- c 1 , 1 . - munches, He iu«v be touniL Wiieu not Tirofession-
could think of no pljtn more _ oredi- alvmgagod , pt J ™ am{ * the
tabic to themselves, bv means oi which to ; .j^ S mw Bouse, White-Hull street,
get sip an oxciteuieui: and that mippasitiou J Nov. s, 1854.
is fully c-rTiiimied by the'result of my innui- j
<lw 1 V
the speedy
conquest of tiie entire peninsular, have no roa c ny u» doubt,* from what appears |
. . . . , . . " ., mirter lti.« r-Wn - i»*fioii Hittt lie wonm'hdt
>wn Sltiplcy *i Co., quote Fair Orleans
.1 am entirely safished .that up Cabinet
change is or has veotviifly been comempled
by the President. I Wlleve aJJ ihe efforts
mmlc bv outsiders t« force him to make
utter hopoleesness of any material ndvun- ; it from any quarter wiiateyer. J ,
tage resulting to the allies from the opera- i Tnr Know Nothings .*_vd Got. "Sr tvakd.— ! Tiic Stock of American Cotton
tions of the Crimea expedition. sU matters | W c learn from the New York Ti ilnnic tbat i P^pljs GTO.OOtj bales,
now stand, it has Itecomo quiteovulent tlmt. ., w Ki>fiw Vj ^he Flour market ojieiud active m
Russia has a decided
allies, and Js to-day
prosecute the war with determination and
Cahinut of his ea»-iiect selection, unless death
shall order otiiei-wise. Such, too, is the wish
I am satisfied, of each of the members of the
Cabinet. It was out of regard to this poli
cy that the President urged Mr. Dobbin, and
that gentleman decided to remain in charge
vigfli' than she was six mouths ago. The
resources of Turkey wore nearly exhausted !
at the commencement of active hostilities
on the part of England and France, and
while the latter powers arc drawing heavily'
upon the resources of their people for the
means of carryingxm the mere initiatory of
the war, Russia has hardly made a begin
ning in the vast scheme of military opera
tions, for which her enormous preparations
during the past few yours have made her
capable. The Russian forces in Sebastopol
and its neighborhood by this time undoubt
edly far outnumber the forces of the allies,
reduced as they have been by the ravages
of disease and the repeated attacks of the
enemy, and even with the reinforcements of
50,000 men, said to be preparing for the
Crimea from France, it is exceedingly doubt
ful whether, by the time they arrive at the
seat of war, they will sufficiently augment
the strength of the allies to enable them to
make any material headway in tho accom
plishment of the great object of the expedi
tion, while it is altogether probable, from
the present appearances, tiiat before their
aid can l,e of avail the allied army will be
forced to raise the siege and beat a hast3%
and perhaps ruinous retreat from the Cri
Considering the vaetnesa of her military
resources, Russia may 1 be called a giant, and
if the Western powers would cope success
fully with this “ Northern Colossus ’’ they
must prepare to prosecute the wav with a
system of military operations 011 a scale to
rival in extent tho magnificent armaments
of the first Napoleon. Nothing less will
answer In tho present emergency. If the
first Napoleon, with an army of over half
a million of the most enthusiastic and best
disciplined troops in the world, was unable
to humble Russia, wlion the lattev power
had less than two hundred and fifty thou
sand available troops te oppose him, ciui f
the allies do it with less? It looks rather
improbable when we remember that the
military resources of Russia are now more
Ilian throe times as great as they then were,
and that she has already in the field, in dif
ferent parts of the empire, an available ar
my of over six hundred thousand men.—
England and France thought, in the begin
ning of tiie campaign, to bring the Czar to
terms by diplomacy and menace: tho-o
having failed, they now find they have un
wittingly “caught a Tartar.”
_ of the Navy Department, instead of becom-
first Grand Council of iho Know Nr t hihtfs ! 44s., Ohio 46s. Wheat advanced Gd.; White | ing a candidate for the United States Senate
j.’', aTld Council of t.K? Knot ^f.ttnhgs, 1M ] vaiK .ej g s . 5 36 to 36s. 64—de- | from North Carolina. Jefferson Davis also
which was m session last week, after order- j d fei decided not to run for the Senate, a vear
ago, for the same reason.
Depend upon it that all the revived sto
ries of Cabinet .jealousies, intrigues and
ing the local Councils to strikefrom their | Provisions were firm, owing to the large
rolls the name of .every memlicr who tailed ; government demand for pork and beef.
to vote for CJImann and Scruggs, and ap-> t CoaSol§.dedineu to 92f.
. •. ,, , „ . . 1 ; II \vrF Market.—Cotton unchanged— quarrels are pure fabrication-, they ee.-
porntmg a state Committee of thirty two, j ^ ^ 10e0 lmles . I tainly are, if the parties most interested
adopted the following: * TIIE WAR. I are to be believed: and the reading public
Resolved, That one member be sent to *n ie s ; eec of Sevastopol was m-ogressing bave the choice of believing either the gent-
slowlr-tho people anxUs and complain- Wu of tiie Cabmet themselves, or the
• r*- r I Herald, which has so often palmed these
in an rdlaiv on the 25th the English lost | ^ess fabrications upon them It cei-
1 000 killed | tainly cannot be difficult to decide whose
‘ The Russians eav Sevastopol holds out I statements to credit under such cireum-
Albony from each assembly district, to use
his influence to have a member of this Or
der elected United States Senator, and that
such members, go to Albany as early as the
first of February next; that said member be j
elected from each Assembly district by the | W cii—that tho works fire little damaged.
Councils therein; and this G. C., for the -The English say the town-is in hubs and
Mr. Buchanan—as I informed your read-
ttgt,.The Jackson (Miss.) Mercury, of the
18th, says : A rather curious Incident oc
curred in our streets yesterday. A large
train of emigrant wagons from Henry co.,
Georgia, wending its way to Texas, with
gangs of negroes, was met by another simi
lar train, from the same section, rduruiny
from Tctm*. We think the proprietor of
the latter was the wfoer man of the two .:
and thnt both would have, been wiser if | secret mission, said to have reference to tho
! At first he was expected to return next
m aV. m , . , , ,, ,• 1 . : ■ Tune: but it is not improbable, now, that
Ine Turkish and English toun.were ui- , ^ . A ; , M _ not> how .
most annihilated m the recent a flair at Ba- ^ tQ g0 hu<) ^ 'Cabinet. The Herald’s
laKlara. ^ story is absurd in several particulars,—in
MR. SOULE. j none m0 re so than in attributing Mr. Bue-
The Paris Monihnr lias a considerable ar- | hanan’s contemplated, return from London
tide about Mr. Soule—lie passed through j to bis condemnation of the policy of the
Paris without stopping, on his way to Mad- j Administration in settling the Fishery dis-
rid. ! pute in a treaty by itself. Mr. Buchanan
CUBA. j certainly complains that the settlement of
rjr»i . 1 „. t> 1 the Fishery ouestion. makes it difficult to
Lord Palmerston has gone to Pans on a ! „ 1 .• .... -
they had never started. The inconvenien
ces of a new country, without navigable
rivers, railroads, markets, good schools or
society, can only be realized and felt by ex
perience. Many of those who arc “mov
ing” did not know when the3’ were well off.
the planters :o serai on tUeir crops, iujunug ,
them they will meet wlthprouipi and ronum-
eratiug sales.
'flic Administration “Relinked.”
Week after week, in commenting upon 1
the icsult of the recent Northern elections, j
the ojipo-itifin press at the South oxultingly
exclaim that the Adminisuatiop is “rebuk- i
ed,” and the .Cabinet "crushed cut,” <
When the Free Soiler Pollock was elected *
Governor of Pennsylvania they could feel no 1
t successfully negotiate other issues. But
! that will not make him a cabinet officer. Is
,T I <« *> 1» the President would
NEM ORLEANS MARKEI. 1 ta ]j 0 j n to his Cabinet, forthwith, the Foreign
Wednesday Nov. 23.—Cotton h Unchang- J Minister who come home in a pet, condemn
ed. Sales to day 5,500 bales. Increased re- i j n g the policy of that President's Adminis-
ceipts at this port 33,000 bales. j tration ? Nobody will believe it wiio thinks
BANK ROBBERY. ; of the subject a single moment. Let me as-
._ j sure gentlemen whose hopes, fears, specie
VC. i. l<.-t Jil'IiFTI.I»4*ctrtni< than!- -
• is idea '.-an ) the>ublio lor th'
imixwteigQ nn'l. in.
.* odu’:u . ef mforais tLem
Ikms still i*» X* • fo.,n^ tit h;. *11 ovef .v.
.\lc\p-ivterV. lr»ifr store.' Whiie JiaH v.liere lie -till
pki^V i.eth in t1i« Ik*-* Biantier ati.i warrants them t —
stau*i. al-i* inserts tceJh oir p>H or pUtina with
contiiHimis^um or the he<t style f*f block ioeth—tr<*io
uufl to a f ill set. hy .-.uolImi. or iu ;ny way ?.» si it the
taste. Particular .'Uteariob paii 3 . to c:ni<hvns’ teeth,
anti all operations w^rrantc-i.
Fao o needing any; oin>r in hi* lido are njqncsto*! ti
call an‘i.ex*nnue ( speci:aeir> oJ* hh wt>rk. i'sansinn dons
anil advice free.
Referenced—;ill f<-r whom he iuia ej t rated,
Atlanta, Oct. lit *;'»-!. ill—-hvl v
New York & Savamu
Oa an«l after MhkU IStb, t Ke
neiv and iide.-wheel
stenm sliin.i '
FLOHUU.StSfiO to«8, Cayt - M.
WoonimY, -• **■
ALuVBAJIA, loOQ tgw. Capt. G.
~ ! AUGt’?TAfn^t„as
KNOXVIIXE.IoOO tons litbir r - I * TT ’
111 tfCW V’flTlK
uiwvriH leavQ SE» YOWi wery
,lA .T!F. rc !? ,, l?Tfl' <,y 3.'Hoatherty , « g&* ^ ]vein^7jajfun ! slUufilajf. ■ j
ld l Eli "Those sliius are;uuonkjJi'e larges on tlw '
. . i Cvl l Thus* sUlns are awonShhe larges no U> ( ' .'uAit, »n-
ortopiKHit*the. Atlanta Bank, and are R. ! s ur toa.5e.l in ssJed. safbtv or" comfort—molting their
passages in SO to BO hours, and are comtnandcil by
skillful, careful and polite officers. They offer a most
desirable conveyance to New Ydrh. 5 ■' f
Cabin I’nssage
Steera.ra p»*ag ■
T. N. COX.
L A W,
DR. J. 31. RANTIX,
Whitehall,Street Atlanta, O’a.
« MEDICINES, faints, ttils. PerfiTmery and T>ye
Stuffs of all kinds for sale: also, just received, a
\W line assortment ol the host Mates. Case-, and
43K C hemicals for-Dagaevrcotv-pists. Sept. Cd 1 s; ; j.
a>a. b. ii. shit si.
Atlanta. Georgia,
R 'iSPECTFCLLY" tenders his professional service., to
the citizens of thi i place and vieiuity. and solicits a
share of public patronage. Office at residence, on reach-
tree street, opposite the Methodist (jinrcli.
Atlanta, ilarcli SO. 1*54. 44—svlv.
Btfck north of the Railroad
rro-jivinc: a ajeneral stock of
Jfhicli wiii bi* -ohl a< the lowest market prices.
-Us«\ ;s. desirable aiock of g T |
for men un i youth;/ which cannot bo excelled in mute- i
rial, .s ylf'. urfinish , in tliecity. Call before purchasing j
cl vw!;«:re‘/ and examine for ytnirselves. We. al«>,
keep a ueaittifar Hue of furnishing Goodis—un«’.er gar* ;
meuts of fill descriptions. —; ; —
Sho<j, U00I9, Huts, Caps, Vftliset*, Carpetbags, L
In fact, every!hieg in the clothing ond furnijsliing line. ! NEW'YORK SO PBIWSEITO!
b ki>*1 —you will uni go away tlissal Liiei. Phiiadelulda and SavasmaU
AduihraWy-'loc*t6d?in; U»#.teutie of il ic
trara p»*ag ....... t- - • ,
PAni^EFORP, FAY & CO., Agents ; r. f-nva 1.1 r
MITCHKLL; Pr^ndwny. New \ oik.
Hayanoskii Miu'jjh
fhanici rl to our former patrons for past favors
beg h contiarmnee^.f the *ame.
Atlmtit. October 5th, 18S4. 10-Cm.
Aliaota Machine Works,
lLate Atlanta Iron Foundry.-] i CUaugo of ScHedUle
r PWI5hc\v Company i* now prepared to do ITorkoutliort ; fg-itiF itlant.'v& Lagraugo Railroad connect* at Knst
notice of heavy and light Casting’s of the fastest «m- j -1 point with tlieMa eon Western Rm’h'orfd.
proved j»at ferns, of Iron. Brass or Composition, nil of S Thru neb from. Moat gomery to Savannah in 30 hour-
vMiicl. will be warranted. i jiSnCrvat 8,50 \u m. Arrive at K. l*uiat8Jk>A. v. ’
8 Ilt ufug. norilis and Drilling E. Point at S.45a. in. *■* at Matirtr ?.sfl 5. ni.
TlftVP in ftian, , It „ I *- Macon “ 4.30 p.m “ •• Fav'oah 2^0 *. m.
u JNE 10 OLDBlt, ALSO Fee from Montgomery to WestPmnt S3.'
STREW CUTTING 1 * - We..t i*« East f «
of ten feet, or under, of aqy sized thread required. i ** Point SJtvnunrJi............ o b‘-
Heavy and Light Fohgtxo of wrought Iron or Steel i This Line eon date of the well kno\vn firsi class ^tenni-
i done iu superior*.-!vie. w slxiivi.' ^ ^ .
Particular Attention. i
I is call-‘•l lo their Patten ns for Mill Cearing of Merchant | ^nf^tren^th* -neod ar.d ac^ommodattOns, tL esir ship*’
i ftiui Unslnm ITlnnrinrr on ! Qn*Ui11a r>;^. r „n I In sircu_tu. --ia- - •
I T\-
! the *un.'i laq/iinvwvm'. illl U WUiCU U Ul OC XUIUIUW IOr | * \ or a -
cash. Copper r.ud Brass token in exchange for work nt -
cash prices. Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton ana^Lryau
sts. Philadelphia, Heron . & aIahtin. 37Nprth
’Frnnlrlitti Heard Co mi iff, da.
attend to professional buslnesss in the comm-
7 7 tiesof Heard, Carroll, Campbell. Cowctta. Fayette.
Merriwether and Troup. Reference:-—Hon. E. Y. Kill,
LaGrange. Ga.; Messrs. Irwin & Fnight. Marietta, Ga.,
lot. M. M. Tidwell. Fayetteville. Ga.;Mr. iCiliiamDough
erty. Columbus, Georgia. w
Columbus, Georgia.
M. L. P.tTTEUFON.] -L9—wly* fB. Y. Maktin
[Opposite the Atlanta Steam Flouring Mill.’]
November, 28, 1S50. [26—wtf.j
3. i. PUCKETT,
ASTI!!, piomptly attend to nil busbies.-, en-rosted
fir his care. Office on White {[all Street..
The lira in Lit erpqolcouftuned 9,000 bales j en- At all events, no piesent cause of such
of Onto ’U.
IVit. II. Martin, principal distributing
clerk in the Baltimore Post Office, has been
arrested for stealing money from letters,"to
the amount of several thousand dollars.
disruption exists.
New Yokk, Nov. 20.—The United State
Easier tames.—The New York Railroad ;
Adrocitie thinks that our financial troubles j
will soon have an cud. It says:—
The heaviest foreign payment-: ( ,f the j
country are now about made, ^35,090.000 !
of gold having been sent abroad since Jan- j
' uarv first. The banks have already eon- j
traeted their loans some $12,000,000 within
When the Fresoiler Gardner was elected ! arrived at her w harf in this city from
CorvTEitFEHs.—The Petersburg L>U
rrr cautions the public against counterfeit
notes on the Bank of Cape Fear. These
counterfeits are mostly SR) and $50 notes,
very well executed, and very difficult to de
tect. The editor saw recently two $10 notes
on the Bnnk^Cape Fear which wer
li'ljiv- - a i® w weeks in this city. The cotton season j
Governor <d Massachusetts, they eould find | ertvool, which iiort she left on Wednesdav, ' ' R ,i u “^ opening in. promising a good crop ;
no cauEfc for sorrow, because the Admini-- l } )0 loth in.-jt. " j and heavy returns. Roads, costing sixty j
toation was receiving a “ crushing out.”— Liverpool Market. millions of dollars, will have been brougnt
When Ohio- and Indiana and New York! Cotton, after the departure of the Canada, i Uull use, between January 1st, 1854
wheeled into line with the Abolitionists, on the 11th instant, was firm and in a fair !lI| J January 1-elh. 18-jo. Over trading lias .
they could see no ground for lament, since ( demand. The sales during the three days been pretty effectually held up. 1 he bread-
all inured to the sfitnnrny defat of General ending on the 14th instain. comprised 2?,- j stuff and provision products of last sea- i
Pierce. A rebuke to me Administration I *mtO bales, of which exporters took 2,000 ! so11 arc steadily eoniing in, and the effect of
shouted Greelj. A .rebuke to tiic Adminis- ( and speculators 3,000 bales, leaving 22,000 j cutting oft the Russftiu supjd.vof grain Iront
tration ! echoed tiie Sr.'utfierh Wliigs. And 1 bales of all descriptions to the trade.— | other European nations, will make the f'~
Haygcod &, Whitaker,
Atlanta, Go.
(Office over G-. Sunby'c Store, Whitehall street.)
GREKNE B. II.VYoGOIi. ] J.IK111) I. WH1TAK1 II. of M'n't i/el 1 : , j -J Fc ret rill ■.
ip. A3. C02S:,
and Solicitor in Equity,
YIJ.'ij-Ltnkr ease-s in redyes etn ‘ nt.s. riv-ntca--. ke.
V > in anv par* of the Union. Al-n caic-. in resjw-e-
to Titus* to Land in tV vfclnjtv of Atlauta. Oa.
■Ini’- -Ti, 1S5}. [f Y-vly]
[Formerly eg C-.ringt n. Ga.]
ATTO li N E Y A T L A W .
Atlanto, Ceor'.’i'.
1’. S.—All of the above Company arc* practical Median
ie*. an«l rrive -heir undivided attention to the bu^inef?-.
September 11th, 15 Stf.
Winships Iron Works,
FpHE subscriber is now prepared to receive and^cxe-
*■ cute orders foi all kin<b» of
Casting atid iTfacIiinc Works,
and all persons favoring him with ordors may rely
upon liavinsr their work oroiutea in the best manner
and at short notice.
Orders for S.Y3H, BLINDS AND DOORS, promptly
attended to at his Car Establishment.
Ca.-ii paid f<5r Old Copper. Bm^s and Ca*it Iron.
Atlanta. June 11, 1854. f-i-lyl JOSEPH W7XSHIP.
| IV liar ve -.
! New-York.
-cranton Si Tat.tman. If) OM Slip, foot War
T&voutIi in 15 t9 ? 58 HoursI
.\Vekq ^O—MEALS 1NCLUi'El).‘•£&
American Steamship Company’s Line,
Worth of Real Estate
BC31AESS IfOfSKS flN .1)
mills an<1 Will Sites,
sold, WITHOUT RESERVE, at~Pvl',t U
A UCTIOK, in Knoxville. o ;) ' ’
Tuesday, January 9th, 1855.
T IIE umlerriimeil will offor for sr!,.
Auction, ou Tuesday, the 9lli of Jumiary, 1355 le
Ykircccifingdays until su'd, abort Slllo’noo , v * t J
of Iteiif Estate, iff the city of Knoxville, j 1 '
The property consists oflots upon Main, Unm? "•
land, Oay, Hill, Water, Prince, ’Walnut, rhu^i
and other Streets of the citv. and aho (ViJl l a r,il
VIILL SITES. Many of the lots have
. ran them valuable BUSINESS HOTTSEg . V
RESIDENCES, payinpgood Rents, while then""
improved Lots are to located as to offer g rcnt .
ducements to persons desiring to inven^m p' 5 ;
Estate in this thriving city. The mills nn ,j *“
sites, sit muled within the limits of the pi tT
more advantageously located for }l, nn , ln ff
purposes than any other property in or near Km" 5
Diagrnms of the property aro being prcpn t ,j
and will be distributed or fnrnishcd to applil ,
addressing either of tho undersigned.
Terms.—20 per rent, wish or approved pnp w ,
day of sale, will bo required. Notes f or the
mainder atfi;12 and IS months, with interest soil
mortgage upon property until paid.
J- W. J. NILE.'
November (5.—dw2m. C. M. M’GIIEE
subscriber, hyviuc purchased the St nek of
* Goods formerly owned by Mr. T. DOO^AX, will
continue the. business at the Store lately occupied
by him. and^vill kivp constantly on hand, until all is
closed out. a full supply of
Family Groceries
J2U& 21-5^.
4^r*ljeinr anxious to sell off and close ui> the busi-
r he will c*ll Oood^ T OWED than they have been sold
1 fere inf hi place! M. J. REILLY.
Atlanta. February 7.1954 SS—tf
Capt. J. H. Hodgdon,
1800 To»s Burthen-
The above new and magnificent Steam Ship, built ex-
pres ly for this route, is one of the largest on .lUo Ame
vican coast, and is unsurpassed, if eijnailed, for speed,
strength, comfort or accommodation. Sailing day.-
from each porta - follows:
From Philadelphia. I From Charleston.
Saturday, Nov. 11. Saturday, Nov. 4th.
ti 25 I IS
Agents i.v Pmi.ADEi.nuv, Heron S Martin, 3~H .Nortli
Agents in Cn.vatnSTON. Holmos & Strong. Rovce & Co. s
sVil produce consigned to tho agents in Charleston,
will be forwarded to Philadelphia free of Commission.
Nov. S. aSdhin
TT-- Vf ;
WKlLCuallin John, .ffoiuc.
isu of Hie Fs jitien Piano,
received, in addition to their very extensive j
JO NEW PIECES of the latest j
-o Guitars and Flutes, which they oHer
w Yt.r.K Pricrs. Our Pianos wiH*?peak •
Pare Heditced.
Cabin Passage from Charleston to J'TevrAfork,
Twenty Dollars.
N. Y, & < liarHston Stoaai Packets,
,hct-l Mas
publication. .’
for sale at X
for tliemsi-lvi- -■ as they -ire the pr * 'nets of those houses
whicii rev ived tlie./lr-t iibten medal :i*tlie Crystal Pal-
nee Icdiibitien. Atlanta. July 20. 1854. fS—wtf]
ooiiLiy.J ’
J, & L. S. MORGAN,
M .1 X r F A C T U R E R f
cii»ii> & (ialiiiicl Wa
friends that, having mnde exi
additions to their Machinery, by the |
m- troduction of ^TFAM POWER, ]
v I'vo’-rt.-e to till «11 orders for their Celebrated !
southern Cottage (liair. at the shortest notice. f
• al> • Manufacturing a neat, substantial article j
spectfully inform theii
NASHVILLE, 150d ion-.
M. Berrv. Commander
MARION. Vio7tons,
W. Foster Commander.
Leave Adcrer'f
1 \FF]rE. 4l . r ,oRiteC.-uiie:i i! V.
* iromjitly attend to ell bu-ii.
Atlanta. Feb. b 5 . 1850.
. ;i street. '
4cntuu<«ted to'..’
h aid
tlnifi, while the whole arrav of Fusiim!«5ts,
Free iSnilcrs aiul Fanatres, t f cverv ^Taule
and color, have l>eeu exulting wiflb outage
j Oeligiit over these •‘rebuke-/’ the Southern
| Whigs have joined their voice-in the cry
and mir-ued tiie Adnumstratiou witli afni-j-
! a*s nnrelentiug as rhat'of Gildings L ini self.
| Surely, a more moiislruus aad. unnatural
! ci.-ndition ef thing- was never witnessed in
j the political world! Are the Southern
1 Wliigs so Minded hv the venom of party
! spirit, tlihL they utnnot see that each of these 1 Ohio at 40s. per bbl. of 106 lbs. Corn had
' “rebukes' ’ -to-uho Administration is also a 1 declined Gd. nor quarter and was at from
“rei-uko" to the Southern people! A >e they 45s. to 4Cs. per 4S0 lbs. Wheat lias ad-
from Illinois, and who lias just traveled i so laisarubly contracted by political prejudi- ] vanned 2d. per 70 lbs.
through the northern portions of thnt State. | ces. as not to sec that every blow aimed at , The London Money Market.—Consols
informs us that the banks Chicago and Jo- "V *0” il *™ fct L a * -| ,e 1 closed 92f.
. . . . .. .. South? What! shall we be told that the The news from Marseille* of the de«triie-
k we c paying 011 argo anion u s o 11 j eleotiou of three Abolition into to the Eteeu- j tion of the Light Cavalry, under Cardigan,
Mechanics, bank, at Macon, Georgia, to , five Chair- in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts 1 in tho action at Balaklata oa the 25th alt.,
merchants and produce dealers; who in j and New-York, isa “defeat" to Gen. Pierce . has lieen confirmed. They charged a hat
Me'srs. Brown & Shipley quote the market j tei ] dependent on the l «wcd States,
quiet, at pre.ious rates, with a full supply. ' shipments -4 i-oai from Sehuylkiil county
Messrs. Milligan, Lempriere & Co.' quote f * r c now going toward with great activity.
MiddlingOrleaua at o Jd. and Middling Up- •' Ls there not, in ad these t-:renms)anees, a
land* at 5}d. O n Wednesday, the 16th ' promi.-o t f easier tiuios ?
instant, 8/100 bales changed hands previous '
ff>«. T. ar. IHK^AU,
O FsPKCi i Cl.l.v teuupi's iii- pTOfe.-.-ii-nnl >crvu-t»t.i
j\ the Citizen, of Allualu an- 1 . vi-.-i,-i:v. Dfii.ff at In
.- , - -c b ... figf* “NYliat did vou liaiig thai eat for
to to the departure of the Balt;<. out tor- a , keJ lhe Um .^ The L-.n
liter prnees were seareely maintained.
The Lr\£arooL BaF.ADsri.Frs 3 r \;;kxt—
was quiet. Flour had declined 6d. ]>er bbl.. 1
and Western Canal was quoted at 43s. and
ltd with a grave look answered.
tci tiny, laarm.” He had fifty
immediately mo down asrainst his
Tho St. Louis Democrat- of the 10th iu*t. !
•WV # 1
says: “A gentleman who ha- ju-t returned !
and solvency of that institution/
turn, were 1 >uyi 11 and had paid it to the j fi’fi ® •tieteat'to ti- r Or is the sin of j tery of 3(1 guns, ami lost 400 men. Only
fnmum* Mn.-i. Lvba- i in : tl „ „ VMKJ Democracy so heinous in the eyes of the i two hundred returned. ’Since then there
la me. -, duel, anxiety uas he ng expicss- So(Uhcrn Wllip> tiaU> tll0 triumph of these ha- been almost incessant sanguinary light
ed b\ the latter 111 regard to the security j Northern FuatouisW no longer seems hate- I ing. The Allies are almost overpowered,
ful when gained at the expense of a Demo- ! most urgent requests have bperi made for
eratic Cabinet? instant reinforcements.
For our o\yn part we much prefer “re- Fifty thousand French will be immediatr--
buke" with General Pierce^ to victory with : ly sent to their assistance, and every avail-
Seward and Pollock, uud if we were com- able steamer has been taken for their trans-
iticluding the E11-
The 'Washington corresjsindcnt of the
New York Journrl oJ‘ Commerce expresses
tho opinion tiiat the forth coming annual ro
port of the Postmaster General will make a
remarkably good exhibit of the operations
of the Post Ofticc Derartmcut during the
last year. “The revenue from the Cheap
Postage System “it is said,’’ lias increased
and will soon he adequate, in connection
with the present judicious administration of
the Department, to meet all the expenses
looked up.
‘For mil
Sej)'’ Scene in a Know Nothing Lod-.
—Question: Will you hereafter do all in
vour power to extend and perpetuate the
jtofaio rj( in order to keep the Irish out < f
the cm.nfvy? Answer: I will,'and furth
er, I will extend and perpetuate rot gut
whiskey, in order to kill ’em after they get
laik <>•• i:\< :yiu.e. tfvn.
In M~ar'n< uss. or;ter of Hindir imdl*ro-r
Atlanta. November _ 1. 1S5II. wly
\_Oj)jxutiic J. Xorc.rosi.j
April 7. ISui. v.lj
Diii. tv. ttKGirtT,
1/4 UFLD the eiiizcasni Atlanta
v ■; *!ia: Le ba> located i*ii their ciiy. for ihc
oi iu-.*-;?L»ujg •p-Aic.iufain all it- braacue-. r-a-I
liberal ••hare of th-A: * atronug-. He can be
all hMxrsei*I.ii-::t hi- iCceoa IVUDeknll ...r?
.♦etl.' Jf'.wis.on Pr-.-f. cr rt hi«r<»r-m hi thf
Honsc. March oP. If 5 !. J-'—I v
fAMCi AIjGER. 1*200 ton*.
:L n. Taafter Commander
?0UT IFrtXER. 1000 ton-:
1'. D. Ewan. Commaadet.
wharves every
Wednesday <fc Saturday Afternoon,
after the arrival of the-car-; from the s£*>nth & West.
These steamships were baiU expressly for the Line
and for safety, comfort, and sspecJ. are unrivalled on
the Coasts.
Table? s ipnlieM with every luxury—attentive 'air
cautious comm til ler-:, will ensure Travellers by j,thi
Line every possible comfort and acc-unm > l ition. ^
For freijlit or p issairo. h ivinr ole/»n» state room no
comm * Utious. applv to HENRY MISSRoDN.
Cb r-l- .t.). . r.
Cabin Passage, 9*0.
Steerage, ...»•
’ iilrrck Walnut. <’anc Scat, and every variety
Chairs nsna'Jy -old in the Southern Market.
ii.ivini; o. ;rud. for the State, the rijjlit of HINK-
I : Y*r TATE NT flFJ’STFAD. we are now ManufHCt urine
• selling on r-mailrn 1 1«- term-*, this recently invented
.'id i i oh execlleut article, which we consider -superior *
toi i- v other now in use. and to which we would re- I
: .11/ iuvL* the attention of proprieLus ot Hotel-
• id fnm lit - crenerally. before purchasing eLc where. 1* O of the Fair Groan 1. which wilt be sold on accoimno
T!.i. -uud.- is * -.on .tructud as to he proof against j dating terms by applying to I). DOUGHERTY or T
Va5tnf>!? City Lots for Sole.
a -lent ion ot nn»pnci.»rs ot Hotels, ka EVEltAL Val i.ihlo Cify^Lo? s for Sale iu tho vicini?
[ly. before purchasing eLc u lit-rc. ■ O of 1
u .
lladical Not ice.
II o m o oi p a t h i e P li y s i c i a,
B E.-l : f«TFl-U.y offer# lit- prcfa-sional sti-vtet
JAtheciiizeiid of A*lr.nt:« and vicLEty. Dfliceand ro
in Dr. \Yt.ctmor<.luuh'. ? L-u.-c. con*6r t;dhoun j
Railroad Street . i poodre th • Sv.aiw hLaiihig Mill.
A ianta. rob. 24. 1«5:». wit
Breakfast do
4 outre «lo
Ladies do
Light Stands.
I POONaN. on Whitehall street.
AtlauYu. Mav ISth. isa4.
in bio erms. as ca
^ in the stare.
■which tin
l he had
pel lod to choose, we would rather he “crush- i portation to the Crimea, inciuuutg me x,u- ,
ed out” with the Constitution and the Dem- ropa, Alps, Indiana, New York, and others, j
ocratic party than raised into power with | On the 5th hist a terrible combat took T> K K1PL.EY,
the Fusion traitors of the North. Surely, place, which lasted from daylight uiiiii four i _. . * s d I II ll d in
such must be the seutimeut of the fckmth-1 ni the afternoon, and both sides claimed the j ** uOlPSalf Rllu iK'Rsil 111
cm Whigs, when they dare to think for | victory. The English took a few hundred i CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS AND
themselves and to cut loose from the bond- 1 prisoners, and the Russians stormed several j llrittauuia. Ware
age of their lenders. Gen. Pierce lias been ! batteries and spiked the guns. The loss of
defeated at the North because he had the j the Allies was reported at 4,000, and that |
courage to be true to the South. lie lias ; 0 f the Russians at 8,000.
♦lantii. 1‘ecrrftbcr 1. l-.'i.Y 27-1!
'J'he friends of (he Cheap Postage System I sacrificed popularity and position in our i The battle was resumed by the Russians
may be congratulated upon the fact/'
Scarcity or Salt.—The ]viioxvUle(Tenn)
Key inter states that salt is iu great demand
at that place, and that the supply on hand is
•o small that the owners of the Virginia Salt
Works have imperatively directed their
agent at Knoxville to advance the price to
one dollar per bushel.
Emigration to Texas.—Few of our read
ers, perhaps, have any adequate idea of die
immense tide of emigration tiiat is sweep
ing towards Texas. The Port Gibson Her
ald of a late date says that upon a single
Negroes Wanted.
behalf, and for us to join in the cry against \ on the 6th instant, but the result had not: -f-HF. subscriber v.iii pay the hi-;fcr.-; -a.-i- ..rices iw
him is unparralleled ingratitude. Let the reached England when the Baltic sailed.— \ w uh^T^°»n C ^u ie ^^ i, '5ritra^?riWnR
Southern people never cease to remember | It is said that the Allies wore preparing to j tally, and statins a. west pri-p. i c-n is- found at ihi-
tliat the triumph of the Northern Agitators 1 storm Sebastopol before the Russtauscouldre- j WaA'mgtoaHaiL a. i:. Mr.-vi-Kr..
is not less a “rebuke” to them than to Gcu. cover their losses, but other accounts state j — —
Pierce, and when they uve told to exult that the Allied forces were greatly reduced, j
iner the ‘‘crushing out’’ of the Administra- and must abandon tho siege unless large '
tion, let them pauot^ to enquire whether j-reinforcements speedily arrived. |
their rights and their liberties arc not licing
So desperate was the fighting at Sevasto
pol, it tv as believed that tho Allies would be
compelled to raise the siege.
Both parties claim the victory on the 5th.
Canrobert says the Russians lc-*t 9,000.
Menschikoff says the sortie from the gar-
“crushed out’’ by tho same enemy.— Macon
E/cujtr from ilie “ Sisterhood " ni Eni. '
mitsbnrg, Mel.
Wo find the following statement in the i
Frederick Examitter:
Miss Josephine Bunkley, a novice, who I
route that lies through Port 'Gibson aTtd ! n,,t cmnpleted her probation, escaped | risou on tho 5th *was entirely successful
i>. WKED. President.
JoHN R. WILDER. vecretHr^*.
CINH.E undersigned, Agen of tiie aLove Company is
X prepared to take risk? against Fire on R'lildinga.
j Stocks ic.. on the mont fuv» rable terms.
U. L. WRIGHT. Agent.
Atlanta, March 11. 41-wtf.
iirwin„,- iUi.. ,„,1 ...-1• | from the Sisterhood at Emmit Jwrg, about that they spixed thirty French guns and
ttounev there passed w ithin the previous I e, - , , „<• ,1 , 1S.1 • . r i r . ? i. l n - - r i
* , , / . , - ' 13 o clock on the morning ol the 10th mst. > defeated the French m an assault on
twenty days between four and fire thousand ; She is the daughter of Joseph Bunkley, Esq., [ town with Immense loss,
persons. Those emigrants are principally nf Norfolk. Y«„ a Protestant, who-took her , The Vienna /W-says,<>n the 0th theen-
frotn lower Tennessee and the upper part 1 under his protection rhr>iugli this city, on tire garrison of 65,000 men ■ assaulted the
of Alabama. At this rate it would uot re- I Wediicsdayl/ist, ou their way heme. The* Allies and a furious fight was going on
quire a very long time to depopulate those j ciwumstaueos of Miss Bunkley s unlawful j when the messenger left. The Allies ha,l
1 . 1 ,* . * detention and escape tlieretrom, as detailed earned a slia-lit advantage,
regions. It is also stateu that the emigrants ; t ( scvoia i u f ouv citizens l>y Her father, were It is believed that a few such victories and
are persons of means and character. ins follows: Since becoming a novice, she j the Allies would bo compelled to the
y lecture I ^ 1;ls been doing duty at St. Joseph’s Semina- I siege.
ry, as a teacher of music, &o., for the past j Menschikofl’ say.-: it is impassible for the
Allies to contiuae the siege, and continues
to harrass them.
Ganrobort declares that- he intends to
ThMnes**^un fire*tras*no longera joke.'bu't a 1 h ® r bonm and wrote to her father to that | make an immediate assault when the Rus-
realitv By « «.AAlI toittfo of *„!- • o ff e«L The leitcr was lorn up before her Siam* are in no condition to restst,
City Soxtcn.,
C AN be found at all time 3 at l:i$ residence; on tl
lot of Mrs. Ogilbyas, on the corner of Hunter ar
Prior streets, just below Pettit Livery Stable.
Atlanta. March OtU. 1854 41—"w6ju*
ilEDICAb C A itii 1
33i.‘- «T. 33. !231t>'iLS.iA-E r
O F North Carolina, having permanently li“*AUni *n
tl’Isoity. oilers hi- .?roF rsion.t 1 .-errices t<i rheeD-
j ire us of -Atlanta and the surrounding- country, a -i
i an experience of tour year< in the Ho?i itiii.-* at tiu
i North, will /actieaMedium.-. S'-irui vy aha. Ob . .
| OCico on A\ hiteliall.street, next duor to Aii'. Lowi-
1 I-aw-L s Ti-y 1 M ini: Store, where I can be :•> :n 1 at .ti*
h./’ir- . tin.}’and night, when not profession.:Ih engaged,
j 1 Ret*... to tnc folldxying geiulemen, and any p- •
sou wishing to know rn re of mec. n do $0 bv address
ing—lion. E. B. eatteriliwaitlion. Jo Lea Tavlor.
Isaiah Rcspass, Esf|. Geij. M’ra. A. Rlonnt. Wnshington.
- N • C. 1 rof. N. J\. ^nsith. Baltimore. Prof. Muter,
t Prof. Pancost. Prof.If. Giger. P-liiladelphin. Prof,
j Bedford. New York. M. A. Bell. Atlanta!
| July t!0, 1854. f.‘—wtt]
Atlanta, 5tli Dec. 1853.
Mg IRe.i sir:—1 l-.arc jast had the
pleasux-e of examiainga very-superior
specimen of I'enti.-trr.
full =et of Upper Teeth Inserted
on j.latina plate with continuous mm of silicious com-'
Tlxe set is of the mannfactuie of I r. L. I.. Ledbetter
of this place. For beauty of finish, strength & per-
mar.ancv and natural life like apppeafi.nce. this pro-
ess is certainly far superior to anything I have ever
At tho distance of a few feet, this Job would defy
detection, h'o much is it like the teeth and gu ns iff
the. Great Architect. Permit me to recommend to
your consideration most favorably Dr Isedbetter’s
claims as a Surgeon Dentist. lie is a re.ndent of this
city, permanently located, of high moral andreligious
character, and certainly a very superior workman
If you or any of your fx-ionds have any thing to be
done in his line, do me the favor to give the Dr.’, a call
•it his office over C. I.. Writeli’s old aland or. White
Hall tit root.
Your. Respectful! r.
. ss ~ :I - r IS. it. OVERBY.
Sky anti Sitlf Lkhl
[Over Afpjandrr 3 sDrugstore. IVhdehallst., Atlanta. Ga.]
And all the Materials used in the Art.
for Rale at tuf. lowest prices.
C. tv. nn.T.) ,'W. r. MCD-iME.
Atlanta. August 31.1S54.
C- vx
v -' l
s^tralLirc for Sale,
11 O 11 3 t O ii & S«U
U Tables. Wixsi
ii-iety ot Lmgaud Si
her iu ticles of Fund: ire,
Gxii time to time. All put
Atlanta. Jatiunri 10. J-a4
an l Wor
rt Po-W I
e, vhlch
. with
ii=ai iiisat'j A^eiioy!
11 ML la lojii^aud iu v ofj.ic l.tu tiUico foi* selling an
1. qviyiug k*. il ik'-.uc. iiutti l .ro .iu i lUicLy, on coui
ini-ion Hi >-:* u ivinx II . i .•?-» an l Lots for s;dt» wil
liad it lo ft *:r in A-r to call aud register snek proper
ty. No oT'uy\‘- ; vill bo made forav^i>tering i»r sUu .via.
projjerty. ill - vuts.iti.sfujtory »«vle i - ain'le, tUeausmul
comm: L»iou will bo charged.
I -.rill a! to attend t > renting, paying taxc<and makiaj.
out <!•**.• Is, 1> >:i Is an 1 all uv.vsRiry papers for the con-
veynnee of iMal Estate.
L-y Jdi ;e in • a * store of AV;n.'•Herring & ‘Vo., Whit
Hall Street, second door from tlie comer of Hunte.
Atlanta. July •), 1S54. N. L. ANG1ETL
Valiiadlt: XiHis i\ti‘
vli wxllbe hept nn hand i QEVT1RAL valualdtf J7»ts for sale, with impruvemen 1
of good material. ; theivun. in the n-xigiiborhobl of the Steam Mill
i i» A A i X 8 I
3 VHGAf AS!!
i T would infm-ni the public that 1 am getting in mv 1
i 1 * i'li IX G A XI) MUM MEL STOCK.
and respectfully solicit an inspection of Goods and
j price-*. My assortment will be found complete, and I
l will sell u> low as auy honorable competitor for caMi
{ or approved credit. J. T. DO.VNE.
i Atlanta. March 0th. 1S51. 41—tf
and AihkuU* & Ligrauge llailroad Depot, ikiey w M
be sohl lo v; for term : apply to T. D mnan, Wniteh i
Atlanta. May Htb, 185L H. V. 0*NETIJJ
Woo?! L.iiid for sale.
OAQ ] f) \ .IE 4 all in the* wools, four miles from
the city on the «»Ll Nelson Ferry Road
for sale, for terms apply to inniel Adams in De
catur or the undersigned in Atlanta.
Atlauta. January 10,1851 34—tf
City Piopsrty fov Sale.
1 Matches! Matches’! .Hatches!!!' T llF 'f , ;i, , ; > " i »* property in and about the cjtv
a o Atlanta, belonging to the estate of Patrick
PATRONISE HOME INDUSTRY. i Conallv, deceased, will be disposed of at private-uile
cribcr begs most respectfhllv to inform 1 t /’/y U: A u (actional lot situated near the Railroad
A*Ianta that he is tho sole agent ' ^ l,1 e e . •>*>»?« portion ot exty lot number12and lo.
Also a portion oi laud lot number fifty three, lying
partly within and partly without the corporation lira
its of the city—containing fifteen acres more or less,
lying west of the Fair Ground lot and adjoining Mr.
Thurmonds. This contains the best brick yard about
the city. Sold by virtue of a decree in Chancery of
the Superior Court of DeKalb county, at October
Term, 1853, For terms applv to
Dec. 8.1853 (28—tf) TERENCE DOONAN. Tru’t.
rplIK -
for tho celebrated Docalor Matches, in this city.-
Prlee ^1 gross ^1.00. at Kars clieao Rook store.
FrinUr. Bookbinder, Dlankbook Manufacturer
Book *:oiler. \c.. &c.
Attanta Jm.. ISth. 1851. 34 Iv.
r -... TIAVE now on hand,of my
own make.3000 pair of hea-
yy? a ry doubled soled Negro
^ / Shoes which I will self to
Planters and others, as low
as Nort h ern Wft.ted shoe $
canbe liad.
Aueuit 31a. !<;
900 Farids New Orlean« syrup.
25Hlids Sugar. \*arioua qualities
50 Hhds Cube Molnsse-x
100 Fags Kio Coffee.
50 Bills No. 3 Mackerel.
50,000 Lbs Tennessee Baron.
25 Boxes Tobacco.
100 Kegs Nails.
All of which aro offered to the trade at low rates
and accommodating term* by J. T. POANE.
Atlanta. Jane 29, 1854 ’ —£tf
5’HE subscriber offers his Plantation in DeKalo Couu
2 ty, 7;w miles South of Decatur, on the McDonough
Road, containing 250 acres, about So acres of which is
cleared and under goo 1 fences, with a comfortable
dwcHidg, containing 5 rooms and a porch, and other
necessary buildings for farming, with a good orchard
of select'Apples and Reaches. The locality is a good
one for a Public House as any to be found in tha
County. Any person desirous of purchasing can call
on me at Decatur. Term** will be accommodating.
September 25th. 1S54. FS—wtf.
the : r
(14—v tf)
Walking on Red Hot Ikon
was recently delivered in London by Pro-
S. FBAHKFORD a _ i r ?2 c i ! II „ T= __
Tl EDITING his STOCK, will offer, for CASH. gr«it« r ! IP |«| P |j
inducements than u?ual. ""
500 CIocL-
r ' : -y ■ a!
I FeZS .Txx v
Superior Court.
iiUiliGS ui| Jill; lias Ilu lumivl tv IUAv. Mill 1 ty . rni 1
ealitv. By dashing a small buttle of sul- * cfreuU | h ? Iol,cr was , m ,'
huric ether with a few particles of metal :,ad fe wab compelled to write in a
potassium into a flat cistern a bright flame ! dlf \ f ‘ reu! t ? tr a.n, declaring he^. satislaction ;
was produced, which illuminated the whole ! all ',p' u . tel ' lU;elU U 1 \
place. He then laid down four plates of i, n \f nc,icu
red liot iron upon four bricks, and one of 1 Aiei, wule the
his attendants walked over them barefoot, l ^ °jVwarff at fen<rtb that i ’ tors forhcgaThonors have been admitted'to
witnout any mjwrj By wetting his ling- j «MI sB.mkley nton- ' the Bar: Mr. Richard Horbs of this c ty
ers in ammonia the Professor «Rpp6d them : bho «■«* a he morning above I Mr. Isaac Hardkiian, a son of Judge
Hardeman of the Ocmulgeo Civcuit.
| The Subscriber intfcuds leading for tho North iu a
; $hortt» lay iu :i largo and extensive f'rll apply,
| tr»kO' this opportunity tif iufoiiuing hi- - former put
} ron®. and the public g cue rally that he v.iti dispise of
i bis
1 at such priced a> cannot fail to vl-:*a.»o.
Ilij stock, a? u-^ttal 2ouris:$ef every I* T;* !:• pt iri t
S Retail Dry Good Establishment.
I Call soon and you will be sure to fmdtlie greatest
, bargains at S. FILVNKFGRD’S
Atlanta, Aug. 3d, 1S54. (10—w4w) Whitehall st.
PiOtlitcc- Depot in Atlanta.
W M . M . RANTI N,
Daguerre an Artist,
V HO ];-> - . ■ uclif-d under two of i
th- most' cmir/T.t mvn of :hc I
Art— . . -G;. • and Harrfrgton ;
of New Orleans, has now open- ’
cm bis room? directly opposite j
Messrs. M iiitncy & Hunt’s store, vI.ctq he is prepared j
t«* take Phott.graphic Mininturr^. in the latest and*most i
approved style of i«inling from nature, nn lhe mo t |
reasonable terms, from one doIPr end lifty i^enis ;v.
upuardnaccording !o the size and quality of material
lie finlfors himself that he has a -horough kncwledg;
Physiognomy, consequently he wiH guarantee n crr:eci
likeness of the sitter. Lockets. Bruceb ls. Brortche.-
* taken to perfection.
T received by A. W. IIall fz Co., Wliole- i
and Retail dealers in Clocks, Watches.
!rv. Silver and Silver Mated Ware. Fnncv {
N*c. No. Whitehall <t.. Atlanta. Fine !
*s c .refally rep.iired and warranted. Engraving
1 short notice.
4,1854. 42—Iv
Valuable Property for Sale.
upHE subscriber offers his extensive fire-proof Ware
-*• House now in course of erection on White Hall
street for sale. The Hou^e will be most admirably ad
apted for a general Commission business, having large
accommodations for the storage of Cotton, and also
close storage for the New Orleausand Tennessee trade.
The building will be ready by the 1st of October.
For particulars apply to myagent. T. Doonau. Wliite-
ITall street or to William Barrv. Covington, Ga.
Atlanta, Sept. 5. 1854. f?ept. 7 wtf
T n jL
The (\
cxuervllle. Trnn.
2 well Rcqnainis*d wit:i Mr. Duke Williams» arti- ,
oek .he Courr House yard and the ground !
: e laid with R and have been for - eveml moutii
unty Court of Fayette. Tenn.. being thoroughly
i sodsi]i d that th? rock would answer a line purpose,
j ar.d wa - r II ti.*- inventor claimed for it. employed Mr.
! I t ke WilFams to l;ty the snid floor and pave the Court
! House >oru.
j We kumv Mr. Williams i s hi^h-minded lionqrnlde
j man ; ami we are sati.i.‘e.; the rock made by him is
• »u!>>*;• uttal. and vrill . taud the test of time. \Ve have
ty Lois.
HE undersigned offers for sale several city lots in
* tho North Eastern portion of Ward No. *3. also a
plat of rround in Ward No. 4. the most of which i«
beaniifully situated. I will soli a part or the entire plat
J It; .salt purchasers. Also a beautiful lot situated on
; the corner of Tver street and Forsyth Alley, and .vith-
; m three hundre* 1 feet of the Gran 1 Union Depot an*'
! in tho centre of the city. A small lot at the jane-
I lure of White Hall and Forsyth Streets, « n the north
' side of sail streets and fronts on the same nearH
• • * nclredfeet.
ir.i38—tf IT. C. HfNXOMBF.
cts in ammonia ute i'roiessor Jippcd WII11 , -
into a crucible of melted lend, and let the I ° f ' to , esca T e ’ ant *
Me.ii .
Use. a gooff Stock of FAiiXI.V GF.OUEEliv
Atlanta Ect>. P. 1S54
(Jormcily <f Aitgmta, Ga.)
Factors and Uommission Mercbards,
r days since that Mr. Win. , 4hc eludM by cuncealing 1 herself behind a f ^iMiraeceras-io lmeresc uic puouc. ah ex- j Accommodating Wharf, Charleston s. c.
North, the author, had committed suicide | tree. As soon as the watchman turned ( however must;lie_made in reference , «^Xr. f .wS?^:
in New York on Tuesday, by taking poison. 1 ay. ay she fled—alone, a stranger in tbc : the case ot Um. (, wh^ was i D ^ h ^ & ^ j. Fr .Wr A Co. Ch iri !_tos, H C
It seems that Mr. North liad intended for t night, and dressed in her novice's habit and 1 *°r the murder of h,s wi.o on Salttr- j Angn*t 10. 1—
some time to commit suicide, inconsequence 1 black cap, this poor terrified girl escaped ■ l ^ a 3’ He wa? defended by Messrs. |
of pecuniary embarrassments. He left on over the rough country ton weary miles to , Locuranx and Anderson iT this cit^—the BOVv SING \OLNG,
his tabic letters addressed to Charles Dick- ; lhe village oi Creagerstown where, e . ,. , J - A
ens, and to many other literary men and ■ quiringfor the stage home, she was
publishers. An unsealed envelope con- ; to Stevens’ Hotel.. She immediately made ; 4u«^unr uiuuj|-p
tainine 12 cents, endorsed as follows, was j known the circumstances of her case to Mr. C. • rctnrned a virdiefc of Guilty, coupled with a j JD -itteaUm,. (»xb,i frxnn nur u*-piease/»nii oa
also found on the table: “The remains of j Stevens, tho landlord, and demanded his ! recommendation to tho mercy of the Court. I •^venen*. m onsmess, -w flatter oxir«-ivps Unit we
protection, which was promptly accorded, ] Macon Telegraph. 2S/A hid.
and in Miss tirinifs, a relative of Mr. Ste
vens, she founrV a faithful and gentle confi
dant and friemi. Her n6xt step was to
d to examine
O'- tn
ard on Pryor street. For terms apply to Col. .in
M Cal noun, or to the undersigned at Dpcatnr. Ro*
session given first of October. .1. XEJUS OK.
Juno 2 1853. t tf.
! and 1:
t used by Mr. Reed, w!
Somerville. !n putting In
eis much pleased with it.
■ xxp a large hn_
an<! door sfls.
my fortune and labors for ten years. 7, On
another paper was found the following:
“Additional sentence to the Infinite Repub
lic : Five more years have elapsed—I have
niil give jeucral satisfaction.)
Iu the execution of orders we will be prompt, and
take care lo purchase, ns far as -possible, from
.Vo. -f, Con.mpc; Street, Raliimooc, Hit.
J. M. Cocltkix, Agent.* June 29. [5—wl\ j j
Forwarding Business,
At CJiai-ieston, S. C.
rynu TID" nutteisigned, in connection
S. jA-H witi»a;ccner;U Coimuiasuni bu.sinews
for the -ale of COTTON, FI^FR.
BxtCON, COP'-. and all other Prodnce. will
forward with the greatest possTLl;* desp.-iteb,
itlcifJiaaJise, Machinery, Produce,
W PFinney, Esq
John C Reeves
A R Finney, M D
J A William*
TG M.-ClelLm
M J Turner
J L roer>all
Jo Ii Cooper
Chn.< T Petitt
Win I> Clei-k of
Couall Court
•Lis i'elit
'x H Logwood
‘\V F Doi'tch. E-.q
Geo W Trnttex-
TKos Rivers
N T Macon
| E M Long
j A T‘ Dxijjuj-
E W Robert son
Enni Sneed.
•las E Thomason
August 131!., 1S54.
HS^Extrart of a 1,-tier fi-ora R H Blount. Of Houston
leva:-, itatvil ltitlx. 3854 :
riglitoen ra oaths’ ioe [of the Cotton Sex.! RoeKjhe.x- Mown that it : a pavement vastly superior
:n Erick, and it seems to lie getting harder niid better.
#7.-Tlie i’atexit Right of tiiese wonxierful inventions
tai.s befu eijiu .i divided between Dx;!:e Williams and
W- J], Poiudv.vter. who are now prcpa'roxl to soil State,
county* or lxxeal i iahls.
.. ‘.(' The right of tho nhovo article for this
i<-unly lias heen jiiifehasTd liv 3rr. Felix Sowers,
win) i. now to sell head righits.
i.21 wlinx
entered my thirtieth year. I have not
chaugcd an opinion expressed in that book. ’
Ou Monday bo visited some of his friends,
\ud hid them farewell, telling them at the j accomplished and beautiful voting lady,
time he was going on a long journey, and j speaking several languages, and a superior
should never see them again. musician.
. W IIAT’s IN A-NaME?—John Quincy Adams first hands, arid at wholesale prices. Goods received .Meichantlise, MacliH
.o' : bft * s ^ the Wisconsin .Sen- f j
e it to, and Abbott Lawrence has Iteetl sentenc- I agents. AugIl,T853, tl wtf Fleridii.’aad for r.xiy lUirthc-rn 01-
write to Iter father, who, uj^on receipt of the
letter, came without delay to her rescue. cd lo the chain gang, at Cincinnati,, for one j V*
Miss B. is about 18 years of age, a very month, for stealing a wagon. ; Atlanta, July jiStl, 1854.
* __j i i - dBUTERIOE Brick for sale: unj" jtctson
ing Rric'- : c.vtx ’jo supplied by enlliixg
• (wO-tf)
r- . ; 300 00(fo 1! -. i:
To remove dirt from Zine.n.—Jerk a dan-j,, lnV Y ar d, south of Atlaniu.
dy out of hie shirt*
IrMi, for the psterfor-of
North ami South Carolina,
foreign port:
(12—Cjn) J. v IT. AVI ELY.
I>EKSKKN(^>—J. P. King, president G. R. R., (\ T. Fol-
i lard rfre.-: 7 t.*Mcntgomerv'R. R., W. M Martin. Frcs’t. F.
&rE. Bk.,-‘Hop!anH. Hudson & Co.. CliarleMt h. X. Cafd
well, Pres’t. J. C. R. R. Juo. F. Mima, Atlanta, Rice
Dolin, Cimrlotiton, Dastin & Walker, August*
rpiiF *’.;bscriber «ln*rs for tmlr ULs Farm seven
* nOlodfruui Atlanta, it being the last half of. Lot
number 240 -in Mtli District of I‘oKaHrcnunfy, coj>
taming one hundred and one and a fourth acres mor*
or less. Forty'U'res of vuiiich are eoared and under
cultivation. There are on the Premisesh good framed
Dwelling and all req^ui^ite out houses. .Apply by let
ter or to
BEXJ/F. HARRIS on the Premises,
or to H. B. LATIMER Atlanta. Ga.
Atlanta ‘2J, 1863. ' 8-tf
City Laud fo* S tie.
r |*n*'. place where the subscriber now resides o»’
Foundry Ktrc't, n^ar TVinsbip’s Iron Works, con
taining 3‘Nacres, it will be sold roreth-'ror in lots t-.
••uit jotrohn er^. Also, one acre on Old stveo*.
fr*nting on snid street and running back to the rail
road; 3^. 1't on Prior street, near Cant. Nelson* ■.
and one acre lot near the State Shop. Terms aecotn-
datlng, .apply to
. August 31. 1S54. It—wtf A. HOWARD.
A LL persons indebted to me for lots in the city ».
^ Atl nAa, by note p:»-t lue, aro requested to ror.u
J forward and pay.Urn same, and all persons holding
l) 'o Is given by niv fonn/r agent. T. pnonan, for ■*i• L- -
to lots in Atlanta are requested to call ami recoivt
de«>ds from me, if they have complied on their part
with the conditions of said bonds.
the Will of annexed, the Estate of Samuel Alitcl:
ell. deceased. Zehtilon, July 26^185-1.*
A House nnd J.ot ou Mitnlic 11 street neai
the iutersectit n of AVhiieliall and Mitche
streets, formerly owned by Geo. \V. Co« i
now in possession of John Fimjiaovi. Title.'
Uolispuialde and terras ft cci*ni medal ing. Apjdv \o
Agents for Novitt. Latliorpe k ^tehhins.
Atlanta, Mnroh 23. 18'4. 43-^tf
eity (.anti tfov Ssil.*
A PEVTIFlTL'five avi-r lot. well tiiulrirfi. lyhig inx-
* me.Tiutely on npubl'c street, it fine 'location Vr i-
privete resilience, is offered exceedingly low. Title.
Land for Sale in Lot3 Jo Suit the Iq.
X WILL sell 140 acres, in lots ol' 15 acres,
or less, each ; the land adjoining the trae
wliercoa I now live, being a portion of tame 1,.
ilOd.) within two utiles of Atlanta. Bear Whitt
all. ou the Macon & ’Western Railroad, ar.dtU
road leading to Ne-wnan. I would nleo sell
RESIDENCE .separate from the lots, or wfiv
them. The land is well Umbered, 15 or 20 ami
cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, jji.1
orchard and every necessary building wanted-
Call and examine for yourselves.
Atlanta, Nov. 11, 1S54. d-.vlm.
A Y Ell’S
Do./*unhor 21* 18" 2.
.1X IHtl.s. Nurtliem Irish i'otatoes for sale by
fft /
‘)j 1 CASES SHOES otleriuir at a reduced j-ricc by
There has long existed a public demand for a
effective purgative pill which could be relied nun
sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This hJ
heen prepared to meet that demand, and an e\tca
sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown witi
what success it accomplishes the purpose designed
It is easy to make a physical pill, but not casvu
make the best of all pills — one which should kart
none of the objections,-but all the advantages, of
every other. This has been attempted here, anj
with what success we would respectfully submit ti
the public decision. It has been unfortunate fa
the patient hitherto that almost every purgative
medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the hire,
els. This is not. Many of them produce so mini
griping pain and revulsion in the system as tomort
than counterbalance the good to he derived free
them. These pills produce no irritation or p»is.
unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc
tion or derangement in the bowels, lleing purely
vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any
quantity ; but it is better that any medicine shouli
be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their
use in the several diseases to which they are ap.
pi:cable arc given ou the box. Among the com
plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we
may mention liver Complaint, in its various forms
of jaundice. Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap.
oetite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache,
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side
and Loins; for, in truth, all these are but the con
sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an
aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos-
liveness, Piles, Colie. Dysentery. Humors, Scrof
ula and Scurvy, Colas with soreness of the body,
’'leers and impurity of the blood; in short, any
md everv case where a purgative is required.
They have also prodneed some singularly suc
cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel,
Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the
Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely
taken in the sprint: nf the year, io purity the blood
xnd prepare the system for the change of seasons.
Yn occasional do«e stimulates the stomach nnd
•lowels into healthy action, and restores the ay
ixte and vieer. They purify the blood, and, by their
timnlant action on the circulatory system, reno
vate the siieugth of the body, and restore the
wasted or diseased energies of the whole organ; a .
Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, ov-
though no serious derangement exists; but 1 ■
necessary dosing should never be carried toe far.
as every purgative medicine reduces the streng"!:.
when taken to excess. The thousand cases in vvhiih
a physic is required cannot be enumerated here. In:
they suggest themselves to the reason of eu-ty
body; and it is confidently believed this pill vvili
answer a better purpose than any thing which has
hitherto been available to mankind. NV hen their
virtues are once known, the public- will no hmsn
doubt what remedy to employ when in need uf.
cathartic medicine.
Practical an«l Analytical Chemist,
Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for 51.
For the rapid Cure of
This remedy has won for itself such notcricr
from its cures of every variety of pulmonary diseas?
that it ii entirely unnecessary to recount the evi
dences of its virtues in any community where :
has been employed. So wide is the field of its ::
fulness, and so numerous the casts of its cur;
that almost every section of the country ahutr.
in persons publicly known, who have been rest*:
from alarming nnd even desperate diseases of
lungs bv its use. When once triedits superior/
over every other medicine of its hind is too apt.:
ent to escape observation, and where its virtues'
known, tho public no longer hesitate what aatMofc
to employ for the distressing and dangerous ac
tions of the pulmonary organs which are incite
to our climate. And 'not only iu formidable H
tacks upon tho lungs, but for the milder variet:;;
of Colds, Cottons, Hoarseness, *nc. ; and r-
Children it is the pleasantest and safest tnedirffl
that can be obtained.
As it has long heen in constant use through t
this section, we need not do more than assure tl*
people its quality i« ker t up to the best that it cr.
has been, and tiiat the ernuiue article is sold '
l’ricc 25 cents j er Box. FiveBoxc? for $1. f*• ■
by A.|Alexander, Atlanta, Georgia, and dealers in ar
cine generally. -T—ly
tXB m More lliaa 500 persons in the city of Richmoa^
Ya., a!me te-tify to the remarkable cures perform^
The great Spring Medicine and Furifit-r of tl;r T*
Is n-ov' u^ed by hundreds of grateful jatients. u
testify daily to the remarhnMe cures perl'< lroe-i iy'•
greatest of nil raedlcities, Carter's ^j ani'h
Noinalgrn. I'heitmntfsm, Scrofula, Ernj>ti< r.> on
'•k’n, i.iver l i-iense. Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sme<.
(tons of tho Kidneys, 1 -i.-cases of the threat. F p - ;; "
Complaints, Fains and Aching of the an*: M:-'
are speedily put to (light by using this great and iw*-
ranble remedy.
For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet
j tound t<i compare with it. It cle»mses the system « l ••••
•mpuritic>*, nets gently and efiieiently on the E ! ‘ :i
j *n ! I.iver, strengthens the Digest on.’ gives toreto
I ‘oraneh. makes the "kin clear and healthy, nnd rest'
I the Constitution, enfeebled by di-eases er broken"*
j by the excesses of youth, "to its pristine vigor ;*•'*
I strength.
i For tiie I ndies, it is inci rojarnMy bettor tLui •*“
j 'he .cdsmeties ever used. A few doses oi
i ‘pnnisli Mixture will remove nil hIikIIoutu^s nf t ,l ‘
dexion, bring tho ruses mantling to the ebot-k. ^
S. isticity t»> tiiestt p. and im|»n»ve p c iiereial b«»*■‘J
i remarkable degree, bevond all the raeilicino cU ‘
eard of.
A large number of certificates of cun'
. er formed »n persons residing in the ri.y if Iti^ hm* »**•
\ by tbe use of Carter's ^fanfsh Mixture, i-^
vidence that there is no humbug about it. ’I*}*'l ir [
io?el keepers. magi>trates, physicians, nr<J 1 > l 1:1
veil known to the cemimmity* all add their te'tmi"U.’
the efieets of this Great Blood Purifier. < ;, U
i few hundreds of the certificates nreend ti e 1 • t,u
None gen nine unles$ sigued Bk.vnctt 1 Ikkhs, I ! l -?
Frincip-’l T>epots at M. W.utn. Close k Co.’s >’
S3 Maiden Lane. New York. , . F
T. \V. l>H(nx & Sons*, and -Jssnkjxs IIahish 1 '^'*
Bevnftt ,^r Bkkhs. No- 125 Main Street, l?ichi» ,,x *••
Ya. And for sale bv
f A. AUCXANDEih Atlanta-
[ Ju 1st, 1854. [I— lyj
\ ^— :
| K«‘a<l and K<-flccl.
I •* L Mpre-.i-l bv mucUini>i-y, Will be founff service:!Iw' 1
j iii CM..C-S of KLmmiiitism, Sprains, i ;:in> Hi liv a*’
■ lick, laie.-t m- Loins, Coughs, Astbina, L-aia- 1 -^ l.reatbing, Ac. Tliey .are. also. , *rt*o.-»*V
.s-uoUciul to those \vhx» m:;v* lie piv lispose-l to ntfi'Ct 11,
f the Lings fttl l ofi|imssi,,il4>ri the breast. Such *'
iO'l them an cffeetual security ogniast these atta"-
lxlcli often prove the preeu-Mo- of Ccu-sumi 1 “'“""T
None genuine uulipu the .sjjjqature . f the pi«l' rie n [;
1. st. M^LVKnr, is embOsieff ..ri the hneh of the l--
ter. For sale by JOHN BOON, Agent,
At Dr. I’owell’s Office, on Peach-tree st.
Atlanta, June 3d, lSdff. ‘0